Today FEATURES/3 SPORTS/6 Tomorrow INSIDE ANOTHER SWEEP No. 7 Texas no match for Card INTRAMURALS Mostly Cloudy Mostly Sunny 54 38 58 42 TThe Stanford Daily An Independent Publication MONDAY Volume 241 February 27, 2012 Issue 18 Alumnus arrested in West Bank to face trial

By KRISTIAN DAVIS BAILEY guaranteed, according to his sister. street to Palestinian citizens. izer of the Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity new camera angle. DESK EDITOR “We do not know if he will be re- Stanford students and graduates Movement — a “grassroots organi- The first video demonstrates a leased today. We only hope for it,” quickly organized around support- zation working towards civil equali- visibly and audibly upset Quran ges- Fadi Quran ’10 — a Palestinian- Semma Qura’an wrote in a Face- ing Quran. ty within Israel and an end to the Is- ticulating and speaking to Israeli sol- American Stanford alumnus who book message to The Daily from the Imran Akbar ’07, a SPER co- raeli occupation of Palestine,” ac- diers before being grabbed by multi- was arrested by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, before Monday’s trial. founder, wrote to the group late Sat- cording to the group’s site — en- ple soldiers and pushed toward a po- West Bank on Friday, was brought to “No one is allowed contact with him urday morning that he alerted the couraged the group in an email to lice van. The clip then shows an offi- trial Monday morning in Jerusalem, other than his lawyer — even he has American consulate of Quran’s de- mobilize the Stanford community to cer pepper spraying Quran’s face, his sister, Semma Qura’an, told The limited access.” tainment. spread the story of Fadi’s arrest and followed by Quran’s head and ab- Daily. Quran, a Palestinian American “I’ve spoken to the American of the larger conflict in Palestine. domen hitting the rear bumper of Quran’s sister tweeted follow- from Hebron, West Bank, graduated consulate in Jerusalem,” Akbar The Israeli Defense Force and Is- the van as soldiers attempt to arrest ing the trial that Quran was not re- from Stanford with a double major wrote. “I gave them Fadi’s informa- rael Ministry of Foreign Affairs did him. leased and was moved to Ofer in international relations and tion, told them what happened and not answer requests for comment. Quran is then briefly shown lying prison in the West Bank. He will physics and returned home to work asked for a consular officer to visit in the street behind the van as jour- face a second hearing Tuesday in the alternative energy field while him in prison and ensure that he’s Video footage nalists and soldiers stand around morning, she said. advocating nonviolent resistance to safe and has access to his lawyer. The Journalists and activists partici- him. The videographer of the origi- As reported by PolicyMic re- the Israeli occupation of the West duty officer said he’d pass the infor- pating in Friday’s demonstrations nal video then retreats from the porter Jake Horowitz ’09, Quran Bank. Quran served as president of mation along to the consular tomor- uploaded photos, videos and tweets scene with his camera, as his footage was initially held in Al Maskubiyeh Stanford Students for Palestinian row and get back to me.” of Quran’s arrest to Facebook, shows soldiers shooing the press Prison in Jerusalem, not Ofer, as pre- Equal Rights (SPER) during the Akbar said in an email to The YouTube and Twitter. away. viously reported by several sources, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 academic Daily that the consulate would not There are currently two videos The last footage of Quran shows including The Daily. Hurriyah years. give him more information about online — one posted on Friday that him still lying in the street. Ziada, a student at Birzeit Unviersi- He was arrested Friday in He- the case because he is not a family shows the protesters’ interactions The second video was shot from ty in Palestine, who was with Quran bron, West Bank, for allegedly member. The American consulate with Israeli forces before and after behind Quran, showing him yelling moments before his arrest, con- pushing an Israeli soldier during a was closed and unavailable for com- Quran’s arrest and a second, re- and motioning at officers, being firmed this information. protest against the 18-year Israeli- ment at the time of publication. leased on Sunday, that concentrates Quran’s release and trial were not enforced closure of Hebron’s main Assaf Sharon Ph.D. ’09, an organ- solely on Quran’s encounter from a Please see QURAN, page 5 STUDENT LIFE UNIVERSITY University Admins grants XOX consolidate reprieve ‘pre-college’ Admins reiterate lasting intention to terminate lease New unit brings together six Stanford programs By MARSHALL WATKINS DESK EDITOR By JORDAN SHAPIRO STAFF WRITER Stanford announced in a state- ment Friday that, following meet- Earlier this month, the Univer- ings with Chi Theta Chi representa- sity announced the formation of a tives, it would delay the planned new administrative unit called takeover of the XOX residence Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies from April 1 to Aug. 31. The state- (SPCS), which will bring all of ment emphasized, however, that Stanford’s pre-college educational the University still intends to termi- programs into one department. nate the house’s lease in response SPCS, currently comprised of six to “pressing life safety issues.” on-campus organizations, will exist “The [alumni] board has not MADELINE SIDES/The Stanford Daily Chi Theta Chi (XOX) hosted an event Saturday evening to raise awareness of the house’s importance to the under the umbrella of Stanford demonstrated consistent leader- Continuing Studies (SCS). ship, nor sufficient management of art scene on campus. The previous day, the University announced its intent to delay its takeover of the house. According to the SPCS website, the property, thus putting our stu- the new unit will “foster the devel- dents at risk, which is simply not ac- travened the terms of the lease, and what our group worked extremely starting to get some traction.” opment of tomorrow’s undergrad- ceptable,” the Friday statement that the University had not given hard to do after our first meeting.” Allison added that while the uates through programs that en- said. XOX sufficient time to address the Autumn Burnes ’12, XOX’s res- University has yet to shift from its rich the educational experience of While welcoming the grounds offered for the lease’s ter- ident assistant (RA), emphasized initial stance of unilaterally termi- pre-college students.” takeover’s postponement, mem- mination. the role that support from the Stan- nating the lease, XOX representa- Raymond Ravaglia, associate bers of the XOX community said According to Allison, the Uni- ford community had played in pro- tives are “working hard to convince dean and director of SPCS, said the that they would continue to contest versity did not give an explanation moting a constructive dialogue them that it’s worth working with unit will allow current programs the University’s decision and seek for the postponement. He said with the University. A petition sup- us on getting to an agreeable solu- aimed at pre-college students to to maintain the house’s independ- that the postponement would porting XOX’s independence had tion . . . that involves us keeping share resources, promoting inter- ence. At a Thursday meeting with allow the XOX house to remain over 2,000 signatures at the time of the lease.” program interaction. He added Stanford administrators, the XOX open this summer as usual rather publication. In assessing areas where Chi that SPCS will also help new de- Alumni Board submitted 200 than undergoing any University “Everyone has been really fo- Theta Chi could make demonstra- partments and programs as they pages of evidence addressing Uni- renovations. cused on what makes Chi Theta ble changes, Allison identified a start to be developed. versity concerns and outlined a “The language of the lease spec- Chi an asset to the University,” need for structural reform within “There was a constant sense of case for continued autonomy. ifies that — if you’re in default of Burnes said. “That’s really helped XOX in order to address long- common need,” Ravaglia said. Abel Allison ’08, president of the lease — you have 15 days to fix us hold the support not only of the standing University concerns and “There were clearly opportunities the alumni board, argued that the or take reasonable steps to fix all of community, but also of ResEd and for synergies on the marketing initial transition date of April 1 con- the errors,” Allison said. “That’s Housing. . . . Hopefully we’re Please see XOX, page 2 side, on the back office side.” The six organizations included in SPCS are the Stanford Universi- ty Online High School, the Educa- Families on the Farm LOCAL tion Program for Gifted Youth Summer Institutes (EPGY), the Stanford Medical Youth Science State senator Program, the Mathematics Camp, the Stanford Math Circle and the Stanford Summer Humanities Institute. The unveils bill at last will take place for the first time this summer. Ravaglia said University offi- Haas Center cials had often considered creating a “mirror image” to SCS, which, in- Proposed legislation will facilitate stead of tracking students after they graduate, will try to focus on reallocation of surplus medicine students before they enter college. According to Ravaglia, this By JUDITH PELPOLA program came to fruition due to a CONTRIBUTING WRITER number of factors: the realization of a definite need for the program State Senator Joe Simitian M.A. ’00 among University officials, the in- (D-Palo Alto) unveiled a bill intended to creased popularity of the Stanford help reallocate unused prescription University Online High School drugs to uninsured Californians last Fri- and the retirement of a longtime day at the Haas Center for Public Serv- EPGY faculty director. ice. The proposed legislation, Senate Bill Ravaglia also said the collabo- 1329, would make it easier for more rative spirit of SPCS will allow for health care facilities to donate their un- financial and administrative bene- used prescription drugs to those unable fits across all pre-collegiate pro- to afford their own. Around 30 attended grams. MADELINE SIDES/The Stanford Daily for the presentation. “There are a lot of opportuni- Approximately 3,800 friends and family members of current Stanford students were expected to come to campus for 2012 Parents’ Weekend, which took place Feb. 24 to Feb. 26. Please see SIMITIAN, page 5 Please see SPCS, page 5

Index Features/3 • Opinions/4 • Sports/6 • Classifieds/7 Recycle Me 2 N Monday, February 27, 2012 The Stanford Daily


