Town of Norwich Agenda for Selectboard Meeting December 2, 2020,6:30 pm - Remote Meeting ZOO M access : https://uS02web.zoom. u slil 8 1 292337 26 1 Meeting lD: 812 9233 7261 US Toll-free: 888-475-4499 Telephone number to call if unable to access meeting: 845-282-0686

Estimated start & end Agenda ltem Action Packet Materials time

Chair: will ask to add/remove/reorder agenda 1- Approval of the agenda (5 items nla 6:30 - 6:35 minutes)

Public invited to speak to any item not on the (to 2- Public and Selectboard comment nla 6:35 - 6:45 agenda completion)

Correspondence received 3- Consent Agenda Accept correspondence submitted timely, (list attached at the end of 6:45 - 6:55 (10 minutes) minutes 11118120 & 11111120, NP warrants agenda), minutes, A/P warrants

4-Request from Fire Warden for Approve grant application request for wildland Supporting documents (10 approval for grant submission fire equipment-motion required 6:55-7:05 minutes)

5-lndependent auditor's report Discussion of FY20 audit Final audit 7:05-7:5O(45 minutes)

BREAK 7:50-8:00 (10 minutes)

See proposed draft FY2022 Discussion of budget from: budget at 6-Department budget and Capital 1. Town Manager (admin) http :i/n o rwich. vt. us/wp-

budget presentations (by order of 2. Energy Committee contenVuploads/2020/1 1 /FY202 appearance on monthly reports) 3. Town Clerk 2- Pro posed- DRAFT- Budq et-for- 4. Finance Office website.pdf

BREAK 5 minutes

See proposed draft FY2022 Discussion cont'd: budget at Board of Listers http://norwich.vt. 7-Department budget cont'd 5. us/wp- 6. Planning and Zoning co nle ntl uolo adsI 2020 I 1 1 I F Y 202 7. Recreation 2- Pro posed- D RAFT-Budq et-for- 8. Police website.pdf Estimated start & end Agenda ltem Action Packet taterials time

8-Town Manager Update to include Verbal report on critical November financial reports (if Discussion updates; Nov. financial reports available)

9- Adjourn Motion required Way too late

List of correspondence received before 12 pm on Thursday, Nov 24,202O: Rob Nahabedian re: town sidewalks; Stuart Richards re: town sidewalks; Chris Katucki re: Green Fleet Working Group; Charlotte Metcalf re: infrastructure priorities; Mt. Ascutney grant presentation slides from 1111812020 SB meeting

Possible Nov/Dec ltems : COVID-19 update; Trails Committee discussion/website and Nick K memo; policy revisions-conservation fund policy, Animal ordinance, SB correspondence, cyber security; FD ladder truck; budget discussions/Capital lmprovement Plan; Beaver Meadow scoping project results of public hearing; Tracy Hall proposal memo; Climate change designated fund indications for use proposal; applications to open positions, Solaflect contract;

Parking Lot: Financial Procedures; SB Goal setting; Emerald Ash borer town response; Green Fleet proposal; Juneteenth resolution discussion and plan; Town Plan work; Personnel Policies re-write

2 Norwich Selectboard Meeting December 2,2020 fe" j

Herb Durfee

From: ROB NAHABEDIAN < [email protected]> Sent: Monday, November 23,2020 9:04 PM To: norwich@ lists.vitalcommu Cc: Herb Durfee; cbrochu30@g Subject: SIDEWALKS dare I say No, here's why

I can not attempt to be as thoughtful and thorough as Jack Candon was in his fine letter not long ago on this list. Stuart Richards shares the link to Jack's letter in his recent post. lt is certainly worth a click to read why a New Sidewalk, on a section of Beaver Meadow Road, may not be the thing to do now, or even in the future. The point I wish to make is a simple one, which I think can alleviate some of the impetus for this project. A pedestrian walking on the sidewalk by the Norwich lnn turns left on Beaver Meadow Rd, they cross Beaver Meadow using the crosswalk at the cemetery and continue on the sidewalk until they reach Huntley Street. lt is here that the sidewalk ends and a new sidewalk is being proposed. Why not simply turn right and walk less than 2 tenths of a mile along Huntley Street which rejoins Beaver Meadow Road. Huntley has much less traffic than Beaver Meadow, you eliminate walking on a relat¡vely sharp curve on Beaver Meadow, and there is virtually no change in distance being walked. Now you are able to continue walking along Beaver Meadow on a fairly broad shoulder going by The Legion Hall, and the newly redone shoulder along Blood Brook, virtually all the way to Moore Lane. A very safe route in my opinion. Walkers coming from Turnpike, to Moore Lane, and turning onto Beaver Meadow can do the same thing. For cyclists, I would say that Beaver Meadow is no more or less dangerous than almost any other main road through Norwich. Be that Union Village Road, Church, Hopson or Elm Streets. Riders should always use an abundance of caution and, in my opinion, always ride single file. I request this post be added to the Selectboard correspondence on this issue. Thank you for reading. Rob Nahabedian &; Herb Durfee

From: Stuart Richards < [email protected] > Sent: Monday, November 23,2020 6:00 PM To: [email protected] Cc: Herb Durfee; Claudette Brochu Subject: FW:SIDEWALKS

There's been a recent discussion about sidewalks and former Selectboard member, Jack Candon's letter is relevant. lt can be found here I am also reprint¡ng the original letter I wrote: Have you heard that we're in the midst of a national pandemic? There are those who are hurting. There are those who have lost their jobs and are suffering psychologically, the economy is suffering and there are new lock down measures go¡ng into effect. Apparently these sad and difficult times have not reached those who want to spend SSOO,OOO for new sidewalks. lt reminds me of the recent thrust for renovating Tracy Hall (52,000,000), installing blinking lights or the effort by some to repave and widen main street and get rid of gravel all of which the public rejected. Then of course there was the road to nowhere that no one used that someone thought was a good idea (S12,000). Let's distinguish between what we need and what we're willing to pay for. It doesn't appear that there's ever been an accident on Beaver Meadow road so safety concerns shouldn't be an issue. I ride my bike and walk on Beaver Meadow and it works fine for me as is. The existing sidewalks in Town are badly in need of repair. Why aren't we taking care of them instead of talking about new sidewalks. Moreover I object to the suburbinazation of a town that doesn't need more sidewalks. Let's not drive more people out of town by spending money on projects that are not needed. l'd be interested to know how much has already been spent on sidewalks. I haven't received an answer to this question and I would much appreciate knowing how much has been spent on this project and how much is proposed to be spent. Stuart Richards Herb, Please put this in Selectboard correspondence. Miranda Berqmeier

From: Chris Katucki Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 4:39 PM To: Miranda Bergmeier; Herb Durfee Cc: Miranda Bergmeier; claudette brochu; Roger Arnold; Linda Gray Subject: Green Fleet Working Group

l)ear Selectboartl luctrtbcrs an

Recently, dre Planning Conunission :rppointc

I am curious ¿rbou[ scvcral :rspccts of'this Working Group ¿ur

As you arc awarc, thc Pl:rnning Conunission ncc

In liglrt of'tlús |istory, 'foyyn é{ovcrnllìcnL shoukl nt¿rkc thc cll'orL l-o bc trans¡t¿rrcnl ¿rbout working é]roups anrl task f-orccs, reg'ardlcss ol'þow I'o¡ncrl. Anv "llo¿rrrl, council, or cotntnissiott" ol':r rnunicipality is a "public bo

'I'hank you in ¿xlvance f'or rcspon

Sinccrely, Chris Katucki 47 Old Coach Road Norwich, \rf 05055

1 Herb Durfee

From: charlotte metcalf < [email protected] > Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 1 1:52 AM To: Herb Durfee; claudette brochu; John Langhus; Mary Layton; Roger Arnold Subject: priorities

Dear Herb lwouldappreciateitifth¡sletterwereincludedinthepacketforthenextSelectboardmeeting. sorryldonothavethe emails for everyone on the select board. Charlotte

I have been troubled to see the consideration given to spending substantialamounts of money to build a new sidewalk on Beaver Meadow. lncreasing my concern about this as a priority is that the town budget under discussion for the coming year suggests we need an increase of 20% to address the myriad infrastructure problems that we have delayed

An urgent infrastructure matter I have already reported is the crumbling chimney on Town Hall. I know that I am not the only one to have noticed it because when I brought it to light I was told that the town manager had also reported it. (That was well before the pandemic) I certainly hope that it will be done in time to avoid a catastrophe. I am not sure that it will be possible now as we see winter temperatures, but I am urging you to correct this serious failure sooner than later, certainly before we add even more infrastructure that will have to be maintained.

Sincerely, Charlotte Metcalf

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ft-f-= Celebration & Sharing

Key items to cover tonight:

. Why? o What strategies did partner prioritize with this grant February to June? o Good start, COV¡D-19 precautions and transitions? o New Strategies for April to September grant extension awarded . Capacity building, progress and results o What next? . Q &A whv?

o Community Health - the health of our youth and our community general has many influences: Protection vs. Risk factors o Parents, community activities, participants in community health groups o Engaging community input around zoning regulations o 7th to 12th grade youth school & activities & more to do HanoveÞ Nonvich o RMS & HHS supported more activities to engage youth and their parents . Youth Risk Behavior Survey showed increase in youth using substances o Grant presented an opportunity- in talking with local organizations dedicated to youth: we all wanted to support youth and increase opportunities for youth in Nonruich School, Peers, Community School failure Presence of mentors and support for developnent of skills and interests Low commitment to school Opportunities for engagement within school and Associating with drug-using community peers Positive norms Not college bound Clear expectations for behavior Aggression toward peers Physical and psychological safety Norms (e.9., advertising) favorable toward alcohol use

Accessi bil ity/ availab i I ity Mt. Ascutney Grant

Award to Nonvich partnerships (with Town of Nonryich as fiscal agent)


Subgrant Request for proposal and awarded through Mt. Ascutney Hospital and Health Center and Vermont Dept of Health


Federal grant from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Agency) within the Department of Health and Human Services o What strategies did partner prioritize with this grant February to June?

1 Build Nonruich prevention awareness and dedication to healthy youth and a health community 2 Gauge public support in Nonruich for more substance free community events and establish of zoning regulations to limit additional vending of age- limited products. 3 Build and support youth leadership and youth involvement 4 Advocate and support for more Pro-social (lcelandic Model) substance- free youth events in Nonruich and SAU 70. 5 Grant Coordinator & consultants time to do the above List of potential Norwich Pro social youth, family and community activities, that are substance free

à "Friday night activities" having some activities for the High School students to attend instead of "roaming in Hanover" or "partying". Time frame mostly 8 to l030pm. a Game night (chess, cribbage, bridge, game "bored" night, etc), Tracy Hall 9 to 1030/llpm a Karaoke night a Night time sports camp (indoor: Basketball, Floor hockey, dance off, pickle, table tennis, volleyball) a Outdoor sports camp Huntley meadow (need lights- 8 to 10) I Evening intra-murial (House Team) late night (8 to 10pm pick up or leagues between Norwich, Hanover, Lyme) Baseball, basketball, etc a Dances (High School Jazzband on stage and invite local Youth bands) at Tracy Hall a Dinner theatre (bring food in donated and have talent show from RMS or HHS students à Cooking 6 to 10pm kitchen an idea... à Pizza Oven- Cooking and social (multi generational or teens with adult leader/ mentor of outdoor pizza oven Ð Teen calendar ofevents à Gauge community interest opening a Teen Center locally Ð Police Dept provide educational sessions on Internet safety and Environmental / Substance issues/ awareness (for families) -) Youth mentoring youth Ð FamiriesoryourhGuidance Counselor Seminars (9th and l2th grade "healtþ lifestyle choices and realities of pressures and substance use and risks" in Norwich with parents & students ) à Norwich Bookstore - youth related book/ author event with free books and discussion a Good start, COVID-19 precautions and transitions?

February and early March:

o RMS parents' "check in" with families in Nonruich (building parent community) c Kids night out, Feb. 14th (Youth in Action, families, youth mentoring yout) o Nordic in Nonruich (intergenerational) o March 2nd survey at Town meeting regarding: town residents support for more activities for 7th - 12th grader youth and residents opinion on recreational cannabis (local controls and local vendors) for future planning. 3rd party community survey cancelled o Results Based Accountability training o Partnerships develop¡ng and activities planned for all most all Fridays until June- were cancelled due to COVID. New Strategies for April to September grant extension awarded o Building bridge parent community into RMS through developing a PTO at RMS o Youth leadership opportunities for middle school and high school aged youth in Nonruich o Kindness project o Create Safety Public Service Announcements o Building capacity for future activities and strategies for youth in Nonvich o Community Awareness o Porch Fest o Capacity building, progress and results

O We have partnerships in place to grow opportunities for youth, their allies and the community, when and where possible o We have equipment to grow those opportunities a We started a spark of new youth activities and leadership in town.

Take home a Youth want to be involved and have tremendous leadership and ability to participate and give to Nonvich, when give the support and opportunity o What next?

We applied for a second year of grant funding guided by youth. *Funding for time and safe space for youth to meet to study or hang out or have activities, however this grant source is not funding any in-person activities at this time. *Continue the partnerships and collaborations to find opportunities for youth leadership and youth lead activities for youth and the community Celebration & Sharing

Key items to cover tonight: o Why? o What strategies did partner prioritize with this grant February to June? o Good start, COVID-19 precautions and transitions? . New Strategies for April to September grant extension awarded o Capacity building, progress and results o What next? o Q &A Ð Po

'\) Thank you!

Future questions:

Tracey Hayes

Brie Swenson Attachment A:

Ai. Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Results, Hanover Summarized Data trending

from 201 1 to 2017 (Data source: ALL Together and YRBS VT website)

Protective and Risk Factor Chart

List of Potential and confirmed partners

For Hanover & Norwich & other Students that choose Hanover High School

Hanover High School YRBS results 201t 20t3 2015 20t7 Past 30 days use of Alcohol 35% 37% 28% 28o/ov Perception of Peer Disapproval of Alcohol 46% 45% 53% 54% Perception of Parent Disapproval of Alcohol 77% 77% 73% 66Yov Perception of Harm of Alcohol use 45% 4s% 47% 46% Easy Access of Alcohol 76% 74% 76% (s77


Youth who used alcohol in the past 30 days, 76% 75% s0% 47o/ov some gave alcohol to me or at someone else's house Past 30 Days use of Marijuana 33% 2s% t8% 17%o v Perception of Peer Disapproval of Marijuana 58% ss% 62% 61%

Perception of Parent Disapproval of 86% 86% 85% 85% : Mariiuana Perception of Harm of Mariiuana use 34% 33% 37% 28o/o v Easy of Access of Marijuana 59% 60% s3% (402 students) In their communities, they feel like they High t5 69 74 matter to people school

65 65 t5 Middle school

^: Trending up

V: hending down

: Approximately similar trend Aii. The Protective and Risk Factors table outlines some of the risk and protective factors affecting youth.

Iì rsk I- actors Domain Plotcctlvc l.actrlls

Early Aggressive Behavior Individual SelÊControl

Lack of Parental Supervision Family Parental Monitoring

Substance Abuse Peer Academic Competence

Drug Availability School Anti-Drug Use Policies

Poverty Community Strong Neighborhood Attachment

Source: National Instititue on Drug Abuse

https : //www. dru gabuse. gov/publications/preventing-drug-abuse-among-children- adolescents/chapter- I -risk-factors-protective-factors/what-are-risk-factors DRAFT Minutes of the Selectboard Meetinq of Wednesdav. November 11. 2020 at 6:30 pm

This meeting was conducted via teleconference using ZOOM, in order to maintain appropriate physical distance under COVID-19 precautions. Members present: Claudette Brochu, Chair (joined late - just after the vote to amend the agenda); Roger Arnold, Vice Chair; Robert Gere; John Langhus; Mary Layton; Herb Durfee, Town Manager; Miranda Bergmeier, Assistant to the Town Manager.

There were about 5 people in the audience

Also participating: Linda Cook, Police Chief Jennifer Frank, Tracey Hayes, Brie Swenson, Cheryl Lindberg, Emmanuel Tesone.

1. Approval of Agenda. Langhus moved 12nd La¡on) to amend the agenda to include reconsideration of the Woody Adams Parcel language that, for technical reasons, has to be amended and revoted. Motion passed 4 to 0 (Brochu absent for this vote). Brochu joined the meeting just after the above motion and vote.

2. Public Comment. Langhus offered congratulation to Arnold on the birth of his son. Langhus also thanked Bonnie Munday, Judy Trussell, and all of the volunteers for a successful election process. Linda Cook asked if there will be a new COVID-19 update posted on the town's website. Durfee said that will be updated soon. Cook asked if the SB supports the Vermont Elder Justice project. Brochu said that no formal SB action has been taken. Cook asked if Tracy Hall is being opened to the public in the near future. Durfee said that it is not. Cook asked if the union contract has been signed yet and how much has the town paid in legalfees for that process. Durfee said the contract has been signed and is in effect; we will be able to tabulate all expenses after the last bill has been received, which should be soon. Police Chíef Jennifer Frank spoke about events involving an unhomed person and his interactions with the Noruvich Police Department (NPD). Frank said that, in multiple contacts with the person, NPD offered various services to them, including food, transportation, toiletries, and referral to social services, most of which the person refused. Arnold said that the SB owes Durfee an evaluation; they can take it up at their next meeting, if desired.

3. Consent Agenda. Gere moved (2nd Layton) to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed unanimously.

4. Letter Re: Cross-Border Travel. Langhus moved (2nd Arnold) to approve for Selectboard signatures the draft letter to Michael Pieciak regarding cross-border travel from Vermont, as included in the Selectboard meeting packet and to mail that letter as addressed. Motion failed (3 no - Arnold, Layton, Brochu; 2 yes - Gere, Langhus), per discussion as follows. Langhus said that this letter is meant to address restrictions for travel by Norwich school children to NH to do activities with other school district students and also for Hanover students to travel to W for the same types of activities, This letter is meant to address particular difficulties encountered by Norwich & Hanover students in their interstate school district. Layton said she is nervous about opening up the restriction too much; she is concerned that this could give rise to outbreaks. Arnold said he'd like to amend this letter, although he supports the effort broadly. Arnold would like to take up a revised letter at the next meeting. Gere said he has been impressed at Hanover High School by students' adherence to distancing. Brochu said that VT has issued clear rules and the number of cases is at a record high level now. Brochu is not willing to support this letter. Arnold said it's appropriate to ask state government to reconsider. Brochu said she's satisfied with the state commissioner's answer to Town Norwich Selectboard DRAFT Minutes - llllll2l2}}l4fg Page I of 3 Manger Durfee's inquiry. Langhus said he thinks it's good to add more voices to questioning the policÍ; the thinks the SB should advocate for our residents. Arnold said he is open to offering a different letter for consideration at a future meeting.

S. Mt. Ascutney Grant Results. Tracey Hayes shared her presentation about the Mt. Ascutney prevention grant. [This presentation will be included in the next possible SB packet.] Layton asked about sustainability of the grant activities. Hayes and Brie Swenson (Recreation Director) said that the Recreation Council is involved in continuing the work begun under the grant. Also, the PTO is working on becoming a free-standing officially recognized non-profit organization.

5a. Woody Adams Tract. Langhus moved (2nd Layton) to name the Adams' parcel and its associated contiguous forest conservation project the'Woody Adams Conservation Forest' in perpetuity with appropriate durable and permanent signage at all trailheads and labeling on all town maps. Motion approved unanimously.

6. Renewal of NEMRC Bulk Time Agreement. Layton asked if this agreement will commit us to spending a set minimum amount. Durfee said that yes, it will, and even with a new Finance Director, we will need to use NEMRC's training services under the agreement. Those services can also be used by other town entities and departments, such as the Listers or the Town Clerk. Cheryl Lindberg asked how the expenses of the contract are being tracked. Durfee said it's being charged to a subcategory under Finance Director. Layton moved (2nd Arnold) to approve the NEMRC Bulk Time Purchasè Agreement, as contained in the Selectboard meeting packet, and to authorize the Town Manager to sign said agreement. Motion approved unanimously.

7 . Policy Update - lncident Reporting... Layton moved (2nd Langhus) to approve as a second reading the draft lncident Reporting, Medical Treatment and Accident lnvestigation Policy, as preserrterl in the Selectboard packet, and to adopt said policy. Motion-approved unanimously. Policy Update - Transitional Return to Work. Layton moved (2no Arnold) to approve as a second reading the draft Transitional Return to Work Program Policy, as presented in the Selectboard packet, and to adopt said policy. Motion approved unanimously.

8. Town Manager Report. Durfee gave updates: the professional audit has been completed; the union contract has been signed by the union and the town; a personnel matter involving an allegation of age discrimination is being investigated and Durfee can give the SB an update in a future executive sesõion, if desired; Finance Director interviews have been concluded and we hope to choose a finalist in the next few days; Tracy hall's generator has been fixed and should hopefully last another 8 months. Durfee asked SB members their opinion of whether groups have to collect signatures on petitions if they are requesting more money than last year, or if they are new to the town appropriation process. Langhus said he thinks a brand new group should have to petition. Brochu said she would want a new group to at least speak to the SB. Layton and Arnold agreed. Brochu asked that the Town Clerk ðhould find out from the Secretary of State if a petition is required or can it be waived. SB members agreed that they would like materials provided by any new group for a SB meeting packet. Durfee said that the upcoming Open Meeting Law training is going to be well-attended on 11-17- 2020. Durfee is getting an air quality consultant to conduct an evaluation for Tracy Hall to find out what, if anything,-is neèded to bring the building up to code. Brochu asked when Bonnie Batchelder, the auditoi, will be coming in to attend a SB meeting. Durfee said that depends on when the SB decides to have their budget meetings; he is working on scheduling Batchelder for the first meeting in December.

g. Budget Proposal & Capital Budget. Arnold asked about how the SB will plan out the work on Norwich Selectboard DRAFT Minutes - llllll2}2}}/rtg Page 2 of 3 the budget. Durfee gave the date of January 13th as the meeting when the SB must approve/finalize the budget. Brochu suggested the SB divide the departments to present to the SB on different days. Emmanuel Tesone, Finance Committee chair, asked for more information about that involvement the SB wants from the Finance Committee. Brochu asked if it's possible to have the non-capital budget departments /committees present at the next SB meeting. Durfee that yes, the department heads will come whenever the SB wants them. Durfee gave the SB the operating budget matrix tonight and will have the detailed budget back-up by the end of this week; the capital budget will be in SB hands by next week's meeting. Following discussion, SB members agreed to meet regarding the budget on 12t2t2020, 121312020, 121912020, 12116t2020, and possibly on 1212312020. They will ask that department heads present to the SB on 12t2 and 12l3. Tesone shared with the SB some quick analysis of the draft budget; he also said he will confer with other Finance Committee members to develop further analysis to share with the SB.

10. Adjournment. Layton moved (2nd Gere) to adjourn. Motion approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm

By Miranda Bergmeier

Approved by the Selectboard on 2020

Claudette Brochu Selectboard Chair


Norwich Selectboard DRAFT Minutes - llllV2020Mtg Page 3 of3 DRAFT Minutes of the Selectboarcl Meetino of Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 6:30 pm

This meeting was conducted via teleconference using ZOOM, in order to maintain appropriate physical distance under COVID-19 precautions. Members present: Claudette Brochu, Chair; Roger Arnold, Vice Chair; Robert Gere; John Langhus; Mary Layton; Herb Durfee, Town Manager; Miranda Bergmeier, Assistant to the Town Manager.

There were about 6 people in the audience.

Also participating: Jamie Rosenfeld, Rebecca Holcombe, Pam Smith, Cheryl Lindberg

1. Approval of Agenda. Selectboard (SB) members agreed to swap the order of agenda items 3 and 4, in order to take up agenda item 4 just before item 3.

2. Public Comment. No public comment was offered 4. Appointments to Open Positions - Childcare Committee. Jamie Rosenfeld said that she works as a museum educator at the Hood museum, and she would like to serve on the Childcare Committee. Rosenfeld said that she wants to help work for the highest quality childcare possible. Layton moved (2nd Gere) to appoint Jamie Rosenfeld to the Childcare Committee Íor a term to expire in April 2021. Motion approved unanimously.

Rebecca Holcombe applied to serve on the Childcare Committee. Holcombe said that she is excited to work locally on an issue that she is excited about. Layton moved (2nd Gere) to appoint Rebecca Holcombe to the Childcare Committee for a term to expire in April 2021. Motion approved unanimously.

3. Consent Agenda. Layton moved (2nd Gere) to approve the consent agenda. Motion passed unanimously.

5. Solaflect Net Metering Agreement. Durfee said that he and the town's attorneys are discussing four aspects of the Solaflect agreement, and they need input from the SB on those points, which are: 1. the issue of the solar facility not being located in Norwich, as had originally been envisioned; 2. additional credits; 3. degradation of solar panels over time and resulting decrease in value; and 4. exclusivity provision in the contract. Durfee asked specifically how interested are SB members in the 3'd and 4th points. Layton said she doesn't know how much affect that degradation will have. Langhus said he thinks it's not worth having the town's attorneys look at points 3 & 4; Layton and Arnold said they agreed. Pam Smith said she wants to know why the town is spending a lot more on electricity, and thinks an independent audit of the contract with Solaflect should be conducted. SB members agreed to pursue points 1 and 2 with the town's attorney in order to amend the Solaflect contract to accurately reflect existing conditions.

6. Fire Dept. Request for Funding. Layton saíd she thinks the bay door repair is much-needed. Arnold asked if this should be the type of expense usually covered by the operating budget or a designated fund. Durfee said that normally he would want this under operating budget. Langhus said it's appropriate to be in an operational budget. Cheryl Lindberg agreed. Layton moved (2nd Arnold) Norwich Selectboard DRAFT Minutes - lIll8l2020Mtg Page 1 of 2 to approve the expenditure of $1,225.00 from the Fire Station Designated Fund to cover the cost of repairs to the fire station's apparatus bay doors. Motion approved unanimously.

7. Recreation Department Funding Request - Kids Bridge. Layton asked if this is the bridge to allow access to Huntley Meadows. Durfee said yes, it is. SB members discussed the process for spending donated special purpose funds. Layton moved (2nd Gere) to approve the expenditure of $1 ,513.15 from the special purpose fund related to construction of the "Kids Bridge" to cover the cost of engineering services. Motion approved unanimously.

8. October 2020 Financial Reports. Brochu asked about alarm monitoring cost increase. Durfee said he will look into that and get back to the SB.

L Budget Update. Durfee said he will get the capital budget to the SB members tomorrow and the complete background materials by Friday. Durfee said the town's department heads can attend meetings in whatever order the SB members want. SB members discussed with Durfee the options for budget discussions, including scheduling the department heads.

11. Executive Session - Update on Pending Complaint of Age Discrimination. Layton moved (2nd Arnold) to find that premature general public knowledge concerning a pending age discrimination complaint would clearly place the Selectboard and other persons invo.lved at a substantial disadvantage. Motion approved unanimously. Layton moved (2no Gere) to enter executive session under 1 VSA S313(aX1XD) to discuss the pending age discrimination complaint and to invite the Town Manager to join said executive session. Motion approved unanimously. The Selectboard moved into executive session at B:19 pm. Layton moved (2n0 Gere) to enter public session. Motion approved unanimously. At 8:37 pm the Selectboard moved into public session.

10. Executive Session - TM Evaluation. Layton moved (2nd Arnold) to enter executive session under 1 VSA $313(a)(3) to discuss the Town Manager performance improvement plan, and to invite the Town Manager to join said executive session. Motion approved unanimously. The Selectboard moved into executive session at 8:38 pm. Layton moved (2nd Gere) to enter public session. Motion approved unan¡mously. At 9:52 pm the Selectboard moved into public session.

11. Adjournment. Layton moved (2nd Langhus) to adjourn, Motion approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 9:53 pm

By Miranda Bergmeier

Approved by the Selectboard on ,2020

Claudette Brochu Selectboard Chair


Norwich Selectboard DRAFT Minutes - IIll8l2020i|l4tg Page2 of 2 tL/25/20 Eown payabJ.e ef Norwich ÀccountE Page 1 of 1 08:04 m check I{arfant Report * 21-11 cu$ent Prior Next ¡'y rnvoices ¡.or Fund (REcREÀTroN EÀcrrrrry & HTMLSBGRÀMMER A].t Xnvoiccs For Chack Acct 03(cenè¡àL, L2/Oï/ZO ro L2/02/ZO

Invoice Invoice DescripÈion Àrnount Check Chêck Vqndor Datê Invoice Nunber Àccount' Paid Nunber Date

FITZ EÑVI RITZGER,AI,D ENVTORNMENTÀL O9/O7/2O Kids Bridge hydro consuLt OS-S-42S4Z¿.LO 1513.15 9643 L2/O2/20 20039-01 HunÈlÊy Mêadow Bridge

ReporÈ Totål 1513.15

To the Treasurer of town of Norwích, We hereby ceEtify Èhat tt¡ere is duê to the several persons wt¡ose nuea are I¿sted hereon the au against each n&e and that therc are good and suf,f,icient vouchera gupporting the pàlments aggregating $ r****1/ 513.15 Lèt thís be your order for the pâIBents of Èhesc mounts

FTNANCE DIRECTOR MANAGER: Becky Du¡fee, trown Manager


CJ,audette Brochu Rog€r Arnold Robert Gere 'tohn Långhu3 Måry Layton Ct¡ai r Vice Chair

tl- t8 -aa X( epfØ)\)Lc( hø Pn*f û tL/25/20 Town ef No¡wich.Accounts payab].e 08:04 m Page 1 of 1 check vtarrant RêPott # 21-11 cur¡ent Príer Next Fy rnvoices Eor Fund (¡'rRE srATroN FUND) IITMI¡5BCR]A¡1IMER ÀII Invoiccs For Check Àcct 03(Generall L2/O2/2O To t2/OZ/20

Invoj.cê Invoice Dêgcription V€ndo! .Amount Check Check Dat€ Inwoice Nurìber Account Paid Numbes Date

TS GÀRÀGE TWrN STÀEE cÀRA.eE DOOR¿ L LO/L4/20 ED bay door repair 2s-5-55s322.00 x225.0o 9656 L2/O2/2O 13945 FIRE STÀTION

Rrpo¡t Tota1 L225.OO

To thc Treasurcr of town of Nomich, ¡le hcreby cetÈif,y that there is due to tl¡e severa.I. persgns whose names are listed hereon tt¡e sw ågainst, eåch nffie and that there are good and suff,iciênt vouchers supporting the palrments

aggregating $ t****1,225. OO Let this be your order for the påfmants of these mouDts

E'IÑÀNCE DTRECTOR MÀNAGER: Becky Durfee, Town Manager


C¡åudeÈtê Brochu Rog€r Arnold Robert G6!¡ John Langhu6 Maly Làyton Chair Vice Chair

?rv*T @ {l-ß-ao * a-PPg¿vø¿ {*r' %..rnlå LL/25/2O Town of Norwich Àccounts payabLe Påge 1 of, 5 10:07 a ct¡ech warEant Repert # 21-r.1 cur¡ent prior Next !.y rnveices For trund (Gene¡ar) ÀlJ. HTMI,5BGR]AMMER Inveicês Eor Check Acct 03(c€ncraJ) L2/A2/20 Eo |Z/O2/2O

Invoise fnvoiqe Description Àt¡ount Vqndor Check Check Dåte fnvoice Numbe¡ Àccount Paid Nunbes Date ÀDV¡T}ICE ÀDVANCE ÀUTO PÀRTS LL/LO/zO Dpw item return - 01_S_?O34O3.OO 33.24 9632 !2/O2/2O 41OO PÃRTS 6 sI,PPrIEs ÀDVÀ¡¡CE ÀDVANCE AUTO PÀRTS LL/Oí|2O Hotder fuel fiJ-ter - O1_5_ZO34O3.OO 6.92 9632 L2/02/20 4380-1 PARTS & SuPPTIES ÀDVA¡¡CE ÃDVANCE ÀUTO PÀRTS LL/16/2O Ttk L3 O1_S_7034o3.00 24.L0 9632 L2/O2/20 4720 PARTS Ê ST'PPLIES ÀDVÀNCE ADVA¡TCE ÀUTO PÀRTS LL/L6/2O Battery fo! traiter O1_5_ZO34O3.OO 33.24 9632 L2/O2/2O 4721. PARTS & SUPPLIES ADVÀ¡¡CE ADVÀNCE AUÎO PARTS LL/Lz/2O Båtrery core 01_5_203403.00 -33.24 9632 L2/02/20 598 pARTs e suppl,rEs ADVÀNCE ÀDVÀNCE ÀUTO PARTS LL/L3/2O Shop suppties O1-S_?03{O3.OO 106.08 9632 L2/O2/2O 630 PARTS E SUPPLIES ÀDVÀNCE ÀDVANCE AUTO PÀRTS LL/L2/zO Dp¡v Traiter - O1_S_?O34O3.OO 109.00 9632 t2/o2/2o 9479 PÀRTS & SUPPLTES¡ BATCHEL BATCHE¡DER ÀSSOCXATES, PC Lr/12/2O ry 19-20 audit 01_5_200322.00 1r150.o0 9633 12/02/20 2272480 INDEPENDENT ÀUDTT BESTSEPÎ BEST SEPTIC SERVICE, LrC LL/Og/zO Ts porty poæå O1-5-zOSsoo.OO 130.00 9634 L2/O2/20 24T47 PURCHASED SERVTCES BETHELMII¡ BETHEL MI¡LS LL/09/2O TS su¡rp.Lies Ot-5-?O51r1t. OO 2s.96 9635 r2/o2/2o 22450 REPÀTRS E MÀINTENÀNCE BETHEI,¡¡IIL BETHEL MI¡.LS LL/L7/2O Sprayer (covid) 01-5_?03403.00 L6.42 9635 r2/O2/2O 86?9 PÀRrS C SUPPLIES BROOK BROOK E'IELD SERV¡CE L|/O,/2O TH - contro].ler repLacd O1-S_ZO6tr3.OO 34987 REPAIRS E MÀINTENÀNCE BUSXNESS BUSTNESS CARD 09/O8/2O ASCE dues f,er ¡, r¡iggins 01-5-?03515.00 27O.OO 9636 r2/o2/2o ASCE .àDMTNISTRATION BUSINESS BUSINESS CÀRD at/O,/2O Rec- basketball 01-5-425211.O0 39.88 9636 r2/o2/2o BASKETBAI.LS E9UTPMEIÍX BUSII¡ESS BUSTNESSCÀRD lO/29/20 Classes for r, ¡tiggins 01-5-703515.00 36.00 9636 L2/O2/20 DPW - CI,ÀSSE ÀDMTNISTÀ.AIION BUSINESS BUSINESS CARD LO/29/20 CJ.asses for r. Wiggin! O1-5-ZO35I5,OO 36.00 9636 L2/O2/2O DPW - CI¡ÀSSE ADMTNTSTRATION BUSTNESS BUSINESS CÀRD I0/L4/2O EB DeaÈh rnvestigation pD O1-5-SOO538.O0 30.00 9636 L2/O2/2O EB DEÀTH INV TRAINING BUSXNESS BUSINESS CÀRD LO/L7/2O FC for unpaid invoices 01-5_?03515.00 33.15 9636 12/02/20 EC å,DMINTSTR,ATTON BUSINESS BUSINESS CÀRD LL/L6/2O PD postage - O1-5-5OO5O1,OO 10.20 9636 L2/02/2O PD - POSTAGE ADMINXSTR,ÀTION BUSINESS BUSINESS CÀRD LO/2O/2O Oct 2OAO zoom - 01-5-005610.00 L32.49 9636 r2/O2/2O ZOOII - OCr OFFICE SUPP¡IES CÀRGTI¡L CARGTLIJ INC-SAÍ,T DTVISTON LL/OA/2Q sa]-t 01-5-703201.00 20946.4L 9637 12/02/20 2905775809 sÀf,r Ê CHEMTCÀ¡,S CÀSELÍ.A CÀSE¡JI'A NÀSTE SERVTCES LL/O2/zO TS - zero sort, cardboard O1-S-?O53OB.OO

600571 EOOD WASTE DTSPOSAT, CASEI¡I,À CASELLA WÀSTE SERVTCES LL/OZ|2O tS - ze¡o sertf cårdbeard 01-5-705305.00 600571 RECYCI.rNG CASELLÀ CASETLÀ WÀSTE SERVICES LL/O2/2O TS -wast€, eÈc... pick up 01-5-705306.00 600572 ceDwAsrEDrsPOSÀr CÀSEI¡TÀ CÀSELI,À WÀSTE SERVICES !L/02/2O [S -waatê, €tc.., pick uI> O1-S-ZOS3O3.O0

600572 MUNICTPÀT SOL¡D WASTE LL/2s/20 Town ef Norwiêh Àccounts Payable Page 2 of 5 10:07 am Cl¡eck f{arrant Report * 2l-fl CurreDt Prior Next FY Invoices For Fund (ceneral} HrtiIL5BGRAMMER Al"L rDvoices For Check Àcct 03(cenerall l2/02/2O Ao L2/O2/2O

Xnvoice Invoíce Deacríption Amount Check Check Vandor Date Invoice Nu¡iber Àccount Påid Nu¡nber Date

coMcÀsT coMcÀsT LL/0L/20 PD - fnternet 01-5-1r8523S.00 425.26 9638 L2/O2/20 NOV-DEC PD P¡IONE & INTERNET coMcÀsT coMcÀs! LL/O6/20 TH Internet 01-5-275632.00 19.9s 9638 r2/O2/2O NOV-DEC TH SERVER IIAINTENÀNCE corT COTT SYSTEMS INC L2/0t/20 Monthly service 01-s-100613.00 260.00 ------/--/-- 1375L7 soE TwÀRt

D¡lg DAN & I{IIITIS GENERÀI, STOR LL/20/20 50 mask (Covid rêIated) 01-5-703507. OO 39.98 9639 L2/O2/2O 62L3926 SÛPPLTES DE.ADRI.I¡ER DEÀD RIVER COMPÀ¡ÙY !L|LZ/2O Ht,g oi]. G300 Main 2A5/qal 01-5-706103.00 479 .92 9640 L2/02/2O 52804 T{EÀTTNG DEÍJTÀ DEN DELTA DENII'AT LLlOLlzO Dee 2020 dental ins 01-5-555126.00 70.01 964t t2/O2/2O DEC 2020 DENTAÍ. INSUR,ÀNCE DEIJTÀ DSN DEI.f,À DENTAI. lL/0!/2O Dec 2020 dcDta1 ins 01-5-703125.00 321.60 964r L2/O2/2O DEC 2020 DEìflXAI, INSURÃNCE DELTÀ DEN DELTA DENTÀL LL/OL/2O Dec 2020 dentaI inÊ 01-5-704125.00 LO7.2O 964L L2/O2/2O DEC 2020 DENTÀ¡, INSURANCE DE¡¡TA DEN DELTÀ DENTÀ¡. LL/Ot/20 Dec 2020 denta.I- ins 01-5-500125.00 251.59 964r L2/O2/2O ÞEC 2020 DEI.TA DENIÀL DELÍA DEN DEI¡TÀ DENTAT, LL/OL/20 Dec 2020 denÈa1 i.ns o1-5-425125.00 L23.7s 96AL L2/O2/2O DEC 2020 DENTÀI, XNSUR,ANCE DELTA DEN DEI.TA DENTÀI, Lr/oL/20 Dec 2020 dental inE 01-5-350125.00 37.L9 964L L2/O2/2O DEC 2020 DENTÀ], XNSURANCE

DEI.TÀ DEN DEITÀ DENIIIÀI, tL/ot/20 Þec 2020 denta]- ina 01-5-005125. O0 L23.75 964L L2/O2/2O DEC 2020 DENTAI, INSURANCE ul¡JJt'A uu!¡ uù¡.t¡,IA D!¡Nl'A! LL/UL/20 Dec 2020 dental ana 01-5-100125.00 140.02 9641- L2/02/20 ÞEC 2020 DENTAI, INSURANCE DEI,TÀ DEN DEI.TÀ DENTÀT. LL/OL/2O Dec 2020 dental i-ns 01-5-200125.00 111. s7 964,L L2/O2/2O DEC 2020 DENTÀT. INSUR,ANCE EVANSMOTO EVANS GROOP| INC Lt/L7 /20 gae 495/gaI 01-5-703405.00 900. 31 ------/--/-- L3294 PETROI.EUI{ PRODUCTS EVANSMOTO EVÃNS GROUP, rNC LL/L8/20 Diesel 4L0,/gal 01-5-703405.00 680. 23 ------/--/-- 13315 PETRO',EUM PRODUCTS E'ÀSTENÀL FÀSEENAI Lt/L6/20 ahop supp],y 01-5-?03403.00 49. 81 ------/--/-- NH9¡8S87034 PÀRTS & SUPPLIES EIRSTLIGH FIRSELXGHT FIBER LL/L5/20 distance 01-5-705505.00 5.86 9642 L2/O2/2O 420L728 TEI,EPHONE E'XRSTLIGI¡ ETRSTLIGHT FIBER Lr/L5/20 ¡¡ong distance 01-5-425127.00 5.78 9642 r2/O2/20 820L728 TELEPIIONE FTRSTTIGH FIRSTLIGHtr FIBER LL/L5/20 Long distance 01-5-350531 .00 s.78 9642 L2/O2/2O 820L128 rEI.EP¡IONE FIRSÍI,IGH FXRSTI¡IGHT FIBER Lt/t5/20 Long distance 01-5-300531.00 5. 78 9642 L2/02/20 a20L72A TELEPIIONE FIRSTI,IGH E'IRSTT¡IG¡IT FIBER LL/L5/20 long dist,ance 01-5-275531.00 5.78 9642 L2/O2/20 a20L72g TEI¡EPtlONE FIR!'T],TGH FIRSÍI,IGHT EIBER LL/L5/20 Long distance 01-5-200531.00 5.78 9642 L2/O2/2O 820L728 rE¡EPI¡ONE FIRSTLIGH FIRSTI¡IGHT FIBER Lt/L5/20 Long distånce 01-5-100531.00 s.7a 9642 L2/O2/2O 820]-728 TEIJEPT¡ONE ¡'IRSTTIGI¡ FXRST'¡IG¡IE EIBER Lt/L5/20 Leng distance 01-5-005531.00 5.78 9642 L2/O2/2O 420t728 ÀDMIN TELEPIIONE LL/25/20 Town of No¡wict¡ Àccountg payabJ-e Page 3 ef 5 10:07 am cl¡eck I{a¡rant Repo!È n 2L-rL current prior Next Fy rnveices For Fund (Generar) ¡¡TMLSBGRAIIIMER per À11. Invoices Ct¡eck Àcct 03(cenera1, L2/O2/2O ro L2/OZ.ZO

Invgíce Invoice Deacription Ameunt Check Check Vendor Dåtc Invoice Numbe¡ Account Paid NuÀbcr Date

DURKGA G¡TRY .'. DURKEE L0/L2/20 Boot altowancê Ey 20-2L 01-5-703311.00 223. 99 ------/--/-- BOOT ÀI.'"OITA UNIFORMS GITIPC GREEN MOITNTÀIN pOrvER cORp tr/L7/2O Àcademy Rd rights 01-s-70330?.00 40.08 9644 r2/o2/2o NOV 1 STF.EETI.IGHTS ITÀT'N HÀI'N WEI,DI¡TG SUPPLY. INC LL/2O/20 Mig wetd helmeÈ 01-5-703513.00 199. 00 ------/--/-- 72A6342 TOOLS HÀUN HAUN úùTI.DING SUPPI¡Y, INC LLlzO/2O S-6 rire 01-5-?03403. Oo 101.64 ------/--/-- 72A6343 PARTS e SUPPLIES FÀIR¡'IELD HOWÀRD P FAIRFIETD, LIJC LL/t3/20 ark L 01-5-703403.00 1986.82 964s L2/02/20 s882364 PÀRTS E SUPPLIES INNOVÀTIV TNNOVAEIVE MUNICIPAI¡ PROD O9/O3/2O Dpw - duat contro]- 01-5-703205.00

55702 DI.'ST CONTROL INNOVÀTIV INNOVATIVE IIUNICIPAI. EROD LO/05/20 Dplv - proguard 01-5-703205. O0

55994 DUST CONTROL IRVINGOTI IRVING ENERGY DISTRTB. E 09/ 30 /2O Propanet 452/gaL 01-5-703503.00 47L. 57 ------/ --/ -- 233255 PROPAì¡E IJEMASURIE JÀNE LE!4ASURTER LL/23/2O EaIJ. 2020 Mtn bike ctasse O1-5-,(¡2SZOO.OO 2362.50 9646 r2/O2/2O ¡ITN BIKE FÀ¡ INSTRUCTOR FEE ERåNK ¡'ENNII.ER ¡.R,ANK LL/2L|zO T¡aíning & cruiser supp1i 01-5-5005¿3.00 5.98 ------/--/-- CRUISER TRÀINTNG SUPP'JIES FRÀNK JENNIFER E'RÀNK tL/2f/2O Training E cruisc¡ supl'].i O1-S-SOO3O8.OO 21.e8 ------/--/__ CRUISER CRUISER SUPPT.IES CL.APPK KIM CLÀPP LO/3O/2O Rec - documents o1-5-42s206.00 33.56 9647 r2/o2/2o STA,PLES - RE COAC¡iING IIIÀTERTÀLS IEBFORD I,EBÀNON EORD LL/06/2O PD - tires batance 01-5-500306.00 93.s0 9648 L2/02/20 4t2665 CRUTSER !,ÍAINT I¡INCOLN I,INCOI¡NFINÀNCTÀT,GROUP LL/OL|ZO Dec 2O2O life inc 01-5-555124.00 62.81 ------/--/-- DEC 2020 DTSABTIXTY/I¡IFE INSUN,ANCE I.INCOI,N IJÍNCOLN FINÀ¡{CIAT GROUP LLlOLlzO Dec 2O2O Iife inc 01-5-703124.00 330. s4 ------/--/-- DEC 2020 DISÀAILITY/LIFE ¡INCOÍ¡N LINCOLN FXNANCIAÌ, GROUP LL/OL|ZO Dec 2O2O ].ife inc 01-5-500124 .00 271. 00 ------/--/-_ DEC 2020 DISABIIJITY/I¡IFE INS I¡INCO¡¡N LINCOI,N EINANCIA.L CROUP LL|OL/2O Dec 2020 life inc 01-5-704124.00 87.10 ------/--/-_ DEC 2020 DISÀBXIJIIY/TJIFE LINCOI¡N LXNCOLN FINÀNCTAL GROUP LL|OL/2O Dec 2O2O Iif,e inc 01-5-350124 .00 67. 62 ------/--/-- DEC 2020 DISÀBII,TTYlLIFE INS LINCOI¡N ErNÀNCrÀr GROUP LL/OL/2O Dec 2020 J.ife '.INCO¿N inc 01-5-005124 .00 L29.77 ------/--/-- DEC 2020 DISABXLITY/ITFE INSUR LINCOLN LTNCOLN FINANCTA', GROUP LL/OL|2O Dec 202O life inc 01-5-100124.00 105. 11 ------/--/ -- DEC 2020 DISABTLITY/LXFE INS IJINCO'¿N IJINCOI¡NFINA¡¡CIÀTGROUP LL|OL/ZO Dec 2020 tÍf,e inc 01-5-425124.00 64.s8 ------/--/-- DEC 2020 DISÀBI¡TTY/LIFE TNSUR ¡JINCOTN I.TNCOI¡NFXNÀNCXA¡GROUP LL/OL/ZO Dec 2O2O J.ife inc 01-5-200124 .00 154.41 ------/--/-- DEC 2020 DTSÀBIIIIY/"IFE INS MCNEXIJ MCNEII¡, I¡EDDY E S¡IEAITÀ¡¡, LO/31/20 Prof aryc 01-5-005300.00 t277.50 9649 L2/O2/2O 34475 PROFESS SERV ÑEMRC NEW ENGLAND MUNI RESOURCE LL/I|/2O Servet Maín on NEMRC oL-5-275632.00 734.27 9630 L2/O2/2O 46706 SERVER MÀINTENÀNCE NORÍ{POCÀD NORTVICH POLTCE CÀDETS LO/30/20 Money f,rom VT Redcmp 01-5-500206.00 500.00 965L r2/O2/20 POI.ICE CADET NORiTIIC¡I CÀDEB PROGRAM LL/2s/20 Town of Nerwich Àccounta payable 10;07 m Page 4 of 5 check rfa¡¡ant Retrro¡t # 21-1x currènt prier Next Fy rnvoices !.or Eund (General) STMLsBGRÀMMER AI.L Invoices ¡'or Check ÀccÈ 03(General) L2/O2/2O To LZ/\2/2O

Invoicè fnvoice DescaiptÍon vcndor ÀmouDt Check Check DaÈe fnvoice l{umber ÀccounÈ Paid Nunbe¡ Date

NORI"IBRÀR NORWTCS PUB¡]TC LIBR.ARY ÄS 09/30/20 Ànime bks,/subacriptiob 01_S_AZ535O.Oo 308.84 96s9 L2/02/2O ÀNI!.!E BKS MÀHHC prevsntion GranÈ PETESTIRE PETE'S TIRE BÀRNS, INC LL/\6/2O2012 FreightJ.iner 01_5_703403.0O 265576 PARIS E SUPPIJTES KEEI,ST STMON KEEIJING LL/L3/20 PD - food for a lost pcrs O1_S_OO59OO.OO 14.16 ------/-_/__ PD - EOOD MXSCELI.ANEOUS SOLÀr'¡"ECT SOLå!'!EC! SOI,ÀR PARK I, L Ll/Lg/20 Monthly fee - Nove¡¡ibc¡ 01-5_706101.00 780,28 ------/--/__ NOl' 20 ELECTRTCITY SO¡,À¡'I.ECT SOLAFLECT SOI,AR PÀRK I, r L7/f9/20 UoDthty f,ee Novembèr - 01_5_703501.0O 67.85 ------/__/__ NOV 20 ETECTRICITY SOLÀXV SOTÀFI.ECT SOLÀR PÀRK IV. LL/L9/20 Month so].ar f,ee - Nov 202 01-5_485233,00 s31.00 ------/__/__ 11-t 9-20 ETECTRICTTY solÀxv sotÀFtEcT sot¡AR PÀRK IV, LL/L9/20 Month f,eq - Nov 202 O1-S_ZO5SO1.OO 13s.00 ------/__/__ X.1-19-20 EI¡ECTRICXTY so!ÀIv so'.À¡.LECT SOLAR PÀRK IV, LL/L9/2O Month 6o1ar fee Nov 202 O1-S-5OO2O4.OO - 144.00 ------/--/__ 11_19_20 SPEED SrcNs SOLAIV SOLÀFTJECT SOI,AR PARK rV, lL/L9/20 Month sotar fee - Nav 202 Ot_5_206115.0O 90.oo ------/--/-_ X1-19-20 BNDSTND/SIGÑ/EVCH ETECTR¡ VÎE'ORESTS STAÍE OF r¿ERMONT tL/24/20iliodtand 50/50 grant 01_5_555422.00 227.85 9653 L2/O2/2O IÍINDLÀND E'IRE TOOI,S Ê E9UIPMENT EENCO TENCO INDUSTRTES, XNC LL/O6/2A Trk I O1-S_ZO34o3.oo 168. 31 ------/--/__ 7292Lo1, pÀRES r SUp9¡¡ES TENCO TENCO INDUSIRXES, rNc LL/06/2O rrk I 01-S-ZO34o3.OO 27O. 64 ------_/ __ /__ 7292L32 PARTS E SUPPLIES rEKCO ,¡,ENCO TNDUSIRTES, INC LL/O6/20 Ttk 4 01_5_203403.00 7292L59 PÀRrg e suPPLxEs T!¿DE IMDE CATTBR,AEION LÀ"BS, XN LL/LZ/2O Radar cåIibrat,ion pD - 01-5_500306.OO 612.50 9654 r2/O2/2O 40459 CRUISER MÀINT ¡¡AYES gÀYES TR TRACEY 09/30/20 MArlHC websitc, chalkboard O1-S_AZ535O.OO 475.2s 9655 L2/O2/2O MAüHC 3 MÀI¡HC prevention crant TSSANÞ T¡ÍIN STATE SAND T GR,AVEL LL/r5/20 Sanè, O1-5-ZO32O3.OO 34710.10 96s7 L2/O2/2O 96774 sÀND UNXFIRST UNIFIRSACORPORATION LL/09/20 DPW unif,omr O1-5_?O3SOZ.OO 9s.81 ------/--/-- 35 4534405 SuPPLTES UNITIRST UNTFIRSTCORPOR,ATION LL/09/20 Dp¡v unífomr 01_5_703311.00 2O4.39 ------/ __/__ 35 4534405 uNIFORMS UNIFTRST UNTFXRSTCORPORÀTION LL/09/2O B&cunifom Ot-S-70431t,.00 7 6.78 ------/-- /-- 35 4534689 UNTFoRMS I'NIFIRST I'N¡FIRST CORPOR.ATION Ll/r6/2O DPit - unifom O1-5-?O35OZ.OO 81.s7 ------/--/-- 35 4536337 SUPPI,IES UNIE'IRSI UNIFIRST CORPOR,AIIION It/f6/20 DpW - unifom 01-5-?O3311.OO 2L2. 5s ------/ -- /-_ 35 4536337 uNrr,oRMs UNIATRST UNIFTRSTCORPORATION LL/L6/2O BÊGunif,om Ot-5-204311.00 76.78 ------/--/-- 35 4536625 uNTFoRMS I'NIFIRST T]NIT'IRST CORPOR,A,TION LL/23/2O Dpw unifoms 01-5-203311,00 ------/--/__ 35 4538349 UNTEORMS I'NIFIRST T'NIFIRSTCORPORATTON Ll/23/20 Dpw unifoms 01-5-ZO3SO?,OO 81. s7 ------/--/-- 35 4538349 suPPr.rEs T'NIFIRSI UNTEIRST CORPORATION LL/23/20 B&cunif,oms O1-5-ZO4311.OO 7 6.78 ------/--/-_ 35 4538625 uNxFoRMS rL/2s/20 TowD of, Norwich Àccounts payab].e Page 5 of 5 10:07 u check warrant Report * 2L-Lr cu*ent prio¡ Next Fy rnvoi.ces For Fund (ceneral) ¡¡TML5BGRA¡{MER Àtl xnvoices Ee! chack Àcct 03(Genera:Jt L2/O2/2O To L2/OZ/ZO

Invoice Invoíce De8criÞtion Àmount Vcndor Check Check Date Invoice Nunbet Account Paid NuÌiber Date

VERXZWTRE VERIZON T{IR¡LESS ll/04/20 phone for departme¿Ca 01-s-00s532.00 40.43 ------/--/__ 9866330430 T MNGR CEI.L PHONE VERIZWIRE VERIZON WTRETESS Ll/04/20 PhoDe for depaltments 01-5-703505.00 L27.29 ------_ / __ /__ 98 66330430 TELEPHONE VERTZÍ{IRE VERIZON Í|XRELESS LL/04/2O Phone for departmenÈa 01-5-500501.00 91¡.86 ------/__/__ 98 66330430 ADMIÑISTRAÍION VERIZWIRE VERTZON WXRELESS LL/04/2O Phone for depa¡tmenta 01-5-555625.00 40. 01 ------/__/__ 9866330430 TETJEPTTONE E INTERNET ÍIBMASON W.B. MASON CO., INC LL/L0/20 PD & pSE auppJ.iea 01-5-500501.00 12.34 ------/--/-- 2t542L643 ÀDMINISTR,ATTON ¡¡BMASON 9t.8, MASON CO,, rNc LL/L0/20 PD r pSF suppties 01-5-485301. oo ss. 99 ------/--/_- 2L542L643 BUILDING SUPPLIES ¡TBMASON w.B. MASON CO., rNc LL/Io/20 TM efc sul,p]'ies 01-5-005610.00 14.s6 ------_/__/__ 2L542L76L OI'FTCE SUPPLTES nB!,1ÀsoN tf.B. MASON CO.. INC LL/L6/2O TC ofc supplies - 01-5-100610.00 16.s9 ------/__/__ 215578 64 9 OFFXCE SUPPI¡TES wBì!ÀsoN rù.8. lr¡lsoN co., rNc LL/L7/20 TC uritfty carr (cavid) - 01-5-1006x1.00 76. 99 ------/__/__ 2L56L3L70 OFF¡CE EQUTPMENT WÊMASON I{. B . !,rASON CO. , INC lL/L7/20 Binder 01-5-703507. o0 13.60 ------/--/-- 215623198 suPPtrEs ¡ÌBMÀSON W.B. MASON CO,, rNc L|/L9/2O DPW assist - chai¡ 01-5-703507. 00 27e. 9e ------/ -- /-- 21s650300 supPtrEs tvBlrasoN w.B. MASON CO,, INC L1/L8/2O index binder 01-5-703507. O0 0.34 ------/--/-- 21565s073 SUPPI,IES

Report Totål 111364 .39

To the Treasurer of Tom of, Norwich, Ífe he¡eby certify that there is due to the seweral pe¡sons whose nmes are ¡isted hereon tl¡a sm against each name and that thcre are good and sufficient wouchers supporting the pafmenÈs aggregating $ *r*111,364.39 ¿hiE be your orde¡ for the palments of, these ilounts



Claudette Brochu Roge¡ Arnold Robert Gere John l,anghus Mary ¡,ayton Chair Vice Chair Herb Durfee

From: Alex Northern Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2020 1 1:09 AM To: Linda Cook; Herb Durfee; claudette brochu Cc: Matt Swett; Alex Northern Subject: RE:

Warden Cook...after review¡ng your spending proposal for the 50/50 V/ildland and Fire Gear Grant,l am authorizing the purchase of only two (2) of your requested items:

2 Lengths of Forestry Hose 1"dia,100 ft, NPSH thread (cost per unit : $147.03) Total: $ 294.06

3 Headlamps (cost per unit: $53.88) Total: $161.64

Grand Total: $455.70

I assume that you received and are acting on both Claudette Brochu and Herb Durfees' correspondence with you regarding this matter.

Alex Northern JD, MPA Town of Norwich Fire Chief Deputy Emergency Management Director Deputy Fire Warden Phone: (802)649-1133 anorthern @


Please note that any response or reply to this electronic message may be subject to disclosure as a public record under the Vermont Public Records Act.

From: Linda Cook [mailto:cookl1574fô] Sent: Tuesday, November 24,2020 10:26 AM To: Alex Northern; Herb Durfee; claudette brochu Subject:

Hi Chief Nothern,

1 Just trying to follow up on the Grant proposal as it is due. I have not received a written list with what you want to purchase. Did you have questions that I can help answer in order to move this process forward? I know you have been busy with a budget so I provided a recommended list to help. Do you support ordering any of the items? Are there other items you would like to order instead from the approved list for the Wild Land Fire Gear Program?

