DECEMBER 2020 A Publication from Portobello Community Incorporated. Email:- [email protected]

A wonderful Christmas memory from a few years ago when the children of Portobello School starred in an Air Christmas promotional advertisement.

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Another year goes by and roll on a healthier 2021. ortobello Community Inc has been busy with the Food Truck promotions - don’t forget the one on this Sunday. You might have seen the beautiful mural on the power box at the bottom of Seaton Road - a splendid job done by Andrew Nicholson. If anyone would like to offer a donation towards doing more or even maybe sponsoring one yourself please contact one of the Committee. They certainly brighten up the place and we would love to see more. The notice board is up again - thanks to the committee members for their efforts. It is the community’s notice board so please think of others when you use it and restrict your notices to a maximum of A5 size. Our next big market day will probably be our Summer one on Sunday February 13th but be assured we will let you know closer to the time. Our heartfelt thoughts go out to Warren & Heather and Josh and Alice & family after their terrible losses and a big hats off to our local community for pitching in and being a comfort to them all. And such an amazing job done by all our local emergency teams. The Portobello Pump Park plan is advancing along nicely with some great effort put in by members of the committee and friends. We will keep you posted as this advances and let you know how you may be able to help with this great project. On behalf of the committee I wish you a safe and happy Xmas and a better year next year.

Wayne Cameron - Pbo Comm Inc Chair

Tena Koutou everyone

I would like to start by thanking you all for your continued support and assistance throughout this year. It would be an understatement to say this year has been demanding on us all and unprecedented in respect of the Covid 19 outbreak and subsequent restrictions on everyone. The way you as a community accepted what needed to be done and did it quite frankly made my job a lot easier, it did not go unnoticed. I thank you for that. The fire on the 21st again showed me how this community just kicks into action when it is needed. From the fire guys and girls who went running towards the flames to save life/animals and property, the Community Board who always have things in place and order in looking after those affected, to you all as a community in the aftermath. You are all champions and it makes me proud to be a part of this area. When I sit back and reflect it is obvious to me this could have been a lot worse had it not been for those mentioned above. You may have read recently there have been a couple of thefts up Pukehiki way. These crooks are targeting scrap metal which is an easy win for them. It a good time to have a walk around your property and just see what you have lying around that may light up the eyes of these thieves. Take a bit of time and put/lock away any items of value that are visible to or easily accessed by these people. And as always please report any suspicious behaviour, your gut instinct I promise you will more than not be right. With Xmas rapidly arriving and the time of year for staff functions and festive cheer I wish I didn’t have to but “NEED TO” say the following. If you’re having drinks then please arrange for transport home. There is absolutely no excuse for getting behind the wheel after having a few. It saddens me that in the past few weeks there have been 3 people processed for drink driving on the peninsula. I’m afraid that is 3 too many and I will be completing breath test randomly over the next few weeks with the help of the Road Policing staff from . DON’T BE THAT PERSON!! CRACKED RECORD SECTION Five more peninsula residents have chosen to ignore the round red and white speed signs on the low road in past 2 weeks. The highest speed was 74kmph in a 30kmph. That’s all I want to say about that. Finally I will be working right through Xmas and the New Year, so I look forward to catching up with you over this period. If you’re lucky enough to have a few weeks off enjoy time at home or on holiday with your whanau and friends. From Jo, myself and the boys have a wonderful Xmas and holiday period, please stay safe, look after one another and

bring on 2021.

Until next time, take care. Aaron News from the Community Board

I’m writing this on the first day of summer, which after the year we’ve had can’t come fast enough. Despite the “strangeness” of the year we’ve had with Covid-19 it will be nice to have a break over the Christmas and New Year period.

Community Board Funding – It was very pleasing to be able to help the Scott Hall committee at Harwood with their application to fund a defibrillator. The hall committe have worked hard fundraising over $2000 towards this new development and the Board were pleased to contribute a further $1700 to the purchase for the community. If your group are looking for funding it is very helpful to have members of your group come and speak at our public forum. Thanks to Chris Helm and Graeme Mcnulty for coming to the meeting.

Community Plans and DCC Long Term Plan – I wrote about this last time and its worth repeating once again. Next year 2021 is going to be a very important Long-Term Plan for the Dunedin City Council. With the City Council now working towards the 2021-2031 Long Term the Community Board must have a clear picture on what the Peninsula Community’s priorities are. It’s too easy for the community to allow the Board to act and speak for them, when actually Board’s need vocal people to support them. If we all don’t actively participate in this process, we may miss out on seeing our community needs met or worse.

