Rules of Department of Economic Development Division 240—Public Service Commission Chapter 29—Enhanced Record Exchange Rules

Title Page

4 CSR 240-29.010 The LEC-to-LEC Network...... 3 4 CSR 240-29.020 Definitions ...... 3 4 CSR 240-29.030 General Provisions...... 5 4 CSR 240-29.040 Identification of Originating Carrier for Traffic Transmitted over the LEC-to-LEC Network...... 5 4 CSR 240-29.050 Option to Establish Separate Trunk Groups for LEC-to LEC Traffic...... 6 4 CSR 240-29.060 Special Privacy Provisions for End Users Who Block Their Originating ...... 6 4 CSR 240-29.080 Use of Terminating Record Creation for LEC-to-LEC Telecommunications Traffic...... 6 4 CSR 240-29.090 Time Frame for the Exchange of Records, Invoices and Payments for LEC-to-LEC Network Traffic ...... 7 4 CSR 240-29.100 Objections to Payment Invoices ...... 7 4 CSR 240-29.120 Blocking Traffic of Originating Carriers and/or Traffic Aggregators by Transiting Carriers ...... 8 4 CSR 240-29.130 Requests of Terminating Carriers for Originating Tandem Carriers to Block Traffic of Originating Carriers and/or Traffic Aggregators...... 8 4 CSR 240-29.140 Blocking Traffic of Transiting Carriers by Terminating Carriers ...... 9 4 CSR 240-29.150 Confidentiality ...... 10 4 CSR 240-29.160 Audit Provisions ...... 10

ROBIN CARNAHAN (6/30/05) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 1 Secretary of State Chapter 29—Enhanced Record Exchange Rules 4 CSR 240-29

Title 4—DEPARTMENT OF ANI is used for billing purposes, and for over the LEC-to-LEC network, for which the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT delivery of the calling party’s number to the transiting and/or terminating carrier is enti- Division 240—Public Service called party. tled to financial compensation. Commission (3) Aggregate traffic means telecommunica- (9) Exchange Message Interface System Chapter 29—Enhanced Record tions traffic that is not transiting traffic, but (EMI) is the industry standard for exchanging Exchange Rules which is placed on the Local Exchange Car- telecommunications message information for rier-to- (LEC-to- billable, nonbillable, sample settlement and 4 CSR 240-29.010 The LEC-to-LEC Net- LEC) network by one carrier on behalf of work study records. EMI documents are published another carrier. by Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). PURPOSE: This rule describes the LEC-to- (4) Carrier Identification Code (CIC) is a LEC network and adopts restrictions for use four (4)-digit number assigned to interex- (10) An end office is a building or space of that network. change carriers in North America and used within a building that serves as an aggrega- through equal access arrangements. (1) The LEC-to-LEC network is that part of tion point for the provision of local exchange the telecommunications network designed (5) A category 11-01-XX record is a mecha- services and exchange access services. An and used by telecommunications companies nized individual call detail record developed end office may also serve as an aggregation for the purposes of originating, terminating, in compliance with the Ordering and Billing point for placing traffic on the LEC-to-LEC and transiting local, intrastate/intraLATA, Forum (OBF) exchange message interface network on behalf of other carriers. interstate/intraLATA, and telecom- (EMI) industry guidelines. The first two (2) munications services that originate via the digits in this record are “11.” A Missouri- (11) Feature Group A Protocol (FGA) is an use of feature group C protocol, as defined in specific category 11-01-XX record is a mech- interexchange switching arrangement avail- 4 CSR 240-29.020(13) of this chapter. Inter- anized individual call detail record for feature able from the end offices of an incumbent LATA wireline telecommunications traffic group C (FGC) traffic developed by the local exchange carrier, which offers line-side shall not be transmitted over the LEC-to-LEC incumbent local exchange carriers in Mis- connections that are accessible by dialing a network, but must originate and terminate souri for intercompany settlements pursuant seven (7)-digit local telephone number. with the use of an interexchange carrier point to the Missouri Public Service Commission of presence, as defined in 4 CSR 240-29.020 (MoPSC) Report and Order in Case No. TO- (12) Feature Group B Protocol (FGB) is an (31) of this chapter. Nothing in this section 99-254. This record contains data trans- interexchange switching arrangement avail- shall preclude a tandem carrier from routing ferred from a 92-01-XX mechanized call able from the end offices of an incumbent interLATA wireline traffic to a nonaffiliated detail record. The first two (2) digits in this local exchange carrier, which offers trunk- terminating carrier over the LEC-to-LEC net- record are “11.” This type of call record is side connections accessible by dialing seven work, provided such terminating carrier has identical to a category 11-01-XX record (7) digits, the first three (3) of which are 9, 5 agreed to accept such traffic from the tandem except that it contains an originating operat- and 0. carrier and such acceptance is contained in a ing company number (OCN) in positions 167 commission-approved interconnection agree- through 170 instead of a CIC in positions 46 ment. through 49. (13) Feature Group C Protocol (FGC) is a local and interexchange switching arrange- AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, (6) A category 92-01-XX record is a mecha- ment offering trunk-side connections, which RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, nized individual call detail record that con- is used for local telecommunications traffic, 2004, effective July 30, 2005. tains data from the standard EMI category intraLATA wireline telecommunications traf- 01-01-XX end user customer billing record fic, and intraMTA wireless communications *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, for LEC-carried intraLATA traffic. The first RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, traffic. FGC protocol does not utilize 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. two (2) digits in this record are “92.” interexchange carrier point-of-presence trunking arrangements for call origination, (7) A category 92-99-XX record is a mecha- call transiting, or call termination. 4 CSR 240-29.020 Definitions nized summary record which, when agreed upon by both parties, may be used for inter- (14) Feature Group D Protocol (FGD) is an PURPOSE: This rule defines various terms company settlements between local exchange interexchange switching arrangement, avail- that are used in this chapter. carriers in lieu of a category 11-01-XX record. This record contains summaries of able from incumbent local exchange carriers (1) A 1,000-Number Block (NPA-NXX-X) is certain data contained in category 92-01-XX in an equal access environment, which offers a range of one thousand (1,000) pooled tele- mechanized individual call detail records and trunk-side connections accessible in wireline phone numbers within the NPA-NXX begin- contains information on the type and volume telecommunications by dialing one plus (1+) ning with a station of n000, and ending with of traffic between the originating and termi- the telephone number. FGD protocol utilizes n999, where n is a digit from 0 through 9. nating points. It also identifies the transiting interexchange carrier point-of-presence parties on the call path between the originat- trunking arrangements for both call origina- (2) Automatic Number Identification (ANI) ing and terminating points. The first two (2) tion and call termination. means, for each call, delivery of the calling digits in this record are “92.” party’s billing number sequentially from the (15) Interexchange carrier (IXC) traffic is originating carrier to each carrier that pro- (8) Compensable traffic is telecommunica- that traffic which traverses an interexchange vides facilities to transit or terminate the call. tions traffic that is transited or terminated carrier point of presence.

