Genera User's Guide Overview of Symbolics Computers
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Genera User’s Guide Overview of Symbolics Computers Documentation Notation Conventions Modifier Key Conventions Modifier keys are designed to be held down while pressing other keys. They do not themselves transmit characters. A combined keystroke like META-X is pronounced "meta x" and written as m-X.This notation means thatyou press the META key and, whileholdingitdown,presstheXkey. Modifierkeysareabbreviatedasfollows: CONTROL c- META m- SUPER s- HYPER h- SHIFT sh- SYMBOL sy- Modifier keys can be used in combination, as well as singly.Forexample, the nota tion c-m-Y indicates that you should hold down both the CONTROL and the META keyswhilepressingY. Modifier keys can also be used, both singly and in combination, to modify mouse commands. For example, the notation sh-Left means hold down the SHIFT key while clicking Left on the mouse and c-m-Middle means hold down CONTROL and METAwhileclickingMiddle. The keys with white lettering (like X or SELECT) all transmit characters. Combina tions of these keys should be pressed in sequence, one after the other (for exam ple, SELECT L). This notation means that you press the SELECT key, release it, and thenpresstheLkey. LOCAL is an exception to this rule. Despite its white lettering, you must hold it down while pressing another key, or it has no effect. For example, to brighten the imageonyourmonitor,youwouldholddown LOCALwhilepressingB. Page 2736 Documentation Conventions Thisdocumentationusesthefollowingnotationconventions: cond,zl:hostat PrintedrepresentationofLispobjectsinrunningtext. RETURN,ABORT,c-F keysontheSymbolicsKeyboard. SPACE Spacebar. login Literaltypein. (make-symbol "foo") Lispcodeexamples. (function-name arg1 &optionalarg2) Syntaxdescriptionoftheinvocationoffunction-name. arg1 Argument to the function function-name, usually ex pressed as a word that reflects the type of argument (forexample,string). &optional Introducesoptionalargument(s). ShowFile,Start Command Processor command names and Frontend Processor (FEP) command names appear with the ini tialletterofeachwordcapitalized. m-XInsertFile,InsertFile(m-X) Extended command names in Zmacs, Zmail, and Sym bolics Concordia appear with the m-X notation either preceding the command name, or following it in parentheses. Both versions mean press m-X and then typethecommandname. [MapOver] Menu items. Click Left to select a menu item, unless other operations are indicated. (See the section "MouseCommandConventions".) Left,Middle,Right Mouseclicks. sh-Right,c-m-Middle Modified mouse clicks. For example, sh-Right means hold down the SHIFT key while clicking Right on the mouse, and c-m-Middle means hold down CONTROL and METAwhileclickingMiddle. Page 2737 Mouse Command Conventions Thefollowingconventionsareusedtorepresentmouseactions: 1. Squarebracketsdelimitamenuitem. 2. Slashes(/)separatethemembersofacompoundmousecommand. 3. Thestandardclickingpatternisasfollows: • For a single menu item, always click Left. For example, the following two commandsareidentical: [Previous] [Previous(L)] • For a compound command, always click Right on each menu item (to dis play a submenu) except the last, where you click Left (to cause an action to be performed). For example, the following two compound commands are equivalent: [MapOver/Move/Hardcopy] [MapOver(R)/Move(R)/Hardcopy(L)] 4. When a command does not follow the standard clicking order, the notationfor thecommandshowsexplicitlywhichbuttontoclick. Forexample: [MapOver/Move(M)] [Previous(R)] Introduction to Genera The software environment that runs on the Symbolics family of computersis called Genera.SeethedocumentGenera Concepts. The Console The devices that are used to talk to Genera are collectively referred to as the con- sole. These include one or more bitraster displays, a specially extended keyboard, andapointingdevicecalledamouse. The Screen Page 2738 Figure132.TheConsole The screen always contains one or more windows. Regardless of which windows are displayed, the screen always contains some information displays, including a mouse documentation line and a status line. These information displays tell you what your machine is doing, what mouse actions are available, and are helpful in determining whether Genera is operating normally or needs intervention. See the section"RecoveringFromErrorsandStuckStates". Mouse Documentation Line User ID Run Bar Date and Time Current Package Process State Figure133.TheStatusArea Page 2739 Mouse Documentation Lines The mouse documentation lines contain information about what different mouse clicks mean. As you move the mouse across different mousesensitive areas of the screen, the mouse documentation lines change to reflect the changing commands available. When no documentation appears, it does not