Portobello Fire – The recent fire in Beaconsfield Road was a significant event for the community and devastating for everyone concerned. The main thing is that no one was hurt in the fire and that includes our volunteer fire brigade. I can’t speak highly enough of our brigade and the work they did in fighting the fire. Its clear to me that without having them in the community we may have seen a significantly different scenario had we been solely reliant on a brigade from town. I thought the Police with Aaron Smith also did a great job on the day. For the Board its always our role to support the people trained in managing these events and we were happy to play our role in the evacuation process. So once again, my grateful thanks to our brigade, police and their city colleagues.

Fire Support for Affected Family – What is it about the Otago Peninsula that makes this community so special? From the time of the fire to its aftermath the support and assistance to Alice and her children was phenomenal. To all of you in the community who baked, provided essential clothing, toys, made donations and did all manner of amazing things you deserve considerable praise and acknowledgement. Your generosity and kindness are what makes this community special and myself and the Board have nothing but admiration for you all. Well done and many thanks.

Board Meeting & Funding Applications – The Community Board is to meet on Thursday February 18th at the Portobello Bowling Club. Just a reminder that we still have funding for community projects and welcome people to the meetings and public forum. If you’d like to raise any issue through the public forum please contact me and I can add you to the agenda.

Facebook Please take the opportunity to use it if you can and share information with your friends, neighbours and whanau.

If you have any issues that you would like to raise or discuss please don’t hesitate to contact myself or your local Board member

Paul Pope - Otago Peninsula Community Board Chairman [email protected] (03) 4780630 or 0274668446 Museum News

Its been a busy year at the Museum with lots of projects being completed and ongoing. Thanks to all our great Tuesday morning and Sunday afternoon volunteers. You help make a difference. As a thank you the Committee held a bbq lunch at the Museum for our volunteers. Earlier in the year there was some interest in the caravan we have at the Museum and a book written about it called ‘The Christmas Caravan’. The Museum has 5 copies of this book for sale for $15. You can email us if interested in a copy or pop along to the Museum, pick up a copy and also check out the Caravan. There are Christmas decorations in it at present so it certainly living up to its name.

Many thanks to Betty Hellyer who is typing up the interviews done on local people and put onto tapes quite a few years ago. It is good to have them in paper form and they make interesting reading and we do appreciate Betty doing this. Thanks also to our volunteers who bagged up sheep manure at Des Neills woolshed . Thanks to those who purchased bags - it was a good fundraiser for the Museum.

We have a new addition to our current 2 tractors. A 1955 David Brown tractor has been donated thanks to Sam Neill. Some of our volunteers spent a couple of Tuesday mornings getting it driveable again before getting it to the Museum where it is now in place in the Barn.

Special thanks to Desiree and Emma from H and J Smith who came down to visit the Museum and donated three mannequins. Thanks to Geoff who showed the ladies around. Mannequins are hard to come by so we are were delighted with their kind donation.

Volunteers Required: We have a couple of spaces to fill in on our Sunday Roster. This requires just 2 Sundays over a year to open from 12.30-3.30. We can show you what is involved. If you are interested in history or just helping out then please get in touch. The new roster for 2021/2022 comes out in March. Our email is [email protected]

A great Christmas gift - our book Portobello, a Brief History is still selling well. Copies are available from the Portobello Store or the Museum at a cost of $25.

The Otago Peninsula Museum (Next door to the Garage in Portobello) Open every Sunday 12.30-3.30 Adults $2, children free

There are many older families who contributed many hours of their time on various Committees in the early days on the Peninsula as well as running their farms. Here is a story of the Riddell Family

