TAMIL NADU VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY Livestock Farm Complex, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai – 600 051 Tel: 044 – 2555 1571, +91 94447 39475, +91 94430 30707 Email:
[email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tender No. 4315 / PVC Container/ e - procure / LFC, MMC / 2018 Date:14.12.2018 TENDER NOTIFICATION (Through eProcurement Portal www.tntenders.gov.in Only) For and on behalf of the vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Livestock Farm Complex, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai – 600 051 invites online bids from eligible bidders / tenderers / actual Manufacturers / accredited distributors of such, manufacturers for the supply of PVC Containers for Livestock Farm Complex, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai – 600 051, Thiruvallur District, Tamil Nadu, India. Bidders / Tenderers may quote the rate for the following. Sl. No Name of the Item No. Unit Required PVC Containers 1.1 PVC Container with lid - 120 lit capacity 2500.00 Numbers 1.2 PVC Container with lid - 200 lit capacity 385.00 Numbers Tender schedule, Technical specification and Special instructions, conditions and checklist to bidders of PVC Containers may be downloaded from e-Procurement website https://tntenders.gov.in. Interested tenderers participating in the e-tender bid should log on to the website www.tntenders.gov.in. Also they may contact Help line No: 044 –2555 1571, +91 94447 39475, +91 94430 30707 email:
[email protected]. The Livestock Farm Complex, MMC, Chennai will not be held responsible for the website problems like, last date of submission, non-receipt of the same & if any. Competitive rates may be quoted for the supply of PVC Containers for destination at Livestock Farm Complex, Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai – 600 051.