Etchemendy to support Quran’s treatment, that number is 63 per- ASSU senators may “immediate release” versus his “fair cent. The patients in these trials ASSU proposes new trial.” While Elhanan said that he could be treated with the shot in the urge Etchemendy to thought the recommendation was study because of federal rules allow- making an overreaching assump- ing exemptions to those who give in- support Fadi Quran tion that Quran will have an unfair formed consent in order to conduct governing document trial, Qatari said she thought that studies that involve life-threatening By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF calling for his release would show situations. By ALICE PHILLIPS lot if rejected — before the stu- absolute solidarity and reflect what In order to implement the trial, DESK EDITOR dent body votes on the document. ASSU undergraduate senators she sees as the majority campus approximately 250 Santa Clara and If two-thirds of Stanford students drafted a resolution Sunday calling opinion that, regardless of the result San Mateo firefighters had to be The ASSU released a newly approve the bill (this two-thirds for Provost and Acting President of his trial, Quran was detained un- trained to conduct research. proposed constitution in a cam- must comprise at minimum 15 John Etchemendy Ph.D. ’82 to issue justly. The study, published Feb. 16 in pus-wide email Saturday night. percent of both the undergradu- a public statement in support of fair “I think it is a lot better than it the New England Journal of Medi- ASSU President Michael Cruz ate and graduate student popula- legal treatment and the immediate could have been,” Elhanan said cine, was authored by Stanford re- ’12 and ASSU Parliamentarian tions), then the document will be release of Fadi Quran ’10. about the bill. “I’m not saying I’ll searchers alongside researchers Alex Kindel ’14 co-wrote the doc- sent to the University President, Quran, a Stanford alumnus, was vote for it, but I’m really glad to be from 16 other universities and hos- ument, which at 32 pages is nearly Provost and Board of Trustees for arrested by Israeli authorities last part of the discussion, and I appreci- pitals across the nation. The Nation- half the length of the current con- approval. These individuals would Friday while demonstrating in He- ate the opportunity to raise my con- al Institutes of Health and the Bio- stitution. Cruz and Kindel serve as then send the bill back as either bron, West Bank. cerns.” medical Advanced Research and co-chairs of the ASSU Governing approved, approved with qualifi- In addition to two other stu- According to Israeli law, Development Authority funded the Documents Commission (GDC), cations or denied. If the bill is ap- dents, four ASSU officials attended Quran’s trial must occur within 48 study. The Department of Defense’s a body that Cruz chartered in proved with qualifications, the the meeting: the co-authors of the hours of his arrest because he is Chemical Biological Medical Sys- spring 2011. GDC will work to incorporate the resolution, Senators Samar Qatari being tried in military court. Ra- tems Joint Project Management Of- “Going into writing [the pro- final comments, Cruz said. ’14 and Janani Ramachandran ’14, machandran said the senators will fice supplied the spring-loaded sy- posed constitution], there were The final stage of the approval ASSU President Michael Cruz ’12 present the re-worded bill at Tues- ringe injectors. definitely things that I understood process can take anywhere from and Senator Alon Elhanan ’14. day’s Senate meeting regardless of as needs, for instance the special two weeks to several months, The representatives discussed whether Quran has been tried or re- — Alice Phillips fees process, representation by Cruz said. the importance of ensuring the leased. undergraduate and graduate stu- The ASSU will hold four more bill’s accordance with Article 1. dents and the structure of the Uni- feedback sessions regarding the Section 5.B of the ASSU Constitu- —Julia Enthoven versity committee system,” Cruz proposed document. The first ses- tion, which requires that all ASSU said. sion was held last Friday before bills only concern matters that di- Shots more effective XOX Cruz described the key goals of the document was publicly avail- rectly affect Stanford students. Continued from front page the overhaul as refocusing the able. An initial feedback session “We should make it very clear than IVs in treating mission of the ASSU back to its planned for Thursday was post- that this is not a statement on any- initial goal of advocacy and pro- poned. thing more broadly,” Cruz said of develop confidence in XOX as an gramming and ensuring that each The upcoming sessions will be the resolution’s scope. “This is a grand mal seizures, institution. branch of the ASSU has a clearly held Monday from 8:30 to 10 p.m. statement on this case, this situation “We intend to be extremely defined mission. He added that in Old Union Room 215, Wednes- . . . The narrowing of this bill has to study shows proactive about developing a pro- the “legislative branch’s power of day from 7 to 9 p.m. in Old Union be very clear.” posal of changes we want to make the purse” is enhanced in the new Room 104, Friday from 11:30 a.m. The senators argued that the By THE DAILY NEWS STAFF to our organization to address constitution. to 1 p.m. in Arrillaga Family Din- issue directly affects Stanford stu- some issues that have been bother- Before being released to the ing Commons and next Monday, dents because of the “emotionally A team of researchers found that ing the University for a long time,” general student body, the pro- March 5, from 8:30 to10 p.m. in distressing” footage of Quran’s ar- administering a quick shot of anti- Allison said. “We’re working on a posed constitution was reviewed Old Union Room 104. According rest and his close associations with convulsant medication with a plan we think has a high probabili- by ASSU senators, Graduate Stu- to Cruz, these feedback sessions many current students. They cited spring-loaded syringe is as effective ty of ensuring long-term stability at dent Council (GSC) members and will be located in Old Union and the outpouring of support and out- in treating prolonged seizures that the house.” administrators. The GDC also Arrillaga in hopes of maximizing rage following Quran’s incarcera- do not occur in hospitals as using an “I want to show, not tell, why we studied the governing documents the number of students who will tion — including multiple peti- intravenous line to administer the should keep this house,” Allison at peer institutions such as UC- attend. tions, one of which gained more medication directly to the blood- added. “The University needs to let Berkeley, Brown, Harvard, “We want feedback from the than 1,000 signatures by the time of stream. us show them.” Princeton and Yale, and spoke average Stanford student, not just the meeting — as evidence of the According to James Quinn, a While University statements with former student body presi- simply the person who’s going to importance of the issue to students professor of emergency medicine at have stressed a desire to maintain dents both from Stanford and reach out and try to find it,” Cruz and faculty. the Stanford School of Medicine, Chi Theta Chi’s “distinct character” other universities. said. “We wanted to have [the Still, both Cruz and Elhanan the benefit of using a shot to treat a after the planned transition to Uni- Cruz said that the GDC will feedback sessions] in places were concerned about the bill full seizure rather than starting an versity management, Burnes said move to introduce bills about the where people can swing by for 15 being “a stretch” and encouraged IV is that it takes less accuracy to ad- that Chi Theta Chi’s independence constitution to the Undergradu- minutes or five minutes or what- the authors to use narrow and spe- minister a shot — increasing the has a unique effect on the house ate Senate and GSC this week as a ever.” cific wording. chance of success and decreasing community. way of shifting the conversation The last full constitutional “Since he’s no longer a Stanford the risk that either the patient or the “What makes it special is the ac- about the document into a more overhaul occurred in 1960. student, that clause doesn’t affect person starting the IV will get inad- countability and the responsibility,” formal setting. He added that the “The entire system of the him,” Cruz said. “The clause . . . ap- vertently pricked by the needle. Burnes said. “It really brings us to- GDC is not asking either body to ASSU is in need of an update,” plies to current Stanford students Among patients to whom the gether in a way that doesn’t exist in vote on the bills this week. Cruz said. who are experiencing emotional shot was administered, 73 percent other places.” The new constitution must be distress, pain, etc.” were free of seizure symptoms by approved by both legislative bod- Contact Alice Phillips at alicep1@ There was also some debate the time they arrived at the hospital. Contact Marshall Watkins at mt- ies — or petitioned onto the bal- about whether the bill should urge Among patients receiving the IV [email protected]. The Stanford Daily Monday, February 27, 2012 N 3 FEATURES Digitizing healthy habits

By MADELINE SIDES perience living in the . Before arriving at Stanford to attend graduate school, she etween lectures, labs, lived in Turkey, the United King- problem sets and dom and France. midterms, making well- “I was shocked to see how peo- informed food decisions ple were eating in the U.S. and ac- can be a challenge for tually ended up putting on about busyB students. Add the constraints 25 pounds in my first three months of location and time, and smart eat- here,” she said. “I have a personal ing becomes even more difficult. passion around understanding Enter Awardly, a new location- food decisions, especially for based iPhone app founded by young people, and using technolo- Stanford alumnus Gülin Yilmaz gy to make an impact.” M.S. ’04 MBA ’11 and Claire Mc- McDonnell, Awardly co- Donnell, a Bay Area resident and founder and chief operating offi- Fulbright Scholar. Awardly is an cer, also cites her personal experi- iPhone app that allows users to ence as her impetus for starting the quickly make informed food organization. McDonnell is a man- choices in the hopes that it will en- agement consultant and certified courage positive change in stu- yoga instructor who attributes her dents’ food behavior. drive to bring healthy living to a The app uses GPS technology broader audience to the goal-ori- and menu information to guide ented nature of her career. user food choices based on nutri- “As a yoga instructor, I think tional goals such as maximizing ac- about achieving goals on a person- ademic performance or achieving al level,” McDonnell said. “That is a high level of fitness. really the animating spirit of our According to Yilmaz, she and company — it’s all about helping McDonnell are entrepreneurs individuals who have a goal. We’ve who want to “use technology to developed an application that bring scalable solutions to people.” helps them use food to accomplish SERENITY NGUYEN/The Stanford Daily The creators met in 2011 that goal.” through an entrepreneurial incu- McDonnell and Yilmaz did not bation program created by Inno- set out to create an iPhone app dred [people] in total . . . and let background that Lyon provided is choosing leafy green vegetables vation Endeavors, a Palo Alto- when they began the project. them design the solution for us,” embedded in the app’s design, and over potato chips. based venture capital firm. The “We had no intention, initially, she added. “What we realized is users are presented with simple Each time users successfully program connects entrepreneurs of building an iPhone app,” Mc- that they are all on their phones, so choices that encourage healthier complete a challenge, they earn who are interested in addressing Donnell said. “We had an intention the solution must be mobile.” behavior. points within the app. Users can similar problems through their of solving a problem, and the In developing the specific nutri- When users decide to eat at a eventually save up enough points work, and the duo hit it off from iPhone app is the way we are solv- tional options Awardly presents to specific restaurant, they open to get real-life rewards from the the very beginning. ing that problem.” its users, the creators consulted Awardly and the app uses GPS to app, such as iTunes credit. Current- “We are lucky because we have “Claire and I differ a little bit Tami Lyon, registered dietician identify the restaurant. Then users ly, the app is being beta tested by a aligned interests, diverse skill sets from the typical Silicon Valley en- and founder of Healthy Living Nu- choose their “goal” for their up- group of Stanford students. and similar values,” Yilmaz said. “[I trepreneurs,” Yilmaz said. “They tritional Counseling. coming meal, and Awardly gives “What we have seen is that al- am] interested in using technology may come up with an idea that is “I provided [Yilmaz and Mc- suggestions on choices they can most everyone using the product as a platform to help people make cool and say ‘Let us build this and Donnell] with guidance on the nu- make to help reach these goals has made changes in the way they behavioral changes. In this case, see if people use it.’ Instead, we tritional aspects of how to provide based on available menu items. eat,” McDonnell said. the interest is in food behavioral chose the need . . . and we went challenges to users in a way that is The app may identify a menu item change.” out and talked to people.” easy to understand and easy to that is best for brainpower or make Contact Madeline Sides at msides@ Yilmaz was inspired by her ex- “We spoke with about two hun- apply,” Lyon said. The scientific generalized suggestions like

