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Home Search About Current Issue Hightlights Contact us Organic magnetoresistance based on hopping theory Yang Fu-Jiang, Xie Shi-Jie Citation:Chin. Phys. B, 2014, 23 (9): 097306 doi: 10.1088/1674-1056/23/9/097306 Journal homepage: http://cpb.iphy.ac.cn; http://iopscience.iop.org/cpb What follows is a list of articles you may be interested in Anomalous Hall effect in perpendicular CoFeB thin films Zhu Tao Chin. Phys. B , 2014, 23(4): 047504.Full Text: PDF (2054KB) Structural and electrical properties of laser-crystallized nanocrystalline Ge films and nanocrystalline Ge/SiNx multilayers Li Cong, Xu Jun, Li Wei, Jiang Xiao-Fan, Sun Sheng-Hua, Xu Ling, Chen Kun-Ji Chin. Phys. B , 2013, 22(10): 107201.Full Text: PDF (751KB) Confined states and spin polarization on a topological insulator thin film modulated by an electric potential Liu Yi-Man, Shao Huai-Hua, Zhou Xiao-Ying, Zhou Guang-Hui Chin. Phys. B , 2013, 22(7): 077310.Full Text: PDF (849KB) Ferromagnetism, variable range hopping and anomalous Hall effect in epitaxial Co:ZnO thin film Bai Hong-Liang, He Shu-Min, Xu Tong-Shuai, Liu Guo-Lei, Yan Shi-Shen, Zhu Da-Peng, Dai Zheng-Kun, Yang Feng-Fan, Dai You-Yong, Chen Yan-Xue, Mei Liang-Mo Chin. Phys. B , 2012, 21(10): 107201.Full Text: PDF (761KB) Universal spin-dependent variable range hopping in wide-band-gap oxide ferromagnetic semiconductors Dai You-Yong, Yan Shi-Shen, Tian Yu-Feng, Chen Yan-Xue, Liu Guo-Lei, Mei Liang-Mo Chin. Phys. B , 2010, 19(3): 037203.Full Text: PDF (183KB) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chinese Physics B ( First published in 1992 ) Published monthly in hard copy by the Chinese Physical Society and online by IOP Publishing, Temple Circus, Temple Way, Bristol BS1 6HG, UK Institutional subscription information: 2014 volume For all countries, except the United States, Canada and Central and South America, the subscription rate per annual volume is UK$974 (electronic only) or UK$1063 (print + electronic).
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