Adult Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Health Needs Assessment for Wiltshire Image to symbolise topic can go in here Adult Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing: Health Needs Assessment for Wiltshire Part of the JSA Family Part of the JSA family Needs Assessment/Report prepared by: Dr Charlotte Bigland Public Health Telephone: 01225 716879 Email:
[email protected] Page 1 Part of the JSA Family Adult Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing: Part of the JSA Family Health Needs Assessment for Wiltshire Executive Summary Background Mental health is everybody’s business and there is no other area of health that combines mental health’s frequency of occurrence with its persistence and breadth of impacts. Mental health is a significant cause and effect of health inequalities. Thus reducing mental health inequalities is an important part of tackling wider population inequalities. Working towards parity of esteem for mental health is a key goal enshrined in both local and national policy. The national guiding principles for mental health service provision are that o Decisions must be locally led. o Care must be based on the best available evidence o Services must be designed in partnership with people who have mental health problems and with carers o Inequalities must be reduced to ensure all needs are met, across all ages o Care must be integrated – spanning people’s physical, mental and social needs o Prevention and early intervention must be prioritised o Care must be safe, effective and personal, and delivered in the least restrictive setting o The right data must be collected and used to drive and evaluate progress These principles are in line with local policies developed by Wiltshire Council and Wiltshire CCG.