By ARUSHI JAIN “We are looking at interactive games like Xbox 360 Connect because a lot of people play videogames and thletics at Stanford conjure up images of Di- don’t play intramurals,” Jew said. “You are still playing Stanford Intramural vision I varsity teams, competitive club a sport, just virtually.” sports or our official mascot, the Cardinal. Senior Associate Athletic Director Eric Stein agreed However, the teams “Gazebo Gorillas” or with Jew about the program’s improvement. According Sports Program brings “Donnersaurs” are also in the realm of Stan- to Stein, much of this progression can be attributed to Aford athletics. These intramurals sports teams are two of new staffing and leadership. Stein came to Stanford in more than 1,000 other uniquely named teams. 2006, and the first full-time director of intramurals recreational sports to As part of its mission statement, the Intramurals Sports Program “recognizes the need of a recreation- al environment” for Stanford students, a goal students that Travis Jew, coordinator of intramural sports, aims to fulfill. Jew joined the Intramural Sports Program 18 months ago and became the head of the program in October. “I had a passion for intramurals because I used to play them all the time as an undergrad in college,” Jew said. The first part of Jew’s vision was initiating a new online system of registration and communica- tion. “Our goal is to interact with students, and for the teams to communicate more with each other,” Jew sports was appointed one year later. said. Following the introduction of a full-time director, a Launched this winter quarter, the system includes position currently held by Jew, the number of teams has features such as most valuable player awards for each grown by 62.5 percent, games by 130 percent and partic- game and an online message board. One of the bigger ipants by 4 percent. improvements is cutting down on forfeits with the “When I first came here, we had just won our ability to reschedule games, which is facilitated by the twelfth straight Director’s Cup [from the National As- online system. sociation of College Directors of Athletics],” Stein said, The new online system is only one improvement in adding that he felt that that year marked an institution- the larger scope of the program. According to Jew, an- al transition in the attention paid to intramural sports other principal need is to reach out to more students at Stanford. by offering a wider variety of sports. Participants in the competitive and recreational intra- “There is a huge need to appeal to every student on mural sports leagues vary in age, skill level and athletic campus,” Jew said. “Not everybody likes basketball. background. Not everybody plays volleyball. Not everybody knows “When I was in high school, I did track,” Szwarc said. how to throw a Frisbee. [But] we are trying to get every “I came to college and wasn’t able to maintain the same student plugged into at least one sport.” time commitment to varsity sports. I had this need to get In an effort to address this issue, the program now out there and play sports where the level of competition offers new sports, while still maintaining the classics is still really high.” such as basketball, volleyball and soccer. Like Szwarc, Rebecca Amato ’14 has been involved in “[We have] different sports for people who aren’t sports since high school and became involved in intramu- comfortable with the traditional sports and can now rals during her freshman year. play some fun, wacky sport,” Jew said. “Before I came to Stanford, I researched intramural Broomball, added this quarter, is an example of such sports, and for my dorm’s government elections, they a “fun, wacky sport.” The sport is very similar to ice mentioned that one position was intramurals coordina- hockey except that the participants run in tennis shoes tor,” Amato said. and play with “brooms,” or square-shaped plastic sticks. Now, both Szwarc and Amato are involved in several Timothy Szwarc M.S. ’09 Ph.D. ’15, who played sports throughout the year. For both, intramurals have broomball as an undergraduate at Cornell University, great benefits. where hockey fans and ice rinks abound, now plays “It’s a break from our busy lives as students,” Amato through Stanford Intramurals. said. “It’s nice to get on a team and have fun and then go “It’s fun to see students who can write award-win- back to your routine.” ning papers be able to score a goal in broomball and cel- Szwarc points out that the intramural teams fill the ebrate winning a game,” Szwarc said. space between solo exercise and varsity-level practice. Despite being nontraditional, a recent intramural “It gives a reason to go out and compete,” Szwarc broomball tournament had more than 90 participants. said. “You can train for an event or run for fun, but it’s Since 2006, there have been six new league sports something else to have a game, a bracket and a league. introduced into the program, including inner tube It’s having something at stake, being part of something water polo, billiards, squash, table tennis and bad- more.” minton. This expansion is now looking to include the virtual world. Contact Arushi Jain at [email protected].

SERENITY NGUYEN/ The Stanford Daily 4 N Monday, February 27, 2012 The Stanford Daily OPINIONS

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR The Stanford Daily Established 1892 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Incorporated 1973 Dear Readers, from “companies whose direct violations of international law Board of Directors Managing Editors Tonight’s Desk Editors I would like to clarify and have an injurious impact on Margaret Rawson Brendan O’Byrne Amanda Ach Alice Phillips comment on our recent and con- Palestinians.” News Editor tinuing coverage of the arrest of Kristian did not report his sig- President and Editor in Chief Deputy Editor Columns Editor Fadi Quran ’10 in Hebron, West nature to a Daily editor because Anna Schuessler Kurt Chirbas & Billy Gallagher Willa Brock Molly Vorwerck Bank. This story was a significant he viewed the issues of divestment Chief Operating Officer Managing Editors of News Head Copy Editor Features Editor undertaking for The Daily and and Quran’s arrest separately. Sam Svoboda Joseph Beyda Jack Blanchat Serenity Nguyen an important piece of breaking I stand by Kristian’s coverage Vice President of Advertising Sports Editor news for our community. as fair and accurate. The Daily Managing Editor of Sports Head Graphics Editor Theodore L. Glasser A few questions have sur- should have disclosed his signa- Madeline Sides Marwa Farag Alex Alifimoff Photo Editor faced about news desk editor ture on the SPER petition. An an- Michael Londgren Managing Editor of Features Web and Multimedia Editor Matt Olson Kristian Davis Bailey’s ability to notation disclosing Kristian’s sig- Robert Michitarian fairly cover Quran’s arrest. nature on the SPER petition has Andrea Hinton Nate Adams Copy Editor Kristian signed a divestment been appended to his articles on- Nate Adams Managing Editor of Intermission Multimedia Director petition circulated by Students line. Tenzin Seldon Mehmet Inonu Billy Gallagher, Molly Vorwerck for Palestinian Equal Rights Rich Jaroslovsky Managing Editor of Photography & Zach Zimmerman (SPER) this year. He is not a Sincerely, Staff Development member of this group. The peti- MARGARET RAWSON tion calls for Stanford to divest President and Editor in Chief, Vol. CCXLI Contacting The Daily: Section editors can be reached at (650) 721-5815 from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. The Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5803, and the Classified Advertising Department can be reached at (650) 721-5801 during normal business hours. Send letters to the editor to [email protected], op-eds to [email protected] and photos or videos to multi- media@ stanford Op-eds are capped at 700 words and letters are capped at 500 words. EDITORIAL Time to establish THE YOUNG ADULT SECTION

