Today FEATURES/3 SPORTS/6 Tomorrow INSIDE ANOTHER SWEEP No. 7 Texas no match for Card INTRAMURALS Mostly Cloudy Mostly Sunny 54 38 58 42 TThe Stanford Daily An Independent Publication MONDAY www.stanforddaily.com Volume 241 February 27, 2012 Issue 18 Alumnus arrested in West Bank to face trial By KRISTIAN DAVIS BAILEY guaranteed, according to his sister. street to Palestinian citizens. izer of the Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity new camera angle. DESK EDITOR “We do not know if he will be re- Stanford students and graduates Movement — a “grassroots organi- The first video demonstrates a leased today. We only hope for it,” quickly organized around support- zation working towards civil equali- visibly and audibly upset Quran ges- Fadi Quran ’10 — a Palestinian- Semma Qura’an wrote in a Face- ing Quran. ty within Israel and an end to the Is- ticulating and speaking to Israeli sol- American Stanford alumnus who book message to The Daily from the Imran Akbar ’07, a SPER co- raeli occupation of Palestine,” ac- diers before being grabbed by multi- was arrested by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank, before Monday’s trial. founder, wrote to the group late Sat- cording to the group’s site — en- ple soldiers and pushed toward a po- West Bank on Friday, was brought to “No one is allowed contact with him urday morning that he alerted the couraged the group in an email to lice van. The clip then shows an offi- trial Monday morning in Jerusalem, other than his lawyer — even he has American consulate of Quran’s de- mobilize the Stanford community to cer pepper spraying Quran’s face, his sister, Semma Qura’an, told The limited access.” tainment. spread the story of Fadi’s arrest and followed by Quran’s head and ab- Daily. Quran, a Palestinian American “I’ve spoken to the American of the larger conflict in Palestine. domen hitting the rear bumper of Quran’s sister tweeted follow- from Hebron, West Bank, graduated consulate in Jerusalem,” Akbar The Israeli Defense Force and Is- the van as soldiers attempt to arrest ing the trial that Quran was not re- from Stanford with a double major wrote. “I gave them Fadi’s informa- rael Ministry of Foreign Affairs did him. leased and was moved to Ofer in international relations and tion, told them what happened and not answer requests for comment. Quran is then briefly shown lying prison in the West Bank. He will physics and returned home to work asked for a consular officer to visit in the street behind the van as jour- face a second hearing Tuesday in the alternative energy field while him in prison and ensure that he’s Video footage nalists and soldiers stand around morning, she said. advocating nonviolent resistance to safe and has access to his lawyer. The Journalists and activists partici- him. The videographer of the origi- As reported by PolicyMic re- the Israeli occupation of the West duty officer said he’d pass the infor- pating in Friday’s demonstrations nal video then retreats from the porter Jake Horowitz ’09, Quran Bank. Quran served as president of mation along to the consular tomor- uploaded photos, videos and tweets scene with his camera, as his footage was initially held in Al Maskubiyeh Stanford Students for Palestinian row and get back to me.” of Quran’s arrest to Facebook, shows soldiers shooing the press Prison in Jerusalem, not Ofer, as pre- Equal Rights (SPER) during the Akbar said in an email to The YouTube and Twitter. away. viously reported by several sources, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 academic Daily that the consulate would not There are currently two videos The last footage of Quran shows including The Daily. Hurriyah years. give him more information about online — one posted on Friday that him still lying in the street. Ziada, a student at Birzeit Unviersi- He was arrested Friday in He- the case because he is not a family shows the protesters’ interactions The second video was shot from ty in Palestine, who was with Quran bron, West Bank, for allegedly member. The American consulate with Israeli forces before and after behind Quran, showing him yelling moments before his arrest, con- pushing an Israeli soldier during a was closed and unavailable for com- Quran’s arrest and a second, re- and motioning at officers, being firmed this information. protest against the 18-year Israeli- ment at the time of publication. leased on Sunday, that concentrates Quran’s release and trial were not enforced closure of Hebron’s main Assaf Sharon Ph.D. ’09, an organ- solely on Quran’s encounter from a Please see QURAN, page 5 STUDENT LIFE UNIVERSITY University Admins grants XOX consolidate reprieve ‘pre-college’ Admins reiterate lasting intention to terminate lease New unit brings together six Stanford programs By MARSHALL WATKINS DESK EDITOR By JORDAN SHAPIRO STAFF WRITER Stanford announced in a state- ment