16. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Weathered Serpentinites, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 841

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16. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Weathered Serpentinites, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 841 16. MINERALOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF WEATHERED SERPENTINITES, DEEP SEA DRILLING PROJECT LEG 841 Roger Helm, Geologisches Institut, Ruhr-Universitàt2 ABSTRACT At Sites 566, 567, and 570 of Leg 84, ophiolitic serpentinite basement was covered by a sequence of serpentinitic mud that was formed by weathering of the serpentinites under sea- or pore-water conditions. Several mineralogical pro- cesses were observed: (1) The serpentinitic mud that consists mainly of chrysotile was formed from the lizardite compo- nent of the serpentinites by alteration. (2) Slightly trioctahedral smectites containing nonexpandable mica layers, trioc- tahedral smectites containing nonexpandable chlorite layers, and swelling chlorites were presumably formed from detri- tal chlorite and/or serpentine. (3) The occurrence of tremolite, chlorite, analcime, and talc can be attributed to reworking of gabbroic ophiolite rocks. (4) Dolomite, aragonite, and Mg-calcite, all authigenic, occur in the serpentinitic mud. INTRODUCTION green unweathered serpentinite are dispersed in the muddy groundmass. The serpentinitic mud shows colors from Serpentinitic muds were recovered above serpentinitic dusky blue to grayish blue. Dolomite was found in the basement rocks at Sites 566, 567, and 570. At all sites serpentinitic mud. This serpentinite occurrence within where ultramafic ophiolitic rocks were recovered, serpen- early Miocene slope sediments was probably a boulder tinitic muds with or without calcareous admixtures were transported from upslope by slumping, and little evidence recovered above the serpentinites. The muds are inter- for mixing between serpentinitic mud and typical slope preted to be the result of submarine weathering of the un- sediment was observed by the shipboard scientists (Site derlying serpentinites. The mineralogy and chemistry of 567 report, this volume). A second occurrence of ser- these serpentinitic muds are discussed in this chapter. pentinitic mud and serpentinites was recovered beneath Methods the first at a sub-bottom depth of 320 to 350 m. Black and dark greenish serpentinite clasts are dispersed in a The sediment was dispersed using a high-frequency stirrer in de- ionized water. The fractions > 63 µm and < 63 µm were separated by pale blue to grayish blue or pale green serpentinitic mud. sieving. These samples were studied using X-ray diffraction (Cu, Kα), The upper contact is developed as a transition zone be- infrared spectroscopy, and differential thermal analyses (DTA). The tween slope sediment and serpentinitic mud (567-14-2, 40- chemical analyses were carried out by X-ray fluorescence using the 80 cm). The nature of the contact between serpentinites Li2B4O7/LiBθ2 glass disk method. An electron microscope with an additional energy dispersive spectrometer (EDAX) was used to iden- and the underlying Miocene mud is unclear. The Mio- tify the morphology of the minerals. cene mud may be a downhole contaminant. In this case, the ultramafic material belongs to an ophiolitic assem- LITHOLOGY blage that was drilled in the basal section at Site 567. In Hole 566 (Fig. 1) the serpentinites are covered by a The assemblage contains deep-water Cretaceous lime- serpentinitic mud sequence with aragonite and dolomite stone, basalts, dolerites, gabbros, and ultramafics. This admixtures. Aragonite is found as fibrous concretions, section contains all the components of an ophiolite com- and dolomicrite occurs containing dispersed serpentin- plex (Coleman, 1977). The serpentinitic muds generally ite clasts. The muds have a thickness of about 2 m and contain admixtures of gabbroic material. Alternatively, pass directly into the serpentinites. Aragonite- and dolo- if the Miocene mud is in place, the serpentinitic mud mite-filled joints occur in the basement rocks. The ser- was probably emplaced by slumping from