50,000, N E G R O D E L Eg at E.S to Parade New

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50,000, N E G R O D E L Eg at E.S to Parade New 50,000, N E G R O D E L EG AT E.S .... TO PARADE NEW , ~-~¯ /.n Greatest . , Convention ~,n History of"Race Big Meeting To Be Staged At The 12th R"~ent By Universal Negro improvement AssoCia~ Monday Night, August 15t BE IN .LINE FOB ,o F~LLOWMZN or TH~ N~-GxoRkc~, Greeting" Iti, egpected that 50,000 delesetes’will march in ~e 1 AsPresident-General ofthe Universal Negro Improve- parade.Bring your banner~ representing your orwaniza- tionor your’club or your"fraternity. Have. your Red, mentAsmciadon, I am directed toissue thie final invitation ~o alldivisions, branches and chaptersof the Univemd Bhd~and Greenros~es or buuom,so thatthere ~an be NegroImprovement Association, and m all churches, uniformiwin the line of parade. tmternalorganizatiom, in~mtiom, new~paper~ and dubs At8 P.M. the convention will assemble for its official I of theNegro race to attendthe second Intert~onal Gon- publicopening at the12th Regiment Armory at 62d stre, et venti0nof~Negro’~, to he heldin NewYork City, N. Y., and Columbusavenue. Admittance to thispublic open- i ingwill be by ti "cket, which can be secured from:the office U. 8.A., from the 1st to the 31st of Augustof the present year, Of theNew YorkLocal of theUnivereal Negro Improve- Eachorganization wills~l a delegatetoreprtaent its Anoeht;onat 56 Westl&~th meet,W. New YorkCi interestinthis convention. conventionwill eclipse anything in thehbtory- Theconvention iebeing held for the puqmse of legh- of conventionl.Negroee from every part of ther world.are latingfor the furore government of the Negro race of the alreadyflocking into New York. Important legislation world.Delegates will eome from the 48 ~ Of the will~ be gone through forthe 31 daye and 3I nights of.the AmericanUnion, ~ all the idandsof the WestI~|e~ .i~of the ~on.~." neW~’~ ~ ~,~,~ii ......... , allthe coxmtde~ o~ Southand Central Amegica and.of mdatand emancipadon of Africa~dl be discussed.The pmblmof the CivilService of me UnivemlNe.._gq~ " ’ -",’i;.~!’ Dele~t~m.t¢ "1~ in New Yorkpot later :"’~" the3let of Jul~, so as to helii hand to joki in thl .ImprovemmtAm~iadoa will he di~cu~u.~io. rant~ willhe filledfor the ,~i~¢.year......... ~..,-. servicestobe held lot the ~l~g Of the eenven- ¯ z . " at 9".30on the toOl"ling,of ~ lit 0~’~wld¢h All ~ ol ¯ . i i . I ,iiil~eu " .~..1!. ~~.~ .< :. : * ’,y,,~(, de Np . ¯ AmongNegroes Need of the Hour-ALea rs i:!.: ThatSe ComingConflict of Racesand Will Prepare,.for..It .i ’ ~ i~,~ wm0e~we~ ,.,.+.+.o, ,,.o.,.. Tm mm0w0 ? of the o~ammttonzey ~ % [. A., STRONGEST FORCE mONG ~0BS, STANDS LIKE % ROCK DOPTYOU WANT TO GET mo~t. .WORLD MUST RECKON WiTH NKGRQ -- OPPOSITION TO lib PROGRESS WHOLLY FROM ENEMIES WITHIN THE RACE A COPY EVERY WEEK ? ilB~: ~.,Du Buis. o~=uvJm,er’~n~.]um-,I uotvm~I N~xotm~ov*mont~’ts- ISM, LYNCHING,ETC., SH_ALL CF~..E. FO.Ri~VKI~~SAY al~l~,~t~Jm Ithapreteen of uam~~h,- ~v. _~pre++mpt,~oe.