Grammar Revision
A Grammar Revision • to show that the person/thing is unique. (the sun, the 1 Articles earth, the moon, the sea, the sky, the equator; the Pope, the King, the Queen) The indefinite article The Pope has declared Mother Teresa of Calcutta a saint. • when there is only one thing of its kind in a place. The indefinite articles are a and an. Ross, can I borrow the bicycle? [= the bicycle that belongs We use a: to the family] • before words starting with a consonant. Æ a book • in front of a singular noun which represents a class of • before u-, eu- with the sound /iu:/ and before o- with the animals/things. sound /wö/. Æ a university, a European, a one-day trip The kangaroo lives in Australia. • before a semivowel. Æ a yard, a wonderful experience • in sentences where you define a particular person/object with a phrase or a clause. We use an: The woman who wrote that book is very famous. • before words starting with a vowel. Æ an apple The world’s population is growing rapidly. • before a silent h-. Æ an hour, an honour, an heir, • before superlatives and ordinal numbers. an honest man Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Italy. This is the third time I’ve sent him an email. Uses • in front of nationalities to indicate ‘all the people’. The English love talking about the weather. We use a(n): • with names of rivers, seas, oceans, mountain ranges, • to talk about a thing in general. groups of islands, and countries that include the words I need a phone.
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