The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, Instigated by the Pope of Rome

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The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, Instigated by the Pope of Rome LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. @fjUF. COFllrin~f l]nJJ CI' ~helf :"R~ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 'rite Ma~~cte of St. 1BatthololIlevv. (ILLUSTKATEDo) PREFAOE - A great contest has begun in onr country. Tile Romau Catho!ic Hierarchy has declared its intention to take possession of this Be-' public, to extirpate Protestantism and compel all mell to bend the knee before its altar~. Order~ have cOllle from Home to destroy our public school system - the corner stone of a free gOTeI'nllJent - and those orders ~re being executed to the utmost. The press is largely under control of the papal priesthood-so much of it as i~ Hot so controlled ,vill no·t publish any­ thing refiecting on the hierarchy for fear of offending theil' Homan Catholic readers, anrl so 108in~' subscribers. 'fhougb this remark applies more partie­ ularly to the secular press, yet those religIOUS pnblications - the Ol'galls of the \Tarious protestant clmrcbes s£'em timid and fear to set fortlJ the whole truth respectiNg the eyil designs or Rome upon the liberties of the people of the United States. Still, siIlce the late bold a.ttack - of Home upon our school system, whiclt attack seemed to culminate in Boston, the American peop . begun to inquire as to this fearful power, ~which has its bend in I u foriegn land. What are its principlrs, wha.t its history, and its aims in this country, are some' of4ihe inquiries now being made by thousands of American citizens. To meet the demand for such information about 20 independent newspa.­ pel's have come lllto existence, a,lld they are telling tile wllOle truth without fear or favor. Several ofthese are ad,·ettised in tltis pamphlet, yet there arc many tilou8aml good people in eyery State into wbose hands no one of these publications bas yet come. Here is room for the PAMPHLET. ~l1ose who are fortunate enough to see the danger should give anote ofwarning to their sleeping friends and relatives. r.o far as I know this piece ofhh;tory bas ne\-er before been published ill a, cbeap and convenient form, so as to he easil,Y accesible to all the people Hist,g.ry is the great teacher of mankind, the light of the past and present, ,e guide of the future. Hardly can you make amOl'e useful present to Jour dend or perhaps, a morl~ acceptable one, than this little book. I hope it will full somehow into the hands of everyone in the world who can read. Prices by Mail or express prepaid- One, Copy, 15 cents. Two Copies, 25 cell ts. Ten Oopies, $1.00. 100 Copies, $f.00 1000 Oopies, $50.00. N~ B. Special rates by the 1000 for gratuitous distribution. address, OH ASE ROYS, 631 F STREET, N. W. W.ashihgton, D. C. THE MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW. CHAYl'ER 1. kept the people of Spain, Mexico and Austria ever since she got control of Why Study this Massacre ?-Coligny them. And then remember it is a cardinal Attracted to Paris-The Character dogma of the Roman Church that her principles never change. Rome may di~, of Catherine de Merlicis-Her In­ but she cannot change. No organization terview with the Pope's Nuncio­ with a declared infallible head can ever Dangers that Threatened the Hu­ amend or improve its infallible decrees. But Rome says: "I did not do it; it guenots. was done by the civil power." Few events have exerted a more far­ Pierre Larousse, a native of the coun· reaching or more potent influence on the try in which this dreadful butchery oc­ religious world than the massacre of St. curred, published at Paris. in 1816, in fif­ Bartholomew, which began on the 2-1-th teen ponderous volumes, his immortal day of August, 1572. at Paris, France. work, !'Grand Dictionnaire Universel du The vast number of non-Catholic XIX Siecle." On page 278, under the men, "omen and cfiildren whose lives head of "Massacre of St. Bartholomew," were t~en sacrificed to the demon Popery, he says: "The recital of this tragic epi­ makes It an event never to be forcrotten sode seems like a bloody leaf torn from by Protestants. Neither old age n~r ten­ some barbarous oriental monarchy. The der infancy nor sex was spared. problem to be solved is, Was the general But some good people, too cautious extermination of the P.:otestants premed­ and timid, may ask of what use it can be itated a long while in advance by the to bring before the people at the United great queen (the mother of the then reign­ States the horrible events of 300 years ing- king, Cllarles the IX), and pursued ago. I answer that \V~ judge what will with admil able dissimulation, until accom­ be by what has been. The very same plished, as Da\ ila, Capilupi