Cytochrome-B Evidence for Validity and Phylogenetic Relationships of Pseudobulweria and Bulweria (Procellariidae)
The Auk 115(1):188-195, 1998 CYTOCHROME-B EVIDENCE FOR VALIDITY AND PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF PSEUDOBULWERIA AND BULWERIA (PROCELLARIIDAE) VINCENT BRETAGNOLLE,•'5 CAROLE A3VFII•,2 AND ERIC PASQUET3'4 •CEBC-CNRS, 79360 Beauvoirsur Niort, France; 2Villiers en Bois, 79360 Beauvoirsur Niort, France; 3Laboratoirede ZoologieMammi•res et Oiseaux,Museum National d'Histoire Naturelie, 55 rue Buffon,75005 Paris, France; and 4Laboratoirede Syst•matiquemol•culaire, CNRS-GDR 1005, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelie, 43 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France ABSTRACT.--Althoughthe genus Pseudobulweria was described in 1936for the Fiji Petrel (Ps.macgillivrayi), itsvalidity, phylogenetic relationships, and the number of constituenttaxa it containsremain controversial. We tried to clarifythese issues with 496bp sequencesfrom the mitochondrialcytochrome-b gene of 12 taxa representingthree putative subspecies of Pseudobulweria,seven species in six othergenera of the Procellariidae(fulmars, petrels, and shearwaters),and onespecies each from the Hydrobatidae(storm-petrels) and Pelecanoidi- dae (diving-petrels).We alsoinclude published sequences for two otherpetrels (Procellaria cinereaand Macronectesgiganteus ) and use Diomedeaexulans and Pelecanuserythrorhynchos as outgroups.Based on thepronounced sequence divergence (5 to 5.5%)and separate phylo- genetichistory from othergenera that havebeen thought to be closelyrelated to or have beensynonymized with Pseudobulweria,we conclude that the genusis valid, and that the MascarenePetrel (Pseudobulweria aterrima)
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