Freedom Nina substance-free he rules under which I lived la for offsetting food intake. At al- during most of sophomore most all moments, my mind was Chung T year are called, in social and concerned with what I was eating, clinical terms, an “eating disor- and what I was not eating. These housing der.” It’s a jarring convergence of were absolutes. we trap ourselves in crisis. We still terms. Even stranger is the fact It sounds insane to me now, but strive for self-dependence and that the girl writing those rules was at that time, recalling every ingest- certainty when those things keep As the University deals and more. These secondary ben- me. Me — normal, a student at ed ingredient each day and await- breaking down despite us. with numerous episodes efits have been a major driver Stanford — not a psycho nutcase ing the scale’s report each week My relationship with God is my with a sensational/irrelevant story. made sense. I was aware of grow- of dangerous drinking, for introducing substance-free reality check. To some, this is O That situation belonged to cliché ing more particular, but it was called “using religion as the pre- there is no doubt that we as a housing at other schools, as Dr. reality TV show stars, who were sunny outside, my classes were ferred coping mechanism” (at community should adopt a Henry Weschler of the Harvard crazy and self-obsessed. This is our awesome, I still smiled and life still least, that’s what I used to say). multi-pronged approach to School of Public Health pointed human penchant for being in de- felt sunny. I didn’t register that my But the more I learn about what change student attitudes toward out in a 2001 study on the sub- nial: we see clearly the absurdities entire day was mentally spent on Christ said, and the more I see of alcohol. In addition to changing ject. of others and rarely in ourselves. food or the sustained issues crop- humanity in action, my faith in the attitudes, it is important to cre- Substance-free housing is not Because, yes, it was undoubtedly ping up in my body. Indeed, I had supposedly impossible simply ate meaningful social alterna- without its detractors. The first me, less than two years ago, forcing mastered the arts of health and grows stronger. I’ve noticed how myself into a highly self-destruc- tives to alcohol-centered party- concern is that students, partic- self-discipline. “Disorder” would human standards for right and tive mental structure. Yet all that be the last word I’d use to describe wrong and okay are just so, so ing. The Office of Alcohol Policy ularly freshmen, may not make time, I proudly thought I was in my orderly life. So only now do I messy — they keep foiling us. I and Education’s Cardinal the best choices coming into control, and that was a big part of see how ironic that word is. wreak havoc on myself and others Nights program has done this to college — parents may pres- the problem. The specificity of an “eating the more I try to take over, and it’s some extent, sponsoring a wide sure students to choose a sub- In most students’ post-fresh- disorder” for many is sourced horrible. There’s a more popular range of activities, some of stance-free dorm or students man year dorm life, social regular- from a much more general psy- religion, based on self-worship which have been quite popular. may find that while they choose ity becomes more self-directed. chological condition: the desire to and perfection, that doesn’t make However, Cardinal Nights may not to drink, the friends they We have more autonomy in who have control. It’s an innate human sense to me anymore. We want the not be enough of an alternative would otherwise want to live we see every day and who knows trait. We want that sensation, and last word, control of the day, think- our daily business (which itself can we often use tangible materials to ing that that is freedom. But is it, for students who choose not to with do. These are valid con- be a major adjustment at the be- attain it. Depending on our differ- really? I didn’t find freedom there. drink. As a result, the Editorial cerns. One possible solution, at ginning of sophomore year). ent personalities and contexts, I believe freedom is somewhere Board believes Stanford should least in the beginning, would be Fewer people are around to see though, our objects of choice vary else — a much different, less tan- pilot substance-free housing. to limit the substance-free how we eat. Now, that’s a side note, widely. My own fixation settled on gible place. Substance-free housing housing to upperclassmen only. of course, except that it creates the food and appearance, but for oth- Many of us seek order in well- refers to housing where alcohol This would also alleviate the space for someone trying to es- ers it’s a grade, a relationship, rep- disguised disorders, some more ex- and drug consumption is not concern that the presence of cape being observed as eating dif- utation or tomorrow’s schedule. I treme than others. A lot of us are permitted. This is not as much a substance-free housing would ferently than before. And I began think people have a tendency to dealing with uncertainty in very in- eating very purposefully different. create security where we can, in ternalized, painful ways. So, I legal approach as a social one, create a divide between stu- I ate exactly every three hours, reaction to all of the places where thought I’d write this column in given that drugs are illegal and dents who opt in and those who which dictated when I woke up we cannot. We intend the best for light of all that. (I was kind of nerv- that for many of Stanford’s stu- choose not to. After freshman each morning. ourselves, really, but it’s easy to ous; this column has been cooking dents, consuming alcohol is, as year, stigmas associated with When my eating scheduled was start sacrificing things we didn’t mentally for weeks.) Hopefully, my well. Substance-free housing certain residences generally be- forced to change, I ignored a tradi- mean to. experience can mean something would be an opt-in program for come less relevant. tional lunch or dinner. I could only In logic and rationale, we will more out here, maybe to you. those students who wish to min- Another concern is what the eat apples or pears between meals. admit we can’t take anything in imize their exposure to drink- presence of substance-free I ate only raw vegetables at din- this material world for granted. Who’da thunk it? Nina talks in ner, especially those with sup- ing and drunken behavior in housing suggests about the But in the most irrational depth of other, non-column ways, too. If you posed “negative” calories. I could our hearts — the part that truly don’t see her around in person, their residential environment. other on-campus housing op- not drink water at meals, for it di- drives how we live — we’re des- email her at [email protected]. This approach has caught on at tions: are they “substance- luted digestive acids. I went to the perate to prove ourselves wrong. Until we meet again next Monday, a number of schools, ranging in filled”? The answer, of course, is gym with a precisely-timed formu- That dissonance is exactly where Stanford. size from small liberal arts col- that alcohol and drugs will al- leges like Vassar to Ivy League ways be something that students schools like Dartmouth and experiment with in college. Hav- large state schools like Rutgers. ing substance-free housing on OP-ED The program would appeal campus offers a social alterna- to a wide cross-section of stu- tive rather than a statement on dents, not all of whom would be what is or is not encouraged in freshmen. Students who do not the remainder of on-campus Our connection to events in Palestine drink for religious reasons housing. would benefit from having a A pilot substance-free resi- community that recognizes and dence, restricted to upperclass- adi Quran, a person of He was 20 when I met him in new birth to the concept of Free- values this aspect of their be- men, would give Housing and tremendous courage and 2008; by that time he had already dom Riders. While Palestinians wisdom, a 2010 Stanford put himself on the line many must follow a tortuous route liefs, and those who simply pre- Resident Education a good idea F graduate, my friend and the times, and had suffered for it. His through checkpoints to get to fer not to drink would find a of the benefits and drawbacks friend of many others at our Uni- resolve to follow a path of nonvi- East Jerusalem, if they can get group of like-minded individu- of the program, as well as an in- versity, a Palestinian dedicated to olence was clearer than ever there at all, residents of illegal als. Indeed, when placed in dication of how popular the the struggle for justice and after he participated in a Stan- Jewish settlements in the West dorms where drinking is the program might be. Piloting human dignity, a man absolutely ford overseas seminar in India, Bank ride segregated buses over norm, many students who have housing programs is not un- committed in theory and practice led by Prof. Clayborne Carson segregated roads on which Pales- no particular interest in drink- precedented: although the rea- to nonviolence, appeared Friday and me. We called the seminar tinians are not permitted. The ing join the drinking bandwag- sons were quite different, gen- in an Internet video, his face dis- “Gandhi and his legacy: Nonvio- Freedom Riders boarded one of colored and bruised, being beat- lence in India, America, and the these forbidden buses and rode on. In addition, those who had a der-neutral housing was a pilot en, handcuffed and dragged by World.” In his last year at Stan- till they were dragged off and ar- troubled high school experi- just a few years ago and has soldiers in the course of a demon- ford, Fadi worked for divest- rested. This story was widely cov- ence with alcohol or other ille- since expanded considerably stration in Hebron. As his friends ment. That campaign, like the ered in the world press, with a pic- gal substances might find it eas- due to its popularity. Giving stu- and members of his community, one before it at Stanford and the ture showing Fadi in the bus with ier to live in substance-free dents who don’t drink — and many of us are working to help one after it (unfolding at this mo- his sister, holding up a sign that housing. those who do — the chance to him, to free him, to protect him. ment) aroused extreme feelings says, “WE SHALL OVER- Lastly, we believe there live in housing largely free from Helping Fadi in this moment and strong opposition as well as COME.” would be students who would the peer effects and secondary of pain and danger is an impera- alliance and support. With his As I write this, Fadi is in a mil- tive that comes from our hearts. deep convictions about the ne- choose to live in substance-free effects of drinking is valuable. itary prison. His friends are mo- But many of us are also allied cessity of dialogue, reconciliation bilizing to get support from Stan- housing for the so-called “sec- Both in the interest of helping with him in his larger purpose — and love, Fadi reached out to ford and elsewhere to secure his ondary benefits,” regardless of all students feel safe and com- to end the terrible conflict be- Jewish individuals and organiza- release and to keep him safe. whether these students drink in fortable, as well as in pursuing tween Israel and Palestine, to lift tions and earned great respect A powerful nonviolent move- other social environments. multiple approaches to dealing the cruel military occupation, the even from those who disagreed ment is building in Palestine. These benefits include the qui- with problem drinking on cam- long ordeal of homelessness, the with him. After graduation he re- Many understand that this is like- eter atmosphere, less drunken pus, the University should pilot wall, the settlements, the check- turned to his home in Ramallah. ly to be the most potent move- damage or theft, less alcohol-in- an alternative in the form of points, the house demolitions, the He was featured in a March 31, ment of all. Effective nonviolent duced vomit in the bathrooms substance-free housing. destruction of agriculture, the 2011, article in Time magazine: “A leaders can be a particular threat separation of families, the chok- New Palestinian Movement: to entrenched powers. It’s up to ing off of the very means of sur- Young, Networked, Nonviolent.” us to stand with brave and vision- vival, the treatment of a whole He is also featured in a film in ary nonviolent leaders and move- Unsigned editorials in the space above represent the views of the editorial board of The nation of nationless people as progress called “Martin Luther ments — not to be silent by- Stanford Daily and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Daily staff. The edito- less than human. King, Jr. in Palestine.” standers. We are connected to Is- rial board consists of five Stanford students led by a chairman and uninvolved in other As a brilliant graduate of Last November, when Ameri- rael and Palestine in more ways sections of the paper. Any signed columns in the editorial space represent the views of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the entire editorial board. To Stanford in physics and interna- cans were honoring the 50th an- than we know. contact the editorial board chair, e-mail [email protected]. To submit an op- tional relations, Fadi could have niversary of the Civil Rights Free- ed, limited to 700 words, e-mail [email protected]. To submit a letter to the editor, done just about anything he dom Riders with TV specials and LINDA HESS ’64 limited to 500 words, e-mail [email protected]. wanted to. But personal success public events, Fadi and his com- Senior Lecturer in the Department of All are published at the discretion of the editor. and power were not on his list. panions in Palestine were giving Religious Studies The Stanford Daily Monday, February 27, 2012 N 5