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(16) In-band signaling means call setup sig- (23) MoPSC means the Missouri Public Ser- switch is used for traffic that traverses the naling that is composed of tones that pass vice Commission. LEC-to-LEC network. within the voice frequency band and that are carried along the same circuit as the talk path (24) Major Trading Area (MTA) means that (31) Point of presence (POP) means the phys- that is being established by the signals. term as defined in 47 CFR section 24.202(a). ical location within a LATA where an interex- (A) IntraMTA telecommunications traffic change carrier processes long distance tele- (17) LATA (Local Access and Transport is telecommunications traffic that originates phone calls to and from the public switched Area) means that term as defined in section and terminates within the same major trading network. A POP is connected to the public 386.020(29), RSMo Supp. 2004. area (MTA). For purposes of determining switched network through the use of feature (A) IntraLATA telecommunications traffic whether or not a wireless-originated telecom- groups A, B, and D protocols. Equipment is telecommunications traffic originating and munication is intraMTA, the location of the located in a POP does not use feature group terminating within the same LATA. initial cell site when a call begins shall be C protocol. (B) InterLATA telecommunications traffic used as the determinant of the geographic (32) A reseller is a telecommunications com- is telecommunications traffic originating and location of the mobile caller. (B) InterMTA telecommunications traffic pany that resells the retail telecommunica- terminating in different LATAs. is telecommunications traffic that originates tions service of another telecommunications (18) The Local Exchange Carrier-to-Local in one MTA and terminates in a different company as described in section 386.020, RSMo Supp. 2004, and also includes those Exchange Carrier (LEC-to-LEC) network is MTA. For purposes of determining whether companies utilizing the network of another a statewide telecommunications network or not a wireless-originated telecommunica- tion is interMTA, the location of the initial telecommunications company pursuant to comprised of transmission and switching cell site when a call begins shall be used as section 251(c)4 of Chapter 47 of the United capabilities of local exchange telecommunica- the determinant of the geographic location of States Code. tions carriers. The LEC-to-LEC network’s the mobile caller. geographic composition consists of the 520, (33) Tandem switch means an intermediate 521, 522, and 524 LATAs. The LEC-to-LEC (25) Numbering plan area means a telephone telecommunications company switching cen- network is used to provide local, area code. ter serving to connect central offices when intrastate/intraLATA, interstate/intraLATA, direct interoffice trunks between those central and wireless telecommunications traffic that (26) NPA-NXX means a group of ten thou- offices are not available. Tandem switches originates via the use of feature group C pro- sand (10,000) telephone numbers within a connect trunks to trunks, but tandem switch- tocol. numbering plan area where the second N rep- es do not connect directly to any customer resents a digit from 2 to 9 and X represents telephone lines. (19) LEC-to-LEC traffic is that traffic occur- any digit from 0 to 9. ring over the LEC-to-LEC network. LEC-to- (34) Telecommunications Company means LEC traffic does not traverse through an (27) Operating Company Number (OCN) is a those companies as set forth by section interexchange carrier’s point of presence. four (4)-position alphanumeric field that 386.020(51), RSMo Supp. 2004. identifies a local exchange carrier. (20) The Local Exchange Routing Guide (35) Telecommunications traffic means a (LERG) is a Telcordia reference document (28) Originating caller identification is the quantity of attempted and completed telecom- used by telecommunications companies to ten (10)-digit telephone number of the caller munications occurring over a telecommunica- identify NPA-NXX routing and homing infor- who originates the that is tions facility. mation, as well as network element and placed on the LEC-to-LEC network. This equipment designations. The LERG reflects feature is also known as caller ID (CID), (36) Terminating carrier means any telecom- the current network configuration and sched- calling number delivery (CND), calling party munications company who provides call com- number (CPN), and automatic number iden- uled network changes for all entities originat- pletion on the LEC-to-LEC network. tification (ANI). ing or terminating public switched telephone (37) Terminating tandem carrier means a tan- network calls within the North American (29) Originating carrier means the telecom- dem switch provider who directly intercon- numbering plan. munications company that is responsible for nects with a terminating carrier when more originating telecommunications traffic that than one (1) tandem switch is used for traffic (21) Metropolitan Calling Area (MCA) traffic traverses the LEC-to-LEC network. A traversing the LEC-to-LEC network. is telecommunications traffic that is originat- telecommunications company whose retail ed, transited, and/or terminated pursuant to telecommunications services are resold by (38) Traffic aggregator means a telecommu- terms and conditions the Public Service another telecommunications company shall nications company who, at an end-office Commission established in MoPSC Case be considered the originating carrier with location, places traffic on the LEC-to-LEC Numbers TO-92-306 and TO-99-483. respect to such telecommunications for the network on behalf of another telecommunica- purposes of this rule. A telecommunications tions company. A traffic aggregation func- (22) Meet Point Billing (MPB) is a billing company performing a transiting traffic func- tion differs from a transiting function, in that arrangement used to bill the switched access tion is not an originating carrier. traffic aggregation occurs at an end office, customer when feature group B or D services whereas a transiting traffic function occurs at are ordered and jointly provided by two (2) or (30) Originating tandem carrier means a tan- a tandem office. more local exchange carriers, as described in dem switch provider who directly intercon- the Multiple Exchange Carrier Access Billing nects with an originating carrier or traffic (39) Transiting carrier means any telecom- (MECAB) industry document. aggregator when more than one (1) tandem munications company that provides facilities