Newly married Wilhelmina and Walter Riddell came from Dumfrieshire, Scotland in 1862 and sailed in the Grasmere to Dunedin. Walter's father William Riddell also sailed with them. Three years after their arrival he was able to help the family get settled and build their house when they bought a farm at Sandymount which they called "Ivy Bank". Walters father William died only seven years after their arrival. They became dairy farmers and raised their 11 children at ‘Ivy Bank’. Walter was a joiner by trade and in 1868 he drew up the plans and built the Pukehiki Church. In 1871 and for 10 years thereafter he was foreman of works at Larnach Castle, during which time he built the famous hanging staircase. In 1877 he was one of the settlers who formed the first co-operative dairy factory in New Zealand (on the Peninsula), of which he was Secretary for many years. In 1891 he was asked to accept a position as Manager of the Taieri and Peninsula Milk Supply Company which had gone bankrupt. As a result of his hard work the Company flourished and became the largest dairying concern in the Southern Hemisphere, incorporating 58 Creameries. In 1902 the Riddells moved to Dunedin. A son became a Magistrate based in Wellington. Wilhelmina died in 1909 aged 72 and Walter in 1922 aged 85. Both are buried in the Andersons Bay Cemetery A photo taken in the 1870’s . This is the second home of the Riddell family at Sandymount. It was situated above the road on the corner of Sandymount and Highcliff Roads. The first home was built of tree fern logs and was situated above the line of trees.

Portobello Library:

Slowly folk are discovering that he Library is now open on a Sunday 11am -1pm as well as the normal Thursday hours 11am-1pm at the Portobello Hall. Over the holiday period the last Thusday to get your books will be the 17 December and the last Sunday will be 20 December. We will reopen again Thursday 14th January 2021 and then the following Sunday. There is a wide range of books in fiction and nonfiction, and we continue to add to that range throughout the year. We also try to source books that people request especially. Thanks to Dot (our Librarian) and her helpers for keeping the Library open over the year They all look forward to seeing you again in January. Happy holiday reading everyone.

Euchre Night

7.30 Each Tuesday night at Scott Hall, Harwood Street, Harwood. All welcome to around two hours of absolute fun for only $4

Simply just turn up or phone 478 1222 for more information

Suppliers of quality hunting, fishing & reloading supplies,

We are located in the front room at Coronation Hall, Portobello.

Opening hours: Fri evening 5pm-7pm, Sat & Sun 10am - 3pm. Quarantine Island Kamau Taurua Community News

We have hosted a large number of group stays on the island over the past few months and Meghan Hughes, our Keeper (Resident Manager) has been busy with bookings and hosting groups for day visits and stays in the Lodge. We’ve had students and visitors from Otago Girls High School, St. Joseph's School, Port Chalmers, Lee Stream School, Waitati School, Columba College, Dunedin Rangers, Otago University Zoology Lab, Dunedin Quakers, Fairfield School., MindPlus Wakatipu, University of Otago Operations Group, Fairfield School, Monarch Cruises, Adventure Development NZ, Dunedin Zen Groups' annual silent meditation intensive, a number of birthday party celebrations, and a couple of day yoga retreats have been held in the Married Quarters building. As well as exploring the island on land and by kayak, when the weather has allowed, most have helped with planting and releasing seedlings, weed control, beach clean-ups, bird counts, biodiversity monitoring, and labouring.

All enjoyed a fun night of dancing to the tunes of Catgut & Steel for our Barndance in the Married Quarters held on 31st October. Patrons of Amanda Palmer enjoyed music and laughter also held in the Married Quarters on 7th November.

A big thank you to Trees That Count who will fund 200 trees for 2021 planting. Thanks also to Polytec Design School students who were given the opportunity to work on logo designs for the island. They produced some wonderful ideas from visits to the island, and talking with QIKT Community members. As always, many thanks to Port-To-Port Cruises and Wildlife Tours and East Coast Charters who provide our boat transfers to and from the island.

We still have a number of volunteer opportunities currently to assist us with releasing and watering seedlings, weed control, and also leading groups in February and March for school groups visits. Let us know if you might be interested. Training will be provided. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for updates on events.

If you'd like to be a regular volunteer, or either visit or stay on the island, as a family group, or group of friends, or for a retreat or workshop venue, see our website You can also subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter to learn about island news, events and opportunities, or join our Facebook Public Group Quarantine Island Kamau Taurua Community, or contact the island Keeper (Resident Manager) on 03-478-0874 or email [email protected].

If you haven't visited before, we host a Community Welcome Day (previously known as Open Day) on the last weekend of each month. Just a short boat ride from Back Beach, Port Chalmers, or Portobello by arrangement, and we can help with carpooling. All are welcome! We organise the boat transport so let us know in advance if you're coming, and if you'd like to stay overnight. All details and a booking form are on our website.

