ARTS & I THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 0LAKER ENTERTAINM ENT SPORTS Saddam a "serial liar" Date Auction: fiindraising Women's Hockey sweeps success or collegiate "escort PAGE 2 Wayne State I service?'! PAGE 12

Vol! 76 Noil5 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38tKSt|Erie Pa. 16546 Febniary 13,2003 u Mercyhurst Student Ethnicity Event 2003 phone-a-thon ends successfully

top of the calling groups with By Jess To bin and 871 pledges totaling a whopping KeUv Rose Duttine $47,549.v \ The women's hockey team Please see page 3 for a was not far behind. Otherj indepth study of Thanks to 324 students, al- groups and organizations that Mercyhurst's ethnicity most 2,000 pledges and over participated included: men's $100,000,5the 2003 Mercy- hockey, men's volleyball, wom- hurst College phone-a-thon en's volleyball, the cheerlead- was a huge, record breaking ers, the dance team, the HRIM success. With the hard work department, football, men's la- of so many volunteers and or- crosse, women's lacrosse, ganizers who worked to "pre- softball, women's basketball, serve the legacy," the phone- rowing, field hockey, and wres- a-thon should surpass all 2003 tling. goals. Special thanks go to the 324 The Mercyhurst phone-a- student volunteer callers that thon began in January of 1981 made the 2003 phone-a-thon under the direction of Gary L. end in great success. Bukowski who is now the Vice "This is the highest student President of Institutional Ad- participation we have ever had vancement. He created the help out with the phone-a- phone-a-thon as a way of t a l k - thon," said Zinram "It has al- Bulletin Board ing to the college's alumni ways been my intention to have about the annual fund effort. this many students participate." Interestingly enough, at that The 2003 phone-a-thon made Feb. 11-14 - Flower and time Mercyhurst did not have singing telegram sale in many advances over the the telephone numbers they amounts collected last year. D'Angelo Lobby or outside needed in order to call the The total calls made in this Walker Recital Hall. $5 4,000+ alumni. With the aim year's phone-a-thon added up of obtaining the numbers that to 19,127 vs. 16,562 in 2002. Feb. 14 - Men's Hockey vs. they needed, Denise Mall, Knsten Maillard/Contributing photographer There were 6,089 people spo- Sacred Heart in the Ice Arena class of 1982, spent her work The 2003 phone-a-thon had a record breaking year, including more student volunteers than ken to versus 4,976 in 2002. at 7 p.m. study hours calling directory ever before. A special congratulation goes assistance for the entire data to senior Michelle Logsdon of Feb. 15 - Brain Bee in Zum base helping create the very ing $96,479. "The annual fund asked to pledge. This year, how- of the economy. "It's remark- the Ambassadors Club for be- 114 from 12-4 p.m. Call first successful phone-a-thon. and alumni offices have more ever, parents and alumni donat- able that we raised so much ing the top individual caller this Darlene Melchitzky at ext. This year's phone-a-thon pledges to confirm and we are ing money were given the op- money this year, when schools year with 91 pledges and 3342 for more information. was run from Jan. 19 until confident I hal we will surpass the tion to designate their pledges across the country are losing $9,755. \ I Feb. 6 under the direction of goals," said Zinram. to the Old Main and Zum Hall donations from a l u m n i and par- Feb. 15 - Mentalist in Steve Zinram, Director of the The purpose of the Mercyhurst renovations in addition to stu- ents," said Zinram*'* Annual Fund. This year's goal For more update information Webber Recital Hall from 9- phone-a-thon is to raise funds for dent financial aid. Sixteen clubs and organiza- about the phone-a-thon, 10:30 p.m. | was set at $100,000 with a student financial aid. Current par- It was surprising to all in- tions here on campus participat- total of 2,000 pledges. As of please see future articles of ents, past parents, of alumni who volved with the phone-a-thon ed in the phone-a-thon and The Merciad Feb. 16 - Nunsense Feb. 7, the phone-a-thon had still support the college and the that this was a record breaking helped make it successful. The received 1,932 pledges total- performance in Taylor Little alumni themselves are called and year, because of t h e current state Ambassadors Club were on the Theater at 2:30 p.m.

Feb. 18 *- 1 ecture: Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu, Black No, you're not getting taller 9 MSG news educator in the PAC at 8:30 p.m. the portal's shorter AmericaiMf, n author and educa- By Dave Del Vecchio and tional speaker will address stu- Feb. 19 - "Secretary" movie Kelly Rose Duttine dents in the?D'Angelo Per- in the PAC from 8-11 p.m. forming Arts Center at 8:30 I The Administration passed p.m. a "Campus Beautification" pro- Dr. Kunjufu has written Guess Who? posal, which includes the instal- many books, including "De- lation of bike racks, garbage veloping Positive Self-images cans, park benches and trees and Discipline in Black Chil- on Briggs and Lewis dren", "Motivating and Prepar- I [ M DRi i nun Avenues. It also will include ing Black Youth for Success," the removal of the fence around "Lessons from H i s t o r y : A Cel- the grill area in the "Hanging ebration in Blackness," "Criti- Gardens." This has been cal Issues in Educating Afri- drafted with the cooperation of can American Youth," "Black the Mercyhurst Green Team. Economics: Solutions for [ The first C h a r i t y Snow Ball Community and Economic was held on Jan. 31 to benefit Empowerment," and "Adam! the Erie Crimes victims Center Where Are You? Why Most (formerly the Rape Crisis Cen- Black Men Don't Go To Index ter.) So far, the proceeds are Church" J; I still coming in, but the current Students interested in attend- News 4 % ' donation is $1,200.00. J ing the lecture can pick up News 2 • A proposal has been given tickets beginning Feb. 11 with News «> j3 to the administration for a run- student ID at the Box office. Features i\ 4 time Shut! le Driver; this could Faculty and staff may pick up Features 5 mean increased operation for their tickets Feb. 13-18. Box Opinion 6 next year on the MSG shuttle, office hours are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10-12 Opinion ' going to the Mall and State Street. noon and 1 -4 p.m., Wednes- A&E 8 • The second MSG lecture day 10-12 noon and 1-6:30 Jody Mollo/Merciad photographer A&E\ ;: 9 of the 2002-2003 Lecture Se- p.m. and Saturday 11-3 p.m. Sports 10 Who would have thought that the newest, most expensive building on campus would ries will be presented on Tues- Anyone with questions regard- Sports 11 have the most problems? The portal outside of the Audrey Hlrt Academic Center has day, Feb. 18. Dr. Jawanza ing the lecture or tickets can sunk two inches since the beginning of the academic school year. Sports 12 Kunjufu, an renowned African call ext. 2428. 1

« PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD FEBRUARY 13,2003 NEWS I INTERNATIONAL To contact: [email protected] A s U.N. gathers more data, Bush team calls Saddam 'serial liar' "He's used to fooling the By Shannon McCaffrey, world. He's confident he can Daniel Rubin and Diego fool the world. He wants the Ibarguen world to think hide and seek is Knight Ridder Newspapers a game we should play. It's WASHINGTON United Na- over," Bush said. tions weapons inspectors on France and Germany have Sunday said Iraqi officials ap- proposed to beef u p the inspec- pear to be taking disarmament tion teams. The German maga- talks more seriously and have zine Der Spiegel reported details handed over new documents on of a plan by the two countries, anthrax, nerve gas and missile I saying that U.N. weapons in- development spections would be tripled, all The Bush administration re* Iraqi flights would be banned sponded with skepticism and and U.N. peacekeepers would | said time was running out for be deployed. ' Iraq to come clean. National S German Defense Minister Pe- Security Adviser Condoleezza ter Struck confirmed a plan Rice on Sunday called Iraqi was being discussed, but would leader Saddam Hussein "a seri- not give details. He said Ger- al liar" who built up his weap- man forces "could well take ons of mass destruction over part" in any peacekeeping in 12 years in defiance of U . N . dis- Iraq. armament demands. Rice and Secretary of State "The Iraqis are playing a game Colin Powell, pushing the ad- here," Rice said on CNN. ministration's case in a round "They do this every time they of appearances on the Sunday feel a little bit ofpressure. What morning television news they're trying to do is create a shows, rejected the French- little bit of sense that they're German proposal. Powell called moving forward so they can it "a diversion, not a solution." release the pressure on them- KRT "The issue is not more in- selves. But they have one thing Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN), John Negroponte U.S. Permanent Rep. to the UN., Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), and U.S. spectors. The issue is compli- to do and one thing only, and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage talk before testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on ance on the part of Saddam that is to disarm" and answer the United Nations weapons inspector team's report on Iraq Hussein," Powell said on NBC's questions about what happened more seriously.' related to the country's chemi- veillance planes. it is going to be relevant in "Meet the Press." to their chemical and biological "We impressed upon the Ira- cal and biological weapons, but President Bush kept up the terms of keeping the peace, Also Sunday, Russian Presi-I weapons. qis that we need quick progress he said they needed to be ex- pressure on the United Nations. whether or not its words mean dent Vladimir Putin after a Chief w e a p o n s inspector Hans and drastic change. ... Yes, we amined further to assess their In a speech before a Republi- anything," Bush said. "But one meeting with German Chancel- Blix, speaking to reporters af- have seen progress but we need value. Iraqi presidential adviser can policy conference in White thing is certain. For the sake of lor Gerhard Schroeder in Ber- ter his Saturday and Sunday quick progress," chief nuclear Amer al Saadi said officials also Sulphur Springs, W. Va., Bush peace and the sake of the se- lin said he supported a peace- talks in Baghdad, said: "I hope weapons inspector Mohamed had supplemented a list of the said the international body fac- curity of the United States and ful disarmament and saw no I have seen in those days the ElBaradei said. country's nuclear scientists. es a "a moment of truth." our friends and allies, we will reason for using military force beginning of taking these re- Blix said Iraqi officials turned Blix said Iraq had not agreed "The United Nations gets to disarm Saddam Hussein if he against Iraq. maining disarmament issues over a number of new papers to the use ofAmerican U-2 sur- decide shortly whether or not will not disarm himself. Greenspan warns against Finalists in Ground Zero design* p i c k e d By Larry Fish Knight Ridder Newspapers World Trade Center finalists letting deficit get? t o o high TWo proposals tare btm chosen w flnafets b y Ihe m n nbiDflrtg Ihe site erf N«wYcfk City's dostroywlWodd Trad Q Cerrtortowen. NEW YORK From nine eye- Studio Daniel Libeskind A budget deficit of $ 100 bil- popping designs unveiled in THINK By Ken Moritsugu lion to $200 bil lion is manage- December, the agency respon- team* Knight Ridder Newspapers able, Greenspan said, imply- sible for redeveloping the World ing that anything larger risks Trade Center site Tuesday nar- a dangerous hike in the feder- rowed the field to two, either al government's debt. ol which calls for putting up WASHINGTON Federal "A rise in the debt increases the tallest structure in the world. Reserve Chairman Alan the amount of interest pay- The two radically different Greenspan weighed into the ments, which in turn increas- designs will be on display and debate over President Bush's es the debt still further, and open to public comment until proposed tax cut Tuesday, there is an accelerating pattern the end of the month, when the voicing concern about the ris- after you reach a certain point | Lower Manhattan Development ing federal budget deficit and of no return," he said. Corp. will select one as lead questioning the need for a Some tax-cut supporters say architect for the site. There is new economic stimulus pack- budget deficits aren't impor- still no guarantee that either de- age. •; tant. They dismiss the argu- sign will actually be built. He also surprised some an- ment that deficits push up The two finalists are an in- alysts with a cautiously up- Alan Greenspan long-term interest rates, there- ternational team led by Rafael by harming economic growth. Team led by New Ybltt U.S. aretilted, designed beat assessment of the U.S. of t h e tax on dividend payments Vinoly, who designed Philadel- architects Rafael Vfinoty, Jewish Museum In Berfrt economy's prospects, though to investors. But he said that Instead, they say tax cuts phia's Kimmel Center, with a Fredefe Scfwarti - • Bulkfingi with 1,776 f t he said that fears of war with such a step should be taken will promote economic proposal for two latticework 1,603 ft. (SOT m) tall (54lm)8(*et ffifi Iraq make it difficult to gauge only in conjunction with other growth and that a strong econ- towers that would house con- Lattc* around space WorM • Each yeer on Sep! 11, sun Trad* Censer occupied R 1 the economy's underlying steps that would offset the loss omy is the key factor in gen- cert halls, playhouses and oth- wH shine drecsy Into d&ep wells health. in tax revenue. More generally, erating budget surpluses. er cultural venues; and Daniel | KRT Greenspan's testimony to he warned that budget con- Greenspan, a leading propo- Libeskind, whose design would The two potential designs to replace the World Trade the Senate Banking Commit- straints would force Congress nent of President Clinton's I include far more commercial Center towers. tee is likely to bolster Demo- to make difficult choices deficit-reduction strategy in space but preserves the 70- cratic opposition to Bush's) among a bevy of otherwise the 1990s, flatly rejected the foot-deep foundation as a me- and most consider that New 2 million square feet of office proposal to reduce taxes to meritorious tax cut and spend- conservative arguments. morial to the more than 2,800 York's soft real estate market space. The latticework struc- boost economic growth. ing proposals in the years ahead "There is no question that if people killed in the 2001 terror- could not absorb it anyway. tures would be built above and Bush shocked many lawmak- "The trouble is that when you deficits go up, contrary to ist attack that destroyed the No detailed cost estimates around the footprints of the ers and analysts last week add them ail up, they come to a what some have said, it does trade center. were attached to the plans. trade towers but would not when he unveiled a tax cut al larger than the fiscal ca- affect long-term interest rates,] The Libeskind plan is designed It is not yet clear whether Sil- touch them. and budget proposal that his pacity of the country," he said. it does have a negative impact so that on each Sept. 11, at the verstein or the Lower Manhat- Libeskind's design includes a administration estimates will "We ought to be ...very care- on the economy," he said. moment that the first plane hit, tan Development Corp, actual- tower that would soar to 1,776 push up the annual deficit to ful not to allow deficits to get "Faster economic growth, the sun would shine on the spot ly has the upper hand in deter- feet and feature a memorial $300 billion. ;:| out of hand," he added, warn- doubtless, would make deficits where the first tower stood. mining what will be built on the space on which sunlight would Greenspan avoided direct ing that a growing retiree pop- far easier to contain, but fast- Officials of the redevelop- I site. shine each Sept. 11 between criticism of Bush's proposal. ulation means the federal gov- er economic growth alone is ment agency insisted that one Although both designs call for 8:46 a.m. _ marking the mo- In fact, he endorsed the cen- ernment will face soaring So- not likely to be the full solu- or the other design would even- a memorial to those killed on ment the first h i j a c k e d plane hit terpiece of the tax cut pack- cial Security and Medicare tion to currently projected tually give New York's skyline Sept. 11, neither includes a spe- the first t r a d e tower ;•; and 10:28 age, the proposed elimination costs in about a decade. long-term deficits," he added. the dramatic punctuation points cific plan for one. A competi- a.m., the moment the second previously provided by the 110- tion to design a memorial that tower collapsed. story twin towers. will begin later this month, once Currently, the world's tallest "Rest assured, the core idea an architectural team is chosen. buildings are the 1,483-foot Pet- of the plan will be preserved" Architectural critics have also ronas Twin Towers in Malay- no matter how much future contended that the commission sia. The World Trade Center pressures force changes in the has run the process backward; towers were 1,350 feet tall. \\ winning design, said Roland Usually, architects have known Officials made clear that both Belts, board member of the how many square feet of of- finalist choices were made al Lifnfted offer*] agency. fice, relai 1 and residential space ter input from the public in the 810 East 38th But Bctts' confidence is not they are to include. In this case, weeks since the initial designs JprwB f Pe€f order £ 9 universal. Larry A. Silverstein, they were invited to draw up were announced. Grcenqarden ideas largely free of those con- i Street J Pepperoni Balls with leaseholder for the commercial Libeskind and Vinoly both am straints. fc 459-1145 - §ny order of $5P space on the site, wrote the spoke briefly at Tuesday's an- lax: 480-8655 864*5322 agency last wee! complaining The design from Vinoly's nouncement, and thanked the f or more Fax:1868-3152 that he had been lefX out of the group, called THINK, calls for redevelopment agency for se- process and demanding that all two 1,665-foot-tall latticework lecting their designs for further Now deliverin i tolBercyRiiiWSfWWte with a order of 10 million square feet of office towers, which some have com- consideration. ^^^— «v 10 ofcuvnr delivery w f r e e space lost in the attacks be re- pared to the Eiffel Tower or a "It's something that we nev- There is a $1 delivery charge for all orders under $10 stored. construction ol Tinker TOYS er expected to be blessed There Is a $5 minimum order for delivery Neither finalist's design in- 1 lie design would i nclude about with" Vinoly said. cludes that much office space, FEBRUARY 13,2003 THEMERCIAD PAGE 3