I am requesting a written consent from you confirming your support of the program and the items, quantities and cost to order. Claudette asked me if you have approved the purchase ao that qe can add it to the packet.

Herb has sent an email requesting all information be submitted by noon today to Marandia for the Select Board packet.

I Spoke with Dan.Diller about the payment method. He said we can scan and send a copy of the order form in. After the Select Board approves the purchase we can do the same with the check. Please let me know as soon as possible. With your written permission. I can assist with the payment Process.

With your written permission and an approved list of items and quantities to order I can assist completing the necessary forms ( I hope Deputy Chief Swett will review the forms also). He has always been a great addition.

Thank you Fire Warden Cook

2 Nonruich ú) Town: 2O2O WILDLAND FIRE GEAR ORDER FORM Nomex Shirts

8415-01-211-6316 X-Small Price: 8415-00-233-5818 Small S78.48 each 8415-01-434-0618 Small-Lone 84r.s-00-233-s819 Medium Bright yellow, flame-resistant 8415-01-421-3905 Medium-Long 841s-00-2s9-8718 Larse 8415-01-285-3530 Large-Long 8415-00-259-8722 X-Larse 8415-01-284-7500 XL-Lons 84t5-0r-42L-3907 XX-Laree 8415-01-434-0626 XXL-Lons 8415-0L-533-1740 XXX-Larse Note: Nomex will not shrink! 8415-01-533-2435 XXXL-Lonp Category Totals: I- Nomex Pants # rde Cost 8415-0L-464-4242 26"-30"x33" Price: 84L5-O7-464-4247 28"-32"x33" S94.31 each 84L5-OL-464-4244 30"-34"x33" 8475-01-464-4248 32"-36"x33" BDu-style pants with waist take-up 84L5-Ot-464-57 42 34"-38"x33" straps that fasten with metal buckles. 8415-01-464-5621 36"-40"x33" Each pant covers 3 size ranges per 8415-OL-464-5624 38"-42"x33" single size in 2 lengths. 8415-01-464-5645 40"-44"x33" 8415-01-537-498L 44"-48"x33" 8415-01-464-2282 26"-30"x30" Example: 84L5-Or-464-3672 28"-32"x30" lf you normally wear size 34x30, 8415-01.-464-3671 30"-34"x30" order a size 32"-36" x 30 - 8475-0r-464-3676 32"-36"x30" which places your desired size in the 8415-Ot-464-3677 34"-38"x30" middle of the size range. 8415-0L-464-3678 36"-40"x30" 8415-07-464-3673 38"-42"x30" 841.5-01.-464-3675 40"-44"x30" 8415-01-537-4984 44t'-48"x30" 8415-01-537-4986 26"-30"x36" 8415-01-s37-4982 28"-32"x36" 84L5-01-537-4983 30"-34"x36" 8415-01-537-4985 32"-36"x36" 8415-0t-s37-5677 34"-38"x36" 8415-01-537-5681 36"-40"x36" 841s-01.-s37-5678 38"-42"x36" Note: Nomex will not shrink! 8415-01-537-5679 40"-44"x36" Category II Firefiehter Work Gloves

841s-01-394-0208 Extra Small Price: 8415-01-394-0209 Small S 16.45 per pair 841s-0r.-394-0210 Medium Heavy-duty leather gloves, 8415-01-394-0215 Larse desiened for use on fire lines 8415-01-397-3937 X-Larse Category

Enter Total # and Total $ for each category on Summary Sheet Make Checks Payable to: State of Vermont -I Nonuich Town: 2O2O WILDLAND FIRE GEAR ORDER FORM Personal Protective Gear Price # Face-and-Neck Shroud 8415-01-483-6075 $ 28.73 Helmet lcao swlel 8415-01-504-9042 $ 50.79 Helmet (fullbrim) 8415-0L-504-9047 $ 60.72 Goecles 4240-OL-504-7863 $ 10.29 Headlamp 6230-01.-603-6874 s 53.88 3 $ 161 .64 Ear Plues lbox of 200 oairs 6515-00-137-6345 $ 30.19 Packsack (ereen) 846s-00-205-3493 $ 73.97 25 Person Crew First Aid Field Kit 6545-0t-OtO-7754 $ 174.09 Fireline Pack. Complete 846s-01-503-4484 $ 151.32 Canteen Bottle 8465-00-102-6381 $ 0.81 Chainsaw Operator's Chaps - 36" long 841s-01-028-s575 $ 107.86 Chainsaw Onerator's Chaos - 40" long 84ts-01.-294-7717 s 107.86 Category Tota 3 $ 161 64 Tools and Equipment Price # Ordered Backpack Pump Outfit {"r'NEW{'* 8465-01-656-8915 i135.02 Backpack Pump Liner **For old pumps** 8465-OL-32L-L679 $ 9.27 Firefiehtine Hand Pumo 4320-OO-595-O762 s 65.23 Quick Connect Hose (Male) 4730-01-057-0136 s 7.11 Quick Connect Hose (remale) 4730-Ot-057-4210 $ e.65 Fire Line Combination Tool 5t2A-0L-240-2120 i73.28 Combi Tool Replacement Handle 5120-ot-296-3592 $ 21.43 Forest Fire Rake & Cuttins Tool 42LO-OO-540-4512 i51.68 Collapsible Firefightins Rake 4270-Ot-387-1392 $ 83.10 Forest Fire Shovel s120-00-96s-0609 ;57.64 Pulaski Tool s1.20-oo-293-3467 $ 62.72 Mcleod Tool 42L0-00-203-3s12 97218 Fire Broom 7304 $ 26.00 tr NPSH th 42LA-OL-t66-8722 $ 147.03 2 s 294.06 Nozzle (10-25 spm. 1." NPSH) 4210-01-165-6603 $ 24.67 Reducer (1%' NPSH to 1" NPSH) 42LO-OO-294-2648 s 13.58 Reducer (1%" NH to L" NPSH) 421O-OO-975-2969 $ 7.00 Hose (1%" dia, 100 ft, NH thread) 4210-01-165-6597 186.78 Nozzle (60 epm, 1%" dia, NH) 4270-OO-18L-8872 $ 8.33 " NH to 1%" NPSH 4210-0t-079-9284 ;16.'12 Adapter (1%" NPSH to 1%" NH) 4270-07-079-9283 $ 16.12 Hose I 50 4210-01-167-1061 s 37.96 Moo-uo Kit 42to-Or-32t-4206 1.265.92 Firefighting Water PumP 't** 4320-00-890-5879 $ 3.363.86 Foot Valve t/r" dia. NH thread) 4820-OO-126-5LL4 $ 72.71 Suction Hose (1%" dia. 10 ft. NH thread) 4210-00-889-1775 ;203.33 SpillContainment Berm 423s-01-s86-8307 $ 61.49 ated Valve %" di NH 4210-00-984-3475 $ 1 11.37 Gated Wve Valve (1" dia, NPSH thread) 42LO-OO-L26-51O8 95.06 Garden Hose Nozzle 4730-00-595-1103 $ 18.33 Garden Hose Wve Valve 42LO-07-412-6335 $ 24.88 ***Does not include suction line or foot valve*** Category Totals: 2 $ 294.06

Enter Total # and Total $ for each category on Summary Sheet Make Checks Payable to: State of Vermont 2O2O WILDLAND F'IRE GEAR ORDER SUMMARY F'ORM

Name of Fire Department or rown Norwich

Address 300 Main St. PO Box 376

Town Norwich zip Code 05055

Contact Person Linda Cook Daytime Telephone 603-208-7847

1 E_Mair Address cookl 57 4@gma¡

Copy the "Total #" and "Total $" from each category, from the Order Forms

Nomex Shirts Total # Ordered Total$

2 Nomex Pants Total# Ordered Total $

3 Firefighter Work Gloves Total# Ordered Total $

4 Personal Protective Gear Total # Ordered 3 Total $ $ 161 .64

5 Tools and Equipment Total# Ordered 2 Total $ $ 294.06

6. Total # Items Ordered 5 Total $ Cost 455.7 Add "Total# Ordered" from lines l-5 Add "Total $" from lines l-5

7. Matching Funds Due From Town: $ 227.8s Multiply Total $ Cost, from line 6,by 50"/o

Form and paym ent must be received no later than December 4,2020 at:

Vermont Forests, Parks & Recreation Attn: Kim Partlow 1l I West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 MAKE CTTECKS PAYABLE TO: STATE OF VERMONT 11t25t2020 Wildland Fire Equipment Purchasing Program I Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation ,/-r.vElil4()N]

AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Department of Forests, Parks and Recreat¡on EI @

View lnrportant COVID- 19 Related lntormation


I/sites/fprlfrles/Forest and Foresffi/LibrarvÂVildland%2BEire%2Beablog%2B2O2A.p!fi)Rural fire departments in Vermont can purchase wildland fire ñghting equipment and PPE from the federal government supply through the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, Forestry Division. Order forms can be obtained from the Forest Resource Protection staff at each district office. Orders can be placed at any time throughout the year.

District 1: Windham & Windsor Counties )imEsden 802-777-759r [email protected]!L(mailto:[email protected])

District 2: Bennington & Rutland Counties LorsLund 802-777-4788 [email protected]¡(mailto: [email protected]).

District 3: Addison, Chittenden, Franklin & Grand lsle Counties Don Dillner 802-777-3079

dan.dil [email protected](mailto:dan.dil I [email protected])

District 4: Lamoille, Orange & Washington Counties Jon Cherìco 802-522-2054 [email protected]¡(mailto:[email protected])

District 5: Caledonia, Essex & Orleans Counties EmilyMeocham BO2-595-0169 emily.meaeham@vermsn t gov (mailto:[email protected])

Wildland Fíre Protective Gear & Equipment 50/50 Purchasing Program The Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, Forestry Division is now accepting orders for the annual wildland frre protective gear and equipment 50/50 Purchasing program. This purchasing program is offered to Vermont volunteer frre departments (VFDs) and is funded by federal Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) funds. lt is limited to specific items from the Wildland Fire Equipment catalog, and orders may not exceed $5,000.00 total. To frnd out more about the program please contact Dan Dillner, by phone at777-3079 or by e-mail at [email protected] {mai lto: [email protected]).

To place an order please download the order form below The order form can be ñlled out electronically, but for it to work properly you must first download it and save it to your computer. To submit your order please print your completed order form and mail in along with a check for 50% of the order total. Order forms and checks must be received no later than December 4th, 2020. Late orders or orders over $5,000.00 will not be accepted. lf you have any questions or need help with the order form please contact Kim Partlow, by phone at 879-6565 or e-mail at [email protected] {mailto: Kim. [email protected]).

. 2020 Wildland Fire Gear Purchasi¡g Program Order Form.PDF f/sites/forlfiles/Forest and Forestrv/Forest*Fires/Libraryt2020%2OWildland%20Fire%20Gear%20Purchasing%20Program%2jOrder%2}Form.g)l

MENU https://fpr.vermont. gov/foresVwildland-fire/wildland-fire-equ ipment 1t2 Ì Itfttst .'. -\-. lllGISTIGS [GTTGY

W¡ldland Fire Equipment 2020 q Þ{eadlamps and Lightsticks/First Aid

Batter¡ Nonrechargeable (7.5 V) Screw Terminals, demensions 7.2 X 4.0 X3.75", can be used for lanterns and repeater radios. (NFES #1023)

@ 4ï-month maximum shelf liþ (not extendable)

I Std. pack: 1

6135-01.016-2203 Pc(contains 4 EA)

Headlamps and Lightsticks

H ead lam p, F i refi ghtêr (Firefighter's Headlamp)

LED headlamp for NFPA 1977 firefighter's hehnet has two light-output levels, with beam position vertically adjustable f'rom 20 degrees below horizontal to 90 degrees above. Run time minimum five hours at maximum light output. Water- and impact-resistant. Uses AA alkaline batteries (not included). (NFES #0718)

823S01-603-6874 EA Light, C hemiluminescent (Lightstick-Chemlight)

A. Chemical lights, commonly known as Chemlights, are a non-toxic, non-flammable sources of light. These lightsticks are good for emergenc¡ safety and signaling uses. They provide safe, effective light without heat, sparks or flame. To activate, a user bends the plastic lightstick, breaking the inner glass vial. Chemicals from the broken glass vial mix with chemicals from the plasti€ tube to tleliver a light-creating chemical reaction. Self-contained, compact, rugged and waterproof. Average life rating: l2 Hours. (NFES #3009)

@ 4Smonth maximum shelf life (not extendable) 62ôG0'l-0744229 Ab¡lity one Green Lenglh:6' Bx(contains10 EA) (NFES #3007)

A 4\month ma*imum shef liþ Qrot extendable) 6260-01-178-5559 Abilityonê Red Lenglh:6' Bx(contains 10 EA)

A (NFES #301 2)

@ 4Smonth maximum shelf life (not extendable) 626041-196-0138 AbilityoneYellow Length:6' Bx(contains 10 EA)

First Aid.

FirstAid K¡t, Ut¡l¡t/ (FirstAid Kit)

B, First aid kit is designed by the USDA Forest Service for forest workers and wildland firefighters, but it is suitably equipped for all users. Kit contains: three povidone iodine swabs; two gauze pads; two non-stick pads; six bandages (woven adhesive); four butterfly closures; elastic bandage; one pair of non-latex gloves; mouth-to-mouth barrier; towelette; biohazard bag; a roll ofadhesive tape; two sheeis of moleskin; face mask; four aspirins; four acetaminophen tablets. Includes instructions for mouth- ,61.:t _..t "-,q.: to-mouth barrier use and contents list. Comes in a translucent plastic telescoping case. TyPe I. Forest Service Spec 6170-6. (NFES #0067)

tøæ= @ 241nonth naxtunun shelfliJe (extendable)

654540ó5&1092 Abilityone Cas¿ 3.ll2xï112x1-914" EA

Visit us on theWeb at 15 Hoses and Gasl

Hoses and Gaskets Hose Assembl¡ Nonrnetallic, Fire Fighting Hose Assembl¡ Nonmetallic, Fire Fighting (Synthetic Fire Hose) (High-Pressure Fire Hose)

High-pressure fire hose features 1'1 I 1 - 1/2 NPSH compression wedge couplings. Braided hose has a 3/4" inside diameter. Working pressure:600 psi. I, -, *ì Forest Service Spec 5i00-185. (NFES #I220) fh ü Std. pack:2

4210-00-595-1838 LG(contains 50 FÐ Lined, synthetic, woven-jacket hose is lightweight with aluminum rocker lug couplings. Working pressure: 450 psi. Forest Service Spec 5100-187. Hose Assembl¡ Nonmetallic, Fire Fighting A. Tlpe l, standard synthetic hose. (Rubber Suction Fire Hose) This 1" ilíameter hosefeatures 1", 11-1/2 NPSH thread cotrplíngs' Weíght: Suction fire hose with rockerJug couplings 9.38 lús. (NFES #1238) is rnade of rubber and fabric with wire reinforcement. Forest Service Spec 5100-184. r $d. pack:2 Couplings per Forest Service Spec 5100-108. 4210.01-166-8122 Abilityone White LG(contain one 100 FT) This 1-l/2" diameter hose features a r-l/2"' 9 NH threaded coupling. This l-l/2" iliameter hosefeatures 1-I/2", 9 NH thread cottplings. Weíght: (NFES #1808) I5.88 lbs. (NFES #1239) t Std. pack:4 : Std. pock:2 4210-00{89-1774 Lc(contains I FT) 421041-16S6597 Abilityono While Lc(conlain one 100 FÏ) This l-ll2" diameter hose features a l-l/2'ì 9 NH threaded coupling' B. Tlpe II, abrasion- and heat-resistant synthetic hose with external (NFES #01 15) elastometic coating. I Std. pack:4 Thls 1" diameter hosefeahres 1", lLl/2 NPSH threatl eotplings. (NFES #0e32) 4210-00-8891775 Lc(contains1o FT) f Std. pack:2 Gasket, Fire Hose 421G01-526-3000 Abilityone Yellow Lc(contain one 100 FT) (Fire Hose Gasket)

This 1-1/2" diøneter hosefeatwes 1-l/2", 9 NH thread couplitrgs, Designed for fire hose connections, this gasket is (NFES #0e33) made ofsynthetic rubber and is circular in shape. Forest Service Spec 5100-190. { Std. pack:2 For l" nominal waterway diameter. Has a l-l/16" 421041-5262977 Ability0ne Yellow LG(æntain one 100 FT) inside diameter and a l-7116" outside diameter' Thickness: l/8'ì (NFES #0743)

Hose Assembl¡ NonmetalNic Synthetic This is a componeflt oÍ Mop-Up Kit NSN 4210-01-321-4206. (Synthetic Garden Hose) S Std. pack:20

Lightweight hose features a woven synthetic jacket 5330-00-720-2621 Pc(contåins 10 EA) and is lined. The 5/8"- diameter hose features 3/4'i I l- 1/2 NH threaded coupling (standard garden Has inside diameter hose threads). Operating prcssure is 200 psi. To be {L For l-l/2" nominal waterway diameter. a l-9116" Thickness: (NFES #0254) used for mop-up operations, pumper protection t\*-r.r/ and a 2-1116" outside diameter, l/8'Ì (NFES #1016) and miscellaneous applications. t This ís a component oÍ Mop-Up Klt NSN 4210-01-321'4206. fr Std. pack:20 This is a component ofMop-Up Kit NSN 42f0-0f-321-4206, 533S00-239-1873 Ability0ne Orange Pc(mntâins 10 EA) ) Std. pack:2 421041¡67-1061 Abilityono Lc(contains 2x50 FT) For 2" nominal wâterway diâmeter. Has a 2-1116" inside diameter and a 2-3l8" outside diameter. Thickness: l/8'ì (NFES #0742) Band, Retaining Fire Hose 5 Std. pack:20 (Fire Hose Retaining Band) 5330{0-239-1875 Pc(contains 10 EA) Rubber band for securing rolled fire hose, For 2-l12" nominal waterway diameter. Has a 2-9l16" inside diameter Length: 9-112"; Width: I -3l8"; Thickness: 0.063'l and a 3-3l16" outside diameter. Thickness:3/16". (NFES #2326) (NFES #0727)

t Std. pack: 1 û Std. pack:20 4210.01-52$8489 Rêd Bx(contå¡ns 325 EA) 533G00-239-1877 Pc(contains 10 EA)

6 Visit us on theWeb ac oVt\t\hL ,9) Ér=<¿ræt[ ñ MEMO; 2020 Wildland Fire Gear Grant {rQ,¿: ¿$tnf Datel1./79/2020

To Alex Nothern, cc;Herb Durfree, CIAUDETT Brocheau,Matt Swett, Marindar

From Linda Cook Fire Warden

Re50-50 Wildland and fire gear grant Submitted to Chief Northern for approval.

I am requesting this 50-50 Grant application for wildland fire gear purchase order be added to the next Select Board agend a on 12/2/2020. This order and check must be to the State by L2/4/2020.

4- hose L"dia,1-00 ft, NPSH thread 42t}-0t-166-8122 (cost147.03) Total-588.12

l-Collapsible Fire Fighting Rake 4270-01.-387-1392 (cost 83.10) Total- 83.1"0

1-PuloskiTool 5t2O-O0-293-3467 (cost 62.72) Ïota162.72

3-Headlamps 6230-016036874 (cost53.88) Total-161.64

Total- 1483.70

202L Repeat This order Total-

2022 Hose,nozzels and fittings

Thank you

Linda Cook

Fire Warden b




Paqe lndependent Auditor's Report 1-2

Management's Discussion and Analysis 3-9

Basic Financial Statements:

GovernmenlWide Financial Statements:

Statement of Net Position - Exhibit A 10

Statement of Activities - Exhibit B 11

Fund Financial Statements:

Balance Sheet - Governmental Funds - Exhibit C 12

Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of Govemment Funds to the Statement of Net Position - Exhibit D 13

Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances -Governmental Funds - Exhibit E 14

Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities - Exhibit F 15

Fiduciary Fund Statements:

Statement of Fiduciary Net Position - Exhibit G 16

Notes to Financial Statements 17-35

Required Supplementary lnformation :

Schedule of Proportionate Share of Net Pension Liability VMERS Defined Benefit 36 Plan - Schedule 1

Schedule of Contributions VMERS Defined Benefit Plan - Schedule 2 37 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2O TABLE OF CONTENTS

Other lnformation:

Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - General Fund - Budget and Actual - Schedule 3 38-46

Combining Balance Sheet - Non-Major Special Revenue Funds - Schedule 4 47

Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance - Non-Major Governmental Funds - Schedule 5 48

Combining Balance Sheet - Non-Major Special Revenue - Schedule 6 49

Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Non-Major Special Revenue - Schedule 7 50

Combíning Balance Sheet - Non-Major Capital Projects - Schedule I 51-52

Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Non-Major Capital Project Funds - Schedule 9 53 -54 lndependent Auditor's Report on lntemal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance And Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance wilh Govemment Auditing Sfandards 55-57 Batchelder Associates, PC


To the Board of Selectmen Town of Norwich Norwich, Vermont

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Norwich, Vermont ("Town"), as of and for the year ended June 30, 2020, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Town's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the fìnancial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the audito/s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. ln making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinions.

0pinion ln our opinion, the financial statements refened to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town, for the year ended June 30, 2019, and the respective changes in financial position and, where applicable, cash flows thereof for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Town of Norwich, Vermont Page2

Other Matters

Required Supplementary I nform ation

Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management's discussion and analysis and budgetary comparison information on pages 3-9, 16 and 40-46, respectively, be presented to supplementthe basic financial statements.

Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. We have applied certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, which consisted of inquiries of management about the methods of preparing the information and comparing the information for consistency with management's responses to our inquiries, the basic financial statements, and other knowledge we obtained during our audit of the basic financial statements. We do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on the information because the limited procedures do not provide us with sufficient evidence to express an opinion or provide any assurance.

Other lnformation Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the Town's basic financial statements. The combining and individual non-major fund financial statements are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements.

The combining and individual non-major fund financial statements are the responsibility of management and were derived from and relate directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements or to the basic financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. ln our opinion, the combining and individual non-major fund financial statements are fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole.

F atuf¿Ø¿'" 4 aa¿u¿fu2-, Æ,

Batchelder Associates, PC License #945 Barre, Vermont October 29,2020 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2O

Our discussion and analysis of the Town of Norwich, Vermont's financial performance provides an overview of the Town's financial activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. This report should be read in conjunction with the Town's financial statements.

Financial Highlights

a The Town's net position increased by $30,977 as a result of this yea/s operations.

The cost of all the Town's programs was $5,345,201 this year, with no new programs added.

The General Fund reported a surplus this year of $1,179,924.

The unassigned fund balance for the General Fund was $651,069 as of June 30,2020. This surplus is due to receipt of FEMA grant funds expended in prior years, net of repayment of the $1,400,000 line of credit used to bridge the cash flow due to FEMA disaster expenses.

a The Public Safety Facilities Fund reported a surplus of $107,216, which resulted in eliminating the prior year fund balance of($107,216) as ofJune 30, 2019, leaving a zero-fund balance atJune 30, 2020.

a The Fire Apparatus Fund reported a surplus this year of $30,592, which resulted in a fund balance of $577,622 as of June 30, 2020.

a The Other Non-Major Governmental Funds reported surpluses of $304,050 which increased the cumulative surplus to $1 ,596,1 1 0.

Using This Annual Report

This annual report consists of a series of financial statements. The Statement of Net Position and the Statement of Activities (Exhibits A and B) provide information about the activities of the Town as a whole and present a longer-term view of the Town's finances. Fund financial statements start on Exhibit C. For govemmental activities, these statements tell how these services were financed in the short term as well as what remains for future spending. Fund financial statements also report the Town's operations in more detail than the governmenlwide statements by providing information about the Town's most significant funds. The remaining statements provide financial information about activities for which the Town acts solely as a trustee or agent for the benefit of those outside the government.

Government.wide Financial Statements

The government-wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the Town's finances, in a manner similar to a private sector business.

The sfafemenf of net position presents information on all of the Town's assets and liabilities, with the difference between the two reported as net position. Over time, increases or decreases in net position may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the Town is improving or deteriorating.

The sfafement of activities presents information showing how the government's net position changed during the most recent fiscal year, All changes in net position are reported as soon as the underlying event giving rise to the change occurs, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Thus, revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that will only result in cash flows in future fiscal periods (e.9., uncollected taxes and earned but unused vacation leave).

Both of the government-wide financial statements distinguish functions of the Town that are principally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues (governmental activities) from other functions that are intended to recover all or a significant portion of their costs through user fees and charges (business{ype activities). The governmental activities of the Town include general government, public safety, public works, health and social services, culture, recreation, and community development.


The government-wide financial statements are designed to include not only the Town itsell (known as the primary government), but also any legally separate entities for which the Town is financially accountable (known as component units). ïhe Town has no such entities that qualiff as component units.

The governmenfwide financial statements can be found in Exhibits A and B of this report.

Fund Financial Statements

A fund is a grouping of related accounts that is used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The Town, like other state and local governments, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance wth finance-related legal requirements. All of the funds of the Town can be classified as governmental funds.

a. Governmental Funds

Governmental funds are used to account for essentially the same functions reported as governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. However, unlike the governmentwide financial statements, governmental fund financial statements focus on near-term inflows and outflows of spendable resources, as well as on balances of spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal year. Such information may be useful in evaluating a government's near-term financing requirements.

Because the focus of govemmental funds is narrower than that of the government-wide financial statements, it is useful to compare the information presented for governmental funds with similar information presented for governmental activities in the governmentwide financialstatements. By doing so, readers may better understand the long-term impact of the government's near-term financing decisions. Both the governmental fund balance sheet and the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances provide a reconciliation to facilitate this comparison between governmental funds and govemmental activities.

The Town maintains five (5) individual governmental funds, including the General Fund, the Public Safety Facilities Fund, the Fire Apparatus Fund and nine (9) Non-Major Special Revenue Funds and nineteen (19) Non-Major Capital Project Funds. lnformation is presented separately in the governmental fund balance sheet and in the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances for the General Fund, the Public Safety Facilities Fund, and the Fire Apparatus Fund which are considered to be major funds. Data from the other govemmental funds are combined into a single, aggregated presentation. lndividual fund data for each of the non-major govemmental funds is presented in a supplementary schedule,

The basic governmental fund financial statements can be found in Exhibits C through F of this report.

b. Proprietary Funds

The Town has no Proprietary Funds.

c. Fiduciary Funds

The Town has two (2) Fiduciary Funds.

3. Notes to the Financial Statements

The notes provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the governmenl wide and fund financial statements. The notes to the financial statements can be found immediately following the basic financial statements in this report.


Fund Financial Statements (continued)

4. Other Information

ln addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents certain supplementary information to provide additional financial information not included in the basic financial statements. This supplementary information includes combining statements for various funds, and budgetary comparison statements. The supplementary information can be found immediately following the notes to the financial statements in this report.

The Town as a Whole

The Town's combined net position increased by $30,977 from 2019, increasing from a balance of $8,639,546 to $8,670,523. Our analysis below focuses on the net position (Table I below) and changes in net position (Shown on page 6).

Table l- Net Position Governm ental Actvities 2020 2019

Cash and investnenb $ 2,937,657 $ 1,631,418 lnvesfnenb Receivables, net of allowance for uncollectble 232,488 235,012 Oher asseb 302,531 2,407,219 Capihl asseb, non-depreciable 6ô4,699 664,699 Capibl asseb, depreciable - net 7,005,070 7,341,325

Tobl Asseb 11,142,445 12,279,673

Deferred ouflor¡rrs of resources 259,233 275,897

Long-brm liabililies oubtanding 2,522,732 2,187,270

Oher liabilities 152,990 1 ,659,I 70 2,675,722 3,846,440

Deferred infloue of resources 55,433 69,584

Tobl Liabilities 2,731,155 3,916,024

Net Position lnvested in capital asseb, net of related debt 6,003,769 5,105,524 Resbicþd and Non-spendable (restated) 211,331 61,082 Unreshicted, com m ited and assigned 2,455,423 3,472,940

Tohl Net Posilion $ 8,670,523 $ 8,639,546

Unrestricted net position - the part of net position that can be used to finance day{o-day operations without constraints established by debt covenants, enabling legislation, or other legal requirements - decreased from a 93,472,940 surplus at June 30, 2019, to a$2,455,423 surplus at June 30,2020 for the governmental activities.


Table ll - Change in Net Position

Governm enbl Activities 2020 2019 Revenues: Taxes $ 4,076,499 $ 3,914,619 lntergovernm enbl 224,147 920,621 Granb 308,281 Charges br services 383,544 306,9s1 Perm ib, licenses and fees 17,611 7,623 lnvestn ent incom e 50,949 40,858 Donations 15,114 M iscellaneous revenues 300,033 128,675 Tohl Revenues 5,376,178 5,319,347

Expenditures: General government 1,499,902 1,190,249 Public safety 1 ,043,515 1,022,601 Public Works 2,051,009 2,740,149 Cult¡re, recreaüon and community development 688,758 647,975 lnterest 62,017 63,618 TohlExpenditures s,345,201 5,664,592

Excess/(Defi ciency) of Revenues Oher Expenditures 30,977 (345,245)

Oher Financing Sources: lssuance ofdebt Transbrs in 299,299 61 6,610 TransËrs out (299,299) (61 ô,610) Tohl Oher Financing Sources

NetChange in Fund Balances 30,977 (345,245)

Fund Balances - July 1, 2019, restabd 8,639,546 8,984,791

Fund Balances - June 30, 2020 $ 8,670,523 $ 8,639,546

0ur analysis below separately considers the operations of governmental activities.

Gove rn mental Activ ities

The increase in net position for governmental activities was $30,977 in2020. Revenues increased by $56,841 or 1%, and expenses decreased by $319,391 or 5.6%, compared to 2019. Most of this increase in revenue is from grants and contributions received during the year.

The cost of all governmental activities this year was $5,345,201, however, as shown in the Statement of Activities on Exhibit B, the amount that our taxpayers ultimately financed for these activities through Town taxes was $4,429,229. Some of the cost was


paid by those who directly benefited from the programs, totaling $383,544 or by other governments and organizations that subsidized certain programs with grants and contributions, totaling $532,428.

Table 3 presents the cost of each of the Town's five largest programs - general government, public safety, highways and skeet, health and welfare, and culture and recreation - as well as each program's net cost (total cost less revenue generated by the activities). The net cost shows the financial burden that was placed on the Town's taxpayers by each of these functions.

Table lll Governmental Activities

2020 201 I Tobl Cost Net Cost Tohl Cost Net Cost of Services of Services of Services of Services

General government $ 1,499,902 $ 1,394,639 $ 1,190,249 $ 1,070,021 Public safety 1,043,515 1,042,195 1,022,604 1,021,979 Public Works 2,051,009 1,437 ,134 2,740,149 1,760,143 Culfure, recreation and community development 688,758 493,244 647,975 154,607 lnterest on long-brm debt 62,017 62,017 63,618 63,618 $ 5,345,201 $ 4,429,229 $ 5,664,595 $ 4,070,368

The Town's Funds

As the Town completed the year, its governmental funds (as presented in the Balance Sheet on Exhibit C) reported a combined fund balance of $3,034,352 which represents an increase of 81,621,782 from last year's total of $1,412,570. lncluded in this yea/s total change in fund balance is an increase of $1,179,924 in the Town's General Fund. This increase is the result of two significant items. During fiscal year 2020, funds expended in prior years for the Towns storm damage were received through FEMA grant revenue and costs were down from 201 9.

Statement G compares actual to budget for the General Fund. The most significant variances of actual to budget were as follows:

Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Revenues General Budget $ 4,708,018 $ 7,482,610 $ 2,774,592

Expendifures GeneralBudget $ 4,708,018 $ 6,302,686 $ (1,594,668)


Capital Assets and Debt Administration


At June 30,2020, the Town had $7,669,769 invested in a broad range of capitalassets, including police and fire equipment, buildings, roads, and bridges net of accumulated depreciation. (See Table 4 below). This amount represents a net decrease (including additions, disposals, and depreciation) of $336,255 from last year.

Table lV Capital Assets at Year-End (Net of Accumulated Depreciation)

Governmenhl Activites Tobl 2020 201 I 2020 2019

Non-depreciated asseb: Land $ 653,559 $ 653,559 $ 653,559 $ 653,559 Art 11,140 11,140 11,140 11,140 Depreciated asseb: Buildings and im provemenb 2,800,638 2,861,901 2,800,638 2,861,901 Vehicles 706,928 812,915 706,928 812,915 Equipment 446,746 592,502 446,746 592,502 Mobile Equipment 620,770 665,228 620,770 665,228 lnfasfucfure 2,429,988 2,408,779 2,429,988 2,408,779

Tohl Asseb $ 7,669,769 $ 8,006,024 $ 7,669,769 $ 8,006,024

Debt Administration

At June 30, 2020, the Town had $2,522,732 in bonds and notes outstanding, including other long-term liabilities, versus $3,587,270 at June 30, 2019 - a decrease of $1,064,538, as shown in Table 5 (below).

Table V Outstanding Debt at Year-End

Governm enÞl Aclivilies Tobl 2020 2019 2020 2019

Bond and notes payable $ 1,666,000 $ 2,900,500 $ 1,666,000 $ 2,900,500 Line of credit Net pension liability 732,989 583,172 732,989 583,172 Uncompensabd balances 123,743 103,598 123,743 103,598

Tohls $ 2,522,732 $ 3,587 ,270 $2,522,732 $3,587,270 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2O

Economic Factors and Next Yeals Budqets and Rates

The Town's elected and appointed officials consider many factors when setting the fiscal year 2020 budget, tax rates, and fees.

When adopting the budget for the 2020-2021 year, the Selectboard considered operational and capital needs of the Town, and the impact of spending on the tax rate.

The Town budgeted no change in fund balance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.

Contactinq the Town's Financial Manaoement

This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, taxpayers, customers, and investors and creditors with a general overview of the Town's finances and to show the Town's accountability for the money it receives. lf you have questions about this report or need additional financíal information, contact the Town Manager at Town of Norwich, Norwich, Vermont, 05043.


Governmental Activities ASSETS Cash $ 2,937,657 Accounts receivable (net of allowance for uncollectible): 19,002 Delinquent taxes receivable 213,486 Penalties receivable 66,721 Grant receivable 24,479 Prepaid expenses 164,730 lnventory 46,601 Capital assets: Land, infrastructure, and other assets not being depreciated 664,699 Buildings and vehicles net of accumulated depreciation 7,005,070 Total Assets 11,142,445

DEFERRED OUÏFLOW OF RESOURCES Deferred Outflows of Resources Related to the Town's participation in VMERS 259,233 Total Deferred Outflows of Resources 259,233

LIABILITIES Account payable 95,312 Accrued payroll and withholdings 57,678 Line of credit Noncurrent liabilities: Compensated absences payable 123,743 Net pension liability 732,989 Bonds and notes payable, due within one year 122,500 Bonds and notes payable, due in more than one year 1,543,500 Total current liabilities 2,675,722

DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Prepaid taxes 47,914 Unavailable grants Deferred amount on pensions 7,519 Total Deferred lnflows of Resources 55,433

NET POSITION Net investment in capital assets 6,003,769 Nonspendable 211,331 Restricted Committed 355,934 Assigned 1,816,018 Unassigned 283,471 Total Net Position $ 8,670,523

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement. 10 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2O

Net (Expenses) Revenue and Revenues Changes in Net Position

Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Expenses Services Conhibutions Contributions Activities Total Functions/Programs: Governmental activities: government General $ 1,499,902 $ 41,665 $ 63,598 $ $ (1,394,63e) $ (1,394,63e) Public safety r,043,5't5 888 432 (1,042,195) (1,042,195) Public Works 2,051,009 148,796 I 56,798 308,281 (1,437,134) (1,437,134) Culture, recreation and community development 688,758 1 92,1 95 3,319 (4s3,244) (493,244) lnterest 62,017 (62,017) (62,017) Total governmental activities $ 5,345,201 $ 383,544 $ 147 $ 308,281 w@

General revenues: Taxes 4,076,499 4,076,499 Permits and licenses 17,611 17,611 lnvestment income 50,949 50,949 Other revenues 315,147 315,147 Total general revenues -4l60-øe- 4,460,206 Change in net position 30,977 30,977

Net Position - July 1, 2019, restated 8,639,546 8,639,546

Net Position - June 30, 2020 $ 8,670,523 $ 8,670,523

ïhe accompanying notes are an integral part ofthis fìnancial statement.


Non-Major Total General Public Safety Fire Apparatus Governmental Governmental Fund Facility Fund Funds Funds ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,937,657 $ $ $ $ 2,937,657 Accounts receivable (net of allowance for uncollectible) 19,002 19,002 Delinquent taxes receivable 213,486 213,486 lnterest and penalties receivaþle 66,721 66,721 Grant receivable 19,032 5,447 24,479

Prepaid expenses 1 62,950 1,780 164,730 lnventory 46,60'1 46,601 Due from other funds 577 ,622 1,588,883 2,1 66,505

Total Assets $ 3,465,449 $ $ 577,622 $ 1,596,110 $ 5,639,181

LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 94,722 $ $ $ $ 94,722 Other payables 590 $ 590 Payroll withholdings and accruals 57,678 57,678 Due to other funds 2,1 66,505 2,1 66,505

Total Liabilities 2,319,495 2,3't9,495

DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Prepaid property taxes 47,914 47,914 Unavailble property taxes, interest and penalties 221,245 221,245 Unavailable fees

Unavailable grants 1 6,1 75 16,175

Total Deferred lnflows of Pesources 285,334 285,334

FUND BALANCES Nonspendable 209,551 1,780 211,331 Restricted Committed 355,934 355,934

Assigned 577,622 1,238,396 1 ,816,018 Unassigned 651,069 651,069

Total Fund Balances 860,620 577,622 1,596,110 3,034,352

Total Liabilities, Fund Balances and Defened lnflows of Resources $ 3,465,449 $ $ 577,622 $ 1,596,110 $ 5,639,181


Total Governmental Funds

Total fund balances $ 3,034,352

Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Position are different because:

Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and therefore are not reported in the funds, net of accumulated depreciation 7,669,769

Other long-term assets are not available to pay for cunentperiod expenditures and therefore are deferred in the funds shown above: Taxes and liens receivable 221,245 Grants receivable 16,175 Defened outflows and inflows of resources are not financial resources and therefore funds 251,714

Long-term liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the funds: Bonds payable (1,666,000) Accrued compensated absences (123,743) Net pension liability (732,989)

Net position of governmental activities $ B,ô70,523


Non-Major Total General Public Safety Fire Apparatus Governmental Governmental Fund Facility Fund Funds Funds Revenues: Taxes $ 4,051,588 $ $ $ $ 4,051,588 lntergovernmental 211,813 178,714 390,527 Grants 2,473,869 2,473,869 Charges for services 383,544 383,544 Permits, licenses and fees 17,611 17,611 lnvestment income 44,262 1,887 4,800 50,949 Donations 15,114 15,114 Miscellaneous revenues 299,923 110 300,033 Total Revenues 7,482,610 1,887 198,738 7,683,235

Expenditures: General government 1,293,555 1,293,555 Public safety 932,988 1,295 20,306 954,589 Public Works 1,583,066 36,803 1,619,869 Culture, recreation and community development 655,481 24,639 680,1 20 Health and welfare Capital outlay: General government 1,780 1,780 Public Safety 11,966 11,966 Public Works 203,057 203,057 Debt service: Principal 1,474,500 1,474,500 lnterest 62,017 62,017 Total Expenditures 6,003,387 1,295 296,771 6,301,453

Excessi(Deficiency) of Revenues Other Expenditures 1,479,223 s92 (98,033) 1,381/82

Other Financing Sources: lssuance of debt 107,216 132,784 240,000 Transfers in 30,000 269,299 299,299 Transfers out (299,299) (299,299) Total Other Financing Sources (299,299) 107,216 30,000 402,083 240,000

Net Change in Fund Balances 1,179,924 107,216 30,592 304,050 1,621,782

Fund Balances - July 1, 2019, restated (319,304) (107,216\ 547,030 1,292,060 1,412,s70

Fund Balances - June 30, 2020 $ 860,620 $ $ 577,622 $ 1,596,110 $ 3,034,352



Net - governmental change in the fund balances total funds ( Statement E ) $ 1,621,782

Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Activities (Statement B) are different because:

Governmentalfunds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the statement of activities, the cost of those assets ($216,803) is allocated over their estimated useful lives and reported depreciation expense ($548,858). This is the amount by which depreciation exceeded outlays in the current period, less trade. (336,255)

The issuance of long-term debt ($240,000)(e.9., bonds, leases) provides current financial resources to governmental funds, while the repayment of the principal of long{erm debt ($1 ,474,500) consumes the current financial resources of govemmental funds. Neither transaction, however, has any effect on net position. This

amount is the net effect of these differences in the treatment of long-term debt items. 1 ,234,500

Revenues in the statement of activities that do not provide current financial resources are report as revenues in the funds. Deferred property taxes 24,911 Defened grant revenue (2,331,968)

Some expenses reported in the Statement of Activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in the govemmental funds: Accrued compensated absences (20,145) Pension expense as a result of GASB 68 (161 ,848)

position governmental Change in net of activities ( Statement B ) $ 30,977

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement. 15 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT EXHIBIT G FIDUCIARY NET POSITION JUNE 30, 2O2O

Cemetery Trust Funds Total ASSETS Cash $ 50,016 $ 200 $ 50,216 lnvestments 18,282 194,273 212,555

Total assets $ 68,298 $ 194,473 $ 262,771

LIABILIÏIES Accounts payable $ 7,084 $ $ 7,084 Due to other funds 61,214 194,473 255,687

Total liabilities 68,298 194,473 262,771


Total fund balances

Total liabilities and fund balances $ 68,298 $ 194,473 $ 262,771

The accompanying notes are an integral part ofthis fìnancial statement. 16 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 2O2O

The Town of Norwich, Vermont (the Towt), is organized according to Vermont State Law and Town Charter, under the governance of a five-member Selectboard to provide the following services for the Town of Norwich: public health and safety, highways and streets, culture and recreation, public improvements, planning and zoning, and general administration. lncluded in public health and safety are police and fire services.


The Town's financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is primarily responsible for establishing GAAP for state and local governments through its pronouncements (including Statements and lnterpretations). The more significant accounting policies established in GAAP and used by the Town are discussed below.

Reportino Entity

This report includes all of the activity of the Town of Norwich, Vermont. The financial reporting entity consists of the primary government; organizations for wtrich the primary government is financially accountable; and other organizations for which the nature and significance of their relationship with the primary government are such that their exclusion would cause the reporting entity's financial statements to be misleading or incomplete. Component units are legally separate organizations for r¡vhich the elected officials of the primary government are financially accountable. The primary government is financially accountable if it appoints a voting majority of the organization's governing body and it is able to impose its will on that organization or there is a potential for the organization to provide specific financial benefits to or impose specific financial burdens on the primary government. The primary government is financially accountable if an organization is fiscally dependent on and there is a potential for the organization to provide specific financial benefits to, or impose specific financial burdens on the primary government regardless of whether the organization has a separately elected goveming board; a governing board appointed by a higher level of government; or a jointly appointed board. Based on these criteria, there are no other entities that should be combined with the financial statements of the Town.

Basic Financial Statements

G ov e r n m e nt-W id e Sfafernenfs

The Town's basic financial statements include both government-wide (reporting the Town as a whole) and fund financial statements (reporting the Town's major funds). Both the govemment-wide and fund financial statements categorize primary activities as either governmental or business-type. The Town has no activities classified as business-type. All funds are governmental-type activities. ln the government-wide Statement of Net Position, columns are presented on a consolidated basis by column and are reported on the full accrual, economic resources basis, which recognizes all long-term assets and receivables as well as long{erm debt and obligations. The Town's net position is reported in three parts - net investment in capital assets, restricted net position and unreshicted net position. The Town first utilizes restricted resources to fìnance qualifying activities for which both restricted and unrestricted resources are available.

The govemment-wide Statement of Activities reports both the gross and net cost of each of the Town's govemmental functions. The functions are also supported by general government revenue (property taxes, certain intergovernmental revenues, and charges, etc.). The Statement of Activities reduces gross expenses (including depreciation) by related program revenue, including operating and capital grants. Program revenues must be directly associated with the govemmental function (public safety, highways, and streets, etc.). Operating grants include operating-specific and discretionary (either operating or capital) grants while the capital grants column reflects capital-specific grants.



Basic Financial Statements (continued)

Government-Wide Sfafemenfs (continued)

The net costs (by governmental function) are normally covered by general revenues (property taxes, intergovernmental revenue, interest income, etc.).

This government-wide focus is more on the sustainability of the Town as an entity and the change in the Town's net position resulting from the current year's activities.

F u nd F i n anci al Sfafemenfs

The financial transactions of the Town are reported in individual funds in the fund financial statements. Each fund is accounted for by providing a separate set of selÊbalancing accounts that comprises its assets, liabilities, defened inflows and outflows, fund equity, revenues, and expenditures/expenses. The various funds are reported by major fund within the financial statements.

The emphasis in fund financial statements is on the major funds. GASB No. 34 sets forth minimum critena (percentage of assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenses/expenditures of the govemmental funds) for the determination of major funds. The General Fund, the Public Safety Facilities Fund, the Fire Apparatus Fund, and the Permanent Fund are shown as major funds. All other funds are non-major and are combined in a single column in each of the respective fund financial statements.

Measurement Focus

The accounting and financial reporting applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. Governmentwide and proprietary fund financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus. This means that all assets, liabilities and defened inflows and outflows associated with the operation of these funds (whether cunent or noncurrent) are included on the balance sheet (or statement of net position). Fund equity (i.e. net total position) is segregated into net investment in capital assets, restricted net position, and unrestricted net position. Operating statements present increases (i.e., revenues) and decreases (i.e., expenses) in net position.

Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the cunent financial resources measurement focus. This means that only current assets, current liabilities and deferred inflows and outflows are generally reported on their balance sheets. Their reported fund balances (net cunent assets - are considered a measure of available spendable resources and are segregated into nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned and unassigned. Operating statements of these funds' present increases (i.e., revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (i.e., expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. Accordingly, they are said to present a summary of sources and uses of available spendable resources during a period.

Basis of Accountinq

Basis of accounting refers to the point at which revenues or expenditures/expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. lt relates to the timing of the measurements made regardless of the measurement focus applied.

Accrual Basis of Accounting

The governmentwide and proprietary fund financial statements are reported using the accrual basis of accounting. Revenues are recorded when earned and expenses are recorded at the time the liabilities are incurred, regardless of when the related cash flow takes place. Non-exchange transactions, in which the Town gives (or receives) value without directly receiving (or giving) equal value in exchange, include property taxes, grants, entitlements, and donations. On the accrual basis, revenue from property taxes is recognized in the fiscal year lor which the taxes are levied. Revenue from grants, entitlements, and donations is recognized in the fiscal year in which all eligibility requirements have been satisfied.


Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting

Governmental funds are reported using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this method, revenues are recognized when measurable and available. "Measurable" means the amount of the transaction can be determined, and "available" means the amount is collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. The Town considers all revenues reported in governmental funds to be available if the revenues are collected within sixty days after year-end. Expenditures are recorded when the related fund liability is incurred, except for principal and interest on general long{erm debt, certain compensated absences and other long-term liabilities which are recognized when the obligations are expected to be liquidated or are funded with expendable available financial resources.

General capital asset acquisitions are reported as expenditures in governmental funds. Proceeds of general long{erm debt and acquisitions under capital leases are reported as other financing sources.

Under the terms of grant agreements, the Town funds certain programs by a combination of specific cost-reimbursement grants and general revenues. Thus, when program expenses are incurred, there are both restricted and unrestricted net position available to finance the program. lt is the Town's policy to first apply cost-roimburscmont grant resources to such programs, followed by general revenues. Expenditure driven grants are recognized as revenue when the qualifying expenditures have been incurred and other grant requirements have been met.

Cash and Cash Equivalents

The Town has defined cash and cash equivalents to include cash on hand, demand deposits, and cash with fiscal agents

Budqetary Accountinq

The Town approves an expenditure budget plus state and federal grants and gifts for the General Fund at an annual Town Meeting. The Selectboard, based on the budget and Grand List, determines the tax rate, lfthe expenditures exceed the budget vote, approval is required. Formal budgetary accounting is employed as a management control device during the year for the General Fund. The budget for the General Fund is adopted on a basis consistent with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Capital assets purchased or acquired with an original cost of $5,000 or more, depending on asset type, are reported at historical cost, or estimated historical cost. Contributed assets are reported at fair value as of the date received. Additions, improvements, and other capital outlays that significantly extend the useful life of an asset are capitalized. Other costs incurred for repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. Depreciation on all assets is provided on the straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives:

Buildings and Building lmprovements 10 - 50 years Equipment, Vehicles and Machinery 5 -20 years lnfrastructure 8-20 years

GASB No. 34 requires the Town to report and depreciate new general infrastructure assets starting July 1 , 2003. The Town has elected not to record infrastructure prior to this date. General infrastructure assets include roads and bridges.

Accrued Compensated Absences

Government-Wide Financial Statements

All vested or accumulated vacation leave is reported as a liability and an expense on the government-wide financial statements. Sick days are not accrued since they are not paid when the employee terminates employment.



F und Fin ancial Sfafemenfs

Amounts of vested or accumulated vacation leave that are not expected to be liquidated with expendable available financial resources are not reported as a liability in the fund financial statements and no expenditure is reported for these amounts until paid. Unused sick days may be accumulated to use in the following year, but sick days are not accrued since they are not paid when the employee terminates employment.

Net Position

Net position represents the difference between assets, deferred outflows of resources, deferred inflows of resources and liabilities in the statement of net position. Net resources invested in capital assets are reduced by the outstanding balances of any borrowing used for the acquisition, construction, or improvement of those assets. Net position is reported as restricted when there are legal limitations imposed by its use by Town legislation or external restrictions by creditors, grantors, laws, or regulations of other governments.

Fund Balances

The Town classifies its fund balances depicting the relative strength of the constraints that might control how specific amounts can be spent:

Nonspendable fund balance includes amounts that are not in a spendable form (inventory, for example) or are required to be maintained intact (the principal of an endowment fund, for example).

Restricted fund balance includes amounts that can be spent only for the specific purposes stipulated by external resource providers (for example, grant providers), constitutionally, or through enabling legislation (that is, legislation that creates a new revenue source and restricts its use such as impact fees).

Committed Íund balance includes amounts that can be used only for the specific purposes determined by a formal action of the government's highest level of decision-making authority, the Town voters, in this case. Commitments may be changed or lifted only by the government taking the same formal action that imposed the constraint originally.

Assþned fund balance comprises amounts intended to be used by the government for specific purposes. lntent can be expressed by the Town Selectboard or by an official or body to which the Selectboard delegates the authority.

Unassþned fund balance is the residual classification for the General Fund and includes all amounts not contained in the other classiflcations. Unassigned amounts are technically available for any purpose. lf another governmental fund has a fund balance deficit, then it will be reported as a negative amount in the unassigned classification in that fund, Positive unassigned amounts will be reported only in the General Fund.

Nonsnendable and Restricted funds are so designated by extemal funds sources, such as in the case of the nonspendable Cemetery Trust Fund corpus, and also by the defìnitions of "nonspendable" contained in GASB Statement No. 54. Fund balances that are commifted and assigned are so designated by action of the voters or the Selectboard, respectively. Special revenue funds are by definition, created only to report a revenue source that is restricted or committed. ln circumstances when an expenditure is made for a purpose forwhich amounts are available in multiple fund balance classifications, the Town's policy is to consider the most constrained fund balances to be expended first.

Excess of Expenditures Over Aoprooriations

For the year ended June 30,2020, the Town expended $1,594,668 more than appropriated in the General Fund. These excess expenditures were largely due to the $1,400,000 repayment of the line of credit used to fund the town's storm and flooding disaster. These excess expenditures were offset by earned revenue over budgeted revenue of$2,774,592.




lnvestments are stated at fair value, (quoted market price, or the best available estimate)

lnterfund Balances

Transactions between funds that are representative of lending/bonowing arrangements that are outstanding at the end of the fiscal year are refened to as "advances to/from otherfunds". All other outstanding balances between funds are reported as "due to/from other funds". Any residual balances outstanding for the governmental activities are reported in the government-wide financial statements as "internal balances".

Defened Outflows of Resources

ln addition to assets, the statement of fìnancial position will sometimes report a separate section for deferred outflows of resources. This separate financial statement element, "deferred outflows of resources", represents a consumption of net position that applies to a future period(s) and so will not be recognized as an outflow of resources (expense/expenditures) until then. The Town has one type which arises under the accrual basis of accounting that qualifìes for reporting in this category. The governmental activities, and the proprietary funds report deferred outflows of resources from one source; deferred outflows related to the Town's participation in the Vermont Employees Retirement System. These amounts are deferred and recognized as an outflow of resources in the future periods to which the outflows are related.

Defened lnflows of Resources ln addition to liabilities, the statement of financial position will sometimes report a separate section for deferred inflows of resources. This separate financial statement element, "deferred inflows of resources", represents an acquisition of net position that applies to a future period(s) and so will not be recognized as an inflowof resources (revenue) untilthat time. The Town has three types of items wttich arise under the modified accrual basis of accounting and two types which arise under the accrual basis of accounting that qualify for reporting in this category. The statement of net position reports deferred inflows of resources from two sources; prepaid property taxes and deferred inflows related to the Town's participation in the Vermont Employees Retirement System. The governmental funds balance sheet reports defened inflows of resources from three sources: prepaid property taxes, unavailable property taxes, penalties and interest and unavailable receivables. The proprietary funds report defened inflows of resources from one source; deferred inflows related to the Town's participation in the Vermont Employees Retirement System. These amounts are defened and recognized as an inflow of resources in the future periods to wtrich the inflows are related or when the amounts become available.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates.

New Pronouncement - Pension Plans

Effective June 30,2015, the Town implemented GASB Statement No.68, "Financial Reporting for Pension Plans" - an amendment of GASB Statement No. 27. GASB Statement No. 68 requires the reporting of the proportionate share of the net pension liability related to the Town's participation in the Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System (VMERS) as well as additional disclosures and required supplemental information.



Govemmental Fund financial statements are preænted using the cunent financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting, while govemmenlwide financial statements are presented using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting. These differences in the measurement focus and basis of accounting lead to differences between the governmental fund financial statements and the govemment-wide financialstatemenb, as follov'¿s:

Long-term revenue differences arise because govemmental funds report revenues only when they are ænsidered "available", whereas govemment-wide statements report revenues when they are earned. Long{erm expense differences arise because governmental funds report operating expenses (including interest) using the modified accrual basis of accounting, whereas government-wide statements report expenses using the accrual basis of accounüng.

Capital-related differences arise because govemmental funds report capital ouUays as cunent period expenditures, whereas govemment-wide statements report depreciation expense as an expense. Further, governmental funds report the proceeds for he sale of capital assets as revenue, whereas govemment-wide statements report the gain or loss fom he sale of capital assets as revenue 0r expense.

Long-term debf fansac{ion differences arise because govemmental funds report bond proceeds as other financing sources and principal payments as expenditures, whereas govemment-wide statements report those transactions as inqeases and decreases in liabilities.



A detailed explanation of he differences beMeen golremmental funds balanæ sheet and govemmentwide statement of net position is as blloun:

Tobl Long-brm Capibl- Long-brm Sbbmentof Governmenbl Revenues/ Relabd Debt Elimination of Net Posilion Funds Expenses Items Transaclions Due To/From Tohl ASSETS Cash $ 2,937,657 $ $ $ $ $ 2,937,657 lnvesfnenb Reæivable (net of alloì¡Énce br

uncolleclible accounb) : 19,002 19,002 Taxes receivable 213,486 213,486 ¡nþrest and penallies 66,721 66,721 Grant rece¡vable 24,479 24,479

Prepaid expenses 1 64,730 164,730 lnvenbry 46,601 46,601 Due from oher funds 2,1 66,505 (2,16ô,505) Capiblasseb 7,669,769 7,669,769 Tohl asseb 5,639,181 7,669,769 (2,166,505) 11,142,445


LIABILITIES Accounb payable 94,722 94,722 Accrued oxponsoo 590 590 Accrued payroll and vúhholdings 57,678 123,743 181,421 Line ofcredit Net pension l¡ability 732,989 Non-curreni obligations 1,666,00; , ååå,3å3 Due from oher funds 2,166,505 (2,1 66,505) Tobl Liabilities 2,319,495 856,732 1,666,000 (2,166,505) 2,675,722

DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Prepaid bxes 47,914 47,914 Unavailable property bxes 221,245 (221,245) Pension 7,519 7,5'19 Unavailable fees Unavailable granb 16,175 (16,175) Tobl DeÊrred lnfoue of Resources 285,334 (229,901) 55,433

NET ASSEÏS lnvesbd in cap¡bl asseb 7,669,769 (1,666,000) 6,003,769 Nonspendable 211,331 211,331 Resticbd Commiüed 355,934 355,934 Assigned I,B1ô,018 1 ,816,018 Unresficbd 651,069 (3ô7,598) 283,471 Tobl NetAsseb _$__ilqnq?_ _!__l!92¡9q_ _$_¿99919e _!_lt 9!9!99I _!______$ 8,670,523



A detailed eplanation of he differenæs betrrveen govemmentalfunds stabmentof revenues, expendihrres and dranges in fund balanæs and govemment-wide statement of ac{ivities is æ folloun:

Tobl Long-brm Capihl- Long-brm SÞÞment of Governmenhl Revenues/ Relaþd Debt NetAsseb Funds Expenses lþms Transactons Tobl REVENUES Taxes $ 4,05'1,588 $ 24,911 $ $ $ 4,076,499 lnbrgovernmenbl 390,527 390,527 Granb 2,473,869 (2,331,968) 141,901 Charges for cunent services 383,544 383,544 Permib and licenses 17,611 17,611 lnbrest 50,949 50,949 Donations 't5,114 15,114 Oher revenues 300,033 300,033 Tobl Revenues ---7ñ}Ftr (2,307,0s7) 5,376,178

EXPENDTTURES Cunent expendifures General government 1,293,555 181,993 24,354 1,499,902 Public safety 954,589 88,926 1,043,s15 Public uorks I ,6r 9,869 431,140 2,051,009 Culfure, recreation and community development 680,120 8,638 688,758 Capihl ouüay: General government 1,780 (1,780)

Public sabty 1 1,966 ( 1 1,966) Public r¡rcrks 203,057 (203,057) Debtserviæs: Principal 1,474,500 (1,474,500) lnþrest 62,017 62,017 ----6.30l/-æ Tobl expendifures 181,993 336,255 (1,474,500) --- 5J4-520-ì-

Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) 1,381,782 (2,489,0s0) (336,255) 1,474,500 30,977 Expendifures oTHER FTNANCTNG SoURCES (USES) lssuanæ ofdebt 240,000 (240,000) Transfers in 299,299 299,299 Transbrs out (299,299) (299,299)

ToÞl Oher Financing Sources (Uses) 240,000 (240,000)

NetChange in Fund Balances $ 1,621,782 _!_g¡qg&q_ _$__19!9155)_ $ 1,234,500 $ 30,977


At June 30, 2019, the carrying amount of the Town's deposits with financial institutions was $2,937,657. Of the funds on deposit, $250,000 was covered by the Federal Deposit lnsurance Corporation (FDIC), and was collateralized. The Town has a collateralization agreement with Mascoma Bank, of which the remainder is collateralized to the extent its deposits exceed FDIC insurance limits.