Current ASSU Undergraduate Senators are working on legislation I DO CHOOSE TO RUN QURAN to mobilize community support for Continued from front page Quran. Senators Samar Alqatari ’14, Alon Elhanan’14 and Janani Ramachan- grabbed and pepper sprayed. Mem- dran ’14 and ASSU Executive Presi- The problem of balance bers of the press block footage of dent Michael Cruz ’12 met Sunday Quran’s body hitting the vehicle, evening in Old Union to draft a bill in and the video culminates with support of Quran. [See “ASSU sena- This is the second in a series of tively liberal democracy with an Quran lying in the street, surround- tors may urge Etchemendy to sup- columns by the author dealing with independent judiciary, regularly ed by soldiers and journalists. port Fadi Quran,” page 2.] divestment and the Israeli-Palestinian held elections and one of the most Miles conflict. LGBT-friendly cities between Stanford support Quran in the Middle East Cairo and Calcutta — for six Unterreiner In addition to posting and shar- Quran was arrested Friday dur- n my last column, I predicted years running, while homosexual- ing links to the photos, tweets and ing a protest against the Israeli-en- that the Israeli-Palestinian executing Saudi Arabia, dissi- videos, members of the Stanford forced closure of Shuhada Street, Iconflict would again become dent-bombing Syria and election- tives from groups concerned with community initiated a petition to the the main thoroughfare in Hebron one of the hot-button campus po- rigging Iran go about happily un- rights violations everywhere? Ti- Israeli government demanding that has been closed to Palestinians litical issues of the year. I just did- divested? betan rights, South Sudanese Quran’s release. since the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque n’t think it would happen quite so Divestment advocates usually rights, Iranian rights, Dubai guest Stanford graduate Lila Kalaf ’10 Massacre, in which an Israeli gun- soon. respond by arguing that they are workers’ rights and of course created the petition Saturday after- man killed 29 Palestinian Muslims Last Friday, Palestinian activist under no obligation to cover Palestinian rights — you name it. noon. and injured 125. and Stanford alumnus Fadi Quran every human rights violation on The board would meet on a regu- “Fadi should not be detained for According to the website of the was arrested in Hebron, West the face of the globe; that the lar basis — say, once a month — an indefinite period of time on false International Solidarity Movement Bank, on charges of pushing an Is- United States gives a dispropor- and work together to formulate a charges,” the petition reads. “It is im- (ISM) — a Palestinian-led move- raeli soldier. Video of Quran’s ar- tionate amount of foreign aid to united list of ethical investment perative that the Israeli government ment committed to “resisting the Is- rest quickly circulated on Face- Israel, warranting a dispropor- requirements, which would even- release Fadi so that he may continue raeli apartheid in Palestine by using book, Stanford students drafted a tionate amount of attention; and tually and collectively be present- to speak for his people and PEACE- nonviolent, direct-action methods petition to the Israeli government that advocating divestment from ed to the University. Each individ- FULLY push for basic human rights.” and principles” — Quran was protesting Quran’s detention and one nation does not preclude ual rights group could otherwise Members of SPER, the Muslim protesting along with the “Youth Robert Wright of The Atlantic them from supporting divestment continue its regular programming Student Awareness Network Against Settlements” movement, publicized Quran’s arrest under elsewhere. without change, so Tibetan rights (MSAN) and other community though he is not a member. Six the headline “The Arab Spring Both arguments have merit. advocates wouldn’t have to worry members forwarded the petition to demonstrators were arrested Friday, Comes to Israel.” The ASSU Sen- Certainly Israel does not get a about the Congo, and Palestinian campus mailing lists and to specific including Quran, according to ISM. ate quickly sprang into action, free pass on human rights viola- rights activists wouldn’t be forced members of the faculty and adminis- Youth Against Settlements is a drafting a bill designed to enlist tions merely because it is a Jewish to constantly campaign for tration. Hebron-based movement that is “a support for Quran. And as always, democracy, and certainly our Chechens. The only thing we “We emailed [professors] who had national Palestinian non-partisan each and every news article trig- close allies should be held to high- would do collectively is divest. previously signed SPER’s petition, activist group which seeks to end Is- gered an avalanche of emotional er standards than those of the It’s not fair to single out Israel as well as those in the physics depart- raeli colonization activities in Pales- comments from partisans on both world’s worst rights violators. But for criticism, especially when far ment,” wrote Mohammed Ali ’10 tine (building and expanding settle- sides of the issue. it is also dangerous to ignore the worse human rights violators M.A. ’10 J.D. ’14 in an email to The ments) through non-violent popu- The question is now a simple very real existence of anti-Semi- abound. But it’s also not right to Daily. “I also emailed Provost lar struggle and civil disobedience,” one: how will we react? tism, both historical and extant. shield Israel, or any country, from Etchemendy and Professor [Allen] according to its website. Over the past week, I have had Divestment, as both proponents criticism altogether. A more bal- Weiner, whose class Fadi took as an Upon graduating from Stanford, the great blessing of speaking and detractors for once agree, is anced and comprehensive model undergrad. Others emailed other Quran became part of a loosely as- with committed activists on both largely a symbolic venture, impor- for divestment advocacy would professors that he may have sociated group of activists. He iden- sides of the conflict. And for rea- tant less for its concrete financial help alleviate both concerns — known.” tified the group as a collection of sons I’ll share in my next column, impact than for the powerful mes- and also raise overall student Ali was an ASSU Undergraduate “bubbles” waiting to congeal in a I’m incredibly hopeful about the sage it sends. We should think long awareness of rights violations Senator during the 2009 to 2010 March 2010 Time Magazine feature future of Israeli-Palestinian rela- and hard about what kind of sym- worldwide that too often go ig- school year and also served as presi- on him. tions on campus. bolic message divesting only from nored. dent of MSAN. He worked with Time Magazine called Quran But before we get there, there Israeli companies would send, es- But that’s not quite good Quran on Campaign Restore Hope. “the face of the new Middle East,” are a host of problems that need pecially given the nasty history of enough either. Divestment is only Among the signatories on describing his allegiance to broader to be addressed. Foremost among programs targeted specifically at one piece of the puzzle, if that. Kalaf’s petition are Clayborne movements organized around so- them is the problem of balance Jews. There are other constructive ven- Carson, director of the Martin cial-networking sites, rather than to and proportionality. It’s a thorny tangle, and this tures and projects out there with Luther King, Jr., Research and Ed- the two largest Palestinian factions, Whenever divestment from Is- week’s events will only make incredible potential for good — ucation Institute; Weiner, co-direc- Hamas and Fatah. rael is brought up or Israeli policy things thornier. Here’s one sug- ventures and projects on which tor of the Stanford Center on In- Quran has been interviewed b criticized, one of the first objec- gestion to get started. pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian ternational Conflict and Negotia- Al-Jazeera, The Guardian and The tions always made is that other, If divestment must go forward groups here at Stanford can work tion; Joel Beinin, professor of his- New York Times for his work. far worse human rights violators — and the fire rightfully ignited together. I’ll talk more about tory; Khalil Barhoum, lecturer in — many of them Israel’s enemies by Mr. Quran’s arrest this week those, and why we need them, Arabic; Eva Silverstein, professor Quran at Stanford — aren’t being criticized also. suggests that it will — it must be next week. of physics; Rega Wood, professor Quran was an active participant Why, the argument goes, have fair and equitable. Why not start a emerita of philosophy; Shamit in campus dialogue and action sur- Stanford students advocated di- campus-wide student divestment Let Miles know what you think Kachru, professor of physics; and rounding the Israel-Palestine con- vestment from Israel — a rela- board, composed of representa- anytime at [email protected]. Franco Moretti, professor of com- flict during his undergraduate ca- parative literature. reer. Carson wrote in an email to The He was an organizer for Cam- Daily that Quran was one of his paign Restore Hope (CRH), a coali- unused and unexpired prescrip- crease the environmental con- students during a 2008 Overseas tion of students who worked to raise tion medicine is disposed of year- tamination that often results Seminar trip to India, co-taught awareness about perceived human SIMITIAN ly in , both by incinera- from improper disposal of un- with Linda Hess, senior lecturer in rights violations in Israel and Pales- Continued from front page tion and dumping in local water used prescription drugs. religious studies. tine and encourage divestment from supplies, according to SIRUM. Phu noted the bill’s potential “I had many opportunities to four specific companies: Elbit Sys- SIRUM also said that approxi- to save millions in healthcare and talk with him about Gandhian con- tems Ltd., Hadiklaim Ltd., Tarifi Ce- The new bill builds on prior mately one-third of uninsured its potential to expand. cepts of nonviolent resistance and ment Ltd. and Dar Alnashr Lil- legislation authored by Senator Californians choose not to pur- “I think the bill is going to about how Martin Luther King, Jr., haya’a Masria Iilijaz AlIlmi. Simitian in 2005, which gave chase medicine because of its have a positive impact in the and other African-American ac- With CRH, Quran distributed counties the opportunity to cre- cost. community,” Phu said. tivists adapted these ideas for use petitions across campus to encour- ate distribution programs for un- Simitian said he hopes the SCVMC attempted their own in the southern civil rights cam- age the ASSU Undergraduate Sen- used prescription drugs. new bill will be passed by the end redistribution program in 2006, paigns of the 1960s,” Carson wrote. ate to pass legislation urging the The idea for the original 2005 of the year. but it was not until SIRUM “I was impressed by his serious- University to divest from the four bill came from Josemaria Pater- “We would love to streamline stepped in last year that that ness and his interest in talking with companies. no ’02 M.D. ’08, who won Simit- drug donations all across the Santa Clara saw results, she said. contemporary social justice ac- CRH eventually dropped its ian’s “There Oughta Be a Law” country,” said George Wang, According to Phu, SIRUM tivists in India who were seeking to campaign for student legislation, contest. The contest allowed pri- SIRUM’s director of operations. streamlined the process and al- address the explosive issue of with Quran saying in an interview vate citizens to submit ideas for Both Simitian and SIRUM lowed the program to flourish. Hindi-Muslim relations in India.” with The Daily, “Going through the change in Palo Alto to Simitian. said it was important to increase Director of Public Affairs for Carson wrote that he then trav- Senate led to too much emotional Paterno was a first-year medical the number of donors and recipi- the California Association of eled to Quran’s hometown in Ra- backlash, so we changed direction.” student at the time he won the ents, as well as weaken the legal Healthcare Facilities (CAHF) mallah, West Bank, in March 2010, Quran encouraged collaborative contest. barriers that can prevent facili- Deborah Pacyna said that out of met Quran’s family and witnessed efforts and person-to-person dia- The nonprofit organization ties from donating their surplus the 1,250 healthcare facilities Quran participate in a hunger logue to address issues of injustice, Supporting Initiatives to Redis- medication. that are potential donors, only 70 strike and demonstration. which he expressed in an op-ed to tribute Unused Medicine “It gives us a way of not wast- currently participate in the Moretti, who said in an email to The Daily. (SIRUM), which hosted Friday’s ing and giving back to the com- donor program. The Daily that he had never inter- “One of the things I learned at reception, approached Simitian munities,” Deane Kirchner, di- One cause is that most health- acted with Quran personally, Stanford, an intrinsic American value, about improving the 2005 legisla- rector of nursing at Lincoln Glen care facilities are located in wrote, “I have never met Fadi; but I is that we should never turn our backs tion. During the event, Simitian Manor and Nursing Facility counties without a donor pro- have watched a video, and I believe to an issue because it’s too complex, credited SIRUM with helping to (LGM), said. LGM was the first gram and must ship their surplus what I see with my own eyes.” difficult or divisive,” he wrote. expand drug redistribution be- facility to join the donation pro- to other counties rather than At the time of publication, the yond the original bill. SIRUM gram. helping their own communities, petition had over 1,400 signatories. Please see runs a website that healthcare fa- Mymy Phu, the pharmacist su- Pacyna said. In an effort to correct Akbar and Ulugbek Baymu- for an update following Quran’s cilities with surplus medications pervisor at Santa Clara Valley this, she said SIRUM has had pre- radov ’10, currently a graduate stu- trial. can log onto and scan in the med- Medical Center (SCVMC), also sentations at CAHF chapter dent in civil and environmental engi- ications they have, which the site spoke at the event, highlighting meetings to spread awareness of neering, created on Sun- Kristian Davis Bailey signed a then allocates to clinics that have the program’s effects of helping the program. day, which features the names of SPER petition this year calling for requested that type of medica- the unemployed, who often lose Stanford faculty who signed the peti- Stanford divestment from four com- tion. their health coverage. She also Contact Judith Pelpola at jspelpo- tion, an embedded copy of the video panies operating in Israeli settle- An estimated $100 million of said the program helps to de- [email protected]. documenting Quran’s arrest, links to ments. past media coverage about Quran, current articles on his arrest and a link Contact Kristian Davis Bailey at kbai- to the petition. [email protected].

