Tribal Green Building Toolkit 2015
Tribal Green Building Toolkit 2015 Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. – Chief Seattle, 1854 EPA-909-R-15-003 July 2015 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is grateful for the invaluable assistance of a number of organizations and individuals who helped develop the Tribal Green Building Toolkit (Toolkit). Tribes contributed to the development of the Toolkit by participating in green building codes pilot projects, by providing comments, through the Tribal Green Building Codes Workgroup and through feedback obtained at the National American Indian Housing Council Annual Conference in May of 2013. The project was led by EPA Region 9’s Tribal Green Building Team, in collaboration with Tribal Green Building Codes Workgroup members. Special thanks to the following individuals for leading the development of the Toolkit: • Michelle Baker, LEED AP, and Timonie Hood, LEED AP, EPA Region 9 • David Eisenberg and Tony Novelli, Development Center for Appropriate Technology • Laura Bartels, GreenWeaver, Inc. We recognize the following individuals for providing invaluable feedback on the Toolkit: • Big Sandy Rancheria: Jaime Collins, Robert Rhoan and Miles Baty • Blue Star Studio Inc.: Scott Moore • Builders Without Borders: Martin Hammer • Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, LLP: Dean Suagee • Intertribal Council on Utility Policy: Bob Gough • Ross Strategic: Elizabeth McManus, Jennifer Tice, Morgan Hoenig and Todd Roufs • Sault Tribe of the Chippewa Indians: Joanne Umbrasas • Spokane Tribe of Indians: Benjamin A. Serr, Tua Vang, Ryan Hughes, Richard Knott, Donner Ellsworth, Melodi Wynn, Jennifer Covington, Lux Devereaux, Lorri Ellsworth and Clyde Abrahamson • Sustainable Native Communities: Jamie Blosser • U.S.
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