Social Monitoring Report

Project Number: 45021-002 April 2020

PRC: Intermodal Sustainable Transport Project - Resettlement Monitoring Report

Prepared by Anhui Zhenhua Comprehensive Transport Research Institute of Anhui Communications Vocational and Technical College for the Anhui Provincial Government and the Asian Development Bank

This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Anhui Communications Vocational &Technical College

Anhui Intermodal Sustainable Transport Project

Resettlement Monitoring&Evaluation Report (NO. 10)

Send to: Foreign Fund Project Management Office, Transport Department of Anhui Province; Project Resettlement Expert of ADB

Monitoring Party: Anhui Communications Vocational & Technical College Duration of Monitoring: January 1 to June 30, 2019 Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10


1 Land Acquisition, Demolition and Resettlement...... - 1 - 1.1 G206 Dongliu-Yaodu Section Construction Engineering...... - 1 - 1.1.1 Land Acquisition Demolition...... - 1 - 1.1.2 Housing Demolition and Resettlement...... - 3 - 1.2 S319 (Erba-Wuwei) Grade I Highway Reconstruction Works in Erjun Highway, Wuwei County...... - 7 - 1.2.1 Land Acquisition, Demolition...... - 7 - 1.2.2 Housing Demolition and Resettlement...... - 8 - 1.3 S367 Ma'anshan North Passage Subproject...... - 9 - 1.3.1 Land Acquisition, Demolition...... - 9 - 1.3.2 Housing Demolition and Resettlement...... - 10 - 1.4 Kedian-Mujiating Section Reconstruction Works in Yimu Highway, ...... - 11 - 1.4.1 Land Acquisition, Demolition...... - 11 - 1.4.2 Demolition and Resettlement...... - 12 - 1.5 Shuiyang River Navigation Comprehensive Development Engineering...... - 13 - 1.5.1 Xuanzhou Port Comprehensive Wharf Project...... - 13 - 1.5.2 Waterway Regulation Project...... - 14 - 2 Grievance Redress...... - 17 - 3 Basic Evaluation and Suggestions...... - 20 - 3.1 Basic Evaluation...... - 20 - 3.2 Suggestions...... - 20 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10

1 Land Acquisition, Demolition and Resettlement The 10th Monitoring& Evaluation Report of the Resettlement works of Anhui Intermodal Sustainable Transport Project includes: G206 Dongliu-Yaodu Section Construction Works, S319 (Erba-Wuwei) Grade I Highway Reconstruction in Wuwei County, S367 Ma'anshan North Passage Subproject, Kedian-Mujiating Section Reconstruction Works in Yimu Highway, Nanling County and Shuiyang River Navigation Comprehensive Development Subproject.

1.1 G206 Dongliu-Yaodu Section Construction Works The resettlement work of G206 subproject has been completed in December 2017. This subproject mainly involves Dongliu and Yaodu towns.

1.1.1 Land Acquisition and Demolition Dongliu town has a permanent land acquisition of 250.271 mu, with a compensation amount of 8.527323 million yuan; and a temporary land occupation of 37.27 mu, with a compensation amount of 1.247799 million yuan. The relocation affected 10 households, with an area of 1684.98 ㎡ and a compensation amount of 964,358 yuan. Yaodu town has 556.795 mu of permanent land acquisition, with the compensation amount of 2,083,476 yuan; the temporary land occupation is 173.673 mu, with the compensation amount of 6,512,737 yuan. 17 households are affected by the relocation (5 of them are abandoned houses and flood control management houses, only monetary compensation, no resettlement is needed), the relocation area is 3411.06 ㎡, and the compensation amount is 178,267,700 yuan, all of which are monetary compensation and self built land transfer. The project involves two self-employed merchants in Dongliu Town, namely, a chicken farm and a pig farm. On the basis of monetary compensation (compensation for chicken farm is 237,167 yuan, and for pig farm is 151200 yuan), a larger and better breeding site has been coordinated and implemented for them, so that the merchants' breeding operation can continue and expand. According to a visit to the chicken merchants, the number of chickens raised before the relocation was 30000-40000, and now is 100000-110000. The production scale and income have been doubled.

