INSPI RATI ON TROLDTEKT® NATURAL ACOUSTIC SOLUTIONS 2 INSPIRATION / Index Troldtekt 3 In this magazine you will find 18 buildings where the combination of design and acoustics creates first class international architecture. Edition: 1 edition INSPIRATION Publisher: Troldtekt A/S ® 04-05 06-07 08-09 Sletvej 2A DK - 8310 Tranbjerg J TROLDTEKT Tonstad School and Baths, City of Westminster College, KKG, Technical College and
[email protected] High School, Norway Norway United Kingdom NATURAL Editorial staff: Tina Kristensen ACOUSTIC Camilla Jakobsen 10-11 12-13 14-15 Pressential LLP SOLUTIONS Oakmeadow Primary School, Gymnasium in Tórshavn, Atuarfik Hans Lynge School, Photos: United Kingdom The Faroe Islands Greenland Tommy Kosior Adam Mørk Hedonism Wines From Greenland all the way to South- BASCON 16 17 18 Architype ern Germany, this magazine introduces you to a range of different projects Dunkers Art Centre, Sommerstaden in Malmö, Vilsbiburg Sports Hall, Thomas Mølvig Sweden Sweden Germany KHR arkitekter which have Troldtekt acoustic solutions. Per á Hædd These include pulsating educational aarhus arkitekterne a/s institutions, impressive sports facili- Arkitema Architects ties, cosy restaurants, offices with a Kenneth Nguyen 19 20-21 22-23 Greg Townsend pleasant work environment and also Baldingen Nursery School, Hillerød Town Hall, Vestas Technology R&D Center, Morten Mygind Arkitekter MAA Denmark’s first LEED Platinum certified Germany Denmark Denmark Helene Høyer Mikkelsen building. All projects possess great ar- Torben Eskerod chitectural