THE COMMUNICATOR Phone: (336) 835-2511 Fax: (336) 835-5248 Email: [email protected] Since January 1990 www.WIFMRadio.com www.VintageRoseWeddingEstate.com November 2019 Elkin Rescue Squad Charity Golf a true servant and steadfast mentor, treasures the honor to have served our co-op for 18 years. On Oct. 3 a congregation of Elkin Rescue Squad Several service highlights for the 64 dedicated members, community volunteers, golfers, sponsors, employees were supporting our March of Dimes, Cedarbrook Country Club professionals and God’s providing Christmas meals for five families, rais- grace staged our 14th Charity Golf Tournament to ing $35,000 in a golf tournament, hosting a blood benefit the Elkin Rescue Squad. We achieved ex- drive, trash pickup, supporting the American Can- ceptional synergy as 52 teams (208 players), 176 cer Society and providing grants for local teachers. sponsors, 50 volunteers and countless well-wishers Also during the year, linemen Tommy Brock and Eric came together for a premier event to celebrate a Sawyers traveled to Bolivia to bring electricity to a most-worthy cause. This year’s tournament netted rural community. the Elkin Rescue Squad $51,221.43. Our co-op is valued at $106,738,978. Members A seamless registration process, delicious Bo- of its Board of Directors are: jangle’s biscuits, souvenir Ortho Carolina Pro VI Earl Campbell Alvin Reid Jr. Balls, Cedarbrook’s magic touch, Robby Timmons’ Willard Swift David Pendry hope and smile, world-famous Goody Bags, the Karoline Overby Brenda Hardy Michelin Tire raffle and beverage-cart superstars. Toby Speaks Stephen Hutson Each individual’s personal memories will carry us to David Miller Stephen Joyce Oct. 1, 2020. We are already planning next year’s gala. We promise to bring the best in charity bene- Toby Speaks fit, exceptional enhancements and fellowship while supporting those who provide emergency services Toby Speaks, a most successful farmer and 24/7/365. poultry producer, is chairman of the Surry-Yadkin Since 1941, our community has risen to answer Electric Membership Corp. Board of Directors. He the callings to serve, to put others before self. A joined the Board in 1991 and became its chair- special note of praise to a member of the Board of man in 2008. We met at the electric co-op’s annual Directors over 15 years: Elkin Police Chief Monroe meeting in 2013, and truly enjoy our relationship. Wagoner. He was tireless and helpful. From start I really enjoy watching Toby embrace his mem- to finish, Monroe was non-stop. He’s been with the bers as they enjoy the annual meeting at Surry Police Department for 45 years. Central High School. Toby’s endearing talent is his intense listening skills. I’d see him, time and time SYEMC again, give his undivided attention and time to each and every member. In essence, he makes us feel Our Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corp., important and special. When he interacts, his con- founded in 1941, headquartered in Dobson, held stituents are encouraged and inspired. We see him its annual banquet at Surry Central High School on as a devoted listener. Oct. 5. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, music by We deeply regret the passing of Toby’s wife, Travis Frye and the Blue Mountain Bluegrass Band, June Gilmore Speaks, on July 24. We attended her a warm welcome by Board of Directors President graveside service at Knobbs Baptist Church Cem- Toby Speaks and a most favorable operations report etery. Toby said, “From the day our eyes met at by Executive Vice President and General Manager Belk’s department store at Christmas of 1960, we Greg Puckett. We also compliment the Surry Central were dedicated to one another. We shared a won- nutrition staff for its wonderful food service. derful life. She was God’s gift and grace.” Toby Speaks said, “We take this opportunity to Granddaughters Ainslee and Sophia enjoy riding celebrate the cooperative’s values that make us with Granddad on his 1945 John Deere LA farm unique and relevant to the communities we are for- tractor and trailer in the Mountain Park Fourth of tunate to serve.” General Counsel Raymond Parker, July Parade. I Will Walk I met the Morrisons in 2007 while asking for contributions for our Elkin Rescue Squad. D-Rex Robby Timmons has been a valuable member sponsors two teams. Susan teaches Sunday School of our Elkin Rescue Squad’s Charity Golf Tourna- at Elkin Valley Baptist Church and leads charity ef- ment staff for eight years. At the start of each forts at The Toy Store at Christmas time. round, Robby meets and