upslope. pentinitic muds are covered by typical hemipelagic slope At Site 570 (Fig. 1) serpentinitic mud was recovered sediments of the late Pleistocene. below completely consolidated early Eocene sediments In Hole 566C (Fig. 1) pure serpentinitic mud (~3 m) (Core 39). About 10 m of serpentinitic mud with admix- covers the hard rocks. The transition between mud and tures of serpentine clasts were drilled above the massive serpentinites shows a continuous increase of solid ser- serpentinites. The color of these muds ranges from pale pentine fragments in the muddy matrix with depth. Late blue to green. The dark green serpentine clasts are Miocene slope sediments cover the serpentinitic muds veined by pale green to white fissures (hydrotalcite and without a mixing zone. chrysotile) (Fig. 2). Because the veins do not continue At Site 567 (Fig. 1) serpentinitic muds about 1 m thick into the matrix, they must have been formed prior to the were first recovered in Core 7. Angular clasts of dark serpentinitic muds. MINERALOGY 1 von Huene, R., Aubouin, J., et al., Init. Repts. DSDP, 84: Washington (U.S. Govt. Electron microscope investigations show that the ser- Printing Office). ^ Address: Geologisches Institut, Ruhr-Universitàt, Bochum, West Germany. pentinitic mud consists of silt-sized serpentine aggregates 595 R. HELM SITE 566 HOLE CORE 5 CORED INTERVAL 21.9-31.4 m sub-bottom CJ FOSSIL I α. CHARACTER 8 < GRAPHIC EC h- 55 Z LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ! Z LITHOLOGY LU 3 < N I- Dominant lithology: 0—3.2 m, siliceous mud. Color: Erosive base dark olive gray (5Y 3/2). Mostly massive and structureless. 03-rv. "J- Scaley fabric Some thin laminations and burrows. Scaly fabric present — Mottling due possibly original feature. Muddy sand beds within this unit. to burrows 1.0- (5Y 3.5/2) Minor lithology: 3.2—4.25 m and Core Catcher. Breccia. Color: 7.5YR 3.5/1. Angular serpentine and tuff clasts (up to 3 cm) supported by CaCOg•rich and dolomiterich Burrowing matrix (same color). Matrix is variably cemented. Scaly fabric Gradational contact SITE 566 HOLE CORE 6 CORED INTERVAL 31.4-41.1 m sub-bottom C FOSSIL CHARACTER K S S S N S E E Y S T GRAPHIC LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ROC LITHOLOGY - G ZON S S UNI E METER SECTIO TIM NANNOFOSSIL RADIOLARIAN FORAMINIFER DIATOM DISTURBANC BIOSTRATIGRAPHI DRILLIN SEDIMENTAR SAMPLE STRUCTURE Δ Δ Dominant lithology: serpentinite. Color: N2 5/0. 1 Δ 0.5- Δ Refer to thin section form. Δ Δ Serpentinite with ribbon texture. Younger cross-cutting 1.0- Δ veins filled with chrysolite. No secondary metamorphic CC mm Δ T minerals. Most likely a dunite or hartzburgite that has altered to serpentine under high stress. Chromite shows alteration to Fe3O4. Lots of internal shearing. Figure 1. Lithology columns showing contact between average slope sediment and serpentinitic mud as well as contact between serpentinitic mud and massive serpentinite. 596 MINERALOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF WEATHERED SERPENTINES SITE 566 HOLE C CORE H2 CORED INTERVAL 88.1-109.1 m sub-bottom FOSSIL CHARACTER CC K GRAPHIC LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION I Z LITHOLOGY LU => Structureless drilling breccia comprising two dominant lithologies. 03- Mudstone. Color: dark olive gray (5Y3 5/2). Structureless. 1.0- D Sandstone. Color: dark greenish gray (5GY 4/2). Lithified sandstone, matrix rich in CaCOg. Sand- to gravel-sized grains. High percentage of volcanic rock fragments — angu- lar. No internal sedimentary structures. CC SITE 566 HOLE C CORE 5 CORED INTERVAL 109.1-117.2 m sub-bottom FOSSIL CHARACTER CC H GRAPHIC LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION I Z LITHOLOGY < N LU => 552 Dominant lithology: serpentinite and remnants of serpen- tinized peridotite. Color: dusky blue (5BP 3/2). See igneous rock core description. This core has been highly disturbed by drilling. The serpen- tinite has weathered to a clay — some original structures visible. Intact, unweathered blocks of peridotite found throughout the core. CC Figure 1. (Continued). 