are hoping to attend a university like Stanford and who are aca- SPCS demically ready and, in many Continued from front page cases, have pressing need for more advanced instructional or intellec- tual experiences than are readily ties for improving cost efficien- available in their normal school cies,” he said. setting,” Ravaglia said. For example, in the past each “I’m looking forward to the ex- pre-college program had to buy in- pansion of SPCS with other pro- formation from College Board grams coming aboard, current and separately. The programs then new, from various areas of the used this information in order to campus,” said Judith Ned, execu- market to select students who had tive director of the Stanford Med- scored above a certain threshold ical Youth Science Program. “I on standardized tests. With the think this is just a great idea. The creation of SPCS, the data will University is on the cusp of some- only have to be purchased once, thing great. Hats off to the SPCS Ravaglia said. leadership for really thinking “There will be some new posi- about this.” tions being created,” Ravaglia During the next six months, said. “What we’re really hoping to one of the main goals of SPCS see administratively is more of a will be to ensure that each of its recognition that there is this pre- pre-existing constituent pro- collegiate ecosystem is out there, grams operate smoothly for the [even if it’s] not necessarily been upcoming summer. Ravaglia something that anyone’s paying hopes that SPCS will make its attention to. first call in mid-spring for new Ravaglia said that they have University initiatives to be imple- noticed a need for programs such mented in fall. as the SPCS amongst middle and high school students. Contact Jordan Shapiro at jor- “The focus is those kids who [email protected]. 6 N Monday, February 27, 2012 The Stanford Daily SPORTS

Jacob Jaffe TEXAS TROUNCED Stat on the Back 13-RUN INNING CAPS ANOTHER CARD SWEEP By JOSEPH BEYDA be undefeated after four weeks with the teams top-10 squad on the Farm this weekend, as DESK EDITOR that we’re playing,” he said. Stanford blew out the Longhorns (2-5) by a Cardinal With the harder half of the Cardinal’s 15- combined score of 28-5 over the three-game A week and a half ago, with the home open- game nonconference stretch in the books, a set. Junior starters Mark Appel and Brett er looming and a set of top teams ready to face weekend sweep of No. 7 Texas has made it Mooneyham maintained their usual domi- the Cardinal at Sunken Diamond, Stanford seem like No. 2 Stanford (7-0) could very well nance, and freshman lefthander John pitchers baseball head coach Mark Marquess had a enter the Pac-12 season with an unblemished Hochstatter earned the win in his first career pretty clear mantra when it came to his team’s record. start on Sunday thanks to a 13-run fourth in- tough schedule. All-around dominance was again the ning from the Cardinal offense. All three pitch- impress “I’d love to be wrong, but we’re not going to theme for the Cardinal as it hosted another ers moved to 2-0 on the season. The Cardinal’s 3-4-5 hitters were pre- dictably excellent run-producers, with sopho- ell, the Stanford more first baseman Brian Ragira posting three baseball team was- RBI on Friday, junior second baseman Kenny n’t a one-week Diekroeger driving in a pair on Saturday and wonder. The sec- junior third baseman Stephen Piscotty bring- ond weekend se- ing home four on Sunday. riesW of the year was just as impressive Appel stole the show in the series opener, as the first, and after seven games, the taking a no-hitter into the fifth inning for the Cardinal looks unstoppable. second straight start. The projected number For the second straight series, one MLB Draft pick struck out a career-high Stanford capped a strong weekend 10 batters in his seven-plus innings of work, with an offensive explosion, follow- eventually yielding to sophomore A.J. Vanegas ing last week’s 18-run outburst with and freshman David Schmidt, who earned his a 13-run fourth inning Sunday after- first career save to cap a strong week to open noon. his Cardinal career. This season, seven of Stanford’s Junior centerfielder Jake Stewart hit his nine regulars are hitting over .315 — first home run of the season to lead off the bot- the other two have combined for 25 tom of the first, making him the fourth Stan- RBI — and the squad is averaging ford slugger with a long ball through five over 10 runs per game. games. Junior leftfielder Tyler Gaffney fol- So naturally, the story of the sea- lowed with a double, and Ragira brought him son is . . . pitching. home with the first of two RBI doubles for the Going into the season, everyone reigning Pac-10 Freshman of the Year. Stewart knew that the team’s strength would sparked a two-out, second-inning rally with a be its hitting. Seven of eight position double down the left-field line before a Piscot- players returned from last year’s ty single and a Ragira double made it 5-0 in squad, and the highly touted recruit- Stanford’s favor. ing classes of hitters had finally gained Junior catcher Eric Smith tacked on anoth- enough experience to approach their er run with a fifth-inning sac fly, and a Gaffney potential. RBI single in the bottom of the eighth capped But what about the pitching staff? the scoring at 7-2 after Texas got two runs off Last year, Stanford had to scramble a sophomore reliever A.J. Vanegas. little, with senior Danny Sandbrink Stanford started a bit more slowly on Satur- stepping into the starting rotation late day, jumping out to a modest 2-0 lead in the in the season, and two of the most re- second inning behind doubles from liable pitchers for Stanford were Diekroeger and sophomore shortstop Lonnie starter Jordan Pries and closer Chris Kauppila. But Mooneyham was unflappable Reed. on the mound, striking out seven batters to Now those three are gone, leaving keep pace with Appel for the team lead in Stanford’s pitching staff in a state of punch-outs with 15. Saturday was one of the flux. Junior Mark Appel returned to best outings of Mooneyham’s career, besides a anchor the rotation, but after him, somewhat sloppy sixth inning in which the left- things were a little more in question. hander hit third baseman Erich Weiss — who Redshirt junior Brett Mooneyham became the Longhorns’ first and only run off has been a strikeout pitcher in his the Cardinal starter on a single later in the in- time on the Farm, but he came into ning. But Stanford had already added three the year as a question mark after MEHMET INONU/The Stanford Daily runs to its lead by that point, as sophomore Junior second baseman Kenny Diekroeger had two three-hit, two-RBI performances on the missing all of 2011 with a finger injury. Junior Dean McArdle returned after weekend, including a 3-for-3 Saturday performance that paced Stanford in a 6-2 win. Please see BASEBALL, page 7 some starting experience, but he ap- peared to fit more as a long or middle reliever. The closer and Sunday starter roles were up in the air, leaving FOOTBALL most of the pitching staff in doubt heading into the season. Seven games into the season, QB contest surrounds spring practice there is a whole lot less doubt on the Farm. Of course, when you’re 7-0, it’s By JACK BLANCHAT he’s just hoping to get a few hints this spring of open competition to choose Luck’s heir, and easy to feel good about how your staff MANAGING EDITOR what team will take the field come August. that Stanford’s next starting quarterback has been pitching. “I think every spring has got to be about would come from a group of five players: jun- It’s a whole lot easier to feel confi- For the first time in over three years, the the same thing: you’ve got to find out what iors Josh Nunes and Robbie Picazo, sopho- dent in pitchers with a 3.32 ERA and Stanford football team will take the field kind of a team that you’re becoming,” Shaw more Brett Nottingham and freshmen Evan 53 strikeouts in 65 innings. The overall without Andrew Luck on the roster — but said on Thursday. “You don’t find out what Crower and Kevin Hogan. numbers have been very solid so far, when the Cardinal’s spring practice opens on kind of team you are in spring; you get clues as When asked if he had a favorite to win the as only Pacific has been able to score Monday afternoon, the QB position won’t be to where you’re leaning.” job, Shaw said that he did indeed have a leader more than five runs in a game against the only thing on head coach David Shaw’s The first and most important order of busi- in the clubhouse. Stanford. And five runs is nothing in agenda. ness will certainly be figuring out just who will “Absolutely, and it changes every 15 min- college baseball, particularly with a With 11 starters departing from the Cardi- replace the two-time Heisman runner-up. lineup that averages more than a run nal’s back-to-back BCS bowl teams, Shaw said Shaw said that the Cardinal would have an Please see FOOTBALL, page 8 per inning. However, the overall numbers don’t tell the full story of the Stanford pitching staff. The Cardinal appears to have found a weekend rotation consisting of Appel, Mooneyham and freshman John Hochstatter. And LAST-MINUTE that trio has gone above and beyond expectations for Stanford’s pitchers this year. Appel has looked every bit the LOSS AGAIN number one MLB Draft prospect he’s been touted to be, baffling Van- By ANDERS MIKKELSEN Utes seized it. By the five-minute derbilt and Texas hitters in his two STAFF WRITER mark the Stanford lead had been starts. He has allowed a single run in cut to one, and soon thereafter, a each of his two appearances, pitch- After demolishing Colorado in three-pointer from junior guard ing seven strong innings both times. Boulder Thursday night, the Stan- Chris Hines tied the game up. A three-to-one strikeout-to-walk ford men’s basketball team trav- Hines matched Randle with 19 ratio and only two extra-base hits in eled to face conference bottom- points to lead Utah. 14 innings show just how dominant feeder Utah on Saturday. In what Stanford went into halftime he has been. was a back-and-forth game from down 34-33 and struggled coming Mooneyham has been just about start to finish, the Cardinal was un- out of the break. The Cardinal did equal to Appel in his first two starts, able to pull off a victory, dropping not score a point for the first five closing out one of the best one-two a heartbreaker to the Utes, 58-57. minutes but was still down just five punches in the country. The redshirt At the start of the game it thanks to similar scoring struggles junior has matched Appel with 15 seemed as though Stanford (19-10, from the Utes. A layup by sopho- strikeouts in 14 innings, allowing just 9-8 Pac-12) was going to run away more forward Stefan Nastic and a four runs in his two starts. His eight- with a sweep of the season series Randle three tied the game at 38 inning gem against Texas on Saturday with Utah. The dominance the moments later. was one of the best performances of Cardinal had displayed against What followed was a period of his career, and if he pitches like that Colorado seemed to be in full ef- back-and-forth scoring in which for the rest of the season, it will be al- fect, as it stormed to a 23-14 lead 10 neither team could take a defini- most impossible to win a series minutes into the half. tive lead. With just two minutes against Stanford. Freshman guard Chasson Ran- left, the game was again tied, this Appel and Mooneyham have dle was largely responsible for the time at 53. been extremely impressive, but the early dominance, scoring eight A free throw from Nastic gave best Cardinal pitcher so far has been quick points. The freshman had yet Stanford a one-point edge, but it Hochstatter. The freshman came on another strong game, leading Stan- was quickly eliminated by a in relief for his first collegiate appear- ford with 19 points and hitting five jumper from center Jason Wash- ance, and promptly got 19 Vanderbilt threes. burn on the other end. Washburn Commodores out without allowing a The Cardinal still held a nine- had a tremendous game for the hit. This performance earned him a point lead at the eight-minute Utes, putting up 17 points, five re- start against Texas, and Hochstatter mark, at which point the Stanford bounds and six blocks. took the opportunity and ran with it, offense went cold. The Cardinal An offensive rebound and tip going 6.1 innings and allowing just a only had two field goal attempts by sophomore forward Dwight single run. over the next three minutes, miss- Powell gave the Cardinal the lead IAN GARCIA-DOTY/The Stanford Daily The trio has been unstoppable, ing both, and turned the ball over one last time, but Hines drained a giving up 18 hits in 40.2 innings for an three times. three to give the Utes a two-point Despite his team’s heartbreaking one-point loss to Utah, freshman unreal .129 opponents’ batting aver- This cold spell gave Utah (6-22, guard Chasson Randle has emerged as a star on the perimeter for the 3-13) a golden opportunity, and the Please see MBBALL, page 8 Cardinal, sinking five three-pointers on Saturday. Please see JAFFE, page 7 The Stanford Daily Monday, February 27, 2012 N 7