necessarily mean that the mouse clicks are undefined. Not all programs have provided material for the mouse docu mentation lines. When the mouse documentation lines are blank at "top level" in a window, the mouse usually offers some standard commands. Clicking Left selects a window.Clicking Rightoften brings up a menu specific to the application.Clicking sh-RightbringsuptheSystemmenu. The mouse documentation lines are normally displayed in white type in a black box (reverse video). Pressing FUNCTION m-C reverses the video state of the mouse documentation lines; if they were white on black, they become black on white and viceversa. Status Line The status line is the line of text at the bottom of the screen. It contains the followinginformation: • Dateandtime • Loginname • Currentpackage • Processstate • Runbars • Othercurrentinformation,suchas ° Consoleidletime ° Networkserviceindicators Process State The process state refers to the processes associated with the selected window. See the section "Selecting and Creating Activities". The following list shows some com monstates: Mouse Out Waitingforthemouseprocesstonoticeachangeofwindows. Net In Waitingfordatafromanothermachineonthenetwork. Net Out Waitingtosenddatatoanothermachineonthenetwork. Open Waitingtoopenafileonanothermachineonthenetwork. Run Processisrunning. User Input Waitingforinputfromkeyboardormouse. Run Bars Page 2740 The run bars are thin horizontal lines near the process state in the status line. A descriptionofeachone,fromlefttoright,follows: TwoGCbars(underthepackagename) The left one is visible when the scavenger is looking for refer ences to objects that are candidates to become garbage. The right one is visible when the transporter is copying an object. Seethesection"TheoryofOperationoftheGCFacilities". Diskbar Visible when the processor is waiting for the disk, typically because of paging. Nonpaging disk I/O usually waits via process-wait,inwhichcasethisbardoesnotappear. Runbar(undertherun/waitstate) Visible when a process is runningand not waiting for the disk. Not visible when the scheduler is looking for something to do. Seethesection"HowtheSchedulerWorks". PagingBar Visiblewhenpagingactivityisgoingon. Disksavebar(farright) Visible only when zl:disk-save is reading from the disk; zl:disk-save alternatively reads and writes large batches of pages. The alternating state of this bar tells you that zl:disk- saveisworkingwhileyouwaitforit. Progress Notes Progress notes for some activities are displayed at the right end of the status line. They consist of a string describing what is happening the pathname of file be ing written or read, for example and a bar that progresses toward the right margin according to how far the process has gotten. Progress notes can be added toyourapplicationprograms:Seethesection"ProgressIndicatorFacilities". The Keyboard There are 88 keys on the Symbolics keyboard.The keyboard hasunlimited rollover, meaning that a keystroke is sensed when the key is pressed, no matter what other keysarehelddownatthetime. The keys are divided into three groups: special function keys, character keys, and modifier keys. Special function keys and character keys transmit something. They have black labels and are typed in sequence. Modifier keys are intended to be held down while a function or character key is typed, to alter the effect of the key. Theyhaveredlabels. FunctionKeys FUNCTION, ESCAPE, REFRESH, CLEAR INPUT, SUSPEND, RE- SUME, ABORT, NETWORK, HELP, TAB, BACKSPACE, PAGE, COM- PLETE, SELECT, RUBOUT, RETURN, LINE, END,andSCROLL Page 2741 CharacterKeys abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx yz01 23456789:-=‘\|();’,./ and the space bar. ModifierKeys LOCAL, CAPS LOCK, SYMBOL, SHIFT, REPEAT, MODE LOCK, HYPER, SUPER, META,andCONTROL The following keys are reserved for use by the user (for example, for custom edi torcommandsorkeyboardmacros): CIRCLE SQUARE TRIANGLE HYPER To get information about the keyboard, press the SYMBOL and HELP keys simultane ously. You can have keys repeat if they are held down. This feature is disabled by de fault,butyoucanenableitbysetting si:*kbd-auto-repeat-enabled-p*tot. (setfsi:*kbd-autorepeatenabledp*t) The speed of repetition is controlled by si:*kbd-repetition-interval*. See the vari ablesi:*kbd-repetition-interval*. You can exempt certain keys from autorepetition using the function si:set-auto- repeat-p. For example, to make SQUARE one of the keys that do not autorepeat, youwouldtype: (si:setautorepeatp#\Squarenil) Seethefunctionsi:set-auto-repeat-p. You can customize key bindings; see the section "Setting Key Bindings in Init Files". If you have a MacIvory or a UX400S, there is a mapping from those keyboards to the Symbolics special keys. For the MacIvory, see the section "Using the Genera Application on a MacIvory". For the UX400S, see the section