597 R. HELM SITE 567 HOLE A CORE 7 CORED INTERVAL 253.1-262.7 m sub-bottom FOSSIL CHARACTER 8 oc y- GRAPHIC LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION LITHOLOGY l z < N CC Dominant lithology: mudstone. Color: grayish olive green (5GY 3/2) to pale green (10G 6/2). 05- Structureless — dominated by sedimentary breccias with blue clast up to 2 cm in diameter. Matrix and clast sup- ported. Dolomitic around serpentinite clasts. 1.0- - Blue (10G 4/1) mud clasts Minor lithology: serpentinite. Color: dusky blue (5PB 3/2) to grayish blue (5PB 5/2). Present as large clasts within the Bioturbated rrvud. Original structures visible — truncated at margins of sedimentary breccia the boulder. Larger boulder may comprise smaller clasts. Sedimentary breccia Large boulder of weathered serpentinite Serpentinite boulder SITE 567 HOLE A CORE 14 CORED INTERVAL 316.2-325.1 m sub-bottom C FOSSIL CHARACTER K S S N S S Y E E S T GRAPHIC LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ROC LITHOLOGY 1 - ZON G S S UNI E METER SECTIO TIM FORAMINIFER NANNOFOSSIL RADIOLARIAN DIATOM DRILLIN DISTURBANC BIOSTRATIGRAPHI SAMPLE SEDIMENTAR STRUCTURE Sedimentary breccia Dominant |ithology: mud. Color: brownish black (5YR 2/1) to olive black (5Y 2/1). Massive mudstone - sedimen- 05- — Light olive gray mud tary breccia with assorted clasts. 1 -«— Limestone clast _. Serpentinite Minor lithology: serpentinite. Color: very pale blue 1.0- —— Sandstone clast (5B 8/2) and black — unweathered. : Void Sedimentary breccia ——Serpentinite clasts - 2 -—Yellowish gray L limestone ' Weathered serpentinite * - > Serpentinite 3 CC —Serpentinite clast Figure 1. (Continued). 598 MINERALOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF WEATHERED SERPENTINES SITE 567 HOLE A CORE 16 CORED INTERVAL 334.0-342.8 m sub-bottom C FOSSIL CHARACTER K S S S S N Y E E S T GRAPHIC ROC LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION LITHOLOGY - ZON G S UNI S E METER SECTIO TIM FORAMINIFER NANNOFOSSIL RADIOLARIAN DIATOM BIOSTRATIGRAPHI DRILLIN DISTURBANC SEDIMENTAR STRUCTURE SAMPLE Dominant lithology: serpentinite. Color: pale blue green (5BG 7/2) mottled with pale blue (5PB 7/2). 03- Highly deformed by drilling but some deformation is 1 possibly original, i.e., due to shearing. 1.0- Only one sample of unsheared rock in Section 1, 20—30 cm. Lower down in the core black (5G 2/1) phacoids of serpentinite surrounded by weathered serpentinite.
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    THn AMERICAX M INERALOGIST JOURNAL OF THE MINERALOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Vol. 2l AUGUST, 1936 No.8 AN X.RAY AND OPTICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE SERPENTINE MINERALS Gnoncn C. Scr,rnrocE, JR., Columbia IJniaersity, New Vork City. Ansrnacr IIore than 100 specimens belonging to the serpentine group have been investigated optically and by means of r-rays. Essentially all of the species now classed within the ser. pentine group can be referred to two main divisions, each of which shows slight modifica- tions in the intensities of certain lines. The first division, which is referred to as the mineral serpentine, consists of varieties whose patterns are similar in atomic spacing to that of serpentine, best represented by patterns of chrysotile. The name chrysotile is reserved for serpentine occurring in veins and consisting of flexible fibers. The second division, which is referred to as the mineral antigorite, consists of varieties whose patterns are similar in atomic spacing to that of antigorite, from Antigorio valley, Piedmont. Fragments from the specimens of each division have been examined by the immersion method and their optical properties noted. Nearly all of the specimens have been studied in thin section. The fundamental structures of both divisions appear to be fibrous. From the r-ray and optical studies it appears that the matrix of chrysotile is serpentine and not an- tigorite as thought by some autfiors. General comparisons have been made between chemical analyses compiled from the literature. Based on the results of the r-ray and optical studies and the chemical discussion it is proposed to drop the names schweizerite, metaxite, pyroidesine, rnarmolite, retinalite, thermophyllite, bastite and.
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