Negro in the United States. the Annotated Citations Are Grouped In
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 031 520 UD 000 321 The Negro in the United States; A List of Significant Books. Ninth Revised Edition. New York Public Library, N.Y. Pub Date 65 Note-25p, Avadable from-Sales Shop, New York Public Library, 5th Ave and 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10018 ($.50). EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$1.35 Descriptors-*Annotated Bibliographies, Art, Biographies, *Booklists, Civil Rights, Equal Protection, Intergroup Relations, Literature, Music, Negro Culture, *Negroes, Negro History This revision of a New York Pubhc Library bookhst is limited to works on the Negro inthe United States. The annotated citations are grouped insections concerned with Negro history and culture, the freedom movement, civil rights, and intergrouprelations.Other categories are collectwe and individualbiography, literature, and music and art. (NH) ,mv...*;:r1:?jpriu r7ii,ipAy..0:r4§:kr5.??Pf CD r\I cp THE NEGRO LU IN THE UNITED STATES A List of Significant Books WELFARE U.S. DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, EDUCATION & OFFICE OF EDUCATION REPRODUCED EXACTLY ASRECEIVED FROM THE " THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN POINTS OF VIEW OROPINIONS PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIGINATING IT. OFFICIAL OFFICE OFEDUCATION STATED DO NOTNECESSARILY REPRESENT POSITION OR POLICY. (NINTH REVISED EDITION) New York The New York Public Library 1965 ,wqr3:97q1",- THE TITLES included in this listwere selected by the following committee from the staff of The New YorkPublic Library: ANNE JUDGE 115th Street Branch MRS DOROTHY PITMAN Hamilton Grange Branch MRS RUTH RAUSEN Richmond Borough Office ROBERT SHEEHAN Readers' Adviser's Office ESTHER WALLS Countee Cullen RegionalBranch WENDELL WRAY Schomburg Collection MRS DOROTHY HOMER, Formerly Branch Librarian, ex-officio Countee Cullen RegionalBranch MRS ELEANOR RADWAN, Office of Adult Services Chairman Edited in the OFFICEOF ADULT SERVICES The Negro in the United States; a List of Significant Books Ninth Edition, 1965,may be obtained for fifty cents from the Sales Shop,The New York Public Library,Fifth Ave- nue and 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. 10018. For juveniletitles, see Books About Negro Life for Children, price thirty-five cents. ,Ttrt,":,,,,ITV7ftr.f!Vgy61,,,,,,!,.f,p75,7 Preface THE production of books aboutor by the Negro has increased to such an extent that it has been deemed feasible to limit th,',7inth %In of the Negro booklist to the Negro in the UnitedStates. Although much of past history is still included, the listas a whole is heavily weighted on the side of current situations, problems, and solutions.So that the list might be as up-to-date as possible, titles which were published during the early months of 1965, and whichwere available to the selection committee for examination, have been included. A supplement is planned forcoverage of subsequent publications. Earlier editions of The Negro;a List of Significant Books included books on Africa. To fill the gap created by the omission of thisarea in the Ninth Edition, a reN Ision of the Africa issue of Branch Library BookNews (Febru- ary, 1961 ) is planned for the near future. The titles included in The Negro in the UnitedStates are available in the circulating collections ofmany of the branches of The New York Public Library located throughout Manhattan, The Bronx, and Staten Island.Spe- cial attention is called to the circulating collectionof the Countee Cullen Regional Branch and, for referenceuse, the Schomburg Collection of Negro Literature and History, and the Reference Departmentin the Central Build- ing. Titles marked with an asterisk (*)are listed in current or earlier eak- lions of Books for the Teen Age,an annual list prepared by the Committee on Books for Young Adults of The New York Public Library. April 1965 VP-P-ROMMIN001110.1100.00.*. - ,i5WAStrg1WWPFATTR ,Pgr THEY HAVE SPOKEN Rarely in any time doesan issue lay bare the secret heart of America itself. Rarelyare we met with a challenge, not toour growth or abundance, or our welfareor our security, but rather to the values and thepurposes and the meaning of our beloved nation. The issue of equal rights forAmerican Negroes is suchan issue. And shouldwe defeat every enemy, and shouldwe double our wealth andconquer the stars, and still be unequal to thisissue, then we will. have failedas a people and as a nation. For, with a countryas with a person, "What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose hisown soul?" PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON To Joint Session of Congress March 15, 1965 I ask you to look into your hearts...for the one plain, proud, and priceless quality that unitesus all as Americans; a sense of justice. ...justice requires us to insure the blessings ofliberty for all Americans and their posterity not merely for reasons ofeco- nomic efficiency, world diplomacy, and domestictranquillity but above all, because it is right. PRESIDENT JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY Civil Rights Messageto Congress June 19, 1963 < THE NEGRO IN THE UNITED STATES A List of Significant Books PAST RE-EXAMINED terial designed to serve as collateral reading for a course in American or Negro history. APniincun, HERBERT. American Negro Slave Revolts.InternationalPublishers,1963. A DAVIDSON, BAS/L. Black Mother: The Years moving account of desperate attempts byof the African Slave Trade. Little, Brown, Negroes to make their way to freedom. 