4 CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS (6/30/05) ROBIN CARNAHAN Secretary of State Chapter 29—Enhanced Record Exchange Rules 4 CSR 240-29

on the LEC-to-LEC network over which a tions traffic utilizing the Local Exchange (1) All telecommunications companies that telecommunication is transmitted, when the Carrier-to-Local Exchange Carrier (LEC-to- originate traffic that is transmitted over the telecommunication neither originates nor ter- LEC) network only upon compliance with the Local Exchange Carrier-to-Local Exchange minates on that telecommunications compa- rules set forth in this chapter. Any request Carrier (LEC-to-LEC) network shall deliver ny’s network. for variance from the rules set forth in this originating caller identification with each call chapter must be made to the Missouri Public that is placed on the LEC-to-LEC network. (40) Transiting traffic means telecommunica- Service commission pursuant to 4 CSR 240- tions traffic transmitted over the LEC-to- 2.060(4). (2) All telecommunications carriers that tran- LEC network by a telecommunications com- sit LEC-to-LEC traffic for another carrier pany, which traffic neither originates nor (2) No originating wireline carrier shall place shall deliver originating caller identification terminates on that telecommunications com- interLATA traffic on the LEC-to-LEC net- to other transiting carriers and to terminating pany’s network. work. This section shall not apply to calls carriers. delivered from local exchange carriers to (41) Type I wireless interconnection is a type Service Providers. Nothing in this (3) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed of interconnection between a wireless service section shall preclude a tandem carrier from to alter, or otherwise change, the originating provider switch and a local exchange carrier routing interLATA wireline traffic to a non- record creation, record exchange, and billing end office, in which the telephone number of affiliated terminating carrier over the LEC- processes currently in place for telecommuni- the wireless customer resides within the local to-LEC network, provided such terminating cations traffic transited by incumbent local exchange carrier’s switch as opposed to the carrier has agreed to accept such traffic from exchange carriers on behalf of other incum- the tandem carrier and such acceptance is wireless service provider’s switch. Tele- bent local exchange carriers, except that such contained in a commission-approved inter- phone numbers associated with type I wire- originating records created shall be category connection agreement. less interconnection may be provided in 11-01-XX records when requested by a ter- blocks of ten thousand (10,000) (i.e., an minating carrier. entire NXX prefix) or may be less than a (3) No carrier shall terminate traffic on the block of ten thousand (10,000), and may be LEC-to-LEC network, when such traffic was originated by or with the use of feature group (4) When transiting traffic for any carrier provided in a shared arrangement with the A, B or D protocol trunking arrangements. other than an incumbent local exchange car- wireline telephone numbers. rier, originating tandem carriers shall, for (4) No traffic aggregator shall place traffic each compensable call, create and make the (42) Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) on the LEC-to-LEC network, except as per- following available upon request by a termi- are physical and functional elements of an mitted in this chapter. nating carrier, at no charge to the terminating incumbent local exchange carrier’s network carrier: infrastructure, which are made available to (5) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed (A) A category 11-01-XX record or, if no competitors on an unbundled basis. Such ele- to alter, or otherwise change, the record cre- Carrier Identification Code is available, a ments may include, but are not limited to, ation, record exchange, or billing processes Missouri-specific category 11-01-XX record. local loops, switch ports, and dedicated and currently in place for traffic carried by (B) Nothing in (4)(A) above shall preclude common transport facilities. interexchange carriers using feature groups two (2) carriers from mutually agreeing to A, B, or D protocols. (43) Wireline communications means all exchange other types of billing records. (C) A list of originating carriers connected telecommunications traffic other than (6) All carriers with existing interconnection telecommunications traffic originated pur- to their tandem switch who originate traffic agreements allowing for the exchange of traf- on the LEC-to-LEC network. The originat- suant to authority granted by the U.S. Feder- fic placed on the LEC-to-LEC network shall ing tandem carrier will ensure this list of al Communications Commission’s commer- take appropriate action to ensure compliance originating carriers is readily accessible to cial mobile radio services rules and with this chapter unless the commission has regulations. granted a variance from the requirements of any carrier involved in the completion of such this chapter. calls. The originating tandem carrier will (44) A wireline carrier is any carrier provid- maintain the following information for carri- ing wireline communications. AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, ers using its tandem switch to originate traf- RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, fic on the LEC-to-LEC network: the name of AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, 2004, effective July 30, 2005. the originating carrier plus the name, mailing RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, address, telephone number and electronic 2004, effective July 30, 2005. *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, address of an individual responsible for con- RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. tacts regarding LEC-to-LEC network traffic *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, billing and payment inquiries. RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. 4 CSR 240-29.040 Identification of Origi- (5) All traffic aggregators shall deliver origi- nating Carrier for Traffic Transmitted nating caller identification to the transiting 4 CSR 240-29.030 General Provisions over the LEC-to-LEC Network and/or terminating carriers for each call that the traffic aggregator places on the LEC-to- PURPOSE: This rule describes, in general PURPOSE: This rule establishes a proper LEC network. Traffic aggregators shall be terms, the provisions of this chapter. means of identifying to transiting and termi- required to create 11-01-XX records for all nating carriers all carriers who originate compensable telecommunications traffic (1) Telecommunications companies may orig- traffic that is transmitted over the LEC-to- placed on the LEC-to-LEC network on behalf inate, transit, and terminate telecommunica- LEC network. of other carriers. Traffic aggregators shall