Table 1-1 G206 Land Acquisition and Demolition Summary Land Conten Land Acquisition Demolition Demolition Temporary Demolitio occupation t acquisitio compensatio household compensatio land n area compensatio n n amount s n amount occupation (㎡) n amount Towns (mu) (yuan) (hu) (yuan) (mu) (yuan) Dongliu 250.271 8527323 10 1684.98 964358 37.27 1247799 town

- 1 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 Land Conten Land Acquisition Demolition Demolition Temporary Demolitio occupation t acquisitio compensatio household compensatio land n area compensatio n n amount s n amount occupation (㎡) n amount Towns (mu) (yuan) (hu) (yuan) (mu) (yuan) Yaodu 556.795 20834760 17 3411.06 1782677 173.673 6512737 town

total 807.066 29362083 27 5096.04 2747035 210.943 7760536

Table 1-2 G206 Completion Ratio of Land Acquisition and Demolition Cumulative Planned Completio Item Unit completed Remarks amount n ratio amount permanent land mu 987.97 807.066 81.69% completed acquisition Temporary land use mu 180.99 210.943 116.55% completed Housing demolition ㎡ 2546.09 5096.04 200.15% completed area ten Permanent land thousand 2847.37 2936.2083 103.12% completed compensation amount yuan Temporary land ten compensation thousand / 776.0536 / completed amount yuan Housing demolition ten compensation thousand 151.7 274.7035 181.08% completed amount yuan

Reasons for the increase of house demolition area: on the one hand, the safety distance of the red line for land acquisition of new houses to be demolished is insufficient, the lighting is insufficient, the houses are wet, and the houses are not suitable for living. On the other hand, the houses outside the red line of the road are impacted by ramming during the construction process, and the house foundation and structure are damaged to a certain extent, which needs to be demolished and resettled. The affected households and the project office negotiated to solve the problem with no objections. The statistics of 6 households increased in house demolition area and each household increased in area and reasons are as follows:

Table 1-3 Increased Demolition Area and Reasons of G206 Project Towns No. Name Demolition area(㎡) Demolition reasons

Dongliu town 1 Xiufen Ding 64.19 Insufficient lighting,wet

Subtotal 64.19

- 2 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10

Towns No. Name Demolition area(㎡) Demolition reasons

2 Leonglun Ye 117.31 Insufficient lighting,wet

3 Wenbiao Zhu 78.10 Impact of construction ramming

Yaodu town 4 Renguang Su 173.43 Insufficient safety distance

5 Airong Liu 69.82 Impact of construction ramming

6 Renya Su 145.79 Insufficient safety distance

Subtotal 584.45

Total 648.64

1.1.2 Housing Demolition and Resettlement The resettlement methods for the relocated households include centralized resettlement and decentralized resettlement, all of which are monetary compensation and local self built new houses allocated by the government. The 22 affected households have been completed and relocated before December 31, 2015.

(1)Dongliu Town The villagers involved in the demolition of Dongliu town were resettled in a collocated way, while respecting their own will to choose the resettlement way. The transitional housing for the resettled households were provided by the village committee free of charge in the primary school campus and village committee building. Four households in Zhanggang village of Dongliu town and Zhu bingbin were resettled according to their wishes. Their homestead was provided by the village committee free of charge, and the compensation for the original homestead was also paid in full according to the compensation standard. The other three centralized resettlement households were relocated in the new planning point in the east of Zhanggang Village (see Figure 1-1) by the village committee. And the village committee provided the homestead free of charge and designed the house shape for them to choose or reference (see Figure 1-2). The compensation for the original homestead was also paid according to the compensation standard. By December 31, 2015, all resettlement houses had been completed and had living conditions, and the residents had moved in. Since the land in the resettlement site is owned by the collective, the newly-built resettlement houses cannot be listed for trading and can only be traded among villagers within the scope of the village.