There is something for everyone on QIKT! From relaxing and recharging in solitude and peaceful surroundings, to learning about Island history and ecology, volunteering, and experiencing what makes the Island so special.

December/January-dates vary- caring for seedlings and weed control Weed control and caring for seedlings in beautiful setting's, and it's fun! You will be helping with a vital part of our ecological restoration efforts. Keep an eye on our Facebook page and website for updates.

Sunday 13th December- End of year gathering 12noon-4.30pm. All welcome! Shared lunch and relaxing. Boat transfer options from Portobello by prior arrangement.

Saturday 30th January 2021- Welcome Day Volunteer, relax or explore, or all three! Booking form and details on our website.

Saturday 27th February 2021- Welcome Day Volunteer, relax or explore, or all three! Booking form and details on our website.

Portobello Volunteer Fire Brigade Its that time of the year again and here are some reminders about keeping safe. Christmas tree lights have been stored away in their box since last Christmas. Check the lights carefully before placing them on the tree. If any of the wires are frayed or broken, throw them out. Never leave the lights on overnight or when leaving the house.

BBQ's ensure you regularly check and maintain all fittings and connections. Remove all excess fat from your BBQ after use.

Be aware of fires outside. In the hot summer grass dries quickly and fires can start from a spark. So keep grass cut around your home in case of a fire.

We wish you all a safe and merry Christmas.

Term 4 at Portobello School is almost finished. It is hard to believe that 2020 has nearly come to an end. Despite the disruptions caused by COVID-19 students have been involved in many great learning opportunities during the year.

Children in all classrooms have been engaged in a wide variety of learning activities this term. Our whole school participated in the National Shakeout. All students have also recently participated in cricket coaching sessions. All students enjoyed a fun day out at the Peninsula Athletic Sports. A number of students qualified at the sports to compete in the South Zone Sports and a small school then progressed to the Otago Athletic Championships. Congratulations to all students for your sportsmanship and achievements at these events.

Senior students recently attended the Science Roadshow where they enjoyed a wide range of science exhibits and activities. Year 7 and 8 students enjoyed a great camp at Stewart Island. Students explored the island, walked to Port William Hut, went on a fishing charter and caught blue cod, explored Ulva Island and checked traps at Ackers Point. Year 7 and 8 students have also taken part in swimming lessons at Moana Pool this term.

A group of students joined Mrs Agnew at the Keep Dunedin Beautiful Awards earlier this term where Portobello School was awarded a certificate recognising our work keeping our school and community clean.

Our school and community pool opened at the start of December and many families have already purchased season keys for $50 at the Portobello Store. It is great to see so many families enjoying this great facility.

Monday Mollymawk visits for 4 year olds continue this term with a group of 4 year olds currently visiting in preparation for starting school later this year. Come along with your 4 year old from 9-10am each Monday to be part of this programme.

To find out more about our great school or to organise a visit please contact our school office by phoning 4780 605 or e-mail [email protected]

Peninsula Playcentre

Peninsula Playcentre has closed for the summer. We look forward to seeing you all again next year. Term starts Wednesday 10th February. If anybody has any queries, our Facebook page (Peninsula Playcentre) and email ([email protected]) are still being regularly checked and please do not hesitate to get in touch! We wish our whanau and the wider community a safe and happy holidays .

The revamped Notice Board on the fence just along from the shop.

Peninsula Medical Centre

12 Allans Beach Road, Portobello. 4780 880 Our thanks to Dave The surgery will close on Thursday 24th Dec and Crosland of Action re-open on Tuesday 5th Jan 2021. Engineering for his great job of putting Dunedin Urgent Doctors in will be covering for us this very sturdy so just continue to call the surgery phone protective cage number for all enquiries. around the new heat pump at the Thank you and Merry Christmas!! Coronation Hall.

Lunch Monday Wednesday – Sunday from 12 noon

Dinner Monday Wednesday—Sunday from 5pm

(We are happy to open Tuesdays for group bookings)

Cafe 1908 has capacity for 55 people and specialises in those special occasions Call Pauline on 4780 801 or email [email protected]

Peninsula Toy Library

Our Toy Library is open every Sunday morning from 10:30 - 12:30 At the Domain Pavillion, Allans Beach Road, Portobello FOR HIRE

Portobello Community Inc Coronation Hall have 2 x 20L Water Urns Portobello which are available for community use. Available for hire If you wish to use these at an event Very reasonable rates please phone Phone the Custodian Christine on 4780 878 4780 424 All we ask for is a donation

Ric’s Galley Takeaways 12 things to do Portobello area Bucket List

Portobello How many have you ticked off?