The cash deposits held at financial institutions and cash on hand can be categorized according to four levels of risk:

Category 1 - Deposits which are insured or collateralized with securities held by the Town or by its agent in the Town's name (repurchase agreements).

Category 2 - Deposits which are collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's trust department or agent in the Town's name.

Category 3 - Private commercial insurance protection or letters of credit for funds in excess of FDIC limits.

Category 4 - Deposits which are not collateralized or insured (includes cash on hand).

Balances held in each area are as follows:

Book Bank Balance Balance

lnsured by FDIC $ 250,000 $ 250,000 Cabgory 3 $ 2,687,657 $ 2,811,915

TotalDeposib $2,937,6s7 $3,061,915

The difference between the book balance and bank balance is due to reconciling items such as deposits in transit and outstanding checks. Due to higher cash flows at certain times during the year, the amount of uninsured, and not collateralized cash could have been much higher than at year end.

Balances in excess of FDIC insurance limits are collateralized by Mascoma Savings Bank Public Unit Deposit lrrevocable Stand- by Letter of Credit #377075 to a maximum of $8,000,000.

None of the Town's cash deposits at year end are subject to credit risk, concentration of credit risk, interest rate risk, or foreign currency risk. The Town does not have policies regarding custodial credit risk, credit risk, concentration of credit risk, interest risk, or foreign currency risk.

GASB Statement No. 40 requires the Town's investments be categorized indicating the level of risk assumed by the Town at year end. Category 1 includes investments that are insured or registered or securities that are held by the Town or its agent in the Town's name. Category 2 includes uninsured and unregistered investments which are held by a trust department or agent in the Town's name. At June 30, 2020, all the Town's investments were in Category 3.



Capital asset activity of the Town for the year ended June 30, 2020, is as follows:

Balance Balance Golernmental Activities June 30,2019 Additions Deletions June 30, 2020 Capital asseß, not being depreciated:

Land 653,559 -$ $ 653,559 M 11J40 11,140 Capital asseb being depreciated:

Bu i ld i n gs/i m prolem enß 3,939,964 3,939,964 Vehicles 1,816,682 1,8'16,682 Equipment 1,126,283 13,746 (126,134) 1,013,895 Mobile equipment 't ,184,485 1,184,485 lnfrasfucture 6,144,002 203,057 6,347,059

Total capibl asseß, being depreciated 14,211,416 2r 6,803 (126,134) 14,302,085

Less Accum ulated Depreciation

Build i n gs/i m prolem enb 1,078,063 61,2ô3 1,139,326

Vehicles 1,003,767 105,987 1 ,109,754 Equipment 533,781 33,368 567,149 Mobile equipment 519,257 44458 563,7'15 lnfrasfucture 3,735,223 303,782 (121,934\ 3,917,071

T otal Accum ulated Depreciation 6,870,091 548,858 (121,s34) 7,297,015

NetAsseb $ 8,006,024 $ (332,055) $ (4,200) $ 7,66e,76e

Deprecialion expense was charged to gowmmental functions as follows:

General goremment $ 24,354 Public works 431,140 Public safety 84,726 Recreation 8,638

$ 548,858



lnterfund balances at June 30, 2020 are as follows:

Receivables Payables Generalfund $ $ 2,166,596 Public Safety Facility Fire Apparafus 577,622 Special Revenue 368,335 Capibl Project 1,232,949 Permanent Funds Tohl $ 2,178,906 $ 2,166,596 Operatin g I nArtu n d T ran sf ers

The Town occasionally transfers funds to cover expenditures made in one fund for which the revenues are in another fund. lnterfund transfers during the year ending June 30, 2020 are detailed below.

Transfurs in Fire Special Capital Permanent Total Transfers out General Fund -5--30"0-õõ-$ 30,000 $ 28,189 $ 241,110 $ $ 299,299 Tohl $ 28,189 $ 241j10 $ $ 299,299


Deferred outflows of resources in the Governmental Activities consists of $259,233 of required employer pension contributions made subsequent to the measurement date, as further described in Note 9.


Deferred inflows of resources in the Governmental Activities (Exhibit A) consists of $47,914 from prepaid property taxes and $7,519 resulting from the difference between the projected and actual investment earnings related to the Town's participation in the Vermont Municipal Employee's Retirement System (VMERS), as further described in Note 9. Total deferred inflows of resources in the GovernmentalActivities is $55,433.

Deferred inflows of resources in the General Fund (Exhibit C) consists of $47,914 of prepaid propefi taxes, $221,245 of delinquent property taxes (including penalties and interest on those taxes) that were not collected within sixty (60) days after year-end as these would not be available to liquidate current liabilities, and $16,175 in deferred grants receivable. Total deferred inflows of resources in the General Fund $285,334.



The following is a summary of long{erm liabilities for the year ended June 30, 2020:

Balanæ Balanæ Due Whin June 30,2019 Addilions Reduclions June 30, 2020 One Year

GovernnEnbl Adivilies

Bonds and noÞs payable 2013 Bond $ 137,500 $ $ 27,500 $ 110,000 $ 27,500 201 7 Bond 1,363,000 47,000 1,316,000 47,000 Nob payable 240,000 - 240,000 48,000 Line of Credit 1,400,000 1,400,000 2,900,500 240,000 1,474,500 I,666,000 122,500

Accrued ænpensabd absenæs 103,598 20,145 123,743 Netpension liabiliv 583,172 149,817 732,989

GovernnEnt aclivites long-brm debt $ 2,130,329 $ 409,962 $ 1,474,500 g 2,522,732 $ 122,500

Detail of the long-term liabilities are as follows:

$275,000 - General obligation bond payable, due in annual installmenb of $27,500 through Nolember, 2023, including rariable interest c urrenny a12.823o/o. $ 1 10,000

$1 ,410,000 - General obligation bond payable, due in annual installmenß of $47,000 through Nolember,

2047, including wriable interestcunentlyat3.99%. $ 1 ,316,000

$240,000 - Note papble, Mascoma Bank, dated June 26,2019. Fiw annual installmenb of

$48,000, bearing interest at 2.95o/o, maturing Argust,2024. Release offunds in 2020 Budget. $ 240,000 J 1,-666p00

Long-term debt will mature approximately as follows:

Years endinq Principal Interest Total

June 30,2021 122,500 58,734 181,234

June30,2022 122,500 54,531 177,031

June 30,2023 122,500 51,161 173,661

June 30,2024 122,500 47,608 1 70,1 08 June 30, 2025-2029 283,000 22,353 305,353 June 30,2030-2034 235,000 132,945 367,945

T herafler 658,000 340,892 998,892 Total $ 1,666,000 $ 708,225 $ 2,374,225



The fund balances/net position of the Town are categorized as follows

Tobl Fund Nonspendable Resficþd ComnÍbd Assigned Unassigned Balances

General Fund $ 209,551 $ 651,069 $ 860,ô20

Public SaÞty Facilities Fund

Fire Apparatus Fund 577,622 577,622

Special Revenues Fund Conærvalion CoÍmission Fund 133,612 133,612 Recrealion Facility Fund 65,751 ô5,751 Afurdable Housing Fund 46,299 46,299 Land Managenent Council Fund 9,126 9,126 Citizen Asisbnce Fund 7,492 7,492 Recreation Scholarships Fund 5,051 5,051 Cæneral Adminisfaton Fund 1,780 33,0s5 34,835 Town ReappÍaisal Fund 28,149 28,149 Graniþ Bench Fund 1,528 Reærds Resbralion Fund 25,871 25,871 Tohl Special PÍojecb Fund 780 355,934 357,714

Capibl Proþcb Fund Highway Equipnent Fund 188,641 188,641 H¡ghway Garage Fund 52,247 52,247 Solid Wasb EquipÍ€nt Fund 34,048 34,048 Police Sbton Fund 10,668 10,668 Polkæ Cruiær Fund 91,032 9,1,032 Tracy Hall Fund 65,945 65,945 Recrealion Fund 1,298 1,298 Recrealion Tennis Court Fund 8,310 8,310 Police Spec Equipnent Fund 5,499 5,499 Fire Sblion Fund 231 231 Fhe Equipnent Fund 105,822 105,822 Sidewalk Fund 80,86s 80,8ô5 Long-brm Facility Study Fund 547 547 DPWBridge Fund 338,242 338,242 DPW Paving Fund 172,900 172,500 Buildings and Grounds Fund 33,720 33,720 Cænerabr Fund 48,381 48,381 Tobl Capibl Proþcb Fund 1,238,396 1,238,39ô

Tobl Fund Balances -$---¿lLg!l- -$------:- -9---q!q9!L -S--El-qg-q- -$---991,q99- -$--l!91,352-


The Town participates in a number of federally assisted and state grant programs that are subject to audits by the grantors or their representatives. The audits of these programs for or including the year ended June 30, 2020 have not yet been reviewed by the grantor agencies. Accordingly, compliance with applicable grant requirements will be established at some future date. The amount, if any, of expenditures which may be disallowed by the granting agencies cannot be determined at this time, although the Town expects such amounts, if any, to be immaterial.


Property taxes are assessed based on valuations as of April 1 , annually. Property taxes are due in two installments on August and February. All late payments are subject to an 8% penal$ and interest is calculated al1 1120/o per month. Payments received after February 'l5th are assessed an 8% penalty. All other late payments are assessed 1% per month for three months and '1.5% per month thereafter.

Town property tax revenue is recognized in the General Fund for the period for which the tax is levied to the extent they result in current receivables, which will be collected within 60 days of the fiscal year end. The tax rates for fiscal year 201912020 were as follows:

Non- Homestead Residential Homestead educaton tax $ 1.8068 $ Non-residential educalion tax 1.6250 Municipal 0.5066 0.5066 Voted Exempt 0.0024 0.0024 County Tax 0.0075 0.0075 Tobl $ 2.3233 $ 2.1415


Defined BenefÌt Plan

Plan Desciption

The Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System (VMERS) is a costsharing, multiple-employer defìned benefit pension plan that is administered by the State Treasurer and its Board of Trustees. lt is designed for municipal and school dishict employees that work on a regular basis and includes employees of museums and libraries if at least half of that institution's operating expenses are met by municipal funds. An employee of any employer that becomes affiliated with the system may join at that time or at any time thereafter. Any employee hired subsequent to the effective participation date of their employer who meets the minimum hourly requirements is required to join the system. During the year ended June 30, 2019, the retirement system consistedoÍ 423 participating employers. The plan was established effective July 1, 1975, and is governed by Title 24, V.S.A. Chapter 125.

The general administration and responsibility for formulating administrative policy and procedures of the retirement system for its members and their beneficiaries is vested in the Board of Trustees consisting of five members, They are the State Treasurer, two employee representatives elected by the membership of the system, and two employer representatives-one elected by the governing bodies of participating employers of the system, and one selected by the Governor from a list of four nominees. The list of four nominees is jointly submifted by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns and the Vermont School Boards Association.

All assets are held in a single trust and are available to pay retirement benefits to all members, Benefits available to each group are based on average final compensation (AFC) and years of creditable service.

Pension Liabilities, Pension Exoense, and Defened Outflows of Resources and Deferred lnflows of Resources

As of June 30, 2019, the measurement date selected by the State of Vermont, VMERS was funded at 80.35% and had a plan fiduciary net position of $709,465,831 and a total pension liability of $882,957,638 resulting in a net pension liability of $173,491,807. AsofJune30,2019,theTown'sproportionateshareofthiswas0.422490/oresultinginaliabilityof$732,989.

The net pension liability was measured as of June 30, 2019, and the total pension liability used to calculate the net pension liability was determined by an actuarial valuation as of that date. The Town's proportion of the net pension liability was based on a projection of the Town's long{erm share of contributions to the pension plan relative to the projected contributions of all


NOTE l2 - PENSION PLANS (Continued)

participating entities actuarially determined. As of June 30, 2019, the Town's proportion oÍ 0.42249% was an increase of 0.00789% Írom its proportion measured as of June 30, 2018.

Forthe year ended June 30,2020, the Town recognized pension expense of$161,848.

As of June 30,2020, the Town reported deferred outflows of resources and defened inflows of resources from the following sources:

DeÉned Deêrred Ouffow of lnfow of

Difrrence betreen expecbd and acfual experience $ 94,966 $ 0,¡S0

Changes in assumptons 24,473

Dfürence bet¡veen projecbd and actlal earnings on pension plan investrnnb 49,925

Changes in proporlional share ofconfibutons

Dfürence betveen he employer confibutons and proporlionab share of bbl mnf ibulions 14,984 1,183

Town's required employer contibulions nnde subsequent b he npasurernentdab 74,885

$ 259,233 $ 7,519

The deferred outflows of resources resulting from the Town's required employer contributions made subsequent to the measurement date in the amount of $74,885 will be recognized as a reduction of the net pension liability in the year ended June 30,2020. Other amounts reported as defened outflows of resources and defened inflows of resources will be recognized in pension expense as follows:

Year end June 30 Liability

2020 $ 69,017 2021 38,597 2022 43,204 2023 26,010 Thereafur $ 176,828


NOTE l2 - PENSION PLANS (Continued)

Summarv of Svstem Provisions

Membership: Full time employees of participating municipalities. The Town elected coverage under Groups B and C.

Creditable Seryrbe: Service as a member plus purchased service.

Average Final Compensation (AFC) : Group B and C - Average annual compensation during highest 3 consecutive years.

Seruice Retkement Allowan ce : Eligibility: Group B - The earlier of age 62 with 5 years of service or age 55 with thirty 30 years of service. Group C - Age 55 with 5 years of service.

Amount: Group B - 1.7o/o oÍ AFC times service as a Group B member plus percentage earned as a Group A member times AFC. Group C - 2.5% of AFC times service as a Group C member plus percentage eamed as a Group A or B member times AFC.

Maximum benefit is 60% of AFC for Group B and 50% of AFC for Group C, The above amounts include the portion of the allowance provided by member contributions.

Early Retirement Allowance : Eligibility: Age 55 with 5 years of service for Group B

Amount: Normal allowance based on service and AFC at early retirement, reduced by 6% for each year commencement precedes normal retirement age for Group B members.

Vested Retirement Allowance : Eligibility: 5 years of service.

Amount: Allowance beginning at normal retirement age based on AFC and service at termination. The AFC is to be adjusted annually by one-half of the percentage change in the Consumer Price lndex, subject to the limits on "Post- Retirement Adjustments" described below.

D isa b il ity Reti re me nt AI lowan ce : Eligibility: 5 years of service and disability as determined by Retirement Board

Amount: lmmediate allowance based on AFC and service to date of disability

Death Benefit: Eligibility: Death after 5 years of service

Amounl For Groups B and C, reduced early retirement allowance under 100% survivor option commencing immediately or, if greater, survivor(s) benefit under disability annuity computed as of date of death.

OptionalBenefit and Death after Retirement: For Groups A, B and C, lifetime allowance or actuarially equivalent 50% or 100% joint and survivor allowance with refund of contribution guarantee.


NOTE 12 - PENSION PLANS (Continued)

Refund of Contribution : Upon termination, if the member so elects or if no other benefit is payable, the member's accumulated contributions are refunded.

P ost- Reti re me nt Adjustme nts : Allowance in payment for at least one year increased on each January 1 by one-half of the percentage increase in Consumer Price lndex but not more than 3% Groups B and C.

Member Contibutions: Group B - 5.125To Group C - 10.250T0

E m ploye r Co ntrib ution s: Group B - 5.750Yo Group C -7.500Yo

Retirement Stipend: $25 per month payable at the option of the Board of Retirees.

Sionificant Actuarial Assumptions and Methods lnvestment rate of return: 7 .50/o, net of pension plan investment expenses, including inflation.

Salary increases: 5% per year


Death in Active Service: Group B and C - 98% of RP-2014 blended 60% Blue Collar Employee, 400/o Healthy Employee with generational projection using Scale SSA-2017.

Healthy Post-retirement: Group B and C - 98% of RP-2014 blended 60% Blue Collar Annuitant, 40% Healthy Annuitant with generational p$ection using Scale SSA-2017.

Disability Poslretirement: All Groups - RP-2014 Disabled Mofality Table with generational projection using Scale ssA-2017.

Spouse's Age: - Females three years younger than males.

Coslof-Living Adjustments: Assumed to occur on January 1 following one year of retirement at the rate of 1.30/o per annum for Groups B and C members. (beginning at Normal Retirement eligibility age for members who elect reduced early retirement, at age 62 for members of Group B, who receive a disability retirement benefit and at age 55 for members of Group C who receive a disability retirement benefit.). The January 1, 2019 is assumed to be 0.75% for all groups.

Actuarial Cost Method - Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method. Entry Age is the age at date of employment or, if date is unknown, current age minus years of service. Normal Cost and Actuarial Accrued Liability are calculated on an individual basis and are allocated by salary, with Normal Cost determined using the plan of benefits applicable to each participant.

Asset Valuation Method - A smoothing method is used, under which the value of assets for actuarial purposes equals market value less a five-year phase-in of the differences between actual and assumed investment return. The value of assets for actuarial purposes may not differ from market value of assets by more than 20%.


NOTE 12 - PENSION PLANS (Continued)

lnflation: 2.5%

Long{erm Expected Rate of Return: The long{erm expected rate of return on pension plan investments was determined using building-block method in which bestestimate ranges of expected future real rates of retum (expected returns, net of pension plan investment expense and inflation) are developed for each major asset class. These ranges are combined to produce the long{erm expected rate of return by weighting the expected future real rates of retum by the target asset allocation percentage and by adding expected inflation. Best estimates of arithmetic real rates of retum for each major asset class included in the pension plan's target asset allocation as of June 30, 2019, is summarized in the following table. Long-Term Target Expected Real Asset Class Allocalion Rab of Return

GlobalEquity 29.000/o 6.90% US Equity-Large Cap 4.00T0 5.94o/o US Equity - Small/M id Cap 3.00% 6.720/o

Non-US Equity-Large Cap 5.00%o 6.810/o Non-US Equity-Sm all Cab 2.00Yo 7.310/o Emering Market Debt 4.00Yo 4.260/o Core Bond 14% 1.79o/o Non-Core Bonds 6.0070 3.220/0 Short Quality Credit 5.00% 1.81V0 Privab Credit 5.00% 6.00% US TIPS 3.00% 1.450/o Core Real Estab 5.00% 4.260/o Non-Core Real Eshte 3.00% 5.760/o Private Equity 10.00% 10.810/o lnfasfucfure/Farm land 2.000/o 4.890/o 100.00%

Discount Rate - The discount rate used to measure the total pension liabilig was 7.50%. ln accordance with paragraph 29 of GASB 68, professionaljudgement was applied to determine that the System's projected fiduciary net position exceeds projected benefìt payments for cunent active and inactive members for all years. The analysis was based on the expectations that employers will continue to contribute at the rates set by the Board, which excel the actuarially determined contribution, which is comprised on an employer normal cost payment and a payment to reduce the unfunded liability to zero by June 30, 2038. Therefore, the long-term expected rate of return on pension plan investments were applied to all periods of projected benefit payments to determine the total pension liability.

The following presents the net pension liability calculated, using the discount rate of 7.50%, as well as what the net pension liability would be if it were calculated using a discount rate that is one percent lower (6.50%) or one percent higher (8.50%):

1% Decrease (6.50%) Discount Rate í.50%) 1% lncrease (8.50%)

$1,201,992 $732,989 $344,742


NOTE 12. PENSION PLANS (Continued)

Add itio n al I nformation

Additional information regarding the State of Vermont Municipal Employees' Retirement System, including the details of the Fiduciary Net Position, is available upon request from the State of Vermont.


The Town of Norwich is exposed to various risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to, and destruction of assets; errors and omissions; injuries to employees; and natural disasters. The Town maintains insurance coverage through the Vermont League of Cities and Towns Property and Casualty lntermunicipal Fund, lnc. covering each of those risks of loss. Management believes such coverage is sufficient to preclude any significant uninsured losses to the Town. Settled claims have not exceeded this coverage in any of the past three fiscal years.

The Town must remain a member for a minimum of one year and may withdraw from the Fund after that time by giving sixty days' notice. Fund underwriting, and rate-setting policies have been established after consultation with actuaries. Fund members are subject to a supplemental assessment in the event of deficiencies. lf the assets of the Fund were to be exhausted, members would be responsible for the Fund's liabilities.


Events of the Town have been evaluated from July 1, æ20 through the date of these financial statements for subsequent events which would impact the financial standing.


2020 2019 2018 2017 201 6 2015 2014

Total Plan Net Pension Liability $ 173,491,807 $ 140,675,892 $ 121,155,552 $ 128,696,167 $ 77,095,810 $ 9,126,613 $

Town's Proportion of the Net Pension Liability 0.4225Yo 0.4146Yo 0.3957% 0.4003% 0.4098% 0.4059% 0.41Yo

Town's Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability $ 732,989 $ 583,172 $ 479,378 $ 515,194 $ 315,943 $ 37,041 $ 147,563.00

Town's Covered Employee Payroll $ 1,225,087 $ 1,357,896 $ 1,240,363 $ 1,090,845 $ 1,024,685 $ 996,414 $ 956,992.00

Town's Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability as a Percentage of Town's Covered Employee Payroll 59.83167o 42,94670/0 38,6482% 47.2289o/o 30.8332o/o 3.7174o/o 15.419570

Plan Fiduciary Net Position as a Percentage of the Total Pension Liability 80.35% 82.60% 83,640/o 80,95% 87.42o/o 98.32% June 30, 2019 June 30, 2018 June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 June 30, 2014 June 30,2013 Notes to Schedule

Benefit Changes: None.

Changes in Assumpt¡ons: The discount rate used to measure the net pension liability maintained at 7.507o.

Fiscal year 2014 was the first year of implementation, therefore, only seven years are shown.


2020 201 I 201 I 2017 20't6 2015 2014

Cortractually Required Contribution (Actuarial ly Determi ned) $ 74,885 $ 81,175 $ 72,611 $ 60,842 $ 57,825 $ 52,352 $ 4S,648

Conlributions in Relation to the Actuarially Determined Contributions (74,885) (81.175) 02.611], t60.842) {57,825\ (52.352) $ t48.648)

Conlribution Excæs/(Deficiency) $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Town's Covered Employee Payroll $ 1,225,087 $ 1,357,89ô $ 1,240,363 $ 1,090,845 $ 1,024,685 $ 996,414 956992

Conlributions as a Percentage of Town's Covered

Employee Payroll 6.11o/o 5.98% 5.85% 5.58% 5.640/o 5.25Y0 5.10Yo

Notes to Schedule

Valuation Date: June 30, 2019

Fiscal year 2014 was the first year of implementation, therefore, only seven years are shown


0riginal and Variance Final Favorable REVENUES: Budqet Actual (Unfavorable) Property taxes: Current $ 3,833,517 $ 3,799,347 $ (34,170) lnterest and penalties 42,000 64,378 22,378 Payments in lieu of taxes 12,500 9,900 (2,600)

Cunent use program 1 80,1 96 187,863 7,667 Other taxes 168,300 172,193 3,893 Total property taxes 4,236,513 4,233,681 (2,832)

Licenses and permits: Dog licenses 2,750 1,421 (1 ,32s) Liquor licenses 670 670 Hunt and fishing 220 (60) (280) Building permits 8,000 4,812 (3,1 88) Other 450 195 (255) Total licenses and permits 12,090 7,038 (5,052)

Charges for services: Recording fees 23,000 29,988 6,988 Document fees 2,200 3,298 1,098 Rentalfees 7,000 5,240 (1,760) Field rental 32,000 26,710 (5,2e0) Police fines 10,450 10,573 123 Other 56,565 351,364 294/99 Total charges for services 131,215 427 173 295,958

Grant revenue: FEMA 2,426,059 2,426,059 General government 22,140 22,140 Public works 18,123 18,123 Historic Preservation Grant 7,500 7,500 Total grant revenue 2,473,822 2,473,822

Total recreation 1 71 ,300 1 92,'t 95 20,895

Sanitation User fees 't51 ,900 147,479 (4,421) Recycling lncome 5,000 1,317 (3,683) Total sanitation 156 900 148,796 (8,104)

Total revenues $ 4,708,018 $ 7,482,705 $ 2,774,687


Original and Variance Final Favorable EXPENDITURES: Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Town administration: Salaries $ 146,282 $ 146,607 $ (325) Payroll taxes and benefits 64,953 58,874 6,079 Professional services 51,667 70,615 (18,948) Dues and subscriptions 6,917 5,895 1,022 Office, printing, publications 5,950 4,316 1,634 Other 3,975 271,931 (267,956) Total town administration 279,744 558,238 (278,494)

BCA/BOA: Salaries 450 341 109 Other 475 7 468 TotalBCA/BOA 925 348 577

Stat Mtgs Expenditures: Salaries 400 214 186 Voting machine 2,920 1,198 1,722 Printing 2,000 2,054 (54) Other 425 247 178 Total Stat Meetings 5,745 3 713 2,032

Town Clerk expenditures: Salaries 111,714 112,740 (1 ,026) Payroll taxes and benefits 47,104 43,581 3,523 Software 3,120 3,010 110 Designated Fund - Record Restoration 5,886 (5,886) Supplies, other 2,815 760 't,055 TotalTown Clerk 164,753 '166,977 (2,224)

Finance department: Salaries 99,910 117,480 (17,570) Payroll taxes and benefits 59,865 8,537 51,328 Audit 10,815 11,740 (e25) Supplies, software, other 3,645 3,621 24 Total Finance department 174,235 141,378 32,857

General administrative expenditures: Postage 3,000 3,793 (7e3) Server maintenance 7,000 5,082 1,918 Office supplies 3,500 2,727 773 Computersiwebsite 1,447 (1,447) Utilities and other $ 2,000 $ 2,280 $ (280) Total general admin istrative 15,500 15,329 171


Original and Variance Final Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable)

Assessor/Lister expenditures: Salaries $ 21,455 $ 20,646 $ 809 Payroll taxes and benefits 2,825 1,631 1J94 Professional services 45,000 32,251 12,749 Software 6,1 00 5,751 349 Designated fund - Reappraisal 21,700 2t,700 Office, supplies, other 2,410 784 1,626 Total Assessor/Lister 99,490 82,763 16,727

Planning Department expenditures: Salaries 95,088 94,790 298 Payroll taxes and benefits 27,490 27,654 (164) Planning and mapping 16,587 6,000 10,587 Historic preservation 1,000 16,005 (15,005) Offìce, supplies, other 5,713 4,718 995 Total Planning 145,878 149,167 (3,28e)

Recreation Department expenditures Administration Salaries 64,1 65 64,148 17 Payroll taxes and benefits 31,252 33,334 (2,082) Dues, meeting, education 850 405 445 Office, supplies, other 575 108 467

97 842 98 995 (1 ,1 53) Program: lnstructor/umpire fees 85,000 29,755 55,245 Summer program salaries 13,000 33,957 (20,e57) Payroll taxes and benefits 995 3,097 (2,102) Rentalfees 13,500 6,615 6,885 Equipment and materials 4,450 2,065 2,385 Registration fees 9,300 15,282 (5,e82) Entry fees and special events 9,800 8,067 733 136,045 98,838 37 207 Recreation facilities: Field care 10,750 2,648 8,102 Line markings 4,000 917 3,083 Grants 14,213 (14,213) Repairs & Maintenance 2,000 158 1,842 Other 750 1,651 (e01) 19,587 (2,087) Total Recreation -îmo'-251,387 217,420 33,967


Original and Variance Final Favorable Police Station expenditures: Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Telephone $ $ 3,921.00 $ (3,s21) Elechicity 6,250 11,431 (5,181) Heating 2,500 (535) 3,035 Repairs and maintenance 1,500 2,568 (1 ,068) Other 11,570 17,363 (5,793) Total Police Station 21 820 34 748 (12,e28)

Police Department expenditures: Salaries and benefits: Salaries 340,278 329,022 11,256

Payroll taxes and benefits: 1 23,1 00 117,331 5,769 463 378 446 353 17,025 Communi$ policing:

Animal containment 800 1,978 (1 ,1 78) Community relations 1]00 483 1,217 Speed signs 1,200 3,214 (2,014\ 3,700 5 675 (1,e75) Equipment and Maintenance: Petroleum products 8,000 2,181 5,819 Cruiser maintenance and supplies 8,500 6,621 1,879 Repairs & Maintcnancc 800 315 485 't7,300 9,117 8,1 83

DUI equipment grant 952 (e52)

Support: Dispatch services 62,817 61,673 1,144 Administration 7,000 4,634 2,366 Training and supplies 3,000 1,966 1,034 Uniforms and cleaning 4,000 5,493 (1,4e3) VIBRS 3,500 2,404 1,096 Other 950 789 161 81,267 76,959 4,308

Capital expenditures: Designated Fund - Special Equipment 2,500 2,885 (385) Designated Fund - Cruiser 10,000 r 0,000 12,500 12,885 (385)

Total Police Department 578,145 551,941 26,204


Original and Variance Final Favorable Budqet Actual (Unfavorable)

FireiFAST Department expenditures Fire wages: Salaries $ 100,730 $ 94,900 $ s,830 Payroll taxes and benefits 28,313 28,160 153 129,043 123,060 5 983 EMS wages: Salaries 7,800 8,864 ('t,064) Payroll taxes and benefits 597 667 (70) 8,397 9,531 (1,1 34)

Education and training 3,1 50 1,302 1,848

Tools and equipment 6,900 6,391 509

Maintenance: Fire truck 14,000 14,203 (203) Petroleum products 3,000 1,914 1,086 Other maintenance 3,350 1,654 1,696 20,350 17 771 2,579 Support: Hydrant rental 22,500 22,499 Dispatch service 20,985 20,985 Firefighter casualty insurance 4,900 8,746 (3,846) OSHA compliance 1,100 r36 964 Other 2,900 1,595 1,305 52,385 53,961 (1,576) Capital expenditures: Designated Fund - Apparatus 30,000 30,000 Designated Fund - Equipment 20,610 20,610 50,610 50,610


0riginal and Variance Final Favorable Grant expenditures: Budget Actual (Unfavorable) VLCT Grant $ $ 1,643 $ (1,643) Dry Hydrant grant 2,585 (2,585) 4,228 (4,228) Ambulance services: Ambulance contract 130,235 126,113 4,122 Ambulance bills 12,000 9,038 2,962 142,235 135,151 7,084

Total Fire/FAST 413,070 402,005 1 1,065

Emergency management: Debt service principal 32,078 27,500 4,578 Debt service interest 3,910 (3,910) Emergency general maintenance and supplies 7,750 7,404 346 Designated fund - Generator 25,000 25,000 Total Emergency Management 64,828 63 814 1,014

Conservation: Trails 3,000 934 2,066 Dues, meetings, education 850 800 Natural resources intervention 1,000 1,000 Project restoration 1,000 1,000 Other 2,100 851 1,249 Total Conservation 7,950 1,835 6,115

Cemetery Commission

Public Works department: Highway division: Salaries and benefits: Salaries 374J82 390,440 (16,258) Payroll taxes and benefits 163,670 147,727 15,943 537,852 538,1 67 (315) Materials: Salt and chemicals 120,000 102,574 17,426 Sand 65,000 92,113 (27,113) Gravel and stone 50,000 47,986 2,014 Dust control 18,000 14,233 3,767 Culverts, road supplies, asphalt 10,000 8,1 28 1,872 Other 10 000 139 861 273,000 266,173 6,827


Original and Variance Final Favorable Contracted services: Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Plowing and sanding $ 24,000 T- 2olso $ 3,512 Crack sealing 35,000 35,000 Street lights 't1,500 12,823 (1,323) Paving 30,000 6,360 23,640 Pavement marking 21,000 19,652 1,348 Tree cutling and removal 12,500 4,450 8,050 Other projects 26,000 19,709 6,291 160,000 83,482 76,518

Equipment: Petroleum products 43,000 48,498 (5,498) Outside repairs 45,000 30,124 14,876 Parts and supplies 42,250 50,334 (8,084) 130,250 128,956 1,294

Highway garage: Utilities 17,500 13,432 4,068 Repairs and maintenance 5,000 5,440 (440) Administration 5,000 3,468 1,532 Tools and supplies 13,000 17,209 (4,209) 40,500 39 549 951 Capital expenditures: Designated fund - Equipment 40,000 43,754 (3,754) Designated fund - Bridges 88,000 88,000 Designated fund - Garage 35,000 35 000 163 000 166 754 (3,754) Grants: FEMA grant 98,024 (e8,024) VT Trans - TAP Grant 28,704 (28,704) 2017 Vtrans Bike & Ped Grant 524 (524\ 127,252 (127,252\

Total Highway Division 1,304,602 1,350,333 (45,731\

Buildings and Grounds Division Salaries and benefìts: Salaries 90,805 87,194 3,611 Payroll taxes and benefits 44,213 48,698 (4,485) 135,0'18 135,892 (874\

Garden supplies 1,600 643 957


Original and Variance Final Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Contracted services $ 6,750 $ ¿,ZgS $ Z,+SS

Equipment 7,400 7 104 296

Designated fund - Equipment Total Buildings and Grounds Division: 150,768 147,934 2,834

Solid Waste Division: Salaries and benefits: Salaries 38,838 39,910 (1,072) Payroll taxes and benefits 2,971 3,168 (197) 41,809 43,078 (1,269) Contracted services: GUVSWMD assessment 37,554 37,554 Municipal solid waste 46,000 51,641 (5,641) Recycling 45,000 39,326 5,674 Waste disposal and other 12 000 17,461 (5,461) 140 554 145,982 (5,428)

Equipment parts and supplies 3,500 5,3't6 (1 ,816)

Transfer station expenditures 7,870 8,406 (536)

Designated fund - Equipment Total Solid Waste Division 193,733 202,782 (9,049)

Tracy Hall:

Heating 11,000 1 1,096 (e6) 0ther utilities 14,050 18,408 (4,358) Repairs, maintenance, and supplies 17,400 15,513 1,887 Designated fund - Tracy Hall 20,000 20,000 62,450 65,017 (2,567) Total Public Works Department 1,711,553 1,766,066 (54,513)

Debt service: Repayment - line of credit 1,400,000 (1,400,000)

lnterest expense 113,269 1 05,1 08 8,1 61 113,269 1,505,108 -l1T0l,s10i Appropriation expenditures: Norwich Public Library 333,000 333,000 Norwich Cemetery Association 20,000 20,000 Visiting Nurse/HSP APPR 15,600 15,600 Advance Transit 13,514 13,514 Norwich Historical Society 8,000 8,000 Other 46 112 46,112 Total Appropriations 436 226 436,226

The accompanying notes are an integral part ofthis financial statement. 45 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT SCHEDULE 3 STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE GENERAL FUND BUDcET n1{o ncrunl FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2O

Page 9 of 9

0riginaland Variance Final Favorable Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Tax abatements/adjustments $ ¡,soo $ 2 $ 3,498

lnsurance: Unemployment insurance rate assessment 2,000 2,526 (526) Property and casualty insurance 86,000 72,432 13,568 Workers' compensation insurance 132,000 130,380 1,620 Cobra and Other 365 (365) Total insurance 220 000 205 703 14,297 Total Expenses 4,708,018 6,302,781 (194,763) Debt: Line of Credit Proceeds

Net Change in Fund Balance $ 1,179,924 $ 1,179,924

Fund Balance - July 1, 2019 (319,304)

Fund Balance - June 30, 2020 $ 860,620

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement, 46 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT SCHEDULE 4 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NON.MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS JUNE 30, 2020

Special Capital Revenue Project Fund Fund Total ASSETS: Cash $ $ $ Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses 1,780 1,780 Grant receivable 5,447 5,447 Due from other funds 3s5,934 1,232,949 1,588,883

Total Assets $ 357,714 $ 1,238,396 $ 1,596,110

LIABILITIES: Accounts payable $ $ $ FEMA grant receivable Due to other funds

Total Liabilities


Total Defened lnflows of Resources

FUND BALANCES: Nonspendable 1,780 1,780 Committed 355,934 355,934 Assigned 1,238,396 1,238,396

Total Fund Balances 357 714 1 ,238,396 1 ,596,1 1 0

Total Liabilities, Deferred lnflows of Resources and Fund Balances $ 357,714 $ 1,238,396 $ 1,596,110

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this fìnancial statement.


Special Capital Revenue Project Fund Fund Total REVENUES: lntergovernmental $ 11,902 $ 166,812 $ 178,714 Donations 15,114 15,114 Miscellaneous 110 110 lnterest income 120 3,680 4,800

Total revenues 28 136 170,602 198,738

EXPENDITURES: General government Public safety 20,306 20,306 Public works 36,803 36,803 Cultu re, recreation and community development 24,639 24,639 Capital outlay: Public safety 2,609 9,357 11,966 Public works 203,057 203,057 Debt service: Principal lnterest

Total expenditures 27,248 269 523 296 771

Excess (Deflciency) of Revenues Over Expenditures 888 (s8,e21) (98,033) oTHER FTNANCTNG S0URCES (USES) Loan proceeds 132,784 132,784 Transfers in 28,1 89 241 110 269,299

Total other financing sources (uses) 28,1 89 373 894 402,083

Net Change in Fund Balances 29,077 274,973 304,050

Fund Balances - July 1, 2019, restated 328,637 963,423 1,292,060

Fund Balances - June 30, 2020 $ 357/14 $ 1,238,396 $ 1,596,110

The accompanying notes are an integral part ofthis financial statement, 48 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT SCHEDULE 6 COMBININB BALANCE SHEET NON-MAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS JUNE 30,2020

Land Conservation Recreation Affordable Management Citizen Recreation General Town Granite Records Commission Facility Housing Council Assistanæ Scholaahips Administntion Reappnaisal Bench Restoration Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Total ASSETS: Cash $ $ $ $ $ $$ $ $ $ $ Prepaid experses Due from othe¡ funds 133,61; 65,7s; 4ô,2d e,1; 7,4s; s,05; ,l:i3! ,r,,on ,,ur, ,u,uri "l:å3î TotalÆseb

LIABILITIES: Due to other funds

Total Liabililies


Nonspendable _ 1,780 1,780 Restricted .trr,u,, Committed 65,751 46,299 9,126 7,492 5,051 33,055 28,149 1,528 25,871 $ 355,934

Tohl Fund Balances 133,612 65,751 46,299 9,126 7,492 s,0s1 34,835 28,149 1,528 25,871 **

ïotal Liarilities, Defened lnfloivs of Resouræs and Fund Balances -$--1-l!,612- -$-!!öL -$-{9¿99- -9-9,129- -$-2,4e2_ _$_t!!l_ _$_t1!gg_ _$_?9J39_ _$_1,529_ _$ 25,srt_ _$_9!r4!


Land Conservation Recreation Affordable Management Citizen Recreation General Town Granite Records Commission Facility Housing Council Assistance Scholarships Administration Reappraisal Bench Restoration Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Total

REVENUES: Donations $$13,569$$ $ $20$ $ $ 1,525 $ $ 15,114 lntergovemmental - 845 11,057 11,902 lnterest income 529 186 123 71 3 13 129 22 3 41 1,120

Total revenues 529 13,755 123 916 3 33 129 22 1,528 I 1,098 28,136

EXPENDITURES: General govemment Culture, recreation and community development 20,000 1,450 1,922 1,200 67 24,639 Capital outlay: Public safety 2,609 2,609 Debt service: --- .- Total expenditures n¡õõ- re @ -l¡sõ"'' Excess (Defìcienry) of Revenues -¡õe'- Over Expenditures (19,471) (1,006) (1,197) 12,305 123- - (34) (2,480)- 22 - 1,528- 11,098 888 oTHER FTNANCTNG SOURCES (USES) Transfers from Geneal Fund 6,489 21,700 28,189

Total other financing sources (uses) 6,489 21/00 28,189

Net Change in Fund Balances (19,471) 12,305 123 (1,006) 5,292 (34) (2,480) 2t,722 1,528 11,098 25,077

Fund Balancæ - July 1, 2019, restated 153,083 53,446 46,'176 10,132 2,200 5,085 37,315 6,427 14,773 328,637

Fund Balances - June 30, 2020 _$_133,612_ _g___qs/q_ _$_1q¿99_ _q_gt13g_ _9_!As2_ _$_tgÍ_ _$_g!93!_ _$_?!ll9_ _$_1,529_ _$_25,84_ _$_9!Ull_

The accompanying notes are an integral part 0f this fnancial statement. 50 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT SCHEDULE 8 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NON.MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS

JUNE 30, 2O2O Page 1 of 2

Highway Highway Solid Wæte Police Police Tracy Recreation Police Fire Equipment Garage Equipment Station Cruiser Hall Recreation Tennis Court Spec Equipment Station Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund ASSETS

Cash $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Accounb receivabþ G¡anb receivable Due from other fu¡ds 188,64't 52,247 34,048 10,668 91,032 65,945 1,298 8,310 5,499 6,232 Total Asseb :-:::::::$188,641$52,247$34,048$10,668$91,032$65,945$1,298$8,310$5,499$6,232


Accounb payable $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FEMA Grant receir¡able Due to other funds

Total Liabilities


FUND BALANCES Restricted Assigned 188,64'1 52,247 34,048 10,668 91,032 65,945 1,298 8,310 5,499 6,232

Total Fund Balances 188,64't 52,247 34,048 10,668 91,032 65,945 1,298 8,310 5,499 6,232

Total Liabililbs, Defened lnflows of Resources and Fund Balances ::::::::::$188,641$'52,247$34,048$10'668$91,032$65,945$1,298$8,310$5,499$6,232

The accompanying notes re an iitegral part of this financiâl slalement. 51 TOWN OF NORWICH, VERMONT SCHEDULE 8 COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NON-MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS iuNE 30,2020 Page2of2

Fire Long{erm DPW DPW Buildings and Communications Equipment Sidewalk Facility Study Bridge Paving Grounds Construction Generator Other Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds Total ASSETS Cash $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Accounb receivable Grants receivable 5,447 5,447 Due from other funds 99,821 80,865 547 332,795 172,900 33,720 48,381

Total Assets :::::::-:-$ 99,821 $ 80,865 $ 547 $ 338,242 $ 172,90! $ 33,720 $ $ 48,381 $ $1,238,396

LIABILITIES payable Accounß $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FEMA Grant receivable Due to other funds

Total Liabilities


FUND BALANCES Restricted Assigned 99,821 80,865 547 338,242 172,900 33,720

Total Fund Balances 99,821 80,865 547 338,242 172,900 33,720 - 48,381 1,238,396

Total Liabilities, Defened lnflows of Resources and Fund Balances :::::::$ 99,82'l $ 80,865 $ 547 $ 338,242 $ 172,900 $ 33,720 $ $ 48,381 $ $ 1,238,396


FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2O2O Page 1 ol 2

Highway Highway Solid Waste Police Police Tracy Recreation Police Fire Equipment Garage Equipment Station Cruiser Hall Recreation Tennis Court Spec Equipment Station Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund REVENUES:

lntergovemmental $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 432 $ lnteræt income 592 24 117 37 278 158 b 22 39 3ô Miscellaneous 107 3 Total revenues

EXPENDITURES: General government Public safety 7,000 500 4,799 Public works 24,189 600 Capital outlay: Public works Public safety 9,357 Debt service: Principal lnterest Total expenditues

Excess (Defìcienry) ol Revenues Over Expendituræ (23,490) (6,973) 117 37 278 158 (594) 22 (9,386) (4,763) oTHER F|NANCTNG SoURCES (USES) Loan proceeds 132,784 Transfe¡s in 40,000 35,000 10,000 20,000 2,500

Total other fina¡rcing sources (used) 167,784 10,000 20,000 _ _ 2,500

Net Change in Fund Balancæ 16,510 160,811 117 ?,7 10,278 20,158 (594) 22 (6,886) (4,763)

Fund Balances - July 1, 2019 172,',t31 (108,564) 33,931- 10,6ri1 80,754 45,787 1,892 8,288 12,385 10,99s Fund Balances - June 30, 2020 $ 188,64'l _$ 52,24?_ $ 34,048 $ 10,668 $ 91,032 i_q5,e45_ j_ug!_ _!_qr!_ $ 5,499 $ 6,232


Fire Long{erm DPW DPW Buildings and Communications Equipment Sidewalk Facility Study Bridge Paving Grounds Construction Generator Other Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds Total REVENUES: lntergovemmental $ $ $ $ $ 166,380 $ $ $ $ $ 166,812 lnterest income 229 2U 84 609 784 307 74 3,680 Miscellaneous Total revenues

EXPENDITURES: General govemment Public safety 8,007 20,306 Public works 12,014 30,803 Capital outlay: Public works 203,057 203,057 Public safety 9,357 Debt service: Principal lnterest Total expenditures 8,007 269,523 -215,fr Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures (7,778\ 284 84 609 (4i,907) 307 oTHER FTNANC|NG SoURCES (USES) Loan proceeds Tnnsfen in 20,610 88,000 25,0d

Total other financing sources (used) 20,6r0 88,000 25,000

NetChange in Fund Balances 12,832 284 84 88,609 (47,907) 307 2s,074 - 274,973

Fund Balances - July 1,2019, restated 86,989 80,581 463 249,633 220,807 33,413 23,307 963,423

Fund Balances - June 30, 2020 ::::::::::$ 99,821 $ 80,865 $ 547 $ 338,242 $ 172,900 $ 33,720 $ g 48,381 $ $1,238,396

The accompanying noles are an integral part of this financial statement. 54 Batchelder Associates, PC


To the Select Board Town of Norwich, Vermont Norwich, Vermont

We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Norwich, Vermont ("Town"), as of and for the year ended June 30, 2020, which collectively comprise the Town's basic financialstatements and have issued our report thereon dated October 29,2020. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. lnternal Control Over Financial Reporting ln planning and performing our audit, we considered the Town's internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinions on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town's internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the Town's internal control over financial reporting.

Our consideration of internal control over financial reporting was for the limited purpose described in the preceding paragraph and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that might be significant defìciencies or material weaknesses and therefore, there can be no assurance that all deficiencies, significant deficiencies, or material weaknesses have been identified, However, as described in the management recommendation letter included with the audit report, we identified certain deficiencies in internal control over financial reporting that we consider to be immaterial weaknesses.

A deficiency in internal controlexists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis.

A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented or detected and corrected on a timely basis. We consider the deficiencies described in the accompanying Schedule of Findings and Deficiencies in lnternal Control as ltem 2020-01t0 be a material weaknesses.

A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. We consider all items to be immaterial weaknesses.

Compliance and Other Matters

As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the Town's financial statements are free of material misstatement, we

55 Town of Norwich Page2

performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Govemment Auditing Standards for year ending June 30, 2020, other than finding discussed in 2020-01.

We noted certain other matters that we reported to management of the Town in a separate letter. There are no documented responses included with this audit.

This report is intended solely for the information and use of management, Board of Selectmen, others within the entity, and federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.

Fa*i¿%z &¿z¿u¿fu,a1 PO


Deficiencies in lnternal Control:

Material Weaknesses:

2020-01 Safequardinq of Assets:

Criteria: lnternal controls should be in place to provide safeguarding of assets. Policies and procedures should be in place that provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of the organization's assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Condition: During August 2019, four fraudulent payments were made approximating $250,000 by the Finance Director as a result of fraudulent emails sent in the Town Manager's name. These transactions were in direct violation of Town policies, specifically, the Purchasing policy, general financial policies and procedures, Selectboard financial policy and accounts payable procedure policy.

Cause: Lack of proper controls, oversight and proper authorization of Town Finance Director and Town Officials

Effect: Town funds in the amount of $250,000 were fraudulently wired to an unknow source.

Recommendation: We recommend, and the Town has instituted a new internal control policy for all staff and elected officials to follow. Training regarding detection of cyber fraud should be a part of all staff and elected positions that work with financial data, bank transfers and online banking. All staff should be hained in types of cyber fraud and able to detect them, such as "Family Emergency", "lRS Fraud" and "Phishing" scams. No wires should be completed without a verbal conversation and confirmation with requestor of the wire.

Follow Up: As of November 201 9, VLCT reimbursed the Town $168,995 and a sum of $79,795 was recovered from the Town's bank for a total recovery of $248,790. Extensive measures have and are being taken to increase already strong internal controls to avoid such activity in future fiscalyears.

57 ßatchelder Associates, PC

October 29,2020

Herbert A. Durfee lll Town Manager Town of Norwich, Vermont 300 Main Sheet PO Box 376 Non¡¡ich, Vermont 05055

Dear Mr. Durfee,

This letter includes two separate forms of communication', Connunication with Those Charged with Governance at or Near the Conclusion of the Audit and Management Lefter Comments,


We have audited the financial statements of the governmental activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the Town of Norwich, Vermont for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2019. Professionalstandards require that we provide you with information about our responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards, as well as certain information related to the planned scope and timing of our audit. We have communicated such information in our letter to you dated October 29,2020. Professional standards also require that we communicate to you the following information related to our audit.

Siqnificant Audit Findinqs

Qualitative Aspects of Accounting Practices

Management is responsible for the selection and use of appropriate accounting policies. The significant accounting policies used by the Town of Nonruich, Vermont are described in Note 1 to the financial statements. No new accounting policies were adopted, and the application of existing policies was not changed during the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020. Please see Finding 2020-01 for details related to the Town's significant material weakness.

Accounting estimates are an integral part of the financial statements prepared by management and are based on management's knowledge and experience about past and current events and assumptions about future events. Certain accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to the financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting them may differ significantly from those expected. The most sensitive estimate(s)affecting the Town's financial statements were, Management's estimated useful lives used to calculate depreciation of property, plant and equipment. We evaluated the key factors and assumptions used to develop the useful lives, in determining that they are reasonable in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. Town of Nonruich, Vermont Page 2

The financial statement disclosures are neuhal, consistent, and clear

Difficulties Encountered in Pertorming the Audit

We encountered no significant difficulties in dealing with management in performing and completing our audit.

Corrected and Uncorrected Mrssfafemenfs

Professional standards require us to accumulate all known and likely misstatements identified during the audit, other than those that are clearly trivial, and communicate them to the appropriate level of management. We have attached the audit adjustments passed by the finance department and recorded to finalize and property report the Town's balances.

D isagreeme nts with M an agement

For purposes of this letter, a disagreement with management is a financial accounting, reporting, or auditing matter, whether or not resolved to our satisfaction, that could be significant to the financial statements or the auditor's report. We are pleased to repod that no such disagreements arose during the course of our audit.

M a n age m e nt Re p re se nt atio n s

We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter dated October 29,2020.

Management Consu/taflons with Ather lndependent Accountants ln some cases, management may decide to consult with other accountants about auditing and accounting matters, similar to obtaining a "second opinion" on certain situations. lf a consultation involves application of an accounting principle to Town's financial statements or a determination of the type of auditols opinion that may be expressed on those statements, our professional standards require the consulting accountant to check with us to determine that the consultant has all the relevant facts. To our knowledge, there were no such consultations with other accountants.

Other Audit Findings or /ssues

We generally discuss a variety of matters, including the application of accounting principles and auditing standards, with management each year prior to retention as Town's auditors. However, these discussions occurred in the normal course of our professional relationship and our responses were not a condition to our retention.

Other Matters

We were not engaged to report on Schedule of Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability VMERS Defined Benefit Plan - Schedule 1 and the Schedule of Contributions - VMERS Defined Benefit Plan - Schedule 2, which accompany the fìnancial statements but are Required Supplemental lnformation. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements, and accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance to them. MANAGEMENT LETTER COMMENTS ln planning and performing our audit of the financial statements of the Town of Norwich, Vermont, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2020, we considered its internal conhol to determine our auditing procedures for expressing our opinion on the financial statements and not to provide assurance on internal control. Our consideration of internal control would not necessarily disclose all matters in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies under standards established by the American lnstitute of Certified Public Accountants. We noted certain matters involving internal controls that are presented below for your consideration. These items are in addition to Finding 2020-01 . These comments and recommendations are offered with the hope of improving internal controls and financial reporting.

records. The Town Manager has stepped in to help manage and organize grants, maintain budgets and assist with top level issues, The Town has contracted with the accounting software company to assist with monthly adjustments, bank reconciliations and other higher level accounting functions. This department cannot sustain this arrangement and maintain cunent financial information in the long term.

of cancelled checks.

is due care taken to ensure that revenue is posted separately from expenses and they are not combined, thus, understating both re

offered by VLCT for the Town's financial department.

Restriction on Use

This information is intended solely for the information and use of the board of Selectmen and management of Town of Non¡rich, Vermont and is not intended to be, and should not be, used by anyone other than these specified parties. Thank you for your help in another successful audit. FaúoH¿z 4".¿.¿uafu,¿-, Æ

Batchelder Associates, PC Barre, Vermont Vermont License # 945 Town of Norwich, Vermont Audit Adjustments 30-Jun-20 Debit Credit

AUD 2020 L 01-2-00400L.00 Deferred Revenue-Taxes 24910.23 01-4-000001.00 Town Property Tax 24910.23 (To adjust deferred taxes per 8/31 schedule, less interest charged in FY2L)

AUD 2020_2 01-1-003L08.00 GrantRec-HighwayDept 1000 01-1-003L1-0.00 Grant Rec - Planning Dept 5590 [email protected] Deferred Rev - Grants 6590 (To reverse prior year grant receivables)

AUD_2020_3 44-3-001300.00 Fund Balance 0.2'J. 44-4-000810.00 lnterest lncome 34.2 37-3-001300.00 Fund Balance 1330.05 37-4-0008L0.00 lnterest lncome 3.33 36-3-001300.00 Fund Balance 104.98 36-4-000810.00 lnterest lncome 7.37 34-3-001300.00 Fund Balance 1096.62 34-4-000810.00 lnterest lncome 4.91, 30-3-001300.00 Fund Balance 0.52 30-4-000810.0 lnterest lncome 3.67 01-3-001300,00 Fund Balance 2532.38 01"-4-00081-0.0 lnterest lncome 47.48 (To close out fund balances which have expired to general fund)

AUD_2020_4 42-5-703707.@ State of VT Grant 166380.39 42-4-000402.00 State of VT Grant 166380.39 (To reclass revenue from expense and post to revenue)

AUD_2020_5 01-1-004104.00 lnventory 9796.97 01-5-703203.00 Sand 9796.97 (To adjust inventory per client prepared schedule) Miranda Berqmeier

From: Pamela Smith < [email protected]> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2020 1 1:29 AM To: Miranda Bergmeier Cc: Herb Durfee; Emmanuel Tesone; Linda Cook; Libby Chamberlin Subject: Fwd: URGENT -- Town Budget Work Group Summary for SB Meeting December 2,2020


Please include this report in the Selectboard Packet for the Wednesday, December 2,2020 Budget Review sessl0n.

Thank you.

Pam Smith, Vice-Chair, Norwich Finance Committee

Town Budget Work Group Report

The Town Budget group met on Sunday, November 22,to discuss theFY22 budget as presented by the Town Manager. Below are a number of items and/or questions that were developed as a function of our budget review. Please note that this is our first pass on the budget and we fully expect to have additional questions as the budget process unfolds. Of particular note, this work group has not had an opportunity to fully study the Capital Plan and Budget FY2022 -FY 2027. We anticipate there will be questions arising from that review in the not-too-distant future.

Finance Office

The largest increase in this department is under the salaries for the Finance Offlrcer and the Assistant to the Finance Officer.

1) 'What is the justification for increasing the Finance Officer salary by approximately $16,000?

2) What is the justification for the Assistant to the Finance Officer going from a parttime position to a full- time position with benefits?

General Administration

The largest increase in this department is in the request for Designated Funds for Equipment.

1) Why is the expenditure for a server, computers, peripherals and associated costs not reflected in the Capital Plan & Budget?

2) Has any consideration been given to a Lease to Purchase option to minimize impact on the capital needs?

1 Department of Public \ilorks

In this department, we noted several large expenditures.

1) Under "Contracted Services - Other" the budget calls for $66,354 for various projects that are already contained in other line items, such as replacement of culverts. What work will be done by the DPW crew and what work will be contracted out?

2) Under "Bridges", the explanation in the budget binder says, "Bridge Inventory". Will this be an inventory of the bridges and culverts by an engineering firm to ascertain the condition and replacement schedule for every bridge and culvert? How often is an inventory conducted? When was the last inventory done? Will this be put out for bid?

3) The line item "VTrans Bike & Ped calls for the expenditure of $20,000 for the BMR sidewalk construction. What is expected to cost $20,000?

4) The current Sidewalk Inventory is 3 years old. When will this be updated? The FY20 draft audit shows $0 expended for sidewalk repairs and maintenance. What are the plans to repair the sidewalks that were rated "Poor" or "Fair to Poot" in the 2017 report?

5) The FY22 CapitalPlan contains culvert projects, paving projects and equipment purchases which contribute to a substantial increase in the DPW budget for FY22. At this writing, this work group has not had ample time to fully review the Capital Budget.

Town Clerk

The Town Clerk has requested an annual appropriation of $5,000 to the Designated Fund for Records Restoration. The draft audit for FY20 shows $0 expended for records restoration. What is the long-term plan and cost for records restoration?

Recreation Department

There is a line item for the expenditure of $2,500 for Women's Club Grants. However, a review of the anticipated revenue for FY22 does not reflect any expected revenue from the Norwich Women's Club. Does the Recreation Department anticipate receipt of a grant from the NWC to cover this expenditure?

Police Department

In reviewing this department, it was noted that the amounts for personnel expenditures submitted by Chief Frank were adjusted by the TM. V/hat is the justification for these changes?

Fire Department

It was notecl that there were two new items in the budgct binder for the Fire Department: Annual Equipment Safety Testing $3,800 and Annual Fee for Emergency Reporting Software $2,201. These items were not included in the budget report submitted by the TM. Has the TM determined that these are unnecessary and therefore, these items have been excluded from the fund request for the Fire Department?

2 Summary

As noted above, these are the questions that we developed at our budget review session. It is anticipated that we will have additional questions and comments later in the budget process.

Respectfully submitted,

Town Budget Work Group: Pam Smith, Finance Committee Vice-Chair Libby Chamberlain, Finance Committee Secretary Linda Cook, Finance Committee Member

3 Miranda Be merer

From: Becky Grammer Sent: Tuesday, November 24,2020 9:43 AM To: Miranda Bergmeier; Herb Durfee Subject: reports for packet Attachments: Balance sheet FY 20-21.pdf

Here is the balance sheet for Fy 20-21

Herb - even though this is through period 5 the month of November general ledger is not closed yet as things are still coming in & being posted to November via the general ledger,

3¿s Eb a*.r, C f^er\r.TrJ,=ú ?,,r. ¿lbffi

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}.:gi 'ÎÆ?f,6sI'¡.tr 1{E- Nl¿r/ -LrlF-\oEs 1Ñ.4,E ¿L,SE\ avr- l]ìl'\¿ì¿ ¿)r-Nlâ

AE 4, 'hpò,arutì V:W".