greets each player with a sleeve of Pro VI commemorative golf balls provid- ed this year by a new sponsor for our event, Ortho We Are Never Without Help Carolina. Robby arrives at 7 a.m. and stays until 1:30. He’s also the best-dressed volunteer with our One of our premier door prizes at the Elkin monogrammed white golf shirt, white slacks, neat Rescue Squad Charity Golf Tournament was a most name tag, Nike sneakers and the world’s best smile. popular lawn set donated by Marvin Miller’s Home In 1980, while working for our N.C. Department Acres Fine Furniture of Hamptonville, N.C. The two- of Transportation in summer between attending seat piece with bar and huge red umbrella was won college, his dump truck careened during a storm by Dr. John Orta of Tri-County Sports and Rehab at and Robby was paralyzed from the waist down. He 2015 N. Bridge St. in Elkin, N.C. shared that while lying in a dark room at the Baptist After the drawing, I promised to deliver the Hospital on the night of the accident, he promised beautiful prize the next morning. Arriving at Ce- to never give up on his journey to walk again. darbrook Country Club to load the piece, I quickly Robby at 58 is the most positive person we realized that I would need strong help to load and know. His infectious smile and cheerful words in- unload it for Dr. Orta. At Cedarbrook I was rescued spire all he meets. He drives, owns his own home, by Joel Blevins and Harold Osborne. When I arrived teaches weight training, travels extensively, is a at Tri-County my dilemma continued as I was asked devout Christian, is a college graduate, speaks to if we’d put the prize inside the therapy facility. support groups and is a treasure to our community. After a few stressful minutes, a light came on and His cap his year featured the Titleist and Clem- I realized I could find needed help at G&B Energy’s son logos and I asked, “Robby, are you a Clemson transportation garage a scant quarter-mile distance fan?” He replied, “I’m more of a Coach Dabo Swin- toward Elkin off North Bridge Street. ney fan, the head coach. He’s a friend and a true Arriving at the garage at 12:10 p.m., I found Christian.” That, dear friends, is vintage Robby Tim- Stephen Gentry, Justin Crouse and Barry Crossman mons. A sign on his pickup’s tailgate says, “Thank having lunch in the break room. Sharing my chal- you Jesus.” lenge, the able men accepted my plea, quickly fol- lowed me back to Tri-County and in three minutes deposited the furniture in its new home. Arona Boles Cedarbrook and G&B Energy have a most wor- David Morrison and D-Rex Pharmacy have been thy culture of answering calls of distress. Building steadfast supporters of our annual Elkin Rescue reciprocal relationships in neighborhoods are para- Squad Charity Golf Tournament. One of its count- mount to achievement. Good people thrive on lend- less gifts is 10 cases of Le Bleu Water with the ing a helping hand. Thanks, Cedarbrook and G&B. D-Rex custom logo. I stopped this year to get the water and deliver it to Cedarbrook Country Club. Client Rewards I walked to the checkout counter and stated my request to Arona Boles, a three-year veteran. She Many of our Elkin Rescue Squad Charity Golf said, “I’ve loaded it on a cart and I’ll roll it to your Tournament’s team sponsors use the opportunity to truck.” During our chat, Arona spoke of how much honor their clients. she loved being at D-Rex. She said she found her In 2010, I asked John Sanders of Sanders way there by following up on an invitation by phar- Electric in Mount Airy if he had a vendor who would macist Karen Sealy to join the D-Rex team. Mrs. sponsor a team. A few days later, John called to say Boles said, “I liked my job in the school system, but Mike McGee of Winston-Salem and State Electric I like it here even more. We have honorable owners would put in a team in 2011. State, with a branch and people who care about our customers. I look in Mount Airy, has been a perennial supporter. The forward to each and every day. Karen and I attend team includes Mike, John, Tyler Johnson of John- Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church.” son’s Modern Electric in Yadkinville and Chris Ste- D-Rex, which opened in 1972, is owned by Da- phens of Siemens in Morganton, N.C. vid and Susan Morrison. They met while attending D-Rex Pharmacy, G&B Energy and Grandeur University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Susan grew Cycles of Jonesvile each entered two teams for five up in Elkin and David in Morehead City.
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