EVIDENCE-BASED COMMUNITY-DRIVEN MAPPING: CATALYZING CITY PLANNING AND SERVICE PROVISION IN MUNTINLUPA AND OTHER CITIES LOUIE ROBERT POSADAS 3, DEANNA AYSON 2, RUBY PAPELERAS 1, CHRISTOPHER EBREO 3, LUNALYN CAGAN 4, DANILO ANTONIO 4, JOHN GITAU 4 1 Homeless People’s Federation Philippines, Inc. 2 Philippine Action for Community-led Shelter Initiatives, Inc. 3 Technical Assistance Movement for People and Environment, Inc. 4 UN-Habitat / Global Land Tool Network Presenter’s email:
[email protected] Paper prepared for presentation at the “2019 WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY” The World Bank - Washington DC, March 25-29, 2019 Copyright 2019 by author(s). All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. Abstract This paper narrates the experiences of the Homeless People’s Federation Philippines Inc. (HPFPI) and its partners in facilitating citywide community-driven mapping activities in Muntinlupa and other cities with varying contexts across the country. While these initiatives follow no specific format, it was observed that critical elements define the legitimacy of the approach being promoted. Community participation is essential in all phases as it provides an accurate, up-to-date representation of the needs and aspirations of informal settler families (ISFs) being mapped. Validation of mapping results at different levels is equally important as it generates ownership of the process among ISFs and ensures delivery of demand-driven services. As a people’s process, the results of mapping can be used in numerous ways, be it on housing, basic services provision, and city management, among others.