Dermatologic Manifestations of Giardiasis J Am Board Fam Pract: First Published As 10.3122/Jabfm.5.4.425 on 1 July 1992
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Dermatologic Manifestations Of Giardiasis J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.5.4.425 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from jerry T. McKnight, M.D., and Paul E. Tietze, M.D. Giardia lamblia is the most common intestinal The physical examination was remarkable only parasite in the United States and is worldwide in for an eczematous-type dermatitis with erythema, distribution.l Approximately 4 percent of stool xerosis, and several fine papular and vesicular specimens submitted to public health laboratories lesions on the extremities. The rash was con in this country contain Giardia cysts.2 The usual fined primarily to the trunk and extremities symptoms of acute giardiasis include diarrhea, and was located predominately on the flexor sur abdominal cramps, nausea, and weight loss. faces. This pattern was consistent with the previ Many, if not most, individuals with Giardia infec ous diagnosis of atopic dermatitis. The involved tion are asymptomatic. Giardiasis can be an acute skin was excoriated, and lichenification was self-limiting diarrheal illness, or it can lead to present. chronic diarrhea and malabsorption.3 Children The patient's complete blood count, chemical are affected more often than adults, and person analysis of serum, urinalysis, and thyroid profile to-person transmission has been documented.4,s were normal. The serum immunoglobin E(IgE) There have been reports of allergic symptoms was 48 ,....glL (20 U/mL), normal 24-240 ,....glL associated with giardiasis. This article describes a (10-100 U/mL). case of dermatitis associated with Giardia infec The medications were changed to fluocinonide tion and reviews dermatologic manifestations of ointment 0.05 percent twice daily and terfenadine Giardia lamblia infection. 60 mg twice daily. This medication regimen de creased symptoms somewhat; however, the der Case Report matitis persisted with the pruritus being especially A 48-year-old woman complained of an 8-month bothersome. history of atopic dermatitis. The patient had Several weeks after changing medications, the been cared for by a dermatologist, who pre patient developed the new complaint of abdomi scribed triamcinolone ointment 0.1 percent topi nal cramping without nausea, diarrhea, or weight cally twice daily, hydroxyzine hydrochloride 25 loss. Further questioning revealed that cramp mg four times daily, and doxepin hydrochloride ing had been an intermittent problem start 50 mg at bedtime. This treatment provided some ing soon after coming to live with her daughter. symptomatic relief but had not cleared the mark A stool culture was negative for enteric patho edly pruritic chronic dermatitis. There was no gens; however, a microscopic examination history of atopy, nor was there any history of showed numerous Giardia cysts. Treatment with dermatologic conditions. The patient requested metronidazole, 250 mg three times a day for her medications be changed because of worsen 7 days, relieved the abdominal complaints. Addi on 25 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ing of the rash. tionally, the dermatitis completely resolved The patient's medical history was unremark within 2 weeks. All medications were discon able except one previous hospitalization for an tinued, and the rash had not recurred after 18 uncomplicated childbirth. The social history was months of follow-up care. pertinent for a move to east Tennessee 10 months The suspected source of infection was an earlier from her native country of Germany to underground well, which was the only water live with her daughter. The dermatitis developed source for the family. The local health de approximately 2 months after moving. partment believed it was impractical to filter mass quantities of water for detection of Giardia. The other family members were asked to have Submitted, revised, 2 October 1991. stool specimens for parasites. No members of From the Department of Family Medicine, University of the household were symptomatic, and they de . Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Address reprint requests to Jerry T. McKnight, M.D., Department of Family Medicine, University clined. The family was asked to boil water used of Alabama, 107 Educational Tower, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401. for consumption. Dermatologic Manifestations of Giardiasis 425 i! i) ,. Discussion ritus, and anal itching. Urticaria or dermatitis was J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.5.4.425 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from This case illustrates a possible complication of not specifically reported. The report indicated giardiasis. An extensive review of the medical lit that after treatment with either metronidawle or erature, including foreign sources, revealed sev quinacrine, 90 percent of the articular and extra eral references to dermatologic manifestations, articular signs and symptoms disappeared.II specifically urticaria, associated with giardiasis.6-s Another specific report of note is that by Infection with Giardia has been associated with Chirila, et al.,IO who in 1981 studied 434 patients urticaria, pruritus, and possibly angioedema.9,10 who came to the Department of Allergy at the Other allergic manifestations, such as reactive ar Institute of Internal Medicine in Bucharest. Of thritis, have also been reported.ll Giardia is not these patients, 186 had chronic urticaria, 120 had usually associated with elevated IgE levels or angioedema, and 50 had both urticaria and an eosinophilia.S,12 Appropriate treatment of this gioedema. Giardia was found in 74 (40 percent) of parasite resulted in complete resolution of patients with chronic urticaria, in 42 (35 percent) .,1 skin manifestations in all cases described. The of patients with angioedema, and in 48 (96 per cases described in the literature are presented cent) of patients who had both chronic urticaria . I in Table 1. and angioedema. The authors indicated clinical Additional studies not tabulated include a study symptoms were rarely suggestive of giardiasis. in 1977 of 66 Argentinian children, aged 2 to 15 Giardia was found in these allergic patients three years, who came to a rheumatology clinic with times more frequently than the normal popula joint symptoms. Goobarll reported that these tion of Rumania. The authors did not report der , ! children had joint symptoms of pain accompanied matologic response to treatment in these patients. by synovitis. Sixty-four of these children had There have been many cases of urticaria associ I, I giardiasis. The 66 patients were selected because ated with Giardia lamblia infection. Previous ap of gastrointestinal symptoms, including diarrhea, proximations of nine total cases by Hamrick and nausea or vomiting, abdominal cramps, or bloody Moorel9 in 1983 and 20 cases by Clyne and stools. Sixty percent had what were described as Eliopoulos20 in 1989 were underestimations. The allergic symptoms: nasal itching, generalized pru- total number of cases reported is 33, not counting Table 1. Literature Rmew of GianUasis AII80dated wi1Il U1tlcarla or Prurltis. , , ; ~ Year Cases Ages (yr) Other Symptoms Treaonent Outcome 1949 1 16 Diarrhea, abdominal pain Quinacrine All symptoms resolved6 , 1, 1957 2 34,42 Diarrhea, weight loss Quinacrine All symptoms resolved7 1958 6* NR Gastrointestinal symptoms Quinacrine Urticaria resolved8 1969 St NR NR NR NR13 1976 1 28 Diarrhea, weight loss Metronidazole All symptoms resolved 14 on 25 September 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. 1978 4 NR Diarrhea Metronidazole All symptoms resolved 15 1979 30s None Metronidazole Urticaria resolved16 1980 3 1,13.35 Anorexia. diarrhea. weight loss Metronidazole All symptoms resolved17 1983 6* 5-33 50% had gastrointestinal symptoms Metronidazole All symptoms resolved 18 1983 4 None Metronidazole All S}'D}ptoms resolved 19 1983 6 Diarrhea, arthritis Metronidazole All symptoms resolved9 1989 28 Diarrhea, fever Metronidazole All symptoms resolved2o 1989 1 53 Diarrhea. fever Metronidazole Uticaria resolved21 1990 IS NR Mild gastrointestinal symptoms Metronidazole All symptoms resolved22 NR • not reported. *6 of 32 patients with giardiasis. tS of 500 patients with giardiasis. *6 of 50 patients with chronic urticaria. §Self-report, allergist, pruritis only. 426 JABFP July-August 1992 Vol. 5 No.4 additional cases unreported by Kennou, et alP the association with Giardia is immunologically J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.5.4.425 on 1 July 1992. Downloaded from and the Rumanian study,IO which did not re based. This reaction, however, might not be a port response to treatment. Goobarll also did classical IgE-mediated phenomenon.33 Although not quantitate the exact number with pruritus urticaria is not a usual manifestation of Giardia, it or the specific response to treatment in each should be recognized, especially in view of the incident. ubiquitous nature of the organism. Because Some of these patients had few if any gastroin chronic urticaria is a relatively common dermato testinal symptoms. This finding is not surprising logic disorder and results in a frequently frustrat in view of the known history of giardiasis.3 The ing and unfruitful evaluation, it would be reason types of gastrointestinal presentations of giardia able to include Giardia in the differential sis range from minimal or no symptoms to diar diagnosis and to search for Giardia by either mi rhea and weight loss. 3 Fever is also occasionally croscopic stool analysis or by the newer and per seen.20,23,24 The number of reports and the differ haps more