- 3 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10

Figure 1-1 Plan of Zhanggang Village Settlement in DongliuTown

Figure 1-2 Design Effect of Houses in Zhanggang Village of DongliuTown

Figure 1-3 Houses Built in Zhanggang Village, Dongliu town

There are 6 households to be relocated in Xiayang village, Dongliu town. The resettlement site is located in the beautiful rural construction site to the east of Xiayang village. The village committee provided the homestead free of charge. The compensation for the original homestead of the relocated households was paid in full according to the compensation standard. The six self built resettlement houses in the XiaYang village of Dongliu town were completed by the end of June 2015 and moved in. - 4 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10

Figure 1-4 Centralized Resettlement Site in Xiayang Village

(2) Yaodu Town The resettlement methods in the demolition of Yaodu town were to respect the villagers' personal wishes, to resettle and to coordinate the homestead by themselves. In case of difficulties, they could ask village level organizations for coordination assistance. If the water supply and power supply, cable television and other services of the resettled households needed to be reopened due to demolition, the government should coordinate with the relevant departments to properly solve the problem without any cost to the resettled households. According to the on-site monitoring and inspection by the resettlement monitoring team, the new houses of the relocated households in Yaodu town had been completed and moved in before August 31, 2015. The living conditions of the residents affected by the project have been improved, and the housing conditions have been greatly improved compared with that before the demolition (see the house photos below before and after the demolition). The residents of the demolition are satisfied with the compensation and resettlement.

Figure 1-5 House Comparison before and after demolition of Renya Su

- 5 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10

Figure 1-6 Houses Comparison before and after Demolition of Hanlin Huang

Figure 1-7 Houses Comparison before and after Demolition of Guocai Lin

Figure 1-8 Houses Comparison before and after Demolition of Rencai Su

- 6 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10

Figure 1-9 Houses Comparison before and after Demolition of Rencai Su

Figure 1-10 Houses Comparison before and after Demolition of LongliYe

Figure 1-11 Houses Comparison before and after Demolition of Guofeng Zhang

1.2 S319 (Erba-Wuwei) Grade I Highway Reconstruction Works in Wuwei County 1.2.1 Land Acquisition, Demolition The land acquisition and demolition work for S319 (Erba-Wuwei) grade I road reconstruction engineering in Wuwei county has been completed. The demolition involves 56 households and 2 enterprises. The area of 56 households is 9947.91 ㎡, and the compensation amount is 6.43145 million yuan. The demolition area of two

- 7 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 enterprises is 2329.92 ㎡, and the compensation amount is 5.4415 million yuan. 6 Of the 56 households chose monetary compensation and 50 chose centralized resettlement, with 110 resettlement houses. Two enterprises chose monetary compensation and housing ticket resettlement.

Table 1-4 Land Acquisition and Demolition of S319 Project Acquisition Demolition Temporary Acquisition Demolition Demolition Contents compensation compensation land area households area amount amount occupation (mu) (hu) (㎡) Towns (yuan) (元) (mu) Dougou 51.6992 1876846.45 4 461.44 509826.81 0 town Fudu town 253.026 10747281 52 11816.39 11363124.42 71.37

Total 304.7252 12624127.45 56 12277.83 11872951.23 71.37

Table1-5 S319 Project Completion Ratio of Land Acquisition and Demolition Cumulative Planned Completion Project Unit completed Remarks volume ratio quantity Permanent land mu 500.18 304.7252 60.92% completed acquisition Temporary land mu 199 71.37 35.86% completed occupation Housing demolition ㎡ 9710.8 12277.83 126.43% completed area Land compensation Ten amount thousan 1345.2 1262.4127 93.85% completed d yuan

The reason why the actual land acquisition data of the project is less than the data in the resettlement plan is that there is no need for land acquisition of 87.63 mu in . And 107.8248 mu in Fudu town of Wuwei County had been expropriated when the East New Area of the city was constructed before the start of the project. So the project didn’t need to be repeatedly expropriated.