-e.on ann ornmentme~lta me l~Otoeticn of the uommtmit,saAmAgU~ I Im~ itatt they ~’* i’" I1~ Jt~AIt’S~l~~ ~ 0m 14sdm’lmspm ties; X m phmNd to be with you m- Li~J~[-~ ~ wb~tI wu alsoa ~ thatdlvt~on. ! ’~ ~ "~ mnnuetw~ou~ mm eau.f~ u ~er-wu~ m,m the ~uh~sot Of q.admidp: I ! ,~eustion, us you~mow yny. they to ~um~.youre?lvsa onto* vJth previousannouneemontl We wolonme yOU for ymw wo~t¯nW In- h/Ihsat prehm and &ppeee~itvel~ of ]Bisek8to iL:.~ Wouldn’tyou like to have it delivered to your h~se? Of ’.~~.~_. e2 . Univeregl.f,thltt¯uflrgothltl~ Ne~o Imp _l~larlidprohiter | ...... ~-- Ikeepaoldieroandl~ttlsehilm7 ~ot :.~_ you ,~¯ve uon*,.anan me¯yon mar. , 8postalmn~tinss were held tqwtW, ImdwobldyouJ|hrleewol.eeme,th~ w~’m eeeepflonthe I~toDlo Of New I,oal~ y Hall on Tuesdayand terthou loot i~en m ourimu~ur. ~Tmr- Or’,~r~ -.==P..~ hi==- ~¢tU, eiW qf ~. .. p pert . y eventuge,July lfl end gO, sue OtM’vty, as ~ m to MOSOL 8"mminl up tho wurh Of his tril~ 00Ur00yOU do.Then eubs0ribe forIt today. Send In your t------------__ p..yof th .... id.. tn h.u..-’t,you.. ly tallowingthe srteuttvml- MI.V you over upheld t~t motto o| our MI.. Gof’voysaid the UniversalNeo~ there the’~ ~"--’~~J’~’~t~ I N41ro ~ It ~ YOU ~ i’ea~tl~t ] end they would have lost every penny surmounted them, you 8Xe. ~ fur re~p~o,tonda~ on ~o.- o,.~",Jon--’OnoOo~on* .~ o. ~t ~~,,~?h~ 0ubs0riptl0n now whileyou haveIt In mind.The preoe0dlng. t0o~ ~.m~tee t~ mtet’~w ¯ ~’~~~’m~’~l.-~t.[Uu eerlouo&~’ou~ofl~°~tthaAy°ulmw~.~ ~,~,~e~-. mA~,~idqP nl~’ It N ! a ~ o~, u~sl~ U~’tNrtAv A~’I~DMI’I~M AUG. theyevor had were lt not for tho faet wlu~t~vor In future m~ come. ~owo U~O XtOOK OZ ~INI; _,- au..I- 19to _..h. ~ bn M~r - dgatin~i" Mils I~,s~lg Will ~ ¯ stoat, nutriaS8 .au~tiivil~in&ls~l~god~mul~.!ot~ o|e.t ~lt~.~| r~r.r~s~a ~z v. ..... ~. av ~g. ~ s.svs~,-~s e~ s.~...vv.-~ that :L000,000b~ck men wont to Frlmee esy, "Let them some. ~e fur not, vl~ry ~tttoHn~or&t/on am auho ~ls to that It is a movmmmtUutt is ofthe 00nventl0n willbe publl|hed inthe Ne0ro World every. ,~,,t ~.’~_,~ee~m~w~ ...........~*t~..~m~, worst--, worm without eym~th~,-~ I~--4~ELEBRATIONOF OPF.NINGOF CONVENTIONIN THE EVENING,AT 12th tnd Fisndem and drove the Teutou~e bscnuso our hope IS Aaed on the re. ~, provisionalpresident o! on and on, withInore’tthis pFofilsma and Presidentof the Unlv0ramispe4Lk. Bhe ireell~ly bowgd l~ week.You0anq afford to mine a eopy.Sdbzoribe today. e~.~~ ,,. ......... ~ ~theut e~,rt~. ¯ wert~ with- REGIMENTARMORY, 62d STREET--ADMISSIONBY TICKETONLY---60,000 DFA.E- out of Franceand Belgiumwhen white dempttonof ~eL and we have mad,, cerement Auoeictton. The aeknowisdomant of the ~ sno~.ls, tho otrunpat Uvinl fores up our minds, w/th the help of God, It~ol~ Ne~’oesthe world over. Xt hi the firstmeetinl wue to live and tmmed/atolyreplisd to th~ ~ddrmm to let uotidngdeter t~ In the SceO~. of welcome. She WU dNpl~ ~mninl men and ipmmmmmits and plishmontof tlmt grit hope.