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V119n1-Fall-2002.Pdf Dear Pi Phis, learning to be a leader, bur ir also means learning to be a follower , to be a ream player, to be a In rhe lasr responsible cirizen, to be considerare, to "care Perspecrive I enough to confront," to ser and reach goals, to asked you to srrive afrer "a mosr noble womanhood. " please pay your Is Pi Phi rhe only place you can learn rhese intemarional rhings) Again certainly nor. However Pi Phi and all dues. To rhe NPC groups provide a posirive environment of many of you support and encouragement, which I am con­ who have sent vinced, makes rhis personal development easier your $20 and more successful. I am reminded of a speaker I checks to heard years ago ar an alumnae Pan hellenic lun­ Central Office , cheon. She said she was asked abour her involve­ a sincere rhank ment on her sororiry's narional council. She you. To those who have nor done so bur intended responded rhar some women give rheir rime to to, rhere is a dues envelope inrillded wirh rhis rheir garden club learning how to grow and arrange ARROW. I hope rhe rerum envelope will borh serve beauriful flowers. She used her rime helping beau­ as a reminder and be more convenient for you. riful young women grow and learn how to arrange Also please read page 24 and learn abour the chap­ rheir lives. rer challenge - a friendly comperirion to see When friends, family and srrangers quesrion which of our chaprers has rhe highest percentage your involvement in your "co ll ege sororiry," I hope of dues-paying alumnae. you will rake rhe rime to explain to rhem rhe bene­ In my previous dues "ask" I srressed rhe gifr of firs of membership in rerms of firsr and foremosr friendship rhar Pi Phi has broughr to every one of friendship , bur also in rerms of personal develop­ • us. Is rhar rhe only benefir we have received fTom menr. If you need some examples see rhe fearure rhis Frarerniry? An empharic "no." I would daresay on page 4 where Pi Phi leaders of all ages and rhe large majoriry of us feel we have grown in many backgrounds share rheir rhoughrs and inspirarion. ways rhrough our Pi Phi experiences, and I hope Pi Bera Phi has done well in rhe pasr \'lirh prepar­ we continue to do so. ing our young women for life afrer graduarion , bur One of rhe aspecrs of rhe Srraregic Plan is our Srraregic Plan is to help rhem even more in rhe relared to Values Based Programming for our colle­ furure. V·le hope you share rhar goal. To accom­ giare members. In rhe lisr of values is "personal plish ir we need and \vill appreciare your suppon and intellecrual growrh ." Intellecrual growrh is - borh personal and financial I obvious. as a Frarerniry we have always srressed mental advancement and expect our collegians to ~- ... A. firsr and foremosr be good srudenrs. Whar do we ~ Sarah Rurh "Sis" Mullis. Grand President mean by personal development? To me ir means Fall - 2002 Volume g e Number Editor Features Elizabeth Gilkison Cannon [email protected] 4 You've Got the Right Stuff Tips and talk about an im portant topic. Assistant Editor Sara Bell 10 Award Winners [email protected] Pi Phi 's fi nest: 2001- 2002 collegiate and alumnae award wi nners. Copy Deadlines 18 Alumnae Initiates Fall-June 1 What's an alumnae initiate? Meet four of them. Spring - November 1 Summer - April 1 37 ABO/ CS winners Province wi nners of two prestigious collegiate awards. Pi Beta Phi Headquarters 1154 Town &. Country Commons Drive 46 Convention 2003 Town &. Country, Missouri 63017 Help make history by attending Pi Phi 's 64th Biennial (636) 256-0680 Convention June 20- 24, 2003 in Anaheim, California. FAX: (636) 256-8095 E-mail: [email protected] www.pibetaphi.org Departments Address Chan~es and In Memonam 9 From the Reader Pi Beta Phi Headquarters 15 RLR Wrap up 1154 Town &. Country Commons Drive 16 Fraternity Directory Town &. Country, Missouri 63017 20 Alumnae News 25 Reunions & Anniversaries ., Pi Beta Phi Fraternity, rrB<t> 26 Foundation Founded 1861 28 Arrowmont 30 Directions Founders 32 Collegiate News Emma Brownlee Kilgore 40 links to literacy Margaret Campbell Libbie Brook Gaddis 41 In Memoriam Ada Bruen Grier 42 Masters of Design Clara Brownlee Hutchinson 43 News & Notes Fannie Whitenack Libbey Rosa Moore Jennie ieol, M.D. Inez Smith Soule ~lember College fraternl[Y EdlLOrs Associanon Fannie Thomson Jenme Home Turnbull The ARROW of PI Bew Pill IS publIShed by PI Bcta PhI Fra[ernI[Y. 1154 Town & Countr), aney Black Wallace Commons Dnve Town & Counuy. MO 630 17 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ARROW of PI Bda Pill . 