ROBIN CARNAHAN (6/30/05) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 5 Secretary of State 4 CSR 240-29—DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Division 240—Public Service Commission

also ensure that originating carrier informa- (4) After a terminating carrier elects to estab- AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, tion, as identified in subsection (4)(C), is lish separate trunk groups for IXC and LEC- RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, maintained and provided in a timely manner to-LEC traffic, IXC traffic shall not be placed 2004, effective July 30, 2005. to the originating tandem carrier and termi- on the LEC-to-LEC trunks between the ter- nating carrier for any traffic placed on the minating tandem carrier and terminating end *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, LEC-to-LEC network by the traffic aggrega- office. RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, tor on behalf of another telecommunications 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. company. AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, (6) The originating telephone number shall 2004. 4 CSR 240-29.080 Use of Terminating be the telephone number of the end user Record Creation for LEC-to-LEC Tele- responsible for originating the telephone call. *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, communications Traffic Under no circumstances in sections (1), (2), RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, (3), (4) and (5) above shall any carrier sub- 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. PURPOSE: This rule establishes a system of stitute an originating telephone number other terminating record creation between carriers than the telephone number of the end user 4 CSR 240-29.060 Special Privacy Provi- for Local Exchange Carrier-to-Local responsible for originating the telephone call. sions for End Users Who Block Their Exchange Carrier (LEC-to-LEC) traffic. Originating Telephone Number AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, (1) Terminating carriers may utilize informa- RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, tion received from originating and/or transit- 2004, effective July 30, 2005. PURPOSE: This rule ensures end user pri- vacy of blocked numbers, and to ensure that ing carriers to prepare category 11-01-XX *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, blocked numbers are available to terminating records to generate accurate billing invoices RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, carriers for record creation purposes, without for submission to originating carriers. All 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. disclosure to the called party. such billing invoices submitted by terminat- ing carriers shall be generated and based (1) All originating carriers shall permit per- upon category 11-01-XX records and such 4 CSR 240-29.050 Option to Establish Sep- call blocking only in instances when the call- records shall be made available to the origi- arate Trunk Groups for LEC-to-LEC ing end user dials star 67 (*67, or 1167 from Telecommunications Traffic nating carrier upon request at no charge. a rotary dial telephone), prior to dialing the Originating carriers are required to compen- telephone number. PURPOSE: This rule enables terminating sate terminating carriers on the basis of such carriers to establish trunking arrangements (2) All originating carriers shall permit per- accurate invoices. for LEC-to-LEC traffic separate and distinct line blocking only for authorized federal, (2) A terminating carrier may identify the from trunking arrangements used for IXC state, and local law enforcement agencies and originating carrier that it bills based on the traffic. private, nonprofit, tax-exempt domestic vio- lence intervention agencies, and the employ- originating operating company number (1) At its discretion, a terminating carrier (OCN) associated with the originating caller may elect to establish separate trunk groups ees of each who have a need for such block- ing. When receiving a request for per-line identification number. Certain type I wire- for interexchange carrier (IXC) and Local less interconnections may utilize blocks of Exchange Carrier-to-Local Exchange Carrier blocking, each telecommunications company fewer than one thousand (1,000) numbers; in (LEC-to-LEC) traffic. Terminating tandem shall determine whether the request has been such instances, wireless-originated calls may carriers shall work cooperatively with, and made by an authorized law enforcement or abide by requests of, terminating carriers to domestic violence intervention agency. Only be attributed to wireline carriers. In the event establish separate trunking arrangements for after verification that a per-line blocking that the terminating carrier, using the OCN IXC and LEC-to-LEC traffic occurring request satisfies this rule requirement may a identified in the local exchange routing guide, between a terminating tandem carrier and a telecommunications company enable per-line erroneously bills a carrier other than the orig- terminating end office. blocking. inating carrier, then the carrier whose OCN was identified shall notify the terminating (2) A transiting carrier may opt to not install (3) In all instances of per-call and per-line carrier, and the parties shall work jointly to separate trunk groups to a requesting termi- caller ID blocking, all originating carriers, identify the originating carrier. nating carrier if the transiting carrier assumes transiting carriers, and traffic aggregators financial responsibility for all compensable shall transmit the caller ID to the terminating (3) Nothing in section (1) above shall pre- transiting traffic delivered to the terminating carrier by the use of facilities designed to clude two (2) carriers from mutually agreeing carrier. ensure that caller ID is not disclosed to the to exchange other types of billing records. called party. (3) All terminating carriers electing to create AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, (4) In all instances of per-call and per-line category 11-01-XX records shall establish a RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, trunk group for LEC-to-LEC traffic that is blocking, terminating carriers shall neither 2004, effective July 30, 2005. separate from trunk groups for IXC traffic. deliver nor disclose the calling party’s caller Such LEC-to-LEC trunk group shall be used ID to the called party, but shall use such *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, to connect the end office to the tandem serv- information solely for determining the juris- RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, ing that end office. dictional and billing nature of the traffic. 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996.