To contact [email protected] S Planting t h e j s e e d s f o r summer Interface: Science What students need to do to prepare for a job a%our?fingertips

By Kristin Ptirdy will be put up near the Career Complied by Megan tails; however, no criminal de- Center, with additional informa- Fialkovich tection method is fool-proof. Editor-in-Chief tion available in its office. ti Contributing writer Seasoned criminals are able to In addition, a job fair bulle- test around polygraphs, and it * Even though the end of tin board will be posted outside Looking school is less than 100 days Canberra, Australia: Hypo- takes time for a new concept of 204 Old Main. Attending chondriacs and critter-phobes to become admissible in court '-away, the next three and a half these job fairs is a great re- for a job is months is a crucial planning I may want to skip over this sec- source, as more and more com- tion: At the second Internation- Farwell remains diligent; he •time if you are considering | panies are participating in job almost like al Rodent Biology and Man- has headed Brain Fingerprint- summer employment, an intern- fairs to save money on recruit- agement Conference, to ing Laboratories, Inc. in Fair- ship, a full time job or volun- ing expenses. Plus, you will be having a vhich my invitation was trag- field, Iowa, for the past 12 teering. able to meet more company ically lost in the mail, special- years, and has had guarded Bob Hvezda, Director of Ca- representatives in a short ists pointed to common rats success with several cases. rreer Services, has been filling amount of time. part-time as the source of|. infectious Farwell used brain fingerprint- his appointment book lately A j o b fair in Monroeville, Pa. disease pandemics in the near ing to solve a 15-year-old With students preparing for their | job. 33 future. Historically, they have murder by showing the sus- will be featuring 110 employ- Jody MeHoWeraad photographer ,future, whether it is next se- ers with a registration fee of been carriers of the Black pect photographs of t h e crime mester, during the summer or| only $5. Students who are in- Robert Hvezda Death (bubonic plague), E. scene, personal items from t h e a few years away. terested should contact Frank -Bob Hvezda coli, dysentar y, cholera, rabies victim and wound patterns on "Looking for a job is almost Rizzone at ext. 2424 for fur- and numerous tropical diseas- the body, which invoked the like having a part-time j o b , ' * said ther information. company and ask the human for consideration. Whether you es while on-board ships. They same involuntarily "tattling" on Hvezda. For those serious Here are several resources to resources department who to donate four or 10 hours a week have been found to harbor 70 the EEG ||1 '.about finding a job right for^| • send a professional letter of known diseases, with AIDS search in order to get a head to a law firm, food cupboard, -them, research and planning are employment to. Mail a resume, being one of the few excep- The man confessed to that start on a job search: Or human service organization, essential for a successful ex- or e-mail it along with samples the experience is a great addi- tions. and three other murders, and is currently serving a life sen- perience. Job fairs of your work and letters of r e c - tion to a resume. * For students who have not ommendation. Be prepared for tence. A landmark case using I Chamber of Commerce "[The Career Center] will While human populations 'begun to start looking for work, opportunities with a portfolio place students in internships may be growing out of hand, Farwell's technique to exon- websites *he offers plenty of advice on full of good papers, awards, until Memorial Day," said Hvez- consider this: for every human erate a convicted murderer is how to start looking, where to The Yellow Pages letters of recommendation, and da. There is plenty of time to born every day, there are 10 currently in the Iowa Supreme "look, what to prepare, and how Classified ads samples of your work. Follow find an internship but the soon- rats; that makes four million Court,?; to do it all. [ Family, friends, profes- up a week later with a confir- er you begin to look, the more across the planet, roughly. In Many businesses that offer sionals in your field mation call to ensure your ma- likely you are to land something the short, tough lives of these 'internships have already begun Hvezda discourages dot com terials arrived. you can learn from and enjoy. rodents, they scavenge almost fhe search for prospective stu- job websites such as A cover letter and a resume indiscriminately, acting main- dents. To get started, students Often, these job are a start to getting the atten- ly as pests and petri dishes . should refer to their professors, websites are difficult to find tion of an employer, but in or- with legs. r . advisors, and the Career Cen- exactly what you are looking der to be competitive, students For more infor- for in your desired location. {Source: Reuters) ter about businesses and com- have to be able to market them- Focus on your resources at mationfabout panies that may be suitable for selves, said Hvezda. In addition hand as well as local employ- Guangdong Province, Chi- their interests. documentation of your experi- specific assis- ment publications. ence and qualification is an im- na: While we're on the sub- In addition to knowing what tance from ject of e p i d e m i c s , the Chinese field you would like to intern Spring break is a good time portant asset to demonstrate to do networking people you that you are capable of any j o b . Health Ministry claims that the in, choosing a location or a Career "unidentified" viral strain of know about how to get experi- The summer offers time off handful of locations will help pneumonia which has killed ence in your area of study. If from school and the opportu- | Services, 1 narrow down your search. If five and hospitalized over 300 you have already sent out your nity to make money, which considering relocating to a city visit Main 201 orl near Hong Kong is 'Hinder con- application materials, the break some students rely on to pay KRT outside of E r i e , contact the area trol.*' The densely-populated in between semesters is also for their education. For those call ext. 2426 or rcolleges' Career Service offic- People's Republic neared ca- J2,000 pieces of wreck* ideal for setting up> interviews. students who cannot make the 2427. lamity earlier this week as re* age from the Columbia Once^ou have picked out at commitment to another j o b , the J Within Hew weeks; a nation- ports exaggerating the situation" -have been recovered. least three possibilities, call the option to volunteer is sti 11 open al summer job bulletin board abounded, creating a rush for white vinegar (useful for dis- infecting) and antibiotics (which cannot treat viral infec- Police and Mercyhurst's ethnic diversity tions, but stave off further Fort Worth, TX: NASA offi- bacterial infection). cials have thus far gathered Safety Log 12,000 pieces of wreckage and debris from the lost Co- The geographic concentra- lumbia shuttle, largely thanks 3500 1 tion of t h e unknown contagion Jan. 18.2003 to cooperation from c i t i z e n s of was the main cause for con- 3810 Briggs Ave. Texas and Louisiana. The ma- cern, more so than the num- Underage drinking, open 3000 terial from the STS-107 was bers themselves. containers found scattered over a 500- mile radius. Jan. 19.2003 2500 (Source: AP) 3943 Lewis Ave. 1984?: Iowa-based neurosci- In Mission Control's 26* Visiting student charged with entist Lawrence Farwell holds Status Report on the on-going underage drinking. 2000 investigation, no prevalent the- 1 out hope for a new crime-solv- E.41' St. 500 Block ing technique called, in what ories have been forwarded, Underage drinking, failure to will soon become CSI lexicon, but an independent committee, comply with officers. 1500 "brain fingerprinting." CAIB (Columbia Accident In- Egan Hall Cafeteria vestigation Board), has been Theft of coat 1000 The technique measures in- appointed to oversee the pro- ceedings. Most of the investi- Jan. 23.2003 voluntary electric impulses in the brain, which are emitted gation will focus on the enig- McAuley Hall | a matic umbrella term "Proba- Possession and growing of 500 when the brain recognizes spe- bility Risk Assessment." marijuana. cific visual stimuli, such as the face of a missing child, with 0 Meanwhile, the Expedition 6 Jan. 25.2003 an EEG The brain waves be- Various Races ••* Black Caucasian Hispanic Unknown team continues expansion of Lot #22 ing measured last from 300- (Not Hispanic) the International Space Station, Failure to comply with 500 milliseconds, and Farwell complete with a two-way au- officers while driving. himself h a s developed a meth- 3925 Lewis Ave. od of d e t e c t i n g impulses up to dio and video feed early Tues- Theft—money stolen from The male and female population of both Mercyhurst campuses Is over- 1200 ms. He insists that the day morning on NASA TV. visiting student while at innocent will register no rec- whelmingly Caucasian for both males and females combined. There are ( party. 1177 Caucasian males and 1967 Caucasian females. The lowest ethnic ognition of incriminating de-

?6r 2003 population was Hispanic, with 19 males and 18 females. Aside from East Duval Caucasiansf Blacks were had the second highest population density at WANTED Possession of weapons and Mercyhurst with 66 Black males and 58 Black females. drug paraphernalia Persons with:

Tan. 30.2003 Sinus Infections, Bronchitis Maintenance Building Coughing Truck was keyed in lot. I Attention Students!! $ Deadline for filing for financial aid for all students is No insurance? 1 Underinsured? :i March 15,2003 1 | Lot # 4 No family doctor? Verbal abuse by student, Are you ready? failure to produce ID, Listen! You may qualify to participate in a disorderly conduct in parking All students who intend to return to Mercyhurst for the 2003-2004 new drug study. lot ?• Egan HaU Cafeteria academic year must file paperwork with the Financial Aid office no You get free examinations, f r e e antibiotics, Forgery of ID to read 21 years later than March 15th. and compensation for being a participant. of a g e . All forms, along with tips for filing, car\ be found on the Student 3829 Briggs Ave. Call immediately, if you have the symptoms Furnishing of alcohol to Financial Services web page located at above. nderage recruits. | u Beata Clinical Research Services [•act ice Room 26 Look for additional information regarding this deadline in the mail CriminaP l mischief to door. 814-397-3700 and your Mercyhurst e-mail accounts. email questions to [email protected]

! PAGE 4 THE MERCIAD February 13,2003 FEATURES To contact: [email protected] They p o i n t to love Surviving ' S u r v i v o r There is lovelin the stars for many this week A reporter's account of thefSurvivor'experience f*l think it's the most au- teers in Fiji, with the hope of By Manuel Mendoza learning enough to compete in By Lash a Seniuk Stay open to passionate thentic group we've had in a overtures and ^ fast social The Dallas Morning while," says host Jeff Prob- a future edition. Knight Ridder Burnett still dreams of a Tribune Newspapers changes. s t During one week in this My trip to Brazil begins in ": Arabia" he says it's equatorial jungle - just days late October with little ad- the most beautiful place in the before "Survivor: The Ama- vance notice. After a passport world. He also fantasizes about . zon" begins shooting in early and visa scramble and four ruling over other forbidden flrtcs v Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). November I see no snakes or arm-pounding vaccinations, I realms: the Himalayas in Ne- A friendship or subtle flirta- piranhas. Not once am I bit- fly from D/FW to Sao Paolo, pal, Sri Lanka, Madagascar. tion may turn romantic this ten by a mosquito. And the where I change planes for We sneak away to his cir- ittcui-ifriiia week. showers, advertised as cold, Manaus. cular, sixth-floor room, and the Many Virgos will gently ex- Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19). actually emit a pleasant, natu- It's a four-part obstacle Cosmic Suite lives up to its pand their social and romantic Employment relations or small rally lukewarm flow. course that starts with a bram- name.; The solar system is Aries (March 21-April 20). commitments. Already attached financial details are easily clari- Even those dedicated to the ble of branches the contes- painted on the ceiling, illumi- Family relationships are de- Virgos can expect to find fied. Expect the past actions of service of Col. Kurtz, "Survi- tants will have to crawl nated by lights from a group manding this week. greater intimacy and sensuality a colleague. vor" executive producer Mark through. That's followed by of suspended miniature ca- New proposals will trigger in love relationships. Areas affected are wage dis- Burnett, are friendly enough, poles woven with cargo net- noes. J several weeks of p o s i t i v e gains After midweek, a sibling or cussions, payment practices or though sometimes a veil of ting that will have to be Burnett jovially recalls that in intimate and long-term rela- close relative may require busi- long-term company policy. Wis- confidentiality falls over his scaled, twin balance beams he couldn't find the switches tionships. Don't hold back. ness advice. dom from the past will be sur- machinations. In the end, the and finally "the flying fox," to turn off his celestial view, This is an excellent time to prisingly accurate this week. greatest danger is posed by the something Kirhoffer has been so he had to sleep under a put feelings into action. After After Friday, romantic pas- buffet laid out for the show's trying to work up since the bright, electrified cosmos. Friday, closely study dreams or sions are delightful but highly 400-strong crew. first "Survivor." Hn an earlier interview, he intuitions. Powerful social and emotional. I first see Burnett, or the A sign posted outside the outlined the many ways he and romantic wisdom will soon be grand fromage, as challenge restaurant advertises a wrap his acolytes keep the "Survi- made available. • producer John Kirhoffer calls party Burnett is hosting to- vor" contestants revved up. him, shortly after arriving at night for the latest "Eco-Chal- **We scared them a bit by the Ariau Amazon Towers re- lenge," which just finished telling them the bad stories, sort hotel. production in Fiji. "This is which are true," he says of t h e Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The lodge is also populated where we learned to shoot," Amazon's perceived dangers. Co-workers and business by its permanent residents: Burnett says of the series. "You're not walking down the partners may request quick in- dozens of mischievous spider "This is where 'Survivor'was street in Dallas. You're not formation or last-minute Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20). and squirrel monkeys known born." I I driving on the freeway i n Los changes. Yesterday's social or roman- for snatching food and de- Burnett's shows have be- Angeles. It's a different kind Taurus (April 21-May 20). Areas of concern are ongo- tic statements may be openly de- stroying rooms that are acci- come like a circuit; this time, of j u n g l e . * Before^midweek, respond ing contracts, traditional busi- bated. Trust your instincts and dentally left open. "Survivor: Africa" winner But unlike what the contes- quickly to new office informa- ness methods. Many Librans watch your own behavior for The creative force behind Ethan Zohn, first "Survivor" tants have been led to believe, tion. will begin several weeks of fast valuable clues. "Survivor" has remade the contestant Jenna Lewis and he says, the Amazon is less *Bosse9 and fellow workers business improvement. Over the next few days, pub- tactics employed for decades two "Road Rules" vets have dangerous than Africa or Thai- may soon correct misleading iAfter Wednesday, rest and lic reactions will directly reflect by old-line broadcasters at formed an "Eco-Challenge" land, where previous editions statements or workplace pro- plan unique social or family private intentions. war with the ever-expanding team. have been filmed. Unless, that cedures. events. Loved ones need extra Single Pisceans can expect to cable universe. Refusing to "They were thrashed,*! Bur- is, you spend too much time Spend extra time with loved group support and emotional become highly creative, socially merely skirmish with cable nett says. at the buffet. ones and improve family rela- contact. engaging and confident. competitors, he has blazed the Other former "Survivor" tions, if possible. Honestly ex- trail for the reality. contestants worked as volun- pressed emotion will greatly in- crease intimacy. **• Hallmark helps: Couples need romantic hintslfor Valentine's Day