1.2.2 Housing Demolition and Resettlement By June 30, 2019, of the 50 centralized resettlement households, 24 households have been fully resettled (38 resettlement houses), 17 households have not been fully resettled (of the 54 resettlement houses to be resettled, 24 have been actually resettled), 9 houses have not been resettled. That is, there are 110 sets of resettled houses in all, 62 sets have resettled, and 48 more need to be resettled. The main reasons for incomplete resettlement and non resettlement are as follows: first, the house resources of type C (90 ㎡ ) agreed by resettlement community (Chengdong new area) are insufficient; second, some resettlement households having multiple resettlement houses voluntarily gave up the resettlement housing resources of Chengdong new area, and they wanted to be resettled in different resettlement areas. The resettlement community under construction includes Jingfuyuan, Senlinyu, Donglefu etc. The unresettled households will be resettled one after another after the completion of the new community. The resettlement houses are expected to be delivered around December 2019. During the period of waiting for resettlement, the transition fees

- 8 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 of resettlement households have been paid in full on time, and most of the unresettled migrants have selected 1-2 sets of resettlement houses or other houses in Chengdong new area.

Figure 1-12 Resettlement Site of Chengdong New Area

1.3 S367 Ma'anshan North Passage Subproject 1.3.1 Land Acquisition and Demolition S367 project involves Hanshan and Hexian counties. By June 30, 2019, the land acquisition, demolition and resettlement work had been completed. The permanent acquisition land in is 279.2591 mu, and the compensation for land acquisition is 9.278015 million yuan, including 30.8918 mu, 1.13613 million yuan in Xianzong Town, and 24.83673 mu, 8.141912 million yuan in Zhaoguan town. The project involves 30 households of house demolition, including 7 households within 5m outside the red line, with a total area of 3627.8m2, all of which are monetary compensation, with a compensation amount of 8.397462 million yuan. The main reason for the demolition within 5m outside the red line of Hanshan county project is that the houses outside the red line of land acquisition along the road are close to the road. Considering the factors such as the traffic safety after the completion of the road, the residents asked for the demolition initially. Referring to the relevant practices of land acquisition and resettlement of other highways (such as S226 and S105) in Hanshan County, the 16th executive meeting of the people's Government of Hanshan county decided on June 22, 2018 to demolish the main houses of households along the project within 5 meters (including 5 meters) from the red line of highway construction land. The permanent land acquisition of the project in Hexian county is 958.694 mu, with the compensation amount of 36.25224 million yuan, including 561.786 mu in Shanhou Town, with the compensation amount of 22.353622 million yuan, and 396.908 mu in Shiyang Town, with the compensation amount of 13.898622 million yuan. The project involves 143 demolition households, with a total area of 17589.49 ㎡ , and a total compensation of 25468864 yuan. Shanhou town involves 83 demolition households (including 19 households within 3 meters outside the red line), with demolition area of 9938.33 ㎡ , compensation amount of RMB 13.514535 million; only 22 households of accessory and structure compensation, compensation amount of RMB 201.84 million, total compensation amount of RMB 13.714719 million. Shiyang town involves 60 demolition households (including 24 households within 3 meters outside the red line), with an area of 7651.16 ㎡ and a compensation of 11.954329 million yuan. The main reason for the demolition of land acquisition within 3 meters outside the - 9 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 red line in Hexian county project is that the residential houses are close to the red line of land acquisition and considering the factors such as traffic safety after the completion of the road, the residents asked for demolition actively.

Table 1-6 S367 Project Land Acquisition and Demolition Demolition Accessory Household Acquisition household Demolition and s with only compensat compensat structure Acquisiti Demoliti accessory Town ion amount ion amount compensat on area Withi Outsi on area and Conte (ten (ten ion amount (mu) n the de the subtot (mu) structure nt thousand thousand (ten red red al compensat ) ) thousand yuan line line yuan ion(hu) yuan) Hansh an 958.694 3625.2244 100 43 143 17589.49 2546.8864 22 20.0184 county Hexian 279.2591 927.8015 25 5 30 3627.8 839.7462 0 0 county 1237.953 Total 4553.0259 125 48 173 21217.29 3386.6326 22 20.0184 1

