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62022 Federal Register/Vnl. 7,t,. No. 200/Thursday, ()(:tob•:r 1(4. 2i)14/Ruh:s and Regulati(ms ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 571h •ll'()t:l ,q•., (lharh:sh)n. Wusl sl;i);irllle l)i'i)(:t;Ss, EI)A will ilike s(;I)ril'iilt) AGENCY VJrgillJli 25304. •.i(:lil)ri (111 lhtl ll•)rli()llS ()f...ili(;lil)n FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 1 Ill(a)(2)((]), (I-)1(i1111/. and (I)as ihev 40 CFR Part 52 EIh:n Sc'.hnlJll, {'.) 15) •114-57117, in" I)\, rel;ih• h) W(.•sl Virginia's i)r0w.;nii=m td- unuiil ill .'•('htHill.l.']]('ll@•'to(l..4(.ll.'. sJ<•iiifi(:iiil! dt.>htril)r;ilil)n (I).%.'[)) I)rt)l-))rlili+l. [EPA-R03-OAR-2014-0299; FRL-9917-84- EI)A had i)r(:vi,:)usly at)l)l'()\,lld •%/usl Region 3] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Vir(.4iilia's l)•l.J i)rl)•l'ilill wilh lh•; ilai'rl)w I. Summary of SIP Revision ()1" Approval and Promulgation of Air t!XCUl)lhm •)1" Ihu dul'inilhm regullih;d fi)r Quality Implementation Plans; West ()n lune ZT. 21)I11 [75 I"R :1552111, b.'PA n•;w •i()i.lr(;(t r(,•\,iew l)()llulanl ils Virginia; Infrastructure Requirements lW(mlulg;lh;d a i'•visd Nz\AQS l,)i" lh(; l- fliilLil'(; h)ili•:lul'l('. (;t)ll(J(tllSlit)ll..'s..7o•.. 77 for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide National hi,Mr iu'imlu'y .H()z al ii lev•:l (d" 75 paris l"R [13731i (()t:h)b•:r 1 7.
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