By Karen Ublenhutb to bridge the gulf between two interest and initiative and car- tention are important to nurtur- Knight Ridder Newspapers people with priorities other than ing that translates into some- ing and sustaining relation- their relationship. thing positive for the relation- ships." But any effort to connect, ship," Donovan said. That message is central to Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The people at Hallmark even one that's been mass-pro- Hallmark's research indicated some of=the more popular Over the next few days, it thought that lovers both new duced, is constructive, said that many people yearn to fo- tomes on intimacy, such as may become obvious that a and old might need a bigger- David Donovan, a Kansas City cus more on their closest rela- John Gray's Mars/Venus Gemini (May 21-June 21). business or family relationship than-usual assist this psychologist who advises lots tionships, Bolton said. And yet, books and John Gottman's This week, business arrange- will not improve. Valentine's Day. of people on their relationship "there's this countertrend of a books on succeeding in mar- ments will work in your favor. Many Scorpios will slowly Taking the standard hearts troubles. shortage of time. Both mem- riage. Early Tuesday, pay close atten- bring new methods of business and cupids a step further, they He's amazed at how many bers work, there are all these /'All of those card ideas are tion to subtle communications or emotional support into their dreamed up a card that's a people; men in particular, organizations, they're running embedded in these books," he from bosses or partners. lives. cross between a declaration of haven't a clue how to resurrect the kids." '-^ || said. Potential lovers will be drawn After Saturday, intimate so- love and a day planner. So you a flagging relationship. Dan Claiborn, a psychologist Dan Claiborn is heartened to to your charisma and style. Re- cial discussions wil I bring valu- and your beloved can pencil "I ask them, 'What are you who counsels many struggling see cards that aim to bring main true to your feelings. able insight. Watch friends or each other in for an appoint- doing to make things more fun married couples, is heartened to about concrete actions. jjNew relationships may re- potential lovers closely. ment. or exciting or romantic?' And see cards that aim to bring about With frequent s m a l l changes, quire extra time or emotional Cynics might doubt whether they say, 'Well, nothing. What concrete actions. He suspects we can make big changes in testing. a nudge in the form of a greet- do you think I should do?' " that people are gaining an un- the quality of o u r relationships." ing card is going to do much "It shows some amount of U derstanding "that time and at-

Need a Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. JUST BECAUSE 21). Early this week, a boss Babysitter? Cancer (June 22-July 22). or business official may reverse |Look no ON SALE DOESN'T MEAN Romance and friendship may a recent decision or introduce involve subtle politics this week. an unexpected policy.?} further 1 ate Tuesday, expect loved ^ Areas of concern may involve YOU CAN AFFORD ones to be moody or to openly property management, financial compete for your attention. lending, budgets or records of Joyce a spending. After midweek, a new busi- professional *v ness routine may be necessary. Many Sagittarians will begin Baby-sitter is n» i Plan for late changes to time an intense phase of p r a c t i c a l fi- I schedules. nancial adjustments. Others here to watch need to witness your manage- your children ment expertise. during class or during your X\

.-: », * leisure time. 1

She is located on / . £ Parade Blvd. That's right within Leo (July 23-Aug. 22). walking distance Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. Friends and lovers will require of Mercyhurst. extra emotional attention, 20). Long-term romance will 6 Monday through Wednesday, experience a compelling phase Pay is expect loved ones to be quietly of open discussion. f negotiable I reflective or self-absorbed. For many Capri corns, hon- Allow friends and lovers ex- est expression will bring mean- You con contact tra time to work through diffi- ingful improvement to all key Joyce at 825- •as cult emotions. After midweek, relationships. Single Capricorns 5040 anytime optimism and romantic interest will experience intense creativ- 1 after 4, Learning responsible financial behavior now w i l l keep you out of trouble In the returns. Be patients itv. Mure. Find out how to manage debt avoid default on your student IOM"aT Don't forget to n u****^ your means at the online source^or i m » rSSELf leave a message. vrotra UMHI srepiim so. PAGE 5 THEMERCIAD February 13,2003

FEATURES! To contact* [email protected] Laura Rowles, come on down Mercy hurst student gets tolcontestant row By Courtney Nicholas By Amanda Orendorf the taping. Features editor Contributing writer The students began their day at the Price is Right s set very early in the morning. Rowles Mercyhurst alumni are reported that they waited in line achieving great things. Kate Laura Rowles* experience on from approximately 9 a.m. to Krupka was one example with the contestant's row on the 2 p.m. before seeing any life her letter in a recent addition Prices is Right proves that from the studio. of the Merciad) and now dreams do come true for those At 2 p.m., each person in line Jonathan Stark and John Bur- who are willing to wait. received a name tag that had a ton can be added to the list. The excitement began when number on it. Group-by-group Jonathan Stark graduated Barker announced, "Laura they were called to be inter- from Mercyhurst College in File photo Rowles, come on down." viewed by three individuals. 1975. He is a contracted Rowles said that when her j John Burton has been part writer employed by Disney. of local theatre since he name was called she felt "re- During this time, the 16 lively He has written many television ally nervous, lightheaded ner- Jody Mello/ Merciad photographer Mercyhurst students, all simi- was a student at Mercyhurst episodes, including the "com- College. vous.** Laura Rowles was on contestant's row at the Price is Right larly clad and clapping, were ing out" episode of Ellen, when she traveled to California with PCMA in January. Rowles made it to contes- chosen to enter the studio. which he and his writing part- During the taping, the audi- He has performed, directed, tant's row that day, but unfor- Do your homework before the into adulthood. Rowles, like ner Tracy Newman were and choreographed at all the tunately did not make it onto ence was instructed to continu- awarded an Emmy Award for.' show. Watch the show reli- many, remembers eating her ously clap and cheer. theatres in Erie except the stage. Newman and Stark have giously and get to know what lunch as a child while watch- "The studio was a lot smaller Roadhouse Theatre. Even though she did not written for "Cheers" and they things cost." ing the ever-popular show. Bob than it looks on T.V," Rowles "I have not performed out-j make it onto the stage she says have launched the family Senior Laura Rowles and 15 Barker has become an idol to said. side of Erie. I did take place the experience was amazing. sitcom, "According to Jim" in other HRIM majors recently many individuals through the Rowles said that Barker was in Sommerstock in Connecti- "Being in contestant's row was 2002. | made an appearance on the years he has hosted the show. a very nice, personable man. cut one summer,*' Burton said. a lot of run. It was fun to be Price is Right. The students According to Rowles, Tony During commercials he would "According to Jim" has be- Burton is presently teaching down guessing on the prices of traveled to Anaheim, Calif, with Tomaino, a fellow senior, con- talk to the audience and make come a major hit on ABC-TV. at the Erie Day School, grades items, while looking at your the Professional Conference tacted CBS several months be- conversations with the groups. Burton graduated from five through eight this semes- friends who are all screaming Management Association fore the actually trip due to the The show was aired on Feb. Mercyhurst College in 1987 ter. He has been employed at prices to you." (PCMA). *' ^f groups large size. 12 at 8 p.m. as part of a With a degree in Theatre. the school for 17 years. J* She gave all Price is Right For many people, actually Eventually, they received the primetime series. While at Mercyhurst, Burton Both men were featured in hopefuls some advice for get- being on the game show is tickets via mail and the date was took part in many of the the- the Erie Times-News Sunday, ting on the show. "Get picked. merely a childhood fantasy. For set for their trip.Vans trans- atre productions off campus. Jan. 26, Be really excited to be there. some, this fantasy may continue ported them to Los Angeles for Creative tips to spice up Valentine's Day Study faults college diversity tactic plaques that were like greet- "The person could even put By Diane Goldsmith ing cards for the home. in a photo of the event," said Both took issue with the spe- firmative action," according to Knight Ridder Newspapers By Christy Hoppe "Live! Laugh! Love!*' one Wind. "It's another way for The Dallas Morning News cialized efforts to bring minori- the study authored by read gaily. "Queen of Hearts,** them to connect in a sentimen- ties into universities, saying the Catherine L. Horn and Stella sang out another. tal way." emphasis should be placed on M. Floras. Once you get past the con- At TableArt in Ardmore, Pa., In orchestrating an experi- A Harvard study released improving kindergarten The study showed that ventional expressions of love Patty was plotting a romantic ence, though, it can take some Monday suggests that auto- through 12th grade so that all since affirmative action pro- for Valentine's Day - the doz- dinner for two, starting with thought to find just the right matic college admission for students can compete equally. grams ceased in Texas in en red roses, the box of choc- a tantalizing invitation delivered balance between the personal top-tier high school graduates Connerly said that automatic 1996, UT has managed to re- olates, and the flowery card — at breakfast. touch and the store-bought. is less successful than affir- admission programs are just a build to a steady percentage it's amazing what you can She'd borrowed the Ard- A big budget-buster this time mative action programs-and back-door- way to achieve of minority students by using come up with. * more home of friends Eileen of year is flowers, said Patty, has only spotty success in greater minority participation recruiting, financial a i d aimed Or how about toasting the and Scott Myers to stage a sce- "but you don't have to spend making campuses more di- in college. "^^r at low-income students. object of your affection by nario that involved the pome- $75 on a dozen roses." The verse. "You've begged the question Texas A&M has had less dropping the seeds of a pome- granate potion and the settee, petals you're going to scatter Without aggressive recruit- of whether it's appropriate for success: "On a campus that granate, which some associ- on which she had draped a can come from last week's ing programs, scholarships government to try to engineer is over 80 percent white and ate with passion (or at least fer- white faux-fur rug before scat- bouquet from the supermar- and financial aid packages, an outcome," he said. laden with the historv of an tility), into sparkling white wine tering the petals. ket, and best of all, "they've most of the programs prob- The Harvard study said that all-male, predominantly white or champagne to produce a She envisioned a CD play- been touched by you." ably wouldn't improve the those who argue a g a i n s t racial military training institution." crimson-tinged love potion? ing music the couple adored Nor do you have to use quite number of b l a c k s and Hispan- preferences ignore the fact Freshman enrollment at all These are just some of the as they nibbled away at yum- the profusion of flowers she ics who attend college, the that traditional admission stan- Texas schools in 2001 in- ideas offered by a pair of P h i l - my takeout and reminisced did for the table, which includ- study said. dards disproportionately help cluded 13 percent black, 21 adelphia area tastemakers not- over an old photo album. ed cherry-pink amaryllis, both "Without such supports, the white students, "since they are percent Hispanic and 60 per- ed for their creativity: John A party favor to "ooh" over burgundy and red roses, and plans are more like empty more likely to be legacies, to cent white. Wind is a jewelry and home- would cap the evening, and pink hyacinths. shells, appearing to promise have households with more Comparatively, at the UC accessories designer; Patty had found just the thing "Substitute tulips or ranun- eligibility, admission, and en- educational resources, to at- system, the freshman enroll- Katharine Grace Patty, an in cute little takeout boxes culus," Patty urged, "and just rollment for previously ex- tend more competitive subur- ment was three percent black, event stylist. (which she filled with choco- use nosegay roses here and cluded groups, but actually ban schools, to receive more 14 percent Hispanic and 38 Their thoughts on touching lates) covered with hearts there." j doing very little," stated the information about college." percent white. Asians made another's heart and connect- from a paper-goods and party Still, she seemed preoccupied, report by two professors from More exclusive campuses, up 39 percent of the entering ing on this big day for love store nearby. But plenty of o t h- unable to get those rose petals the Civil Rights Project at such as the University of C a l i - class. I should help spark ideas ofyour er ideas are out there for the out of her mind. Harvard University. fornia-Berkeley and UCLA, The study concluded that own. looking. She led a visitor to the stair- Two of the leading oppo- accept relativel) few students, success of recruiting minori- At his Maximal Art studio in Depending on how much way upstairs to demonstrate nents of affirmative action in and the top four percent must ties in the aftermath of affir- Manayunk, Pa., where expres- you want to spend, romantic yet another idea for the dinner higher education, former meet additional criteria that can mative action in the three sion of sentiment in the Victo- photo frames can make won- for two. Texas Attorney General Dan preclude minority students. states depended largely on rian era through the 1920s in- derful place-card holders that There, candles surrounded Morales, who was key in end- "In the context of those dif- devoting resources and effort spires the firm's creations to- guests can take home as fa- by petals were posted on each ing race-based decisions in ferences, the percent plans "The current recession is day, Wind was showing off vors. step, lighting the way. Texas schools, who has led seem to have the least impact the first test of t h e sustainabil- the charge against affirmative on the most competitive cam- ity of the plans, and early bud- action in California and nation- puses, which have persisting get decisions already threaten They loved 'em, lost 'em, and wrote about 'em ally said they believe the losses in spite of many levels some of these programs," the who roomed together at FSU "Using baby talk to him in Harvard findings. of efforts to make up for af- authors said. By Roger Moore and wound up sharing a place] public," Alexander says. The Orlando Sentinel in L.A. after college. They're The movie has changed single, and out of frustration Long's and Alexander's pro- Valentine's Day is Feb. 14. with that and all the self-help files, but they'd better strike Laker Inn Winter dinner You've got one day to ditch guides to help women "get a that next book or movie deal Mr. Might-be-Right. ' man," they came up with their quick. The reviews aren't Who says so? Two Florida self-help spoof, "How to Lose great for the film. The Holly- Specials a Guy in Ten Days." wood Reporter called it "con- State alumnae, the writers of Friday | the book "How to Lose a Guy The book is now - you trived" and an "overcooked Monday in Ten Days." They're experts guessed it- a "major motion romancer. •I Steele City Sandwich Pick a burger! Baked potato with at chasing men away. picture" starring Kate Hudson But Long and Alexander 2 Cookies Small ff Cheddar and Broccoli "We were sitting, alone, and and Matthew McConaughey. didn't write the movie, so it's 20 oz. drink 4 oz. coleslaw Small salad whining, 'Why don't we have Long and Alexander figure not their fault. Their missionis 20 oz. drink Pretzel I boyfriends?'" author Jeannie they can send any male giving romantic advice, "even Tuesday 20 oz. drink screaming for the hills. though we're really not ex- Long remembers. $ Meatball Sub H Thursday "And this book came up. They've got it down to a sci- perts at losing guys," Long ence. laughs. Small ff Meat or Veggie Lasagna The Rules,'" says her best Small salad Chicken Finger sub friend and co-writer, Michele "Jeannie likes to do the Worried about chasing off Ismail salad Alexander. "The book has all drive-by," Alexander jokes, or being chased off by Valen- 20 oz. drink Bread sticks Small f f OR 2 cookies these guidelines for what to do ratting out her pal. "You tine's Day? Look for warning 20 oz. drink 20 oz. drink to get a man to the altar." | know, driving by a guy's signs, Alexander says. «So we started listing the house over and over again. "LoveBites/byDefLep- things women do instead of Don't act like you don't know pardl" or % Melt With You,' rSundoy that (nonsense) in The what I'm talking about." by Modern English is always Grill chicken sandwich Rules,"* Long says. "Hated Yeah, well some of us live on a good one, too," Alexander Large f f 'The Rules.' It's desperate, cul-de-sacs. says. 20 oz. drink anti-feminist, manipulative..." "That would really throw "Oh, I've done that one," t$ Alexander and Long, both me off my game," Long says, Long giggles. "And may do it Students: Don't Forget to GRAB Your "Lunch on the Run! 32, are Tallahassee natives laughing. again!" PAGE 6 THEMERCIAD FEBRUARY 13,2003