Table 1-7 S367Project Completion Ratio of Land Acquisition and Demolition Planned Cumulative Completion Item Unit Remarks amount completed amount ratio Permanent land mu 1440.33 1237.9531 85.95% completed acquisition Housing demolition mu 19657 21217.29 107.94% completed area Land compensation Ten thousand 3998.65 4553.0259 113.86% completed amount yuan Housing demolition Ten thousand 2070.96 3386.6326 163.53% completed cost yuan

1.3.2 Housing Demolition and Resettlement The resettlement work of S367 project has been completed. The project involved 43 households of demolition, 83 of which in Shanhou town are all monetary compensation, 4 households of 60 in Shiyang town are property right replacement resettlement, 3 of the 4 households were concentrated in the resettlement site of Daima in Shiyang community, 1 household was resettled in other place, and the others were monetary compensation.

- 10 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10

Figure 1-13 Centralized Resettlement Site of Daima in Shiyang Community

1.4 Kedian-Mujiating Section Reconstruction Works in Yimu Highway, Nanling County By June 30, 2019, the resettlement work of Kedian-Mujiating Section Reconstruction Engineering had been completed.

1.4.1 Land Acquisition, Demolition The acquisition and resettlement of Yimu highway in Nanling County mainly involves Gongshan town and Jishan town. Until June 30, 2019, the land acquisition and demolition work of Gongshan town had been completed. The permanent acquisition land was 337.86 mu, and the land compensation amount was 9.768163 million yuan. The demolition area was 3,127.13 ㎡, and 15 households were involved in the demolition, of which 14 households were resettled in Daitang community, one household was monetary compensation with the demolition amount of 167,045 yuan. The land acquisition and demolition work of Jishan town had been completed. The permanent acquisition land was 141.54 mu, and the land compensation amount was 10.613184 million yuan. The demolition area was 3,579.63 ㎡, involving 23 households in total, including 13 households and 10 non residential houses (individual merchants), and the compensation amount for demolition was 5,856,000 yuan.

Table 1-8 Land Acquisition and Demolition of Yimu Highway Demolition Acquisition compensation Acquisition compensation Demolition Demolition Contents amount area amount houesholds area (ten thousand (mu) (ten thousand (hu) (㎡) yuan) Towns yuan) Gongshan 337.86 976.8163 15 3127.13 16.7045 town Jishan town 141.54 1061.3184 23 3579.63 585.6

Total 479.4 2038.1347 38 6706.76 602.3045

- 11 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 Table 1-9 Completion Ratio of Land Acquisition and Demolition of Yimu Highway Planned Cumulative Completion Remarks Item Unit amount completed amount ratio Permanent land completed mu 971.68 479.4 49.34% acquisition Housing demolition completed mu 7645.3 6706.76 87.72% area Land compensation Ten thousand completed 775.24 602.3045 77.69% amount yuan Housing demolition Ten thousand complete 2259.96 2038.1347 90.18% cost yuan d

The reason why the number of land acquisition and demolition is less than that of the resettlement plan: some land acquisition and demolition in other projects of Jishan Town by the government makes it not necessary to repeat the expropriation. The project plan involved 8 state-owned land acquisition. By December 31, 2018, 7 state-owned land assessments had been completed and compensation agreements had been signed, and compensation funds had also been released. In the ninth external monitoring report, due to the design adjustment of the occupied area, there was one state-owned land remaining (Qiangsheng company) to be determined, hasn’t compensated temporarily, but the specific modification scheme has been submitted, and would be determined at the beginning of 2019. As of June 30, 2019, the monitoring team learned that due to the design adjustment, the state-owned land here was no longer required to be expropriated. The land acquisition work had been completed.

1.4.2 Demolition and Resettlement The demolition in Gongshan town involves 15 households, 14 of which are resettled in Daitang community and one is monetary compensation. There are 23 households involved in the demolition of Jishan Town, including 13 residential and 10 non residential houses (individual merchants). Among the 13 households to be demolished, 12 had property right replacement and 1 household was resettled in currency; all the 10 non residential households to be demolished were resettled in property right. Meanwhile, compensation was given to the operating area of 600 yuan / m2. All property rights replacement households were resettled in Runfu homeland, Qilin mountain villa, Meiyuan New Village Phase II, Chengbei settlement site, Shuian Lanting, Jinjie Huafu and Xuefu Huating.