1961. An examination of the African begin- nings of the American slave trade. APTHEYER, HERBERT, EDITOR. A Documentary History of the Negro People in the United States, 2 vols.Citadel Press, 1962, 1964. Du Bois, WILLiAm E. B. Black Folk: Then Source of documents generally unavailable. and Now. Holt, 1939. Outline study of the The first volume covers colonial times through early native cultures of the Negro and later the Civil War; the second, the Reconstruction developments of the life of Africans in the period to the founding of the NAACP in 1910. New World and Africa. Important for its social implications. BARNES, GILBERT H. The Anti-slavery Im- pulse,1830-1844.Peter Smith(reprint). Du Bois, WILLIAM E. B. Black Reconstruction Ori allypublishedin1933,thisstudy in America, 1860-1880. World, 1964. A his- un ertakes to determine the influenceof thetory of the Negro's role in the Civil War and revivalist movement of the 1830's on the pre- Reconstruction. vailing spirit of moral reform and the in- creased activity of the abolitionists. Du BOIS, WILLIAM E. B. Souls of Black Folk. Peter Smith (reprint). Originally published BENNErr, LERONE. Before the Mayflower: Ain 1903, this book became the bible of the History of the Negro in America, 1619-1962.militant school of protest, an equal-rights Johnson Publishing Co., 1963. Panoramic his- movement, as opposed to the movement of tory of Negro life in America, dispelling some conciliation represented by Booker T. Wash- popular notions and accepted myths. ington. * BONTEMPS, ARNA. Story of the Negro. DirmoNn, Dwicur LowELL. Antislavery; The Knopf, 1958. Includes incidents and person.n Crusade for Freedom in America. University alitieslittle known and seldom found inof Michigan Press, 1961. Published with a general histories. companion volume: A Bibliography of Anti- slavery in America. Together they constitute * BUCSMASMR, HENruErTA. Let My People the definitive history of the abolition move- Co. Peter Smith (reprint). A vigorous retell-ment from its inception to the Civil War. In- ing of the story of the Underground Railroad. tended for the scholar. Originally p iblished in 1941. Dunniax, PHILIP, AND EviKaErr L. JONES. CABLE, GEORGE W. EDITED BY ARLIN TURNER. The Negro Question. Doubleday, 1958. Poign- The Negro Cowboys. Dodd, Mead, 1965. The ant selections from the late-nineteenth-cen- saga of Negro "range riders" in the Old West, tury writings of the man who signed himselfan area of American Negro history long "A Southern White Man." Addressed pri- neglected by historians and novelists alike. marily to his fellow citizens in the South, pointing out the moral justice of civil rights FRANircix, JOHN HOPE. The Emancipation for the Negro. Proclamation. Doubleday, 1963. A famous historian traces the development of the Procla- CUBAN, LARRY. The Negro in America. Scott, mation from its conception in President Lin- Foresman, 1964. An anthology of source ma- coln's mind to its implementation as law. Also [ 5 ] 2 71'r. 6 The New York Friblic Library Past Re-examined, continued * HUGHES, LANGSTON,AND MILTON MELTZER, considers the Proclamation's effecton public Enrroas. A Pictorial History of the Negro in opinion in the North and South, and abroad. America. New rev. ed. Crown, 1963. The life of the Negro in the United Statesfrom the slave ship to the present, FRANKLIN, JOHN HOPE, From Slavery to Free- dom: A History of American Negroes. 2nd ed., rev, and enl. Knopf, 1956. The historical JONES, KATHERINE M., EDITOR. The Planta- implications of social, political, and economic tion South. Bobbs-Merrill, 1957. The South factors, presented bya research scholar. as reflected in diaries, letters, and journals of the ante-bellum period. Viewpointsof the Southerner, the Northerner, and theEuropean. FRANKLIN, JOHN HOPE. The Militant South, 1800-1861. Harvard University Press, 1956. A scholar's, survey of the ante-bellumways of LADER, LAWRENCE. The Bold Brahmins;New life which won, for Southerners,a reputation England's War Against Slavery,1831-1863. for arrogance, aggression, and violence. Dutton, 1961. Account of the NewEngland abolition movement, with examplesfrom the whole spectrum of abolitionistthought and FRAZIER, E. FRANKLIN. The Negro in the activity. United States. Rev. ed. Macmillan, 1957. Classic survey of the Negro in America from his African genesis to his position at mid-cen- LITWACK, LEON P. North of Slavery.Univer- tury. sity of Chicago Press, 1961. "TheNegro in the free states, 1790-1860,"a highly informa- tive survey of one of the most neglectedareas FURNAS, JOSEPH C. The Road to Harpers Ferry. of American Negro history. Sloane, 1959. From Africa to Harpers Ferry beginning with the slave trade and ending LOGAN, RAYFORD W.