~ It IS .11ency aad Mils Hehrlett~ tvh~Internaticnol urganiser, 0he sal~ by th0 ~ ~ Kilt11 rM~ ~o trombis,but there IS no noed not only hope for the Nesreu livJn8 oeatimontoenprlsoed in tho weloo~o. tar thJ& no it Je not tho ane~W Of an7 5UBSCRIB£ TODAY In the prelsntKo~taraUou, but it wtll ~mityof retnttngtheir expa- e&ee or Jay pvurnmant,beinl m’l~n- be the realLu.tlonOf hope for all Sen- I their recenttrip tO Cuba. wIdeh aho felt thankfuLflho Uum l~O- lasd soleW for the purposeOf untUn8 t~’. t.mlat ~e " ,.~ umr era(ions of Negroe~ who come after and CcntrulA.merina in *.he esadedto relate,in h~ ~uc/mtUl~WILy, ~ went ev~ tim ~ 100 many ot the mqmrianassof her trip, la the ~ peoples Of the world that Umy m,ake ml. We. the pioneere,expeet and have it the alsoelatton.The sec- be &his to demandand ol~In that to dO th0 rough worP; wn expect to ng wus hnown no "Bin.ohBt~r sO far as eonom~nmthovoriousotUlsnha visited,the me6tlngeh61d ov~’~TwharewhtehIS thoh’o, lndu~yfal have to make eacriflesa. We knew t,’*’inorder that these dls- InofdentsJlyhe expreue4In’ida in re- that when we alertedJn the work; but smears of the corporationIn her honor,and the anthuldlMm~diso ferrln~to his me tootle rise from a intetsattn the BlankBtor IAnonod the at these meotl~e. ~ we~ &ttond~ ~umut~~-went ~0 t~ Itmt the cacrlfleeaonly make us the more ~Jn Jn detailthe particuiersplayed by the pnopis whoever she NedroFtofertee Cmi, erstinn, b~ not amy the orOtoa~slUg*as, but alep-I~q~miter in the airy here four they wexeattandod by somn of thp Ida* meat’~,~uoettuen~Pr,~ ~ rn pres. hopeful WO may feel u bit dls- thn S. 8. Kanawha. pur- stopped,o4~nl~4mlad ~y Mr. De ~ool~.7ears ass, when the ordine~ pUll~ veet crowds foHow0d ue wherever wO heartenedsometimm~ but we are never year ~jo by the Black 8tar leaderof thn WOtsrI~~l’o~qneeB nf tho on the beat would not even reoognISowont, peeked the hoUssa whmmv~" gear n~cinISIn, the Cuban Oovenm~tt,In~ z el~r ~’ a warm ~ discouraged.It takex more then a few ~neof its fleetof et oemere,West Jnd/ee,In the COurseof her ad- him, tO the d/ItinguIShedpo~ttion of went a~*~ bead us au revolt s8 no a~o momMre of the C~ab=n th~mt~ obstaclestO dieenuraKoth0 Universal ~ily Intended to angogo in dress she sai~ with omphlsie,that th0 presidentof the lurSeetoroe.ulsatton sailed&way for. Contr/~America. We remamln8 in Hav~ ler .two ~d t’be~evetn twonllhto to~ ¯W~ Nagrn Improv#moot Asoo~Lation and and tmight trauelmrtatlon~orid will have Is ree~6n with the among coloredpeopln anywhere. sailedfor Belies,BrP-ich Hondarsa, and d&yi. it became wl~ely know+t the- all the~uvlnpof the ~to~leIn Prerton. determlnotinnof the Nelrrnpeoples of t~ere we met s~lch 8rest opthnois~mOUt the Islandthat I was thee epd~k-8o whk~ Z ar~lWd thrum tO let YeS come." Thnt t8 your trump card. You African Communities Imague. tap- he We~t lad/e8 and Central Mr. Oacvoyat this Juncturer~dtur- m6te they dfd Uu~ beat )louse.) the world to rise upward and obtain utodhis ehalicnireto mootDr.
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