and other organization, the same hierarch'l, that fanatical panegyri<;ts cynically affirm? committed those diaboHcal atrocities, still Or was it political, or prm'oked by coun­ exists, and has a powerful foothold in terplots of the Huguenots; and had the these United States, is growing stronger representatiYes of the dominant religion and mOre formidable, and boasts that in no part in it!' Or was it a spontaneous a few years more it will have full control outburst of the fanatical populace ?" of our government, and will be able to do "All these theories and others have had the same things here that it did in France their partisans." in the sixteenth century. Nay, more, its "It is known that after the peace of principal public journals openly threaten Saint-Germain, Coligny, the great admiral that they wi!! do them! Let us see, then, and the principal man of the Huguenots, what its adherents did when they had the was attracted to the [royalJ court by power and the opportunity. But human Catherine de Meoicis (the queen mother) nature, it is said, has changed since then and Charles IX, by dint ot flattery and for the better. Maybe; human nature is frequent, pressing invitations. changeable and history shows that it The old captain had placed himself, sometimes changes for the worse as well with heroic confidence, in the hands of as for the better. A good government his enemies-not that he felt altogether enables it to improve, but give Rome ab­ safe, but with the desire of counterbalanc­ solute control and she will reduce the ing the Spanish and Lorraine faction, and people of this country, in a single century, of healing the ills of France, which had to the same condition in which she has been exhausted by civil wars, and of em­ 2 TilE MASSACRE OF ST. BARTlIOLOMEW. v playing the national energies in a foreign work, which the ultra-Catholicfaction had war, and to assist in extending the fron­ been for a long !t"me pursuing with an tiers, and in liberating the Protestants of implacable tenacity, C 'lupi. reports the Netherlands." He first met King that in 1568, four years ~re die massa­ Charles at Blois, where the Court then r cre, she had a conversation with the was. nunct'o, who was urging her to this and "Yet who can affirm,'" continues La­ Catherine gave him the assurance 'that rousse, "absolutely, that this impetuous she andHis Majesty (her son) hadnoth­ man, depraved by an Italian education, ing mon at heart tha7~ to trap the ad­ reared in the principles of Machiavel and miral andhis adherents some day and the Borgias, was entirely of good faith? make an ever-memorable butchery of One of his great admirers has bluntly \ them." said: 'The king had no difficulty in fal­ "Meanwhile, while Coligny was enter­ sifying his word as often as he wished.' taining the king with vaster projects-ex­ At all events, he received the admiral as a tension of the boundaries and of the savior; he called him his father; he paid patronage of France, organization of the every attention to him and his friends; marine, weakening of the Spanish power, he made him a solemn entry into Paris, not only in the Low Countries, but in the giving him the place of honor at the N elf World; while the grand patriot was king's right hand; at his request the king dreaming how to efface allparty divisions caused an elevated pyramid, built upon by occupying all the forces aad all minds the site of the house of a merchant named in great national enterorises, the odious Gastine, who had bem buntedjor lettillg complot was organizing around him. his lodging to aJt assembly ofProtestallts, Strozzi and old La Garde were empty­ to be torn down; in nne, the king seemed ing the arsenals of La Rochelle, the willing to follow. the admiral's advice en­ stronghold of the Protestants, under the tirely, The Lorraine party, the Gurses, pretext of arming the fleet for the expedi­ seemed in full disfavor; the ultra-Catho­ tion to the Low Countries. The Spanish lics filled the churches with their decla­ faction was openly combating the ad­ mations, and the chaplain of the king miral's plans, The Guises by degrees himself, Sorbin of Sainte-Foix, boldly at­ introduced an army into Paris, composed tacked CharI es I X, and did not fear to of gentlemen of their numberless fiefs. exhort the Duke of Anjou to continue bullies supported by them, clients of the work of annihilating the heretics, every condition provided them by their which had apparently been abandoned by party, &c, Bolstered up by the powerful his brother, the king." clergy of Paris} and by the bulk of the "As to Catherine, there is no doubt population, sustained by a part of the -that she constantly nourished the idea of Court, they already appeared as masters of destroying the Protestant chiefs, and par­ the situation.
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