OPINION To contact: [email protected] THE GOOD. I. Participate at y o u r own risk "Why would anyone want to discussing the past weekend's • Everyone's favorite Sister of Mercy, St. Damien, would like to say thanks to all of the kind be Amish? I can light up a whole And Another Thing.** exaggerated hook-ups to voice students who sent her get well cards while she was recently hospitalized. To quote Sister, "I room; (hey can only light up a an opinion. v. just want them all to know how much it meant to me." corner."* Everyone has a right to give an answer or ask a question, H This brilliant, 100 percent true • The Communications Department is readying production on their first v e n t u r e into filmmaking, utterance was brought to you Phil as long as it is relative, some- 'The Synaptic Conundrum'. The film, written, directed and produced by Communications by class participation, the one what intelligent and not ran- students, is looking for a Spring term start date and hopes to premeire the movie on campus. aspect of class that can either Pirrello dom, dfr *t IHI If all goes well with the production, students can look forward t o future 'Hurst films. make you look like "the smart But we shouldn't feel the kid" or like the student who al- need to give an answer be- ways gets the eye-roll whenev- head/1 imp-wrist mock hand-ups, cause a syllabus tells us so. THE BAD... er they speak, look like they are consider yourself lucky. If one has something like the "Amish comment" to say, I ask • Rumble at the date auction over the weekend...One of the students who helped organize the about to speak and/or walk into But those uncomfortable si- the room. you not to say it for fear that event was punched by a student participating in the auction. This is why we can't have fun lences, the inevitable shifty-eyes Anyone remember when par- all students share whenever that some cruel and unusual harm J things, guysj -, - B ticipation was just a given in one all-inclusive question is may come to you. class, not some requirement asked, are becoming too com- But if you have a new spin that seems to count (in some monplace. on a relative subject, a ques- instances) for 2000 percent of I think a lack of questions tion or just a really sarcastic 'Hometown Flavor': your grade? about class concepts, for the comment in regards to that girl The best is when teachers most part, is a good thing - that with an endless supply of l e o p - complain when students don't tells me the kids "get it." That ard-print tops, speak. Break participate, with said lack of says the reading is most likely the monotony of lecture, notes Tastes like nostalgia discussion stemming from ei- getting done, the notes being tak- and repeat. ther the collective pressure of en are comprehensible enough But don't use big words, I was in the Laker Inn one Hometown flavor is a won- speaking to satisfy your grade to be regurgitated back on the "Ms* Unctuous or Mr. Exege- night, waiting for board equiv- derfully unique feeling that you or whenever instructors ask a exam and that both teacher and sis,** just to sound smart. alency to begin and fending off But I Could Be Wrong cannot reproduce and you cer- question, they answer it them- student are getting their three Don't pull a "Millionaire" the overly zealous freshmen, tainly cannot franchise. selves. credits worth. contestant and tell us about the when I noticed the dinner spe- For example, if you try to It's hard to get students to I But some classes, like any eth- one time you did this with so- cial: The Steel City sandwich. make a copy of a copy, it will participate in class -College ics class, need more than par- so when all the answer re- Now, if you're from the Jaime come out faded, blotchy and Writing, anyone? ticipation for participation's quires is a word. Pittsburgh area, you know that ultimately inferior to the origi- But when they voice winners sake. And do not let the likes of the Steel City sandwich is noth- Rinne nal.^. like the "Amish" comment, one They need insight, not diatribes the following, spoken-in-class ing more than the Laker's fee- The same principle applies to wonders why some students where some students answer a statement regarding why Iraq ble attempt at recreating the fa- the diners, coffee shops and res- speak at all. question about the erosion of should expect U.S. retaliation mous Primanti Bros, sandwich. taurants that we love so much. Personally, the fact mat we moral resources by equating it go unchallenged, especially While the Laker did produce for..." Nowadays, there are A franchise s i m p l y does not have even attend the class and ac- to an unrelated situation like their when they begin with: "You a decent-tasting sandwich, I few products, restaurants and the same flavor as the original. knowledge high school-1 ike at- shopping experience at Quality. can't poke a sleeping giant was annoyed at their attempt stores that you cannot find re- I went to visit a Primanti Bros, tendance policies should be par- They require more than the with a red hot dagger and not to copy my hometown's fla- produced in some way shape or franchise over the summer. ticipation enough. banal "That's j u s t stupid" or one expect you and your friends to vor. form, somewhere in the coun- The sandwich and all its in- And if you're getting a hand- •word "epiphanies" from the get stomped on." Then I got to thinking: Does try. ,; gredients were the same, but up from me, and I am not talk- jocks in the class who took a Some kids just make it so "hometown flavor" really ex- Small town diners and coffee something left a sour taste in my ing one of t h o s e scratch i ng-the- precious moment away from easy... ist anymore? Do cities really shops are now a rare find a n d it mouth. £] have anything anymore that probably won't be long before Perhaps, it was the smoky fla- they can uniquely call their they disappear completely. vor of the Strip District or the Showing off life's sense of humor own? I used to be able to boast that gritty taste that is so uniquely Take the Primanti Bros, sand- my town of Z e l i e n o p l e , Pa. was downtown Pittsburgh. "Everything is funny as long I mean, we would be happy wich — while the restaurant the home of t h e best steakhouse In the end, the sandwich just as it is happening to Quotation Marks and confident...Who wants was once a time-honored Pitts- in southwestern Pennsylvania: didn't cut it. • somebody else." that? burgh tradition, it has now be- The Log Cabin Inn. This fact Cling to your small town din- Life has a sense of h u m o r and come franchised with restau- filled me with a very strange ers and coffee shops - It's these Will Rogers it LOVES showing it off, quite rants everywhere, even as far sense of pride because you simple things that make your Dana frequently actually. as Fort Lauderdale, Fla. could only find t h i s place in my home unique and different from ^Have you ever walked to Moderick And when you think that it The popular "Klondike" ice hometown. the next town over. class on a snowy day watch- can't get any worse, everything cream bar used to only be It was common to hear cus- Take pride in the sandwich that ing the girl in front of y o u slip- seems to get better. available at Isaly's Deli in tomers proclaim that they had your favorite restaurant makes ping and sliding along? Isn't And everyone forgets about downtown Pittsburgh. driven all the way from C i n c i n - well. there a little part of you that is cold and praying nobody saw what you did and moves on to Moreover, you can get a nati to have dinner at the Log Without hometown flavor, w e kind of hoping she falls? you. Newsflash: Everyone saw. the next victim and laughs at Philly cheese-steak in Chica- Cabin. One could only find i t in might be doomed to blend and Come on, don't lie to your- "Well| my life is ruined," you them. go and a Chicago deep-dish my hometown. merge into each other until we self. think to yourself again. f It's a viscous cycle and time pizza in Atlanta.| Now, you may know it as the are one and the same; until we We have all thought it before. Do you like the change? Still and time again, all of u s will feel Gone are t he days when you Iron Bridge Inn or Rachel's are a giant blur on the Xerox of There is a part in all of us laughing? J embarrassed. It is life's way of could say, "My town is famous Roadhouse. life. that wants to see bad things Human beings are not saying, "Hey, don't take me se- happen to other people. perfect. We act stupid for laughs riously. Have fun and let things That does not make you evil, and we laugh at other people's go." I don't worry, it just means stupidity. Sometimes, we even [::• You know what? Life is right. LETTER TO THE EDITOR your maturity level is not as laugh at other people's misfor- There's a book called "Don't As a human I am totally do everything to limit war and inevitable high as you pretend it is and tunes, f Sweat the Small Stuff' and it against any kind of war. terrorism's reach and prepare That would definitely put us that you have a sense of hu- Sure, it's funny. But part of lists all the little things in life that [ However, as a part of soci- for its future effects. in danger because Poland is not mor. that humor comes from the people stress about. ety I'm aware of the fact that If War is not the best solution. a powerful country. But what if y o u were that girl thought of relief that the person People are too uptight about in this case it might be neces- It's very dangerous and serious. But in this situation, when the or boy? What if y o u were slip- who is feeling embarrassed and everything now and sometimes sary. I There will have to be a lot of enemy is incalculable and help- ping everywhere? Instead of stupid is not us. they just need to sit back, laugh Saddam Hussein is very dan- activities taken during the fol- ing the terrorists, war seems to praying you would fall, The embarrassment lasts for and not take "life" so serious- gerous and nobody can fore- lowing years to deal with this be the ultimate move. wouldn't you be hoping you awhile and to some it is "emo- ty. h see what he might do. problem. I would prefer Hussein to dis- stayed on your feet? tionally scarring." But if w e have If you fall down in the snow, After his attack on Kuwait As a student from Poland, I arm voluntarily. Then BAM! The girl walking a sense of humor about it and and that gorgeous guy in your we know that his power is am not for the U.S. going to However, after observing in- in front of you goes down, on just go with the flow, it would math class is standing there enormous. war, because I know how hor- decision and lack of determina- her butt, in the snow! You be a lot better. laughing, play it off and have \i His behavior is similar to that rible it is from stories told by tion in democratic countries, it think to yourself, amidst your We feel better knowing it is fun with it. * described by Herman Kahn in people who survived war in looks rather impossible due to chuckling, "Wow, that just somebody else suffering instead And the next time you see that "Doom State Machine," where Europe. indecision in democratic coun- made my day." of ourselves. girl walking in front o f y o u wipe a small nation builds a war ma- Americans know the negative tries. Okay, let's reverse the roles It sucks, but what fun would out, you can laugh, but go help chine that jeopardizes the sides of war from WW2, Viet- If they all decided to here. You go down. You are there be in life without a little her up, you'd want someone to whole world. nam or Korea. act together and they all agreed covered in snow; you're wet, embarrassment? do it for YOU. We can observe this, nowa- The reason that I am against to solve ihe problem, then may- days, when crazy people from the war is simple: Poland's pres- be it would give Hussein an op- Iraq and Korea endanger de- ident, Alexander Kwasn iewski, portunity to come to the under- Higher learning, lower standards standing that his time has end- mocracy and the freedom of said that Poland would support College used to be considered others. ed. T college's j o b to teach, but instead the U.S. even if it were against a bastion of higher learning, a "Truth " Hurts it must train. The students are We cannot let an individual the U.N.'s decision. place where individuals would there to get a piece of p a p e r that terrorize the whole world. That means that my country — Beata Lukasik, freshman go to be educated. This is no says they have the requisite skills If t h e r e are no possible ways could be involved in the possi- longer the purpose of college, needed to become an active to avoid war, the U.S. should ble war, which seems to be now it is nothing more than a William member of the workforce, not factory that mass produces Elliott to learn. GAsouve Prices cpuTwve To &o op workers for society. We are being trained to be the It used to be that a person was m i nd I e ss drones of society, not able to leave high school with independent thinkers. the ability to get a j o b that would tempted to get a job right o u t of Everyday we are asked to s\ supply them with an income that high school, they would likely be memorize this, learn that, repeat /j .•5 55 • would be able to supply a de- stuck with a minimum wage job 5S what I said. This isn't learning, bOiVb To meant that those people who ment; with no future for diem- mands given to us. went to college were doing so selves. « • College is no longer that bas- Low. out of a want to learn and to This change in social structure DOWN tion of higher learning; it isn't educate themselves, not out of forces people to go to college to PAYMiNT even an institute of learning at a need to. jm get a decent job. This forces all, it is simply obedience ~^: This meant that college was them to go to college to have any school. there to provide an environment hope. £ Now, after having said all of in which they would learn to No longer are college students that, I need to say this is not a * i think, going to learn for the simple joy statement about us as students, of learning. Instead, they are <*• Now a person can't get a de- but rather about the system we -4^ cent job without a college de- going to get a job. are in. It is not an attack upon gree. A college degree is a ne- The role of the college has any of you or any college in spe- cessity to ensuring oneself of a changed along with this shift in cific, but it is an attack on the decent living. If a person at- reasoning. No longer is it the system/society we are placed in. FEBRUARY 13, 2003 THEMERCIAD PAGE 7

