Notes and Queries
Notes and Queries HENRY ECROYD'S WATCH 1. Tobias Gowell, 1883. "I For many years I have had send thee once more my in my possession a copy of a erroneous watch . (for which) humorous letter about a watch thou demandest the fourth part needing repair, said to have of a pound sterling/' The been written by my great great watchmaker was clearly British, grandfather in 1816. but the letter appeared in print The writer, Henry Ecroyd of in the American Farm Edgend (1765-1843), began his Implements Magazine, 1883. letter to Henry Spencer, Subsequent publications: Amer Watchmaker, Burnley, as ican Heritage Magazine [c. 1961]; follows: American Horologist and Watch "Friend, I have sent thee maker of Denver, Colorado, May my pocket companion which 1975; British Jeweller and Watch greatly stands in need of Buyer, May 1976; and The thy kind care and correction. Friend, 10 Sept. 1976, p. 1068. The last time he was at thy 2. [Unsigned.] "I herewith school he was no ways send thee my pocket clock ..." benefitted by thy discipline— Printed in Richard Pike, Quaker nor in the least reformed anecdotes, 1880, pp. 54-55. thereby ..." 3. John H. Giles, Leman The letter ends with: Street, Goodman Fields, 11 Do thou regulate his conduct [London], to Ezra Enoch, watch for the time to come by the maker, London, [c. 1827-32]. motion of the luminary that 4 'Friend Enoch: I have sent thee rules over the day, and let my erroneous watch ..." [Infor him learn of that unerring mation from George Edwards.] guide the true calculation 4.
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