1 LL/24/20 lom of No*icl¡ Gen€rål Ledg€¡ Page 1 4 09:35 & Ba].üce Shcet Curr€nt y€ar - P€riod 5 t¡ov ¡ITIIL5BGRÀ¡IMER General

Account Culr Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Y! Pd 5 Nov Encuubranc€a Àctua].


01-1-001 Crtll 01-1-001001.00 PETTY CASH-RICEIPTS DRffR 0 .00 50 .00 01-1-001002 . o0 PETIY CÀSE-POI¡ICE DEPT 0.00 100. 00 01-1-001003 .00 PEETY C.A!¡H-R.ECREÀETON 0. o0 100. 00 01-1-001004 . 00 lr&af,s! Statj.on cash bag o. 00 100. 00 01-1-001005. o0 Tom Clerk rtart up drar€ 0.oo 100.00 01-1-001100.00 C.A:III-MASCOMÀ GEI¡L FT'¡ÙD 0.oo 2 ,55t, 6LA . 65 01-1-001102. 00 cÀsg-uÀgcoMA RrcREÀrroN 0 .00 4 , Ar3 .27

01-1-00110¡ . o0 CÀ,SH-MÀSCOMA TIS!¡ T GÂME o. oo 535 - 3s

EoÈrl gl¡ll 0 .00 2,¿a0, att,z7

01-1-002 tmtlllllllll

Eot.l ¡lllrlliln¡ 0.00 0. 00

01-1-001 t¡Cltvl¡l¡l 01-1-00t0 r0gOtIEl llê!¡vtllr 01-1-003001.00 Accrs REc-posT oFFIcE 0. 00 0.00 01-1-003002.00 ÀccTs REc-NoR9t FrRE DrSr 0 .00 0. 00 01-1-00300a. 00 Àccrs Rrc-BrsToRIc.AL soc 0.oo 0. 00 01-1-003005.OO ÀCCOÌNTS REC-ERÀCY rrAr,L R 0 .00 0. 00 01-1-003006. 00 Accrs REc-r.rBRÀRy 0.00 0.00 01-1-00300?. 00 Àccts REc-ro¡fN cr,ERK 0. oo 0.00 01-1-003008.00 Àccrs REc-poLIcE DEPT 0.oo 0.00 01-1-003009. 00 AccTt¡ REc-nEcREÀrroN 0 .00 0. 00 01-1-003010. 00 Àccrs REc-soI¡rD ïÀsrE 0.00 0. 00 01-1-003011. 00 ACCTS REC-SCHOOT DTSTRICT 0.00 0. 00 01-1-003012 . OO ÀCCTS REC-pr¡À¡¡NrrrG 0. 00 0.00 01-1-003013. 00 Àccrs REc-rrRE 0.00 0.00 01-1-00301¡. 00 Àccrs REc-HrcHwÀy 0 .00 0.00 01-1-003015.00 À,cCrS REC-CEUETERY COMM 0 .00 11,869.32 01-1-003016.00 ÀccTs REc-srÀrE or vr 0.00 0. 00 01-1-003017. 00 ÀCCTS REC-I.rS!ERS 0. 00 0. 00 01-1-003018. 00 Àccfs REc- REUREùlEl*r 0. 00 o. 00 01-1-003019. 0O À/R ÀrrMrrrrsrRÀÍIoN 0.00 0.00 01-1-003020. 00 À/R r¡EÀI.'rH I¡ISI'RA¡CE 0.o0 0.00 01-1-003021. 00 À/R $roRxERS COMPENSÀIrON 0 .00 0. 00 01-1-003022.O0 À/R COBRÀ 0.00 o. 00 01-1-003023.00 A/R rRS 0. 00 13, 451. 35 01-1-003024.00 VLCI - n¡SI,RÀ¡¡CE CLArM¡t o. o0 0. 00 01-1-003025.00 À/R - Vr 9TIIHOLDTNG TÀ¡( 0.o0 0.00

Ect¡l lCCOUnl llcltvt¡t¡ 0,00 2¿,Eao,41

01-1-00!1 OltF llêltvlll¡! 01-1-003102. 00 GRÀNT REC-SO¡,ID IÍÀSTE 0.o0 0. 00 01-1-003103. 00 GRÀì¡r REC-ENERGY COI¡Dí 0 .00 o. 00 rL/2t120 Eorn af NorYich Generâ]. Ledger Þags 2 o.c ¡ 09:35 m Bal.Ðce Sheet Current Yea! - Period 5 Nov ¡¡TML5BGRÀMMER Genera].

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Now Cu!! YE Pd 5 Nov Encunbrancea Àctua.].

01-1-00310¡¡ oo ERINI REC-CONSERV COMM 0 .00 o.00 01-1-003105 00 GRÂI¡T RECEIV-FIRE DEPT 0 .00 L,642.50 01-1-003 106 00 GRÀNT REC_POLICE DEPI 0 .00 o. 00 01-1-003 108 00 GRÀ¡¡T REC-¡¡IEHWÀY DEPI 0 .00 o.00 01-1-003110 o0 GR¡IDIT REC-PLÀIINI¡¡G DEPT. 0 .00 9,135.00 0t-1-003112 0o GRá¡T REC-FEMA & VT ERÀf 0 .00 0.00 01-1-00311¡¡ oo GRÀÑf RECETVÀBLE-RECREÀII 0 .00 0. 00

lotr¡ otlrE llc¡¡vttt¡ 0 .00 L0,171,a0

01-1-0034 I0alr t¡c!rvt¡&!

!cÈr¡. I9!!!t Ec¡¡vt¡¡¡ 0,00 0. 00

01-1-003a Erxlt t¡cllvlt&! 01-1-003401. O0 CUnRENT rÀX RECVBT,E 0. 00 7 ,452 ,3AO . 02 O1-1-OO34¡O2.OO DEL PROP TÀXES RECEIVÀBI.E 0. 00 1s2, 860. 11 01-1-003¿03.00 rÀx TNTEREST RECV 0. 00 50,267.39 O1-1-OO34O¿. OO PENÀ¡.TY RECEIVÃ.B¡,E 0. 00 L2,23L .90 O1-1-OO34O5.OO FEDERÀI PIIJOÍ PÀYMENI REC 0. 00 0.00

!oÈ.1 il¡Ol l!C!¡!! 0.00 a,oa7,7tr,a?

lcË¡l ltcltvttt¡t 0 .00 l, 10t, at? . tt

01-1-004099.o0 gTrD Rrcy coupolr xNvEN'fRy 0 .00 0.00 01-1-00¿102. o0 PREpÀrD EXPE!¡SES 0 .00 5,L36.02 01-1-004104.OO !ñVENÎoRY o-oo 16, 60L .20

Eotrl oElllt tttlEt 0 ,00 ¿L,ltt,42

01-1-090000.00 DtE EROM/IO OIHER ErrND 0.00 -1, 990, 021 . 31

EoÈrtr Laaè 0,00 a,l2l,t6a,77


01-¡-001 rCCOUml ttll¡t¡ 01-2.001101. OO ÀCCRI'ED PÀYROI.L PÀYÀB¡,E 0. 00 o. 00 01-2-001101.01 FICÀ TÀX DI'E TO EIIPLOYEE 0.00 101. 84 01-2-001102. 0O lIeslthy Inauruc€ 0.00 o. 00 01-2-001103.00 FIc.¡ TÀX ÞAYÀBI.E 0.o0 o. 00 01-2-001105. OO UEDICÀRE TÀX PÀYÀBI,E 0 .00 o. 00 01-2-00110?.00 FED W/A rÀX PÀYÀALE 0 .00 o. 00 01-2-001109.00 vlr W/¡t IÀX pAyÀBr.E 0 .00 0.00 01-2-001111.00 VEMRS GRP B PAYÀBI.E 0 .00 0.00 OL-2-OOLLL2.OO VIIERS DEE COII'IRA PÀY 0 .00 0.00 01-2-001113.00 VEIRS eRP C PAy¡BrrE 0 .00 0.00 rL/24/20 Tom of Noniqh G€neraL tedger Page 3 of 4 09:35 e Balüce Sh6et CurrenÈ Y€a! - P€riod 5 t{ov I¡TMI.5BGRÀIIMER Genela].

Àccount CUE Y! Pd 5 Nov Cur! Yr Pd 5 Nov Encunblancea Àctua]'

01-2-001114. 00 HSÀ r,rÀBrLrTY 0.00 0 00 01-2-001115. OO CHTI,D ST'PPORT PAYÀBLE 0, 00 0 00 01-2-001116. 00 DEFARRED COI¡pENS¡|TIO¡¡ 0.00 0 00 01-2-001116.10 Rorll Pf.À¡¡ ¡57 0 .00 0 00 01-2-001117. OO I'NTON DI'ES PÀYÂBI,E 0 .00 ¡60 00 01-2-001118.00 DlrE TO rR¡l 0.00 0 00 01-2-001119.00 DI,E EO ron¡¡ Or HÀREFORD 0.00 0 00 O1-2-OO112O.OO EI{PLOYEE'II'DGEYENT ORDER 0.00 50 00 01-2-001121.00 VT åN!UA! RrrIRN 0 .00 1,905 00 OL-2-OOLL22.OO DI'E TO VT-FTSII & GÀME 0 .00 3A2 70 0L-2-OOIL22.O1 Vf FISH e GÀlrE crFT CERrr 0.00 91 00 01-2-001123.00 scsooL DrstRrct rÀx o. 00 -6,7 43,9L1 00 01-2-00112¿. 00 DrrE ro'!¡r-vrTÀ¡ REcoRDs o.00 890 o0 01-2-001125.OO DtE TO GIwSS¡MD-COI,PONS 0 .00 -3,L74 20 01-2-001125. 10 DrrE rO GITVSÍÈD-STIC!(ERÍ; 0.00 1, ¡98 00 01-2-001126. 00 VÎSIO¡¡ SERV pr¡ÀN-pÀyROLL 0. 00 L20 75 OL-?-OOLT?7 . OO DEI,IA DENT¡¡-PÀYROI.Í. 0.00 0 00 01-2-001128.00 DI,E EO nI¡IDSOR COrrN'ry 0 .00 -59,243 00 01-2-00111¡7.O0 DI'E TO TÀXPÀYER FROII STÀT 0 .00 0 00 01-2-0011¡¡8. 00 EÀX OVERPÀh|ENTS 0,00 1,150 37 01-2-0011r¡9. 00 rÀx cr,EÀRINc ÀccorrNT 0. 00 -444 ,942 19 01-2-001150. 00 VEr¡DORft pÀyÀBr,E o.00 27,O94 58 01-2-001160.00 Àccolrñrs pÃ,y. yEàR END 0 .00 0 00 01-2-0011 65. 00 ENCTTMBRÀÌ¡CES o. oo 0 00

Ectrl lÊCOlrIEa tlllll¡ 0.00 -7,îZL,aoa,L'

01-¡-00¡ ortrB &¡t¡tltEr O1-2-OO2 104 . OO PIÀNNING GRÀ¡TI -LTÀBII.IIY 0 .00 0.00 01-2-002106. OO FEUA GRÀNÍ LTÀBÎLITY 0.00 0.00 O1-2-OO21O8.OO ENERGY COMM. GRÀ¡rI ¡,IÀ81 o. 00 0. 00

EcË.I OlttE ¡¡illll¡tEl 0 .00 0. 00

01-¡-001 oE$!t trtttrrrrErlt 01-2-003009. 00 rr¡'rERAccouNr TRÀt¡st ERs 0. 00 0. 00

01-2-003010. o0 PREPÀID TÀXES 0 .00 0. 00 01-2-003010. 20 pREpÀxD EÀXES- NONCURnENÍ 0 .00 0. 00 01-2-003011. 00 TÀX Så,LEIREDEUPUO¡¡S 0.00 0.o0 01-2-003012. OO PREPAID RECRE.trIION FEES 0. 00 0.00 01-2-003013.00 sroRR,s PoND FEES o. 00 0.00 O1-2-OO3O1'.OO PREPÀID STICKER PERMII 0 .00 0.00 O1-2-OO3O15.OO PROP ÎÃX ÀPPEÀI. LIÀBIIJITY 0 .00 0. 00 01-2-003016.00 MSB-!.EMÀ LINE OF CREDTT 0 .00 0. 00 01-2-003017.00 MSB 5 YEÀR LOÀÌr 0. 00 -55. 817 .09 lottl 0!ll!l lltt¡ltEtlt 0 .00 -l!, 11? , 0t

01-2-004 D!r!rr!D tlrtlntlt 01-2-00¡001. oo DEEERRED Rw-EÀXES o. 00 22L,244.6L LL/24/20 lom of Notrich G€neråI Lêdger Påqo ¡l of ¿ 09:35 u Balüce Sh6et Cur!€nt Y€ar - Pêriod 5 t{ov !TULsBGRÀI{MER G€nenl

Àccount Curr Y¡ Pd 5 tfov Cura Y! Pd 5 ¡{ov Encurblancea ActuaI

O1-2-OO4OO2 . OO DEEERRED REV-RECREÀTIOIT 0 .00 5,397.3L O1-2-OO4OO3.OO DEFERRED REVENUE-f HÀl.I, 0 .00 0.00 01-2-00¡¡0011. 00 DEFERRED REV-CRAì¡IS o .00 LO-777 -50

EcÈ¡l D!¡!¡tlD t¡Vlnll 0 .00 at?,lLr,t2

EcË.l lllbl¡.tty 0,00 -?, 0l0r 00! . ll

¡tttD tl¡¡rc!

01-!-0011 t¡lltw-lUlD ¡l¡¡l0! 01-3-001105. O0 RESERVE-RECREÀIION Dpr 0.00 0.00 O1-3-OO11O7.OO RESERVE-FIRE DEPT 0. 00 0.00 01-3-001109. 00 RESERVE-POLICE DEpr 0. 00 0.00 01-3-001111. 00 RESERVT-IOWN CLERK 0. 00 0.00

01-3-001113 . 00 RASERVE-¡¡rGHr¡ÀY Drpr 0. 00 0.00 01-3-001115. 00 RESERVE-SOLTD WÀSIE DEpr 0. 00 0.00 01-3-001117. 00 R.ESERVE-PLåNN¡NC COIIM. 0.00 0, 00 01-3-00111 9. OO RESERVE-BA¡¡DSTÀ¡¡D 0. 00 0. 00 01-3-001122. 00 RESERVE-CONSERVÀTION COMM 0.00 o. o0

Ecȡl llllltt-llltD lllAIG! 0 .00 0. 00

01-!-001! ¡rXlllEltCElD ¡ttþl 01-3-001300.00 GENERÀ¡ Ft t¡D BÀ!-UNREST 0 .00 860, ?1¿. 68 01-3-001301. OO FI'ND BÀI¡AIICES-ENCT'IIB 0 .00 0. 00 lottl ull¡tEtlcElD ttþt 0 .00 aao, t1t. tl

Ect.l tr¿or lartt lwié¡n6. 0,oo aao, ?1t. al

Fund Ba]-üce Current Year o.oo 1¿, 90s, 25s. 91

0. 00 11, ?tl, t?0. It

!cÈ.1 &l.b¿llty,tataryaa, luné 131¡116. 0. 00 a,72a,taa,71 LL/24/20 lom of ¡{oflich G€netaJ- f,edger Pag€ 1 of 1 09:35 æ BâIüce Shô€t CUE€nt Y€ar - period 5 t{ov I¡l.tdI.5BGRÀ¡IIIER cot¡sERvArloN collM FrnrD

Àccount Cur! Yr Pd' 5 Nov Culr Yr Pd 5 l¡ow Encu¡trltrâncês Àctur].


0¿-1-001108. 00 cå,¡¡H-coNsERvÀTIO¡¡ COUM 0 .00 0.00 0¿-1-001204. 00 CÀ¡¡H-CD CO¡¡SER1¡. COUM 0.00 0.00

0r¡-1-090000.0o DnE ERoM/ro orsER Ft¡tD 0. 00 133, 611 . 87

EoÈ¡l l¡r.t 0 .00 1!!, all, ¡?


04-2-001160.00 YEÀR END À/P 0.00 0.00

toÈtI !ltå¡.llty 0.00 0.00

nrD ¡t¡ållc!

0¿-3-001300.00 FtrND BAr.À¡¡CE-CONS CO¡|M 0.oo 133, 611 . 87

Ec!¡l trlor l.rrt ¡ulrd ¡r1.n6. 0. 00 llt, tl1. t?

Fund Ba].üce Cur8ent Y€ar 0 .00 0. 00

0. 00 1!!, all. It

|lotrl &labll¿Èy, L..rraa r tund ¡alar¡6a 0.00 llt, tll. ¡7 Lt/24/20 lom of NÕffieh G€n€råI L€dg€r Pagc 1 of 1 09:35 u Br1uc€ Sh6êÈ Cu!¡snt Year - P€riod 5 Nov HTMÍ.5BGR,¡¡IMER RECREÀTION TÀCILITY Ê IMP

Àccount Cur! Yr Pd 5 Nov Cuff Yr Pd 5 Nov Ensumbrånc€a Àctual tl¡!a

05-1-001102. 00 cÀ¡ta-REcREÀTroN FIrlrD 0 .00 0.00 05-1-090000.00 DnE rRoM/TO OTHER FrrND 0.00 68,310.9¿

!!oÈrl À¡r.È 0.00 tl, l10. ra


05-2-001160.O0 ÀCCOU¡¡ES pAyÃBLE 0 .00 0.o0

EcÈ¡l ll.blll,ty 0 .00 0,00 nrD rr¡ttct!

05-3-001300, 00 FID¡D BA!Àì¡CE-RECR.EÀTrON 0 .00 65, 751. 08 05-¡l-000801 .00 Hunt].€y llead.ora lr¡prowde 0.00 o. o0

Eotrl trlcr T..rt lunc ¡tlan€a 0,00 al, ?tl . 0l

Fund Ba1uc€ Curr€nt Yerr 0.00 2 , 559 .46

EoËrl fun¿ l¡l¡no. 0.00 a¡, t10. tt

EoÈal l¡l,aDl,l¡,Èy, Laarvaar tund ¡rluoa 0.00 6t, !10 . t. LL/24/20 Eom of Noryich G€ner¡I Ledger Pagê 1 of 1 09:35 u Balsce th€et Curre¡t Y€ar - Poriod 5 t¡ov HTMI,sBGR.trIIMER rIRE ÀPPÀRÀBUS FT'ND

Àccount CUE Yr Pd 5 Nov Cur Yr Pd 5 Nov Enculb!åncê! Àctua]. tt¡!E

06-1-090000.00 Drrr FRou/To ot¡¡ER FrrND 0.00 574. 989. 10

Ect¡l 0,00 l7t, tt9 . 10 ^...t

¡ttþ ¡t¡¡ttC!

06-3-001300. o0 FI,ND BArÀ¡¡CE-FrRE EgUIp 0.00 577 , 62L.L6 loËtl ttfcr la¡ra lr$rô lrlrn€a 0.00 ¿71 ,62L ,La

Fund Be].ûce Current YeâÎ o. oo -2,632.06 toËal luné lalrnoa 0.00 llt, t¡t, 10

!cË.1 &l.ålllÈy, La.¡v..,lu¡C 1.1.¡16. 0 ,00 t?t, ,¡r. 10 tL/24/20 Iom of ¡{oryieh G€n€rå]' Ledg€r Pag6 1 of 1 09:35 u Balsc€ Sh€et Current Yes! - Period 5 Nov HEML5BGRÀIIIIER HIGEHAY EQUIPMENE TI'!¡D

Account' CUE Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Encumblrncâg Àctua]. tt¡!E

07-1-00301¿. 00 Àcco¡rNrs REcErvÀBLE 0 .00 o. 00 07-1-090000.00 DIrr EROM/'!O Ort¡ER ¡.I,ND 0 .00 LA8,64L.L2

lotal 1...t 0 ,00 1l¡, tt1 . 12 l¡¡tll&tEl

07-2-000?70. 00 cAprtÀI. r,EÀsE oBf,rcÀrroN 0 .00 0. 00 07 -2-OOL1,20.O0 GRÀNT ÀNErCrpÀTrOll LOå¡¡ 0 .00 o. 00 07-2-001160.O0 À/p rrrcE$rAy EQUrp FI,!¡D 0 .00 0. 00

Eotrl &l,råfllty 0,00 0. 00

¡tþ tl&l¡tc!

07-3-001300.OO rIrND BÀ¡.ANCE-E¡ÍY EQUrp 0. o0 L88, 64L .L2 lloËrl ttlor larra lu¡ró ¡r1an6a 0.00 ltt, ta1.12

Fund Baluce Culr€nÈ Y6ar 0 .00 0.00

0 .00 1tt, t{1 . 1¡

Eotal l¡t¡blllty, tatawaa, tuñC lrlañca 0 .00 1l¡,4a1.12 L1/24/20 Iom of, Noryich G€nelsJ. Lcdger Prge 1 of 1 09:35 e€ Ith€et, Curr€nt Y6rr - PerÍod 5 ¡{ov BfTlL5BGR¡IIMER I¡IGI¡ÌIÀY CARÀGE FI'ND

Accôunt Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Culr Y! Pd 5 ¡tov Encurbrancea AcÈuaI


08-1-001105. 00 CÀSrr-HWy cÀRÀcE FI,¡¡D 0 .00 0. 00 08-1-00302¿.OO À/R IOS'N CÀRjÀCE 0. 00 0.00 08-1-090000.0o DrrE FRoM,/ro oEr¡ER FI,ND 0. 00 52,247.L4

80t¡l l¡t.È 0 .00 a2,alt,La


08-2-001120. 00 GRÀl{Î ÀNTICIÞÀIrON r.OÀ!r 0.00 0.00 08-2-0011¿0. OO FEIII, GRA¡¡E RECEIVÀBLE 0.oo 0.o0 08-2-001160. 00 ACCOTTNTS pÀyÀBf.E 0 .00 0.o0 08-2-001162. OO DEAERRED GRÀ¡$I RT\'ET¡T'E 0.00 o. o0

toÈ¡l lltDl¡.lty 0.00 0. 00

rtrD tl¡tfc!

08-3-001300.00 FI,ND BÀLt¡¡cE-gtfY GåRAGE o-oo 52,2t7.L|

Ect¡l tllcr 1..r. tu$.¡ la¡añoa 0 .00 ,a,al?,La

Fund BaIüc€ Cur¡€nt Year o.00 0.00

0. 00 â2,2t7.L|

EoÈrl ¡.l.blllty, L..úv.., fun¿ l.l.ltqa 0 .00 ,r,2t7,Lt Lr/24120 Iom of, Notrich C€nara]. l"€dg€r Page 1 of 1 O9:35 m Ba].üce Sheet Current Year - P€riod 5 Nov HTIÍI"5BGRÀ¡IMER T'OI¡D IIASTE EQUTP FI'¡¡D

.[ccount Cur¡ Y! Pd 5 Nov Curr Y! Pd 5 ltov Encunbrancea Actual tlM

09-1-090000.0o DI,l FRoM/EO OIHER Ft¡¡D 0.00 3/¡. O48 . 19

EoÈ.l l!¡.Ë 0,00 !a, 0{4. ¡,9


09-2-001160.00 À/p solrD ¡rÀsTE FrrND 0. 00 o. oo

EoËrJ. rblll,Ëy 0.00 0. 00 tuþ ¡l¡¡tlc!

09-3-001300.00 Ft ¡¡D BÀI,A¡¡CE-SOLTD wÀSrE 0 .00 3a,0a8.19

Botrl trlot l..rt lrxrc llJ.lnq. o .00 !4,0at.1t

¡'und BâIüce CuE€nt Y€ar 0 .00 0.00

0,00 !4, 0a¡ , 1t

EcÈ¡l &l.bLuty, l¡aarnat,tunc lrlmc. 0.00 t{,04¡,lt LL/24/20 lom of Nonich C€n€¡aJ' t€dger Page 1 of 1 09:35 I BaIüc€ Sl¡eêt Curaent Ye¡r - Period 5 Nov HTMT,sBGRÀIIMER PO¡¡ICE STÀ1IO!¡ TI'ND

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Culr Yr Pd 5 Nov Encu¡brancor ÀctuåI


10-1-0r000o.o0 DI'E FRoM,/'ro oErrER FIL¡D o.oo 10, 667.55

EoÈ¡l L..È 0. 00 10, aa?. lt


10-2-001160.00 À/p poLrcE srÀrroN FrmD 0. 00 0. 00

tcÈ.l &t.Þ11¿Èy 0 .00 0.00

!uþ ¡l&tilc!

10-3-001300 . 00 FIr¡¡D BAIÀr¡CE¡-pOr.rCE SrÀr 0.oo 10, 667.55

lotal trlo! Iarr. Iu¡r¿ lrl¡a6. 0.00 10, 44? , tl

Fund B¡J.uce Curlent Year o.oo 0. 00

Eot.l IunC lrl.tr6a 0,00 10,44?. lt

EcÈ¡l &l.åtllty, Ltawaa, lut¡C ¡.1l¡16. 0. 00 10, 44? . tl tL/24/20 ToE of Noflich c€neral Ledge8 Page ¡. of f. O9:35 m BèIücê Sh€€t Curr€nt Year - Þeaiod 5 Nov sm,g.5BcRÀto@R POI.ICE CRUISER

Account CuEr Y! Pd 5 Nôv Curr Yr Pd 5 t{ow lncunltr¡ncê s ÀctuaJ. tllla

11-1-090000.00 DtE r.ROM/rO OT!¡ER DITNDS o-oo 63,765.23

Eolal lrlat 0 .00 6!,?út.21

IttD ¡lt¡Ic¡

11-3-001300.00 FI,ND BÀLAI¡CE- pOr¡rCE CRUI 0. o0 9L , O32 .23

EoÈrl trlor la¡rt lu¡ré ¡ 0. 00 tl, ol2. ¡!

I'und Ba].uc€ Cu¡rent Y€ar 0. oo -27,267.OO

0 .00 a!, 73t . ¡! totrl &t.lf¡lty, tatarv.., ¡uné lrl¡noa 0 .00 tt,?rl.¡! LL/2A/20 Eom of Noilich e€ne¡al L€dg€¡ Prg6 1 09:35 m Ba1ec€ Shåêt CUE€nt Y€aa - P€liod 5 Nov HÍIÍL5BGRÀ¡'MER TOlllI REåPPRÀISÀú TU¡TD

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov CurE Yr Pd 5 Nov EncutrIrtancô! ÀctuaI


12-1-090000.00 DrrE FRou/ro orsER rrrND 0. 00 28, 148 . 50

!ot.l lrl.È 0.00 at, 1{t. l0


12-2-001160. 00 ÀCCOUNTS pÀyÀBLE 0.00 0.00

Ectrl &l.å!,U,ty 0,00 0. 00 fum rllrxc!

12-3-OO13OO . OO EI'IID BAI.INCE-REÀPPRÀISÂI 0.00 28, 1¿8. 50

Eot¡l ttlot !rrt. tr¡llê ¡rllaÊ. 0. 00 tt, 1{¡. t0

Fund Balüce CuÉlent Y€ar o. oo 0.00

0. 00 21, 1tl. l0

EcÈ¡l ll¡llllËy, Laaryaa,lun¿ ¡tla¡lsa 0,00 ¡1, laa. l0 Lr/2â,/20 Iom of l¡oryich Cene!!]. f.edEer Pag€ 1 09:35 u Bå].üc€ SheeÈ, Current Yeâr - Poliod 5 Nov IITI{L5BGRÀIIMER ERÀCY ITAI,I" FI'}¡D

Account CUE Y¡ Pd 5 t¡ov Curr Yr Pd 5 Now Encumblancea ÀctuaI


13-1-003108. O0 cRÀ¡¡r RrcErvÀBf¡E 0 .00 0. 00 13-1-090000.00 DrrE FROM/IO OltlER r,Irì¡D 0 .00 65, 9¿5. 03

Iotal Àsset 0 .00 65, 9¡5 . 03


13-2-001160. O0 ÀCCOITN'IS pÀyåALE o.00 0. oo lotal Li¿bi].ity o-oo o. o0


13-3-001300.O0 EnND BAI,¡¡¡CE-TRACY nÀ¡L o. o0 65, 91¡5 . 03

Tota]- Prior Y€ars Fqd B¿1anc6 o-oo 65, 9/¡5. 03

Fund Ba].uc€ Current YeaÉ 0.00 o. 00

lotaJ. Fund Ba1ec€ 0.00 65, 91¡5 . 03 lotal Liability, R€r€ryea,Fund BaLücê 0.00 65,9r¡5.03 LL/24/20 Tom of Norich G€n€râ]. Ledger Page 1 09:35 u Brlece Sheet CuEont Yêat - Poriod 5 Nov IITI¡I,5BGRÀIIIIER CEIIERÃI. ÂI'MIN. FT'ND

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Encw¡branc€a ÀcturI


1¡-1-090000.00 DUE FROM/'rO OTI¡ER RI,I¡DS o-oo 33, 053. 68

fotaJ. Àra€t o. oo 33,053.68


1¿-2-001160. O0 ÀCCOUNTS PÀYÀB¡,E 0.00 0.00

IotaI I.i¡biJ'j.ty 0 .00 0. 00


1¿-3-001300.O0 Ft ND BA!.A¡¡CE-GEìI ÀDMr¡f o-oo 33, 053. 68 fotr]. Plior Y6a!a Fud Br].ancê o.00 33,053.68

Fund Ba1üce Current Year 0.00 0.00

o. oo 33, 053. 68

Total Líabi].j.Èy¿ Reaery6s, Fund, Bl].uce 0 .00 33, 053. 68 rL/24/20 Eom of ilonich c€naas1 LadEêr Pag€ 1 09:35 m Bâ1ece Sh€aÈ Culrê¡t YaÚ - Pêriod 5 Nov EIIÍI.5BCR.trüMER GrüiÈe bêncl¡ rith crysta

Account Curr Y! Pd 5 Nov CUE Yr Pd 5 ïov Encueblanqe! Àctur1


15-1-090000.00 DrrE EROX/IO OrsER Frn¡D 0. 00 1, 528 . 45 llotal Àla€t o. oo L,52e.45


15-2-001160. 00 ÀccolrNEs pÀyÀBf.E 0.00 o. oo

Eotå]. Líabill.ty o.00 0. 00

t'¡rND qar,À¡rcE

15-3-OO13OO. OO CE¡ÍERÀL BT'I¡D BAI.-U!¡REST 0.00 L,524. l5

Eotal P8j.or Yoara E8d Bè].¡nc€ o-oo L,529.45

Fund Ba].uce Curr€nÈ Y€ar 0.oo o. oo

ToÊs]. trund Ba].ücê 0 .00 L,524.45

IoÈaI Lilbl.].ity, Raa€rya!,trund Br].üc€ o-oo L,52a.45 LL/24/20 Eom of Noflich ceneral l,€dger Paga 1 09:35 u Balücê Sh€et Curr€nt YaaE - Period 5 Nov HTIII.5BCRÀIIIIER RECREÀTTON TU!¡D-DÀII

Àccount Culr Yr Pd 5 Now Curr Yr Pd 5 l¡ov Encunbr¡ndâa ÀctuaI


16-1-090000.00 DnE FROU/TO Orr¡ER ETTNDS 0. oo L,297.76

loÈ¡l Àasat 0 .00 L,297.76


16-2-001150.0O À/P DN{ rlrlrD 0.00 0.00

Iotal Líabi]'ity 0. 00 0.00


16-3-001300.OO Er rD BÀ¡.ÀI¡CE-REC- D.åM 0. 00 t,297.76

ToÈaI PrLor Y€rra Eud Bålancê 0.00 L,297.76

Fund BaJ.uce Curlent Yerr 0. 00 0.00

Tot¡J. Fund Br].sce 0.00 L,297,76

Iotal LiabiliÈy,Reaewes,Fund Båj.uce o. oo L,297.76 LL/24/20 Eom of, Nowich Genera1 ¡.edger 1 09;35 æ Blluce SheeÈ Current' Year - Period 5 Nov ITTML5BGRÀI'MER RECREÀI¡ON FI'}ID-TENI{IS CO

Account Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Encu¡lbrancer Àctu¡1


17-1-090000.00 DI,E rRoM/to oEBER EIL¡D 0. o0 8, 309. s1 lotå]. Arrêt o. oo g-309-s1


1?-2-001160. O0 ACCOITNTS P.trYÀBLE 0. 00 0. o0

Iotal LiabiJ.ity 0.00 0. 00


1?-3-00 130 0 . 0 0 FU!|D BÀ¡¡Àr¡cE-rENr¡r S COURT 0 .00 8, 309. 51 lotêl Prior Yea¡! Fud Ba].ancê o-oo 8, 309. sl

Fund Bâl.ece Current Year 0. 00 o. oo lota]. trund Ba1uc6 0. 00 8, 309.51

Total tiabil.ity, Resery€!, fund. Bâ].ece o.00 8,309.s1 LL/24/20 tom of l¡oních G€nâÉaI tedg6! Pag€ 1 09:35 & BåIæc. Shs.t CurrenÈ Year - P€riod 5 l¡ov STMLsBGRÀ¡O@R IOIIN CIJERK EQT'¡P TUND

Account Cuar Yr Pd 5 ùov CUE Y! Pd 5 tlov Encu¡ûItrrncea Àctual


19-1-090000.00 DrrE FRor{/TO OI¡¡ER Frr¡rD 0.00 0. 00

Iota]. Assêt 0.00 0. 00


19-2-001160. OO Àccowta Payrbta 0.00 o. 00

lota]. Lialri].ity o.00 o. 00


19-3-001300.00 FrrND BÀrÀNCE-twN CrJ( EQUr o. o0 o. 00

Total Pr1or Years Eud Balânc€ o. oo o.00

Fund Bâ1acê Y€rr 0.00 0. 00

Iotå]. Fund Bål.ùcê 0.o0 o. 00 fota]. LialtiliÈy, R€lerye!. Fqnd Br].üce 0. 00 0 .00 L\/24/20 lom of ¡toryich G€nera]' Ledge! Pag€ 1 09:35 u Balânca Shãåt Culrent Year - P€liod 5 Nov STüI,5BGRÀIOIER POLTCE SPEC rQUrP EU¡¡D

Account CurÉ Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Encu¡lbr¡nceg ÀcÈua1


21-1-003106. OO GRAì¡I RTCETVÀBLE 0.00 0.00 21-1-090000.00 DUE rROU/rO OrsER rrrNDS 0.00 5, ¡98.88 lotåI À!!et 0 .00 5, ¿98.88


21-3-001300.O0 EI,Ì..D BÀI¡¡ÍCE-POLICE SPEC o. oo 5, ¡¡98. 88

Iotal Prior Year! Fud Balance o-oo 5,a98.88

Fund Baluc€ Cu3rent Yoar 0.00 o. oo lotrl. trund Balüce 0 .00 5, ¿98. 88

Iotal Liabi].ity,R€r€ryea, trund Ba].uce o. oo 5, 498. 88 LL/24/20 lom of Noflict¡ G¡€ners]' f.€dg6r Pago 1 09¡35 u Ba1sc€ Sh€€t Cutrênt YeaE - Period 5 Nov HIML5BGRÂIIIIIR I(IDS t COPS FI'¡¡D

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Cur! Yr Pd 5 Nov Encu¡¡brsnc€! Àctu¡1


22-1-090000.00 DI,E FRC'M/TO OEHER FID¡D 0.00 0 .00 total À!!€t' 0 .00 0. 00


22-3-001300.OO F¡mD BÀIÀ!¡CE-KIDS ¿ COPS 0 .00 o. oo fotal Prior Y€ars Bud Br].ancs 0.00 0. 00

Fund Baluc€ CuE6nÈ Yêar 0.00 0 .00 lot¡l trund Ba].scê 0.00 0. 00

IotaJ' Lirbility,Ros€*ês,Fund B!1ùce o.oo 0 .00 Lt/24/20 Eom of Noflich G€noral f.€dgea Pag6 1 09:35 ü Êa1sce Sh€et CuÉrent Year - P€riod 5 Now HIIÛ.5BGRÀIIIIER ÀFFOR¡'ÀBI.E SOI'SING ¡'I'ND

Account Curr Yr Pd 5 Now Cur. Yr Pd 5 Nov Encu¡lbr¿nc€! ÀctuâI


23-1-090000.O0 DIrE/EROrd rO OI¡|ER FI,ND 0.00 46,294.64

Totaj. Àaast 0.00 tt6,298.6r


23-3-OO13O O . OO FI'IID BÀ¡,A¡TCE-åI.FORDÀBI.E E o.00 46,294.61 lota]. Prior Yosr! fúd. Balancã o.00 16,298.64

Fund Balæc€ CuErent Y€ü 0 .00 0.oo

Iota]. l'und Ba1æce 0.00 46,294.64 llotâI Líåbility, R€8eryas, trund Båj.uc€ 0.00 46,298.64 LL/24/20 Iom of Noflich G€n€rr]' L6dger Pag€ 1 09:35 m BÄlec€ Eha€t Currant Yea! - Poliod 5 Nov BTIII,5BERÃüI{I¡R f¡À¡ID MAI¡AGEIIENE COI'I¡CIL T

ÀccounÈ Culr Yr Pd 5 Nov CurE Y! Pd 5 llow Encuûbtanqêa ÀcÈuaI


2/¡-1-0O11O¡¡.OO CÀSII-CD IÀND llc¡ltl COITNCIL 0.00 o. 00 24-1-090000.o0 DUE FROùt/rO O'!¡¡ER FIn¡DS 0. 00 9, 978. 03 lotrl Aaset 0.00 9,978.03


2{-3-001300.00 FI,ND BAr.Àr¡cE-rÀ¡rD Uqlx CO o. oo 9, L26.10 lotê1 Prior Y€ar8 füd Ba1anc€ 0 .00 9, L26.40

Fund BåIüc€ Current Y€ar 0. 00 851. 63

Tota]. trund Brlüc6 o-oo 9, 978.03

lotal LiåIti].ity, Re!€ry€!, trund Balüc€ 0 .00 9 ,978 . 03 LL/24/20 Tom of ¡¡oÐ Can€ra]. f.€dger Pagê 1 09:35 u Ba].uc€ Shect eurrent Y€ù! - Period 5 l{ov HTTõ.5BGR¡IIMIR SÎÀTION TI'¡ID 'IRT

Account' Curt Yr Pd 5 Nov CuÉ Yr Pd 5 tlov EncunbrsnceB Àctur].


25-1-090000.00 DrrE/raoü ro orEER r,rrltD 0. 00 6,232.02

lotrl Lr!êt 0.00 6,232.02


25-2-001160. 00 Àccot ¡rTs pAyÀBf,E o.o0 o. 00

Iot¡l f.iabi].ity 0.00 o. o0

a=* FIr¡¡D BÀr¡ÀNcE

25-3-001300. 00 ¡.t ND BÀtÀilcE-FrRE ATÀTrON o. oo 6,232.02

Iota.]' Prior Y€ar! Fud Ba1anc€ 0 .00 6,232.02

Fund BaLuc€ Current Yea! o. 00 o. oo

Total Fund Ba].ücê o. 00 6,232.02

Iota]. LLrbi].ity,R€r€rye8,trund Bâlånc€ 0.00 6,232.O2 LLl24/20 Iom otr Notricl¡ G€n€ra1 LadgEr Pagô 1 09:35 ü Baluea SheeÈ CUE€nt YÊsr - Þ€r1od 5 llov Hrt{ÈsBCRAHüER FIRE EQUIPMEI¡Î FOND

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Þd 5 Nov Encu¡¡brancêr Àctua].


26-1-090000.O0 DnE FROt{/rO OTI¡ER FtND 0 .00 99,g2t.32

EoÈâI Àsaêt o. oo 99,42L.32


26-3-001300,00 EIn¡D BÀ!À¡¡CE-FIRE EQt rpME 0.00 99,42r.32

ToÈal. Príor Years Fud B¿1¡nce 0.00 99,82L.32

Eund Bal.ece Cur!.nÈ Yêar o. 00 0. 00

o. oo 99,42L.32 lotal. I"íaltiJ.ity, R€!€w€8, trund Baluce 0.oo 99,42L.32 tL/24/20 Iom of Nosj'ch Gþne$1 Lêdger P¡g€ 1 09¡35 u Bâ].uc€ Sheet Current Y€ar - Pêriod 5 t¡ov IITMLsBGRÀIOIER STDETIA¡¡I( FI'IÍD

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov ÀcÈua]'


27-1-090000.00 DUE rRoM,/to otBER Ftt¡tD 0.00 80, 865 .33 loÈèl Às3at o. oo 80, 865 .33


2 7-3-001 30 0 . 00 ru¡¡D BÀ¡,¡r¡cE-sIDEwÀf.t( FIr¡¡ o. 00 80, 86s .33

ToÈal. Prio¡ Ysær Fsd Batânc€ o. oo 80, 865 ,33

trund BrIÐs€ Curr€nt Yeâr 0 .00 0.00

o .00 80, 86s.33

Tota]. Liåbility. Rar€F€3, trund Ba].ücê 0.00 80, 865.33 LL/24/20 Iom of ¡{oflích Gon€ra]. L€dger Page 1 09:35 ü BâIuce Sh€et Curlent Year - Pâriod 5 Now I'IIILSBGRÃIII'ER ¡.OI¡G TERII F.ICILITY SfUDY

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 ilov Encumbranc€g ÀctuaI


28-1-090000.00 DrrE FROU/IO OEEER FrrND o.00 5¿6. 59

Iot¿l. Àsset o-oo 5¡16. 59


28-2-001160. O0 ÀCCOU¡¡TS pÀytBLE 0 .00 o. o0 2 8-3-OO130 0 . OO rIrND BÀtÀt¡cE-t'Àcrr¡¡ty sru 0.00 5¡6.59

TotâI Lirbi].ity 0. oo 516.59

Fund Ba]"sc€ Current Y€ar 0. 00 o. 00

0.00 0.00

Tot¡J. Lirbil.iÈy,Re3ery€c, Fund Baluc€ 0 .00 546. 59 LL/24/20 Iom of ¡¡ c€neÉal. f.edger Pagè :. 09;35 u Ba]'ucq Sh€ct Current Yeâr - P€¡iod 5 ïov IT|f¡{I,5BGRIIûIIR rOHN MT¡¡ACER VESICLE TU¡¡D

Àcqount Cur¡ Y¡ Pd 5 l¡ov CUE Yr Pd 5 l¡ov Encunbnnceg ÀctuaI


29-1-090000.00 DrrE rRor¡/ro orsER FrrND 0.o0 0.oo lota]. Àslet 0.00 0.o0


2 9-3-001300. 00 F¡r¡¡D BÀr.À¡¡cEfNdcR vEgrcr.E 0.oo o-oo

Iota]. Líabi].ity 0 .00 0. oo

Fund Balucg Curr€nt Y6a! o. oo o. oo

Total Fund Ba].ucê o. o0 o. 00

Iota]' Liability, R8!€w€s, trund Ba].sc€ 0 .00 0. 00 LL/2r/20 Tom of NorLcl¡ G€ne8âl f.edg€r P¡gê 1 09:35 u Baluce Sheet Current Y6aÉ - P€riod 5 Nov ETIIL5BGRÀ¡ûIER BÀ¡¡DSTÂI¡¡I RANOVATTON FT'I¡D

AccounÈ CUE Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr YE Pd 5 Nov Encunbtsncê! AcÈua1


3O-1-O9O000.0O DI,E rRODr/'fO OrsER r.IrND 0. 00 0. 00

lota.l Àls€t 0.00 o. oo


30-2-001160.00 ÀccconNTs pÀyÀBLE 0.00 0.00

30-3-0013 0 0, 0 0 Frr¡rD BÀr.À¡¡cE-BÀr¡Ds!Àr¡D RE 0. 00 0.oo

Tota]' Liabi1ity 0.00 0.00

trund Balüco CuÉ!€nt Y€ar o.oo o. oo

0.00 0.00

Tota1 LirbiliÈy, R€len€s, ¡'und EaJ'uc€ 0. oo 0,oo LL/24/20 lom of l¡oryi€l¡ c€n€rl]. L€dgêr Pag€ 1 09:35 a BaJ.uo€ Ithc€t Current Y€ü - Period 5 l¡æ EEf,iL5BGRÂIIIIER coto@lrtcArror¡s stIrDY FInfD

Àccount CUEE Yr Pd 5 tlow Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Eneumbranc€! Àctur]'


31-1-090000,00 D¡rr FRoM/lo otnER ErrNDs o. oo 0 .00 lotrl. Àls€t o.00 o. oo


31-3-001300. O0 rUND BÀLl¡¡CE-COto,úr¡ grttDY 0,oo 0. 00

!ot!l. Prior Y.rr! trúd Bâl¿nce 0.00 o.00

¡'md Baluce Current lå¡r 0 .00 0 .00

Iotrl Fud Br].uca o.oo 0 .00

!ot!1 LLrbiIity. Rar€rye!, trund 8.1!nc€ 0.oo o. oo LL/24/20 Iom of lloryich G¡cneral L€dgo¡ Pago 1 09:35 I Ba.luc€ SheeÈ Cu8r€nÈ Y€ar - Porl.od 5 Nov HIML5BGRAIIIIER cIrIzEr¡ ÀssrsE¡rrcE rgND

Account Cu¡r Yr Pd 5 Nov CurE Y! Pd 5 t{ov lncunbrsnc€t Àctual


33-1-090000.00 DUE rROM/!O OEHER rrrND 0.00 6,792.37 fotrl. Àasat 0 .00 6,792.37


33-3-001300. OO EUND BÀ!"-RESTRIC! o.00 7 , 492.37

IotaJ. Prior Ysara Fsd Balanco 0 .00 7 , 492.37

trund Brlüce CUE€nt Yeår 0. o0 -?o0.00

EotåI Fund Ba].uc€ 0.00 6,792.37

Iotr]. Lirbil.íty, Rsa€w€!. Fund Ba].scc 0.00 6,792.37 LL/24/20 Eom of lYoryicl¡ G¡EDer¿J. f.€dg€r Pâgê 1 09r35 u Ba].ücs Sh€oÈ Culr€nt Y€rr - P€riod 5 ¡{ov ETIII.SBGRÃII¡IER wcnt [ouNEÀrn

ÀccounÈ Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 ÌIov lncu¡lbranc€! Àctu!1 tsstT

3r-1-0900o0.0o DtE ERoM/EO OrsER rrrND o. oo o. oo

lota1 å!!et 0 .00 o. oo


31¡-3-001300. 00 FI,ND BàLÀÌ¡CE 0 .00 0. o0 llotrl Prior Y€ar3 trüd Balanoo 0 .00 0. 00

lund B¡].ece Curr€nt Y€èr 0.00 0. 00

IoÈr1 trund Êalüoê 0.o0 o. 00

|[otr]. f.irbi]'iÈy. Roler€r, Fund Ba].üce 0. oo o. oo LLl24,/20 llom of Noilich G€ncrêl Ledgrr Pag€ 1 09:35 u Balsa6 Sh€6t Current YôrÉ - PcÉiod 5 tlov IITIII'5BGR¡III'ER CORRIDOR 'TREE

Àacount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Encunbrancg! ÀoÈuaI


35-1-090000.00 DnE BROX/IO OTBER EOND o. o0 o. o0

Tota1 Àrr€t o. oo 0.00


35-3-001300.00 rûND BÀ!ÀNCE 0.00 0. 00

IotaJ. P¡ior YGar! trmd BaJ.ancê 0 .00 0.00

trund Ba1üoô Current Y.å! 0. o0 0. 00

0 .00 0. 00 loÈr1 ¡.IabLJ.ity. Râð€*a!, trund B!1uc6 o. oo o. oo LL/2À/20 llom of ïoilich C€n€ra1 L€dg€r P¡g€ 1 09:35 m Ba].üce Sheêt CurrêBÈ Yaar - ÞorLod 5 tfov BIlMLsBGR¡¡'IIER ILURA CRÀT¡'f

Àocount Cusr Ya Pd 5 Nov Cutr Yr Pd 5 Nov EncunbËance! ÀeÈu¿]'


36-1-090000.00 DrrE FROr{/rO OîSER rOND o. oo 0. 00 l[otal l..ot o.oo o. oo


36-3-001300. 00 FrrND BÀr.r¡¡cn 0 .00 0.00 lotâI Prior Y6ara Eud BaJ'¡nc€ o.o0 o. 00

Fund B¡].ücG CuEent Yaar o. oo 0.00

Totll fund Balecê 0. o0 o. o0

Eotal Liabj.].l.ty, ReseFer, Fund Br1uc€ 0 .00 0.o0 LL/24/20 lom of Nonich csn€¡al Ledg€r 1 09:35 u BÀ].uc€ Sl¡€€t Curr€nt Y€ar - P€riod 5 Nov Bltíf.5BGRÀIIMER üÀTN STREET TI.ÀCS

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Cu$ Yt Pd 5 Nov Encumbrånc€! Àctuê1


37-1-090000.00 DIIE EROM,/IO OTI¡ER FInfD o-oo 0.o0

loÈa]. AaaeÈ 0 .00 0. 00


37-2-001160, 00 ÀCCOI NES PÀYÀALE 0.00 0.00

EoÈaI ¡.iabilit'y 0.00 o. 00


37-3-OO13OO. OO FI'ND BA¡¡À¡¡CE o-oo 0. 00

Tota1 Prior Yèar! Fud BlJ.åncå o.oo 0 .00

Eund Baluc€ Current Year o.00 o. oo

TotêJ' ¡'und Bålucê 0. 00 0.00

Eota.]' Liabi].ity, R€aery€r, Fund Balüca 0.00 0. 00 LL/24/20 fom of t{oniah c¡oBeraJ. Lqdg€r Prg6 :. 09:35 u Bal.üce Sh€et Curr€nt Yarr - P.riod 5 t{ov ETI{I.sBCRÀIOIER SCHOOL I.EÀSEIÀ¡¡D

Account Curr Yr Pd 5 Now Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov EncumbÉanc€g Àctual


38-1-090000.00 DrrE FRoM/EO OTEER FrrND o. o0 0 .00

Iotr]. A3s€t 0.00 0.00

trt lfD BÀ¡.Àt¡cE

38-3-001300.OO rûND BÀrÀr¡CE 0.00 0. o0

Total Prior Yåår! Fud Ba].anc€ 0.00 0. 00

Aund BåIuso Curr€nt Yoâr 0. oo o. o0

Eotal Fund B¡lsce o. oo o. oo lotal f.isbi].ity, Rêlary€!, trund Ba].üc€ 0.00 0. 00 LL/24/20 lom of Nonict¡ C€n€rsl Ledg€r Pâge 1 09:35 m Balsco Shåêt Cu8r€nt Ycar - P€riod 5 Nov Hn{I.sBCRÀ¡IMER GOSPEI. IJÀ¡'EI.À¡¡D

Àccount Cura Yt Pd 5 Nov CUE Yr Pd 5 Nov Encu!¡tråncc! Àctu!I


39-1-090000.0o DUE FRo¡t/rO O!u¡ER rûND 0. 00 0.00

lota]. Àsset 0.oo 0.00

EI'I¡D BÀ¡.¡¡¡CE

39-3-001300.00 ErrND BÀI,¡¡¡CE 0.00 0.00

Tota]. Prior YeÈs Fúd B.lanc€ 0.00 0. 00

Bund Balece Curr€nt Y€ar o. oo 0. 00

lota]. Fund B!1ùcâ 0.oo o. oo totll Liåbility.R€r€ryes,lund Baluce o.00 o. oo tL/2tt/20 Iom of Noflioh e€n6la]- L€dg€! Page L 09:35 u BaI&c€ gh€et Curlant Yarr - P€rl.od 5 !¡ov IITMI,5BGRÀIIIIER RECRTÀAION gC¡tOf.ARSSrPS

ÀccounÈ Culr YE Pd 5 Nov Cur! Yr Pd 5 Nov Encu¡brancåa ÀctuaI


1¡0-1-090000.00 DrrE FROII/EO O5EER FrnfD o. oo 5,051.20

Iota]. À!!€t 0.00 5,051.20


r¡O-3-001300.OO flrllD BÀL-R.striated o.00 5, 051 . 20

TotrJ' P!Íor Yearr trud B¡J'anco 0.oo 5, 051.20

trund Balsce Current Year o.oo o. oo

8oÈa1 lund B8lù€€ o.oo 5, 051 .20 lotå]' Liabi1ity, Râ!åt€!, Fund Br].sce 0.00 5, 051 .20 LL/2A/20 lom of Noryich G€neral L€dg6r Pag€ 1 09:35 ü BaIüc€ Sheet CurrenÈ Y€ar - P€-iod 5 Nov STIIL5BGRAIIMER DPW-BRTDCE I'I'ND

Àccount Cur! Yr Pd 5 Nov Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Encumbrances Àctual


r¡1-1-003001. 00 FEMÀ GRÀ!|T RTCETVÀB!,E 0.00 5, {¡7 .08 41-1-003002.00 sr oF vT cRÀ¡tÎ nEcErvåBr.E o. 00 0. 00 41-1-090000.00 DI,E FROU/IO OIHER rrrND 0.00 332,794.90

lota]. Asaet 0 .00 338, 241 . 98


¿1-2-001162. 00 DETERRTD cRÀ¡rr REVEI¡LE 0 .00 0.00

rotal LiabiLiÈy o. 00 0.00


L-''. ._-.- ¿1-3-OO13OO. OO GENERÀ¡. FT'I¡D BAI.-I'NREST o-oo 338, 2¡11 . 98

TotêI Prio! Years Fund Balånc€ 0.o0 338,24L.9a

Fund BaJ.sce Curr€nt Year o. 00 0.00

Iota]. Fund Ba].uce 0 .00 338,2r¡1.98 fotaJ. Liabi].ity, Rê3€*es, Fund Bal8ce 0. 00 33A,24L.9A Lr/2!/20 lom of e€n€ra]. f.edg€¡ Pag€ L 09:35 m Ba].uce Shoet CurrênÈ Y€ar - P€liod 5 Nov STI{L5BGRà¡IIIER DPII.PÀVING F¡'¡ÙD

Àccount Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Cur! YE Pd 5 Nov Encunbrancês ÀcÈual


¿2-1-0900oo.0o DrrE FnoM/ro otsER rrr¡fD o. 00 ¿0, 109. ¿5

IotaJ' Àslet 0. 00 /¡0, 109. ¡5


42-2-OOLL6O.OO Àccouts PayabJ.€ o-oo 0 .00 loÈ.1 Liabi].ity 0. oo 0.00


¡I2-3-OO13OO. OO GENERAI. FÛND BÀI.-I'NRES! o. 00 L72,899.54

Iotg.]' Prior Y€arr trsd Ba].anc€ 0 .00 L?2,499.54

trund BrIü€e Current YGar 0. oo -L32.190.09 lotal Fund Bal.uce o.00 40. 109. a5 lotrJ. LLabiJ.ity,R8!€rye8,trund Båluc€ 0 .00 ¡0, 109. ¿5 LL/24/20 lom of NoRich C€ne.a]. L€dger Prga 1 09:35 u B¡lsca Sha6t Cur¡ent Y€êr - Perl.od 5 Nov I¡II¡I.5BGRÀIIMER BUU.DTNCS & GROI¡¡DS

Àccount Cur! Yt Pd 5 Nov Cura Ir Pd 5 Nov Encu¡lbr¡nc€! Àctua1


{3-1-090000.00 DrrE rRoM/ro otHER FrrND 0 .00 33, 719.85

Eotaj. À!!et 0. 00 33, 719. 85


{3-3-001300. 00 GENERÀ¡. FI,ND B¡tf.-U¡¡RrSr o. oo 33, ?19. 85

Tota]. Prior Y€ar8 Füd Balsnce 0.oo 33, ?19. 85

Fund Balsce CuEsnt Yê¡r 0.oo 0. 00

0.00 33, 719. 85

Tota]. Li.bLlity, R€!€ryes, trund Ba].ùce 0.oo 33, ?19.85 LL/24/20 Tom of t¡oryich G€nâraL ¡.êdgêt Page L 09:35 u Bâ].ec€ Sh€et Cu¡renÈ Year - Pê¡iod 5 Nov HI'I{L5BGnillltER COMMT'NICàIIONS CONSIRUCTI

Account Culr Yr Pd' 5 Ì¡ov Cutr Yr Pd 5 l¡ov Encunblanc€! Àctual


{{-1-001100 00 IIÀ'I¡COIIA B¡¡¡K 0 .00 0.00 {4-1-001200 00 CÀÉig-US Buh 0 .00 0.o0 14-r-OOL202 00 LEDYÀR¡' I¡ÀVINGS ÀCCI. 0 .00 0.00 44-1-003105 00 À,/R BOND PROCEEDS 0 .00 0.00 ¡t¡¡-1-003106 00 GRÀI¡T REC-SO}IEI¡ÀI¡D SECI'RT 0 .00 0.00 {rr-1-090000 00 DrrE FROM/ÎO OEr¡ER rIr!¡D 0 .00 0.00 totåI ÀE!êt 0 .00 0.00


/|/|-2-o0LL20.oo Îru( E¡c¡lpT r¡EÀsE plrRcnÀsE 0.00 0. o0 /|4-2-OOLL22.O0 rOrrER BOND-VUBB 0. 00 0.00 a4-2-001160. 00 ACCOTTNTS PAYÀBI,E 0. 00 0.o0

Total Liabij.ity 0. 00 0.o0


¡¡¡-3-O013O0. 00 eENERÀ¡. FIrìrD BÀL-UTIRESI o.00 0.00 toÈa1 Prioa YêåE Fud B¡1ancê 0 .00 0. o0

Fund Baluce Curr€nt Y€ar 0 .00 0.00

Tot¡l trund Baluc€ 0.oo o. oo

Iota]. Liabi1Lty, R6B€*es, trund Br]'Ënce 0.00 o. oo LL/24/20 lom of Noryich G€ L€dger Prg€ 1 09:35 m B¡IÐc€ gh6€t Curtånt Y€ar - Period 5 Nov HllÍL5BCRÀ!1À|ER RECORDS RESIC'RÀ'IIO!¡

.Account Curr Y8 Pd 5 llov Curr Yr Pd 5 Nov Encunbrancêa Àctual


¡5-1-O9OO00.00 DI,E FROX/IIO OTHER FIn{D o-oo 32, 6LL .64

IotaJ. À!.êt o. oo 32,61 L -64


{5-3-001300.00 GENERAT, Em{D BAL-mrRESr 0. 00 25,870.64

Totrl. Plior Y€ar! Fud BåIanc€ 0 .00 25, A7O . 6l

Fund BåIuce Curr€nt Yaar 0.oo 6, 7¿1. 00

Eotr]' Fund BaIüc€ o. 00 32,6LL.64 lotâI l.ísbi].l.ty, R€a€ry€!. Fund BaIüc€ 0.o0 32,6LL.64 LL/24/20 Tom of f{oflLch C€non1 ¡.edger Pâgâ 1 09:35 I Bâlsco Sho€t Current ysâr - Pêriod 5 Nov ETIII¡5BGR.IIO{ER CENERÀIOR FT'IID

Aocount Cur! Y! Pd 5 ltov Cur! Yr Pd 5 Nov Encunbrancea Àctuål


16-1-090000.00 DI,E rROU/rO OrnER FI,ì¡D o.00 25,L37.O1

fotâJ. Àls€t 0. 00 25, 137 . 01


{6-3-001300. 00 EI,ND EÀLANCE o.oo ¿8, 380 . 51

EoÈal Ptior YeåE trud, Balance o. oo {8,38O.51

Eund Brluc€ Cur!€nt Yaar o. oo -23,243.50 loÈa]' FuBd Bal.üc€ 0.oo 25,1,37,OL

Iota]. I¿iabi]'ity, R.!€rya!. trund Baluce 0 .00 23,t37.OL rL/24/20 Iom of Norich c€neÉâI f.€dg6r Page 1 09:35 m Ba].ec€ gheet Current Y6ar - Pê¡iod 5 Nov Btt¡r,sBeRÀUMER PUBf.IC SÀFETY FÀCT¿ITY

Àccgunt Curr Yr Pd 5 l¡ov Cu$ Yr Pd 5 l¡ov Àctual


47-1-001¡00.00 cÀ¡tE- us Bá¡K BoND 0. 00 0.00 ¿7-1-00301¿. OO Àccot NTs REcErvÃBLE o. 00 0 .00 47-1-090000.00 DI,E FROü/IO Orr¡ER FI,ND 0 .00 0. 00

ToÈê1 Àss€t 0. 00 0. 00


47-2-001160. 00 ACCOTTNÎS pAy.[ALE o. 00 o-oo

IotåI Liability 0 .00 0. 00


!¡?-3-OO13OO. OO GENERÀI. EI'!¡D BAL-I'I¡REST o. 00 0. 00

Totrl Prio! Years Fwd Bal.ance 0 .00 0.00

Eund Ba]"uce Cuü€nt Y€ar 0.00 0. 00 lota]. Fund Balec6 0. o0 0.00 lota]. LíabiÌíty, Res€ryes, Fund BrIüc€ o-oo 0. 00 tr¿ .: r' 1,L/2r/20 Town of NorHich General Lêdger 1^.".' - Á".t- . Þage L of 9 09:¿¿ il Rev€nue Report - General i IITML5BGR.A¡Ã{ER Currênt Yêar Pêriod 5 Nov

EsÈißted Received Uncollected îv-20/2L þtrD Àccount Rêvênue Àppli€d For To Date Bå1ance Pd 5 Nov

0 1-a-0 000 DroD¡trY lt¡t l¡v!!tu!a o1-4-000001 00 TOÍIN PROPERTY TAX 3,538,516.00 0.00 15 , 922, 4r9 .93 -L2 , 3A3 , 9O3 .93 -1/¡,509.80 o1-4-000002 00 PROPERTY TAX OT¡TER }IONETA ss2,868.00 0.00 ss2,868.00 0,00 0.00

0 1-4-000005 oo RÀILROÀD TÀX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-000010 00 VT LÀND USE TÀX 187, 117.00 0.00 0.00 187, 117.00 0.00

0 1-4-0 000 14 00 PROP TÀX INTEREST 30, 000.00 0.00 12, 694 .75 L7 ,3OL .25 2, 656 .L7 01-¿-0000 15 00 PROP TÀX COLI, FEE 20, 000.00 0.00 -245.36 20,245 .36 0.00

!o!.1 DlgDllEl Er¡a r¡V!¡lull I,l¡¡,101,00 0,00 La,aa7t7lL,tZ -1¡'ltr'¡{0.!2 -11rll!,6!