To contact: [email protected] OPINION Campus Question: Campus Question: Second Opinion What reasonspvouldyou need to go to war for your country?Winnin g wars' b y |*I would only go to war for "If 1 believed strongly in the rea- "Wars are usually fought in my country if someone directly son for war and found it a just terms of statistics and casual- attacked the U.S. and there cause." ties, rather than with respect was a direct effect on myself killing, not dying — Shannon King, junior for strategy and human life. or someone I care about. For myself to go to war, I'd By Josh West —Dana Moderick, freshman "You wouldn't have to draft me. have to have a reason I was Contributing writer If another country fired a shot, willing to die for, to the point |:?I would go to war for my I'd be shooting right back." that I'd be willing to allow country if another country di- — Chris Utley, freshman myself to be vulnerable to the We're all lucky enough to be rectly attacked this one, and machine of political govern- war was declared to safeguard living in the good old United "I would fight to protect my ment and the way it tends to States. our life and liberty. country if they needed me, [or] handle things." Otherwise, I would not go to We're Americans, and what to protect my children... or if — Jared Hinkle, sophomore better way to be? war. Even if there is victory, it conflict rises to a level here that causes a great deal of suffer- "If I was drafted or had no We get to be the global bench- we are physical ly threatened other plans for my life, I would mark of a l l mat is righteous; the ing." I with death." s £| • • • fight." |g models of the great free soci- — Brendan Lake, freshman Raygor, senior — Kris t e n Mailliard, freshman ety. We're an international judge, jury and executioner all rolled

into one; distributors of global Photo courtesy o f v w w . k r t e a r n p u s . c o m LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: justice and the police force of the world. As troops prepare for battle, do they know what they are As I've been reading the tially both partners choice, but sex ed: do we teach abstinence fighting for? Merciad the past weeks, I've it is the woman's body. or safety? I don't know where We are the good guys. noticed a common theme: The Abortion is not a means to you are coming from, Mr. El- America is the hero of the lack of feedback from the stu- get rid o f a baby; there is adop- liott, but all I hear are those world, stepping in when no one How is our generation going Does our election of leaders dent population. tion for that if people would same "bible thumpers" that else can-or will. to respond? give them the right to tell us First, Mr. Elliott voiced it in only grow up and accept their you are referencing tel 1 ing me We end world wars with a Criticize the Bush administra- what we should be willing to his article, then Mr. Pirrello responsibilities. J: to not have sex in the first wink and a nod. tion all you want, but this is still die for? | voiced it in his. But if a woman is facing place. Don't believe me? The facts our country and ours to protect. What it comes down to is the Well, here is a letter; here is death, the baby is facing death, I I know that I may reap just don't lie. Like it or not, by being a Unit- individual. a voice, responding, finally. or there is some other circum- as much criticism as Elliott. Check the history books, but ed States citizen, you pick up It's nice to say that you'd die I am going to discuss Elliott's stance like that, who are we ; I believe abortion is a worn- keep in mind that the winners certain responsibilities. for your country, but how about killing for your country? article on abortion. to tell her that she must have an's choice, but I also believe write them...and guess who You agree to follow some Seeing as it's such a hot top- won? laws, pay some taxes and ac- pt After all, it is killing, not dy- the child? that religion, society, and life- ing, that wins wars. ic, I agree with Phil, lets get We've learned about war, but cept the authority of those fair- Second, Mr. Elliott then dis- style are important parts of m a t ly elected by the voting public some discussion going. cusses the "religious types" decision. what do we really know about In my'lifetime, I haven't it? I | (even if they're not who you seen a cause that calls me to So here's my view: While who don't condemn sexual re- p Adoption is a great option for voted for, or would have had you I'm a pro-choice woman, I lationships. Hello, Mr. Elliott, We don't know anything drop everything and give it all a woman who simply doesn't not spent election day watching up to fight. think Mr. Elliott is an idiot where have you been for the want a child. And for those about blacking out our windows at night to confound the ene- television and bitching about the I've got no desire to go off when it comes to his argument. past thirty years? who decide mat abortion is the system). First of all, he talks about Ever since the "sexual revo- only answer? Well, I agree my. to war, and no one has yet Some would say that another how abortion is the woman's lution" of t h e sixties, mothers, with Mr. Elliott on one matter; The ladies among us have nev- asked (or told) me to. responsibility is to be ready to choice. governments, and "bible the "religious types" do not er been asked to donate their In the meantime though, I pantyhose to the war effort. leave your life behind to fight in don't think any of us can say Then he decides later in the thumpers" alike have all been have the right t o criticize, only some war you'll never under- with total confidence what ex- article that, no, it's not just her trying to force abstinence on to comfort and help heal. 4 Our intimate understanding of war comes from watching Op- stand, should it be deemed nec- actly it would take to justify choice. In fact, the father the next generations. essary by the powers that be. something so serious and ter- should be considered. Make There are arguments in $•'— Sarah Benvenuti, junior eration Desert Storm unfold Or maybe we're responsible rible as going to war, but why up your mind. Abortion is par- schools about how to teach on prime-time television. What is going to happen if war for standing up to those pow- don't you ask me again once I starts to directly touch our lives ers and saying that we don't get my draft card^ and becomes a reality for us? want to ki 11 anybody else. So, The Merciad needs some- per was a mockery of an aca- stupidity. one to step up to bat on this demic attempt to debate the How do we begin to fairly and "heated" issue? "heated" issue of abortion. intellectually debate issues in our LETTER TO T H E EDITOR: Well, frankly, I don't think The piece was incoherent, fac- school newspaper if the pieces, the issue is very "heated" at all. tually wrong and distasteful in which are written on any given I know a lot of y o u involved er it is that is growing in a wom- "Timmy's" biological mother And, I don't believe the issue its language. It pains me, and subject (such as abortion) read with The Merciad and I am an's uterus. may not be able/ready to raise "Timmy" that someone else here is Mr. Elliott's stance on I'm sure the rest of the Mercy- like Mr. Elliott's article? | very good friends w i t h a cou- 4) Mr. Elliott, are you Catho- might want to be his mother? hurst academic community, to Is it not the duty and respon- ple of you. lic? | | abortion. Anyway, I think I have ex- sibility of a college, a "higher ed- ^Therefore, I feel that it is Because I know for a fact (be- The universal disgust found see such a rash piece of non- pressed my opinion enough ucational institution," to bring in- only right that I tell you how cause I am Catholic) that the campus wide for our newspa- sense. about Mr. Elliott's pathetic at- tellectually sound arguments to infuriated I am by Mr. El I iott's Catholic Church is against abor- per after the published article ^Moreover, I would personal- tempt to make an argument on our students? If not, what are article about abortion. tion and teaches that premarital by Mr. Elliott is the issue here. ly be happy to write for The something Mr. Elliott so obvi- we paying an unbelievable 1) Mr. Elliott is not a wom- sex is WRONG and therefore Let us get this disgust cleared Merciad'anytime on the issue of ously doesn't understand. amount of money for? an, therefore how would he the church does condemn pre- up. abortion and the Catholic stance marital sex! The girl who approached inherent in this educational in- Unrefined emotions, slander know what a woman goes 5) Mr. Elliott claims that the — Amy Bortz, senior you, Mr. Pirrello, is a coura- stitution. and non-truth, such as in the through? 2) We are at a Catholic church looks like idiots. geous and intellectually brave As to this campus being in- article by Mr. Elliott? college... What do you expect Personally, I think you look girl, and I am sorry she did not tellectually "dead," maybe I'm I challenge The Merciad to in- Editor's note: Thank you all not one to judge others' Intel-1 spect more closely the writings Campus Ministry to display in like the idiot because you have for the letters this week, but I follow through with her prom- their window? clearly not done any research on ise. | lectual capabilities by their si- it allows to be published, and I would like to reiterate that the lence. commit myself truly to your 3) Abortion does kill - the Catholic faith or abortion. opinions expressed on these But she has a very valid point, whether you are pro-choice or 6) Finally, has Mr. I lliott ever But I can assure you of one service, if wanted in the future. pages are not representative of which you so briefly brought pro-life. One cannot argue that heard of ADOPTION?! Did he thing: Articles such as the one the entire Merciad staff. up in your article entitled "Let- abortion does not kill whatev- ever think that, even though ter from the editor." >i written by Mr. Elliott do not —Alan Johnson, sophomore The point being, the article help our situation of "death," if it is that; in fact they send us Please send responses to\ written, approved and pub- opinionmerciad@mercyhurstedu\ lished in our school's newspa- into a deeper pit of intellectual • Columnist responds to letter I would like to start off by Catholicism as a faith as long as something that is going to hap- saying that I truly appreciate they do it in a proper manner, pen anyways. Instead, it would Ms. Bortz taking the time to not one that is based upon rational be more fruitful to teach safe only read my article,but also re- thought instead of emotion. sex. spond to it. I would also like to I actually agree with her on In order to do this, though, encourage anyone and everyone point three. Abortion does kill, they would have to approve the rhe M E R C I A D use of contraceptives. In fact, to do the same. I'm not arguing that. What I was I would like to address a num- arguing was the irresponsible if they were willing to accept ber of p o i n t s that were brought use of emotion to compel peo- contraceptives maybe we up by Ms .Bortz, the first being ple to feel a certain way about a wouldn't be in as big of a mess. Kristin Purdy Editor-in-Chief [email protected] in response to her comment that subject. See the above point. On point five, I degree again Adam DuShole Managing Editor [email protected] I am not a woman and there- Back to disagreeing... On in my mind, the people that are Kelly Rose Duttine News Editor [email protected] fore I don't know what a wom- point four, Ms. Bortz states that the idiots are those that accept Scott Mackar Assistant News Editor [email protected] an goes through. In my article, the church condemns premari- objective moral codes, passed Courtney Nicholas Features Editor [email protected] I never claimed to have any tal sex, implying that I said they down by a supposed religious Phil Pirrello | Opinion Editor [email protected] knowledge of what a woman don't. The point 1 actually made figure head or any outside Mackenzie Dexter Sports Editor [email protected] goes through. What I did claim was that, in approaching the is- source. It must come from t h e was that since it is the wom- sue of abortion, the church fo- individual. Jody Mello Photo Editor [email protected] an's body, it is only her choice cuses upon the moral issue of Emily Crofoot Copy Editor ecrofo8 1 And finally, on point six, I in the end. To make this deci- killing, disregarding the fact that agree with her in part. I did not Production Manager [email protected] si on though she must take in most abortions occur out of discuss the option of adoption Billy Elliott account many factors. The fac- wedlock. What I implied was in my article. Megan Eble Advertising Manager [email protected] i i tors that must go into this deci- that the church should focus on The reason I chose not to do sion must include the feelings stopping premarital sex instead this was due to the fact that to of the woman'8 partner. 1 don't of abortion. If we improve the do so we must look at a whole TheMerciadis the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College. It is published believe that it is necessary to situation in which children are new issue. throughout the school year, with the exception of m i d t e r m s week and finals w e e k . Our "know what a woman goes conceived, then abortion will not I don't feel that I could prop- office is in the Hirt Center, room LL114. Our telephone number is 824-2376. through" to make this point. be as prevalent. ''-A erly address the issue of adop- On point number two, 1 must Beyond that, I disagree with tion in the same article as abor- again disagree. In the article I the church condemning premai tion. The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and names will be attacked Campus Ministry for ital sex. The truth is that this I would like to thank every- included with the letters. A lthough we will not edit the letters for content, we reserve the using an ad that relied upon an society does have premarital one for responding and hope right to trim letters to fit. L e t t e r s are due the (Tiursday before publication and may not be emotional base instead of a fac- sex. It is an accepted societal to continue this debate. longer than 300 words. Submit letters to box PH 485. tual base. I have no problem norm. It is ludicrous that the with the ministry promoting church is going to rail against !*]*—*"'-Ww. Elliott, sophomore PAGE 8 THE MEROAD FEBRUARY 13,2003

ENTERTAINMENTT o contact [email protected] 'Adaptation' succeeds at making fun of itself

based on a book about flowers, The Bad: Charlie the char- we get a movie based on a acter wants to write a script Ticket Stub script based on a book which, where no epiphanies are made in and of itself, means nothing before the end credits roll, or By Phil Pirrello in the grand scheme of this one with a third act void of car Opinion editor film's narrative. We are pur- chases and shoot outs. Char- posely tricked into a plot twist- lie, the real screenwriter, writes ed with flashbacks and flash- the exact opposite in his mov- Wow. That was my initial forwards, actors playing them- ie; with a wink to the audience response to 'Adaptation,' a selves and moments of genu- at his own ability to mock and quirky, unconventional satire ine intel 1 igence that few scripts mimic his own standards. This written by Charlie Kaufman and capitalize on outside of clever is the only moment in the film directed by Spike Jonze, who dialogue and set pieces. where I thought Kaufman was previously teamed up for what This intelligence emits trying too hard. Putting your- was arguably 1999's most in- from the actors, too. Cage, self i n t o your script is one thing, ventive film, ' B e i n g John Malk- Streep and Cooper give the film but reminding us that you can ovich.' Like 'Malkovich,' 'Ad- its linear thread by maintaining achieve such a bold feat and aptation' succeeds mostly due the same dark, clever edge to more is pushing it.^ m/. to its script and Jonze's effort- their performances. Cage argu- p "Stub's Bottom Line:" I less skill at telling a story as ably gives the best leading man loved 'Adaptation.' I leaned out purposely ironic and paradoxi- performance, post 'Leaving of my chair, I laughed and I cal as 'Adaptation' is.* Las Vegas. His Kaufman is a thanked Jonze and Kaufman for The Plot: Mind you, all of perspiring, nervous scribe who given us the best made script the following is reality based. believes deeper meaning, even of the year. It tested my pa- Charlie Kaufman, played by in the movies, can happen if o n e tience, rewarded me with Nicolas Cage, is a screenwriter obsesses long enough to write laughs and jarred me with struggling to adapt the novel it; he even grafts a lost love re- blunt, shallow epiphanies about 'The Orchid Thief.' Its author, gained onto his three-act struc- Photo c o u r t e s y o f life, death and film's tendency Susan Orlean (Meryl Streep), ture. Cage gives this guy just to numbingly glamorize them. becomes a character in Char- Twin screenwriters, Charles and Donald Kaufman, played by Nicholas Cage, debate enough to teeter over the edge, This, along with 'Malkov- but never fal ling away from o u r lie's adaptation when he suffers the finer points of movie-making. ich,' has put director and writ- sympathies. from a severe case of writer's er in a corner: will they always block and self-esteem issues, Cage's best scenes are be able to live up to such qual- which leads him to placing him- Charlie's (fictional?) twin The Good: From Charlie's Kaufman purposely satirizes those with Streep, whose drug- ity? j I self in his own script. Also a brother, also played by Cage, opening voice over, full of put the adaptation process, sprin- induced enlightenment makes Who cares. With movies character in the script is 'Or- is thrown into the mix as an downs and personal reflections kling in moments of caustic her see that her greatest pas- like 'Adaptation* and *Malkov- chid's' main subject; the eccen- aspiring screenwriter of c l i c h e d one rarely admits to them- humor and soul searching to sion is finding s o m e t h i n g to be ich' on their resumes, their dis- tric, toothless genius John thrillers, with the very cliches selves, we are wil Iing to follow drive home the title's subtextu- passionate about. And Cooper appointments will be what LaRoche (Oscar shoe-in Chris Charlie laments taking perma- Charlie and his script/life as far al meaning that life is best lived steals the show with a dry wit Academy members give the Cooper). Real life and reel life nent residence in his script's as its creative premise will let when adapted into or around an and a constant flaunting of his Oscar to. get mixed up even more when third act. (Like I said: Wow.) us, which is pretty far. The real exaggerated one. For a script deranged intellect.