A Qilin mountain villa B Meiyuan New Village Phase II

- 12 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10

C Runfu homeland D Chengbei resettlement site

Figure 1-14 Resettlement Community

1.5 Shuiyang River Navigation Comprehensive Development Works Shuiyang river navigation comprehensive development engineering is divided into comprehensive wharf and waterway regulation project. Among them, the waterway regulation project includes three subprojects: the construction of Xiaohekou bridge, sluice dam and waterway dredging regulation project. As of June 30, 2019, land acquisition and demolition were as follows:

1.5.1 Xuanzhou Port Comprehensive Wharf Project Land Acquisition and Demolition Xuanzhou port comprehensive wharf project involves one town and one administrative village. The resettlement work of the project started in November 2015, and the land acquisition and demolition work has been completed up to now. Table 1-10 Completion Ratio of Land Acquisition and Demolition of Xuanzhou Port Comprehensive Wharf Project Complete Cumulative Planned Completion Item Unit d this completed Remarks amount Ratio issue amount Permanent land 460.759 mu 0 448 97.23% completed acquisition 5 Housing mu 5003 0 4660.99 93.16% completed demolition area Land Ten compensation thousan / 0 1876.3 / completed amount d yuan Housing Ten demolition thousan / 0 2212.522 / completed compensation d yuan amount

- 13 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 Housing Demolition and Resettlement Xuanzhou port comprehensive wharf project involved demolition of 28 residential houses (one of which is smoke pit), with demolition area of 4660.99 ㎡. 26 of these resettled households chose the way of property right replacement, and 2 households chose monetary compensation. A total of 60 houses with an area of 5780 ㎡ need to be resettled in the way of property right replacement. The local government plans to place the resettlement houses in the "Huishang No.1" community. As of June 30, 2019, the monitoring team learned that the developer responsible for the construction of "Huishang No.1" had gone bankrupt and was being restructured. The resettlement community could not be completed on schedule, and the 26 households to be resettled were still in the transitional period. The government of Yangxian Town had paid the transitional fee for the first half of 2019.

1.5.2 Waterway Regulation Project At present, the waterway regulation project has acquired for 491.01 mu of land permanently, and demolished 3883.34 m2 of houses. The details are as follows: Xiaohekou Bridge (1)Land Acquisition and Demolition Xiaohekou bridge involves two administrative villages in two towns. The project acquired for 37.13 mu of land, and the actual demolition area of houses and appurtenances was 925.61 m2. The resettlement work of the project started in November 2015, and the land acquisition work has been completed up to now. Table 1-11 Completion Ratio of Land Acquisition and Demolition of Xiaohekou bridge Project Complete Cumulative Planned Completion Item Unit d this completed Remarks amount Ratio issue amount Permanent land mu / 0 37.13 / completed acquisition Housing demolition mu / 0 925.61 / completed area Land Ten compensation thousand / 0 278.013 / completed amount yuan Housing Ten demolition thousand / 0 200.014 / completed compensation yuan amount

- 14 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 (2)Resettlement The Xiaohekou bridge project involved the demolition of 11 houses, one of which chose monetary compensation, 10 was resettled in the old workers' dormitories. The property right of the dormitories belonged to the pottery factory under the County Economic and Information Commission. Economic and Information Commission built 10 new resettlement houses in the pottery factory and continued to place the original households in the resettlement houses. The auxiliary facilities of the original demolished houses have been compensated to each household in currency. The resettlement housing construction project was started on May 10, 2018, delivered in June 2019, and the transition fee has been issued. Shiplock Works (1)Land acquisition and demolition The land acquisition of the navigation lock project involves two towns along the line, Shuiyang town and Liqiao town. 374.6 mu of land should be acquired within the line, which has been completed. At present, the demolition work has not been completed.