Look out for Ric’s Galley flag. Walk to the top of Harbour Cone If it is flying then we are open Walk to the Pyramids and Victory Beach Opening hours Paddle in the Pacific at Allans Beach Photograph the Aurora from Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, & Sun Explore the tunnels near Taiaroa Head 5pm— Late Take a walk with your sweetheart A choice of five varieties of fish every night with to Lovers Leap local favourites Blue Cod, Monk, Tarakihi, Sole, Go fishing at the Portobello jetty Elephant, and fish bites Explore our heritage at the local Museum Visit our local cemetery We also do Gluten-Free Baked Blue Cod Paddle over to Pudding Island Follow the local Heritage Walk Phone 4780 105 to order Bike or walk the track to Broad Bay

Vegetarian and Seafood Baskets available Volunteer with a local organisation

Try our Latham Bay Burgers—choice of - they need your help. Fish, Meat, Chicken and Vegetarian Thanks to Jo and friends at Deep Fried Cheese Rolls Warehouse Stationery, South Dunedin for the great eftpos paywave available printing they do for us. PLEASE SUPPORT THEM Pilates at Portobello

5.45pm-6.45pm Mondays @ Portobello Coro Hall

Fully internationally qualified and experienced Pilates Instructor

Get your body moving correctly Increase strength, flexibility and muscle tone Improve core and pelvic floor strength Decrease pain and tension Feel relaxed and well Breathe correctly (very important for many reasons) Have fun and give your body some new challenges Take some out just for you!

Come along and join our relaxed and fun movement class Everyone is welcome, most conditions/pain/injuries can be worked with

so please call/email me if you wish to consider joining.

$125 for the term (10 weeks) $15 casual rate - come and give it a go

Penny Ph. 027 464 9180 [email protected] PeninsulaPeninsula PlumbersPlumbers 2004 Limited Contact Reuben 0274 144 741 or A/H 478 0764

Toilets Taps Laundry Kitchens Bathrooms Alterations Maintenance ‘A local plumber for local people’


Kia ora – woo hoo - Xmas is fast approaching! 2020 has been a challenging year so far hasn’t it? But like our ancestors, who dared to leave their home lands to explore and find a home where they could build a better life for themselves and their families, we carry on doing the same thing for our whānau. Their pioneering spirit is very much alive and well in all of us! Aren’t we so lucky to have that heritage. Around this time I can’t help but reflect on the wonderful experiences and friends Theraze and I have met so far since our arrival. Even though we’ve only been here coming up to seven years now, it feels like we’ve been here for a much longer time. I want to do a big shout out to Wayne, Brenda and their team of helpers for voluntarily giving of their time and energy into putting our Newsletter together and delivering it to our homes both physically and digitally. To all our many other volunteers in the community (there are so many of you, I’m frightened of leaving someone out) I say a very big, “THANK YOU!” Your efforts are appreciated. And to one and all – we wish you a very merry Xmas and a prosperous new year. Bring it on!!!

If you would like to advertise in this Newsletter please email: [email protected]

Veronica’s Fuchsia’s All varieties for Sale

Grown locally in Harwood Also Perennial Ground Covers and lots more 95 Harwood St or phone 03 4781 222 or cell 027 682 2717

Voo Doo Texas Longhorn Enid Carter

Larnach Castle News

The lead up to Christmas has started, if you are looking for a more leisurely way to do your Christmas shopping why not come up the hill and explore what is available in the Gift Shop. New stock is arriving daily, there is always something interesting and different to what you might find in town. There are no parking or traffic issues to worry about and once you have had a good look around the Gift shop you can reward yourself with a refreshment in the Ballroom café. We also have a great range of Castle grown plants, something for any size or style of garden. If you are really stuck for present ideas think about a Larnach Castle gift voucher.

Christmas hours, we will be open for garden and castle tours over the Christmas period, the only alteration to our normal service is our café will be closed Xmas day unless you have a prior booking. There are limited spaces left for the Christmas buffet lunch.