II MI Whatever it is, postmodernism is everywhere these days THE PIANIST A postmodernist film — like modernism think of t h e m s e l v e s national myths, not religion, By Robert W. Butler the current 'Adaptation,' a com- as too educated and too smart certain 1> not the stories they see Knight Ridder Newspapers edy about a man struggling to to fall for those cliches. Post- on TV and at the movies, X write the very movie we're see- modernism is ironic; it's always think this attitude leads to more ing — doesn't even pretend to winking at the audience and intelligent, less gullible citizens HBLI 'Pulp Fiction' is p.m. So are be real. It's aware that it's only making them part of the game, — but also citizens who are 'Memento,' 'Far From Heav- a movie and in fact celebrates enlisting them as co-conspira- much less swill ing to get in- v Mm y r en,' the 'Austin Powers' films its unreality. tors." x p: volved." K\ photo courtesy of k r t c a m p u s . c o m and the Marx Brothers. This isn't anything new. Jea- In fact, we live in the Age of Thompson said he was Video games are p.m., as is nine Basinger, professor of film Irony, according to Syracuse amused by editorialists who David Letterman^Not to men- at Weslyan University in Mid- (N.Y.) University professor after the events of 9/11 made Oscar nominations: tion celebrity boxing matches, dletown, Conn., notes that Robert Thompson, a pop cul- hyperbolic predictions that iro- Anna Nicole Smith, "Joe Mil- when silent film comics such ture specialist. ny was dead, that Americans lionaire" and Bernie Mac when- as Buster Keaton and Charlie "For some time now we've would turn to entertainments Surprises and omissions ever he leans forward in his Chaplin broke from the action been getting entertainment that that were more sentimental and Unlike last year's "Fellowship easy chair and addresses us as around them and stared direct- is a tongue-in-cheek examina- filled with positive values. of the Ring," "Two Towers" "America." ly into the camera, they were tion of itself," Thompson said "Those commentators so to- By Vanessa Sibbald didn't receive any acting nods, Any movie written by Char- creating a postmodernist mo- in a recent interview. You d tally underestimated the ability Knight Ridder Newspapers either. Along with best picture, lie Kaufman — "Being John ment. have months when not one sin- of A m e r i c a n culture to dissolve it will compete for best art di- Malkovich," "Adaptation" and "In 'The Road to Morocco,"* cere word would come out of anything in its path," Thomp- rection, film editing, sound, "Confessions of a Dangerous Basinger said in a recent phone David Letterman's mouth. You son said. "Besides, take away HOLLYWOOD - Sitting in sound editing and visual effects. Mind" — will have p.m. conversation, "Bob Hope and got the famous ending of the irony cold turkey and you'd the Academy of M o t i o n Picture Nia Vardalos* original screen- stamped all over it. Bing Crosby get tied up in gun- Bob Newhart show where he have everybody under the age Arts and Sciences building early play nomination for "My Big We' re talking about postmod- ny sacks and thrown into the wakes up in bed with his wife of 3 0 incapable of communicat- Tuesday morning, it was imme- Fat Greek Wedding" raised a ernism, an attitude toward the desert. In the next shot they're from an earlier sitcom. By the ing." \ p diately obvious which nomina- few eyebrows, as did Carlos arts that's been around for the walking across the dunes and time we get to the '90s, post- One big attraction of post- tions were causing a stir and Cuaron and Alfonso Cuaron's better part of a century and that one of t h e m says, 'Do you think modernism has not only moved modernism is its playfulness. which were the house favorites nod for "Y Tu Mama Tambi- has finally insinuated itself into the audience will wonder how from the academic world to pop Rather than becoming aggravat- — at least for the mix of publi- en." In the adapted screenplay the warp and weave of Ameri- we got out of those sacks?' entertainment, now it's the prin- ed by the told-in-reverse chro- cists and TV crews, photogra- category, a ^few observers can culture. "That's postmodernism. Of ciple mode of communication nology of the film 'Memento,' phers and journalists sitting in laughed when Donald Kaufman Just what it is, though, is course, the makers of those for a big part of the audience postmodern audiences-find the room. was credited with Charlie Kauf- hard to define. movies didn't use that phrase, — educated young people." pleasure in experiencing this "Chicago" nominations got man for "Adaptation," while "Nobody knows what they're which is something critics and "Most postmodernists," Poe cinematic puzzle. the most hearty applause, es- many seemed surprised by talking about when it comes to scholars came up with in recent said, "believe there's an ideo- The downside is that post- pecially Catherine Zeta-Jones "About a Boy's" inclusion on postmodernism," said Thorn years to describe what they logical danger in this total will- modernism can seem terribly and Queen Latifah in the sup- the list, especially since "The were seeing." ing suspension of disbelief w Poe, chair of the communica- cool and uninvolving. porting actress category and Lord of t h e Rings" and "About tions department at the Univer- The increasing influence of when we watch a movie. They Renee Zellweger for best ac- Schmidt" were not included. think that by ignoring the fact Poe puts it this way: "Most sity of Missouri-Kansas City. postmodernism on pop culture people pay their seven bucks tress. ;The directorial debuts of Den- a It can mean almost anything is born of our overfamiliarity that this is simply a story being zel Washington ("Antwone told by somebody, we're being for the right to identify with the No one was surprised by the you construct it to mean." with the tricks of conventional characters on the screen. Pop- best actor or best actress cate- Fisher") and George Clooney Perhaps the essence of post- storytelling, according to Poe. hoodwinked. They think that ("Confessions of a Dangerous most entertainment sells us corn tends to go better with gories, although a few "ahs" modernism — at least as it ap- "We now have generations feeling than with thinking." were heard when Salma Mind") were ignored by the plies to the dramatic arts — can growing from infancy bom- false views of reality and de- academy, despite critical ac- tracts from our ability to think >';.: And Basinger doesn't see the Hayek's and Diane Lane's be summed up in the phrase, barded by TV and film that old narrative conventions van- names were read. For best di- claim. Other critically acclaimed "It's only a movie." employ narrative conventions," critically." films left in the cold include ishing any time soon. rector, when Pedro Aldomo- When we watch a film, we he said. "What used to be nec- One bit of fallout from post- "25th Hour," "Ararat," "Auto "People go to a movie that var's name was read the audi- know it isn't real. It's populat- essary storytelling devices" — modernism, Poe asserts, is that Focus," "The Banger Sisters," they can respond to," she said. ence started clapping. ed with actors and often shot a recognizable chronology, many young people are mis- "Lovely and Amazing," "Narc," They find i t , they tell each oth- Clapping was also the reac- on fake sets. Nevertheless we character development, emo- trustful. er about it, they go see it. As tion when "The Pianist" was Tadpole," "Punch-Drunk pretend it's real to enjoy the tional identiMcai ion with char- "They're cynical about every- long as that process is still go- named as one of t h e films com- Love" and "Harry Potter and pleasures and diversions the acters and situations—"are be- thing," he said. "Their inclina- ing on, the traditional movie has peting in the best picture catc- ilie Chamber of Secrets." story offers. coming cliches. Fans of post- tion is to believe nothing—not a future." gory. Its director Roman Po- Oscar favorite Steven Spiel- lanski also was nominated, berg's films "Catch Me If You CANCUN which had more than a few Can" and "Minority Report" Eani $1,000 - $2," lit for your Student Group ACAPULCO people wondering how he received only three nods be- in Just 3 hoursl would collect his trophy if he tween them: "Catch Me's" College fundraiting made S i m p l e . Sitfo and Pro*. JAMAICA; wins. Polanski fled the coun- Christopher Walken is up for BAHAMAS i try in 1978 after being charged Multiple fundrabing options available. No canvashes. No raffle*. Just tucctnl \t best supporting actor and the Fundraislng dates art filling quickly. Cat with tha programs that world FLORIDA with having sex with a minor. film earned an original score \ \ nomination, while "Report" DISCOUNTS ON GROUPSII Noticeably missing from the campus SAVE UP TO S I M PER ROOM! best directors' list was Peter was nominated for sound edit- Jackson, whose "The Lord of ing. Also surprising: Madonna's Your Trusted Source for College Fundraislng the Rings: The Two Towers" "Die Another Day" single was 888-923-3238 • U800.648.4849 is nominated for best picture. not nominated for original song. m PAGE 9 THE MERCIA D FEBRUARY 13,2003 ARTSi& To contact: [email protected] T

No workjand all play for Aimee M a n n The Date Auction:

It's not hard to see why of the best-selling indie albums said. "It has various ways of Fimd-raismgl success? or Mann's name doesn't conjure of 2000, and her contributions telling a story, and if you don't comedic images. She was in- to ^Magnolia" garnered her pay attention to it and help it collegiate "escort" service? WreChonds troduced to the world in the nominations for several Gram- tell its story through art or mid-'80s as lead vocalist of *Til mys and an Oscar. Mann was words or in some way, then in By Rod Harmon Tuesday, which scored a Top vindicated.^ comes out in other ways. I Knight Ridder Newspapers 10 hit out of the starting gate LStilLjwhen asked if she felt think being an artist is a way to with "Voices Carry," a tale of a _ bnchos at In- give the subconscious a voice." woman breaking free o f a n abu- terscope and give them a big Mann's success has made her Aimee Mann's work is filled sive relationship. When 'Til ol raspberry, she said no. a champion for artists' rights. with lyrics about junkies, man- Tuesday disintegrated in 1988 "I don't care about them," she While she doesn't thrust her- ic-depressives, j i lted lovers and after three albums, Mann went said. "I just wanted to get away self into the fray l i k e Don Hen- disgruntled artists set against into seclusion for five years from them, and the idea of c a l l - ley's Recording Artists' Coali- haunting music reminiscent of before emerging with the criti- ing up anyone associated with tion, she's happy to talk about a David Lynch soundtrack. cally acclaimed CD "Whatev- them is like going back into the the subject when asked. It's not exactly an "Up With er," an angry missive aimed at gaping maw." 3f "I think most artists are still People" repertoire. former lovers and the music Mann's latest release, "Lost tied to the idea of staying with But Mann's fans might be business. in Space," seems to validate her a major label, but the word will surprised to know that under- It proved to be prophetic: claim that she's gotten over the get out that if y o u " re somewhat neath that brooding exterior lies Imago, the independent label bitterness of d e a l i n g with record already established, you're go- a silly persona itching to get out. that issued "Whatever," went labels. Instead of the diatribes ing to earn 10 times the amount "Believe it or not, I have bankrupt, and Mann signed with against corporate machines of money, and you are going to friends who think I am very mega-label Geffen for the 1995 that dotted earlier releases, be in complete control of your funny," Mann, 42, said recent- follow-up, "I'm With Stupid." "Lost" works on a more per- output," she said "More peo- ly from a friend's home in Los Then Geffen was absorbed into sonal label by examining addic- ple are going to catch on that Jody MeHo/Meroad photographer Angeles. "I think there's a bit mega-mega label Seagram/Uni- tion, depression and obsession. there's no downside, and that Rampant groping abounded at The Date Auction, of irony in my lyrics that peo- versal, and she was reassigned On the surface, it's easy to it's not magic. There's no magic held on Friday, Feb. 7th, as Mercyhurst women ple don't necessarily get, but it to Interscope Records — assume that lyrics such as "All in selling a record." goes along the lines of gallows which promptly refused to re- the perfect drugs and superhe- But wasn't there just a wee went rapid bidding on a shirtless Andrew humor, too. There is a certain lease her third album, "Bache- roes wouldn't be enough to bit of anxiety when she formed Spillane. { humor in finding the truth in lor No. 2," unless she made it bring me up to zero" are auto- her own label? Wasn't it weird something. more radio-friendly. biographical, but Mann insists to be in complete control, with- "I can't really impart to you Thankfully for Mann, the dis- that's not the case. People are out having someone to answer my offstage personality. This pute coincided with her work naturally drawn to the dark side to? fj isn't a conversation, this is an on the film soundtrack "Mag- of human behavior, she said, "No," she said, with a laugh. interview with me answering nolia," which gave her enough and like artists since time im- "I totally got used to being in questions ... I can only offer money to buy back the master memorial, she explores that fas- control immediately." the testimony of comedian tapes and release "Bachelor No. cination through her work. Better watch it, Aimee. That friends who think I am really 2" on her own label, SuperEgo. "I think that's sort of the way sense of humor is starting to funny." The disc quickly became one the subconscious works," she come out.

