Name: ______Date: ______Mr. Sanchez Review Sheet-Rise of Industry

The Rise of Industry and Unions Vocabulary: Network Gauge Samual F.B. Morris (Telegraph) Consolidation Cyrus Field (Transatlantic Cable) Rebate Alexander Gram Bell (Telephone) Pool Thomas Alva Edison (four of his major inventions) George Westinghouse Jan Matzeliger George Pullman Gustavus Swift (Refrigeration) Cornelius Vanderbilt George Eastman (Kodak Camera) Vertical Integration Henry Ford (assembly line) Entrepreneur mass production Corporation Orville and Wilber Wright (airplane) Stock sweatshops Dividends strikebreakers Invest (Investor) anarchists Trust collective bargaining Monopoly injunction Free Enterprise System Knights of Labor (Terence Powderly) John D. Rockefeller Haymarket Riot (Gospel of ) American Federation of Labor (Samuel Gompers) Bessemer Process International Ladies’ Garment Workers Gospel of Wealth J. Pierpont Morgan Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Standard Oil Company Pullman Strike Sherman Antitrust Act Gauge Captain of Industry Robber Barron

Railroads and Industry: 1. Explain why railroads expanded after the Civil War. ______

2. Describe some new improvements to railroads in the late 1800’s. ______

3. Explain how railroads were made more efficient. (Think “Network”) ______

4. Name three key people involved in the improvement and/or expansion of the railroads. ______

5. Explain how large railroad companies got rid of their competition? ______

A Flood of Inventions: 6. List the major inventors of the time and their inventions ______

7. Describe three communication inventions that impacted business, society, and the economy throughout the late 1800’s. ______

8. Explain why the assembly line was so important to American industry ______

9. Explain why mass production of automobiles was important to American society and economy. ______

Rise of Big Business: 10. Describe the difference between a Captain of Industry vs. a Robber Baron.______

11. Identify the four “Industrial Pioneers/Robber Barons” of industry in the late 1800’s? ______

12. Who was John D. Rockefeller and what industry was he king of? ______

13. Who was Andrew Carnegie and what industry was he king of? ______

14. Who was J.P. Morgan and what industry was he king of? ______

15. Who was Cornelius Vanderbilt and what industry was he king of? ______

16. Explain the purpose of forming corporations and how they work. ______

17. Define “monopoly” ______

18. Define “trust” and provide some examples of trusts from the time period. ______

19. List three arguments against the formation of monopolies and trusts. ______

20. List three arguments in favor of the monopolies and trusts. ______

21. Explain the Sherman Antitrust Act and whether it was a success or failure. Why? ______

Labor in the Age of Industry: 22. Describe the majority of people who worked in the factories during this time period and why factory owners preferred them as employees. ______

23. Describe the conditions inside the factories and explain how long the workers’ days were. ______

24. Explain the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and how it encouraged change in the work factories. ______

25. Name the two major labor unions and their purpose/goals. ______

26. Explain why labor unions formed. Provide examples of riots and strikes that occurred as a result of labor disputes. ______

27. Describe how labor unions change the workplace ______