Plant fair, we are planning an Autumn plant fair to be held on the 28th of March, if you know of anyone that sells plants and maybe interested in having a stall please email [email protected]

The success of the ‘Loyal Local’ pass has been wonderful and we are extremely thankful for all the support from local residents; we have decided to extend this offer indefinitely as well as our ’ Kids go free’ offer.

Christmas work parties, have you left it too late to plan your end of year get together? Think about a private dinner in one of the historic dinning rooms for your group.

Next year the Castle celebrates its 150th year, 1871 was the year that building commenced. Next time you visit look above the front door as you go into the foyer, you will see the plaque William Larnach erected to celebrate his achievement .

We are on the hunt for any stories associated to the Castle or any images, there might be stories in your family that have been passed down. The Barker Family and the team at Larnach Castle wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and safe 2021

Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group

Well, the festive season is pretty much upon us, so here’s wishing everyone all the best and better from the present and well into the New Year. OPBG itself has cause for celebration with the appointment of a new OPBG manager, Mathew Montgomerie (Montie). Montie joined us in early November and is now a vital member of the team and making a sound contribution to our work. Two new trap technicians, Rob Ashton and Micaela Kirby-Crowe, have also recently joined the OPBG team and are assisting with the set-up and maintenance of a network of traps to mop up the remaining possums on the northern areas of the peninsula.

Over December-January possums are known to eat Totara, Kahikatea, Puriri, Fuchia, Wineberry, Ngaio fruits, Cabbage Tree, Taraire, Willow, Poplar and Coastal Boneseed. Stone and berry fruits will be eaten, as well as your roses, if they are on offer.

Young possums (joeys) are still being found in pouches, but joeys born earlier in the breeding season are now riding on their mother’s back. A recent increase in the number of dead possums on the peninsula roads indicates that some of these back-riders are reaching independence and moving about trying to establish their own territories. Young possums may be moving into your back yard as they strike out on their own. So, it is time to ensure that traps are set and to report any possum activity at -: [email protected]

If you need a copy of the 478 Local Phone Book, Support your local businesses. they are available from Buy it locally, Portobello Store for only $10 and if you can, buy - Save The Otago Peninsula (STOP) News

The 2020 planting in the Smiths Creek area of the Hereweka Harbour Cone Block is now finished, but the work of releasing to ensure that trees planted in previous years get plenty of light and do not have grass competing for nutrition and water, will continue for the next few months. Save The Otago Peninsula (STOP) Inc Soc regular volunteer working bees occur on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday starting at 9.30am. Two to three and a half hours duration. More volunteers always welcome. Working bees will continue over the Xmas period (except for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve) to allow people to contribute who cannot normally attend due to work commitments - and to keep up with the grass growth. (On Tuesday and Sunday we work in the Smiths Creek Catchment on the Hereweka Harbour Cone Block. Meet at the far end of Bacon St in Turnbulls Bay.) Fitness required – you need to be able to walk across an uneven paddock. Tasks tailored to your level. If you can garden then you can assist. Bring your own gardening gloves or we can supply those and any tools needed.

For more information contact Lala: Email: [email protected] or Mobile (text only) 027 8756 020

Portobello’s new dance school

After Covid this is great way to get in shape and have fun dancing bringing our community together Become part of our dance school at Coronation Hall in Portobello where we have classes for Kids – teens - adults - dance fitness– couples styles of classes are - jazz – hip hop – contemporary - Latin - Zumba style and more Our timetable run on school terms, classes will only run if 5 +students are enrolled

Wednesday 6:30-7:30 are our main fitness classes For timetable for other classes please contact me

For more info about class, contact Joshua 022 4668308 or 028 418 0609 Dance Instructor At coronation hall in portobello [email protected] @ritmolatinodancecomoanyNZ @ritmolatinodancegeoup

[email protected]

If you are new to the Portobello area

A VERY BIG THANK YOU to the dedicated VOLUNTEERS who deliver our Newsletter Some colouring fun for the children Local Hall Hire Contacts

Coronation Hall, Portobello - Wayne Cameron - 4780 424 Scott Hall, Harwood - Chris Helm - 4780 120 Hoopers Inlet Hall - Jackie Clearwater - 4780 508

Interest free loans:

The Moray Foundation Trust is an interest free loan charity that loans up to $5,000.00 dollars to families and individuals for health, welfare, education and budget balancing through debt consolidation. The Foundation has been established since 1993; Each small re-payment from our clients’ has gone into the pocket of another over the last 24 years. Creating the incredible circumstance that the foundation has loaned over 1 million in Otago; this amount is purely from the small initial seed funding that we still have invested. To be eligible for a loan you must: work with a Budget Adviser for a referral, be committed to debt repayment, be able to make payments required and stay working with the Budget Advisory Service for the duration of loan repayment. So if you feel that this is the solution for your circumstances, please make an appointment to register with a Budget Advisory Service today.