'Rock' h a s rolled right into the mainstream afraid of the devil's music and chine, which lights up as the plates, thermoses, toilet seats, By Tony Hicks here I flash his crimson homs boa constrictor around Alice's whatever they could paint a Knight Ridder Newspapers to prove it. Back off; these neck spits out a happy little logo on and sell for $29.95. ___— ______—_.—— horns signify that I'm differ- gumball. They've gotten to the point America needs to return the ent, I'm threatening, you'll nev- Hey, Big Gulps rock. where they're selling Kiss con- er understand how crazy I am. word "rock" to its rightful o w n - This is what happens when doms. And — maybe not realiz- Jody MoBo/Marcad photographer ers. The seas are about to boil and the desperately cool get some ing where these things are sup- we're about to take over." r . sp- There was once a day when, in oney. Comic book bigwig posed to go — people actually Despite reports of alleged cat-fights and some R- if someone didn't own a sleeve- Wei 1, something like that, any- Todd McFarlane started his buy them. I'm a rock fan, but rated indecent thong exposure, The Date Auction there's no way I want Gene less Judas Priest shirt and way.! own toy company a few years raised over $1,600£ know the secret devil-horns You want proof mat rock *n' Simmons' face staring back at ago, and pretty soon Metallica me from that angle. salute, they weren't legally en- roll has gone absolutely, over- action figures were stocked at titled to say that something the-edge, suburban safe? I went every suburban mall. On the one hand, America "rocked." $ !;• to a 7-Eleven this morning to McFarlane makes Jerry Gar- deserves a bit of rock 'n' roll Now everything "rocks."'It's get my daily dose of Rockstar cia, Jim Morrison and Janis tun. It's about time people light- become a euphemism for Energy Drink (as if that isn't Joplin action figures. Can you en up and enjoy the wholesome "good," which is really funny enough proof right there) when imagine trying to convince fun that is Ozzy biting small animals in two. Rockers used considering how America has I noticed the counter covered your kid to play with a Jerry to have a real dilemma because typical ly reacted to rock V roll. in Osbournes paraphernalia. Garcia action figure? **Hey, (name of e m p l o y e d sub- I had to shift the Ozzy bob- rock was considered danger- "But what does he do, Dad- ous, so by extension, they were ordinate here). Nice work on blehead over to the pile of J a c k dy?" W f 1 that trade conference presen- Osbourne writing pens to make too. That could be troubling, "Well, son, he just ... er ... especially when people would tation. It really rocked. You re- room for my purchase. Then it stands there. But wait unti I your ally rock. In fact, your whole hits me: Didn't this Ozzy guy shield their children from you birthday, when we get the in Safeway because of your department really rocks. More- used to be dangerous? Didn't matching accessory hash pipe. over, I must really rock for hir- he chew up and swallow help- Iron Maiden shirt. „ Then we'll track down the tiny ing you. less winged mammals? Didn't plastic Janis Joplin whiskey But that's precisely why it The rock spirit is being hi- he go to the slammer for trying bottle." was so fun. Rockers were in jacked by the mainstream in so to strangle his wife in a drunk- There's plenty of blame to go the minority, wearing their silly many other ways. There was en rage? around. In their quest for own- $11 concert shirts like a badge actually a time when people Now he's as huggable as a big ership of all the money in the of honor. It was our thing, and didn't throw the devil-horns pink carnival-prize bunny. Next world, Gene Simmons and Paul the scarier, the better. It's no fun trying to be different if ev- X salute at Shania Twain con- month his sweet little smiling Stanley of Kiss put the makeup Jody MeHo/Meraad ptiotographar certs. That was supposed to doll-visage will probably be re- back on in 1996 and proceed- erybody's starting to agree with mean evil, scary stuff. placed by an Alice Cooper-in- ed to market everything they you. MiI'll l take the one with the biggest hooters!!" "Get away, Mom, I'm not the-electric-chair gumball ma- could possibly think of — That doesn't rock at all. exclaimed one anonymous Mercyhurst student

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11 burgh 66-64 at the Joyce Cen- After building an early 7-2 Irish run with two consecutive Men's basketball By Avani Patel ter, and leapfrogging the Pan- lead, Notre Dame allowed the three-pointers from the left Knight Ridder Newspapers thers (16-3, 6-2) to the top of Panthers to go on a 1.0-0 run, wing. Torrian Jones capped it 02/15/03 Gannon 8 p.m. Away the West Division standings. and went into the halftime down with a free throw that gave 02/20/03 Ashland 8 p.m. Home SOUTH BEND, Ind. — It "We're chasing a Big East 41-33. ^| t Notre Dame its first lead in was a fraction of a second West Division [title] and for us Pittsburgh's early success nearly 20 minutes, 53-52, half- stretched out to eternity. As the to get that title we've got to was powered by its presence way through the period. And Women's basketball clock wound down toward beat Pitt," Irish shooting guard on the boards. With Francis, Francis rebounded from his| nothing, the stakes soared. Matt Carroll said. | first-half disappointment by Notre Dame's leading rebound- Away And then Notre Dame point It wasn't as easy, as it er, on the bench with two early playing ferocious interior de- 02/15/03 Gannon 6 p.m. Away guard Chris Thomas dribbled sounds. fouls, the Panthers picked up fense. 02/18/03 Univ. of Pitt-Johnstown 7:30 p.m. past Pitt's Brandin Knight, 24 first-half boards and held the Lett, who had a game-high 20 02/20/03 Ashland 6 p.m. Home jumped, and placed a perfect Irish to just 10. points in a 17-point Panthers pass in the waiting hands of U "We were much better defen- victory over the Irish on Jan. freshman forward Torin Fran- We were much sively in the second half and 6, scored four Sunday. Trout- Men's hockey cis. Layup. Score. Ballgame. much better on the back- man, who had 14 in the first Well, almost. better defensively boards," Irish coach Mike Brey half, added just two in the sec- 02/14/03 Sacred Heart 7 p.m. Home Six-tenths of a second re- in\the second half said. ond half to finish with 16. 02/15/03 Sacred Heart 7 p.m. Home mained on the clock, but Jor- Good enough, in fact, to But 1 i ke the Irish, Pitt refused dan Cornette took care of that, and much better claim a 16-9 second-half re- to crumble. knocking Jaron Brown's in- bounding edge. Knight, held without a field Women's hockey bounds pass out of the hands on the back- "That was key," said Pitt goal all day, fired a perfect strike off a waiting Knight. Ba I lgame. guard Julius Page, who scored from the right wing with just Home Well, not quite. boards, s s a team-high 19 points. "We al- 32 seconds to play, tying the 02/16/03 Niagara 2 p.m. As the students spilled onto lowed that to happen by not game at 64-64. f the floor in celebration, the of- Coach Mike Breybein g as aggressive as we were And then, with Thomas drib- ficials raced to the sideline mon- in the first half." f bling time off the clock, Knight Men's tennis itors, wanting to ensure that Nor as efficient. Pitt shot 55 engaged his counterpart in con- time, indeed, had expired. And The Irish spent much of the percent from the floor in the versation.; 02/15/03 Edinboro 3 p.m. Home finally, they made their call. game playing catch-up, work- first half, less than 35 in the "We were talking about him Ballgame. ing around foul trouble and second. taking the shot, Knight said. No. 10 Notre Dame (19-4,7- through a tough Panthers de- The Irish did just the oppo- Why didn't he? Women's tennis 2 Big East), led by Thomas' fense while trying to stop for- site, shooting nearly 47 percent "Torin had a better shot than game-high 24 points and eight wards Ontario Lett and Chev- in the first half, better than 59 I did," Thomas said. 02/15/03 Edinboro 4 p.m. Home assists, won arguably its big- on Troutman from piling up in the second. One that in the end turned out 02/16/03 Niagara University 1 p.m. Home gest game of the season Sun- easy inside points. Carroll, who finished with 14, to be enough to win the game. day, edging fourth-ranked Pitts- They didn't always succeed. started a 20-11 second-half Men's volleyball

02/15/03 Juniata 4 p.m. Away Marquette n a m e change r e m a i n s 02/19/03 Findlay 7 p.m. Home

point of c o n t e n t i o n for some Wrestling 02/14/03 Univ. of Pitt- Johnstown 7 p.m. Home tomahawk, j u s t as it had earlier are not under pressure from olition would have been justi- By Michael Hunt abolished the distasteful, car- any Native American groups. fied. But Warriors, especially Knight Ridder Newspapers. ~ toon-caricature Willie Warn- The university chooses to do absent the mascot that died pum, which had been Marque- this." **? 1 long before the nickname, is MILWAUKEE—Back when tte's mascot from 1964-'71. Spec i deally, it was the former neutral in connotation. It could Keegan,! Lakers* he was athletic director at Mar- Such proactive work placed school president, Father Albert apply to virtually any field-of- quette, long before the term Marquette far ahead of t h e sen- J. DiUlio, who apparently de- honor endeavor and represent- "political correctness" became sitivity curve, even before Stan- cided that change for the sake ed in a number of w a y s , includ- such a divisive part of the so- ford was credited as pioneer- of change could help Marque- ing the oddly futuristic logo mat 'kill' D'Youville 3 - 1 cietal landscape, Hank Ray- ing a national movement by tte appear even more progres- symbolizes the Golden State Warriors. monds took his school's nick- changing its nickname from sive than Raymonds and his ued to make an impact. Keegan, name before 11 of the state's Indians to the Cardinal. predecessors had already As for the Golden Eagles, By Bryan Christopher an outside hitter, had 19 kills helped it become. Instead, what Native American tribes for crit- Eventually, the First Warrior, why didn't they just push the Contributing writer and eight digs and setter Kick had been a strong and beautiful ical examination* typically respectful in its pre- tepid envelope to the extreme? finished with SO assists. Sensitive and enlightened be- sentation of the culture, was association was killed Oh, wait. They did. Explorers The Laker volleyball team fore such matters were fash- eliminated mainly because none Ten years after, to think Mar- would've been fine, maybe even continued a strong start, defeat- ionable, Raymonds and the of M a r q u e t t e ' s Native American quette is to still think Warriors. Hilltoppers. Better yet, they ing D'Youville 3-1 on Wednes- Marquette delegation wanted to students who had worn the It implied everything that was could have left a good thing day, Feb. 5 . know if any of the tribes were costume wanted to portray the good and powerful about the alone, but Warriors will return Scores of the games were 30- offended in any way by the mascot during sporting events McGuire-Raymond years, as the day Marquette revives foot- 22, 28-30, 30-22 and 30-27. university's long-standing use anymore. And you know what well as the achievements of ball. I • Sophomore middle hitter Aus- Mercyhurst begins confer- of "Warriors" to call its athletic happened next: Warriors gave many other coaches and stu- "A lot of people were mad, tin Siewart recorded 12 kills, ence play Wednesday, Feb. 13 way to Golden Eagles in the teams. dent-athletes from the nick- but it's like a lot of things," nine block assists and three when they travel to .The Ohio nickname change mat rocked a None was. name's inception in 1954. Raymonds said. "The universi- block solos. Freshmen Nate State University. "They did not see anything campus. When the student section ty has to make a decision. You Keegan and Dan Kick contin- wrong with our logo at that That was 10 years ago. My, chants, "We Are Marquette," may not like it, but you go along time," Raymonds recently said. how time flies when confront- you do not think about some with it because it's not going Instead of raising objections, ed with utter blandness. gilded fowl mat has absolutely to do you a lot of good not to. Intramural Update each tribe donated an article of Then as now, the change re- nothing in common with uni- There are still a lot of people versity and state heritage. who are mad, there's no ques- In women's basketball intramurals, the Liberty won both of apparel so that the costume of mains a major point of conten- their games defeating the Sparks 36-19 and the Freedom 38- Mil's live mascot, the First tion for alumni, as well as be- Had Warriors been insensitive tion about it. But we're all used 14. Warrior, could be as authentic wildering because it offended in any way, like Redskins or the to it now."| as possible. On its own, the virtually no one. Said athletic grinning head on the Cleveland Well, not everyone. On the men's side, the Warriors defeated the Cavs 19-1, the school dropped the mascot's directorBill Cords in 1993: "We Indians' cap, a case for its ab- Bucs defeated the Magic 38-13, the Nets defeated the Celtics, scoring season high points, 72-24, the Kings defeated the Clip- Golfers compete in Pro-Am pers 41-31 and the 76ers defeated the Blazers 38-32. n ICoach for Girls Crew needed A prestigious local high school, Northwest Pennsylvania Colle- giate Academy, is starting a girls crew program. The season vill be April/May andfSeptember/October, A coach is needed

Experience as a rowing coach is preferred but not required. Applicants needs to have experience as a rower, preferably at the college level. This position is partflime, with practices and regattas during the season, f

• The salary is negotiable. For more information please contact Jerry A. Fullmer at: Lion's Oar f 6494 Mt. Baldy Road fWestf i e l d , NY 14787-979

Photo by Bob Laroon/Contra Costa Tlmot (716) 326-2234 Davis Love III hits from a bunker on the 17th hole In the third round of the Pebble Fax (716) 793-4525 Beach National Pro-Am on Saturday, Feb. 8,2003. [email protected] FEBRUARY 13,2003 THE MERCIAD PAGE 11