01-{-0 00 1 ¡rrctNtt ¡ D!$it!!

0 1-4-0 00 101 00 LIQUOR LICENSE 600 . 00 0.00 0.00 600 . 00 0.00

0 1-4-000 103 00 DOG I.ICENSE 2, 750.00 0.00 186.00 2,564.OO 16.00

0 1-4-000 107 00 HT'IÛT E FISII LICENSE 200 . 00 0.00 4. O0 196.00 0.00 01-4-00010 9 00 PEDDLER LICENSE 25.00 0.00 o-oo 25.00 0,00

0 1-4-0 00 120 00 BLDG/DEVET. PERMIT 3,5oo. oo 0.00 6, 669.98 -3, 169. 98 404.40 o 1-4-000 130 00 LÀND POSTING PERS'IT 1?5 . 00 0.00 135.00 40.00 25.00

EoÊ.¡, ûlc¡¡ll! ¡ D¡t¡ll! 7, ¡10.00 0.00 6, t¡a , t¡ :lã,02 atã , a0

0 1-a-000¡ ¡!t!!toor¡!$lt¡llIt¡r o 1-¿-000201 00 vT HI¡IÀY GAS TAX 153. 000 . 00 0.00 79, 649 . 43 13 ,3LO .57 0.00 o1-4-OOO202 00 vT ÀcT 60 15,300.00 0 .00 0.00 15, 300.00 0.00 o 1-4-0 00206 00 ST. OF vT. LISTER TRAININ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-0 002 08 00 PILOT 12. 500 . 00 0.00 0. o0 12, 500 . 00 0.00

0 1-4-0002 10 00 VT NATURÀ¡. RESRCS 2, 800 . 00 0.00 0.00 2, 800.00 0.00 o1-4-0002 11 00 EDI'CÀTION TÀX REET'ND-2010 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-000212 00 vT EDUC FT'ND .5I FEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-0 00214 00 EDUC TAX RETATNER .225 o 27 , OOO .OO 0.00 0.00 27. 000 . 00 0.00

0 1-4-0002 1 6 00 LÀTE FEES-REVISED BII,I,S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EoÈrl ¡[EllôOlfll,NlllllEAl¿ 410, 400,00 0,00 7r, 6¡r, al tr10, t10 , ã7 0.00

01-{-0001 t¡lvlc¡ l¡¡ 0 1-4-000 301 00 RECORDING I'EE 23. 000.00 0.00 17. 981 . 00 5, 019 . 00 3/ 594.00 o1-¿-000302 00 RESTORÀTION 0.00 0.00 8.00 -8.00 0.00 0 1-4-000303 00 DOCI'UENT COPY FEE 2,100.00 0.00 1¡031.00 1,069.00 256.00 01-4-000305 00 USE OF RECRDS FEE 225.OO 0.00 71 .OO 148.00 16.00 o1-4-000307 00 VITÀT STÀTISTTC FEE 1, 000 . 00 0.00 170.00 830.00 ¿0.00

0 1-¿-00030 9 00 MTR VEH REG RNIIL FEE 80.00 0,00 0.00 80.00 0.00

0 1-4-0003 11 00 PIIOTOCOPYING FEE 10.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00

0 1-4-0003 15 00 PÀSSPORT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o1-4-0 003 17 00 EV CHÀRGING TEES 800.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0. oo o 1-4-0 00320 00 TRACY HÀ'.L RNTL FEE 7, 100.00 0.00 180 . 00 6, 920 . 00 0. oo 01-4-000325 00 POLICE RPT FEE 400.00 0.00 2A2.OO 118.00 0. o0

0 1-¿-00032 6 00 POLTCE AI,RM RESP FEE 150 . 00 0.00 0.00 150.00 0.00

0 1-4-000 327 00 SPECIÀI POLICE DUTY TEES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-000 350 00 PLNG DOC COPY EEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-¿-000352 00 PL.âNNING MAPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-000355 00 RECREÀTION FEES 200, 000.00 0.00 L7,744,36 raz,zLr. 64 0.00 rr/24/20 Town of Norwich General Ledger Pag€ 2 of 9 09:44 m Revenq€ R€polt - General I¡TML5BGRÀIIMER Current Year Period 5 Nov

EstiÊted Rec€iv€d Uncollectêd ît-20/21 r{rD Àccoun! Revênue Al)p.].ied Fa! To Datê Balüc€ Þd 5 Nôv

0 1-4-000 3 60 00 TRNSFR STATION STICKERS 28,000.00 0.00 19, 651.00 8,349.00 128.OO

0 1-¿-0003 62 00 MISC SOLID WASTE 3,500.00 0.00 2, LO6 .90 1,393.10 426.OO

01-4-0003 63 00 E-I{ASTE 3.000.00 0.00 x, 338 . 00 L, 662.OO 410.00 01-4-0003 6¿ 00 TRA¡IH COUPON 100, 000 .00 0.00 51,296.00 48,704.00 6, 660.00

01-4-0003 65 00 RECYCLING REBÀTES 6,500.00 0.00 3, 32t . 44 3. 175.56 4r8.97

0 1-4-0003 66 00 c e D rÀsTE 7, 500 .00 o-00 5,'t20.oo 1, 780 . 00 1, 335 . 00

¡ot.l tlw¡C¡ ¡!¡ ltt, !al .00 0 .00 120, 911.70 ¡42,411. l0 1!, llt . ,7

01-a-0004 ontN! tlvtmrt 01-4-000401 00 HI¡{ÀY PAVING GR,AI.¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00

01-4-0 00¿02 00 BTTTAY BRIDGE GN,ANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-000¿03 00 FEIIÀ MIÎIGÀÎION GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-¿-000¿03 10 USDA NRCS-DEBRIS REMOVÀL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

01-¡t-0004 011 00 RCED LOCÀL ROÀDS GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00

0 1-¿-0004 05 00 FEIIA GRÀI¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-00040 6 00 BETTER BÀCK ROÀDS GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-000407 00 VT Tlans TÀP Grant (liger o.oo 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0.00 01-4-000/¡ 10 00 PLÀNNING GRAÑT 0.00 o. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-¿-0004 10 10 HISTORIC PRESERVÀTION GRÀ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-0004 1 1 00 ST OF W-BIKE g PEDE GRÀN 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-0004 12 00 RECREÀTION DPT. GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-¿-0004 12 10 1,1I R€creation Rêstart Grå 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-00011 12 20 MA¡ll¡C Grant 0.00 0.00 2, AOO ,16 -2,4OO .7 6 0.00 01-4-0 00¿ 15 00 CONSERV COI¡D| GRÀNT 0.00 0 .00 0. o0 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-0004 16 00 CON COMM-KEEPING TRACK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

0 1-r¡-0004 17 00 DRY IIYDRANT GRÀ¡ÍT 0.00 0.00 3,245.00 -3,245. O0 3 ,245 . OO o 1-4t-0004 18 00 ENERGY GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 o 1-¿-0004 1 9 00 EVCS GRA¡¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 01-4-000420 00 I.OCÀ¡. LÀII ENT CRNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 o7-4-OOO422 00 COPS GRAI¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-0 00424 00 US JUSÍICE DPT.VEST GR,AI¡T 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-000/t26 00 vT CO!ô.l ENFORCEUENT GR,AI¡T 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-4-0004 30 L7 FY17 SOMELÀND SEC #1731, 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00

0 1-¿-0004 35 L1 FY17 HOMELÀI¡D SEC *1731 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-¿-0004 3 6 00 oPlDVl (cHSÞ) 0.00 0.00 466 .4L -466 . AL 0.00 01-4-0004 37 00 I¡IGII RISK RURÀI ROADS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 01-4-0004 38 00 INTEROPER,IBLE COMM GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o1-4-000441 00 VLCT PÀCIF GRÀ¡{T 0.00 o. o0 0.00 0. o0 0.00

0 1-4-000/¡¿2 r7 2017 GO\/ERNORS HWY SÀ¡'ETY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. oo 0.00

0 1-¿-0004 43 0o PRESERVÀAION TRUST-TREE 0.00 0.00 o. o0 o. o0 0.00

O 1-¿-OOOA ¡l¿ 00 NORÍfICH Í|OMENS CLUB GR,ANT 0.00 0.00 o. oo 0.00 0,00 01-¿-0004 44 10 NffC Grant - Po1ice 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-¿-0004 44 20 NlÍC Grant - R€creation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-000¿4¿ 30 NlcC Grant - Conserv Com 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-000444 40 NllC Grant - Energy Com 0.00 0,00 0,00 0. o0 0.00 o 1-4-000¿¿5 00 FIRE C EMER RECRUITMENT 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00

0 1-4-000¿¿6 00 2017 VÍRANS BÎRE & PED 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o1-/¡-000¿ 47 00 2017 VTRANS B¡KE PED GR 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 01-4-0004 60 00 SOITD TIÀSTE GRANT 0.00 o. oo 0.oo o. o0 0.00 LL/24/20 Torn of Noffich Genêral Ledger Pâge 3 of 9 09:44 ü R€venue Report - Gen€råI HTML5BGRA!ûIER CuEenÈ Y€a! P€rigd 5 Nov

EstiEted Rec€ived Uncoll€cted Ev-zO/2r NnD Àccount Rêvenue Àpplied For To Date Ba].ance Pd 5 Nov

01-¿-000/¡70. ENERGY 00 CO¡ôl GRANT-NEGRÀSS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Ectrl olåilE l¡V!ü\n 0. o0 0,00 a,¿L2,L7 -4,112.17 t, 2{ô. 00

0 1-a-000t oE8!l EOïr t¡\r!n!a 0 1-4-0 00 808 00 IOÍIN REPORT 1, 350.00 0.00 o.00 1, 350 . 00 0.00 o1-¡¡-0008 10 00 BANK INTEREST 20,000.00 0.00 1, 578 . 85 LA, 42L .L5 0.00 0 1-4-0008 10 10 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-¿-0 008 1 1 00 TRA¡¡SFER IN DESIG. FUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-000 812 00 TAX SÀI.E 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-4-0008 13 00 INSURA¡¡CE CLÀTMS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-¿-0 00 1¿ I 00 FIELD RENTA¡ 32l 000.00 0.00 45s.00 31.54s.00 0.00 01-4-000 I 17 00 sÀ',E ToI{N AS|SEÎS oF 0,00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0L-4-OO0822 00 ITNE OF CREDIT-FEMÀ PROCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-¿-000823 00 Proce€ds loan 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00

!!ot.l o!¡t!t EoïI t¡t ¡$[r ll, l!0 . 00 0,00 ¡, 0tl , It t1,116, trl 0.00

0 1-a-001 DU!&¡C tt¡lEr l¡vlnr!¡ 01-4-001 005 OO POLICE FINE 10/0o0.00 0.00 4,754.57 5 ,245 . 43 0.00 0 1-4-001007 OO PÀRKING FINE 350.00 0.00 225,OO 1 25. 00 30.00 0 1-4-00 1008 OO DOG FINE 125.00 0.00 150.00 -25.00 0.00 01-4-001009 00 Nonich Cadet Plogrm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

EoË.I DUI!8C ltllEy r¡Vltfitrt 10, t71 . 00 0 .00 ¿,tzt,t7 t, tat. {3 90.00

01-{-00t ll¡lC!¡¡¡.ttllOgr t¡Vlnt! 01-4-009001. 00 DÀILY OVER/SHORT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O1-4-OO9OO2. OO VTCT LEÀDER PROGRAM 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0.00 0.00 01-¿-009005.00 ÀüBULÃNCE Br!LS pÀtD 0.00 0.00 782,4L -782 .4L 0.00 01-4-009007. 00 DoNÀTTONS 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 01-4-009007.10 Brorn Schoolhouse Bridg€ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O1-1I-OO9OO9. OO DONÀTIONS-KEEPINC TR.ACK 0,00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 01-4-009011. 00 DONATTONS-BTSTORTC PRESER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01.-4-009100.00 TowN CLRK MTSCET 0.00 0.00 6.00 -6. 00 0.00 01-4-009200.00 FrN DEPT u¡SCEr, 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 01-4-009300.00 lrsTER DEPT MTSCEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-009350.00 PråN DEPI MrSCEr. 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0.00 0.00 01-1t-009425.00 RECRE DEPT MTSCEL 0.00 0.00 1. 050 . 00 -1 ,050.00 0,00 01-{-009500.00 POL¡CE DEPT MrSC 0.00 0.00 L , 596 .37 -1/ 596.37 0.00 01-¿-009555.00 FIRE DEPT. MrSCE¡. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-¿-009600. 00 COBRÀ RTIMBURSE!¡IENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-009700.00 ¡tlwÀy DEPT MISCET 0.00 0.00 42. L59 .2L -42,r59.2I 0.00 01-4-009800. 00 CONSERVATION COrr¡lt. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-4-009900 . 00 MrscElrÀ¡¡Eous 500.00 0.00 14, 116.59 -13,616.59 L2, 649 .7 9 01-¿-009900.01 Misc DOL payerenÈ 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eotrl r¡tC¡&¡û¡l¡OUt I¡VIHU! 100.00 0,00 t9,710. tl -!9,210. !8 LZ,6lt,7'

!!ot.I O.n.!tI t,99{,0t1,00 0.00 1,6'76t'765.60 -L1,,771,7a1,a0 19, {00.53 General Page 4 of 9 LL/2Ã/20 Town of Norwich ',edger ¡¡TML5BGRA¡'MER 09:4¿ I R€venue R€Port - General currênt Y€ar Periad 5 Nov

Eetimted Recêived unco].]"eêted FY-20l21 lfrD Eo! To Date Bâlance Pd 5 Nov aêcount Rev€nue Applied

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o1t-4-00080¿ 00 DONÀTIONS-BBOOTH TRÀII. 0.00 0.00 0 ,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 04-¿-00080 6 00 DONÀTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 04-4-00080s 00 GII,E MOUNTAIN DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 04-4-0008 10 00 BÀNK TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0 .00 o-o0 0.00 0.00 04-¡¡-0008 12 00 MILT FRYE NÀTURE AREÀ

0.00 0,00 tlorrl coLlv Elotl co!¡l flrïD 0 ,00 0.00 0,00

0.00 1,808 00 -1,808.00 545 . 00 05-¿-000800 OO .' GIRARD FT'ND DONÀTIONS 0.00 0.00 a,7LO 00 -¿,710.00 3, oo0. oo 05-¿-000801 10 ttuntley Mdw Bridgo Fund D 0 .00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 05-¿-000802 OO ICE RINK DONÀTIONS 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 05-4-000 802 20 Brorn schoolhous€ Bridge 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 05-¿-000804 OO P!ÀYGROI'ND DOI{ATIONS 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 05-4-000805 OO BARRETT BREÀD OVEN DONATI 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 00 0.00 os-¿-00080 6 OO RECREÀTION FT'ND-DONATTONS 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 05-4-000808 OO GRAI¡TS 0.o0 0 00 0.00 0.00 05-¿-0008 10 OO BANK INTEREST 0.00

0 .00 6, ã1a , 00 -6,111.00 !, Üal , o0 t!o!11 tlcl¡tE¡Ol ¡AClL¡El ¡ ¡lO 0.00

0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 06-¿-000?60.OO DESIG, GEN. EUND CONTRIB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 06-4-000810. OO BÀNK ¡NTERESÍ REVENUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 06-4-000812. 00 rNsuRÀ¡IcE cLArM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o6-4-0008X7.00 EoUTPMENT SÀI,ES 0.00

0.00 0.00 0,00 Eolrl I¡l! ttDlltEul llrllD 0,00 0,00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07-4-0007 60 00 DESIG. GEN. FT'ND INCO¡'E 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 o7-4-000810 00 BÀ¡¡K INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07-¿-0008 13 00 INSUR,ÈNCE CI,ÀIM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07-¿-000817 oo EgUIPMENT SAI.ES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07-4-0008 18 00 VT BOND BANK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 07-¿-000820 00 FEMA GP.AIi¡T ÀNTICIPÀTION N 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o7-4-OOOA22 00 ÀLf FEUA CR.ANI 0 .00

0,00 0.00 0.00 Eotr1 tlroñltÏ loulDtl¡llE tlrllD 0.00 0'00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0 8-¿-0007 60 o0 DESIG. GEN. FI'ND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 08-4-000 810 o0 BANK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 08-4-000820 00 FEüA GRAIIT ÀNTICIPÀTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 oa-4-ooo822 o0 A'.T EEMÀ GRÀNT REVENI'E 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 08-¿-00082¿ 00 PROCEEDS 0 .00 '.OÀN 0.00 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0.00 0 8-4-009900 00 MISC REVENT'ES

00 0,00 0,00 EoËrl l¡Otiltt Ollt¡¡ l¡tllD 0,00 0,00 0

0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 09-4-000760.OO DESIG. GEN. FI'ND INCOME 0 .00 o. oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 O9-¿-OOO81O. OO BÀNK INTEREST 0.00

0,00 0,00 0.00 Eo!.I lO!¡D ïrlE! loulD tlrllD 0,00 0,00 LL/24/20 Town of Norrich GeneràJ- Ledger Page 5 of 9 09:44 Ð Rêvenue Report - SO¡,ID WÀSTE EgUIp FIND HTML5BGRAI'MER CuËent Year period 5 Nov

EstíEted R€c€iv€d Uncollected Er-20/2L t{rD Àccgunt Revenue Àpplied ro! To Dåte Ba.].üce Pd 5 Nov

10-¿-000760.00 DEsrc. cEN. FtND TNCOME o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10-4-000810.00 B.ãNK TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

loÈrl PO!¡C¡ tEtE¡O¡t ¡utD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00

11-4-OOO760.OO DESTG. GEN. FI'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 11-¿-000810.00 BANK TNTERESÍ 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 11-1t-000816.00 SaIê af v6hic].ee 0.00 0.00 10,000. o0 -10,000,00 0.00 11-1¡-000817.00 SAI.E OF por,ICE EQUTPMENT 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 11-4-000819. OO DRUG ENFORCEMENIT INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11-4-000820. 00 rNsuRAlrcE c!ÀrM 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 x1-1¡-000821.00 2016 EQUrp INCENTTVE cRÀtr 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00

Eot,.l, tO!¡C¡ Ctu¡t¡t 0,00 0,00 10,000,00 -10r 000,00 0,00

12-4-000760.OO DESIG. GEN FT'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0. 00 12-4-OOO81O.OO BÀNK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

lottl EOïï l¡ttDtå¡rE¡ lrr¡Þ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00

13-4-000410.00 cRAt¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13-¿-000760.OO DESIG. GEN. FUND INCOUE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13-4-000810.00 BANK INTERTST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13-4-000812. 00 cÀzEBo DONÀÎrONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

8oËt¡' ågI lt¡¡¡¡ ¡t¡t{D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1¿-1¡-000760.00 DESIG. cEN auND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1¿-4-OOO81O.OO BÀNK INTEREST 0.00 o. 00 o. oo 0.00 0. o0

EoÈ.I O¡HIII& tDx¡tt. tltlD 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

15-4-OOO8OO. OO DONÀTrON GRANITE BENCH 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 15-¿-000810.00 BÀNK TNIERESÎ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EoËrl Orlrrlt. b.noh rlËh ary¡Ër 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00

16-4-000760.OO DESIG. GEN FI'ND TNCOME 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16-¿-000810.00 BANK TNTERTST 0. o0 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 16-4-000820.OO FEMA ÀT.T PROJECT REVENUE 0.00 0.00 o-oo 0.00 0.00

Eotrl l¡Cl¡lllOl nfiD-Dt¡t 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0,00 0.00

17-4-000760.OO DESIG. GEN !'T'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17-¿-000808. 00 ¡ÍoMENrS C¡.rrB GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17-¿-OOO81O. OO BÀ¡¡K INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0

EoÈtI l8gl¡lllott n'llD-tllNtf¡t eO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ledger Pag€ 6 of 9 LLl2r/20 Town of Norwich General EQUIP FI'ND IITMI,5BGR.AI,'MER 09:4¡l m Rev€nue RePort - EOWN CLERK Currsnt Yea¡ Period 5 Nov

wD E3tiÉted Received unco].l€cted Et-20/2r Applied For Ío Date Balance Þd 5 Nov Account Rêvênue

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19-¿-000?60.OO DESIG. GEN FI'ND II¡COME 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19-/¡-000810. 00 BANK INTERESfI

0.00 0,00 o. oo 0,00 EoÈ.! lglfi Ct¡ltr ¡gult tltllD 0 .00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21-¿-000?60.OO DESIG. GEN. FUND INCOIIE 0.00 0 ,00 0 .00 0.00 o. o0 21-4-OOO81O. OO BANK ¡NTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21-4-000817. 00 EQUTPMENI SAI.ES 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0,00 0.00 21-¿-000818.00 BULLEÍ PROOF VEST

0 ,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EoE.l tor¡tct tDlc ¡oulP rtllD 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22-4-000A06. O0 DONÀlrroNs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 22-¿-OOO81O.OO BÀNK INTEREST 0.00

0'00 0,00 0,00 0 .00 Eolrl llDt ¡ coDl funD 0 .00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23-4-000?60.OO DESIG. CEN. FUND INCOME 0.00 0. o0 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23-4-000806. 00 DoNAITONS 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 23-¿-000810.00 BÀNK ¡NTERESÎ 0.00

0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 EoÈrl tlfolDtl!¡ llOUl¡tO tlrllD 0,00

0.00 0.00 0. o0 0. o0 2¿-4-000700.00 IIMBER SAI.E 0.00 0.00 o.00 o.00 0.00 24-¿-000808.00 GRA¡¡Í rNCOllE 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24-4-000810. 00 BANK TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 851.63 -851.63 0.00 2¿-4-000814.00 WOMEN'S CL¡,B GRA¡¡T

l¡1, 6l -lã1, at 0,00 EoÈ.l ¡¡¡lD tll¡ltoltOtl¡ COII|IC¡! t 0,00 0.00

0.00 o-oo 0.00 0.00 25-¿-000760.OO DESTG. GEN FIND INCOIáE 0 .00 o.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o-00 25-¿-OOO81O.OO BANK INTEREST

0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EoËrI ¡¡l¡ t¡lE¡Ol{ IlrxD 0, o0 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 o.00 2 6-4-0007 60 00 DESIG. GEN FI'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 6-4-000 780 o0 FYO? !IOME'.åI{D SECURITY GR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26-4-OO07A2 00 FY2O1O À¡'G GRAI¡T 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26-4-OOOlAr 00 \/l.CT GRÀI¡T 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 6-¿-000 I 10 oo BÀI¡K INTEREST

0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 EoÈ.l I¡tI ¡gU¡DlflrE IUI|D 0 .00

0. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 27-¿-000?60.oo DEsrG. GEN FUND rNCOltE 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2?-¿-000780.00 Mrsc. REVENUES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27-4-000810. 00 BA!{K TNÍEREST 0 .00

0,00 0,00 0'00 0,00 EoÈrl t¡D¡tllt¡x ¡lrllD 0 .00

0. o0 0.00 0.00 0,00 28-T-000760.OO DESIG. GEN FT'ND INCOME 0.00 rr/24/20 Town af Norwich Gen€ra1 t€dger Page 7 of 9

09:44 m Revenuê R€port - LONG TERII FÀCILITY STUDY HTML5BGRJAMMER Currenf Y€a! Period 5 Nov

EstiBÈed Receiv€d Unco.]..].ected Er-20/2L WrD Àccount Revenue Àppl.i€d For llo Datê Balanc€ Pd 5 Nov

28-¿-OOO81O.OO BÀNK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 o. oo 0.00 o-00

Eotrl lOtO ¡ll¡l ¡IC¡¡¡¡EY IEUDÍ 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00

29-¿-000760.OO DESIG. GEN FI'ND INCOTIE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29-4-000810.00 BÀNK TNTERTST 0.00 0.00 0. oo 0.00 0.00

Ect.l EOïl{ Xtll^l¡¡l wlltc¡¡¡ I¡nrlD 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00

30-¿-000760 00 DESIGN. GEN FT'ND TNCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-4-00080 6 00 GÀZEBO DONÀTIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-¿-000807 00 DONÀTTON E'OR RE].OC,ÀTION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 30-4-000808 00 GRÀNT RECEIPTS 0. oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30-4-000 I 10 00 BÀNK INTEREST 0-oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EcË.l IIIDIE¡¡|D l¡toltlt!¡Oll llrtlD 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00

31-/t-000?60.00 DESIG. cEN FtND rNcoME 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 31-4-OOO81O,OO BÀNK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

IoË.1 CO¡tlfi¡CrE¡Oft IEUDÏ lUtD 0 ,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

33-¿-OOO8O8.OO TR.AÀ¡SFER EROM GENERAT FUN 0.00 0. oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 33-4-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 33-4-000812. 00 DONÀTIONS 0.00 0. o0 0. oo 0.00 0. oo

IcËrl CIE¡llll tlt¡tll¡le! llrfD 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00

34-/¡-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eot.I ïCEU fo¡filll¡t 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00

35-4-000810. 00 TNTERTST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. oo loËrl COll¡DOl' El¡! 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00

36-1t-000810. 00 iNTERESÍ 0. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EcËrl ËUll OI¡XE 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00

37-¿-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3?-{-000812. 00 FLå.G DONÀTrONS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Eot¡l Xllll lEt¡¡E f¡¡tE¡ 0,00 0 .00 0.00 0,00 0.00

38-¿-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0 .00 0.00 o-oo 0.00 0. o0

¡oÈr1 tcaoo! ¡¡¡ ar!¡¡rD 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00

39-¿-000810. 00 TNTERESÎ 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Pag€ I af, 9 LL/2r/20 Torn of Norricl¡ Gene!âl Lêdger |!lML5BGRÀ!¡IMER 09:44 m Revenue RêPort - GOSPEL IEÀSELAND curr€nt Y€ar P€riod 5 Nov

Estimted Receíved Uncollected Ev-zO/2L NrlD To Date Balanc€ Pd 5 Nov Account Rêvenue Appl.ied For

0.00 0.00 0,00 EoË.l f¡OtD¡! !¡l¡lLållD 0,00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 ¿0-¿-000?60.OO DESIGNATED GEN FI'ND CONTR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4O-¿-OOO81O. OO BA¡¡K ¡NTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40-4-009008. 00 scHoLÀRSBTP DONÀTTONS 0.00 0.00

Eo!.l l¡ClltE¡Ol lcllo¡år¡¡llPt 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41-4-OOO¿O2.OO ST. OF VT BRIDGE GR,ANT 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 /¡1-¿-OOO¡¡O5.OO FEMÀ & v1t ERá' GR,ANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4!.-4-000760.OO DESIG, GEN FT'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 ¿1-¿-000810.00 BANK TNÎEREST 0.00 0 .00

0,00 0,00 0.00 Eot¡l DDII-IIIDO¡ flrllD 0.00 0 .00

0 .00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 42-4-OOO4O2.OO ST OF vT PÀVING GRÀÌ¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 /!2-¿-000?60.00 DESIG. GEN. FIrND CONTRIB 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42-¿-000810.00 TNTEREST 0.00

0,00 0.00 EoËrl DDï-tlvll{o tlrflD 0.00 0 .00 0.00

0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 ¿3-¿-OOO?60. OO DESIGNATED FT'ND CONTRIB 0.00 0.00 0. o0 o. o0 0.00 ¿3-4-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00

0,00 0,00 0.00 Eotrl tU¡lD¡¡lOt ¡ OlOlnlD¡ 0,00 0,00

0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 1r¿-¿-0 008 10 00 INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4¿-4-000811 00 INTERTST MÀ^SICOUA BAIIK 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 {4-¡l-0008 12 00 INTEREST-LEDYÀRD BÀNK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,r¡4-4-000818 00 TÀX EXEMPT LEASE PURCHASE 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 /¡ 4-¿-000 819 00 BOND PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44-4-OO0820 00 GR.AI{T ¡TOME],ND SECT'RITY 0 .00 0.00 o.00 o-00 0.00 44-4-OO0AzL 00 IRÀNSFER IN COIIM. FI'ND 0.00

0.00 0.00 0,00 EoË¡l golo4rilrc Etolll cOllEtUCE¡ 0,00 0,00

0.00 6,7 4L . OO -6,7 4L.OO L,326. OO ¿5-¿-OOO3O2. OO RESTORÀTION REVENUE 0.00 o.0o 0.00 0.00 45-4-000?60.00 DESTG. GEN. FtND TNCOUE 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¿5-¿-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00

?{1 00 1, t23 , 00 !ct.t l¡gglD¡ r¡tlortE¡gt 0,00 0 .00 6, ?{1,00 -a, '

0.00 0.00 0.00 46-¿-000?60,OO DESIG. GEN EUND INCOI'E 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46-¿-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00

0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 Eotr1 O!¡{¡llEOI ¡U¡lD 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¿?-4-000760.00 PR9CEEDS Í'ROM DEBT ISSUÀ¡¡ 0.00 o. oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47-4-000802. 00 DONÀtf roNs På9ê 9 of 9 LL/2t/20 llown of Norwich Gen€ral L€dger IITM¡,5BGRAI'IIER 09: 4¡l m R€venuê Repott - PITBLIC SåFETY FACILITY current Yêar Period 5 Nov

Estimt€d R€caived uncollected EY-2O/2L VÍrD Balance Pd 5 Nov Â.ccount Revenu€ Applíed For To Dat€

0.o0 0.00 /17-4-00080¿. 00 INSURÀI¡CE REFITND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¿7-d-o00810.00 rNrEREsr us BÀ¡lK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47-4-000819, 0o BoND /r.oAN PROCEEDS 0 .00 o .00 0.00

Eotrl ,tÐ!¡C ttt¡Il ¡tg¡&¡El 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

21,2?1'l! !oÈ¡1 lll ¡unC. l, t¡a ¡ 041 . 00 O.OO La,7)2, -11,?rl'tll'2! rr/24/20 ToHn of No¡wicl¡ GeneråI L€dger Page 1 of 19 09:tl8 m Exp€nditure R€polt - c€n€ra1 ¡iITML5BGRÀ¡iItlER CUE€nt Year Periad 5 Nov

Outsta¡ding Un€ncunbered E!-20/2L WrD Àccount Budg€t Encunbrance Expenditures Bålencê Pd 5 Nov

01-l-001 E0llll tDx¡tl. !l0!rr! 01-5-005110. OO SELECTBOÀRD STIPEND 2.500.00 0.00 0.00 2, 500. 00 0.00 01-5-005111.00 rofiN MÀl{AcER 9tÀcE 94,010.00 0.00 3r,966 .LO 59¿ 043. 90 6, 993 .22 01-5-005111. 10'¡M BENEI'TTS 0.00 0.00 o. oo o. 00 o. oo 01-5-005113. OO TREÀSI'RER STTPEND 1, 7s0 . 00 0.oo 0.00 1, 750 . 00 0.00 ytÀcE 01-5-005114.00 ÀDUIN ÀSSIST 53¿ 015.00 0.00 20,572.32 32, 442 . 6A 4,LL?.67 01-5-005114.10 ÀDMIN ÀSSl! Or 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 01-5-005121. OO ErCÀ T.ÈX 9.410. OO 0.00 3¡341 ,3L 6, 062 . 69 667.52 01-5-005122.00 MEDI TAX 2 | 2Or .OO 0.00 182.A5 1,418.15 156. 12 !¡EATTH rNSUR 01-5-005L23.00 46,701.00 0.00 22,4OA.86 2t,292.L4 3. 670 . 38 01-5-005124. 00 DISÀBIIrTY/LIFE rNSUR L ,72L . OO 0.00 648 . 85 L,072.!5 0.00 OX-5-005125. OO DENTAL ¡NSI'RÀNCE 1¡46.00 0.00 229.23 216.77 -86. 56 01-5-005126. 00 VT RETXREMENT 8, ¿83 . 00 0.00 3,332 .34 5, 150 . 66 666.66 01-5-005126. 01 VIT RETIREIIENT ADJUSTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 01-5-005250.00 TonN MNGR RECRT 0.oo 0.00 0.00 o. oo 0.00 01-5-005252. OO TMGR REI.OCÀTION EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-005300.00 PRoFESS SERV 51, 667.00 0.00 1¡6, 680.89 It, 986 . 11 722.25 01-5-005301, OO PROF SERVICES-DÀM ¡.ITIGÀT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-005302. 00 vLcT MEMBERSSTP 5¡ 270.00 0.00 5,32a.OO -58 . 00 0.00 01-5-005310. 0o roÍtN REPORT 4,2OO .OO 0. o0 0.00 11, 200 . 00 0.00 01-5-005531. 00 ÀDMrN TELEP!¡ONE 625 . 00 0.00 ¿36.09 188 . 91 39. 98 MNGR 01-5-005532.00 T CEI¡L PHONE 650 . 00 0.00 165.13 484 . 87 0.00 01-5-005538. 00 POSTÀGE 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 01-5-00551¡0. 00 ÀDVERTTSTNG 1, 500 . 00 0.00 1¡071.00 r¡29.00 0.00 01-5-005550. PRTNTTNG 00 100.00 0.00 0.00 100 . 00 0.00 01-5-005580.00 r MNGR VEHTCT,E 0.00 0.00 0. oo 0.00 o. o0 01-5-005581. 00 MrLEÀGE 300 , 00 0 .00 0,00 300. o0 0.00 01-5-005610. 00 oFFrcE SUPPLTES 500 .00 0.00 826.09 -326.O9 L2.45 01-5-005611.00 OFFICE EgUrP 300 . 00 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 01-5-005615. 00 Dt ES/MIS/EDUC 1, 800 . 00 0.00 0.00 r.,800.00 0.00 01-5-005701. 00 co¡ÀtrrrEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-005701. 10 ENERGY COMMITTEE GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-005701, ENERGY 20 COUMITTEE 1/460.00 0.00 1, 150 . 00 310.00 0.00 01-5-005701. 30 Evcs GR.ANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-005701. 40 NEGRÂSS GRÀt{Î 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-005703. 00 GRÀI¡T MATCTT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O1-5-OO5810.OO DES FT'ND-FÀCILITIES STUDY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-005814.00 DESr FI,ND-CITIZEN ASSTSÎA 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-005900. 00 MTSCET,LANEOUS 500 . 00 0.00 0.00 500 . 00 0.00 01-5-005900.01 BEC Palm€nts 0. oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EoËrl EOIX åDll¡X, ¡tPlIt! 2¡9, 70t. 00 0,00 141, 941.0¡ La7 t7âr,ta 14, 919.69

0L-l-0 10 ¡cr/¡ql !ïDlrÞ¡Tul¡t 0L-5-010t 10 00 JUSTICES T{ÀGE 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0 1-5-0 10 121 00 FICA TÀX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-010122 00 IIEDI TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-010200 00 CONTR.ACTED SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-0 10s38 00 POSTAGE 150. OO 0.00 0,00 150.00 0.00 01-5-010580 00 TRÀVEL REIMB 0.00 o-oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page 2 of 19 Lr/24/20 ToÍn of Norwich General Ledger IITM'¡5BGRAIIIIER 09:r¡8 I Expenditure R€Polt - General Cuffent Yeâr P€riod 5 Nov

outstanding Un€ncutíbered F.r-2o/2r vrrD Balanc€ Pd 5 Nov AccounÈ Budgêt Encuribrance ExPenditures

25.00 0.00 01-5-010610, 00 oFFrcE sttPPr.rEs 25 .00 0 .00 0.00 o-oo 300.00 0. o0 o1-s-010615. 00 DUES/I{EGS/EDUC 300.00 0.00

Eolrl lcl/lo lrt¡tD¡lluËt 97t. 00 0 ,00 0.00 t7ã,00 0.00

01-ã-0r0 rErE *¡o¡ ulDlxDlEur¡t 0.00 1, 200 . o0 0.00 01-5-0501 10 00 POI,LWORKERS TIÀGE 1, 200 . 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o1-5-050121 00 FICA TAX 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-0 50 122 00 MEDI 1TAX 0.00 1, 000 . 10 0.00 01-5-050200 00 CON'IIRÀCTED SERVICES 0.00 0.00 -1.000.10 2, 383 . 50 -2,25A .50 0.00 01-5-050538 00 POSTÀGE 125 .00 0.00 180. O0 0.00 0.00 180.00 0.00 0 1-5-0 505{0 00 ÀDVERI!ISING 900 . 00 0 .00 0.00 1. 900 . 00 0.00 0 1-5-O50550 00 PRINTING 1, /¡11 . 36 0.00 01-5-050610 00 OFTICE SUPP'.IES 100.00 0.00 -311,36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-0 50 6 12 00 VOTING BOOTIIS 0.00 0.00 0.00 ?0.00 0.00 0 1-s-050 650 00 VOTING MACITINE 70 .00 630 . 00 . 00 0.00 01-5-050652 00 VOTING ¡'ÀCII MÀINT ÀGRIIT 0.00 0.00 -630 0 .00 0.00 3,1¡00.00 0.00 0 1-5-050 655 00 V1IG MC¡IN PROG&AMG 3,400.00

a ¡,110.0{ 0,00 lot¡l ¡BtE lEO| ,lnD¡Eut¡¡ a, 971,00 0,00 t azl,rS

0 1-ã-100 EOür C¡¡llx ¡llDlxD¡Eut¡l 26,859 .20 ¿3, 075 . 80 5, 383 . 90 01.-5-10011.0 OO IOI{N CT.ERK I{AGE 69, 935.00 0.00 45,27O .OO 0.00 L9, A42.49 25,427.rL 3, 92L .A3 o 1-5-1 00 112 oo Assr cLK wÀGE 7 .OO 0.00 2,78r.46 ¿,361.54 539.68 0 1-5-100 121 OO FICÀ TAX ,143 650. ¿9 1,019.51 t26.2L 01-5-100x22 OO MEDI TÀX 1, 670.00 0.00 12,593.26 L8,O92.74 1, 988 . 61 01-5-100123 OO HEÀI.TH INS 30, 686.00 0.00 L, 0.00 525. ss 886.45 0.00 0 1-5-100 124 OO DISÀAIUTY/L¡FE INS 4I2.OO 404.72 459.28 -65 . 64 01-s-100125 OO DENTAL INSURÀ¡¡CE 864.00 0.00 2,8O2.L7 3,821.83 558,35 01-5-100126 OO VT RETIREÀIENT 6, 624 .OO 0.00 300 . 00 0.00 0,00 300.00 0.00 0 1-5-100207 OO DOG/CAT LICENSE 15.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0 1-5-10020 9 OO VITÀT. STATISTICS 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-100325 OO COI{ITRACT I,ÀBOR 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 5/¡0. ?5 -5¿0.75 0.00 o 1-5-1 003¿1 OO RECORD RESTORÀIION .00 0. oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-1003¿2 oo Pemit/license r€fund 0.00 515 . 00 0.00 171 . 10 343 . 90 39.99 0 1-5-100531 OO TELEPIIONE 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-100538 00 PosÍÀGE 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-100540 OO ÀDVERTISING 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 01-5-100550 OO PRINTING 0.00 0.00 858.84 641 . 16 0.00 01-5-1 00 610 OO OFFICE SI'PPIIES 1, 500 . 00 0.00 .00 0.00 0.00 500 . 00 0.00 0 1-5-100611 00 oFFrcE E9urPMENf 500 1, 300 . 00 2,420.OO 0.00 01-5-1 00 513 00 sol'TlfÀRE 3,72O .OO 0.o0 255 .00 0,00 75.00 180 . 00 0.00 0 1-5-100 615 00 DUES/!'If,GS/EDUC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-100617 OO TIOMEN'S C¡.OB GR'ANT 0,00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 01-5-1 00758 OO DES. E'T'ND-RECORD RESIIORÀT 5, oo0.0o 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-1007 60 OO DESIGNÀTED FUND- EQUIP 0.00

0 69, {0!. 106, 003 57 La, tîz,r9 EoÈ¡l EOflX Cl¡t¡ß lx?lllDlElrua 171, a09.00 .00 {3 '

01-l-200 t¡trt¡lc¡ DltllElollE rr/24/20 Town of Nolwich ceneral Ledger Page 3 of 19 O9: ¡18 m Expênditure Repart - G€n€lal HTf,IL5BGRÀUMER CqEent Year Pêriad 5 Nov

Outetånding unencuÍrbered îY-2O/2r YtrD Àccount Budget Encunbrance Expenditurês Bã1encê Pd 5 Nôv

0 1-5-200 1 12 00 FINL ASSISTANT WÀGE 22,L86,OO 0.00 36, r15 .24 -L3, 9a9 .24 7 | 77L .54 0 1-5-2 00 1 12 10 FIIiIÀNCE OFFICER IIÀGE 65,870.00 0.00 4, 656 . 00 6L ,2L4 . OO 2 ,206 . OO o1-5-200121 00 rICÀ TÀX 5. 459 . 00 0.00 484.51 4,974.49 349.87 oL-5-200L22 o0 MEDI ÎÀX L,271,OO 0.00 113.33 L,L63.61 81.83

o 1-5-2 00 123 00 IIEALTH INS 23,350.00 0.00 0.00 23, 350 . 00 0.00 oL-5-200L24 00 DISÀBTI,ITY,/LIE.E INS 860.00 0.00 0.00 860.00 0.00

o1-5-200125 00 DENTÀI INST'RANCE 446.00 0.00 0. oo ¿r¡6. OO 0.00

0 1-5-200 12 6 00 VT RETIR.EI{ENÍ 3/ 788.00 0.oo 0.00 3. 788 , 00 0. oo

o 1-5-2 00 130 00 CONTRACT LÀBOR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o1-5-200320 00 PROEESS SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

oL-5-200322 00 INDEPENDENT ÀUDIT 15,500.00 0.00 0.00 15, 500 . 00 0.00

0 1-5-2 00531 00 TEI.EPI¡ONE 500.00 0.00 253.83 246.17 39.99 ot -5-200538 00 POSTÀGE 0.00 0.00 1.86 -1.86 0.00

0 1-5-200540 00 ÀDVERTISING 200.00 0.00 0.00 200 . 00 o. oo 01-5-200550 00 PRINTING 75.00 0.00 0.00 75. 00 0.00 o1-5-200580 00 MII.EAGE REIMBI'RSEMENT 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00

0 1-5-200 610 00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1, 500 . 00 0.00 611 . 25 888 . 75 0.00 o1-5-200611 00 OFFICE EQUIPI,IENT 250.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00

0 1-5-200 613 00 SOFT}IÀRE t,215 .OO 0.00 0.00 r,275.OO 0.00

0 1-5-200615 00 DUES/IIITGS/EDUC 1/000.00 0.00 0.00 1, 000 . 00 0.00 0 1-5-2007 11 00 BÀNK 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Eot¡l t¡ït¡lcl D¡Ptlllllltl!! 143¡t36,00 0,00 a2t2tê,o? 101,23r.rt 10fa{9.23

01-t-¡7t o¡N tDx¡x l¡(DlllD¡Euùa o1-5-2 75531 0o TELEPHONE 800.00 0. o0 279.34 520.62 39.98

0 x-5-2 755 36 00 POSTÀGE METER RENTÀI, 700 . 00 0.00 159.57 540 . 43 0.00 0 1-5-275538 00 POSTÀGE 3. 500 . 00 0.00 3,878.06 -3?8 . 06 4o.24 01-5-275 610 00 OFFICE SUPP].IES 1, 000 . 00 0.00 653 . 93 346.07 0,00

or-5-275620 00 PI¡OTOCOPIER 2, 500 . 00 0.00 563.04 1.936.96 0.00 oL-5-215628 00 COMPUTER SOFTÍIÀRE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-275 630 00 COMPUTER ITARD'¡ARE 0.00 0.00 ¿{1. 95 -441. 95 0.00 0 1-5-2 75631 00 ¡fEB SITE SI'PPORT 500 . 00 0.00 2{0.00 260.00 0.00 oL-5-275632 00 SERVER IIAINTENAì¡CE 7.000.00 0.00 314.77 6,685.23 0.00

oL-5-27 37 60 00 DESIGNÀTED FT'ND-E9UIP 5,500.00 0.00 0.00 5, 500 . 00 0.00

Eo!.l O!il tDlllll llc!¡lDlEur¡a ¡1, t00 , 00 0,00 6,130,70 tra, 969. 30 LZo,2Z

01-¡-100 ¡¡¡tEll/rtl!¡lOMtltlDlEU

0 1-5-300 1 10 00 I,ISTER ÍIAGE 4, 500 . 00 0.00 0.00 r¡, 500 . 00 0.00

01-5-3001 12 00 OFFICE ÀSST TÍÀEE 17, 700.00 0 .00 1,2L4.42 10, ¿81.18 1, ¿58 . 70 0 1-5-3001 14 00 ASSESSOR T{AGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 1-5-3 00 121 00 FrcÀ lrAx 1, 376 . 00 0.00 447.57 924 ,43 90 . ¿1¡ 01-5-300 122 00 MEDI TAX 322.OO 0.00 704 .67 2L7.33 21.15 01-5-300123 00 HEàI.TH INS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-300 12¡¡ 00 DISÀBTLITY/LIFE INSI'RÀI¡CE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-3 00 125 00 DENTÀI. INSUN,ANCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 1-5-300 12 6 00 VÎ RIÎIREMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o. o0 01-5-300300 00 PROFESS SERVICES ¿5,000.00 0.00 12, 88/¡.15 32, 115.85 2,L56.LO

0 1-5-300320 00 SERVICES o. oo o-oo o, oo o. oo o-00 '.EGAI, Page ¿ of 19 LL/24/20 Torn of Norwich Gene!ål Ledg€r 09:48 m Exl'endiÈut€ RêPort - General HT!¡L5BGRÀIIIIER Current Year Poriod 5 Nov

Outstandlng unencunber€d Ev-2O/2L WrD Belence Pd 5 Nov Account Budget Encunbrance Exp€nditures

0.00 0.00 o1-s-300341 00 TÀX MAPPING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 6. 500 . 00 0.00 01-5-300360 00 SOFTÍ¡ARE I'ÀINT /I'PDÀTE 6, s00 . oo 0.00 0.oo 171 . 04 358 . 96 39 .91 0 1-5-300531 00 lEI,EPHONE s30.00 L9,32 580.68 0.00 01-5-300538 00 POST.ÀGE 600.00 0.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 01-5-3005¿0 00 ÀDVERTISING 150.00 0.00 . 00 0.00 25.50 7¿.50 0.00 0 1-5-300550 00 PRINÍING 100 150.00 0.00 01-5-300580 00 MILEÀGE REIMB 150 . 00 0.00 0.00 1.56 L23.44 0.00 01-5-300 610 00 OFFICE SUPPI,IES 125 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150 . 00 0.00 0 1-5-300 511 00 OFF¡CE EOUIPMENÎ 150.00 0.00 o. o0 100.00 0.00 0 1-5-300 615 00 DUES/t ÍGS/EDrrC 100.00 33, 800 , 00 0. o0 o1-5-300760 00 DESIGNÀTED TUNÞ_REAPPR 33,800.00 0.00 0.00

¡oËrl &¡¡!!t/llt¡t¡Ol lllDlllD¡Eu 111,10t.00 0 .00 z0, l?¡ . 61 90, ¡!o , !? t,766,3a

O1-!-!f0 D¡¡å¡W¡trO D¡DE llPlXD¡[Ul¡ 44.055.83 5,598.68 01-5-350110.00 PLÀ¡¡ ADMIN I{ÀGE 12,726 .OO 0.00 28,610.17 .22 L4,777 .78 1,961.60 01-5-350112.00 oFFTCE ASST. WAGE 2¿. 985 . o0 0.00 r0,2o7 3,725 .59 453.O2 01-5-350121.00 FrCÀ TAX 6, 058 .00 0.00 2,332.4L {9 105 . 96 01-5-350X22.00 MEDI rAX 1. ¿17.00 0.00 545,51 871. 5.692.80 1, 555 . 20 01-5-350123.00 llEArrll rNs 15, 024 . 00 0.00 9,33L.20 0.00 01-5-350124.00 DISABITITY/LIEE INS 878 .00 0.00 338.10 s39 . 90 260.05 0.00 01-5-350125. 00 DENTAI rNsuRÀl¡cE ¿¿6.00 0.00 185 . 95 2, 46!.78 335.92 01-5-350126. 00 VÎ RETTREIIENÍ 4, LA2.OO 0.00 L,72O.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-350130. 00 CONTRÀCT LÀBOR 0.00 0.00 1, 000 . 00 0,00 01-5-350230.00 TO¡IN PLAN 1, 000 . 00 0 .00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 01-5-350320. O0 Pr,ÀNNTNG SERVTCES 3,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-350321.00 llwo RIVER PLÀNNING Colrl'l' 5 ,223 .OO 0.00 5,223.OO 0.00 1,063.00 0,00 01-5-350322. 00 U.V. TRAI¡SPORTATTON MGMT 1, 063.00 0 .00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 01-5-350341. 00 MAPPTNG 2, 000 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-350405.14 201¿ Sr OF vT PLAN GRÀÌ¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-350406. 00 BIKE/PED fECnNrCÀ¡, GRAI'¡T 0.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 01-5-350408.00 ¡lrsToRrc PRES COÅ,il. 750.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 500.00 01-5-350i116.00 ArST PRAS GRÀNT 0.00 0 .00 -500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-3501118. 00 WOMEN' S CLI,B GRAI¡I 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,0oo. oo 0.00 01-5-350419. OO PLå¡¡NING CRÀNT 6,000.00 0.00 171.09 27A.9L 39.98 01-5-350531. O0 IEI,EPBONE 450 . 00 o .00 0.00 350.00 0.00 01-5-350538. 00 POSTÀGE 350 .00 0.00 500 . 00 0.00 01-5-350540. 00 ÀDVERTTSTNG 500 . 00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 200. oo 0.00 01-5-350550. OO PRTNTTNG 200.00 0. oo 0.00 ¿00.00 0.00 01-5-350580.00 MrLE,ÀGE RErMB 400 . 00 0 .00 400.00 0.00 01-5-350610.00 oFFTCE SUPPLTES 400.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 250.00 0.00 01-5-350611. 0O OFFTCE EgUrPllENlf 250 .00 0.00 o-oo 750.00 0.00 o1-5-350615. 00 DUES/I IGS/EDUC 750.00 0.00

417 , 1! 10¡ tl0, l6 EOË¡l D¡åüT¡TO DIIE UI'¡TD¡EUI¡ lt1,0t2.00 0 .00 ¿t,22a,41 t¡,

01-t-a¡¡ l¡Cllt DlrE ¡|lD¡rD¡EUt¡l 01-3-{211 lDtl¡Îll¡Etl!!¡OÑ 0.00 25, 85/¡. ¿8 4L,332.52 5,L72.32 01 5 ¡t151ln nO nEcBE TIoN DIR WÀ'GE 67¡1S7.00 o-00 0,00 0.00 o-oo O1-5-¿25113. OO RECREATION ÀSSISTÀNT 0.00 rL/24,/20 Torn of Norwích Ledger Page 5 of 19 09:48 ð ExpendiÈure Report - c€neral IITML5BGRAMMER Curr€nt Year Period 5 Nov

Outstanding Unencunb€red EY-20/21 WD àccgunt Budgêt Encunbrance Expenditures Balancê Pd 5 Nov

o1-5-425 121 00 FrcÀ TAX 4, 166.00 0.00 2 ,266 , 53 r, 499 . 47 277.9A oL-5-425L22 OO MEDI TÀX 97¿ . 00 o. oo 530.15 443.85 65.02

oL-s-425L23 OO I¡EÀI,TH INS 23, 350 .00 0.00 t2, 550 . 47 10,799.53 1, 9¿5 . 87 oL-5-425L24 OO DISÀBTI,TTY/LIFE INSUR 862. O0 0. oo 322.90 539. 10 0.00 o1-5-425125 OO DENTAI, INST'RÀNCE 4¿6. 00 0.00 229.23 216.77 -86.56 oL-5-423L26 OO \ T RETIR.EMEI¡IT 3,863.00 0.00 L,55r .27 2 | 3L7 .73 310.34 oL-5-4251,27 OO TEI.EPIIONE 500 . 00 0.00 171 . O9 324.9L 39. 98 oL-5-A25LzA OO POSTÀGE 150.00 0. o0 0.00 150.00 0.00 01-5-425130 OO WOMENS CLUB GR,ANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-425t ¿0 OO ÀD\¡ERTTSING 135. 00 0.00 0.00 135. 00 0.00 01-5-¿25150 OO PRINTING 50.00 0.00 0,00 50.00 0.00 0 1-5-425 1 60 00 DuEs/¡fTGs/EDUC 800 . 00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00 01-5-425170 OO OFFICE EQUIPMENT 50.00 0. o0 0.00 50.00 0.00 0 1-5-4251 80 OO MILEÀGE REIMBURSEIIENT 300 .00 0.00 0.00 300 , 00 0.00 0 1-5-425 182 OO OE'I'ICE SUPP',IES 225.00 0.00 o-oo 225.OO 0.00

E.t.1 tDx¡¡t¡¡EltE¡oll 10!, ott ,00 0,00 at,a76,Lz tt,l¡1,tt 1 tlZa,9a

01-l-a¡l¡ ?toot¡ll 01-5-¿25200 OO TNSTRUCTOR FEE 65,000.00 0.00 1,235.00 63,765 00 0.00 0x-5-¿25206 OO COÀCIiING UATERIÀTS 450,00 0.00 119.90 330 10 0.00 01-5-¿25208 OO TEE S¡IIRI/HAT 3, 000.00 0.00 0.00 3,000 00 0.00

01-5-¿25211 OO EOUIPMENT 3,500.00 0.00 621.34 2, A7A 66 108 . 95 oL-5-4252L2 OO PROGRÀII IIÀGE 38.000.00 0.00 31, 370 . 35 6,629 65 0,00 oL-5-4252L4 OO REI.ERREE/UIi@IRE 3, 600 .00 0.00 225.OO 3. 3?5 00 0.00 0 1-5-4252 1 6 OO ENTRY FEE 4, 500 . 00 0. o0 0.00 {,500 00 0.00 01-5-{125218 OO REGISTRÀ'TION FEES 8, 500 . 00 0.00 290.00 a,zLO 00 0.00 or-5-4252L9 OO M.CROSS SCHOOL RENTA¡. EEE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 oL-5-425220 OO SPECIÀ¡. EVENTS /SUPPLIES 1, 500 . 00 0. o0 5/¡3 . 93 956 o7 334.77 oL-5-42522L 00 FIcÀ rAX 2,356.00 0.00 L, L90 .92 1,165 08 0.00 0L-5-425222 OO MEDI TAX 551.00 0.00 278.58 272 42 0.00 oL-s-425224 OO I'V RÀPIDS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 oL-5-4252t4 OO I'NIFOR¡IS 700 . 00 0.00 0.00 700 00 0.00 0 1-5-¿2521t8 OO MIDD'.E SCT¡OOL RECRE.ATION 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00