6 CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS (6/30/05) ROBIN CARNAHAN Secretary of State Chapter 29—Enhanced Record Exchange Rules 4 CSR 240-29

4 CSR 240-29.090 Time Frame for the (2) All objections under this rule shall be agree on a common report, each carrier may Exchange of Records, Invoices, and Pay- promptly investigated by the terminating car- submit its own report. ments for LEC-to-LEC Network Traffic rier responsible for sending payment invoic- es. The results of all such investigations shall (4) In the event any objection to invoice, or PURPOSE: This rule establishes minimum be reported back to the objecting party in any objection to the receipt of unidentified standards for submission of billing records, writing or by e-mail no later than thirty (30) traffic, remains unresolved or uncompensated invoices, and payments between carriers who days after receipt of the objection. A written for more than thirty (30) days following pro- originate, transit, and/or terminate LEC-to- or e-mail correspondence showing a summa- vision of investigation reports to the manager LEC traffic. ry or results of all such investigations must be of telecommunications, Missouri Public Ser- provided by the terminating company to the vice Commission, the carrier rendering the (1) All telecommunications companies manager of telecommunications, Missouri invoice, or the carrier objecting to the receipt responsible for creating and/or submitting Public Service Commission. of unidentified traffic, may initiate the fol- Local Exchange Carrier-to-Local Exchange lowing intercarrier compensation complaint Carrier (LEC-to-LEC) network billing (3) In the event any terminating local process applicable to traffic placed on the records shall submit such records in a timely exchange carrier in any billing period or peri- LEC-to-LEC network: manner on or about the same day each ods receives billing records for compensable (A) After having complied with sections month. This requirement shall not preclude traffic that are less than the total terminating (3) and (4) above, the objecting carrier may companies from mutually establishing indi- compensable traffic received and recorded by file a formal complaint in accordance with 4 vidual record creation cycles for individual the terminating local exchange carrier for that CSR 240-2.070. Said complaint may name originating carriers. period or periods (“unidentified traffic”), the as respondents any or all carriers participat- terminating local exchange carrier may ren- ing in the investigation process, and any car- (2) Upon receiving a correct invoice request- der a written or e-mail objection to the riers notified of the investigation process but ing payment for terminating traffic placed on receipt of the unidentified traffic to the ter- not participating in it. Tandem carriers the LEC-to-LEC network, the originating minating tandem carrier across whose facili- named as parties in such complaint shall have carrier shall submit payment of all amounts ties the terminating local exchange carrier thirty (30) days from being served to identify not disputed in good faith within thirty-one believes such unidentified traffic was transit- and name as additional parties respondent (31) days to the telecommunications company ed. Such objection need not be in the form any other carriers that may have originated or transited such unidentified traffic. Such car- that submitted the invoice. of an invoice. Within twenty (20) days after riers shall be served with the complaint and receipt of such objection, the terminating tan- pleading naming them as additional parties in (3) All telecommunications companies sub- dem carrier shall in turn notify all carriers it the same manner as is described in 4 CSR ject to this chapter shall retain call detail believes may have placed or transited the 240-2.070(7), and shall answer within thirty records in a retrievable electronic format for unidentified traffic on the LEC-to-LEC net- (30) days of the date of notice as provided not less than twelve (12) months following work. Objections and notifications informing therein. call completion. In the event any calls carriers of unidentified terminating traffic (B) Within thirty (30) days after all become the subject of an objection to pay- shall be promptly investigated by all carriers answers are filed, or within thirty (30) days ment invoice, or an audit, such records shall that receive them. The objecting carrier, tan- of the last date for timely answer, the com- be retained for at least ninety (90) days after dem carriers, and originating carriers shall mission will set the matter for evidentiary completion thereof. work cooperatively and in good faith and hearing without the need for prefiled testimo- shall provide complete and accurate billing ny. AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, records to the objecting terminating local (C) Within twenty (20) days after the con- RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, exchange carrier. The terminating local clusion of said hearing the regulatory law 2004, effective July 30, 2005. exchange carrier shall make available the judge assigned shall file a recommended automatic number identification (ANI) and decision to the commission, and serve copies *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, such other information relating to such RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, thereof on each party. Said recommended 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. unidentified traffic as is in its possession. All decision shall address and resolve objections carriers shall make full disclosure of their to invoices, and shall address and resolve positions, and evidence in support thereof, to objections to the receipt of unidentified traf- 4 CSR 240-29.100 Objections to Payment all other carriers participating in the investi- fic, and may find originating carriers or orig- Invoices gation, and to the manager of telecommuni- inating tandem carriers liable to the terminat- cations, Missouri Public Service Commis- ing LEC for unidentified traffic. PURPOSE: This rule establishes a procedure sion, and shall make duplicates of such (D) Each party shall have twenty (20) days for objecting to payment of invoices received evidence and information available to all par- from the filing of the recommended decision for terminating LEC-to-LEC network ticipants. Within sixty (60) days after the in which to file a response to the recom- telecommunications traffic. objection is made, the results of such investi- mended decision. In the event no party gation shall be reported back to all carriers responds, the recommended decision shall be (1) Objections to invoices received for termi- concerned, and written or e-mail correspon- the decision of the commission. In the event nating Local Exchange Carrier-to-Local dence showing a summary of results of the any party does respond, the commission shall Exchange Carrier (LEC-to-LEC) traffic shall investigations shall be provided by all thereafter consider the recommended deci- be made in writing or e-mail to the terminat- involved carriers to the manager of telecom- sion and the responses thereto, and enter its ing carrier. Questions pertaining to such munications, Missouri Public Service Com- decision within thirty (30) days of the filing invoices may be submitted by telephone. mission. In the event the carriers cannot of responses to the recommended decision.