Table 1-12 Completion Ratio of Land Acquisition and Demolition of Navigation Lock Project Complete Cumulative Planned Completion Item Unit d this completed Remarks amount Ratio issue amount Permanent land mu 374.6 0 374.6 100% completed acquisition Housing demolition mu / / 772.78 / area Land Ten compensation thousand / / 1587.43 / amount yuan Housing Ten demolition thousand / / 104.2619 / compensation yuan amount

The permanent land acquisition for the sluice dam construction project is 374.6 mu, with the compensation amount of RMB 15.8743 million.

(2)Resettlement The project demolition involves three households, a shipyard, a water intake of a water plant and a slaughterhouse. Among the three households and the slaughterhouse, one house was horizontally moved, two houses were built on their own ground approved by government and one house was compensated with money. The demolition

- 15 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 area was 772.78 ㎡, and the compensation amount was 1042619 yuan. The shipyard had been closed for many years, and it didn’t have the conditions to continue its business. So it chose the monetary compensation of 5603238 yuan. The water intake of the water plant would not meet the requirements of the health code after the completion of the ship lock. The relocation of the water intake was carried out by the secondary resettlement, and the cost was paid by the project owner. The relocation of the water intake has been completed. At present, the advance payment of 4.43 million yuan has been paid, and the final cost will be settled according to the actual situation after the government audit. After receiving monetary compensation, the slaughterhouse improved its operation conditions and continued its production and operation. Channel dredging Project (1)Land Acquisition and Demolition The channel dredging project involves three towns along the line, namely Shuiyang town, Yangxian township and Liqiao township. Within the line, 79.24 mu of land should be acquired. In fact, 79.24 mu of land has been acquired, 23 households should be resettled (one of which is a new household) and 23 households have been contracted for resettlement. Table 1-13 Completion Ratio of Land Acquisition and Demolition of Channel Dredging Project Cumulative Planned Completed Completion Item Unit completed Remarks amount this issue Ratio amount Permanent land mu 79.24 0 79.24 100% completed acquisition Housing demolition mu / / 2184.95 / completed area Land Ten compensatio thousan / / 352.95 / completed n amount d yuan Housing Ten demolition thousan / / 248.3099 / completed compensatio d yuan n amount

The permanent land acquisition of channel dredging project is 79.24 mu, with the compensation amount of 3,529,500 yuan.

(2)Resettlement The demolition involves 23 houses and 2 ship building factories in Liqiao town. 23 households have been demolished, among which 13 households have chosen monetary resettlement and 10 households have chosen resettlement elsewhere. The

- 16 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 demolition area is 2184.95 ㎡, and the compensation amount is 2483099 yuan. The resettlement in other place is chosen in the new rural resettlement site of Dongyun village. Two ship repair and construction plants are monetary compensation, with the compensation amount of 3.06 million yuan.

Figure 1-15 the New Rural Resettlement Site of Dongyun Village

2 Grievance Redress Each PMO has established a resettlement Grievance Redress Mechanism and publicized the complaint process and procedures in the form of posters so that the affected households can timely reflect the problems and needs in the resettlement process. At the same time, the resettlement office shall establish the resettlement complaint account, record the problems reflected by the resettled households in time, and solve the problems in time.

Figure 2-1 Announcement of Complaint Hotline and Setting of Report Box for G206 Dongliu Yaodu Construction Project

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Figure 2-2 Appeal Procedures and Records of Immigrants in Nanling County

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Figure 2-3 S367 Resettlement Complaint and Appeal Registration Form of Northern Passage Project in Maanshan City

