Lake Biwa Experience and Lessons Learned Brief Tatuo Kira, Retired, Lake Biwa Research Institute, Otsu, Japan Shinji Ide*, University of Shiga Prefecture, Hikone, Japan,
[email protected] Fumio Fukada, Retired, Shiga Prefectural Government, Otsu, Japan Masahisa Nakamura, Shiga University, Otsu, Japan * Corresponding author 1. Introduction The history of the lake’s management is also one of confl icts over water utilization and fl ood control between Shiga This brief outlines the major management issues for Lake Biwa, Prefecture and the central government or the downstream the largest freshwater lake in Japan. The lake and its watershed mega-cities, including Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe. The Lake Biwa communities have enjoyed a common history for thousands of Comprehensive Development Project (LBCDP), the largest years, fostering a unique lake culture in the surrounding area. The birth of the lake can 6HDRI-DSDQ 1 be traced back to some four million years ago. As one of few ancient lakes in the world, /<RJR it embraces a rich ecosystem, with fi fty-seven endemic species being recorded. At DNDWRNL5 7 $QH5 the same time, it is a principal /$.(%,:$ ,PD]X <2'25,9(5%$6,1 1DJDKDPD water resource in Japan, $GR5 1RUWK%DVLQ -$3$1 supplying drinking water for 14 'UDLQDJH%DVLQ%RXQGDU\ million people in its watershed 3UHIHFWXUH%RXQGDU\ /DNH 5LYHU %LZD +LNRQH and downstream areas. /DNH Additionally, its catchment 6HOHFWHG&LW\ 6+,*$ area is highly industrialized NP 35() and urbanized, being inhabited .DWDWD 2PL +DFKLPDQ (FKL5 by approximately 1.3 million . .<272 DWVXUD5 +LQR5 people, with the population 35() ,/(& still increasing at one of the .\RWR 6RXWK%DVLQ 2WVX .XVDWVX highest growth rates in Japan.