ROBIN CARNAHAN (6/30/05) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 7 Secretary of State 4 CSR 240-29—DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Division 240—Public Service Commission

AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, cate that the blocking will be done pursuant being used to originate the traffic. All such RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, to rules of the MoPSC. The originating car- formal complaints shall be filed pursuant to 2004, effective July 30, 2005. rier and/or traffic aggregator shall compen- the commission’s procedures for filing formal sate the transiting carrier for any blocking complaints, and shall set forth complete *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, preparation and/or implementation work per- details including, but not limited to, any vio- RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. formed to implement blocking, even if block- lation of commission rules or Missouri ing is ultimately not implemented. Such statutes alleged to have occurred. Such for- blocks will not be instituted on weekends or mal complaint shall also state what action and 4 CSR 240-29.120 Blocking Traffic of holidays, or on a day immediately preceding relief the complainant seeks from the com- Originating Carriers and/or Traffic Aggre- a weekend or holiday. mission. Such requested relief may include gators by Transiting Carriers complete blockage of the originating carrier (4) Upon receipt of notice that its traffic is using switching services provided by the PURPOSE: This rule establishes parameters subject to blocking, a wireline carrier shall incumbent local exchange carrier or other and procedures enabling transiting carriers determine whether to use alternate means of entity whose switch is being used. All such to block traffic of originating carriers and/or delivering the traffic that is subject to block- formal complaints shall request expedited traffic aggregators who fail to comply with ing. If the wireline carrier elects not to use an consideration. rules pertaining to LEC-to-LEC traffic. alternate means of delivering the traffic, the wireline carrier shall, within fifteen (15) days AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, (1) In all instances of traffic blocking, origi- after receipt of notice, notify all potentially RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, nating carriers and traffic aggregators may affected end users in writing that calls to 2004, effective July 30, 2005. utilize alternative methods of delivering the affected NPA-NXXs may be blocked. A copy blocked traffic to terminating carriers. Such of such written notification shall be provided *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, methods may include interconnection agree- to the manager of the telecommunications 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. ment negotiations for transiting traffic, direct department of the MoPSC. In lieu of such interconnection with terminating carriers, or customer notification, the originating carrier contracting with interexchange carriers for and/or traffic aggregator may proceed 4 CSR 240-29.130 Requests of Terminating traffic delivery. according to sections (5) and (6) following. Carriers for Originating Tandem Carriers to Block Traffic of Originating Carriers (2) A transiting carrier may block any or all (5) If an originating carrier and/or traffic and/or Traffic Aggregators Local Exchange Carrier-to-Local Exchange aggregator disputes a proposal where some Carrier (LEC-to-LEC) traffic it receives or all of its LEC-to-LEC traffic would be PURPOSE: This rule establishes parameters from an originating carrier and/or traffic blocked by a transiting carrier, the originating and procedures for terminating carriers to aggregator who fails to fully compensate the carrier and/or traffic aggregator should request that originating tandem carriers transiting carrier or who fails to deliver orig- immediately seek formal action by the com- block traffic of originating carriers and/or inating caller identification to the transiting mission through the filing of a formal com- traffic aggregators who fail to comply with carrier. Additionally, the transiting carrier plaint. Such a complaint shall provide all rel- rules pertaining to traffic traversing the LEC- may block any or all additional LEC-to-LEC evant evidence refuting any stated reasons for to-LEC network. traffic it receives from an originating carrier blocking such traffic. Such complaint shall and/or traffic aggregator who fails to com- include a request for expedited resolution. (1) In all instances of traffic blocking, origi- pensate the transiting carrier for the costs nating carriers and traffic aggregators may associated with establishing blocking (6) If an originating carrier and/or traffic utilize alternative methods of delivering the arrangements made pursuant to this rule, aggregator files a formal complaint, the tran- blocked traffic to terminating carriers. Such whether or not such blocking actually siting carrier will cease blocking, pending the methods may include interconnection agree- occurred. commission’s decision. In all instances of ment negotiations with terminating carriers blocking by a transiting carrier, the costs for transiting traffic, direct interconnection (3) The transiting carrier shall provide all associated with blocking shall be borne by the with terminating carriers, or contracting with affected carriers, including, but not limited originating carrier and/or traffic aggregator. interexchange carriers for traffic delivery. to, the originating carrier and/or traffic aggregator, and the manager of the telecom- (7) It is recognized that at the time of call (2) A terminating carrier may request the munications department of the Missouri Pub- placement, transiting carriers cannot identify originating tandem carrier to block, and upon lic Service Commission (MoPSC), written the traffic originated by a particular originat- such request the originating tandem carrier notice by certified mail at least thirty (30) ing carrier, where that particular originating shall block, the originating carrier’s Local days prior to implementing blocking. Such carrier and one (1) or more other originating Exchange Carrier-to-Local Exchange (LEC- notification shall clearly indicate the rea- carriers are using the same switch to origi- to-LEC) traffic, if the originating carrier has son(s) for certain traffic to be blocked, the nate traffic. Transiting carriers who desire to failed to fully compensate the terminating date the traffic block will begin, an explana- block traffic of a particular originating carri- carrier for terminating compensable traffic, tion of what action the originating carrier er of such a “shared” switch platform shall or if the originating carrier has failed to and/or traffic aggregator should take to pre- file a formal complaint with the commission deliver originating caller identification to the vent any traffic from being blocked, when seeking such blockage. All such formal com- transiting and/or terminating carriers. this corrective action must be completed, and plaints shall name the originating carrier the person to contact to obtain further infor- whose traffic is sought to be blocked as well (3) If the traffic aggregator has failed to mation. Such notice shall also clearly indi- as the carrier or other entity whose switch is deliver originating caller identification to the