To contact: [email protected] S Men's hockey wins two, loses goalie Cifelli end's loss to Bent ley, but the Holy Cross took the lead. After note for the Lakers. 2-0 lead. By Bryan Christopher win. He is now 12-4-0 overall team also said good-bye to j u n - that, the two teams took turns Despite being outset 13-4 in Contributing writer Midway through the third, the and 12-2-0 in Metro Atlantic ior goalie Mike Cifelli, who left scoring, as freshman forward the first 20 minutes of play, Stags cut the lead in half with a Athletic Conference play. the team, and withdrew from Scott Reynolds and sophomore goalie Andy Franck record- power play goal. Mercyhurst Mercyhurst improves to 14-10- Mercyhurst overcame a dis- school to return home to Tor- defender T.J. Kemp each scored ed 24 saves. answered four minutes later, 2 overall and 14-3-2 in the tracting week and bounced onto. A backup to 2002 grad- for the Lakers. After that, Mer- Saturday night's game versus when|junior Mike Carter MAAC. It was the third win back from last week's upset uate Peter Aubry during his first cyhurst tied the score at three Fairfield brought together a true scored on assists from Rey- over Fairfield this year, com- with two wins against Fairfield two seasons, Cifelli lost the when sophomore forward Rich team effort, and a less dramat- nolds and senior defenseman pleting the season sweep and and Holv Cross. starting job to freshman A n d y Hansen found the net for his ic ending. Mark Chambers. Late in the maintaining their perfect 12-0 Franck early this season. team leading 14th time of the After a scoreless first period, period, Fairfield pulled their all-time record against the "Matt's exit was unfortu- season at 5:03 in the second [sophomore forward David goalie and added offensive Stags. Fairfield dropped to 5- nate," said Gotkin. "He was period. The Pioneers regained Wrigley and Rynshoven assist- pressure on goalie Franck and 18-2 and 4-12-2. £ wel 1 -liked by his teammates and the lead shortly after, but jun- ed senior defenseman Mike the Laker defense. The Stags The Lakers trail division -1 ead- "Sacred Heart and Fairfield coaches. But if h e felt he need- ior forward Peter Rynshoven Muldoon, and gave the Lakers scored at 18:27, only to give up ing Quinn i piac by just one point are both difficult rinks to play ed to return home, and if s o m e - answered with his seventh of an early lead. The goal came on a score to T.J. Kemp one and can improve their standing in," said head coach Rick Got- one does not want to be a part the year late in the period. a power play at 7:44, and was minute later, thanks to a Rivers in the games ahead. kin. "The rinks' design and at- of something here then they Neither team scored in the Muldoon's second of the sea- assist, and the match ended With seven games remaining, mosphere were not what we should not be here. I'm disap- third period, and overtime set son. Senior forward Adam Riv- moments later with Mercyhurst said Gotkin, the team has more are used to, but the players per- pointed, but it was his decision, the stage for a dramatic finish. ers found the net for the eighth on top 4-2. I than enough time to move back severed and found a way to and he feels he has done what 1:50 into sudden death, senior time this year on another pow- The Stags outset the Lakers into first place. win. he needed to do." defenseman P.J. Hiscock er play three minutes later, and 29-26, but Andy Franck again Mercyhurst next hosts Sa- Not only were the Lakers Friday night, 53 seconds into scored his sixth goal of the year the Lakers headed into the final preserved the win, stopping 27 cred Heart at the Ice Center on looking to avenge last week- the first p e r i o d , the Pioneers of and ended the game on a high period of the weekend with a shots and picking up another Friday and Saturday. Lakers lose close game to Hillsdale 86-83 in overtime Wayne State continued Mer- 3 the rest of the way to claim from the field, including 10 of the GLIAC. The Lakers lost The Chargers never trailed in ing scorer, was double and tri- cyhurst's downhill slide by de- the win. Mercyhurst is now 0- 17 treys. Mercyhurst shot only their sixth successive contest, the extra session and opened a ple-teamed the entire game and feating the Lakers 71 -57 Thurs- 6 away from home in the GLI- 39 percent from t h e floor. N e i - all in the GLIAC, and fell to 1 2 - six-point lead at 82-76, their ended with just nine points. day, Feb. 6. AC ? ther team shot well at the line. 12 overall and 4-10 in the con- largest of the game, with two Mercyhurst shot nearly 55 per- The Lakers fell to 12-11 and Junior guard Justin Shouse The Warriors were 11 of 26 ference. minutes left. Mercyhurst cut cent from the field (30 of 55) 4-9. Mercyhurst has dropped led Mercyhurst with 17 points. while the Lakers were five of Mercyhurst led for most of the deficit to 84-83 when jun- and made ten triples, but was its last five games. Senior guard Marcus Jankus 13. WSU had a slight edge in the first half, but trailed 18-16 ior guard Justin Shouse hit a out rebounded 40-25. came off the bench to provide rebounding, 36-33. with ten minutes left before triple with 33 seconds on the Hillsdale won for the ninth Men's 14. Junior forward Josh Helm, Wayne State led the entire going on a 15-3 run to take clock, but Hillsdale junior for- straight time over Mercyhurst who came in leading the team game, save for an early tie at charge. The half ended with ward Chris Northcross con- to take an 11-6 lead in the all- basketball in scoring with 18.5ppg, was 3-3. The teams split the season the Lakers in front 3 8 - 2 8 . verted a lay-up with 19 seconds time series. held to eight points on three of series with Mercyhurst winning The Lakers led the entire sec- left and attempted treys from Mercyhurst will rest until Sat- WSU led by as many as a do;&- ten shooting. Helm grabbed sev- 69-61 in Erie on Jan. 18.1 ond half, but couldn't put the both freshman g u a r d Eric Wil- urday, Feb. 15, when it cross- en in the first half which ended en rebounds, however, and The Hillsdale Chargers tied Chargers away down the liams and junior forward Josh es town to play Gannon at 8 with the Warriors in front 40- now has 501*for his career. the game with a bucket at the stretch. Ahead 74-70, Mercy- Helm misfired in the final sec- p.m. The Knights won the ear- 30. Senior center Scott Melle fin- buzzer, and then outscored hurst missed six straight free onds. lier meeting at Mercyhurst 76- The second half was hotly- ished with nine points. Melle's Mercyhurst 12-9 in overtime to throws in the final 45 seconds Freshman guard Tony Mitch- 73 in overtime. contested and the Lakers were one block was the 116th of his defeat the Lakers 86-83 Satur- of regulation, and then watched ell and Shouse scored 22 points down only four, 58-54, with career and moved him into a tie day, Feb. 8, at the Jesse Philips as Hillsdale senior guard Jona- each to lead the Lakers while Info by MC Sports Information four minutes left. But the War- for third all-time with Mo Profit. Arena. The Chargers improved thon Dues hit a lay-up at the senior center Scott Melle add- riors outscored Mercyhurst 13- Wayne State shot 54 percent to 13-10 overall and to 5-8 in buzzer to knot things at 74-74. ed 14. Helm, the team's lead- Laker goalie - F r a n c k named Lakers wrestle to a 27-9 win

IHCCA Rookie-of-the-Month By Mackenzie Dexter Sophomore Justin Mautz Mercyhurst College rookie Sports editor pinned his opponent in netminder Andy Franck (Lake- 1:02 during Saturday's Andy Franck, a 6-0, 195 match against Muskingum wood, OH) and Boston College pound freshman netminder The Mercyhurst wrestlers sniper Ben Eaves (Fairbault, defeated Division HI Muskin- to help the Lakers to a 27-9 for Mercyhurst, was tabbed victory. Mautz has now re- MN) were named winners of Commissioners' Choice gum College 27-9 Saturday, Feb. 8. -. turned to national rankings the IHCCA Commissioners' Rookie-of-the-Month. Choice Awards for January. The Lakers took wins over at No. 8. He has an 11-3 Franck has played just over record and 59 points for the The awards honor Division I 1,000 minutes In 17 games the Fighting Muskies in the 125, 133, 141, 149, 174, 197 Lakers this season. Mautz men's college hockey's top for the Lakers. He has al- will wrestle the opponent rookie and top player of the lowed only 52 goals and and heavyweight classes. Mercyhurst took an early he defeated last year to be- month and are selected by the making 458 saves for a .898 come an All-American. 1 Ice Hockey Collegiate Commis- save percentage. lead getting decisions in the sioners' Association (IHCCA). first four matches. Sopho- Franck, a 6-0, 195-pound more 125-pound Ricky Ran- File photo dazzo won his match with a freshman netminder for Mercy- File photo Fighting Muskies rally as he about the match against Musk- hurst, was tabbed Commis- 4-2 overtime decision, defeat- pinned his opponent at 3:39. ingum.

By Bryan Christopher Sophomore for- Contributing writer ward Lindsay Dellow takes the The Lakers moved one step puck all atone. closer towards achieving their Dellow has two season's goals this weekend, goals and nine sweeping Wayne State at the assists this season. Mercyhurst Ice Center. With the wins over Tenth-ranked Mercyhurst Wayne State this clinched the College Hockey weekend, the America regular season confer- Lakers clinch the ence crown and made a case regular conference for moving up in the national crown and move rankings. up in the national "These two games were huge rankings. in helping us clinch the regular Mercyhurst will see season title," said head coach Jody Mello/Merclad photographer playoff action in Mike Sisti. "We'd like to beat March. Niagara and go undefeated in Senior defender Jennifer Jeffrey skates toward goal with Wayne State conference play, but this week- opponents behind her. end took care of our confer- Jody Mello/Morciad photographer ence standing and brought fles left players from both players to sit out the final min- few minutes." Lakers ahead with her eighth of their hot-streak. Fourth-ranked home our first goal." teams in the penalty box, utes. Saturday's action saw the the year and second game-win- Dartmouth, Niagara, ranked Friday night, after a scoreless Wayne State pulled their goalie Late in the game, one of the Warriors jump to an early lead, ner. Despite pul I ing their goal- second in the College Hockey first period, j u n i o r forward Jes- and Ireland dropped the puck Lakers took a shot on a Wayne when they scored their first ie, Wayne State could not tie it America standings, and the sica Dillabough assisted soph- into an empty net for a short- State player, said Sisti. Wayne goal against the Lakers since a up, and drove home swept. playoffs all present challenges omore forward Sara McDonald handed score that sealed the State probably overreacted, but match on Oct'10, 2001. Mercyhurst outshot the War- the Lakers cannot take lightly. for her team-leading 13th goal Laker win. Mercyhurst did take the initial Their lead moved to 2-0 mid- riors 45-21 and goalie Clark "Essentially, we need to play of the season. The score came Sophomore goalie Desi Clark shot. Later on, the Warriors way through the middle peri- logged 19 saves, picking up 60 minutes of intense, very de- at 6:38 in the second. recorded 21 saves and picked became more frustrated, as od. Mercyhurst rallied soon af- another win and improving her tailed hockey," said Sisti. "We The goal stood until early in up her sixth win. It was her they felt they had played well ter, when sophomore forward overall record to 6-2-1. have to stay sharp if w e expect the final period, when senior second shutout of the season. enough to win. When they Chrissy Yule found the net for Mercyhurst improved to 22- to up for the coming oppo- forward K.C. Gal lo capitalized The two teams combined for watched the puck slip into an her seventh time this season at 6-1 overall, 5-0 in the CHA. nents." on a power play, finding the net 19 minor penalties. Mercyhurst empty net, and the lead widen 11:21. Freshman forward Sa- Wayne State dropped to 9-14- The Lakers next take on sec- at 2:23 with help from senior commited 10 of them and 1 lof to three, more penalties insued. in antha Shirley followed it up 1 and 1-4-0 in the conference. ond place Niagara on Sunday, forward C.J. Ireland and senior the team's infractions came in "I'm happy with the way our six minutes later with her With solid competitions still Feb. 16. I defender Jenn Jeffery. With less the game's final three minutes. players controlled themselves," twelfthi ;, If very much on the schedule, than two minutes left in the A string of scuffles late in the said Sisti. "It could have got- Early in the third, junior for- Sisti believes the team has to game, after two separate scuf- third period caused several ten pretty ugly during those last ward Lyndsay Barch put the remain focused to continue Club hockey team ends season with a p a i r of ties

By BUI Shannon Contributing writer

The Mercyhurst College men's club hockey team wrapped up its season this past weekend with a pair of ties. At Niagara University Friday, sophomore Mickey Girardi led the Lakers with four goals in- cluding the tying goal with 12 seconds remaining. On a pow- er play, with the Laker net emp- ty, Girardi notched his fourth of the game unassisted to give Mercyhurst the 7-7 tie. He scored earlier on a penalty shot after a Niagara defender cov- Jody Mollo/Morciad photographer ered the puck in the goaltend- Senior Rob Garber takes a shot on goal. Garber ended his career on one of the most er's crease. Sophomore Bobby talented Laker club hockey teams that Coach Shannon has seen. — • Spitzer had two and freshman Ice Center. Ryan Wilson scored in turning away.^44 shots. cluding Matt Holmes, Lee Pe- Kevin Binsell with a single lam- with 18 seconds remaining to Freshman Ian Episcopo nascino, Andy Mioducki, Lar- plighter rounded out the Laker give the Blue Streak the tie and stopped 25 for the Lakers. ry Woodall, Rob Garber and scoring. With six Buffalo area the much needed point in their Mercyhurst ends the season Matt Codd. g Jody Mello/Morclad photographer players on the Mercyhurst ros- playoff run. Senior Lee Pena- at 22-6-2 with the greatest Coach Shannon called this Freshman Justin Robertson looks to pass to a teammate as ter, there was a large contingent scino and freshman P h i l Ganci number of wins in team histo- year's team the most talented he skates to goal with a John Carroll defender on his back. of Mercyhurst fans cheering scored the two Laker goals. ry. The old record was 2000- squad in his five years with the The Lakers finished the season with two ties against Niagara for the Lakers at Dwyer arena. Mercyhurst outshot John Car- 2001 when the team finished team and said he is looking for- University and John Carroll, 7-7 and 2-2, respectively. Saturday night, John Carroll, roll 46-27 in the game but goal- with 21-3-6. I ward to next season with 14 Mercyhurst will not go on to play in the ECHL Finals due to fighting for a playoff spot, man- tender Steve Volchko gave his Six seniors ended their careers returning players from h i s line- a hazing violation penalty. aged a 2-2 tie at the Mercyhurst best performance of t h e season with the John Carroll game in- up including nine rookies, t Lady Lakers fall to THE Hillsdale 70-53 Mercyhurst looks to win against Gannon The Hillsdale Chargers scored players in double figures. Se- If the last nine points of the first nior guard Hoi ly Horton scored half and went on from t h e r e to 11 while senior center Jessica defeat Mercyhurst 70-53 Sat- Weir added 10. BAR&6RILL urday, Feb. 8, at the Jesse Phil- Hillsdale senior guard ips Arena. Stephanie Heid led all scorers Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday with 19. $2 High Life $1.50 Miller Michelob Power hour Happy Hour $2 Long $1.50 Bud The Chargers shot 51 percent Pitchers Lite and Family Night llllll! Island Tea Women's from the field, h i t four of eight I 5-7 and Bud from beyond the arc, made 10-12 MSt> I $1.75 Cap- 10-12 And Labatt $1 Select Light | Basketball eight of 12 at the line, and pulled Bottles tain Morgan Family Shooters Bottles i The Chargers improved to down 33 rebounds. 10-12 10-12 10-12 and 1/2 off 19-3 overall and to 11-2 in the The Lakers shot just 38.5 GLIAC. percent from the floor, made wings Mercyhurst, which lost 71- five triples, shot eight of 12 59 at home to the Chargers ear- from the line, and had 32 car- 1/2 off selected appetizers 7 days alweek 8-9 PM lier in the season, fell to 5-17 oms. The teams combined for and 2-12, respectively. 49 turnovers, 27 to Mercy- Dine in only The score was knotted at 21 hurst. with three minutes left in the The Lakers will play next at night menu half when Hillsdale took con- cross-town rival Gannon Sal trol. v I urday, Feb J 15 at 6 p.m. Mer- add th The Chargers led by as many cyhurst lost earlier this season as 22 in the second half before to the Knights 65-52. settling for the final 17-point 825-3700 • Located at 38th and Pine Ave. margin. Info by MC Sports Information Open 11 AM to 2 AM Serving Lunch and Dinner Mercyhurst finished with two