Typical complaints obtained by external monitoring unit include: Case 1: The S319 project of Wuwei County adopted the construction of bilateral widening, which is the main road from Wuwei County to City. The traffic flow is very large, and the road construction brings hidden dangers to the traffic safety. Handling situation:The project headquarters of Wuwei County strictly required the construction unit to add security facilities such as warning pile guardrail on the basis of the procurement contract, and invited the traffic police department to add vehicle speed measuring devices in the construction section to prevent the accident risk caused by too fast speed. Case 2: on November 25, 2015, Changtian Ji from Ji village complained to the resettlement management office that the construction team on form 03 caused the death of some fish in the pond, and demanded compensation for the loss. Handling situation: the headquarters coordinated with the project Department of the 15th Bureau to compensate for the loss of 500 yuan. Case 3: On December 8, 2015, Zhiqing Zhang from Makan complained to the resettlement management office that the night construction of the construction team on form 03 affected the rest of pregnant woman and asked them to take corresponding measures. Handling situation: The headquarters compensated 3000 yuan for other rest place. Case 4: Five households along the line of Gongshan town are less than 1m away from the red line of the road. After the completion of the road, frequent vehicle traffic would bring certain safety risks to residents' travel, and the traffic noise, dust etc. would produce negative impacts on residents' lives. In addition, the way of centralized resettlement is adopted in Gongshan town. Once the houses are demolished, the demolished households can obtain higher economic benefits and improvement of living quality. The five households asked the PMO to be demolished and resettled. Handling method: The appeal requirements of 5 households attracted the

- 19 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 attention of Nanling County Government and Gongshan town government. The government departments carried out a special study and agreed that the five households, like other resettled households within the red line of the road, would enjoy the policy of demolition and resettlement, and all of them would be demolished and resettled in the Datang community. Case 5: Due to the shutdown of the construction of Huishang Century City, the resettlement house of Xuanzhou port comprehensive wharf project, the resettled households couldn’t get the resettlement house within the agreed time (Huishang century city was originally scheduled to hand over the house on December 31, 2018). Solution: The local government actively communicated and coordinated with Anhui Huishang group and Chuangyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (developer). Considering that Huishang group was still in the period of internal structure integration, Xuancheng Chuangyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. was unable to determine the specific delivery time of Huishang shijicheng project. According to the agreement, the government of Yangxian township issued the temporary resettlement extension transition fee to December 31, 2018 (it had been issued to June 30, 2018, and the transition fee from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 was issued to January 2019). From January 2019, Xuancheng Chuangyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. would bear the temporary resettlement delay transition fee. If the company failed to pay on time, the government of Yangxian township would deduct from the purchase price to pay, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the relocated households. External monitoring units will continue to pay attention to resettlement.

3 Basic Evaluation and Suggestions 3.1 Basic Evaluation 1) The implementing agency(IA) of each subproject can carry out the work in accordance with its resettlement action plan, and pay attention to such jobs as resettlement policy disclosure and public participation. The resettlement action plan has been well implemented; 2) The resettlement works of subprojects of Road G206, Road S367 and Yimu Road have been completed; 3) Compared with the previous report, the monitoring results of this period show that the resettlement of Yimu highway subproject has been completed as the state-owned land problem of Qiangsheng company involved in the original plan of Yimu highway has been solved due to the adjustment of the design scheme;and 4) Land acquisition of Road S319 and Shuiyang River shipping comprehensive development subprojects has been completed, but the resettlement of relocated households has not been completed yet.

3.2 Suggestions 1) A resettlement summary report should be prepared by each IA in a timely manner after the completion of resettlement works of each subproject, so that a consolidated resettlement report for the whole Project could be summarized;

- 20 - Resettlement Monitoring& Evaluation Report NO. 10 2) IAs should continue to pay attention to the living standard and income restoration of affected households after resettlement, and ensure that affected households’ living standard and income are not lower than the level before the implementation of the project; 3) IA of Road S319 subproject in Wuwei county should actively communicate with local government to pay attention to the situation of resettlement community under construction; urge the government to speed up the construction progress and properly resettle the relocated households; and fully carry out public consultation and participation to prevent and timely deal with the problems that may occur during the transition period before the completion of the resettlement community; and 4) Given the resettlement of relocated households in Xuanzhou port subproject has not been completed yet, IA of this subproject should actively coordinate with local government to accelerate the construction progress of resettlement community (named Huishang No.1) and properly arrange the resettlement of those relocated households as soon as possible.

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