8 CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS (6/30/05) ROBIN CARNAHAN Secretary of State Chapter 29—Enhanced Record Exchange Rules 4 CSR 240-29

transiting and/or terminating carrier, a termi- tandem carrier, the originating tandem carri- nized that, at the time of call placement, tran- nating carrier may request the originating tan- er shall implement the block within forty-five siting carriers cannot identify the traffic orig- dem carrier to block, and upon request the (45) days after receipt of the request to block. inated by a particular originating carrier originating tandem carrier shall block, the where that particular originating carrier and traffic aggregator’s LEC-to-LEC traffic. (7) In supplement or as an alternative to one (1) or more other originating carriers are blocking, a terminating carrier may require using the same switch to originate traffic. (4) The terminating carrier shall provide all the originating carrier, as a condition of con- Terminating carriers who desire to block the affected carriers, including but not limited to, tinued service, to place into escrow sufficient traffic of a particular originating carrier of the originating carrier and/or traffic aggrega- monies to recover any disputed or unpaid such a “shared” switch platform shall file a tor, the transiting carrier, and the manager of amounts. formal complaint with the commission seek- the telecommunications department of the ing such blockage. All such formal com- commission, written notice by certified mail (8) Upon receipt of notice that its traffic is plaints shall name the originating carrier at least thirty (30) days prior to the date the subject to blocking, wireline carriers shall whose traffic is sought to be blocked, as well terminating carrier requests blocking to determine whether to use alternate means of as the carrier or other entity whose switch is occur. Such notification shall clearly indicate delivering the traffic that is subject to block- being used to originate the traffic. All such the reason(s) for certain traffic to be blocked, ing. If the wireline carrier elects not to use formal complaints shall be filed pursuant to the date the traffic is requested to be blocked, alternate means of delivering the traffic, the the commission’s procedures for filing formal an explanation of what action the originating wireline carrier shall, within fifteen (15) days complaints, and shall set forth complete carrier and/or traffic aggregator should take after receipt of notice, notify its potentially details including, but not limited to, any vio- to prevent any traffic from being blocked, affected end users in writing that calls to lation of commission rules or Missouri when this corrective action must be complet- affected NPA-NXXs may be subject to block- statutes alleged to have occurred. Such for- ed, and the person to contact to obtain further ing. A copy of such written notification shall mal complaint shall also state what action and information. Such notice shall also clearly be provided to the manager of the telecom- relief the complainant seeks from the com- munications department of the MoPSC. In indicate that the blocking will be done pur- mission. Such requested relief may include lieu of such customer notification, the origi- suant to rules of the Missouri Public Service complete blockage of the originating carrier nating carrier and/or traffic aggregator may Commission (MoPSC). The terminating car- using switching services provided by the proceed according to sections (9) and (10) rier shall compensate the originating tandem incumbent local exchange carrier or other following. carrier for any blocking preparation and/or entity whose switch is being used. All such formal complaints shall request expedited implementation work performed to imple- (9) If an originating carrier and/or traffic consideration. ment blocking, even if blocking is ultimately aggregator wishes to dispute a proposal not implemented. whereby some or all of its LEC-to-LEC traf- AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, fic would be blocked by an originating tan- (5) Following notification pursuant to section RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, dem carrier or where the terminating carrier 2004, effective July 30, 2005. (4) above, and upon written request by a ter- has required that disputed or unpaid amounts minating carrier, the originating tandem car- be placed into escrow, the originating carrier rier will be required to block LEC-to-LEC *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, and/or traffic aggregator should immediately RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, traffic of an originating carrier and/or traffic seek action by the commission through the 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. aggregator to the terminating carrier. Such filing of a formal complaint. Such a com- requests shall be based on the terminating plaint shall provide all relevant evidence carrier’s representation that the originating refuting any stated reasons for blocking such 4 CSR 240-29.140 Blocking Traffic of carrier and/or traffic aggregator has failed to traffic or placing disputed charges into Transiting Carriers by Terminating Carri- fully compensate the terminating carrier for escrow. Such complaint shall include a ers terminating compensable traffic, or that the request for expedited resolution. originating carrier and/or traffic aggregator PURPOSE: This rule establishes parameters has failed to deliver originating caller identi- (10) If an originating carrier and/or traffic and procedures for blocking traffic by termi- fication to the transiting and/or terminating aggregator file(s) a formal complaint, the ter- nating carriers if transiting carriers fail to carriers. The originating tandem carrier shall minating carrier and originating tandem car- comply with rules pertaining to traffic not be liable for any blocking work per- rier shall cease blocking preparations, pend- traversing the LEC-to-LEC network. formed at the request of the terminating car- ing the commission’s decision. In all (1) In all instances of traffic blocking, tran- rier. instances of blocking requests by a terminat- siting carriers may utilize alternative methods ing carrier, the costs associated with blocking of delivering the blocked traffic to terminat- (6) If the terminating carrier requests the shall be borne by the terminating carrier, ing carriers. Such methods may include originating tandem carrier to block LEC-to- even if blocking is ultimately not implement- interconnection agreement negotiations for LEC traffic of an originating carrier and/or ed. The obligation to establish an escrow transiting traffic, direct interconnection by traffic aggregator, the date and time whereby account will also cease, pending further originating carriers and/or traffic aggregators traffic will be blocked shall be mutually direction from the commission. with terminating carriers, or contracting with agreed upon by the terminating carrier and interexchange carriers for traffic delivery. the originating tandem carrier. Such blocks (11) Nothing in sections (1) through (10) will not be initiated on weekends or holidays, above shall require transiting carriers to block (2) Pursuant to section (3) below, the termi- or on a day immediately preceding a weekend traffic of originating carriers using switching nating carrier may block Local Exchange or holiday. Unless otherwise agreed to by services provided by an incumbent local Carrier-to-Local Exchange Carrier (LEC-to- both the terminating carrier and originating exchange carrier or other entity. It is recog- LEC) traffic from a transiting carrier if the

