Published in Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, 346, issues 2-3, 317 - 332, 2004 1 which should be used for any reference to this work Hydrogen Peroxide Oxygenation of Alkanes Including Methane and Ethane Catalyzed by Iron Complexes in Acetonitrile Georgiy B. Shul×pin,a,* Galina V. Nizova,a Yuriy N. Kozlov,a Laura Gonzalez Cuervo,b Georg S¸ss-Finkb a Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, ulitsa Kosygina, dom 4, Russia Fax: ( 7095)-1376130, e-mail:
[email protected] b Institut de Chimie, Universite¬ de Neucha√tel, Avenue de Bellevaux 51, Case postale 2, 2007 Neucha√tel, Switzerland Received: September 9, 2003; Accepted: January 17, 2004 Abstract: This paper describes an investigation of the amount of PCA. The investigation of kinetics and alkane oxidation with hydrogen peroxide in acetoni- selectivities of the oxidations demonstrated that the trile catalyzed by iron(III) perchlorate (1), iron(III) mechanisms of the reactions are different. Thus, in chloride (2), iron(III) acetate (3) and a binuclear the oxidations catalyzed by the 1, 3 PCA and 4 iron(III) complex with 1,4,7-triazacyclononane (4). PCA systems the main oxidizing species is hydroxyl The corresponding alkyl hydroperoxides are the main radical, and the oxidation in the presence of 2 as a products. Nevertheless in the kinetic study of cyclo- catalyst has been assumed to proceed (partially) with hexane oxidation, the concentrations of oxygenates the formation of ferryl ion, (FeIVO)2. In the (cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol) were measured oxidation catalyzed by the 4 PCA system (TONs after reduction of the reaction solution with triphe- attain 240) hydroxyl radicals were generated in the nylphosphine (which converts the cyclohexyl hydro- rate-determining step of monomolecular decomposi- peroxide to the cyclohexanol).