Friday that, following meet- Earlier this month, the Univer- ings with Chi Theta Chi representa- sity announced the formation of a tives, it would delay the planned new administrative unit called takeover of the XOX residence Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies from April 1 to Aug. 31. The state- (SPCS), which will bring all of ment emphasized, however, that Stanford’s pre-college educational the University still intends to termi- programs into one department. nate the house’s lease in response SPCS, currently comprised of six to “pressing life safety issues.” on-campus organizations, will exist “The [alumni] board has not MADELINE SIDES/The Stanford Daily Chi Theta Chi (XOX) hosted an event Saturday evening to raise awareness of the house’s importance to the under the umbrella of Stanford demonstrated consistent leader- Continuing Studies (SCS). ship, nor sufficient management of art scene on campus. The previous day, the University announced its intent to delay its takeover of the house. According to the SPCS website, the property, thus putting our stu- the new unit will “foster the devel- dents at risk, which is simply not ac- travened the terms of the lease, and what our group worked extremely starting to get some traction.” opment of tomorrow’s undergrad- ceptable,” the Friday statement that the University had not given hard to do after our first meeting.” Allison added that while the uates through programs that en- said. XOX sufficient time to address the Autumn Burnes ’12, XOX’s res- University has yet to shift from its rich the educational experience of While welcoming the grounds offered for the lease’s ter- ident assistant (RA), emphasized initial stance of unilaterally termi- pre-college students.” takeover’s postponement, mem- mination. the role that support from the Stan- nating the lease, XOX representa- Raymond Ravaglia, associate bers of the XOX community said According to Allison, the Uni- ford community had played in pro- tives are “working hard to convince dean and director of SPCS, said the that they would continue to contest versity did not give an explanation moting a constructive dialogue them that it’s worth working with unit will allow current programs the University’s decision and seek for the postponement. He said with the University. A petition sup- us on getting to an agreeable solu- aimed at pre-college students to to maintain the house’s independ- that the postponement would porting XOX’s independence had tion . that involves us keeping share resources, promoting inter- ence. At a Thursday meeting with allow the XOX house to remain over 2,000 signatures at the time of the lease.” program interaction. He added Stanford administrators, the XOX open this summer as usual rather publication. In assessing areas where Chi that SPCS will also help new de- Alumni Board submitted 200 than undergoing any University “Everyone has been really fo- Theta Chi could make demonstra- partments and programs as they pages of evidence addressing Uni- renovations. cused on what makes Chi Theta ble changes, Allison identified a start to be developed. versity concerns and outlined a “The language of the lease spec- Chi an asset to the University,” need for structural reform within “There was a constant sense of case for continued autonomy. ifies that — if you’re in default of Burnes said. “That’s really helped XOX in order to address long- common need,” Ravaglia said. Abel Allison ’08, president of the lease — you have 15 days to fix us hold the support not only of the standing University concerns and “There were clearly opportunities the alumni board, argued that the or take reasonable steps to fix all of community, but also of ResEd and for synergies on the marketing initial transition date of April 1 con- the errors,” Allison said. “That’s Housing. Hopefully we’re Please see XOX, page 2 side, on the back office side.” The six organizations included in SPCS are the Stanford Universi- ty Online High School, the Educa- Families on the Farm LOCAL tion Program for Gifted Youth Summer Institutes (EPGY), the Stanford Medical Youth Science State senator Program, the Stanford University Mathematics Camp, the Stanford Math Circle and the Stanford Summer Humanities Institute. The unveils bill at last will take place for the first time this summer. Ravaglia said University offi- Haas Center cials had often considered creating a “mirror image” to SCS, which, in- Proposed legislation will facilitate stead of tracking students after they graduate, will try to focus on reallocation of surplus medicine students before they enter college. According to Ravaglia, this By JUDITH PELPOLA program came to fruition due to a CONTRIBUTING WRITER number of factors: the realization of a definite need for the program State Senator Joe Simitian M.A.
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