North Wilkes High School Has 162 Graduating Seniors
West Wilkes honor graduates Section and scholarships .................B2 Wilkes Central honor graduates and scholarships .................B5 B North Wilkes honor graduates Friday Graduation and scholarships .................B8 May 24, 2013 East Wilkes honor graduates Wilkes Journal-Patriot • and scholarships .................B9 The Class of 2013 East Wilkes high school East Wilkes High Burchette, Tiffany Shaye Bur- rell Lamar Ferguson, Courtney King, Ralph Nathaniel King lor Roten, Erin McKay Royal, chette, Sean Michael Byers, Bree Gentry; III, William Ernest King, Zach- Alvin Rayvon Sales Jr., Korey School has 110 Paige Noelle Cahill, Ashley William Kirklain Gentry, ary Ray Lankford, Kaylee Mi- Austin Sapp; graduating seniors. Nicole Carter, Cassandra Lyn- Christopher Allen Greene, Cas- chelle Layell, Abram Carlton Emily Brooke Sebastian, nea Carter, Christy Lynn Cart- sidy Dale Gregory, Kenneth Logan, Brandon Lee Lovette; Anna Marie Settle, Megan Ann Aaron Jacob Adams, Craig er, Jade Nicole Carter, Taylor Raynor Hampton V, Jordan Da- Jeremiah Dylan Lusk, Pay- Sheets, Ezekiel Grant Shep- William Alley, Kristina Lee An- Nicole Casstevens, Greylin vid Harrelson, Elaina Arin Har- ton Michele Lyons, Marigail herd, Weston James Shew, Dan- derson, Shaunna Marie An- Dakota Cleary, Ethan McKin- rold, Ashley Nichole Hayes, Jordan Mahaffey, Victoria Ga- ielle Kae Shore, William Jake derson, Austin Scott Bare, ley Collins; Amber Michelle Hemric; brielle Martin, Brittany Dawn Shore, Joshua Caleb Smith, Levi Jacob Barker, Cody
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