got its first out of the inning off Ra- gira, with the score now 7-1. Stan- BASEBALL ford batted around a second time, BEARS SWEPT ASIDE Continued from page 6 adding seven more runs behind a two-out Griffiths double and a Kauppila triple. When the dust set- power-hitter Austin Wilson got his tled and Ragira struck out to end KLAHN KEEPS CARD first homer of the year, and Stew- the inning, Stanford’s 18 batters ON HOT STREAK art followed with his third double had faced four Longhorn pitchers, of the weekend to fuel the Cardi- drawn three walks, been hit three nal’s biggest inning of the after- times and recorded nine base hits. By DASH DAVIDSON noon. Seventh-inning doubles by STAFF WRITER Stewart and Diekroeger each Diekroeger and Smith made it 15- finished with three hits on Satur- 1, and relievers Sahil Bloom and The Stanford men’s tennis day, and both squads tacked on a Trevor Linney got the last eight team picked up a big win on Sat- late run to make the final score 6- outs while allowing only one urday at the Taube Family Tennis 2. baserunner. Center, defeating archrival Cal 6- The Sunday matchup had none Overshadowed by the offen- 1. Playing in front of a large crowd of the signs of a pitcher’s duel, with sive explosion was Hochstatter, filled with many parents for the a pair of freshman hurlers on the who was solid in 6.1 innings of annual Parents’ Weekend, the No. mound in Hochstatter and Long- work and allowed only the one 9 Cardinal did not disappoint, sat- horn righthander John Curtiss. run. The freshman now has a high- isfying the crowd with its decisive But that’s how things were looking ly impressive 0.71 ERA through victory. through three and a half innings, 12.2 innings and looks set to be- With the victory, Stanford im- with the score knotted at one come part of a starting rotation proved to 9-4 on the season and apiece. that — between Appel, Mooney- seems to have recovered from Then the floodgates truly ham and Hochstatter — has al- early stumbles against USC, opened for the Cardinal, in what lowed an opponents’ batting aver- UCLA and, most surprisingly, would turn into the squad’s high- age of just .129. Fresno State, who all managed to est-scoring inning since May 2007. Stanford will host UC-Davis on defeat Stanford at the Taube Fam- Diekroeger and redshirt junior Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. before travel- ily Tennis Center. The Cardinal is designated hitter Christian Grif- ing for its first road series of the coming off of two straight impres- fiths led off with a pair of singles, season at Fresno State next week- sive weekends of play: last week- Kauppila walked, Smith was hit by end. end at the ITA National Team In- a pitch, Wilson doubled, Stewart door Championships, when the singled, Gaffney walked and Pis- Contact Joseph Beyda at jbeyda squad defeated No. 7 Baylor and cotty doubled — all before Texas No. 6 Kentucky, and then this weekend at home where it beat up on No. 10 Cal. Not surprisingly, this recent stretch of good play has coincided with the return of senior All- American Bradley Klahn to the lineup. Klahn had been out for the beginning of the season with an unpredictable back ailment, and his return a couple of weeks ago has clearly buoyed the team. SIMON WARBY/The Stanford Daily “If we have everybody healthy Senior All-American Bradley Klahn’s return to the lineup has allowed we’re a pretty good team — and head coach John Whitlinger to return to his preferred doubles teams, we’ve shown that even when we which won the Cardinal the crucial doubles point in a 6-1 win at home. don’t have everybody healthy we’re still a pretty good team,” point for Stanford. Whitlinger has been amazed and head coach John Whitlinger said. Whitlinger’s recent strategy of impressed with the high level of “But it obviously helps when you pairing up players from the same play of his two freshmen all year have an NCAA champion back in year in the doubles has proved to long. your lineup, as it really lengthens be very effective, as the Cardinal The Cardinal will now look to it out and makes everyone else has yet to drop a doubles point build on its burgeoning momen- that much better.” since Klahn’s return. The return of tum as the team continues to The health and improvement Klahn has enabled this lineup adapt to the return of Klahn and of the whole team showed on Sat- switch, as now Whitlinger can pair the new structure of the lineup. urday as the Cardinal led right his two seniors on the top court, Perhaps unfortunately for from the start, when the dynamic his two juniors on the second and Whitlinger’s squad, the team now doubles duo of Klahn and fellow his two freshmen phenoms, John has a 10-day break from match senior Ryan Thacher disposed of Morrissey and Robert Stineman, play, as it will compete in the an- the nation’s No. 4 doubles team of on the third. nual Pacific Coast Doubles Nick Andrews and Christopher Those freshmen were once Championship this weekend in La Konigsfeldt, 8-4. Their win was again instrumental in securing the Jolla before ending this quarter’s MEHMET INONU/The Stanford Daily shortly followed with a victory victory, as they both dispatched of play against Yale on March 10 at Redshirt junior lefthander Brett Mooneyham had one of the best outings from juniors Dennis Lin and Matt their singles opponents on courts Taube. Kandath, who edged Riki of his career on Saturday, moving to 2-0 on the season after giving up five and six, with Stineman pro- McLachlan and Andrew Schol- viding the victory-clinching Contact Dash Davidson at dashd@ just three hits over eight innings and striking out seven. nick to secure the pivotal doubles fourth point for Stanford. JAFFE CLASSIFIEDS Continued from page 6 age. And yes, their 6-0 record and DONORS WANTED 1.45 ERA aren’t too shabby either. $$ SPERM DONORS WANTED $$ GET NOTICED BY There are still questions left to be Earn up to $1,200/month. Give the THOUSANDS. answered, though. The rest of the gift of family through California Cry- staff has an ERA of 6.29, and roles in obank’s donor program. Apply on- (650) 721-5803 the bullpen have yet to be complete- line: ly fleshed out. At some point, the www.stanforddaily. weekend starters will have a bad day, FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY com/classifieds and it will be up to this shaky bullpen to step up. Stanford also needs to find Fellowship for Grad Students! a weekday starter, as its worst per- formance by far was an extra-inning fellowship supports predoctoral stu- dents working within a broad range squeaker last Tuesday at Pacific. of topics related to the political econ- You can always find something to omy of contemporary East Asia. nitpick, but the early results for Stan- ford’s pitching staff have been over- Shorenstein APARC offers a stipend whelmingly positive. of $25,650 over nine academic months, plus Stanford's Terminal Jacob Jaffe is considering a career Graduate Registration (TGR) fee for holding the radar gun at MLB three quarters. Fellows will also re- ballparks, given his infatuation ceive an office space on campus. with top-tier pitching. Send him tips for a steady hand at Shorenstein APARC announces its For more information, visit: 2012-13 Shorenstein APARC/Taka- [email protected] and follow hashi Predoctoral Fellowship. The ships/ him on Twitter @Jacob_Jaffe. 8 N Monday, February 27, 2012 The Stanford Daily Seniors stay perfect FOOTBALL Continued from page 6

