Control Board
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1964 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTIN~G CONTROL BOARD FOR YEAR ENDED 30th JUNE, 1964 1964 COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CONTROL BOARD· FOR YEAR ENDED 30th .. JUNE, 1964 CONTENTS. PAGE. PAGE. PART 1: INTRODUCTORY . 5 PART V: TELEVISION- ADMINISTRATION 29 Legislation 5 The Australian Television Services 29 Membership of the Board 5 Development of Television Services 29 Functions of the Board . 5 Renewal of Licences 30 Meetings of the Board . 6 Commercial Television Stations-Financial Consultations with the Postmaster- Results of Operation 31 General's Department, Au s t r a 1 ian Ownership or Control of Commercial Tele- Broadcasting Commission, Representa vision Stations 31 tives of Commercial Broadcasting and Important Changes in Shareholdings in Television Stations 6 Television Stations . 32 Staff of the Board 6 Newspaper Companies 33 State Organization 7 Memoranda and Articles of Association 38 Location of Board's Offices 7 WIN Wollongong and NBN Newcastle - Availability of Programmes 38 Extension of Services to Additional Coun- try Areas 38 PART II: BROADCASTING- ADMINISTRA- Grant of Licences for an Additional Com TION 7 mercial Television Station in Sydney and Melbourne . 42 The Australian Broadcasting Services 7 Grant of Licences for an Additional Licensing of Commercial Broadcasting Commercial Television Station in Bris- Stations 7 bane, Adelaide and Perth 42 Current Licences for Commercial Broad- The National Television Service 50 casting Stations 8 Television Translator Stations 51 Grant of New Licences . 8 Networks of Commercial Television Renewal of Licences 9 Stations 53 Fees for Licences for Commercial Broad- Further Extension of Television . 53 casting Stations 9 Commercial Broadcasting Stations - Financial Results of Operation 9 PART VI: TELEVISION - TECHNICAL SER- Transfer of Licences and Leasing of VICES 54 Stations 10 Technical Facilities and Operation of Ownership of Commercial Broadcasting Stations 54 Stations 10 Technical Conditions of Proposed Stations 54 Important Changes in Shareholdings in Experimental Investigations 55 Broadcasting Stations 11 Sites 56 Organizations with Majority or Substan- Initial Use of Channel 0 57 tial Interests in more than Two Com- Television Translator Stations 57 mercial Broadcasting Stations 11 Community Television Aerial Systems 58 Newspaper Companies . 13 Reception in Fringe Areas 58 Networks of Commercial Broadcasting Extraordinary Administrative Radio Con- Stations 15 ference, Geneva, 1963 . 58 Activities of the Australian UNESCO Committee for Radio and Television . 16 Interference with Television Reception . 59 Television Operator's Certificate of Pro- ficiency 59 PART III: BROADCASTING - TECHNICAL PART VII: TELEVISION PROGRAMME SERVICES 16 SERVICES 59 Development of the National Broadcasting Analysis of Programmes 60 Service 16 Audience Composition 61 Development of the Commercial Broad Family and Children's Programmes 62 casting Service 17 Advisory Committee on Children's Tele- Further Development of Broadcasting vision Programmes 62 Services 17 Censorship and Classification of Films 63 Interference to the Reception of Broad Religious Programmes 64 casting Programmes 17 Advisory Committee on Religious Tele- Experimental Investigations 18 vision Programmes 65 Radio Research Board 18 Televising of Political Matter 65 Employment of Australians 67 Advertising 69 Programme Research '10 PART IV: BROADCASTING- PROGRAMME News '10 SERVICES 18 Educational Television 70 Types of Programmes 19 Televising of Objectionable Matter 71 Composition of Programmes 20 Hours of Service 72 Children's Programmes 21 News 22 PART VIII: GENERAL '13 Religious Broadcasts 22 Financial Accounts of the Board 73 Political Broadcasts 23 Annual Development of Broadcasting and Broadcasts in Foreign Languages 25 Television 73 Employment of Australians 26 Listeners' Licences 73 Advertising 27 Viewers' Licences 74 Medical Advertisements and Talks 27 Cost of National Broadcasting Service and Broadcasting of Objectionable Matter 28 National Television Service 74 Hours of Service 28 Acknowledgments 75 4 CONTENTS-continued. APPENDICES PAGE. "A"-Commercial Broadcasting Stations in Operation on 30th June, 1964 76 "B"-National Broadcasting Stations in Operation on 30th June, 1964 79 "C"-Commercial Television Stations in Operation on 30th June, 1964 81 "D"-National Television Stations in Operation on 30th June, 1964 .. Al: 83 "E"-Commercial Television Stations-Principal Shareholders in Licensee Companies 84 "F"-Statistical Analysis of Broadcasting Programmes 90 "G"-Statistical Analysis of Television Programmes 95 "H"-Tentative Standards for the Technical Equipment and Operation of Television Translator Stations . 109 "!"