!!oÈ¡1 Dlool,lll 131, 6l?.00 0,00 95, ¡71,02 95, ?81.98 447,72

01-t-42t3 tlct! EloR I^crt¡rIrr¡ oL-s-425322 00 REC FIE].D CÀRT 7, 500.00 0.00 2,779,77 4,72O.23 0.00 oL-3-425324 00 ¡¡NTLY LINE MAR¡(ING 3. 500 .00 0.00 0.00 3, 500 . 00 0.00 oL-s-425326 00 PORTAB1E TOII¡ET 1, 200 . 00 0.00 L ,227 .50 -27,50 372.50 0 1-5-425330 00 REPÀIRS E MÀINT 2, 500.00 0.00 0.00 2, 500 . 00 0.00 01-5-¿25332 00 IIATER USÀGE 420 .00 0.00 143 . 66 276 .34 0.00 0x-5-425333 00 I{OMENIS CLI'B GRANT 2, 500 . 00 0.00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 01-5-1¡253¿5 00 SITE TIORK 0,00 0. o0 0.00 0. o0 0.00 o1-5-¿25346 00 NORWTCH POOL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 01-5-¿25347 00 FEMÀ-POOL GRÀ¡¡1I 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 01-5-425350 00 MÀ¡¡BC Prevention Grànt 0.00 0.00 10,09?.57 -10,09?,57 L ,265 . 03 0 1-5-425350 10 VT Recreat,ion Restart Gra 0.00 0,00 3,520.95 -3,52O .95 0. o0 0 1-5-4253 60 00 DESICNÀTED FI'ND-T COT'RTS 4, 500 . 0o 0.00 o. oo ¿, 500 . 00 0.00 Påge 6 of 19 LL/24/20 Town of Norwich General Ledge! BTUL5BGRÀ¡4IER 09:48 I Expenditure RePort - Gen€ral curr€nt Year Pariod 5 Nov

Outstanding Unêncunbered Er-zO/2r YfrD Balance Pd 5 Nov Account Budget Enêuribrance Exponditures

0.00 o-oo 0.00 0.00 O1-5-425361. OO DESIGNATED FT'ND-DÀII 0.00

a, tto. ål 1, 6t7 . 11 EoÈrI llct¡lElol IâCl!¡Elll 22, 1¡0.00 0,00 17, 76t. al

1!r,71{, 11 9,110, ¡0 EoÈrt ¡¡Cl¡t DltMlD![DlEUlIt ¡16. ¡!l,00 0 .00 t?, 1¡0. l,

01-l-ll! DU¡IIC lå¡lEY ttê¡t¡lE? 0 00 1. 000 . 00 0.00 2LL.5l 788 . {6 0 1-5-4852 32 00 IIÀTER USÀGE 0 . 0 .00 2, L24 .0O 4, L26 .O0 00 01-5-485233 00 ELECfRICIfY 6. 250 00 0.00 3,000.00 0 00 01-5-¿8523¿ 00 ¡iEATING 3, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 1-5-4 85234 10 Apparatus BaY FD L,829 .O3 2,670 .91 0 00 01-5-¿852 38 00 PHONE C INTERNET ¿, 500 . 00 0.00 0 00 1, 000 . 00 0.00 232.73 161.27 0 1-5-¿85301 00 BUILDING ST'PPLIES 1/ 750.00 0.00 L,296.29 ¿53 . 71 169 00 0 1-5-485302 00 REPÀIRS e !¡iAINTENÀNCE o.00 0.00 0 o0 o1-5-¿85302 10 Àpparatus (NFD) 0.00 0.00 945.29 -735.29 0 00 01-5-¿8s303 00 AI,ÀRM MONITORING 210.00 0.00 0.00 3 , 42O .0O 7, 580 . 00 1,080 00 0 1-s-4 8530{ 00 CLEANINC 11.000.00 0.00 3, 500 . 00 0 00 o1-5-¿85? 60 00 DESIGNÀTED FI'ND-POLICE ST 3, 500 . 00 0.00

¡¡, 111.12 tr, 249 , oo [orrl Pül&lC ¡l¡lEY rlc¡llEr l¡,210,00 0.00 10,0!¡. ¡l

0 1-l-500 Dor¡tcl Dlt!¡ l¡.D¡llDlrut¡¡ 01-l-r001 ïto¡a 3 llm¡lEl 32,173 . 69 51, 319. 31 6,425.02 01-5-500 110 00 POLICE CIIIEF ÍIÀGE 84,093.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-5001 10 10 TNT. CITIEF ΡIEÍFORD A22.OO 0.00 5¿, 158 . 33 LLt, 663 . 67 L0 , L92 .75 01-5-500 1 1.2 00 POLICE OFFICER IIAGE L6A, 0.00 2,459.O7 4,5¿0.93 L, O32.62 01-5-500 1 12 10 ON-CA¡,L WÀGES 7,000.00 .OO 0.00 3,700.59 20,L42.rL 875.86 0 1-5-5001 13 00 OVERTIME OFFICER ÍIAGE 23,843 .OO 0.00 18. 485 . 17 30, 926.83 3,708.80 01-5-500 1 X¿ 00 .ÈDM¡NISTRÀTIVE I{ÀGE 49, 4!2 0.00 660.00 ¿, 340 . 00 160.00 0t -5-500115 00 PARTTIME OFFICER ¡IAGE 5, 000 . 00 15,200.00 0.00 3,7AA.76 rL,{LL.24 t, a1L . 40 0 1-5-5001 1 6 00 CROSSING GT'ÀRD I|AGE 5, ¿83.31 ¿83.31 301.32 01-5-500117 00 GOVERNOR'S II¡'Y SÀFETY GRÀ 0.00 0.00 -5, 250 . 00 0 .00 331.45 -81 . 45 0.00 01-5-500 1 18 00 SPECIA¡, DUTY T{AGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 o-oo 0.00 0 1-5-500 120 00 FEI,'À 14,17r .40 1,465.82 o1-s-s00 121 00 FICA TÀX 2L, 924.OO 0.00 7 ,r52.60 L,672.75 3, 454 .25 342. aO 01-5-500122 00 MEDI TÀX 5,L27.OO 0.00 0.00 35,009.17 33,421 .43 7 , OrL .77 0 1-5-500 123 00 IIEÀI,T¡i INS 68,437.00 1, 588 . 64 2, LLg .36 0.00 01-5-500 124 o0 DISÀBIT.ITY/I.IFE INS 3, 708 . 00 0.00 0.00 962.57 t, L91 . Ã3 -65 . 64 0 1-5-500 125 00 DELTÀ DENTA¡, 2.160.00 8, 4/¡8.17 15. 901 . 83 r, 6aL.26 o1-5-500 126 00 VIT RETIREMENT 24. 350 . 00 0.00

!o¡,611.71 la, 616 . 7! !oÈr1 ïlo¡a ¡ l!¡l¡t¡El a7t, !26. 00 0.00 L7Cta7a,a1

01-t-1002 gonul¡Er Do!¡c¡xo 7 6L .25 L,734.75 609.00 01-5-500201 00 ANIMÀ! CONT/LE,ÀSH I.ÀW 2. 500 . 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-500201 10 Dog fine r€fund 0 .00 93.25 r, Lo6 .75 12.00 01-5-500202 00 COMI'T'NITY REI.ÀITNS 1, 200 . 00 1,80Q. oo 0.00 576. 00 L,224.O0 0.00 01 -5-5nn2 n¿ oo ÂFEED SIGNS 0.00 o.00 500.00 0.00 0 1-5-500206 00 NORÍIIICH C'ADET PROGRÀM 500.00 Lr/24/20 Town of NorwÍch cenera1 Ledger Page 7 of 19 09:48 e Expendíture Report - General HTML5BGRAIÂIiER Currênt Yêar Pêriod 5 Nov

Outstandíng UnencuÍrbered FY-20/21 MTD Account Budget Encunbrance Expenditures Bal.ancê Pd 5 Nov

EoÈ.l colollñ¡Ef DO&¡C¡llO 6r 000.00 0 .00 1, {to . l0 a,l6t.l0 6e1 . 00

01-t-t00t lou¡ttoH! ¡ xtttr¡ltåtc! o1-5-500301.00 RA.DIO MAINTENá¡CE 800.00 0.00 0.00 800.00 0.00

01-5-500302.00 PETRO'.EI'M PRODUCTS 8. 000 . 00 0.00 0.00 8.000. oo 0.00

01-5-500304 . 00 CRUISER VIDEO EQUIP 500 . 00 0. o0 0.00 500 . 00 0. 00

01-5-500306. OO CRUISER MA¡NT 10, 2OO . OO 0. o0 L I tas .64 4,7L4.36 L1A ,99

01-5-500308.00 CRUISER SI'PPLTES 500 . 00 0.00 rts .92 35¿. OS 0.00

Ectrl ¡eu¡Dll¡¡l! ¡ llt¡tE!trtl{C! 20, 000 .00 0 ,00 1, 631 . 15 18, t6t. aa 173, 19

01-l-t00r ottfiEt o 1-5-500 423 13 EQUIPMENT INCENTIVE GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-5-500423 14 20l4t E9UTPMENT TNCENTMS 0.00 o. oo 0. oo 0.00 0.00 01-5-500¿23 15 2015 EQUrP TNCEtfl[M GRÀt¡ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0r.-5-500¿23 L7 FY17 OPIDUI EQUTPMENT GRÀ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-500428 00 PÀCIF EgUTP GRAI¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0x-5-500¿30 00 DOJ BULLEÎ PROOF VESTS GR 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-5 00¿ 32 00 NORWTCE ÍIOMENS C¡UB GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 61¡9.00 -649.00 0.00 01-5-500{¡36 oo 2015 DUI E¡¡rORCnUg¡Í¡ Gn¡¡¡ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EoË.l Oll¡{EI 0.00 0 ,00 649.00 -6{9. 00 0,00

01-l-t001 IttDDOIE 0 1-5-500501 00 ÀDMINISTRÀTION 4,000.00 0.00 2,229.5L L,770 .39 197.30 o1-5-500535 00 VIBRS 3.000.00 0.00 345.77 2,654.23 0.00 0 1-5-50053 6 00 DISPÀ!C¡' SERVICES 67 ,292.OO 0.00 33, 6¿5.75 33t 646.25 0.00 0 1-5-500538 00 TRATNING 2,500,00 0.00 0.00 2, 500 . 00 0.00

0x-5-500543 00 TRÀINING SI'PPITES 2, 000 . 0o 0.00 702 .48 L,297.52 206.48 01-5-500580 00 MILEAGE RETMB 200.00 0.00 0.00 200.00 0,00

0 1-5-500581 00 DUES/IfTGS/EDUC 1. 000 . 00 0.00 375.00 625 . 00 0.00

01-5-500582 00 UNIFOR¡IS 2,500.00 0.00 968 . 93 1, 531 . 07 0.00

01-5-500583 00 T'NIFORMS CLEÀNING 1,500.00 0,00 355.50 1, 1¿4 . 50 23.50

0 1-5-500 584 00 BULLET PROOF VESTS 0 .00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00

Eot¡I IUDDOIE t9, 993,00 0 .00 t¡, 6¡3 . 0{ {t, 36¡ , 96 t27,24

01-l-1007 Ctt¡El¡¡ lttltDlEUl¡¡

01-5-500701.00 DESTGNÀTED EtND-SPEC EQUI 2. 500 . o0 0.00 0.00 2, 500 . 00 0.00 O1-5-500702. OO DESIGNÀÍED FI'ND-CRUISER 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 OX-5-500703. OO DESIGNÀÎED FI'ND-POLICE ST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EðÈrl ctD¡tt! lxDlrDtEut¡t 1¡, t00 , 00 0.00 0.00 22,100,00 0,00

EoÈrl tO!¡C! DIDE l¡lD¡lÞ¡Eut¡l 611, tlt.00 0,00 tlr¡00t.t7 !t2,tot.6t ll, ¡64,0l

01-l-!!l ¡rt¡/Itt¡ DIDE. taDrrtEr 01-3-!!!1 ¡rt! r o¡t 01-5-555108.00 FrRE CsrEF WAGES 55, 185 .00 o. oo 25,964.2O 39 ,22O . AO 5,0¿7.56 of 19 1,L/24/20 Tom of Nolrich Gen€ral Ledger Page I 09:/¡8 il Exp€nditur€ Report - Gen€råI II!¡ML5BGR.ã¡lDdER Current Year Pêriod 5 Nov

Outstånding Unencutfibered FY-20/21 MTD Account Budget Encunbrance Expendltu!€s Bålânce Pd 5 Nov

0.00 01-5-555110 00 FIRE OFFICER SITIPEND 2, 100.00 0.00 0.00 2.100.00 10. 98¿.03 23 OL' .97 915, 3/r 0 1-5-5551 12 o0 FIREFIGTITERS WÀGE 3¿, 000 . 0o 0,00 , 760 . 00 2,24O.OO 180.00 0 1-5-555 1 1¿ 00 FF DRILT.S/IIITGS IIÀGE 3, 000 .00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 01-5-5ss1 1 6 00 DRY ¡IYDRANT T¡ÂGE 0.00 0.00 . 45 350. s7 01-5-5s5121 00 E'ICA TÀX 6,466.00 0.00 2.198.5s 4,261 . 81.98 01-5-555122 00 MEDI TÀX 1, 512 . 00 0.00 5L4.L1 997 83 7, 454 . 80 1, 356 . 35 0 1-5-555123 00 HEAI.TI¡ INSUR,ANCE L6,276 .OO 0.00 8,A2L.20 95 0.00 01-5-555 124 00 DISÀBII.ITY/',IFE INSURÀI{CE 81?.00 0.00 3X¿. 05 502. 302.86 0x-5-555125 00 vT RETIREMENT 3, 748 . 00 0.00 1,557.8s 2,LgO.L5 .7 A 01-5-555126 00 DE¡¡TAL INSI'RANCE 446.00 0.00 L66.72 279.28 -40

9,193. EoÈrI t¡ll ïto¡a 133, !10 , 00 0, o0 aLt?80,17 a2,269,23 t¡

01-l-llt¡ lllt l'rl¡¡I L47.76 o1-5-555212 00 EüS ÍIAGE 5,500.00 0.00 L,36t .26 4,L34.74 ¿60.00 100 . 00 01-5-555215 00 Eus DRII,L WAGE 1, 900 . 00 0.00 440.00 1, LOg.2A 349.72 16.61 0 1-5-555221 00 Elrs FICÀ TÀX 459.00 0.00 ¿8 3.88 0L-5-5s5222 00 EMS MEDI fAX 107 .00 0.00 25.52 81.

?, t66 , 00 0 .00 1, t16.06 3.0¡r, ta lot .2¡

01-t-ttãt IDUCIE¡OI 3 EIA¡¡I¡TO 0.00 750.00 0.00 0 1-5-555338 OO FIRE EDUC/TRÀINING 750 . 00 0.00 1, 040 . 00 0.00 01-5-555340 OO EMS EDUC/TRNG 1, 200 . 00 0 .00 160, O0 750 . 00 0.00 01-5-5553¿2 OO FIRE DUES/¡'f,GS/EDUC 750 .00 0.00 0.00 o. oo o1-5-5553¿3 o0 Eus DUEs/ldrGs 0.00 0.00 o-oo 0. o0

0.00 Eottl ¡DUqAE¡Oll ¡ Ett¡ll¡llo 2, 700 , 00 0.00 160,00 2,1a0,00

ol-¡-llla 800&l l ¡ou¡DEllE 0.00 01-5-555422.00 FrRE ÎOOLS e EQUTPMENT ¿,000.00 0.00 955.26 3,O44.74 1, . 48 0.00 01-5-555¿2¿.00 Errrs TOO¡S/ EQUrP 1. 900 . 00 0. o0 254.52 6r¡5 0.00 01-5-555¿26. 00 RADrO PURCA/REPÀIR 750.00 0.00 0.00 750.00

¡oÈrl !OO!t ¡ lgu¡Dl¡llE 6,610,0o 0.00 L,?0),74 átaao,z2 0.00

01-5-ltll llt¡llEtiltt{c¡ 0.00 01-5-555528 00 FÎRETR¡(REM 14,000.00 0.00 6, 24a . 49 7 ,157 .5L 0.00 01-5-555530 00 EQUIPMENT l,lAINltENÀllCE 5,800.00 0.00 0.00 5,800.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 0 1-5-5sss32 00 RADIO MAINTENANCE 500 . 00 0.00 267 .67 L2.45 01-s-55553¿ 00 SOFTIIÀRE MÀINTENANCE {00.00 0.00 L32.33 00 0.00 o1-5-555536 00 COMPI'TER MAINTENANCE 400.00 0.00 0,00 400 . 44 5. 56 01-5-555538 oo PEÎRO'.EUM PRODUCÍS 3, 000 . 00 0.00 5.56 2, 994 .

L1 ,62 1¡.01 IôÈr1 xtlilE!ilËlc! 2t, 100 , 00 0.00 6, l¡6. !¡ ,?Lt

01-¡-t¡16 luDtot! 100.00 0.00 01-5-55561¿. OO RECRUITMENT 100 . o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 nr -ñ-ññññ1 6, 0o V8¡¡ICI¡ â&LOWÀ¡'|CE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-555617. OO TIRETRUCK STORAGE 0.00 0 .00 0.00 LL/2r/20 Tawn of Norrich cenerål ledger Fage 9 of, 19 o9:¡18 m Expenditure Report - Generâl ITTML5BGRA¡û''ER Currênt Yêar Pêriôd 5 Nôv

Outstanding Unencunb€red EY-2O/2L WrD Àccount Budget. Encumbrânc€ Expenditures Balance Pd 5 Nov

0 1-5-555 6 18 00 POSTÀGE 25.00 0.00 83.40 -58 . ¿0 0.00 0 1-5-55561 9 00 EIRE PRIV BOOKS & MATER¡À 100 , 00 0. o0 o.00 100.00 0.00 01-5-555620 00 FIREFIGHTERS CÀSUL INS 5. 200 . 00 0.00 0.00 5,200.00 0.00 0 1-5-555 625 o0 IIE¡,EP¡¡ONE T INTERNET 0.00 0.00 160.0/¡ -160.04 0.00 0 1-5-555 630 00 OFFICE SI'PPLIES 400. oo 0.00 463.84 -63 . 8,{ 0.00 01-5-555 632 00 DISPÀTCS SERV¡CE 2L ,824 . OO 0. o0 324 , OO 21.500.00 0.00 01-5-555633 00 UNIFORM 225,OO 0.00 236.44 -11 . ¿4 93 .44 o1-5-55563¿ 00 I¡YDR.A¡TI RE¡I:TA¡. 23, 000 . 00 0.00 12, 500 . 50 10, ¿99. 50 0. o0 0 1-5-555 635 00 DRY ITYDRÀNT 200.00 0.00 490.00 -290.00 0.00 01-5-555636 00 OSTTA COMPLTÀNCE 1,200,00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00

EoËrl lUtDOlE a2,z7t,oo 0 .00 t4 | 2a¿ ,?a 3t, 011. 7t 93.¡a

01-ã-lll7 gt ¡¡t& ¡Xt¡llD¡EUt¡t 01-5-555?56. OO DESIGIIÀTED FT'ND-FIRE STÀT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

O 1-5-555758 . OO DESIGNÀTED FI.'}TD-ÀPPÀRÀTUS 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15, 000 . 00 0.00 01-5-555760. 00 DESTGNATED FI,ND-EQUTPMENI o-oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0

EoÈrl Cltl8l! ultlllD¡Elrl¡¡ lt,000,00 0,00 0,00 11, 000 , 00 0,00

01-l-llãl OttllE !¡P!Hl! 01-5-555824. 00 VLCTPÀCIF GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-555830.0O DRY HYDR,ANT GRANA 0.00 0.00 18.57 -18 . 57 18.57 01-5-555852.00 EY17 r¡OMErÀr¡D sEC #1731 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. oo 0. oo

Ect.l olå¡E !¡lD!tl! 0, 00 0 ,00 lt, t7 -11 , ã7 1t,17

0l-l-llt, l¡OU¡.t¡lC! tllv¡C¡l 01-5-555901. 00 AttBIrLÂt¡CE CONTRÀCT 135. 500 . 00 0.00 75, 641 . 50 59,858.50 0. o0 01-5-555903. 00 ÀMBUr.¡NCE Brrrs x¿,500.00 o,00 0.00 11¡/500.00 0.00

Eotrl lloUl¡HC! ¡llv¡Cll 110, 000 . 00 0.00 ?ã, 641 , l0 7a, ltt . l0 0.00

EoÊrl ¡¡l¡/tllE D!t!. ¡¡lt¡lllll lt¡,3a0,00 0,00 1!0, ¡91. ¡l aalttaa.T2 t, 6l¡,1t

01-5-57t ttl¡lolllcl tll¡tto¡¡l¡tE 01-5-575 1 00 00 DEBT SERVICE TOIIER PRINCI 30,738.00 0.00 27, 500.0o 3,238.00 0. oo 0 1-5-575105 00 DEBT SERVTCE TOTIER INTERE 0.00 0.00 L,724 .94 -L,728 .94 0.00 01-5-575233 00 TOffTR POÌIER 600 . 00 0.00 66.29 533 . 71 43.63 0 x-5-5?5 600 00 EMERG MAN ÂDMlIiI 100 .00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0 1-5-575610 00 EMERG MNGMT ST'PPLIES 50.00 0.00 61.00 -11 . 00 0.00 01-5-575 612 00 GENERATOR FI'EL 300 . 00 0.00 60.1¡9 239.5r 60.49

01-5-575620 00 EMERG GEN MÀINT 6. 200 . 00 0.00 82.01 6. 117 . 99 0.00 oL-5-575622 00 EIIERG GEN INSTAI,L 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-575 628 00 PUBLIC ¡IOR¡(S GENERÀTOR 0. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-575 630 00 BASE RÀDIO I,IÀIN.IENÀNCE 500 . 00 0.00 0. o0 500. o0 0.00 0 1-5-575 650 00 EIIERG GENERATOR REPÀIR 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

01-5-575740 00 DES IGNÀTED I'T'ND-GENER"ATOR 25, 000 . 00 o .00 0.00 25. 000 . 00 0.00 01-5-s757 60 00 DESIGNÀTED FT'ND- COMMUNIC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 o1-5-5?5800 oo local Hazard Mitigåtion c 0.00 0.00 3,962.44 -3,962 .Aa 0.00 Pago 10 of, 19 LL/24120 Town of Norriqh Genelal Ledger 09:48 ñ Expenditure RePo!È - Gen€ral HTML5BGR.AI'MER Current Year P€riod 5 Nov

ouÈstanding unêncuÍrber€d Er-2o/2! MrD BâIancê Pd 5 Nov ÀccounÈ Budget Encunbranc€ Expenditur€s

461. l0, oza , 10{,1¡ !oÈr1 D0lolrcY xtnto!þxE 6l, ta¡ , oo 0 .00 !!, ¡1 l¡

0 1-ã-610 corallv¡E¡ol 0 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 1-5-6s0538 00 POSEÀGE .00 o. o0 o 00 0.00 0 00 o1-5-6s0550 00 PRÍNTING 0.00 00 0,00 0 00 01-5-650 60s 00 DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 1-5-650 610 00 OFF SI'PP E EMÀIL 0.00 0 00 300.00 0 00 01-5-650 615 00 DUES/!MGS/EDUC 300.00 0.00 1, 500 . 00 0 00 01-5-650 620 00 sPrRs/PlrBrIc INrO 1, s00 . 00 0.00 0 00 1. 500 . 00 0.00 500 00 1, 000 . 00 0 00 0 1-5-6s0 625 00 PUBIJIC¡EY 0 00 5.500.00 0 00 01-5-650 630 00 TRAILS 5, 500 . 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 01-5-650 632 00 IIÀTER QUAI, MONIT 0 .00 0.00 . 0.00 0 00 1, 150 . 00 0 00 o 1-5-650 635 00 MILT FRYE NÀTT'RE ÀREA 1. 150 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 1-5-650 640 00 GITE I'X 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 o0 01-5-6507 00 00 NÀTRL RESRCS INVEN 0.00 0.00 1, 000 . 00 0 00 01-5-650710 00 PROJECII RESTORÀTION 1, 000 . 00 0.00 0 00 0 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 1-5-650725 00 GRAI¡T .00 L,248 55 r,248 65 0L-5-650127 00 IIOMENS CI,UB GB,ANT 0.00 0.00 -r,248.65

¡01. 1, ¡al.6l EoËrl COillllVtElOI 10. 9ã0 . 00 0,00 1, 7al . 6l t, ll

01-l-671 c!¡c!!!tr co¡llltl¡ox 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 1-5-675 110 00 CEMETERY ¡IÀCES 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 1-5-675L21 00 FIcA 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 oL-5-675L22 00 MEDI 0 .00 0.00 0 00 0.00 01-5-675126 00 REllIREMENT 0.00 0.00 0 o0 0 00 0 00 0.00 oL-5-675232 o0 IIÀTER 0.00 0.00 0 0 .00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 1-5-675301 00 SUPPT,IES .00 0 00 0 00 0.00 01-5-6?54 30 00 REPAIRS T MÀINT. 0.00 0.00 32 32 0.00 01-5-675500 00 PURCITÀSED SERV¡CE 0.00 0.00 3.333 -3,333 0 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 1-5-675520 00 IIORKERS' COT,IPENSÀT¡ON .00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0L-5-675522 00 VLCT LTABILITY INST'RÀNCE 0.00 0.00 0 o0 0 00 0.00 o1-s-675538 00 POSTAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 1-5-675611 00 EQUIPMENT PURCI¡ÀSE 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 oL-s-6756L2 00 CÀPITåT IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 0 00 0,00 01-5-6?5 614 00 EQUIPMENT RENTåI. 0.00 0.00 0 00 o_oo 0 00 0 00 0.00 01-5-675700 00 STONE CI.EÀNING 0.00

!e 0.00 Eor.l cltl llr coltl¡t¡¡o¡l 0 .00 0.00 !, !!1. !2 -!' !!l '

0 1-l-70 Du¡r.rc ïolrt D¡DE, 01-å-701 ll¡olil r Dlvlllot

0 1-l-70! 1 tlrotilttl rtoll 3 llmf¡El 3L,7O2.67 51,795.33 6,424 .OO 01-5-7031 10 00 DIRECTOR OF PUBI,IC ÍIORKS 83,498.00 0.00 935.58 L9 , L67 .12 935 . 58 01-5-703111 00 ADM¡NISTRÀTIVE ÄÍISTSII 20. 103 . 00 0.00 .OO 0.00 103,3¿1.01 222,rO5.99 20 , L39 .2L 01-5-703 1 12 00 ROÀD CRt¡l flÀGEs 325, 447 0.00 2, 5L9 .92 26, ¿80.08 5L4.32 0 1-5-7031 1/¡ 00 ROÀD CREII OVERTIME 29,000.00 600 . 00 2, ?00 . 00 500 . 00 o1-5-?O¡116 00 9ÀCER CîI¡IPÍ.NSATTON 3, 300 . 00 0.00 . 61¡ . oo 0.00 a, L76 .90 27,LL6.LO 1, 689 0 1-5-703 121 00 Flc,A 35, 293 LLl 24 / 20 Town of Norrich cenelal Ledge! Pag€ 11 of 19 09:48 ü Expenditure Report - General IITML5BGRÀT¡IMER Cu¡rênt Yêar Pêriod 5 Nov

outstanding unencumbêred ît-2O/2L NllID Account Budget Encunbrance Expenditu!eg B¡1encê Pd 5 Nov

oL-5-103L22 00 MEDICåRE 0.00 o.00 1,895.6¿ -L, 495 . 64 314 .43 o 1-5-7 03123 00 ¡IEAI,TI¡ INST'R 92, 030 . 00 o. o0 42,733.A4 19 ,296 . L6 6, 927 .A2 01-5-703 124 00 DISABILITY/LII'E 5,141.00 0.00 L, 652 .70 3,488.30 0. o0

0 1-5-703 125 00 DENTÀI. INSURÀNCE 2,614.OO 0.00 L, L64 .92 1,513.08 -98.46 01-5-703126 oo RETIREIENT 25,372.OO 0.00 a ,243 .7O 17.088.30 r, 634 . A7

EoÈ.l ¡l¡OBr l Ítl¡¡t ¡ ¡lmflE¡ 6¡1,t6¡.00 0,00 ¡0!, rlt,ttl.1? t9,16t, {1

01-t-701¡ xAE!lttlr

0 1-5-703201 00 SÀLT T CHEMICA¡S 120. 000 .00 0.00 89. 99 119,910.01 89. 99

01-5-703203 00 SÀND 100, 000 . 00 0.00 44, O8r.62 55.918.38 32,67A.06

01-5-703205 00 DUST CONTROL 20, 000 . 00 0,00 0.00 20,000. o0 0.00 or-s-703207 o0 GRÀVEI, E STONE 50,000.00 0.00 27 ,6LA.54 22, 3AL . 46 4,155.3¿ 0t -5-703209 00 CUI¡VERTS E ROÀD SUPPLIES 5,000.00 0.00 1, 037 . 00 3, 963.00 240 . OO 01-5-703211 00 À,SPHAI,T PRODUCTS 5,000.00 o.0o a6a .4r 4,531.56 23A.31 01-5-7032X3 00 BRIDGE REPAIR E I'AINT. 5,000.00 o.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00

0 1-s-7032 13 10 Brorn Schoolhouse bridge 75. 700 . 00 0.00 74, 980 . 00 120.OO 0.00 01-5-703215 00 OTHER PRO.JECTS 2. 000.00 0.00 0.00 2,0o0, o0 0.00 oL-5-703277 00 S¡GNS 4, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00 4, 000 . 00 0.00

Eotr:, lllllttt&l tlú,700, o0 0.00 141,2?t,lt ?ta,aza,aL 17, {01.76

01-l-?033 colfllt¡cEtD ttw¡c¡t

0 1-5-703301 00 PLOIIINC E SÀNDING 24,000.00 0.00 0.00 24, 000 . 00 0.00

0 1-5-7 03303 00 ROÀD S¡{EEPING ¿, 500 . 00 o. o0 0.00 ¿,500. o0 0.00

01-5-703305 00 LEåF RE!úOVÀ'. 6, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0. o0

01-5-703307 00 STREETI.IGIITS 12, 000 . 00 0.00 r,352.53 1 , 647 .47 1, 071 . 30

0 1-5-70330 9 00 TREE CUTTING E REMOVAL 12,500.00 0.00 3,200.00 9, 300 . 00 350 . 00

01-5-7 033 11 00 I'NIFORMS 10, 000 . oo 0.00 4, OAL.L2 5.918.88 637 . 65

01-5-703313 00 PÀVING 30, 000 . 00 0.00 54.40 29 , 945 .60 0.00

0 1-5-7033 15 00 OTTTER PRO'JECTS 7, 500 . 00 0.00 0.00 7.5O0. O0 0.00

0 1-5-7 033 17 00 CRACK SE.ALING 15,000.00 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 01-5-703319 00 PÀ'\'ETIENT MÀRRING 22,000.00 0.00 22,L74.SO -1?4.50 3, L{A .20 o1-5-703321 00 BRIDGES 10. 000 . 00 o. oo 1, 839 . 64 8,160.36 1, 839 . 6/¡

!oÈ.1 Con¡ttcllD tllvtclt 1¡t, t00,00 0,00 31,70¡,19 117,797, 11 7 ,016 ,7'

01-t-7034 rou¡Dx!ñ!! 01-5-703401. 00 ouTsrDE REPÀrRS 45,000.00 0.00 5,239 .33 39 ,7 60 .61 918.11 01-5-703403.00 PARTS Ê SUPPLTES 45,000.00 0.00 5,028.27 39 | 97L.73 2t 620.59 01-5-703405. 00 PEîROLEI M PRODUCTS 43,000.00 0.00 11,709.59 3L,290 . 4L 2,233.O7

EoÊrl lou¡DloilE 1!!, 000 . 00 0.00 zL,r77 ,L' 111,0Z¡, tl ¿,77L,71

01-l-70!t lltollit? oatto! 0 1-5-703501 00 ELECTRICITY 3, 600.00 0. o0 /¡63.96 3, 136. 04 0.00

01-5-703503 00 PROPANE 7, 000 . 00 0.00 364 . 8¿ 6, 635 . 16 364 . A4 o1-5-703505 00 TELEP¡iONE 4, 000 . 00 0.00 1, 050 . 44 2, 949 ,56 LL{ . L1 01-5-703507 00 SUPPLIES 3,000.00 0.00 2,734.24 265 .7 6 876 . 30

0 1-5-?0350 9 00 ÀJ.ÀRM MONITORING 500.00 0,00 705.00 -205.00 0.00 Page 12 of, 19 LL/24/20 ToBn of Norwict¡ GeneråI Ledger 09:48 I Exp€nditure RePort - Generål HITML5BGRÀMMER Current Year Peliod 5 Nov

outstanding Unencunbered Ev-zO/2L VßD Àccaunt Budget Encunìbrance Expenditures Balrnce Pd 5 Nov

7 .02 0.00 01-5.703511. OO REPAIRS & T,IAINTENÀNCE 9, 000 . 00 0.00 L, O14 .94 ,925 4, 801 . 56 0.00 01-5-703513.00 TOOI,S 5, 000 . 00 0.00 198.44 . 75 112.00 01-5-703515. 00 À.DMrNrSl¡RÂTrON 5,000.00 0 .00 L,3L4.25 3, 685

1, aa?, l1 totrl lt¡OllïlI Ctll{¡! 17. 100 , 00 0,00 7, t06 . 11 2t, Itl, It

0 1-t-70t 6 C,tD¡Et¡¡ !¡f¡m¡EUl¡t 20, 000 . 00 0.00 o 1-5-703 601 00 DES IGNATED FI'T¡D-EQUIPMENT 20,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-703 603 00 DESICNÀTED FUND-S IDET{A¡.K o. oo 0.00 0.00 01-5-703605 00 DESI GNATED FI'ND-PÀVING 60,000.00 0 .00 0.00 60,000.00 0.00 ¿0, 00 0.00 01-5-703607 00 DESIGNATED FT'ND-BRIDEES 40,000.00 0.00 0.00 000, 25, 000 . 00 0.00 01-5-7 03 60 9 00 DESIGNAÎED FT'ND-CÀRAGE 25,000,00 0.00 0.00

EoÈrl gtt¡Eå! ¡xDlllD¡lul¡l l{tf 000 .00 0 .00 0.00 1ll,000.00 0,00

01-l-70!? otttEt 0.00 01-5-7037 01 00 PAV¡NG GRÀNT 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-703703 00 FEMA GR,A¡¡T 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0 1-5-703705 00 VT PUB',IC SFTY-RÀDIO GRÀI{ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-703707 00 NRCS GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 5, 70s . 00 o.00 0 1-s-70370 9 00 T¡IO RIVERS-BETR BACK ROAD 5. 705 . 00 .00 0.00 01-5-7037 10 00 ST. OF VT-BETTER BÀCK RD 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-7 037 10 10 Grants in Àid Praject 0.00 0.00 22, 2O4 . L8 -22,201.L4 0.00 0.00 01-5-70371 1 00 ÍIOMEN'S CLI'B GRå¡¡ll 0.00 0.00 0.00 6, 600 . 00 0.00 o 1-5-7037 13 00 2017 VTRANS BIKE E PED GR 5, 600 . 00 0 .00 0.00 9,L1,7 .35 oL-s-7037L4 00 vll Trans - TÀ¡, G!ånt (Tig 75, 600 . 00 0.00 LL,753.7e 63, A4l .22 L3,gOL .26 5, 986 . 15 0 1-5-7037 15 00 VTR,ANS STRUCTI'RES GRNT 3, 600 . 00 0.00 -10,301.26

Ect.l olltla t1, l0l,00 0 .00 a1 ,a6L,ZZ al, att.7l 1år 101, t0

1,16¡,6t7.00 o, oo taa,12),a2 1r 10!, 101' 960. la Eotrl ll¡offiåY D¡v¡llot '!?,71

01-¡-704 tu¡lD¡üoa 3 otourD¡ D¡vll 01-t-704 1 t30ll^l¡la¡¡!H!t¡E¡ 32, 605 .94 59.766.06 6,652.4O 01-5-7 0¡l 1 13 00 BUII,DINGS & GROI'NDS 9IAGES 92,312.OO 0.00 3 .29 2L7 .98 o1-5-7 0¿1L¿ 00 OIT B'.DGS & GROUNDS 5,000.00 0 .00 !,L39.7r ,860 450.00 100.00 01-5-7 04 116 00 PÀGER COMPENSÀTION 550 . 00 0.00 100.00 2, OA7 .34 5 403 .62 429.74 0 1-5-70¿ 121 00 FICÀ 7,¿91.00 0.00 , /¡88.15 . 15 100.119 oa-5-704L22 00 MEDICÀRE 0.00 0.00 -¡r88 2,5A9 .16 or-5-704L23 00 HEA!![II INSURANCE 31,866.00 0.00 16, r¡56.95 15, ¿09.05 70¿.50 0.00 o!-5-704L24 00 DISÀBILITY/].IFE 1. 1¿0 . 00 0.00 435.50 388.32 3¿¡6 . 68 a2 0 1-5-70¿ 125 00 DENTÀ'. INSI'RANCE 735.00 0 .00 -32. 424.21 oL-5-704L26 oo RElrIREIIENT 5. 631,00 0 .00 2, 036.72 3,594 .24

0{6, 10, a12.19 Eot.ll¡Olltolt¡¡lmtlll 1aa, ?tt , 00 0, o0 l¡,7tt,6? lt, !l

01-l-70a¡ XrEll¡tla .5O 0. o0 01-5-704201.OO GÀRDEN SI'PPLIES E PLÀ¡¡TS 2, 000 . 00 0.00 175 . 50 L, A24

. 0.00 Eot.l lltlln¡tlt 2, 000 . 00 0.00 1?5. l0 1, 1¡{ 10 LL/24/20 Torn of Nolwich Cenerâl I,êdg6r Pagê 13 of 19 09:{8 q Expenditure Report - c€n€rål IITML5BGRÀ¡¡IMER Cu!.ent Year Period 5 Ngv

OuÈstanding Unencutr¡bered EY-2O/2L VTTD Àccount Budget Encunbrance Expenditur€g Ba].ance Pd 5 Nov

0l-t-7041 cglllllåCElD lllv¡Cll 01-5-70¿301.OO FOI.EY PÀRK E MEDIÀNS 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 0.00

01-5-70¿311. OO TTNIFORMS 2. 500 . 00 0.00 1,636.18 863.82 230,34

totrl COt¡ttCElD llw¡C¡t ¡, t00 .00 0,00 1, tt6 . 1a l5t. ¡¡ ¡t0, !{

01-l-704{ ¡ou¡txlt!

01-5-704¿01. 00 oulsIDE REPÀrRfl 1. 600 . 00 0, o0 110,69 1. ¿89.31 0.00 01-5-70¿¿03.00 PÀRTS e SUPPLXES 3¡ 000.00 0.00 336.76 2,663.24 132.89 01-5-704405. 00 PETROLEnM PRODUCTS 2,800.00 0.00 244.43 2,555 .L7 0.00

01-5-70¿413.00 roo',s 500 . 00 0.00 14-96 425 . 04 0.00

¡otrl loU¡DlOtE ?, t00 , 00 0.00 7C7,24 7 ,LtZ,76 1t2. ¡9

01-l-7046 CID¡EI! lttltlDlEUlll 01-5-70¿601. 00 DESIGNATED FI,ND-E9UTPMENT 0.00 0.00 0-oo 0.00 0.00

EoÈrl Clt¡El& UIDltD¡EUl¡t 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00

EoÈrl ¡UllD¡llol ¡ otOU{Dl D¡V¡l 1t7,1¡¡,00 0,00 lt, t17. It ¡t, lú7.41 10, lal. a2

01-l-701 ror¡rD rrtE! D¡vlrtoN 01-l-7011 rr rror¡ ¡ ¡lN¡rtEt 01-5-705112.00 TRNSF STÀTION wAcE 39.37¿.00 0.00 16 , L2O .94 23,253 .O2 3,3L4.62 01-5-705121.00 FrCÀ TAX 3,012.00 0.00 999.46 2, OLz.54 205 .49 01-5-705122,00 MEDr TÀX o. oo 0.00 233.7A -233.7a 49.07

Eot.l ¡ï lrolt ¡ ¡!}{ ¡!t 42, tla,00 0,00 t1 , E¿a,zz at,011,7t t, ttt . lt

01-l-7011 collt¡ltcE¡D ¡lwtcll

01-5-705301 00 GWS¡IMD ÀSSESSMENT 37, 554 . 00 0.00 37, 554. O0 0.00 L4,177.O0

01-5-705303 00 MUNICIPÀ]. SOLTD WÀSTE 43,000.00 0.00 !2,1O9.7O 30 | 29O .3O 3, 609.08 01-5-705305 00 RECYCLING 40.000.00 0.00 10,601.01 29 , 39e .99 3, 303 . 96 o1-5-705306 o0 CTDIIA.STEDISPOSAI 10/ 000. oo 0. oo L,434.2L 8, 165.79 r ,2L8 , 93 01-5-705307 00 HOUSEI¡O],D HÀZÀRDOUS I{ASTE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-705308 00 FOOD ¡IASTE DISPOSAI, 6,000.00 0.00 4,734.75 L,265 .25 1, 606. ¿0 01-5-705311 00 I'NIFORMS 500 . 00 0. oo 0.00 500.00 0.00

Eotrl COrEIåCEID ¡!w¡C!¡ 1t7,ott,00 0.00 a7,att,a7 6rr 630 , lt ¡l,l1l.t7

01-l-70¡a !ou¡ttctE

01-5-?05403.00 PÀRTS E SUPPLIES 1, 000 . 00 0.00 26L.28 73A.72 0.00 01-5-705405.00 ST OI'VT GRÀÑT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

01-5-705411.00 REPÀIRS E MÀINTENÀNCE 2,000.00 0.00 67L , L9 1,, 32e . AL 2LO . 19 o1-5-705¿13.00 SMÀ¡JL EQUIPMENT 300 . 00 0.00 o. oo 300. oo 0.00

EoÈrl ¡gU¡Dta¡¡lE 1,300.00 0,00 tt¡, {7 2,367, ã3 ¡10. {,

01-5-70t1 Ell¡lttll tEAE¡O¡l På96 14 of 19 LL/24/20 Torn of Norwich Gen€ral Ledgêr 09:{8 m ExpendiÈure RePort - Generâ]. IITMLSBCRÀ!¡IMER current Yeår P€riod 5 Nov

Outstanding Unencunìber€d FY-20/21 MTD BaIancê Þd 5 Nov Àccount Budg€t Encu¡ribrancê Expenditu!€a

689.00 1. 906 . 00 157.00 01-5-705500 00 PURCHASED SERVICES 2, 595. 00 0.00 5¿0.00 1.460.00 0.00 01-5-705501 00 EI.EC!TRICI!IY 2,000.00 0.00 600 . 00 0 .00 o.00 600.00 0.00 0 1-5-705503 00 PROPÀNE 163.02 286. 98 31 .27 01-5-705505 00 TELEP¡¡ONE ¿50.00 0,00 o.00 2. 000 . o0 0.00 01-5-705515 00 ÀDMINISÍRATION 2, 000 .00 0.00 2, 000 . 00 0.00 /¡93.33 1, 506, 67 0.00 0 1-5-705517 00 VERIIONT FN,A¡¡C¡IISE TÀX

EoIII Eü¡I¡T¡I IEIE¡tr t, 6al. o0 0.00 1, lla . !l 1,7¿),4¿ Lra,z7

O1-!-70f6 CtD¡Et¡¡ I¡lPlNDlEUlll 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5.705601. OO DESIGNÀTED ¡'UND-E9UIPUENI 0.00 0.00

0,00 EoËrl CtD¡El! UID¡XDIE¡rl¡l 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 00

L01,77t,2, 12, att, 11 EoÈ.l lO!¡D lltlE¡ D¡v¡¡¡Ot 112, ltl .00 0 ,00 ¡7,60!.71

01-l-706 Elrcv lll&! 01-l-7041 tu¡lD¡tlo ¡¡o!tl!!t 0 650 . 00 0.00 154.20 495.80 00 0 1-5-70 6100 00 WÀTER USAGE 10,3?8.88 0 00 01-5-706101 00 ELECTRICITY 13,500.00 0.00 3,L2t.L2 628.51 10, 8?1 . 39 628 61 01-5-?06103 00 r¡EÀTING 11¡500.00 0.00 00 600 . 00 0 .00 L, O13.25 -473.25 0 0 1-5-? 0 6105 00 AI.ARII MONITOR¡NG 1, 3s2 . 00 1, 948 . 00 270 {0 01-5-706107 00 ELEVATOR MAINTENÀNCE 3. 300.00 0.00 0.00 550.00 o 00 01-5-706 108 00 CUSTODIÀ¡¡ PAGER & MII.E,AGE 550.00 0.00 24 . 00 0.00 8¿8.61 3, 351 . 39 110 0 1-5-70610 9 00 BUITDING SI'PPLIES 4. 200 0.00 o.00 0.00 0 00 0 1-5-?0 61 11 00 ÍIOMENIS CLI'B GRA¡¡T 0.00 3,997 .15 9,002.55 4 7A 01-5-706113 00 REPAIRS & MAINITENANCE 13, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00 726.66 L,213.34 99 o2 01-5-706115 00 BNDSE¡TD /S IGN/EVCI' ELECÍ RI 2, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 1-5-70 61 15 10 Ev Chg St 0 ¡tst1ey Meado 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 o1-5-706117 00 DESIGNATED FUND-TR.ACY ITAI. 0.00 0.00

1,111.0t Eot¡l ¡U¡lDItlo lllDlll¡¡l at, t00.00 o .00 11r r01, t0 !7, Itl.10

1,111.01 Eotrl EI CI ¡lâ¡! at, too. o0 0,00 11, r01, t0 lTrlt¡.10

110'407.3¡ Eot¡l DUI!¡C llolxa DIDE tr , t67, l3? . 0o o,oo 622,a31,a2 1,!44,982'lt

01-l-r002 Dr¡E llwlc! lxD!¡lD¡Eln¡l 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800205 o0 TR,ACY ¡IAI.L PRINCIPÀ! 0.00 0.oo 117. 0o0 . 0o 0.00 o.00 01-5-800207 00 PUBI.IC SAFTY FÀCILITY BON ¿7. 000 . 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. oo 01-5-800208 00 Brorns Sg Rd Blidgê 0.00 0.00 0 23,932.40 23,483.60 0.00 01-5-800235 00 DEBIT INTEREST 47 ,4'.6.0O .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800236 00 DEBT TNTEREST (EEMA) 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0.00 0.00 01-5-800237 00 LOc PlinciPal Þmt 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 1-5-800238 00 LOC Int€rest 0.00

21, tlS. ú0 0.00 lcËrl DltE lllv¡C! ¡lolllDtEul¡t ta, a16 . 00 0.00 ?0, t12,40

01-!-¡00! tDDlcDrErolôll llc!¡mEüt¡l 14¿,3OO. 144,360,00 o.00 01-5-800302. 00 NoRllrc¡l puBLrc T.TBRARY 288, 660.00 0.00 O0 LL/24/20 Town of Norwiclt cen€rå1 Ledger Page 15 of 19 09:48 m Expenditure Report - cen€!ål HTML5BGRÀMMER Curr€nt Year Period 5 Nov

Outetanding Unêncunbered EY-20/2t VIrD Àccgunt Budget Ensunbrance ExpendiÈures Balance Pd 5 Nov

01-5-800303 OO NORIIICI| PUBLIC I,IBRARY RE 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800304 OO NORÍITCH SENIOR ÀCT COI'NCL 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0, 00 01-5-80030 6 OO NORÍIICH I.IONS CLUB 3,000 00 0.00 0.00 3, 000 . 00 0.00

0 1-5-800308 OO NOR9IICH NEÚfSI,ETTER o 00 0.00 o. oo 0.00 0.00 01-5-800310 OO NORI|IC¡¡ ÀIIERICÀN I,EGION 1.500 00 0.00 1, 500 . 00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800314 OO NORWICII SPECIÀ¡, EVENTS 0 00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 01-5-800315 OO NORÍIIC¡I HISTORIC.AL SOC. 8, OO0 00 0.00 1t, 000 . 0o 4, 000 . 00 0.00 o1-5-8003 I 6 OO NORIÍÎC¡I CEMETERY ASSOCATN 20,000 00 o. oo 10, 00o . 00 1O¡ OOO. OO 0.00

o 1-5-8 003 17 OO NORWICH CEMEIERY-RESTORE o oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800318 OO NORI|ICH ÀFFORDÀBI.E TIOUSIN 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800324 OO CHILD C.ARE CTR IN NORÍ{ICH 4,344 00 0.00 4. 3¿8 . 00 0.00 0.00

0 1-5-80032 6 OO TTCRS OE SE \'ERMONT 0 00 0.00 o. oo 0.00 o.o0

0 1-5-8 00 328 OO VSTNG NRS,/HSP ÀPPR 15,600 00 0.00 ?, 800 . 00 7. 800 . 0o 0.00 o1-5-S00330 OO SERG 0 00 0. oo 0.00 0. o0 0.00 01-5-800350 OO TBE FÀMILY PI^ACE 6,000 00 0.00 6, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800352 OO ÀDVÀNCE TRÀITSIT 13,514 00 0.00 6,757.0O 6,757.OO 0.00

0 1-5-800354 OO HEÀDREST 2,5OO 00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800356 OO ÍIINDSOR COI'NTY PARTNERS 1. 000 00 0.00 1.000.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-5-800358 00 cÀrv/6 ÀÞPRoP 3.000 00 0.00 3, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00

o 1-5-8 003 60 OO THE I'PPER VÀII.EY TiÀVEN 0 00 0. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-5-8 00 3 62 oo wrsE 2,500 00 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00

01-5-8 00 3 6r¡ 00 RsvP 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800366 00 sEvcÀ 3,750 00 0.00 3.750.00 0, o0 0. 00

0 1-5-800368 OO YOUTH-IN-ACIION 3, 000 00 0.00 3,000.00 0,00 0.00

0 1-5-8003 69 OO SENIOR SOLUTIONS r,2oo 00 o.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800372 OO ÍIHT RIVR COI'N ON ÀGING 5,300 00 0.00 5, 300. o0 0.00 0.00 01-5-800375 OO PUBLIC I¡EÀ¡.TI¡ COI'NC I'V 337 00 o.00 337.00 0.00 0.00

01-5-8003 82 OO U.V, TRÀII,S ÀI.I.IANCE 2, OOO 00 0.00 2, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00

0 1-5-8 00384 OO VALT.EY COURT DIVERSION PR 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800386 OO GOOD BEGINNINGS 3,000 00 0.00 3,000. oo o. o0 0.00

01-5-800388 OO GREEN IT'niI ECO DEV CORP 1,659 00 0.00 1, 659 , 00 0. o0 0.00

0 1-5-80038 9 OO SPECIÀ¡. NEEDS SUPPORÍ CEN 2, OO0 00 0.00 2, 000.00 0.00 0.00

EoÈ.l ItDtODl¡A!!¡Ol lllt¡llDEul¡l !¡1, t6t.00 o, o0 2t l, tt1.0o 17t, t17.00 0,00

01-t-t00{ Er¡a r¡lDrnD¡Eurrt 01-5-8001¡08, OO TAX ABATEUENT/ÀD.'USTMENT 3, 500 . 00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 01-5-800410. 00 TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EoË.I El¡l lttlÏD¡Tut¡l l,100.00 0.00 0.00 !, t00 , 00 0.00

0 1-l-4001 ¡iltutlllc!

0 1-5-800 501 00 I¡RÀ ADMIN¡STNÀTION FEES 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800502 00 HEÀ¡.TH REIMBURSEIIEIüT ÀCCO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 01-5-800503 00 IIEÀI.T¡I INST'RÀNCE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00

0 1-5-800505 00 socrÀt sEcuRrTv TAx 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00

0 1-5-80050 6 00 COBRÀ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0 1-5-8005 17 00 I'NEMP INS R,ATE ÀSS!{T 2,391 .OO 0.00 1.1¿8.00 L, 249 . OO 0.00

0 1-5-8005 18 00 PROP T CÀS INSI'RÀNCE 15, O92.OO 0.00 38,036.10 37, 055. 90 0.00

0 1-5-8 00520 00 vtoRKER'S COUp rNS x09, 130.00 0.00 54,565. ¿0 5¿.564.60 0.00 Page 16 of 19 7L/24/20 Town of, Norwieh Genera1 tedger 09:48 ü Expenditur€ RePort - General ETML5BGRÀIIMER cúrrênt Year P€riod 5 Nov

Outstanding Unêncurìb€r€d Et-zO/2L YfrD Balance Pd 5 Nov Àccount BudgeÈ Encu$brance Expenditur€3

Eotrl lf¡Utrtc¡ lt6, 61t. 00 0,00 tl, ?{9, l0 ¡2, t6t, l0 0,00

¡ú1, 6ãa , l¡ EcÈ.I O.n.¡.l a, tol, ?{0 , 00 0,00 1, ¡6!, lot. a9 !,oal,210, tl

0.00 0.00 04-5-650 6¿0 00 GILE !¡fTN. EXPENSE 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0¿-5-650 680 00 B BOOT¡¡ TRÀIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0¿-s-650700 00 I,¡ND CONSERVATION 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 04-5-650?01 00 coNs co!ßi LoAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 04-5-650? 02 00 MTNA EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0¿-5-650703 00 BBOOTII TRAIL EXPENSE 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 Eo!.l COt¡llVlE¡Oll Col¡a ¡lrtD 0,00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0. o0 05-5-425345 00 E9UTPMENE ÞURC¡iÀSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o5-5-425422 00 BT'NTLEY MEå.DOfI IMPROVEMEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 o5-5-425422 10 t¡untl€y Meador Blidge 0 .00 0.00 o.00 0.00 0.00 o. o0 o5-5-425424 00 GRÀ¡.¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 05-5-425426 00 PLAYGROUND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 05-5-¿25¿28 00 BÀNREÍT BREÀD OVEN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 05-5-425¡¡30 00 ICE RINK PRO']ECÎ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 os-s-425540 00 ADVERTISING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 05-5-¿25560 00 BYRNE FOUN BÀTIIING CAGE 0 .00 0.00 0.00 958 . 14 o. oo o5-5-¿25580 00 J GIRARD FT'ND EXPENSE 0.00 0 .00 3, 958.1¿ -3.