78 STRAIGHT shirt junior forward Sarah Boothe plause from the crowd, Mashore utes,” he quipped. “Every time we — knows what defeat at Maples sealed the contest with a shot from go on the field, somebody does WINS AT feels like, and the squad beyond the arc. something better than somebody now owns the nation’s longest ac- “Every time she goes out there else.” tive home winning streak. we look for her to score, and we While Nottingham was the By TOM TAYLOR “There’s just a culture about had a good feeling,” said sopho- primary backup to Luck last sea- SENIOR STAFF WRITER this place that I don’t think any more forward Chiney Ogwumike son, Shaw said his goal was to get other place can match,” Nneka of Mashore. “I think it started be- all five quarterbacks equal prac- The Stanford women’s basket- Ogwumike said. “And especially fore the game when we wanted to tice reps during this first spring ball team defeated Utah 69-42 at with my teammates. I think my play for our seniors, for them to session, which extends until Maples Pavilion on Senior Day on teammates are going to be my best have that moment to all be out March 10. Saturday in the last home game of friends for life. They’ve really there on the court together, and “We’re going to try [to give the Pac-12 conference season. taught me how to really cherish the honestly I think that’s the happiest equal reps] this first session; we After routing the Utes by halftime, important things, and I think de- I’ve felt almost all year. Grace want this to be competitive, we the Cardinal struggled a bit in the fending Maples has been real im- works so hard, she is so central to want to get every guy a shot, but second half, but ultimately the visi- portant. We’ve had a lot of great our team, and for her to come out it’s hard to do it like this forever,” tors’ resurgence was futile. When teams come through here, and I and hit a big shot like that, clinch- Shaw said. “We’ll do a lot of split all was said and done, Stanford ex- think we’ve done a really good job ing a win on Senior Night. Grace periods when there are two team tended its winning streak on the of defending it, playing for each always is there for us, and it’s great periods going on at the same time. MEHMET INONU/The Stanford Daily Farm to 78 games, and head coach other and getting all the young to see her hit that shot.” That’s a way to get more guys reps Junior linebacker Shayne Skov Tara VanDerveer won her 700th players to understand how impor- Asked after the game about at the same time, so we’re able to game in charge of the Card. tant it is for us to win here at reaching 700 career wins with (center) is not participating in get more guys competitive reps on spring practice since he is still re- No. 2 Stanford (26-1, 17-0 Pac- Maples.” Stanford, VanDerveer quashed both sides of the line.” 12) had four starters score double That was evident on Saturday, any thoughts that her own farewell Shaw also mentioned that he covering from a knee injury in- figures in points — led by sopho- especially within the initial four is coming anytime soon. had set out clear criteria to the five curred early last season in Stan- more forward Chiney Ogwu- minutes. By the first timeout, with “I’m enjoying coaching, I’m en- quarterbacks for ways to distin- ford’s 37-10 win at Arizona. mike’s 16-point, 12-rebound dou- 15:43 left in the first half, Stanford joying it a lot,” she said, “and [the guish themselves. ble-double. The Utes’ (13-14, 6-10 led 9-0. Utah had been completely 800 mark] is only three years if you “They don’t need to worry Shayne, will also miss the first part Pac-12) two leading players com- neutralized on its first two posses- can get 30 a year. I’ve got to hang about if they’re going with the of spring with a foot injury. Fresh- ing into this contest faced foul sions, with the shot clock expiring around for some little siblings.” ones or the twos, they need to man defensive end Kevin Ander- trouble early on, and top-scoring both times, and had managed just Those siblings are the two worry about their performance,” son and sophomore guard Dillon redshirt sophomore Taryn Wici- two field goal attempts in the open- youngest Ogwumike sisters, Chi- he said. “They need to worry Bonnel will also miss the Cardi- jowski, who scored 15 points, ing minutes. At the first-half buzzer som “Olivia” and Ernima “Erika,” about executing the offense, com- nal’s first spring session. fouled out with 3:33 remaining in the Cardinal led the Utes 36-14, who walked out onto the hard- pleting passes, reading the de- While making up for losses will the contest. and the writing looked to already wood after the game with sister fense, making sure they’ve got the be the major storyline on the In her Stanford career, senior be on the wall for the visitors. Nneka as she and her fellow sen- right run checks, managing the Farm this spring, the Cardinal will forward Nnemkadi Ogwumike However, the Utes came back iors were honored by the fans. If pocket — those are things that also have to adapt to two coaching hasn’t lost once on the Maples strong after the break, dragging they are any bit as good as their they’re responsible for.” additions: new special teams Pavilion hardwood — and has only the lead back down to 15 with five elder sisters, and should they de- While plenty of eyes will be fo- coach Pete Alamar and an inside lost 11 of the 135 games she has minutes left. The comeback, cide to come to the Farm, life after cused on the five-way duel under linebackers coach, whom Shaw played so far for the Cardinal. In though, started too late, and when Nneka won’t be getting any easier center, there will also be a couple said he would hire in the upcom- fact, Stanford’s defense of its home Wicijowski fouled out the pendu- for the other Pac-12 schools. of players conspicuously absent ing weeks. Alamar, who spent the court has been so successful in re- lum swung back in favor of the Stanford will finish its home — including junior linebacker last two years coaching Fresno cent seasons that not a single play- Card. As time ran down, seniors schedule on Wednesday against Shayne Skov, who will miss all of State’s special teams, was official- er in the Cardinal’s lineup — in- Nneka Ogwumike, Mashore and Seattle University at 7 p.m. spring practice due to a knee in- ly introduced as the successor to cluding graduating seniors Nneka La Rocque joined up on court to jury in the fall. Brian Polian on Friday. Ogwumike, guard Grace Mashore, play together at Maples for the sec- Contact Tom Taylor at tom.taylor@ “He was never going to partic- But while the Cardinal is in- guard Lindy La Rocque and red- ond-to-last time and, to huge ap- ipate in spring physically,” Shaw deed a team in transition, Shaw said, taking care to point out that also took care to mention that he Skov’s absence from spring prac- and the rest of the coaching staff tice was not be related to his DUI felt prepared to take on the task arrest on Jan. 29. ahead of them. “He’s not an average football “We’re more prepared [this player and he never has been. So year], partially because we were his rehab and his attention to de- settling a lot of things schemati- tail in his rehab can’t be average. cally [last year],” Shaw said. “Now The conversation we had was that having both coordinators an en- he’s getting ready to dominate, tire season and having the same he’s not getting ready to play. ones getting ready for spring, That’s just the mentality — that there’s less [tweaking]. The over- he’s got to attack this rehab. We’re all scheme of what we’re doing is going to be smart, we need him to set, so we’re just more cohesive be healthy and ready to go to play going into this spring than we at the level that we need him to were last spring.” play at.” Freshman linebacker Patrick Contact Jack Blanchat at blan- Skov, the younger brother of [email protected].

MICHAEL KHEIR/The Stanford Daily Sophomore forward Chiney Ogwumike had 16 points and 12 rebounds in her sister’s second-to-last regular- season game at Maples Pavilion, which saw Nnemkadi and the senior class cap off perfect home careers.

Poor shooting doomed the Looking ahead to the impend- Card. Stanford shot just 36.8 per- ing Pac-12 Tournament next week, MBBALL cent from the field, a figure that is the Cardinal still sits in seventh Continued from page 6 not terrible on its own, but is lack- place in the conference, just a half ing when compared to Utah’s 44.7 game behind UCLA for the sixth percent. The Utes also shot 17-for- seed. advantage with just 30 seconds to 21 from the charity stripe, making The Cardinal will close its sea- play. Stanford pay for its numerous son against conference-leading After a timeout, the Cardinal early fouls by sinking 14 first-half California this week in a critical was able to draw the foul on the free throws, and also went 7-for-12 matchup. If Stanford beats Cali- other end, sending redshirt senior from three-point range. fornia and UCLA drops one of its forward Josh Owens to the line. Ultimately, quality over quanti- last two games against Washington The captain made just one of two ty proved to be a winning strategy State and Washington, then the free throws, however, keeping for Utah, as the Utes took 19 fewer Cardinal will pass the Bruins in the Utah on top, 58-57. shots than the Cardinal but conference standings due to its After Washburn missed a free drained them at a much higher higher overall record. throw, Stanford got one last clip. If the Cardinal is able to earn chance to pull off the win. Randle Stanford again had a great the sixth seed, it would mean a re- rebounded the ball and raced game on the offensive boards, with match with Utah in the first round down the court, attempting a long, 15 rebounds compared to Utah’s of the Pac-12 Tournament. running three. It didn’t fall, howev- four. The Cardinal simply needed er, and Utah was able to pull off to take better advantage of its nu- Contact Anders Mikkelsen at the upset. merous put-back attempts. [email protected].