Donations always appreciated. Portobello Bowling Club Inc

Situated 5 Sherwood Street. New Members always welcome Bar & Kitchen facilities for all types of Functions - Full size Billiard Table Contact Secretary Brian Cameron 4780 816 or email [email protected] for further information

Social Evenings on Thursday’s (changes to Tuesday’s on 20th October) & Sunday’s - 4.30pm to 7pm Social Membership $20.00 The Interclub Season has started with mixed results in all sections Twilight Bowls (Hong Kong Pairs) started on Thursday 22nd October - this is a quick game (10 ends) and is intended f or bowlers & non bowlers - if you would like to give it a try come along at 5.30pm It is played every Thursday night – weather permitting Our Monthly Tournaments were due to start on the Sunday 18th October - these are usually a well supported Competition with up to 64 participants - we hold 6 of these each season. Inclement weather caused the cancellation of our first 2 Tournaments (October & November) Hopefully the December one will not be affected – it is our biggest one of the year with an all day Competition We have had a few new Social Members join this year so far which is good to see We are always looking for New Members for our Club - if you are interested in joining, socially or as a Bowler, please feel free to give us call - you would be most welcome


The Golf Club is alive and well.

The course is in excellent condition so why not come and join us?

We are pleased to receive any enquires and very much welcome new members – your company not your ability is the most valuable asset to us.

Club day is Sunday with a 10.00 am start and we have a Wednesday Twilight competition starting between 4.00 and 6.00 pm where all are welcome. The Twilight fee is just $ 5.00.

However, the course is open throughout the week for casual players when the green fee is $20.00 for the day, whether you play 9, 18 or 27 holes.

For information regarding annual membership please contact either Peter Stechman, 4780 543 or Membership Secretary, Carol Bruce, 4780 881

Steady As You Go 2021 Due to the popularity of Steady As You Go at the Portobello Bowling Club, it has been decided that we will have a session at 10 am on Wednesdays. Please contact Faye Webster on 0276931742 if you would like to come on Wednesdays. For 2021 we will start on Monday the 1st of February and Wednesday the 3rd of February.

Age Concern Otago - Falls Prevention Programme For men and women 65+

Steady As You Go© held at Portobello Bowling Club

Strength & balance class - Monday & Wednesday 10 am

Tai Chi Classes - Thursdays 1.30 pm

Enquires: Margaret Dando 477-1040 Ext 702

There will be Christmas Carols at the Catholic Church - Mary Queen of Peace in Broad Bay Tuesday 15th of December 2020 starting 7.00 pm All Welcome


Food Trucks - Coronation Hall Carpark - 2nd Sunday of each month - 10am - 2pm Pilates - Every Monday from 5:45pm - 6:45pm. Coronation Hall Steady As You Go - Every Monday and Wednesday 10am - Portobello Bowling Club Tai Chi - Every Thursday 1:30pm Portobello Bowling Club Otago Peninsula Museum - open every Sunday 12:30pm - 3:30pm Portobello Library - Thursdays and Sundays 11am - 1pm - Coronation Hall Christmas Carols - Broad Bay Catholic Church - Tuesday 15th December - 7pm Christmas Carols - Portobello Presbyterian Church - Thursday 24th December - 7pm

Portobello Community Inc President: Wayne Cameron—Treasurer: Christine Neill — Secretary: Lynne Sheridan Newsletter Editor: Brenda Cameron — Deputy Chair: Geoff Sheridan Committee: Ruth Seeney, Sandra Clearwater, Richard Steentjes, Michael Lascarides, Paul Pope, Des Hudson, Craig Newton, Stacey Kokaua-Balfour, Jamie Ledbetter Meetings held every 3rd Tuesday of the month. Coronation Hall Kitchen, 7.00pm All welcome Opinions expressed in this Newsletter are not necessarily those of Portobello Community Incorporated or it’s advertisers.