Ectrl t¡Cl¡tE¡ot tAC¡llEl ¡ ¡ll' 0.00 0,00 !, tll , la -1, 9ll. la 0.00

632.06 o-oo 06-5-555322. 00 ¡'rRE EQUrPllENll PURCHASES 0 .00 o. oo 2, 632 . 06 -2,

Eotrl t¡l¡ ltttttEut llrllD 0,00 0.00 ¡, ,lz. oa -a,6t2,06 0.00

0. o0 0.00 0.00 01-5-700322.00 ¡IXGIIWAY EQUTP. PURCHÀSES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 07-5-70032{. 00 r.oAl{ TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00

0,00 Toȡl tlloIt I !oU!DX!X! IlrllD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0,00 0.00 08-5-70032¿. 00 LOAI{ TNTEREST 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 08-5-?02690.00 fffY GÀRÀGE BLDGS 0. o0 0.00 0.00 o. oo 0.00 0. o0 OE-5_1 02692. OO FEUÀ À¡,TERNÀTIVE PROJECTS 0.00 0.00

0,00 Eot.l ll¡Onill Oltt!! rUtD 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00

o. oo 0.00 09-5-600322.00 SOtrD WÀltTE EQUrP 0.00 0.00 0. o0

0,00 0,00 Ict.l lo!¡D tlllE¡ lgu¡D tltHD 0 .00 0 .00 0.00

o. oo 0.00 0.00 10-5-500322. 00 POLTCE S'rÀÎroN 0.00 0 .00

0.00 0,00 EoÈ¡L DOI¡IC! lEAElOll ¡tllD 0,00 0 ,00 0,00 LL/24/20 ToHn of Norrich ceneral tedg€r Page 17 of 19 09: ¡18 m Expenditure Report - POLICE STÀTION FIrND HTMI,5BGRÀMMER CuEent Yea! Periad 5 Nov

outstðnding unencunbered EY-2O/2T NTÌD Acqgunt Budget Encunbranc€ Bå1ance Pd 5 Nov

11-5-500322.00 POLTCE CRUTSER 0.00 0.00 37,267.OO -31 ,267 .OO 0.00 11-5-500423.16 2016 EQUIP TNCENTTVE GRAÌ¡ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

8oÈrl tO!¡C! Clultll 0,00 0,00 t7,247,00 -17 t267 ,QO 0.00

12-5-300322. O0 REÀPPRÀISÀ! 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

loËrl Eollll t¡lttlt¡tt¡¡ ¡tnÞ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

13-5-450322, OO TRÀCY HAI], BUI¡DING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

EoÈ.l ¡llCf llË¡l¡ tlltD 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00

1¿-5-100611.00 GEN ÀDMrN E9UrP 0.00 0.00 o. oo 0.00 0.00

Eotrl O!¡l¡lt! lDll¡¡|. llrlllD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00

15-5-4253¿5. OO EQT'IPEMENT PI'RCHÀSE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L5-5-Ã25422. OO GRÀI¡ITE BENCI¡ MÀTERIÀLS 0.oo 0.00 o-00 0.00 0.00

¡ct.l OrrnlË. banch rlth ory¡lr 0 ,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

16-5-4253¿6. 00 DÀM TMPROVEI{ENÎ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16-5-425348.00 FE¡ÍA ÀI,T PROJECT 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00

Eotrl l¡ClIà¡IOtl filllD-Dlll 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

L7-5-Ã253t5.O0 TENNTS COURT 0.oo 0.00 0. oo o. oo o. oo

EoËrl t¡ct¡lllot tullD-E!illl¡ o 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00

19-5-100611.00 TÍrN CrK EQUrP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Ectrl lgüll C¡rltl !0U¡, IIIllD 0 ,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0

21-5-500612.00 SPEC EQUIP CÀprTAr 0.00 o-oo 0.00 0.00 0.00

EoÈ.l tO!¡C! ltlc ¡0U¡? tlmD 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

22-5-5005¿3.00 KrDS & COPS PROGRAII 0.00 o.00 o. oo 0.00 o. oo

Eotrl X¡Da r COlt ¡¡r¡F 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00

23-5-580150. OO ESCROT{ ÀCCOI Nr DEPOSÎT 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. oo o.00

Eotrtr tt¡OtDl¡¡¡! IOU¡l¡lO IUIID 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00

2¿-5-580150.OO tÀND lrlcMr COUNCIL 0.00 0. oo 0.00 0. o0 0.00 24-5-580170.00 ¡loren's CIub crant Expens 0.00 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0.00 Page 18 of 19 tL/24/20 Town of Narwich General Ledger HTML5BGRA¡IMER 09:¿8 4 Expenditure RePort - LÀl¡D MANAGEMENT COUNCIL F Current Yeår Period 5 Nov

Outstandíng Unêncurib€r€d Er-2o/2r wD Bålanc€ Pd 5 Nov Àccount Budget Encumbrance ExÞ6nditurês

0.00 Eot.l ¡¡¡lD ¡lrtlto¡¡l¡¡l¡ COIfiC¡& I 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00

o.00 o.o0 0.00 25-5-555322.00 FrRt STÀTrON 0.00 0.oo

0.00 EoÈ.I r¡l¡ ¡EtEtOll ttllD 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00

0.00 0.00 26-5-555322. 00 FrRE EQUTPIIENT 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26-s-555324.O0 FY 2010 AFG GRANÎ 0.00 0.00 0.00

E.Èrl I¡¡¡ ¡oul9ll!¡lE ll¡llD 0.00 0.00 0'00 0.00 0'00

o. oo 0.00 0.00 2?-5-700300. 00 srDElfÀr.K PRoF SERVTCES 0.00 o-00

0.00 0,00 l¡D¡ïÉß flfrD 0,00 0 .00 0,00

o-oo o. oo 0.00 28-5-001300.00 FÀcrr.rTY STUDY 0.00 0.00

0,00 0,00 EoËrl IOllO E¡l¡l ttE¡lllr IEUDI 0.00 0,00 0.00

o-oo 0.00 0.00 30-5-450901. 00 BÀNDSTAND 0 .00 0,00

0.00 0.00 EoÈrl tt¡lDaENlD ¡¡fiOVlEloü rulÞ 0,00 o .00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 31-5-555320.00 TRA¡¡SFER OIII rO TOfiER ¡'ttN 0.00 0.00 o. o0 0.00 0.00 31-5-555322. 00 COIÁlUNrCÀ!¡roNs sruDY 0.00 0.00

0.00 EoÈrl COIíil¡CtE¡gtl ¡EUDI ¡lrllD 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0,00

0.00 33-5-005?02. 00 crTrzEN ÀssrsTÀl¡cE 0 .00 o. oo 700,00 -700.00

lo!|l C¡E¡tltl llt¡tlltC¡ ttttD 0,00 0,00 700,00 -700.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 35-5-7061X3.00 TREE PURCHASE 0.00 0.00

0.00 Eot.l col¡¡Dol EllI 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 0'00

0. o0 o. oo 0.00 37-5-375610.00 SUPPLTES 0.00 0.00

!ot.l Xl¡ll lEt¡lE ¡¡¡l0t 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00

0.00 o. oo 38-5-000010. 00 lrRÀ¡lsEER To IIRUSTEES 0.00 o_oo 0.00

0.00 0,00 0.00 EoÊ,rI tCtlOO& Lltl¡t¡¡lD 0,00 0,00

0.00 o.00 39-5-000010. 00 ÎRÀ¡i¡sFER To ÎRUSTEES 0.00 0.00 0.00

0,00 Eot.l OOIDI! &¡tll&l¡lD 0 .00 0 .00 0,00 0,00

0.00 0.00 0. o0 40-5-12524A. O0 SC¡|OLÀRSIiTPS 0.00 0 .00 Page 19 of 19 LL/24/20 !¡orn of Norwich General Ledger HTML5BGRÀ¡Á{ER 09: ¡18 m Expenditure RePort - RECREÀTION SCIIOLÀRSHIPS current Year P€riod 5 Nov

outstanding Un€ncurtbered îY-2O/2L WrD Encurib!ance Expenditqres Balance Pd 5 Nov Accgunt Budget

0,00 0,00 lcËtl l¡cl¡lE¡otl tcllo¡¿lt¡l¡Dt 0.00 0,00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41-5-700675.00 BRIDGE REHÀB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¿1-5-703321.00 VÀOT GRANT EXPENSE o. o0

0,00 0,00 t!oÈ.l Dtll-¡tlD0¡ nfiD 0 .00 0,00 0,00

0.00 L32,79O . 09 -L32,19O.09 0.00 42-5-700565.00 PAVTNG 0.00 o. o0 o. o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 42-5-703701.00 ST OF vT PÀVING GRÀÀ¡T

192,7t0,0t -131,790,09 0.00 Ioʡt DDtf-DlVlllO nfiD 0.00 0,00

0.00 0.00 0.00 43-5-?04601.00 B Ê G EoUTPMENT PURCHÀSES 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0,00 EoËr1 ¡U3lD¡tlOl ¡ orott[Dl 0.00 0,00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 4 ¿-5-0008 18 00 TÀX EXEMPÎ ¡,EÀSE PURCIIISE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ¿4-5-500¿28 00 FY-1 OBOIIEI.À¡¡DSECT'RITYGR.âN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. o0 0.00 44-5-575100 00 Dêbt S€ryic€ Tow€r Princi 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44-5-575622 o0 CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0 .00 o. oo 0.00 0.00 ¿4t-5-800235 o0 INTERESI 0.00

0.00 0,00 0.00 EoË.l COtOI¡m¡qtElgNl Cotltltuclll 0.00 0 .00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45-5-100341. OO RESTORÀTION EXPENSE 0.00

0.00 toËrl t¡colDt t¡lEollE¡o¡l 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00

23,243.50 -23,243.50 23 , 243 .50 46-5-5757¿0.00 Gen€rator exPensê 0.00 0.00

0 It, ell, l0 -31,2{t. l0 2!,2{1, ã0 lotrl Olrlt¡Eol ft llD 0,00 .00

0.00 0.00 0.00 o. oo 47-5-375622.O0 CONSTRUCÍTON COSTS o-00

0.00 0.00 0.00 EoÈtl PU¡!¡C ll¡lEr ItCl¡¡¡EI 0.00 0,00 zt8al,6tr,l^ zÛata97'fz Eotrl tll lunó. I , 900, 740 , 00 o,o0 ,,06{, LL/24,/20 aom of Norrich Gen€ral Ledg€. Page 1 of 30 09:53 I Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget SÈatus Rêpo¡t HTMLSBGRAI'I'ER G€n€raI

Àccount Budg€t Actual t of, ^".,!MBudg€t

01-r-0000 rtor¡rEr Er¡r l¡vln!r 01-4-000001.00 Tomf pRopERTy l!Àx 3/538,516.00 LS,922, 4L9 .93 449 97t O1-4-OOOOO2.OO PROPERTY ÎÀX OTI¡ER MONETA 552¡ 868.00 552, 868 .00 100 00t 01-¿-000005, 00 RATLROÀD TÀx 0.00 0_oo 0 00t 01-1¡-000010.00 vT tÀND USE TÀX 18?, 117 .00 0 .00 0 00r 01-4-00001{¡.00 PROP TÀX INTEREST 30,000.00 L2,694.75 42 33r 01-4-000015.00 PROP TÀX COr.! FEE 20. 000 . 00 -245.36 -1 23*

EcÈrI tlOD¡lEl Et¡l tltt¡ln ¡¡ a, !e¡. t01 . 00 La , aa7 | 7 tL ,tz !¡0 . tlt

01-a-0001 &¡c¡nt¡ 3 Dtt¡t¡l!

01-4-000101. 00 rrQuoR LrcENsE 500 . 00 0.00 0 00$ 01-¿-000103.00 DOc LTCENSE 2,75O .OO 186. 00 6 76* 01-4-000107.00 suNt 6 FrsH I¡ICENSE 200 . 00 4.00 2 00t 01-4-000109.00 PEDDTER LICENSE 25.00 0.00 0 00t 01-4-000120. 00 B¡.DG/DEVE¡¡ pEnMrT 3,500.00 6, 669. 98 190 57t O1-/¡-OOO13O.OO LÀND POSTING PERMIT 175.00 135.00 77 1¿t

Eottl!¡tt¡ ¡ D¡lrt! ?, 210 . 00 a,r)a,)a 9a. att

01-l-000¡ ¡¡lElt{¡Ot lt¡OItlEt¡¡ 01-¿-000201.00 vT HrwÀY GÀS TAX 153,000.00 79, 649 .43 52.08r 01-4-000202.00 vr AcT 60 15.300.00 0.00 0.008 01-¿-000206.OO ST. OF VT. TISTER TRÀINTN 0.00 0.00 0.00r 01-¿-000208.00 Prlor 12, 500 . 00 0.00 0. o0* 01-1¡-000210,00 vrl NÀTURA¡. RESRCS 2,800.00 0.00 0.00t 01-1¡-000211. 00 EDUCÀTION TÀX REELND-2010 0. 00 0.00 o.00t 01-4-000212.00 vT EDUC FrrND .5t FEE 0 .00 0.00 0.00r

01-1¡-000214.00 EDUC IÀX RETÀINER .225 o 27 , OOO .OO 0,00 0.008 O1-4-000216.OO I,ÀTE FEES-REVISED BILÍ,S 0.00 0.00 0.00t

Eotrl ¡tE¡loo}tll¡OotlEll¡ 210, ,00.00 7r,âar,at t7.ttt

01-a-0001 alwtc¡ t!! 01-1¡-000301. 00 RECORD¡NG FEE 23,000 00 L7 ,98L 00 78 18t 01-{-000302. 00 RESTORÀIION 0 00 I 00 100 00r 01-4-000303.00 DoclrMENT COPY FEE 2, LOO 00 1,031 00 A9 10t 01-/¡-000305.00 USE OF RECRDS FEE 225 00 77 00 3l 22* 01-4-000307.00 vrrÀL STATTSTTC FEE 1, 0o0 00 170 00 L7 00r O1-4-OOO3O9.OO MTR VEIi REG RNI{T FEE 80 00 0 00 0 00r p¡roTocopyrNc 01-¿-000311. 00 FEE 10 00 0 00 0 o0r 01-/¡-000315. 00 PÀSSPORE 0 00 0 00 0 oor O1-r¡-00O317.00 EV CIIARGTNG FEES 800 00 0 00 0 00t O1-¿-OOO32O.OO TRÀCY EÀI,L RNTT FEE ?, 100 00 180 00 2 5/¡ t 01-4-000325.00 POI.ICE RPT FEE ¿00 00 282 00 70 50r 01-4-000326.OO POLICE ATRM RESP FEE 150 00 0 00 0 00r O1-¿-OOO327.OO SPECIAI, POLICE DT'TY FEES 0 00 0 00 0 00? 01-{-000350.00 PI,NG DOC COPY rEE 0 00 0 00 0 00t 01-¿-000352. 00 PLÀÌ{NING !'AFS 0 00 0 00 0 00r 0x-4-000355. 00 RTCREATTON EEES 200,000 00 L7,1AA 35 8 89t Page 2 of, 30 LL/24/20 Town of Norwich General Ledger HTML5BGRAI,IMER O9:53 m cunent Yr Pd: 5 - Budget SÈåtus R€Polt General

Àctu.1 Àcqount Budget Àctual t of, Budget

. 19, 65X .00 70.181 01-¿-000 360 00 TRNSFR STATION STICKERS 28, 000 00 3, 500 .00 2, LO6,90 60.20t 0 1-4-0003 62 00 MISC SOLID I{ÀSTE 1, 338 . 00 4¿.60t 01-¿-0003 53 00 E-T{ÀSTE 3, 000 . 00 100,000.00 51,296.00 51.30t 0 1-1¡-0003 64 00 TRÀSH COUPON 6, s00 . oo 3,324.44 51.15t 0 1-4-0003 65 00 RECYCI,ING REBATES 7 6 .27\ o1-¿-000366 00 c & D wÀsrE ?. 500 . 00 5,72O.OO

, 1¡0, 9!l 70 !1 . llt ¡otrl tllv¡C¡ ¡¡! !t!, !6! oo '

01-{-000{ OtttlE tllllXlrl 0.00r o1-¿-ooo4o1. 00 r¡r9lÀY PAVTNG GRÀNÍ 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-4-000¿02. 00 grlfÀY BRTDGE GRAI{lr 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00t O1-¿-OOO4O3. OO FEMA MITIGÀTION GRÀNT 0.00 0.00t o1-1t-000403. 10 usDÀ NRCS-DEBRTS REMOVÀ! 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00r o1-4-OOO4o4,0o RC&D ¡OCAI. ROÀDS GRNi¡t 0.00 0.00 0.007 01-¿-000405. 00 EEMÀ GRAIIT 0,00 0.00 o.00r 01-4-000¿06.OO BETTER EÀCK ROÀDS GRÀ¡¡T 0 .00 0.00 0.00t O1-4-OOO40?.OO vT Trana TÀP GranÈ (Tiger 0.00 0.00 o.00t 01-,{-000¿10. 00 PtÀl¡NrNG GRÀNT 0 .00 0.00 0.00t O1-/T-OOO41O. 10 HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRA 0.00 0.00 0 .00t O1-¿-OOO411.OO ST O¡'VT-BIKE E PEDE GRAN 0 .00 0.00 0.00r O1-I¡-OOO¿12.00 RECREÀTION DPT. GRÀNT 0.00 0.00t 01-4-000412.10 vl! Recleation R€start Gla 0.00 0,00 100,00t O1-¿-0O0/¡12. 20 HÀ¡l¡lC Grant 0,00 2,AO0.76 0.00 0.00t 0r.-4-000415. 00 coNsERv col4t GRÀÌ¡T 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 01-¿-000¿16. OO CON COMM-KEEPING TRÀCK 0.00 3, 2¿5. 00 100.00t O1-4-OOO¿17. OO DRY IIYDRÀ¡'¡T GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00t O1-4-OOO{18. OO ENERGY GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-¿-000¿19.00 Evcs GRANT 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-4-000420.00 LocÀL LÀw ENF GRNT 0 .00 0.00 0.00t o7-t-ooo422.00 coPs GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 o.00t O1-¿-OOO¿24.00 US JUSTICE DPT.VEST GRÀNT 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 01-4-000426.OO vI CO¡tDl ENEORCEMENT GR'ANT 0,00 0.00 0.00t O1-¿-OOO/!3O.X7 FY17 HoME!ÀND sEc #1?31 0.00 0.00 0.00t o1-4-OOO¿35.1? FY17 IIOMELÀ¡¡D SEC il1731 0.00 100.00t 01-¿-000¿36.00 oPlDltr (GssP) 0 .00 466 .4L 0.00 0.00* O1-4-OOO437.OO HIGH RISK RURÀI. ROADS 0.00 0.00 0 .00t O1-¿-OOO¿38. OO INÍEROPERÀBLE COMM GRÀ¡¡T 0 .00 0.00r 01-¿-000¿¿1.00 pAcrF GRAI¡T 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00* 01-4-000442.17 2017 GOVERNORS l¡¡na sÃl'ETY 0 .00 0.00 0.00t o1-4-OOO¿¿3. 00 PRESERVÀlrroN rRusr-lREE 0.00 0 .00 0 .00t o1-4-OOO44/¡.00 NORWTCH tloMENs cLuB GRANT 0.00 0.00t O1-¿-OOO¿¿4,10 NltC Grant - Po1ice 0.00 0.00 0.009 o1-4-ooo¿4¿.20 Nffc Grant - Recreation 0.o0 0.00 0.00 0.00r O1-¿-OOO¿¿¿.30 Ntfc GranÈ - conserv com 0.00 0.00t 01-¿-000¿¿¿.40 N¡fc Grant - Enelgy cam 0,oo 0.00 0.00 0 .00t O1-4-OOO/T45.OO FIRE S EMER RECRUTÎMENT 0.00 0.00t 01-¿-000¿¿6.00 2017 vTRÀlrS BrKE e PED 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0 .00t 01-4-000447.00 2017 VTRÀI¡S BIKE e PED GR 0.00 0.00 0.00* 01-¿-0001160. 00 sor.rD ¡lÀsrE GRANT 0 .00 LL/24/20 Town of Norwich G€neral L€dge! Page 3 of 30 09:53 m Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budgot Statu3 Report HITML5BGRÀ¡IIIER Gênê!å1

Acqaunt Àctuål Budget Àctual t of Budget

O1-¿-OOO¿70, OO ENERGY COMM GRÀNIT-NEGRASS 0.00 0.00 0.00t

8oËrl Oll¡il! l¡vln ! 0.00 6, 11¡,17 100.00t

01-{-000! O[lllt EOtlll lsrlmr!¡

01-¿-000808.00 TOnN REPORT 1, 350 , 00 0 00 0.008 01-4-000810.00 BÀNR TNTEREST 20,000.00 1,578 85 7,49* 01-¿-000810.10 0.00 0 00 0.00t O1-{-OOO811.OO TRÀ¡.¡SFER IN DESIC. FT'ND 0.00 0 00 0.00r 01-¿-000812. 00 TÀX SÀtE 0.00 0 00 0.00t 01-4-000813. 00 rNsuRtNcE cr.alMs 0.00 0 00 0.00r O1-4-OOO814.OO FIELD RENTÀ¡, 32.000.00 ¿5s 00 L.42* 01-4-000817.00 sÀLE OF TOr$f ASSETS 0.00 0 00 0.00t O1-4-OOO822.OO LXNE OF CREDIT-FEMÀ PROCE 0.00 0 00 0.00t 01-4-000823.00 Loan Proceeds 0.00 0 o0 0,00t

lloËrl o!!N¡t Eoüt t¡wmrlt It, !10,00 2, 0lt , tl l, ¡1r

01-a-001 DU¡&IC lt¡lEr I¡V¡rlU¡¡ 01-/¡-001005.00 POLTCE EINE 10,000.00 4,754 .57 47 .55t 01-4-001007. 00 PÀR¡(rNG FINE 350,00 225,OO 64.29* 01-4-001008.00 Doc FrNE 125 . 00 150.00 120. Oot 01-{-001009,00 Notrich Cadet progril 0.00 0.00 0.00t

EoÈ¡l tUt¡¡¡C a¡¡lEr r¡V¡ñt¡¡ 10, 471 , 00 t, 129. ¡7 a8 , 97r

01-a-00t X¡lC¡¡¡¡.tmOUl l¡rrlntr 01-¿-009001. 00 DÀrLY OVER/SSORT 0.00 0.00 0 00r O1-4-OO9OO2. OO VLCT I,E.ADER PROGRÀM 0.00 0.00 0 o0r pÀrD 01-4-009005. 00 ÀMBUI^ANCE Brtr.S 0.00 7A2.4L 100 00t 01-¿-009007. DOI¡ÀTTONS 00 0.00 0.00 0 00t 01-4-009007.10 Brown Schoolhouse Blidge 0.00 0,00 0 00r O1-¿-OO9OO9. DONAUONS-KEEPING OO TRÀCK 0.00 0.00 0 00t 01-¿-009011. DONÀTIONS-g¡STORIC 00 PRESER 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-4-009100.00 TonN c¡,RK MTSCEL 0.00 5.00 100 00t 01-¿-009200.00 FIN DEPT MrSCE! 0.00 0.00 0 008 O1-¿-OO93OO.OO 1ISTER DEPT MISCEL 0.00 0.00 0 00t 01-4-009350.00 Pr,ÀN DEPÎ UTSCEL 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-1¡-009425.00 RECRE DEPT MTSCEL 0.00 1, 050.00 100 00t 01-¿-009500.00 PoLICE DEPT MISC 0.00 L, 596 .37 100 00t 01-¿-009555.00 FIRE DEPT. MISCET, 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-¿-009600. OO COBRÀ REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 0.00 0 00r grnAY 01-¿-009?00.00 DEPT MrSCE! 0.00 42,L59.2L 100 00r 01-4-009800. 00 coNsERvÀîroN co!&t. 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-4-009900, MrSCELLÀNEOUS 00 500 . 00 14, 116.59 2,423 32t' pâyerent 01-¡¡-009900.01 Misc DOL 0.00 0.00 0 00s

EoÈrl XllC¡&¡Åü¡OU¡ r¡Vtnrr¡ t00,00 39, ?10, Ml, ta2,12t

!!oËal Lv.nuar {,994,0{1.00 16,76!r765.60 13!.7¡l General l.€d96r Paqe 4 of, 30 LL/24/20 Town of NorwicÌ¡ Budget Status RePort NITML5BGRÀ¡illdER 09:53 il Current Yr Pd: 5 - Gen6ral

ÀctuåI Àccount Budge! ÀcÈuaI * of Budget

O1-¡-OO! Eotltl tDlll¡1. llPlll¡¡ 2, 500 . 00 0 .00 o.00r 01-5-005110. OO SELECTBOARD SÍIPEND 9¡¡, 010 . 00 3¿,966.10 37.19t O1-5-005111. OO TOTIN IIANÀGER TIAGE 0.00 0 .00 0.00t 01-5-005111. 10 EM BENEFTÍS 1, 750 . 0o 0.00 0.00* 01-5-005113. OO TREÀSURER SEIPEND 20,572.32 38.80r 01-5-0051L4.00 ÀDMIN Àssrsf fiÀGE 53. 0X5.00 0 .00 0 .00* 01-5-OO51J.¿.10 ADMrN ÀSST O|I 500 . 00 3,341 .3L 35.57t o1-5-005121. 00 FrcÀ llÀx 9, ¿10 . 00 7A2.45 35. 57* 01-5-005122,00 MED¡ TAX 2 | 2Or.OO 22, 4Oa .A6 47.94\ 01-5-005123. 00 IIEÀI,|I!i rNsItR 46,701.00 648 . 85 37.70r o1-5-005124. O0 DrSÀBrtrrY/lrFE rNSUR L,72L.OO 446.00 229.23 51.40t o1-5-005t 25. 00 DENlÀr, rNsIrRÃNCE 483 . 00 3,332.34 39.28r 01-5-005126. 00 vÎ REΡREMENT 8, 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 01_5-005126. 01 vT RETIREMENT AD.'USTMENT 0.00 0.00 0.001 01-5-005250.00 10I{N MNGR RECRT 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-005252. OO TMGR RELOCÀTION EXPENSE 667.00 46. 680.89 90 .35t 01-5-005300.00 PRoFESS SERV 51. 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-005301. OO PROF SERVTCES-DÀM Lr|f rcÀfl 5,210 .OO 5, 328 . 00 101.10t o1-5-005302. O0 VLCÍ MEMBERSIiTP 0.00 0 .00t 01-5-005310. 00 TOfiN REPOR'! 4,2OO .OO /¡36. 09 69.11\ 01-5-005531. 00 A.DllrN TEI,EPIIoNE 625, 00 650 .00 165.13 25.40t 01-5-005532.00 T MNGR CELL PIIONE 100.00 0.00 0 .00r 01-5-005538.00 POSTÀGE 1,500.00 t .071.00 71 . ¿0t o1-5-005540. 00 ADVERTTSTNG L00 .00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-005550 . 00 PRTNTTNG 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-005580.00 I MNGR VEIlrCr,E 300 . 00 0,00 0.00t 01-5-005581 . 00 MrLEÀGE 826.09 ,65.22* o1-5-005610.00 oFFrcE slrPPlrEs 500 . 00 0.00 0 .00t 01-5-005611.00 oFFTCE E9UrP 300.00 1, 800 . 00 0.00 0.00t o1-s-005615. OO DUES/tíls/EDuc 0.00 0.00 0.00* 01-5-005701. o0 co¡rllrllTEE 0 .00 0.00 0 .00t 01-5-005701. 10 ENERGY COIID'ITTEE GRANII 1,¿60.00 1, 150 . 00 18.77* 01-5-005701. 20 ENERGT COMMITTEE 0.00 0 .00 0.00t 01-5-005701.30 EVCS GRAI¡T 0.00 0.00 0 ,00t O1-5-OO5?01. 40 NEGRASS GRÀ¡¡T 0 .00 0,00 0.00t 01-5-005703. o0 GRAI¡T MATCH 0.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-005810. OO DES FI'ND-FÀCILIITIES STT'DY 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-00581¿. OO DESI FI'ND-CIEIZEN ÀSSISTÀ 0.00 0 .00t 01-5-005900. 00 MrscEl,l,Àl¡Eous 500 .00 o-o0 0.00t 01-5-005900.01 BEC Palrenta o. o0

lal'9at,06 a9.00t EcËrI EOiltl åDll¡¡|. ¡x?!¡ll¡ ¡t9,?o9.OO

o1-r-010 rcA/¡or ¡It¡tD¡Eln¡t 0.00 0.00t 01-5-010110. 00 JUSfrcEs llÀGE 500 .00 0.00 0 .00t 01-5-010121. 00 FrCÀ TÀX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-010122.00 MEDr TAX 0 .00 0.oo 0.00r o1-5-O1o2oo. 0o CoNTRÀCTED SERVTCES LL/24/20 Torn af NorrLch Genelal Ledger Page 5 of 30 09:53 ù Cur¡ent Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Ståtue Repo¡t ITIML5BGRA!,[4ER Gênêrå1

Àccgunt ActuaI Budget Àctual t of Budget

01-5-010538. 00 POSTÀGE 150 . 00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-010580.00 ÎRÀVE] REIMB 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-010610.00 oFFrcE SUPPLTES 25.00 0,00 0.00t 01-5-010615. 00 DuEs/rtrr,cs/EDuc 300.00 0.00 0.00c

EoÈ.tr lCå/¡Oå ¡IDlnD¡Errul 97t,00 0,00 0,00r

01-l-010 lErE lfl0t !¡C¡¡lD¡EUr¡t poLLitoRKERS 01-5-050110. 00 nACE L,2OO 00 0 00 o 00r 01-5-050121, 00 FICÀ TÀX 0 00 o 00 0 o0t 01-5-050122.00 MEDI TÀX 0 00 0 00 0 00t 01-5-050200. 00 CoNTRACTED SERVTCES 0 00 1,000 10 100 00t 01-5-050538, 00 PosT.[,cE L25 00 2,3A3 50 L, 906 80r 01-5-0505¿0. 00 ÀDI/ERIISrNG 180 00 0 00 0 00r 01-5-050550.00 PRTNTTNG 1. 900 00 0 00 0 00r 01-5-050610.00 oFErcE SUPPLTES 100 00 ¿11 36 411 36r 01-5-050612. 00 vorrNc BooTHs 0 00 0 00 0 00r 01-5-050550. 00 voTING MAC!¡rNE 70 00 0 00 0 00r 01-5-050652.00 VOTING MÀCII MÀINT ÀGR¡trT 0 00 530 00 100 o0* 01-5-050655.00 vTc Mc¡¡N PROGRAMG 3, r¡00 00 0 00 0 00t

!!o!.1 tîtE tgot !¡OlID¡Eut¡r t, t71,00 a,azt,ta ,!.{{i

01-l-100 Ioïil ct¡ltx ¡a?¡rD¡lut¡t 01-5-100110,00 TOnN CLERK wÀcE 69, 935.00 26, 859 .2O 38.41t 01-5-100112.00 ÀssT cLK wÀcE 45,27O.OO L9,842.89 ¿3.83r 01-5-100121.00 TÀX FICÀ 7, 1¿3 . 00 2,74L.46 38 . 94t 01-5-100122.00 MEDÌ TÀX 1, 670.00 650.49 38.95t 01-5-100123,00 r¡EAtT¡t rNs 30, 686. O0 L2, 593 .26 41. O4* O1-5-100124.00 DISABILITY/LIFE INS L, ALz.OO 525.55 37.22\ 01-5-100125. OO DENTÀI. TNSI'RANCE 86{.00 ao{,72 46.4t\ 01-5-100126. 00 vT RETTREUENT 6, 624.OO 2,8O2.L7 42.30* 01-5-100207.00 Doc/cÀT LrcENsE 300 . 00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-100209. 00 vrTAr STATISTTCS 15. 00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-100325. 00 CoNTRACT LÀBOR 0.00 0.00 0.00t o1-5-1003¡¡t . 00 RECORD RESTOnATTON 0.00 540.75 100.00t 01-5-100342.00 Pemit,/lic€nsê rêfund 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-100531. 00 TETEPBONE 515. 00 171 . 10 33.22t- 01-5-100538. 00 POSTÀGE 0.00 0.00 0.00* 01-5-1005¿0. 00 ADVERTTSTNc 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-100550.00 PRTNTTNG 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-100610. 00 oFFICE SrrPPr.rES 1,500.00 858.8¿ s7 .26\ 01-5-100611. O0 oFFrcE E9UTPMENT 500.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-100613. soFTwÀnE 00 3/72O.OO 1/300.00 34 . 95r 01-5-100615. 00 DUES/¡rÍcs/EDUC 255.00 75.00 29.4L4 01-5-100617. 00 f{oMEN'S CLUÊ cRAt¡T 0.00 0.00 0.00t OX-5-100758. OO DES. FI'ND-RECORD RESTORAT s,000.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-100760. 00 DEsrcNÀTED rrrND- EQUrp 0.00 0.00 0.00r

Eot.¡, EOïl Cl¡tr lXD!¡lDtEUl¡t 171, {09,00 69, {0t . a3 39 . !7i Pag€ 6 of 30 Lt/24/20 Town of, Norwich Generâl Ledger IITML5BGRÀ¡'MER 09:53 e Cuffent Yr Pd: 5 - Budgêt Status Rêport General

Àctual Àcêount Budget ÀcÈual * of Budg€t

01-f-¡00 ¡rlåfrC! D¡trlEEllE 163.05r 01-5-200112. 00 rrNL ÀssrsfANT fiAGE 22,L86.O0 36, L15 .24 4. . 00 7 .07* 01-5-200112.10 FIITANCE OFFICER ¡|AGE 65.8?0.00 656 8.88r 01-5-200121. 00 FrcA TÀx 5. ¿59.00 ¿8¿.51 01-5-200122.00 ItEDr ÎÀX L,277.OO 113.33 8.87t 0.00 0.00t 01-5-200123, 00 ¡tEArrB rNs 23, 3s0.00 0.00t 01-5-200124.00 DISABILITT/L¡FE INS 860.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00s 01-5-200125. OO DENTÀI, INSI'RANCE ¿¿6.00 0 .00 0 .00r 01-5-200126.00 vll RETIREMENT 3,788.00 0.00t 0l-5-200130.00 coNltRlcl 0.00 0.00 '.ÀBoR o1-5-200320. 00 PRoFEss sERvrcEs 0.00 0 .00 0 .00t 0.00 0,00r 01-5-200322. OO INDEPENDENT ÀUDIT 15, 500.00 253.83 50 .7?r 01-5-200531. 00 TE¡.EPIIONE 500 .00 1.86 100,00t 01-5-200538. 00 POSTÀGE 0.00 0.00t 01-5-200540. 00 ÀDvERTrsrNG 200.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-200550. 00 PRrNflrNG 75. 00 o.00 0 .00 0 .00t 01-5-200580. OO MITE.AGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 .00 /¡0.75t 01-5-200610.00 oFFrcE suPP¡,rES 1, 5oo . 00 6LL.25 0 .00 0.00t 01-5-200611. 00 OFFTCE EQUTPMENT 250.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-200613. 00 SOFÍÍ|ÀRE 7,215.OO 0.00 0.00t 01-5-200615. O0 DUES/MIGS/EDUC 1, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-200711.00 BÀ¡¡K 0.00

EoËrl I!ñt¡lC! DlDt¡noil! 1a3,136,00 t2,zrâ,oz ¡r,{7t

01-l-271 olx tDll¡¡l r¡PlllD¡Eul¡l 279.38 34 92* 01-5-275531. 00 ÍELEP¡IONE 800 .00 159.57 22 808 0].-5-275536. OO POSTÀGE METER RENTAI, 700.00 . 3,878.06 11.0 80r 01-5-275538. 00 POSIIAGE 3, 500 00 . 65 39r 01-5-275610.00 oFFTCE SUPPLTES 1, O00.00 653 93 2, 500 . 00 563.04 22 52* ol-5-27 5620 . O0 P¡iOTOCOPTER 0.00 o 00t 01-5-2?5628. 00 COMPI TER sof.TfiÀRE 0.00 ¿41.95 100 00r 01-5-275630. 00 COMPUTER l¡ÀRDnÀRE 0.00 240.00 48 00t 01-5-2?5631.00 l{EB SrrE SITPPORT 500.00 4 50t OL-5-275632.O0 SERVER MAINTENÀI¡CE 7, 000 . oo 3L4.77 0.00 0 00r 01-5-275760. OO DESIGNÀTED FI'ND-EQUIP s, 500.00

t0. EoÈrl 0!ll tDx¡ll !¡o¡tlD¡Eur¡t 11, Ë00 , 00 6, l!0 .70 t¡r

O1-!-!00 !trE¡r/âll¡tlOr llltlxDtEU /¡, 0 00 0.00r 01-5-300110. 00 LrsrER I{AGE 500 . 00 7,2L4 a2 ¿0.78r 01-5-300112.00 OFFTCE ÀSST WAGE 17, 700 . 00 0 00 0.00* 01-5-30011¿. 00 ASSESSOR 9lÀGE 0 .00 32.53r 01-5-300121.00 FrCA lrÀx 1, 376 . 00 447 51 10/¡ 67 32.51t 01-5-300122.O0 MEDI AAX 322.OO 0 00 0.00t 01-5-300123. 00 ltEAr,Tll rNs 0.00 0 00 0.00t O1-5-3O0124. OO DISABII.IÍY/LIFE INSURANCE 0 .00 0 00 0.00r 01-5-300125. OO DENTAT, INSI'RÀNCE 0.00 0 0.00r O1-5-300126.00 \,.I RETIREMENT 0.00 00 Lr/24/20 lorn of Norrich cenêral ].edg€r Page 7 of 30 09:53 s CurrenÈ Yr Pd; 5 - BudgeÈ Status R€porÈ ¡tllMl,5BGRÀ!,IMER Gênê!e1

Àccount Àctuål Budget Àctual t of Budget

0 1-5-300 300 00 PROFESS SERVICES 45, 000 . o0 12, 884 . 15 28.63\ o1-5-300320 00 I.EGÀI. SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0,00s 0x-5-300341 00 TÀX MÀPPING 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-300360 00 SOFTI|ÀRE MÀINT,/I'PDA'TE 6,500.00 0.00 0.00t o1-5-300531 00 TELEPI¡ONE 530.00 171.0¿ 32.27t 01-5-300538 00 POSTACE 600.00 L9.32 3.224 01-5-300s¿0 00 ÀDVERTISING 150.00 0.00 0.00r o1-5-300550 00 PRINTING 100 .00 25.50 25.50t 0 1-5-3005 80 00 MI1EAGE REIMB 150.00 0.00 0.00r o1-5-300610 00 OFFTCE SUPPLIES 125 . 00 1,56 1.25r 0 1-5-300 61 1 00 OFFICE EQUTP¡iIENÎ 150.00 0.00 0.00t o1-5-300 615 00 DttEs/¡tÍGs/EDuc 100.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-300?60 00 DES IGNATED FT'ND-REÀPPR 33,800.00 0.00 0.00*

EoÈ¡l !¡lffi/tltlltol lllt¡XD¡EU 111, 101.00 ¡0, l?2,61 1t.7¡¡

01-t-!10 DtNGr¡Ìto DlrE !¡rDlrD¡EUr¡

01-5-350110.00 PI.À¡¡ ÀDMIN I{AGE 72,126 .OO 24, 670 L7 39 . 42* 01-5-350112.00 oPFICE ÀSSf¡. ÍrÀcE 24, 985.00 LO ,2O7 22 40.85r

01-5-350121. 00 FrCÀ TÀX 6, 058 . 00 2,332 41 38.50r 01-5-350122.00 MEDI TÀX 1,417.00 5¿5 51 38.50t 01-5-350123.00 ¡rEÀrÍ¡r INs 15,02¿.00 9 ,33L 20 62.LL* 01-5-35012¿. 0O DrSÀBrr,rTy/LrFE rNS 878.00 338 10 38.51r 01-5-350125, OO DENTÀL INSURÀNCE 446. 00 185 95 ¿1.69r 01-5-350X26. 00 vT RETIREüENT 4, t82.OO L,72O 22 41.13r 01-5-350130. 00 CoNTRACT LÀAOR 0.00 0 00 0.00r 01-5-350230. 00 IOI{N Pr.àr{ 1, 000 . 00 0 00 0,00r 01-5-350320. 00 p¡r.ArfNrNc sERvrcEs 3,000.00 0 00 0.00t

01-5-350321.00 Tfio RrvER pr.ÀNNrNc couM. 5,223 .OO 5,223 00 100 . 00r 01-5-350322. 00 U.V. TRÀNSPORIÀTION McMlt 1¿ 063.00 0 00 0,00t 01-5-3503/¡1. 00 MAPPING 2,000.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-350¿05.14 2014 ST OF VÎ Þr,ÀN GRANT o.00 0 00 0.00r 01-5-350406. OO BIIG/PED TECITNICÀL GRÃNI 0,00 o 00 0. o0t 01-5-350¿08.00 ¡¡rsToRrc pREs coMM. 750.00 0 00 0.008 ox-5-350416.00 HrsT PRES cRANr 0.00 500 00 100.00t 01-5-350¿18.00 ¡roMENIS CLtB GRAI{T 0.00 0 00 0.00* O1-5-350419. OO PTÀ}¡NING GRANT 6,000.00 0 00 0.00r 01-5-350531, 00 TETEPHONE ¡¡50.00 171 09 38.02t 01-5-350538. 00 PosraGE 350.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-350540. 00 ÀDvERrrrsrNc 500.00 0 00 0. o0t 01-5-350550. 00 PRTNTTNG 200.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-350580. 00 lrrLEÀcE REIMB 400.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-350610. 00 oaFrcE suPPLrEs 400.00 0 00 0.00s 01-5-350611. 00 oFFrcE EQUIPMENT 250.00 0 00 0. o0s 01-5-350615. 00 DUES/rtrTGS/EDUC 750.00 0 00 0.00t

EoÊ¡l Dlåiltlxo DltI ¡Xt¡rDtE¡ru 1{ t, 012 . 00 ¿rt22t,f7 a0.00t

01-5-aal l¡ctlt DIDE ¡It¡t{D¡rlut¡t 01-5-{Z!1 rDXrXrtlrf,E¡Ot{ Pãge 8 of 30 Lrl24/20 forn of, Norwich General Ledg€r IITML5BGRÀ¡'MER 09:53 a Currênt Yú Pd: 5 - Budget Status RePort Genêral

Àctual Accoun! Budget Àctua1 t of Budget

25,854. ¿8 38 48t 0 1-5-4251 10 00 RECREÀTION DIR ffÀGE 67,187.00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-4251 13 00 RTCREÀTION ASSISITÀNT 0.00 ¿, 2,266.53 54 41t 0 1-5-¿25121 00 FICÀ ÍAX 166.00 54 ¿3t 0L-5-425L22 00 MEDI TÀX 974 . 00 530.15 . L2,550 .47 53 75r ol-s-t25L23 00 AE,A'.T¡¡ INS 23, 350 00 37 {6S 0L-5-425124 00 DISABIL¡TY/¡IEE INSUR 862.00 322.90 51 ¿0t 01-5-425125 00 DENTÀI. INSURAI.¡CE ¿¿6 .00 229.23 /¡0 16t oL-s-425126 00 VT RETIREMENT 3.863.00 L,55L.21 171.09 34 22* oL-5-425L27 00 TEI.EPHONE 500 .00 0 00r o1-5-¿25 128 00 POSTAGE 150.00 0.00 0.00 0 00t 0 1-5-¿251 30 00 fIO!'ENS CLUB GRÀNT o.00 0 .00 0 00t 01-5-¡¡251¿0 00 ADVERI¡ISING 135, 00 o 00t 01-5-¿25150 00 PRINTING 50.00 0.00 800.00 0 .00 0 00t 0 1-5-42s1 60 00 DUEs/lfTGS/EDUC 0 00r 01-5-425 170 00 OF¡'ICE EQUIPMENT 50,00 0.00 300.00 0 .00 0 00* 0 1-5-¿251 80 00 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT o-o0 0 o0r 0 1-s-¿25182 00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 225.00

Eotrl IDX¡nE¡EIIE¡OX 10t,0¡1,00 at,a7a,Lz a2.ltt

OL-r-alr? DrOOtr¡l 1 90t 01-5-425200.00 rNsrRucroR FEE 65,000.00 L,235 00 26 6¡¡ 01-5-425205. 00 COÀCltrNG MÀTERrÀt S ¿50.00 119 90 t 0 00r o1-5-¿25208.00 TEE SIITRT/CÀT 3,000.00 0 00 62L 34 L7 75r 01-5-425211. 00 EgUTPMENT 3,500.00 35 a2 55t or-s-1252L2. O0 PROGRAII I{AGE 38, 000 . 00 31, 370 225 00 6 25\ of- 5- 4252L4 . O0 REFERREE/UUprn¡ 3, 600.00 0 00t 01-5-425216. 00 ENfRv FÉE {. 5O0 . 00 0 00 290 00 3 41t 01-5-425218. OO REGISTRAÍION FEES 8, 500 . 00 0 00t ÙL-5-4252L9.O0 M.CROSS SC¡¡OO! RENTÀ! FEE 0.00 0 00 93 36 26\ oL-s-42522O.O0 SPECrÀr EVENTS /SUPPT.TES 1, 500 . 00 5¿3 50 55r or-5-42522L.O0 FrCA TÀX 2,356.OO 1, 190 92 or-5-425222.O0 MEDr rAX 551.00 274 58 50 56r 0 00 0 00* oL-5-425224.O0 UV RÀ"PIDS 0 .00 0 00 0 00r 0r-5-Ã25241. O0 ITNTTORM¡I 700.00 0 00r 01-5-¿25248. 00 MTDDLE SC¡IOO! RECREÀTrON 0.00 0 00

Eolrl Dlooll¡l lt1, 6t7 . 00 3ã, 3?! , 0Z z7 ,731

01-f -42!! r¡Ct¡rE¡Oll tl0tl¡¡E¡lt 2 .17 37 06* OL-5-425322,O0 RIC FIELD C.ARE 7,500.00 ,719 0 00r 01-5-425324.00 ITNTLY LINE !¡|ÀRKING 3, 500 . 00 0.00 LO2 29t' OL-5-I25326, OO PORTÀBI.E TOII.ET 1,2O0.00 r,227.5O 01-5-425330.00 REPÀIRS T MAINT 2, 500 . 00 0.00 0 00r . 66 20r oL-5-425332.O0 ÌíÀTER USÀCE ¿20.00 11¡3 3l o 00t 01-5-¿25333. 00 WOMENTS CltB GRÀ!¡T 2, 500 . 00 0.00 0 .00 0 00t 01-5-425345.00 Sr|IE l{ORr( 0.00 01-5-¿25346. 00 NORllrCIt Foor. 0.00 0.00 0 00t 0 00r OL-5-425347.O0 FEMÀ-POOL GRÀ¡¡T 0 .00 0.00 100 00t 01-5-¡¡25350, 0O MArtHc Provention Grant 0.00 10,097.5? LL/24/20 Torn of, NarHict¡ Gen€¡a.L Ledger Page 9 of 30 09:53 m Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Ståtus Report. ¡|TML5BcRÀ¡û.lER Gênêral

Àccounf Àctua]. Budget Àctual t of Budget

01-5-425350.10 VT Recreation RestarÈ cra 0.00 3 , 520 .95 100.00* 01-5-¿25360. OO DESIGNÀTED FUND-T COURTS 4, 500 . 00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-425361. OO DESIGNÀTED FI'ND-D.AM 0.00 0.00 o. oo*

EoÈ.l l¡Cl¡lElofl lle¡t¡¡E¡ll zztLz0,00 L1,76',aa t0. !!r

Eot.l l¡Cllt D¡tE ¡ItlllD¡Eu¡ll ¡16, ¡!1.00 ,7 tL20,tt l7, tlt

01-l-{8t Du¡ltc tr'lEY ltc¡¡¡tE!

01-5-¿85232. 00 WÀTER USÀGE 1,000.00 2LL 51¡ 2L 15t 01-5-¿85233. 00 ELECTRTCTTY 6,250.00 2 ,724 00 33 98t 01-5-1¡85234. 00 HEÀTrNC 3,00o.00 0 00 0 00r 01-5-485234.10 Àppålatus Bay FD 0.00 0 00 0 00r 01-5-¿85238.00 PIIONE ¡ INTERNET 4, 500 . 00 r,429 03 a0 65t O1-5-I¡85301. OO BUILDING ST'PPLTES 1, 000 . 00 232 73 23 27\ 01-5-¿85302.00 RSPAIRS E MAINTENÀNCE 1, 750.00 L,296 29 74 07* 01-5-¡¡85302.10 Apparatus (NFD) 0.00 0 00 0 00r O1-5-485303. OO ÀLÀ¡M MONITORING 210.00 9115 29 ¿50 1{t 01-5-{85304. 00 cLEÀNrNc 11.000.00 3, A2O 00 31 09r 01-5-485760.00 DESIGI¡ÀTED FtND-pOtICE ST 3, 500 . 00 0 00 0 oo*

EoËtl DU¡¡.¡C ltt¡Eï I C¡¡¡¡Ir 32,210.00 10, 0t8 . t3 tl .23t

01-5-t00 PO!¡C! DIDE !¡lDlllDlEUlrt 01-l-1001 ï olr ¡ ¡ltilI¡llr 01-5-500110. 00 pol.rcE ctirEF ¡tAcE 84,093.00 32,773 .69 38 97* 01-5-500110.10 INT, CI¡IEF THETEORD o. oo 0.00 0 00r pol.rcE 01-5-500112. 00 oFFrcER Í¡AGE L6A,822. OO 5¿. 158 . 33 32 08r 01-5-5001.12. 10 oN-CA¡,L I{ÀGES 7, 000.00 2, 459 . 07 35 13t 01-5-500113, OO OVERTIME OFFICER TIAGE 23,443 .OO 3, ?00.59 15 52* 01-5-500114. 00 ÀDMTNTSTRAIIVE fiÀcE 49,4L2.OO 18.485.17 37 4L* 01-5-500115. OO PÀRTTIME OFFICER WÀGE 5,000.00 660.00 13 20* 01-5-500116. 00 CROSSTNG GUARD I{ÀcE 15, 200 . 00 3 ,754 .7 6 24 93r 01-5-500117.00 covERNoR's Hfty sÀ¡.81y cRA 0.00 5, 483.31 100 00r

01-5-500118.00 spEcrÀI. DuTy t{AcE 250.00 331 . 45 Lt2 58r 0L-5-500120.00 FE!|A 0. o0 0.00 0 00t 01-5-500121.00 FrcÀ TÀx 2L,924.OO 7, L52.60 32 62t- 01-5-500122.00 MEDr lrÀX 5,r27.OO L, 672.75 32 63* 01-5-500123.00 HEÀrTn rNS 68, 437 . 0O 35,009.1? 51 16t 01-5-500124. 00 DrsABrtrTy/r.r¡.E rNs 3,708. O0 1,588.6/¡ 42 84r 01-5-500125.00 DELTÀ DENTA¡. 2, L6O ,OO 962.57 44 56r

01-5-500126. 00 vÎ RElIrRElrENr 24 ,35O . OO 8, 44a .L7 3/¡ 69t

EoÈ¡L ïloll ¡ l!¡l¡t¡El a1r,tza,0o L7a,c7a,27 !6.t6i

0 1-t-100¡ g0llllrll¡T! tO¡.¡eItO

01-5-500201. 00 ÀNrMÀr coNT/trÀsH ¡.Aw 2, 500 . 00 76L.25 30.45r 01-5-500201.10 Dog fine rafund 0.00 0.00 0.008 01-5-500202. 00 coMMttNITy RE¡ÀTNS 1, 200 . 00 93.25 7 .71\ Ledg€r PAg€ ¡U 0r ru LL/24/20 flown of Nolwich General RePort ITTMLSBGR.A¡iDIER 09:53 m Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Status Gên6ra1

Actua]. Accoun! Budget Àctual t of Budget

576 .00 32.00r 01-5-500204.00 SPEED SrGNS 1, 800 . 00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-500206. 00 NORW¡rCH CÀDET PROGRA¡'I 500 .00 ¡!.tat Eotrl COt¡lUl¡EY tolle¡l{o 6, 000 .00 1,a!0,10

01-!-!00! lgUttrEm ¡ tlt¡mlItrC¡ 800 . 00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-500301. OO RÀDIO MÀINTENAI¡CE 0.00 0.00r 01-5-500302. 00 PETROLET M PRODUCTS 8,000.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-50030¿.00 CRUTSER VrDEO EQUrP 500.00 L,4A5.64 1¿.57t 01-5-500306. 00 cRUrsER MÀ¡NT 10, 200 . 00 t45.92 29.18* 01-5-500308.00 cRursER SUPPLTES 500.00

ÍcÈrl ¡gUrtEtE ¡ xrillElrt¡lc! ¡0, 000 .00 1¡ tl1. l6 r.16t

01-l-100a orrfillt 0.00 0 00r o1-5-5OO¿23. r.3 E9UTPMENT TNCENTTVE GRÀNÎ 0. o0 0.00 0 00t o1-5-5OO¿23.1¿ 201¿ EQUrÞMENT TNCENTTVES 0 .00 0 00r o1-5-5OO¿23.15 2015 EQUIP TNCENTTVE GRál 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 o0t 01-5-500423.17 FY17 OPIDUI EQUIPMENT GR,A 0.o0 0,00 0 00r 01-5-500¿28.00 PAcrF EQUrP GRANIT 0.00 .I/ESTS o.00 0 00s o1-5-5oo¿3o.OO DOJ BUI.¡,EÎ PROOF GR 0.o0 649. 00 100 007 01-5-500432.00 NORWTCH iIOMENS CLUB GRA¡lll 0.00 0.00 0 00t 01-5-500¿36.00 2015 DUr ENFORCnIiENIT GRAI¡ 0 .00

lotrl olåml 0 .00 6{9 .00 100 ,00t

01-!-1001 ¡utDotE 4. oo0 . 0o 2,229.6L 55 7t* o1-5-50050x . 00 ÀDM¡NrSTRÀTrON 345.17 11 53t 01-5-500535.00 V¡BRS 3, 000 . o0 645 . 75 50 00t 01-5-500536. 00 DrsPÀÍcl¡ sERvrcEs 67 ,292 . OO 33, . 0.00 0 00r 01-5-500538. 00 TRÀrNrNG 2, 500 o0 102 .44 35 L2* O1-5-5005¿3. OO TRAINING SI'PPI,IES 2,000.00 0.00 0 00* 0].-5-500580. OO MILEAGE REIMB 200 .00 1, 000 . 00 375.00 37 50r o1-5-500581 . 00 DUES/IITGS/EDUC 968 . 93 38 162 01-5-500582. 00 UNTFOR¡'S 2,500.00 355 .50 23 70t 01-5-500583. OO I'NTFORMÍ' CLEANING 1, 500 . 00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-500584.00 BULLEÍ PROOF VESTS 0.00

toÈrl auDtolE l!, tt¡.00 !¡,6¡1,04 a¡.tlt

01-¡-!007 qlt¡Et¡ lllt¡l{D¡EUt¡l 0,00 0.00r 01-5-500701. OO DESIGNÀTED FUND-SPEC EQUI 2,500.00 . 0.o0 0.00r 01-5-500702. OO DESIGNATED FUND-CRUISER 20, 000 o0 0.00 0. 00r O1-5-5OO?03. OO DESIGNÀTED FT'ND-POIICE ST o-oo

Eo!.l CltlEt¡ !¡('lrD¡Elrt¡t ¡¡,100.00 0,00 0,00t

000 !5 . loi Eot.l ?O!tC! D¡?E !¡lDItlDlBUrlt 611, 31! , OO 31t, .3?