-Statement of Expenditure for year ended 30th June, 1964 112 The 1942 beinl 30th the : on 3 Prin< sion the mem meml ment for n of th AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CONTROL BOARD. SIXTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. The Honorable the Postmaster-General: In conformity with the provisions of section 28 of the Broadcasting and Television Act 1942-1963, the Australian Broadcasting Control Board has the honour to furnish its report, being the Sixteenth Annual Report of the Board, on its operations during the year ended 30th June, 1964, together with financial accounts in the form approved by the Treasurer, and the report of the Auditor-General on those accounts. 2. This Report is arranged as follows:- Part I.-Introductory. Part H.-Broadcasting-Administration. Part III.-Broadcasting-Technical Services. Part IV.-Broadcasting-Programme Services. Part V.-Television-Administration. Part VI.-Television-Technical Services. Part VII.-Television-Programme Services. Part VIII.-General. PART !.-INTRODUCTORY. LEGISLATION 3. The Broadcasting and Television Act 1963 (No. 82 of 1963) which was assented to on 31st October, 1963, came into operation on 28th November, 1963. This Act amended the Principal Act (now cited as the Broadcasting and Television Act 1942-1963) and made provi sion for the grant of licences for television translator stations. Further reference is made to the legislation in paragraphs 131 and 132 below. MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD 4. The Act provides that the Board shall consist of three full-time and two part-time members. During the year the Board consisted of- Full-time Members. Mr. Robert Gumley Osborne, C.B.E., B.A., LL.B., Chairman, re-appointed for a period of two years from 15th March, 1964. Mr. Robert Bruce Mair, B.E.E., A.M.I.E. (Aust.), F.I.R.E. (Aust.), and S.M.I.R.E. (U.S.A.), re-appointed for the period 16th March, 1963, to 29th March, 1965. Mr. John Miskel Donovan, appointed for a period of three years from 15th March, 1963. Part-time Members. Mr. Randal Merrick White, M.A., until 5th January, 1964. Dr. William Cropley Radford, M.B.E., M.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., appointed for a period of three years from 6th November, 1961. Sir Tasman Heyes, C.B.E., appointed for a period of two years from 24th February, 1964. 5. Following the expiration of the term of office of Mr. R. M. White as a part-time member of the Board, on 5th January, 1964, the position remained vacant until the appoint ment of Sir Tasman Heyes on 24th February, 1964. Mr. White had been a part-time member for nine years and rendered valuable service to the Board. FUNCTIONS OF THE BOARD 6. The principal functions of the Board are set out in Divisions 2 and 3 of Part II. of the Broadcasting and Television Act 1942-1963 and are briefly as follows:- (a) to ensure the provision of services by broadcasting stations and television stations in accordance with plans from time to time prepared by the Board and approved by the Minister; (b) to ensure that the technical equipment and operation of such stations are in accordance with such standards and practices as the Board considers to be appropriate; 6 (c) to ensure that adequate and comprehensive programmes are provided by com mercial broadcasting stations and commercial television stations to serve the best interests of the general public; Servi main (d) to detect sources of interference and to furnish advice and assistance in con in ea nexion with the prevention of interference with the transmission or recep grarr tion of the programmes of broadcasting stations and television stations; dard: (e) to make recommendations to the Minister as to the exercise by him of any of teleV! his powers in relation to the licensing of commercial broadcasting stations with or commercial television stations; atter (f) to hold public inquiries into applications made to the Minister for licences for in T1 commercial broadcasting stations and commercial television stations in areas for which the Minister proposes to grant licences, and into any other matter of £1 within its functions if the Board thinks it necessary or desirable, or the and c Minister so directs; and carri (g) to determine, subject to any direction of the Minister, the situation, operating was power and operating frequencies of broadcasting and television stations. Other detailed functions of the Board are referred to, where appropriate, in this Report. MEETINGS OF THE BOARD stree· 7. It is the normal practice of the Board to hold meetings in Melbourne on the first and third Tuesday of each month but special meetings are held as circumstances demand. Apart from its normal meetings, the Board held special meetings commencing on 16th July, 1963, for the purpose of holding inquiries into applications for the grant of licences for a third com mercial television