Preliminary Liquid Hydrocarbon Potential Assessment of the Doig Formation, Northeastern British Columbia and West-Central Alberta, Based on Thickness, Organic Richness and Maturity P.L. Silva, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC,
[email protected] R.M. Bustin, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC Silva, P.L. and Bustin, R.M. (2018): Preliminary liquid hydrocarbon potential assessment of the Doig Formation, northeastern British Co- lumbia and west-central Alberta, based on thickness, organic richness and maturity; in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2017: Energy, Geoscience BC, Report 2018-4, p. 39–50. Introduction Combined with the spatial distribution of thickness, they are the most fundamental properties for assessing the The Triassic section is the richest interval of the Western potential of a source-rock reservoir. Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) with respect to vol- ume of oil per volume of rock (Marshall et al., 1987). His- Geological Framework torically, the Doig and the underlying Montney formations were viewed as source rocks for other conventional reser- The Doig was deposited in the Middle Triassic, between the voirs in the basin, mainly in other Triassic and Cretaceous Anisian and Ladinian, and is part of the Diaber Group with strata (Du Rochet, 1985; Creaney and Allan, 1990; the underlying Montney Formation (Figure 2). The sedi- Riediger et al., 1990; Edwards et al., 1994). The Lower to mentation in the Triassic of the WCSB is marked by a tran- Middle Triassic Doig Formation of the WCSB extends con- sition from carbonate-dominated intra-cratonic and pas- tinuously across northeastern British Columbia (BC) and sive-margin conditions, predominant during the Paleozoic, west-central Alberta (Figure 1).