Dear Pi Phis, learning to be a leader, bur ir also means learning to be a follower , to be a ream player, to be a In rhe lasr responsible cirizen, to be considerare, to "care Perspecrive I enough to confront," to ser and reach goals, to asked you to srrive afrer "a mosr noble womanhood. " please pay your Is Pi Phi rhe only place you can learn rhese intemarional rhings) Again certainly nor. However Pi Phi and all dues. To rhe NPC groups provide a posirive environment of many of you support and encouragement, which I am con who have sent vinced, makes rhis personal development easier your $20 and more successful. I am reminded of a speaker I checks to heard years ago ar an alumnae Pan hellenic lun Central Office , cheon. She said she was asked abour her involve a sincere rhank ment on her sororiry's narional council. She you. To those who have nor done so bur intended responded rhar some women give rheir rime to to, rhere is a dues envelope inrillded wirh rhis rheir garden club learning how to grow and arrange ARROW. I hope rhe rerum envelope will borh serve beauriful flowers. She used her rime helping beau as a reminder and be more convenient for you. riful young women grow and learn how to arrange Also please read page 24 and learn abour the chap rheir lives. rer challenge - a friendly comperirion to see When friends, family and srrangers quesrion which of our chaprers has rhe highest percentage your involvement in your "co ll ege sororiry," I hope of dues-paying alumnae.
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