1154 Town & Count!)' Commons Om'e, Town & Country. MO 63017 Fa ll o 2002 ---+- You've Got the It's a catch word. Our society thrives on it. We depend on it. One visit to amazon.com will bring up 11 ,937 books to help develop it. jump on google.com and you can fi nd 9,830,000 Web sites about it. Look at any large college campus and there could be up to 900 classes offered to teach it. So what is it? Leadership. Were you expecting that onc) Yes, from the commander in chief to an elementary school line leader, we are surrounded by leadership. We look to pastors, priests, parents, presidents, teachers and CEOs to guide us in what we do everyday. And , we look to ourselves to be organizers, facili­ tators and implementors of our time and abilities - we lead our own lives. It's no doubt that leaders are important, and that in some way, everyone is a leader. Have you rounded up your children and their friends to take them to the pooP Are you the president of your local garden club? Have you led your company in productivity this month) Have you orga­ nized a reunion? Then you're a leader. But, why are Susan B. Anthony, Sir \Vinston Churchill and Martin Luther Kingjr. immortal­ ized in our history books) Because they were great leaders for great causes. Those are the kind of leaders we would like to build in Pi Phi: great leaders for great causes. Leaders who have a vision, make a plan and take action. Leaders who realize the cause and are ready to implement it. Through the Values Workshop, Pi Phi is presenting collegiate members with the great cause of upholding a lifelong tradition of developing friendships, serving others and leading. Through o the workshop, we are helping collegians take the first step to develop into leaders who can advance the cause well into alumnae life. In their book, "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership," john C. Maxwell and Zig Ziglar out­ line 2 1 laws that mark a leader. A few of these laws include: really knOwing your final destination no matter how good the map is ; being trust\vorthy; encouraging buy-in to yourself, as well as the vision; and being connected to a person's heart before you ask for her help. However, one of the most pertinent laws is that it "takes a leader to raise a leader." As alumnae, you are the influence, the drive, the spark that can help collegians develop into great leaders. Through participating as an MC member, a CPP, an alumnae club member, a Directions mentor, or as a fellow Pi Phi family member you can help our collegians as a trust\vor­ thy friend who knows and can communicate the \1.sion , as well as connect to their heans. You will need to know the final destination, so stay im'ol\'ed and connected to what Pi Phi is doing The changes it's making through collegiate programming by returning to our basic values. and e\'entu- Fa ll " 2 0 02 Barbie Oliver Tootle Ohio Beta all y our new look will need to be supported by you, the alumnae , first and Worthington, then by the collegians. They will need to foll ow you. Ohio Does this charge seem overwhelming) Are you thinking you need some President of help and guidance? The foll Owing are inSights, thoughts and observations Left Field Consulting, which pro­ about leadership, not from a book on Amazon, or a Web site found through a vides training in creativity and search engine, but from Pi Phis like yo u. Flip through and think of yourself leadership, as well as speech writ­ answering some of the same questions. You may be surprised and encour­ ing services aged. So jump into it, embrace it, develop it. You are a leader. You are a Pi Ph i. Advice to a new leader: ''Take chances. Raise your hand and get as much experience as you can. Be observant. Seek out Lisa Masters people you admire and watch Pi Beta Phi Leadership Development Officer what they do. Likewise, figure out what isn't working for them. And then, be yourself. There isn't anyone way to be an effective Lisa Masters was recently leader. " appOinted to a new Pi Beta Phi position as Leadership Development Officer. In this new Lisa Petronella Shock position, Lisa will be helping New York Zeta Grand Council as th ey develop Hillsborough, North Carolina and implement th e Fra terni ty 's PhysiCian assistant in a rural NC strategic plan. She will also be community's family practice spe­ gu iding our Fraterni ty in mat­ Cializing in geriatrics and family ters oj leadership and growth. medicine. Lisa is the first woman in her family to attend college and thus, the first Greek.
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