01-r-!!! r¡tl/rl|E D!Dr!. ¡XDlllll¡ rL/24/20 llorn of Nolwich Generål l.êdgêr Pège 11 of 30 09:53 4 Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Status Rèport I{ÍML5BGRÀ¡'MER G€n€rå1

Account Àctua1 Budg€t Àctuål t af Budg€t

ol-t-ttl1 r¡r¡ r ott 01-s-555108.00 FIR.E CHIEF IdÃ'GES 65. 185.00 25, 964 .2O 39. 83t 01-5-555110.00 FIRE OFFICER SITIPEND 2. 100 . O0 0.00 0. oo$

01-5-555112 . 00 EIREFIGHTERS WÀGE 34,000.00 10, 984 . 03 32.31r 01-5-555114.00 FF DRT]LS/Mf,GS wÀCE 3,000.00 760.00 25.33+ 01-5-555116.00 DRY ¡IYDRÀNT ÍIÀCE 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-555121.00 FICÀ TÀX 6, ¿66.00 2, 198.55 34.00t o1-5-555122. OO MEDI TAX 1,512. O0 5L4.L7 34. O1r 01-5-555123.00 HE,AI.TH INST'RÀNCE L6,276.OO 4,82r .2O 54.20t'

01-5-555124. 0O DISÀBILITY/IIFE ¡NSORÀNCE 817. O0 314 . 05 38. ¿¿t

01-5-555125. 00 vT RETTREMENÎ 3,7 48 .OO 1, 557 . 85 ¿1.56t

01-5-555126. OO DENTÀL INST'RANCE 446. OO 766 -72 37.38t

Eot.l t¡l¡ llåOlt 1l!f 1t0.00 âL,Za0,77 !t, aot

01-¡-tlt¡ !¡il Tto¡t 01-5-555212.00 EMS rsÀcE 5. 500 . 0o L,36L.26 24.75\

01-5-555215.00 EMS DRrrL ¡rÂGE 1, 900.00 440 . 00 23.L6* 01-5-555221.00 EüS FrCÀ TAX 459.00 109.28 23.4L* 01-5-555222.00 EMS MEDI rÀX 107.00 25.52 23.85r

Eotrl Dla r Ola 7, 9aa,00 1, t!6 .0t ¡a . lot

01-l-!lJ9 IDUCåEIO¡| ¡ Ett¡tlltl0

O1-5-555338. OO FIRE EDUC/TR,AINING 750 . O0 0.00 0.00*

01-5-5553¿0,00 EUS EDUC/IRNG 1, 200 . 00 160.00 13.33t 0x-5-555342. 00 FrRE DUES/IrIGS/EDUC 750.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-555343.00 Eus DuEs/¡rrcs o. o0 0.00 0.00t

Eot.I ¡DUqIE¡OX ¡ ElålX¡rO 2, ?00.00 160.00 t, rlt

ol-l-llla Eoolr ¡ ¡ourr¡ollE

01-5-555422.00 FIRE ÍOOIS e E9UTPMENT ¿, 000 . 00 955.26 23.88r 01-5-555¿24.00 EMS aOOtS/ E9UrP 1, 900.00 254,52 13.40*

o1-5-555426. 00 R¡.DIO PURC¡|,/REPÀrR 750. OO 0.00 0. o0t

lotrl EOO&I ¡ lQU¡Dll¡l{E 6, 6t0.00 L,209,74 13.19t

01-l-llãã xr¡rE¡üNrc! 01-5-555528.00 FrRE TRK R & M 14. 000 . 00 6,24A .49 ¿¿ . 63t 01-5-555530. 00 EQUIPUENT MÀTNTENÀNCE 5,800.00 0.00 0.00t O1-5-555532. OO RÀDIO MAINTENÀ¡¡CE 500.00 0.00 0. o0r 01-5-555534. 00 soFTwÀRE UÀTNTENANCE 400.00 L32.33 33.08r 01-5-555536. OO COMPUTER MÀINTENÀNCE 400.00 0.00 0.00t

01-5-555538. 0o pErRorErDr pRoDucTs 3, 000 . 00 5.56 0.19t

EoËrl Xl¡¡U¡IttlC! ¡t, 100 , 00 ,, tl6, t¡ ¡6, loi

01-l-1556 rUPrOlE O1-5-555614. OO RECRUITMENT 100.00 0.00 0.00r Pège 12 of 30 LL/24/20 Town of, Norrích G€nerâ]. Ledger HAML5BGR,âMIIER 09:53 æ Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Stâlus RePolt Generå1

Àctual Account Budg€t Àctual t of Budqet

0.00 0 00 0 00r 0 1-5-555 616 00 VEIIICTJE ÀI.LOINÀ!¡CE 0 00 0 00t 01-5-555 617 00 FIRETRUCK STORÀGE 0.00 83 40 333 60r 01-5-555618 00 POSTAGE 25.00 100 .00 0 00 0 00t 0 1-5-555619 00 FIRE PREV BOOKS & MÀTERIÀ 5, 200 . 00 0 00 0 00t 0 1-5-ss5 620 00 FIREFIGIIÍERS CASUL INS o4 100 00t 01-5-555625 00 TELEPEONE E INTERNET 0.00 160 400 . 00 463 84 115 96t 0 1-5-555 630 00 OI'FICE SUPP1IES 324 00 1 ¿8r 01-5-555 632 00 DISPATC¡I SERVICE 2L,a24.OO 236 44 105 08* 01-5-555633 00 n¡¡lFORM 225.OO . 00 12,500 50 5¿ 358 0 1-5-555 531t 00 TTYDRÀNT RENTAL 23, 000 {90 00 245 00t 0 x-s-s55 63s 00 DRY HYDRANT 200.00 00 0 00t o1-5-555636 00 OSHÀ COMPI.IANCE 1,200.00 0

z7 tlotrl aUDDOII ¿2,271,00 1a, 2l¡ , l¡ ,lal

O1-l-¡!l? Cåt¡Et! lIDlm¡E¡¡l¡¡ 0. oo 0.00t 01-5-555?56. OO DESIGNÀTED TUND-FIRE SIIÀT 0.00 0.00c 01-5-555758. OO DESIGNÀTED FI'ND-ÀPPÀRATUS 15,000.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-555760. OO DESIGNAÍED FUND-E9UIPMENÍ o.oo 0.00

Eotrtr ctD¡Et¡ ¡xt¡HDlEtn¡t 1¡, 000 .00 0.00 0,00t

01-5-3Jl¡ OllllE lllt!¡ll! 0.00t 01.-5-55582¿. 00 \/I.CTPÀCrA GRANI 0 .00 0.00 18.57 100.00t 01-5-555830. OO DRY HYDRANT GR,ATflI 0.00 01-5-555852.00 FY17 I¡OMEI.AÌ¡D SEC il1731 0.00 o.o0 0.00t

0,00 lt, !? 100,00t

01-l-lã!t t¡l¡u¡ål{C! l¡rVlQ¡l 55.82r 01-5-555901. O0 ÀMBULÀ¡ICE CONTRACT 135.500.00 75, 6¿1.50 01-5-555903. 00 ÀIIBULÀÌi¡CE BrLr,S 14, 500 . 00 0.00 0.00t

¡otrl I¡OU¡¡NC¡ l¡w¡C¡l 1t0, 000 .00 7tr aal, !0 ã0. alt

EoÈrI t¡t¡/ttlE D¡DE' ¡xPllltll 392,2{O,OO 1!0,¡t1.zt Ea.{7t

01-!-t?l ¡lotolüct xrxlol¡cll! O1-5-575100.00 DEBT SERVICE TOIITR PRINCI 30. 738 .00 27 ,500 00 89 41\ 100 00r 01-5-5?5105,00 DEBT SERVICE TOI{ER INTERE 0.00 L,724 9l 05r 01-5-575233. 00 TO¡iER PollER 600 . 00 65 29 11 00 o o0r 01-5-575600.00 EMERG MAN ÀDUIN 100.00 0 61 00 L22 00t 01-5-575610. OO EMERG MNG¡M SUPPL¡ES 50. o0 49 20 16r 01-5-575612. OO GENERATOR FUEL 300 . o0 60 1 32* 01-5-575620.00 EMERG GEN MÀINT 6.200.00 82 01 00 0 00t 01-5-575622.00 EMERG GEN INSTÀI.¡. 0 .00 o 00 0 00t 01-5-575628. OO PUBLIC I{ORKS GENERÀTOR 0.00 0 00 0 o0* 01-5-575630. OO BÀSE R,ADIO MAINTENAIi¡CE 500.00 o 0 00 0 00c 01-5-5?5650. OO EMERG GENERATOR REPATR 0,00 0 00 0 00$ 01.5-5?57¿0 . OO DESIGNATED FT'ND-GENERÀTOR 25, 000 . 00 LL/24,/20 Iown of, Norwich ceneråI Ledg€r Pag€ 13 of 30 09:53 m Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Statue Report HTMLsBGRAMMER GeneraL

Account Àctuål Budget Àctual t of, Budg€t

01-5-575760. OO DESIGNã,TED ET'ND- COMMT'NIC 0.00 0.00 0.00r

01-5-575800.00 Loca1 Hazald Mitigation c 0.00 3,962.AA 100 . oo*

Eotrl DII¡¡¡XCY llllltolE¡lt! t!f atl,00 Itr a6tr.61 12,71t

01-l-610 COlltllVAElOfl 01-5-650538.00 POSÎAGE 0.00 0.00 0 00t pRrNTrNc 01-5-650550. 00 0.00 0.00 0 00* 01-5-650605. 00 DONÀTTONS 0.00 0,00 0 00r 01-5-650610.00 oFF SLPP & ErdÀÛ 0,00 0.00 0 00t 01-5-550 615. 00 DUES/MIGS/EDUC 300.00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-650620. 00 spKRs/prrBl,rc rNFo 1, 500 . 00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-650625. 00 PUBr.rcrTY 1,500.00 500.00 33 33r 01-5-650630.00 TRÀrLS 5. 500 , 00 0.00 o 00r 01-5-650632.00 rfÀTER guÀI, MoNrT 0.00 0.00 0 00* 01-5-650635.00 IIILT FRYE ¡IAII'RE ÀREA 1,150.00 0.00 0 00t 01-5-650640.00 crr.E ¡fT 0.00 0.00 0 o0t 01-5-650700.00 NÀTRI RESRCS INVEN 0.00 0,00 0 00t pRoJEcT 01-5-650710. 00 RESTORÀTrON x, 000 . 00 0.00 0 008 01-5-650725.00 cRANr 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-550727. 00 vroMENs cLnB GR¡f,f 0.00 !, 244 . 65 100 oot

EoÈt¡ Co¡ftllvtltol{ 10, t10.00 1, 7at . 65 1t,97i

01-l-671 C!¡ll¡lrt COIOI¡ll¡otl 01-5-675110, 00 CEMETERy fiAGES 0.00 0 00 0.008 01-5-6?5121.00 ErcÀ 0.00 0 00 0.00r 01-5-675122.00 MEDr 0.00 0 00 0.00r O1-5-675126. OO RETIREMENT 0.00 0 00 0,00t 0I-5-675232.O0 WÀTER 0.00 0 00 0.00r 01-5-675301. 00 sûPPr,rEs 0.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-675430.00 REPÀrRS & l.rÀrMr. 0.00 0 00 0.00r puRcgÀr¡ED 01-5-6?5500. 00 SERVTCE 0.00 3.333 32 100.00t 01-5-675520. 00 WoRKERS' COMPENSÀTrON 0.00 0 00 0.00r 01-5-675522. OO VLCT ¡,IÀBTLITY TNSI'RÀNCE 0.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-675538.00 POSTAGE 0.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-675611. 00 EQUTPMENT PURCHÀSE 0.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-675612. OO CAPITÀT IMPRO\¡EMENTS 0.00 0 00 0.00r 01-5-675614. 00 EQUTPMENT RENTAT, 0.00 0 00 0.00t 01-5-675700. 00 sToNE cr.EÀNrNG 0.00 0 00 o. oo*

Ect.l C!¡flE!Ë COll¡¡t¡Ol 0,00 I, tl!. !z 100.00i

01-l-?0 tU¡!¡C tlgltr DIDE. 01-l-70! ¡l¡Ollï r DrV¡r¡Or 01-l-7011 tl0¡lll l llglt ¡ rln¡¡rEt prrBLrC 01-5-703110.00 DTRECTOR OF iSORKS 83,498.00 3r,7O2.67 37 .91*

01-5-703111. 00 ÀDMTNTSTRATT\¡E ASSTST 20/ 103.00 935 . 58 /¡ . 65r 01-5-703112.00 ROAD CRrr¡ WÀGES 325, 447 .0O 103,341.01 31.75t 01-5-703114. 00 RoÀD cRE¡r OVERTIME 29,000.00 2, 5L9 .92 8.69t General Ledg€r Page 1¿ of 30 LL/24/20 Town of Norrish Status RêPott ¡ITML5BGRA¡'MER 09:53 m Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Gên€ral

ÀctuaI Àccount Budget Àctual t of, Budget

600 .00 18 18r 01-5-703116. O0 PAGER COùdPENSÀTION 3,300.00 8, 176.90 23 17t 01-5-703121.00 rrcÀ 35,293.00 0.00 L,895.64 100 00s OL-5-7 O3L22. OO MEDICARE 42,733.84 t6 43r 01-5-?03123.00 HEÀtrB rNsIrR 92, 030 . 00 5, 1111 . 00 !, 652 .1O 32 15r O1-5-703124. OO DISABILITY,/LIEE 2, 618 .O0 L, 164.92 1t3 50t 01-5-?03125. 00 DENlÀr. rNsun'ÈNcE a,283.7O 32 65t o!.-5-703126. 00 REÍTREMENÍ 25,312.O0 !¡,alt 80È.1 x¡oBïlÏ tltoll ¡ ¡¡r!¡lEt 6t1,16¡.oo 20!f006.¡l

01-l-7031 llAEltlrll 89.99 0 07t 01-5-703201.00 sAr.T t cllE¡lrcåts 120, 000 . 00 44 O81 .62 44 08t 01-5-703203.00 sAl¡D 100,000.00 , . 00 0.00 0 00t 01-5-703205.00 DUsr coNTRO'. 20, 000 27 55 24t 01-5-?03207.00 GRÀVEI. e s|toNE 50. 000 . 00 ,6L8.54 1, 037 . 00 20 14* 01-5-703209.00 CULVERÎS e ROAD SUPPI,TES 5,000.00 .00 464 .4r 9 37t' 01-5-703211. 00 ASP¡¡ÀIT PRODUCTS 5, 000 0.00 0 00r 01-5-703213.00 BRIDGE REPÀIR E MAINT. 5, 000 . 00 74. 980 . 00 99 05r 01-5-703213.10 Brorn schoolhouse bridge 75, 700 .00 2, 000.00 0 .00 0 00t o1-5-703215. 00 olrHER PROJECITS 0.00 0 00t 01-5-70321?.00 SrGNs 4, 000 . 00 !l.3at ÍoÈ¡l A¡ll¡tll 986,?OO,O0 1al,t?3.19

o1-r-703! cotlllltcE¡D llwlcll 000 . 00 0.00 0 00t 01-5-?03301.00 PLOWTNG e SÀNDTNG 2¿, 4, . 00 0.00 0 00r o1-5-?03303. 00 RoÀD SI{EEPTNG 500 000 . 00 0,00 0 00r 01-5-?03305. 00 t EAF REITOVÀL 6, r,352.53 36 21t' o1-5-703307. 00 STREElltrGltTs 12, 000 .00 12, 500 . 00 3,200.00 25 60r O1-5-?O33O9.OO ÎREE CUÍTING E REMOVAL . 4,08L.L2 ¿0 81t 01-5-703311. 00 lrNrFoRMs 10, 000 00 30. 000 . o0 54. ¿0 0 18r 01-5-703313.00 PAVTNG . 0.00 0 00t 01-5-?03315. 00 oTI¡ER PROJECTS 7, 500 00 .00 0 .00 0 00t ox-5-?03317.00 CRACK SEAI.rNG 1s, 000 .00 22,L74.5O 100 79* 01-5-703319. OO PAVEMENT T'ARKING 22,00o 10, 000 . 00 1, 839.6{ 18 4ot o1-5-?03321. 00 BRTDGES

, 00 703,19 ¡3, ¡6t EoÈrI COtlEltcElD ¡¡w¡C¡t 113, t00 !!,

01-!-70!l loutDExl! . 00 5,239.33 11 . 64t O1_5-?03¿01.OO OUTSIDE REPAIRS ¿5. 000 O2A .27 11.17t 01-5-703403.00 PÀRlrs t suPÞLrES 45,000.00 5, LL,709.59 27.23+ o1-5-?03¿05. 0o PETROLEUM PRODUCÍS 43,000.00 16'l¡t Ectrl ¡gU¡?r¡üE 1!!, 000 .00 2L,r17,Lt

01-l-701! ll¡Omlr Olll0¡ 463 .96 12,89r o1-5-703501. 00 Er,ECTRrCrrY 3, 6oo. oo 364.84 5.2L\ 01-5-703503. 00 PROPANE 7,000.00 . 00 1. 050 . ¿¿ 26.26* 01-5-703505. 00 TEI,EPIIoNE ¿, 000 LL/24/20 Íorn af Norrich cenera]. Ledg€r Page 15 of 30 09:53 m Curr€nt Yr Pd: 5 - Budg€t Status Report ¡ITML5BGRÀ¡,üER GenêraL

Àccount ÀcÈuaI Budget Àctual t of Budg€t

01-5-703507 00 suPPI,rEs 3, 000.00 2,134.24 91 149 0 1-5-70350 9 00 ÀI,ÀRU I{ONITORING 500.00 705 . 00 1¿1 00r 01-5-703511 00 REPÀIRS & MÀINÎENÀ¡¡CE 9.000,00 r, o7r .9a 11 94r 01-5-703513 00 TOOLS 5,000.00 198.44 3 91* 01-5-703515 00 ÀDMINISTRÀI!ION 5, 000 . o0 L,3L4.25 26 29\

EoËrl ¡l¡Olfltr! !7, 100 . 00 7, 106,L¿ 21. !1t

01-l-70!t c,tt¡El¡ !¡o¡tlD¡Eutla 01-5-703601. 00 DESTGNATED ArrND-EQUrplrENT 20,000.00 0.00 0.00t O1-5-703603. OO DESIGNÀTED ET'ND-STDEWÀI,K 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-703605. OO DESIGNÀTED FT'ND-ÞAVING 60, 000 . 00 0.00 0.00t O1-5-703607. OO DESTGNÀTED FUND-BRIDGES 40, 000 .00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-703609. OO DESIGNÀTED FI'ND-GARÀGE 25,000.00 0.00 0.00t

EoËrI qltlEt! !1o!rD¡EUl!t tral, 000 .00 0,00 0 .00i

01-ã-7017 oråt¡r O1-5-703701. OO PÀVING GRÃNT 0.00 0.00 0 00t O1-5-?O37O3.OO FEMA GRANT 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-703705.00 vT PUBLIC SFTY-RÀDIO GFåN 0.00 0.00 0 00t 01-5-703707. 00 NRCS GRA¡.¡T 0.00 0.00 0 00t 01-5-703709.00 Two RMRS-BETR BÀCK ROÀD 5. 705 . 00 0.00 0 00t O1-5-?O371O.OO ST. OE W-BETTER BÀCK RD 0.00 0.00 o 00t 01-5-703710.10 projecÈ crilts in Àid 0.00 22,2O4.1A 100 00r 01-5-703711.00 woMEN'S CLUB GRÀti¡T 0.00 0. 00 0 00* 01-5-703713.00 2017 pED \¡IRANS BIKE & cR 6. 600 . 00 0.00 0 008 01-5-703714.00 VT T¡ans - TÀp crant (Tíg 75, 600 . 00 11,755. ?8 15 55t 01-5-7037X5. 00 \,lrRANS STRUCTURES GRNT 3, 600.00 13,gOL.26 385 t5t

EoÈrl Olltfllt 91, lot. 00 a7,aaL,aa ¡2.!0t

Eot¡l lt¡o8mY D¡vtt¡oil 1, l3t, tt?.00 aaa,72,,22 2t, alt

01-t-70a ¡u¡ûDrxot ¡ oroutlDr D¡Vrt 01-3-70{1 ¡ ¡ O tlA!¡lt ¡ ¡ltl ¡Et 01-5-70¡¡113.00 BUILDINGS e GROITNDS wÀcES 92,372 .OO 32, 605 .94 35 30t 01-5-704114.00 0T BLDGS e cRoItNDS 5, 000 . 00 L, L39 .7L 22 79\ 01-5-704116. pÀcER 00 cottpENsÀTroN 550 . 00 100.00 18 18r 01-5-704121.00 FrcA 7 , 49L.OO 2,O87.38 27 a7\ or-5-7 04L22. 00 MEDrCÀRE 0.00 488.15 100 00r 01-5-704123. 00 !¡EÀI,TH rNSt RÀNCE 31.866.00 16, 4s6 .95 51 64r O1-5-70¿12¿. OO DISÀBILITY/LIFE 1, 140 . 00 435.50 38 20ï 01-5-704125. 00 DENTÀ! rNSt RÀNCE ?35.00 388 . 32 52 83t 01-5-704126. 00 REIITREUENI 5, 631 . 00 2, 036 .72 36 17t

Eot,.J, ¿ o I Íto¡¡ ¡ ¡lttt¡E¡ 1{4, 7ll . 00 ,r,7ta,a7 !t, !0i

01-!-7012 X ElnrÄtt O1-5-70¿201.OO GÀRDEN ST'PPI,TES O PI.ÀNIIS 2,000.00 175.50 8.78t General Ledger Page 16 of 30 tL/24/20 Tosn of Norwich ståtus RePort HTML5BGRAI¡IMER 09:53 I cqrr€nt Yr Pd; 5 - BudgeÈ Gênera1

ActuaI Account Budget Àctual t of Budget

1?¡ . l0 t. ?ln Eot.l lll¡¡l¡All t, 000 . 00

O1-!-?O{! COTEIICEID llw¡Clt 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-704301.00 FOTEY PÀRK & MEDTAI¡S 2, 500 .00 L,636.L4 55 . ¿5t o1-5-704311. 00 ttNrFoRMS

1, 696 . 1¡ 6l . att ÍoÈr1 CO¡lEìtcElD ¡lrwell ¡, 100 . 00

01-!-?0la loulDtll¡¡l 1, 6o0. oo 110.69 6.92* 01-5-704401. 0o oursrDE REPATRS 336 .76 11 .23t 01-5-?04¡103.00 pARTs & SUPPI.TES 3,000.00 2, 800 . 00 244.83 8.74t 01-5-704405. 00 PETROT,EUü PRODUCTS 500 . 00 1t.96 14 . 99t 01-5-704413.00 TOOI.S ,.71t Eot¡I ¡ou¡tl¡tE 7, t00 , 00 7a1 ,2t

O 1-!-?O{ 6 CtD¡lll! ¡¡lDlID¡EUr¡l 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-70460X. OO DESIGNÀTED FT'ND-E9UIPMENT

0.00 0 .00t EoË¡l qlttEt& lx9lrDlEur¡¡ 0,00

97.10t EoË¡I ¡U¡ID¡üOI ¡ OlolrllD¡ D¡Vl! 15?,1¡5.00 5t.gtr?'t9

o1-!-70! lo&¡D tl t!¡ D¡V¡a¡Otr 01-!-?0!1 ¡l ltOll ¡ l!ll!Ít!!l 16,12O.98 1to.9¿t o1-5-705X12. 00 ÍRNSF SÍATTON llÀGE 39,374.00 999 .46 33.18t 01-5-705121.00 FrCÀ rAx 3, 012 . O0 0.00 233.78 100 , 00t 01-5-705122.00 MEDr TAX

ao, rat EoÈ.l lll llto!¡ ¡ ¡¡X¡I¡E! 42, !16.oo L7 tt¿l,aa

O1-f-?0t! COtllttCElD alw¡C¡l . 00 37, 5s4 . 00 100 00t o1-5-705301, 00 GWsl{ltD ASSESSMENT 37, 5s4 ¿3, 000 . 00 L2,709.70 29 56r 01.5-?05303. OO M¡'NICIPAI. SO¡,ID INÀSTE ¿0, 000 .00 10.601.01 26 50t o1-5-705305, 00 RECYCLTNG . L,834.2L 1,8 3¿t 01-5-705306.00 C e D I{ÀSTE DTSPOSA' 10, 000 00 0,00 0.00 0 00t 01-5-705307. OO HOUSEI¡OI,D HÀZÀRDOUS INÀSTE 6, 000 . o0 4,134.15 1g 91r 01-5-705308.0O FOOD Í{ASTE DTSPOSAI. 0.00 0 00t 01-5-705311. 00 UNrEoRlls 500 . 00

. a1 a9!,67 49.20t lotrl COIEIICEID l¡lvlclt 1!?, Oãa oo t

01-¡-70ã{ ¡ou¡Ptotlf 26r.24 26.L3\ 01-5-705¿03.00 PARTS e SUPP'.TES 1, 000 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00r 01-5-?05405.00 ST OF VÎ GRAN!¡ 2, 000 , 00 671.19 33.56t O1-5-?05IT11. OO REPÀIRS S MÀINTENÀ¡¡CE .00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-705¿13. O0 SMAI.L E9UTPMENT 300

99?,17 2a,76\ Tot.l IgU!?¡l¡llE 3, !00 . 00 rL/24,/20 ToHn of Norwich ceneral Ledger Page 17 of 30 09:53 & CurrenÈ Y! Pd: 5 - Budget Status R€po.t ETML5BGRAI¡IMER Gênê!ål.

Account Actual Budget ÀcÈual t af Budget

01-ã-701ã Err¡lllll lEtllloll

01-5-705500. 00 PrrRcBÀsED SERVTCES 2,595.00 689. OO 26. 55t

01-5-?05501. 00 ETECTRTCTTY 2. OOO . O0 540 . 00 27.OO* 01-5-705503. 00 PROPÀNE 600.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-705505. 00 TELEP¡¡ONE 450.00 L63.O2 36.23* 01-5-705515. 00 ÀDMTNTSTRÀTION 2/000.00 0.00 o. o0t 01-5-705517. 00 \¡ER¡'O¡$Í E'RAÌi¡CHTSE !¡ÀJ( 2.000.00 493.33 24 .67$

Eotrl Eltlltllt IEAETOH 9, 6{3 , 00 1, 8tt , 3l 19. ltr

01-l-70t 6 CåtlEtL !¡ll¡t{Dlllurl¡ O1-5-705601. OO DESIGNAÎED FT.'ND-EOUIPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00r

toÈrl Clt¡Eþ !ïtlfDlEuùl 0 .00 0,00 0,00r

EoË.l lO!¡D Ttll!! D¡Vlt¡Oll 1 9a, ltt . 00 a?, 601. tl at. lat

01-t-70t EtåCl llt!¡¡ 01-t-70tl ¡U¡¡¡Dl¡lO !¡C!tll!a 01-5-706100. 00 ÍTATER USAGE 650.00 t54.20 23 72* 01-5-706101. 00 ELECTRTCTTY 13.500.00 3, L2r.!2 23 L2* 01-5-706103.00 sEÀTrNc 11,500.00 624.6L 5 t1\ 01-5-706105. 00 ÀI.àR¡t MONITORTNG 600 .00 L / O73 .25 L'ts 88r OX-5-7O6107. OO ELEVÀTOR IUAINTENÀNCE 3,300.00 1,352.00 ¿0 97\ 01-5-706108.00 CUSTODIÀN PÀGER E UTLE,AGE 550.00 0.00 o 00t O1-5-706109. OO BUILDING SI'PPT,IES 4,200 .oo 848.61 20 2r* 01-5-706111. 00 }¡OMEN'S CLUB GRANÎ 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-706113,00 REPAIRS E UAINÎENANCE 13,000.00 3, 997 .45 30 75t 01-5-706115. 00 BNDSTND/SrGN/EVCH ELECTRT 2,000.00 726 .66 36 33r 01-5-7061X5.10 EV Chg St e Huntley M€ado 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-?06117. OO DESIGNÀITED FI'ND-TRÀCY ¡IÀT 0.00 0.00 0 00r

Eotrl IU¡lD¡llO ¡Xt!¡llll 49, t00,00 11, 901. r0 2a.1at

Eot.¡, Ít CY llt!& t9,100.00 11, t01,90 2a,lat

Eotrl Dultrrc ïonxl DIDE L,967tE37,00 6??tara,t? t1,6at

01-¡-1002 Dlr! ¡ltv¡c¡ !¡tD!ilD¡Eul¡t 01-5-800205. O0 TRÀCY HÀI¡L PRINCTPÀl 0.00 0.00 0 00r

01-5-800207.00 PI'BIIC SAFTY FACIIXTY BON 47,000.00 ¿7, 000 . 00 100 00r 01-5-800208.00 Brorns SH Rd Bridge 0.00 0.00 0 00r 01-5-800235, 00 DEBT INTEREST a7 , ar6.oo 23,932.40 50 41\ 01-5-800236.00 DEBT INTEREST (FEMA) 0.00 0.00 o 00t o1-5-800237.00 LOC Princi¡ra]. Pmt 0.00 0.00 0 00c 01-5-800238.00 LOC Int€rest 0.00 0.00 0 00r

Eotr¡, Dl¡E tlllc¡ l¡lDlllD¡¡Utla 9a¡ {16,00 70, 932, {0 7l.1lt Page 18 of 30 LL/24/20 Torn af, Norwich General ledger IIIIML5BGR.à}IMER O9:53 m cuffent Yr Pd: 5 - Budg€t Status RêPort General

Account ÀcÈuål Budget Àctual. t of Budget

O 1-!-t00! AtttODllAE¡O¡l !¡CltlDEUl¡l O1-5-800302. OO NORIIICH PUBLTC I,IBR,ARY 288, 660.00 14¿, 300 . 00 49.99t O1-5-SOO3O3.OO NORIIICS PUBLIC ¡.IBRÀRY RE 0.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-800304.00 NoRflrcg sENroR ACT COÌ'NCL 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-800306. 00 NORI{rCH lroNs cr,uB 3.000.00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-800308. 00 NoRÌlrc¡t NEIISLETÍER 0 .00 0.00 o.00t o1-5-8003X0. 00 NoRfllcs ÀllERrcAN 1EGION 1,500.00 L. 500 . 00 100.00t 01-5-800314. 00 NORW¡C¡¡ SPECIÀI. EVENTS 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-800315. 00 NORI|TCH ¡rrsroRrcÀl soc' 8, 000 . 00 4, 000 . 00 50.00r 01-5-800316. 00 NORflrCl¡ cEllElERv ASSOCATN 20, 0oo . 00 10¡000.00 50.00r O1-5-80031?. OO NORI{ICH CEMETERY-RESTORE 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-800318. 00 NORWTCI| À'E'FoRDÀBLE ¡¡OÛSIN 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-80032¿.00 CHrLD CÀRE CTR lN NORIITCE 1¡, 3¿8 . 00 ¿, 3/¡8 . 00 100 . 00t 01-5-800326.00 HCRS OF SE VERMONÎ 0.00 0 .00 0.00r 01-5-800328. 00 VSrNG NRS,/¡ISP APPR 15, 600 .00 7,800,00 50.00t o.00r o1-5-800330.00 SERG 0. oo 0.00 01-5-800350.00 THE EÀllrLY PI.ÀCE 6,000.00 6,000.00 100.00t 51¿ .00 6,757.OO 50.00t 0 1-5-800352 . 00 åDVAI¡CE TR.âl¡Srfr 13, 01-5-800354. 00 IiEADREST 2, 500 . 00 2, 500 .00 100.00r 01-5-800356. 00 ¡lrNDsoR cot NTY PARTNERS 1, 000 . 00 1, 000.00 x00.00t 100.00t 01-5-800358.00 CÀÍV/5 ÀPPROP 3, 000 . 00 3,000.00 01-5-800360.00 Tt¡E UPPER VÀI.'.EY HÀVEN 0.00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-800362.00 ÍlrsE 2, 500 . 00 2, 500 . 00 100 . 00t 0.00* 01-5-80036{.00 RSVP 0,00 0.00 o1-5-800366.00 SEVCÀ 3,750.00 3,750.00 100.00t 3, 000 . 00 100.00t 01-5-800368 . 00 YOUTI¡-rN-ÀcrroN 3, 000 .00 100.00t 01-5-800369.00 SENTOR SOLUIIONS 1, 200 . 00 1,200.00 01-5-800372.00 Wtlr RrvR colrN oN AGING 5,300.00 5, 300 . 00 100.00t 01-5-800375.00 PUBLTC HEÀr,Tlt cottNc uv 337 . 00 33?.00 L00.00t 01-5-800382. 00 U.V. TRÀrLS Ar,r.rÀNcE 2, 000 . 00 2, 000 . 00 100.00r ox-5-80038¿.00 vÀLr.EY couRT DrvERSroN PR 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 100.008 0x-5-800386. 00 GOOD BEGTNNTNGS 3, 000 . 00 3. 000 .00 . 00 100.00t ox-5-800388.00 GREEN lm{ Eco DEv coRP 1, 659 . 00 1. 659 01-5-800389.00 SPECrÀr NEEDS STPPORT CEN 2, 000 .00 2, 000 . 00 100,00r

Eor¡t ttDtott¡AEloll lxDll{DEul¡l 391,363.00 ¡13,rtl,00 ll.llt

01-l-1001 ¡t¡MDlllDlEm¡l 0.00 0.00r O 1-5-8OO¿08, OO TÀX ÀBÀTEMENT/AD.'USTMENÍ 3,500.00 o1-s-800¿10. 00 rNÍEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00t

Eo!¡l E¡¡l ¡Xt¡rD¡EUl¡l !, ãoo .00 0 .00 0 .00t

01-l-t00ã ¡lltUtlfrC! 01-5-800501. OO HRA ADMINISTRAΡON FEES 0.00 0,00 0.00r 0 .00t 01-5-800502. 0o ¡¡EÀrÎB RETMBURSEMENT ÀCCO 0.00 0.00 01-5-800503. 00 ltEÀI.TH TNSURANCE 0 .00 0.00 0.00r 01-5-800505.00 socrÀl sEcuRrrY TÀx 0. 00 0.00 0.00t 01-5-800506.00 coBRA 0. o0 0 ,00 o.00r t7 .494 01-5-800517.00 ITNEUp rNS RÀTE ASS¡f,T 2,397.OO 1,1r¡8.00 11,/24/20 Town of Norwích ceneral ledger Pag6 19 of 30 09:53 q Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget SÈatus Report Ë!I}'L5BGRÀMMER G€n€raI

.Acêôunt ÀctuaI Budget Àctual t of Budg€t

01-5-800518.00 PROP 6 CÀS TNSURANCE 15,O92.OO 38.036.10 50.65r

01-5-800520.00 rfoR¡GR's cotup ¡Ns 109,130.00 54, 565 . 40 50.00t

!ot.l lil¡UllflC! 1t5, ¡lt , 00 ,t, 7a9 , l0 l0 .2tt

Eot.I !ry.n¿ltut.. a, toa, ?40.00 1, l6l, l0t,6t l7. r6t

EoÈrl Oananl t¡,t01,00 1{,901,2t1.t1

04-4-000804 00 DONAT IONS-BBOOTH TRAI¡. 0 .00 0 .00 0.00r 0¿-4-000 80 6 00 DONAÍIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00t 04-4-O00808 00 G¡LE ¡{OT'NTATN DONÀIIIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00t o4-¿-000810 00 BÀ¡¡K INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00* 0¿-¿-000812 00 MILT FRYE NÀTURE ÀREÀ 0.00 0.o0 o. o0r

!!oȡl Lvanuaa 0,00 0,00 0.00i

04-5-650 6¿0 00 GILE I,ITN. EXPENSE 0.00 0 .00 0.00r 04-5-650680 00 B BOOÎH TRAIL 0.00 0.00 0.00r 0¿-5-650700 00 I.ÀI¡D CONSERVÀTION 0.00 0.00 0.00r 0/¡-5-650701 00 coNs corôt r.oAN 0.00 0.00 0.00r

0 ¿-5-650702 00 ur¡¡t gxPENsE 0.00 0.00 0.00t 04-5-650703 o0 BBOOTH TRÀIL EXPENSE 0 .00 0 .00 0.00r

0,00 0.00 0.00r

!ot.l COllI¡ME¡Oil CO¡l ntID 0 .00 0.00

05-4-O00 800 00 J GTRÀRD FT'ND DONATIONS 0.00 1. 808 . 00 100 00t

05-,{-000801 10 HunÈI€y Mdr Bridge Fund D 0.00 /¡. 710 . 00 100 00t O5-¡l-OOO802 00 ICE RINK DONÀTIONS 0.00 0.00 0 00t o5-¿-0008 02 20 Erorn Schoolhouse Bridge 0.00 0.00 0 00t 05-¿-00080¿ 00 PI,AYGROI'}ID DONAEIONS 0 .00 0.00 o 00t 05-4-000805 00 BÀRRETE BRE.ÀD OVEN DONÀTI 0.00 0.00 0 00t o5-4-00080 6 00 RECREA TON FT'ND-DONÀTIONS 0.00 0.00 0 o0r 05-¿-o008 08 00 GRÀ¡i¡TS 0.00 0.00 0 o0r

05-¿-0 00 8 10 00 BANK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0 00r

EoË¡I l¡vanua. 0,00 6, tlt,00 100.00i

05-5-425345 00 EQUIP!|Ei¡Í PURCEASES 0.00 0.00 0.00+ o5-5-425Ã22 00 III'NTI,EY MEÀDOÍI IMPROVEMEN 0.00 0.00 0.00r o5-5-425422 10 EunÈ]'ey MeadoY Bridgê 0.00 0.00 0.00r o5-5-425424 00 GRANIT 0.00 0 .00 o. oot o5-5-425426 00 PLÀYGROI'ND 0.00 0.00 0.00c 05-5-425¿28 00 BÀRRETT BREÀD OVEN 0.00 0.00 0.00r 05-5-425/¡30 00 ICE RINR PROJECT 0.00 0.00 0,00t 20 30 LLl2r/20 Iown of Norwích Generål l.edger Page of 09:53 u Current Yr Pd: 5 - BudE€t Status RePort HT¡'L5BGRÀ¡ttMER RECRSATION FÀCII.IÍY & IMP

Àccount Àctuã1 Budg€t Àctual t of Budg€t

05-5-11255¿0. 00 ÄDVERTTSTNG 0.00 0 .00 o.00t 05-5-425560,00 BYRNE FOI'N BATTING CAGE 0.00 0.00 0.00t 05-5-¿25580.00 J GTRARD FUND EXPENSE 0 .00 3,958.14 100.00r

0.00 !, tlt,1{ 100.00t

EoËrI t¡Ct¡tE¡Or ItC¡L¡ET 3 ¡rO 0.00 2, ll¡. l6

06-¿-000760.OO DESIG. GEN. FT'ND CONTRIB 0.00 0.00 0.00r 06-4-000810. OO BÀI.¡K INTEREST REVENUE 0 .00 0 .00 0.00r 06-4-000s12. 00 rNsuRAr¡cE cLÀrM 0.00 0.00 0.00t 06-¿-000817. 00 EoUTPMENT SAT.ES 0.00 0.oo 0,00t

Eotal Lvanua¡ 0 .00 0 .00 0.00i

06-5-555322. 00 f'rRE E9U¡PMENT PT RCHÀSES 0.00 2,632.06 100.00t

Ectrtr !xp.nCltu!.. 0,00 t,6!2.06 100,00r

EoËrl tll¡ rtDlttEu¡ IlJllD 0.00 -2r 6!2,0t

07-¿-0007 60 00 DESIG. GEN. FUND INCOME 0.00 0 .00 0.00r 07-4-0008 10 00 BÀNK INÍEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00r 07-4-0008 13 00 INSI'RÂNCE C'.ÀIM 0.00 0.00 0,007 07-¿-0 00817 00 EQUIPMENT SÀI.ES 0.00 0 .00 0.00r 0?-¿-0o08 18 00 vT BOND BÀI¡K 0.00 0,00 0.00r o7-¿-ooo820 00 FEMA GRÀIi¡Î ÀNTICIPÀTION N 0.00 0.00 0.00t 07-4-OOO822 00 ÀI,lt FEI¡IA GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 0.00t floÈrl Lvanuaa 0 .00 0.00 0.00r

07-5-700322, 00 r¡rGHtlÀY EQUTP, PltRCllÀSES 0.00 0.00 0.00t 07-5-700324.00 LOAN TNTER5ST 0.00 o.00 o.o0t

EoÈrl lxp.ndtrtu!.. 0,00 0.00 0.00t

EoÈrl ll¡OllÍt? lgU¡ll¡RE rUþ 0.00 0,00

0 8-4-O007 60 00 DESIG. GEN, FT'ND 0 .00 o.00 0.00t 08-¿-0o08 10 00 BÀNK INÎEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00r 08-4-000820 00 FEMA GRÀI{T ANTICIPAITION 0.00 0.00 0. o0t 08-¡¡-000822 00 AI,T FEMA GRÀNT REVENT'E 0 .00 0,00 0.00t 08-{-o0082¿ 00 toÀt¡ PRoCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00r o8-¿-00 9900 00 MISC REVENI'ES 0.00 0.00 o. oot

!!oÈ¡l Lvanua. 0.00 0 .00 0.00t LL/24/20 Torn of, Norrich cenelal tedger Page 21 of 30 09:53 a Cur¡ent Y! Pd: 5 - Budget Status Repa.È T¡TML5BGRAI{MER HIGI¡WÀY GÀRJAGE FT'ND

Àccount Aêtuål Budget Àctual å of Budget

08-5-70032¿. 00 LOÀri¡ TNÎEREST 0.00 0.00 0. o0t 08-5-702690. 00 ltl¡tY GARAGE BI,DGS 0.00 0.00 0.00* 0A-5-702692. OO FEIIA ÀITERNÀTIVE PRO!'ECTS 0.00 0-oo o. oot

EcÊrtr !r.p.ndl!ur.r 0 .00 0.00 0,00r

EoËrl lllomAf Olttl¡! IUrD 0.00 0.00

09-¿-000760,OO DES¡G. GEN. FUND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00r O9-4-OOO81O.OO BÀNK INTEREST 0-00 0_oo o-008

!!oÈr¡, Lvanuaa 0 ,00 0,00 0.00r

09-5-600322.00 SOLID WASIIE E9Urp 0.00 0.00 0.00r

0,00 0,00 0.00r

IoÈ.1 tO!¡D lltlE! lgU¡D Il¡ÎlD 0.00 0.00

10-4-000760.OO DESIG. GEN. FT'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00t 10-¿-000810. 00 BÀNK TNÍEREST 0. o0 0.00 0.00r

!!oËrl Lvanu.¡ 0,00 0.00 0.00t

10-5-500322.00 POI,rCE STÀTrON 0.00 0. 00 0.00r

EoËrl lxE.nCÀÈur.r 0,00 0,00 0.00r lotrl tO!¡C¡ aEtEloll nilD 0.00 0,00

1 1-4-0007 60 00 DESIG. GEN. FI'ND INCOI'E 0.00 0.00 0 o0t

1 1-4-000810 00 BÀNK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0 00t 11-4-000816 00 SaI€ of po].icê v€hic].es 0.00 10,000.00 100 00t

1 1-4-000 8 17 00 SAI.E OF POLICE EQUIPI'ENII 0,00 0.00 0 00t I 1-¿-000819 00 DRUG ENFORCEMENT INCOME 0.00 0,00 0 00t

1 1-4-O00 820 00 INSI'RA}¡CE CLÀIM 0.00 0.00 0 00r

1 1-/t-OOO821 oo 2016 EQUIP INCENTIVE GR,A¡¡ 0.00 0 .00 0 00t

!!oËal Lvanu.. 0.00 10,000,00 100.00r

11-5-500322.00 PO¡rCE CRUTSER 0.00 37,267.OO 100. o0t 11-5-500¿23.16 2016 E9UIP INCEI{TTVE GRÀ¡¡ 0.00 0. o0 0. o0T

Eotrl ¡rE.nCltur.r 0.00 t7 t267 ,OO 100.00t

EoË.I ?O!¡Cl Ctu¡tll 0,00 -27 t?67,0o LL/24/20 Torn of Norrich General Ledger Pâge 22 of 30 O9:53 m current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget stalua RePort AITML5BGRA¡OáER TOIIN REÂPPRÀISAI, FI'ND

Àccount Àctuè1 Budget ÀcÈual t of Budget

12-¿-OOO75O.OO DESIG. GEN FI'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00t 12-4-000810.00 BÀNK TNTERESÎ 0.00 0.00 o.00t

Eatal Lvanua¡ 0 .00 0 .00 0.00t

L2-5-300322. O0 REÀPPRATSÀ! o.oo 0.00 0.00*

0,00 0,00 0.00r

EoËrl Eglfi ¡¡lDDtålll! tlr¡lD 0 .00 0.00

13-4-000410. 00 GRÀ¡.¡ll 0.00 0.00 0.00å 13-4-000760.00 DESTG. GEN. ¡'tND TNCOME 0.00 0 .00 0.00t 13-¿-000810. 00 BAI¡K TNTEREST 0 .00 0,00 0.o0r 13-1t-000812. 00 GÀzEBo DoNÀTroNs 0.00 0.00 0.00t

!!cËal Lvanua¡ 0 .00 0.00 0 .0or

13-5-¿50322.00 TR.ACY AAI.L BUII,DING 0.00 0.00 0 .00t

EoËr1 lxp.ndlÈur.¡ 0.00 0,00 0.00t

Eotrl EIåCI llt&! lullD 0,00 0.00

1¿-4-000760.OO DESIG. CEN ¡'I'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0. oot 14-{-000810.00 BÀNK TNIEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00t

EoÈatr Lvanuat 0 ,00 0,00 0,00t

1¿-5-100611.00 GEN ÀDMIN EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00t

Eotrl lrE.ndlÈur.. 0.00 0 ,00 0.00r

EoÈ.l O¡nlll! tDlllll, ItllD 0.00 0,00

15-4-OOO8OO. OO DONATION GRÀI¡ITE BENCA 0.00 0.00 0.00t 15-¿-OOO81O. OO BÀNK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00r

Eotal Lvanuar 0.00 0.00 0.00t

15-5-4253¿5. 00 E9UTPEMENI PITRCHÀSE 0 .00 0.00 0.00t L5-5-I25422. OO GRAIi¡ITE BENCI¡ MATERIÀI.S 0.00 0.00 o. oot

EoÈ¡l !xp.nÉltu3.. 0 .00 0 .00 0.00t

EoÈ.l Ct.nlt. þ.noh tlÈh o!Y.È. 0,00 0,00 1,L/24/20 llown of, Norrich cen€ral L€dger Page 23 of 30 09:53 m Curr€nt Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Status ReporÈ HITML5BGRAIIMER cranite b€nch with crysta

Account Actual. Budget Àctuål t of Budg€t

16-¿-000760.OO DESIG. GEN E'UND INCOME 0.00 0,00 0.00r 16-¿-000810. OO BÀ¡¡K INTEREST 0 .00 0.00 0.00r 16-¿-000820.00 rEuÀ Àr.T PRoJECT RE.ENUE 0.00 o. oo o.00*

EoË.I l¡vanuaa 0.00 0,00 0,00r

16-5-/¡25346. O0 DÀll IMPROVEIIENT 0.00 0.00 0.00r 16-5-¿¡25348.00 FEIllA At,T PROJECT 0.00 0.00 o.00c

EoËrI la¡¡.ndlÈur.¡ 0 .00 0,00 0,00t

Eot.l l¡Cl¡lEloll ltDlD-Dr¡l 0,00 0.00

17-¿-000760.00 DEsrG, GEN FUND TNCOMD 0.00 0 .00 0.00r 17-1¡-000808.o0 woMEN's c¡,uB GRANT 0.00 o.00 0.00t 17-4-OOO81O.OO BÀ¡¡K INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.00t

EoËr1 Lvanr¡.. 0 .00 0,00 0,00t

17-5-/¡253¿5.00 TENNIS COURT 0.00 0.00 0.00r

ÍoÊ¡tr lrt at¡dltur.¡ 0 .00 0 ,00 0.00t

EoË.l IICI¡IE¡O| nfiD-F!¡llll¡ CO 0,00 0.00

19-¿-000760,OO DESIG. GEN FI'ND ¡NCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00t 19-¿-OOO81O.OO BÀNK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 o. oo* llotrl Lvatrr¡ar 0 ,00 0,00 0.00r

19-5-100611.00 r¡{N CrK E9UrP 0.00 0.00 o.00r tloËrI laD.ndltur.. 0.00 0.00 0,00r

Eot.l EOït C&!tI lgu¡t rlnD 0 .00 0 .00

21-4-000760.OO DESIG. GEN. FT'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00r 21-¿-OOO81O.OO BÀNK INTEREST 0,00 0.00 0.00t 21-4-000817.00 EQUTPMENT SÀ¡,ES 0,00 0.00 o.00c 21-¿-000818.00 BULTET PROOA VEST 0.00 0.00 0.00r

!¡otal Lvanuaa 0.00 0. o0 0 .00r

21-5-500612.00 SPEC EQUrP CÀPrrÀL 0 .00 0.00 0.00t

0,00 0.00 0,00t LL/24/20 Town of Norvích General Ledge¡ Page 24 of, 30 09:53 a Current Yr Pd: 5 - Budget SÈatus R€Port HTML5BGRà}IMER POlrcE sPEc EgurP FrrND

Account ÀcÈua1 Budg€E Àctual t ef BudgeÈ

Eotrl tO!¡C! lD¡e lgu¡t tlrllD 0. 00 0 .00

22-¿-000806. 00 DoNÀllroNs 0.00 0.00 0.00t 22-1I-OOO81O. OO BÀNK INTEREST 0 .00 0 .00 0.o0t llctal Lvanua¡ 0.00 0,00 0.00t

22-5-500543.00 KIDS Ê COPS PROGRAII 0.00 o. oo 0.00t

ÍoÈ¡1 ¡rp.nClÈur.¡ 0 .00 0 .00 0.00r

Eot.l I¡Dl ¡ COt¡ ¡UO 0,00 0.00

23-¿-000760.00 DESIG. GEN. FT'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00t 23-4-000806. 00 DoNÀTroNs 0.00 0.00 0.00t 23-l¡-000810.00 BÀNK INTEREST 0.00 o.00 0.o0t llotrl Lvanuar 0.00 0.00 0.00¡

23-5-580150. 00 ESCROII ACCOITNT DEPOSTT 0.00 0.00 0.00*

Eot.l Irp.n¿lËur.. 0.00 0,00 0 .00t

EoÈ¡l llfOlDl¡¡.¡ tl0U¡tll0 nnD 0'00 o .00

2¿-4-000700.00 llrMBER SALE 0.00 0.00 o.00t 24-4-000808.00 CRANII TNCOME 0.00 0 .00 0.00t 2¿-4-OOO81O.OO BÀNK INTEREST 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 24-{-00081¿.00 woMEN's c¡.tB GRAr¡r 0.00 851.63 x00.00r

EoÈ.I Lvanua¡ 0,00 t!1. ú! 100,00i

2¿-5-580150. 00 r,ÀND MGI,E COUNCTL 0.00 o.00 0,00* 24-5-580170.00 vforen's club Grant ExPens 0, 00 0.00 0. o0r

Ectrl ¡¡.t.nClÈu!.r 0 .00 0,00 0.00t

Ectrl ¡lND lll¡llô!¡CllE co$lcl! ¡ 0,00 lt1. al

25-¿-000760.OO DESIG. GEN EI'ND INCOME 0.00 o,o0 0. o0r 25-1t-000810. 00 BANK INTERESÎ 0.oo 0.00 o.00r

EoÈrl Lv.nuar 0 .00 0,00 0,00i

25-5-555322.00 FrRE STÀTrON o. oo 0.00 0. oot rL/24/20 Torn of No¡wich cene!ål Lêdger Påge 25 of 30 09:53 4 CuffenÈ Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Status Report IITML5BCRÀ¡'MER FÎRE SEAEION FT'Iì¡D

Àccount Àctual Budget Àctual t af, Budget

EoË.1 !r.p.nClÈur.. 0 .00 0.00 0.00t

Eotrl f¡l¡ att!!¡Oll lul@ 0.00 0,00

26-4-000760 00 DES¡G. GEN EI'ND INCOIIE 0.00 0.00 0.00r

26-4-OO0780 00 FYOT TIOMEI,ÀIID SECURITY GR 0.00 0.00 0.00t

26-{-OOO7a2 00 E'Y2O1O A¡.G GRÀD¡T 0.00 0.o0 0.00ï 26-4-OOO7A4 00 VLCT GRÃNT 0.00 0.00 0. oor

2 6-¿-0008 10 oo BÀNK INTEREST o. oo o. oo 0.00r

llotal ¡avanu.. 0.00 0,00 0.00t

26-5-555322.O0 FrRE EQUTPMENT 0.00 0.00 0.00r 26-5-55532¡t.00 FY 2010 À¡'G GRÀNT 0. 00 0.00 0.00*

Ectrl lr.pandltutar 0 .00 0.00 0 ,00i

Eot.l l¡ltr lolrltll¡¡lE I¡tfD 0. 00 0.00

27-Ã-000760.00 DESIG. GEN FT'ND INCOME 0.00 o.00 0.00t 27-4-000?80.00 Mrsc. REVENUES 0 .00 o.00 0.00r 2?-4-000810. 00 BÀNK TNTER.ESE 0.00 0.00 0.00r

Eotrl Lvanr¡aa 0.00 0,00 0.00r

27-5-700300. 00 srDEfiÀr,K PRoF sERv¡cEs 0. 00 0.00 0. o0t

EcËrI !rÞ.nClÈur.. 0 .00 0.00 0.00t

EoÈrl I¡DITIII tltlE 0,00 0,00

28-4-000760.00 DESTG. GEN FI,ND rNCO¡tE 0.00 0.00 0.00r 28-4-000810.00 BÀNK INÎER.EST 0.00 0.00 0. o0t llotal Lvanuat 0,00 0.00 0.00r

28-5-OO13OO. OO FÀCILITY STUDY o-oo o-oo 0. o0*

0,00 0,00 0.00t

EcËr¡ ¡.O!lO Í¡l¡l ttc¡!¡El TEUDI 0.00 0.00

29-{-000760.OO DESIG. GEN FUND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00r 29-1¡-000810. 00 BÀ¡rK TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.009

FoÈrl Lvanuaa 0.00 0.00 0.00i 1,r/24/20 Torn of Norrich Gen€ral ledg€r Pagê 26 of 30 09:53 m Cur!€nt Y! Pd: 5 - Budg€t Statu3 RePort ¡II¡ML5BGRÀMMER TOI|À¡ MÀNAGER VEIiICI,E TUND

Àccount Aqtuâ1 Budget AcÈual T of Êudget

Eortl EOt¡t Xltl¡¡l vllllc!¡ tlr[D 0, 00 0 ,00

30-4-0007 60 00 DESIGN, GEN FT'ND INCOUE 0.00 0.00 0 .00r 30-/¡-000806 00 GÀZEBO DONATIONS 0.00 0.00 0.00r 30-¿-000807 00 DOI¡ATION TOR RELOCÀTION 0 .00 0.00 0.00t 30-¿-000808 00 GRÀNT RTCEIPTS 0.00 0. o0 0.00t 30-4-000810 oo BÃNK INTEREST 0.00 0.00 0 ,00t

!!oÈrl Lvanu.r 0,00 0.00 0.00t

30-5-¿50901. 00 BA¡IDSTÀND 0.00 0.00 0 .00t

EoÈrl lxt.ndltur.. 0, 00 0.00 0.00t

Ectrl ¡åtlD¡EltlD l¡llollllllol tlrllD 0,00 0,00

31-¿-000760.OO DESIG. GEN FI'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00r 31-¿-000810. 00 BÀñK TNTEREST 0-00 0.00 0.00$

!!oÈrl Lv.nuaa 0,00 0 .00 0,00t

31-5-555320.00 TRA¡ISrER OIXI rO TOI{ER FtN 0.00 0.00 0.00r 31-5-555322. 00 COMMUNTCAITONS STUDY 0.00 0.00 0.00r

EoÈ.1 lrpa¡ìCltut.. 0,00 0,00 0 ,00i

EoÈ.l Col.ÍfilctEloll lEttDl llrllD 0.00 0.00

33-II-OOO8O8.OO TRÀI{SFER FROM GENERAI FI'N 0.00 0.00 0. oot 33-¿-000810. 00 rNlrEREsr 0.00 0.00 0.00t 33-¿-000812. 00 Dor¡ÀrroNs o. oo o.00 0.00t

Eotrl Lvanu.. 0 .00 0.00 0.00r

33-5-005?02. 00 CrrrzEN ASSTSTÀNCE 0.00 700. oo 100.00t

0, o0 ?00.00 100,00i

Eot.l CIE¡!¡ll tlt¡lEl¡le! ¡lRlD 0 ,00 -700,00

3¿-¿-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00 o.00 o, oo*

!!oÊrl l¡vanua¡ 0,00 0.00 0.00r

80È¡l lfcEu tottflllt$t 0 .00 0 ,00 rL/24/20 llorn of Norrich cenera1 L€dger Pâge 27 of 30 09:53 m Cu$ent Yr Pd: 5 - Eudget Status Report IiTML5BGRÀ¡¡IMER CORRIDOR TREE

Àccount Àctua1 BudgeÈ Actuå1 * of, Budg€t

35-¿-000810.00 TNTEREST 0.00 0. o0 0,00r

Eotrl Lvanuat 0 .00 0.00 0 .00r

35-5-706113. 00 TREE PURCHÀSE 0.00 0.00 0.00r

0 .00 0.00 0. o0t

EoË¡l gOll¡DOt EllI 0,00 0.00

36-¿-000810. 00 iNTEREST o.oo o-oo o. oo*

Eotrl Lvanuaa 0. 00 0 .00 0,00t

EoÈrl tlult OIIllB 0,00 0,00

37-4-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00 0.00 0.o0* 37-¡¡-000812. 00 FLÀG DONATIONS o, 00 0.o0 0.00t

Ect.l Lvañuaa 0,00 0.00 0.00¡

37-5-375610. 00 SrrPPr,rES 0.00 0.00 0.00r

llotrl !$r.nClËur.¡ 0,00 0.00 0,00t

Eotrl Xl¡tl tTl¡¡! t¡ål¡t 0.00 0.00

38-Á-000810.00 rNrERrsr 0 .00 0.00 0.00r

!!oÊ¡1 Lvanr¡a¡ 0,00 0.00 0,00r

38-5-OOOO1O.OO TRA¡SFER TO TRUSTEES 0.00 0.00 0.00*

EoËrl !xp.ndltu8.¡ 0,00 0.00 0.00r

EoËrl lCltOO& !¡tl!¡ÅltD 0.00 0 .00

39-¿-000810. 00 TNTEREST 0.00 o.00 0.00r

EoËrl Lvañuar 0,00 0.00 0,00r

39-5-OOOO1O.OO TRÀNSFER TO TRUSTEES 0.00 0.00 0.00r

EoÈ¡I !¡.p.nólÈur.r 0 ,00 0.00 0.00¡

!!oÈr1 00tt!! t¡ât!¡,tflD 0,00 0.00 LL/24/20 Torn of Norrich G€neral Ledg€r Pag€ 28 of 30 09:53 ü current Yr Pd: 5 - Budg€t status RePort HTML5BGRÀIiIIER GOSPEI, LEASELÀIi¡D

Accout Àctua]' Budg€t AcÈual t of Budget

¿0-4-000760.OO DESIGNÀÍED GEN FT'ND CONTR 0.00 0 .00 0.00t ¿0-4-0008x0,00 BANK TNÍEREST 0 .00 0.00 0 .00r 40-/¡-009008. 00 SCHOLÀRS!¡IP DONÀTIONS 0 .00 0.00 0.00r

!!oÈr1 Lvanuaa 0.00 0 .00 0.00t

40-5-42524A . O0 SCHOLÀRS¡IrPS 0.00 0.00 0.00c

Eotrl ¡*p.ndlËu!.r 0,00 0.00 0 .00t

Eotrl l¡ct¡tE¡d tcro¡4rt8¡rl 0 .00 0,00

¿1-4-000¿02.00 sT. o¡' w BRTDGE GRANT 0.00 0 .00 0.00t ¿1-4-000¿05.00 FEMA e vr Ena¡. GRÀNT 0.00 0.00 0.00t ¿1-¿-000760.00 DEsrG. cEN FUND rNCOllE 0.00 0.00 0.00t 41-¡¡-000810. 00 BÀl¡K INTEREST o .00 0.00 0.00t

!¡oÈrl Lvanuar 0,00 0. o0 0.00r

¿1-5-700675.00 BRIDGE REHÀB 0.00 0 .00 0.00t 41-5-703321. 00 VÀOT GRÀÌ¡T EXPENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00t

EoË¡l lrDandltut.. 0,00 0,00 0,00t roÈr1 DDll-lllDO! IlrtD 0 .00 0 .00

t2-4-O00402.O0 ST OF vT PAVTNG GRAI¡I 0.00 0.00 0.00t ¿2-4-000760.OO DESIG. GEN. EI'ND CONTRIB 0.00 0.00 0.o0t /¡2-4-000810. 00 INTEREST 0.00 0.o0 o-oo*

EoÈ.I Lvanuaa 0.00 0.00 0.00t

42-5-?00565.00 PAVTNG 0.00 L32,790 .09 100.00* 42-5-10370L.O0 ST OF vT PAVTNG GRAI{T 0 .00 0.00 0.00t

Eclll ¡xp.ndltur.. 0.00 1!2. ?rO,0t 100.00t

EoÈrl DDr-DlV¡llO tltfD 0.00 -1!2r710.09

43-4-000760. OO DESIGNÀTED ¡'T'ND CONARIB 0.00 0.00 0.00* 43-¿-000810. 00 TNÎEREST 0.00 o.o0 0.00r

lctrl Lvanua¡ 0 .00 0. 00 0,00t

43-5-701T601.00 B & G EQUIPMENT PURCHÀI¡ES 0.00 0.00 0. o0t LL/24/20 Torn of Norwich General Ledgor Page 29 of 30 09:53 4 Current yr Pd: 5 - Budget Status R€port HIML5BGRÀ¡r¡.|ER BUII.DINGS E GROUNDS

Àccount ÀctuaI BudgeÈ Actual. t of Budg€t

EoÈal lrp.nCtrtur.. 0,00 o, oo 0,00t

Eotrl ¡Ul¡.DlHOl ¡ 0l0lrllD¡ 0.00 0,00

¿¿-4-OOOa10 00 INTEREST 0.00 0,00 0.00t /¡4-4-0008 11 00 INTER.EST MA,SCOMA BÀNK 0.00 0.00 0.00t /¡{-¡¡-000812 00 INTEREST-LEDYÀRD BÀNK 0.00 0. o0 0,00t

4 4-4-0008 18 00 TÀX EXEMPT I,EÀSE PURCIIÀSE 0,00 0.00 0.00t ¿4-¡¡-000819 00 BOND PROCEEDS 0.00 0.00 0.00t 1¡¿-r¡-000820 00 GRÀI¡T IIOMEI.ND SECURIÎY 0.00 0.00 0.00t 44-4-000821 00 TRÀI¡SFER IN CO¡ßI. FT'ND 0.00 0.00 0.008

Egtrl Lv.nuaa 0.00 0,00 0,00r

4 {-s-000 818 00 TÀX EXEMPT LEASE PI'RCIIÀSE 0.00 0.00 0.00t

44-5-500¿28 00 FY- 1 OBOMEI,ÀT¡DSECURITYGRA¡¡ 0.00 0.00 0.00r

¿ ¿-5-575 1 00 00 Debt Seryice Toser Princi 0.00 0.00 0.00$ 44-5-575622 00 CONSTRUCTION 0.00 0. o0 0,00t 4rt-5-800235 00 II¡l[ER.EST 0.00 0.00 0.00r

Eot¡1 !¡.p.ndlturar 0.00 0 .00 0.00r

!o!.1 ColcllrnlgtElola golltltuc!¡ 0 .00 0,00

¿5-¿-OOO3O2. OO RESTORÀTION REVENUE 0.00 6,7 AL .OO 100.00r ¿5-¿-000760.OO DESIG. GEN. FI'ND INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00t 45-4-000810. 00 TNTEF'EST 0.00 0.00 0.00r

!!oÈ.1 0,00 6f 7t1.00 100,00t

45-5-1003¿1. OO RESTORATION EXBENSE 0.00 0.00 0.00t

EoÈrl lrp.r¡dlËur.¡ 0 .00 0.00 0.00t

Eot,ll l¡ColD¡ l!¡llolt!¡Oll 0 ,00 6, 7{1 .00

¿6-¡I-000760.OO DESIG. GEN FI'ND INCOIIE 0.00 0.00 0.00r ¿6-rt-OOO810. O0 INTEREST 0.00 0,oo o-oot

Ectrl Lvanr¡at 0,00 0 ,00 0.00r

46-5-575740.00 c€nerðto! expênsê 0.00 23,243.50 100.00r

EoÈrl !¡.p.ndlËut.a 0,00 23. Z{3, l0 100.00t

EêÈ¡l olml Eor tulD 0,00 -¡3,2a3. ¡0 rt/2a/20 Town of Norïich Genåral Ledg€r Page 30 of 30 09:53 s currênt Yr Pd: 5 - Budget Statua R€port ¡¡IMI,5BGRÀI'¡'ER GENERÀTOR FI'ND

Àccgunf ÀctuaI Budget

47-4-0007 60 00 PROCEEDS FROM DEBII ISSUA¡.¡ 0.00 0 .00 0.00r ¿7-¿-000802 00 DONATIONS 0.00 0 .00 0.00t 47-4-000804 00 INSI'RÀI¡CE REFI'ND 0.00 0 .00 0.00t 47-{-000810 00 INTERTSII US BA¡i¡K 0.00 0 .00 0 .00t

¡17-4-0008 1 9 00 BOND /!OÀN PROCEEDS 0.00 0 .00 0 .00t

!!oËal Lvanuar o .00 0 .00 0 .00t

a? -5-s7 s622. OO CONSTRUCTTON COSIS 0 .00 0 .00 0.00t

EoÈrl hD.ñClÈur.. 0 .00 0 .00 0.00t

EoÈrI Dlr¡llc tlt¡Eï ¡IC¡!¡EI 0 .00 0 ,00

EoË¡l lll lun¿r ¡1,101.00 La,72a,7ta,l¿