ROBIN CARNAHAN (6/30/05) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 9 Secretary of State 4 CSR 240-29—DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Division 240—Public Service Commission

transiting carrier has failed to comply with aggregator may proceed according to sections (D) Obtain the written consent of the dis- rules pertaining to traffic traversing the LEC- (6) and (7) following. closer before disclosing any confidential to-LEC network including, but not limited to, information to a third party. ensuring that originating caller identification (6) If a transiting carrier wishes to dispute a is being delivered to the terminating carrier. proposal whereby some or all of its LEC-to- (3) The recipient may make copies of confi- LEC traffic would be blocked by a terminat- dential information only as reasonably neces- (3) If the terminating carrier is unable to ing carrier, the transiting carrier should sary to perform its obligations under this agree with the transiting carrier on blocking immediately seek action by the commission rule. All such copies will be subject to the or other resolution of the issue, the terminat- through the filing of a formal complaint. same restrictions and protections as the orig- ing carrier will formally notify, via certified Such a complaint shall provide all relevant inal and will bear the same copyright and mail, the transiting carrier and the manager evidence refuting any reasons for blocking proprietary rights notices as are contained in of the telecommunications department of the such traffic. Such complaint shall include a the original. commission of the terminating carrier’s intent request for expedited resolution. to block traffic delivered by the transiting AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, carrier. Such notice shall clearly indicate (7) If the transiting carrier files a formal RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, that the blocking will be done pursuant to the complaint, the terminating carrier will cease 2004, effective July 30, 2005. rules of the Missouri Public Service Com- blocking, pending the commission’s decision. *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, mission and shall clearly indicate the rea- In all instances of blocking by a terminating RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, son(s) for certain traffic to be blocked, the carrier, the costs associated with blocking 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. date the traffic block will begin, an explana- shall be borne by the terminating carrier, tion of what action the transiting carrier even if blocking is ultimately not implement- should take to prevent any traffic from being ed. 4 CSR 240-29.160 Audit Provisions blocked, when this corrective action must be completed, and the person to contact to AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, PURPOSE: This rule establishes parameters obtain further information. Such blocks shall RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, and procedures for the audit of certain inter- not be instituted on weekends or holidays, or 2004, effective July 30, 2005. company billing records. on a day immediately preceding a weekend or *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, (1) A telecommunications company who holiday. Such blocks will not be implement- RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, ed before forty-five (45) days after receipt of receives records from another telecommuni- 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. cations company for billing may perform a written notice. comprehensive review of the record process utilized for providing billing records that are (4) Upon receipt of notice that its transiting 4 CSR 240-29.150 Confidentiality issued for payment of compensable traffic. traffic is subject to blocking by terminating These reviews may only be conducted once a carriers, transiting carriers shall notify all PURPOSE: This rule ensures the confiden- year. A telecommunications company’s right telecommunications companies for whom the tiality of customer proprietary network infor- to access information for review purposes is transiting carrier is contractually obligated to mation. limited to data not in excess of eighteen (18) transit traffic. Such notices shall include, but months in age. Once specific data has been (1) Any information that would constitute shall not be limited to, resellers of local reviewed, it is not subject to further reviews. either recorded usage data or customer pro- exchange service and providers of shared All information involved with the review prietary network information (CPNI) of a switching platforms. Such notices shall also shall be treated as strictly confidential and telecommunications company’s customers include, but shall not be limited to, all origi- not be disclosed to a third party without the nating carriers, traffic aggregators, and other pursuant to the Telecommunications Act and written consent of the party being reviewed. transiting carriers with whom the transiting the rules and regulations of the Federal Com- carrier has established direct interconnection munications Commission (FCC) is deemed to (2) The telecommunications company facilities. Such notices shall be sent via cer- be “confidential information.” For purposes requesting the audit shall have the right, tified mail within seven (7) days from the of this rule, the “recipient” is the party that through its authorized representatives, to per- receipt of notice from the terminating carrier. directly or indirectly receives confidential form an audit, during normal business hours, information, and the “discloser” is the party of the records and processes which contain (5) Upon receipt of notice that its traffic is that creates and/or passes confidential infor- information and standards provided in this subject to blocking, wireline carriers shall mation to another party. chapter. Within thirty (30) days from a determine whether to use alternative means request, the telecommunications companies of delivering the traffic that is subject to (2) The recipient must: involved in the audit shall agree upon the blocking. If the wireline carrier elects not to (A) Use confidential information only for scope of the audit, the documents and pro- use an alternate means of delivering the traf- intercompany billing purposes; cesses to be reviewed, and the time, place and fic, the wireline carrier shall, within fifteen (B) Hold confidential information in confi- manner in which the audit will be performed. (15) days, notify all potentially affected end dence and disclose it to no one other than its The telecommunications company being users in writing that calls to affected NPA- employees having a need to know for inter- audited shall provide audit support, including NXXs may be blocked. A copy of such writ- company billing purposes; reasonable access to and use of facilities ten notification shall be provided to the man- (C) Safeguard confidential information (e.g., conference rooms, telephones, copying ager of the telecommunications department of from unauthorized use or disclosure using at machines). If the parties to the audit cannot the Missouri Public Service Commission least the same degree of care with which the agree upon any aspect of the audit, such dis- (MoPSC). In lieu of such customer notifica- recipient safeguards its own confidential pute shall be referred to the commission for tion, the originating carrier and/or traffic information; and resolution.

10 CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS (6/30/05) ROBIN CARNAHAN Secretary of State Chapter 29—Enhanced Record Exchange Rules 4 CSR 240-29

(3) Each telecommunications carrier shall bear its own costs in connection with the con- duct of the audit.

(4) Adjustments, credits or payments shall be made, and any correcting action shall com- mence, within thirty (30) days from the requesting telecommunications company’s receipt of the final audit report to compensate for any errors or omissions that are disclosed by such an audit, and are agreed to by the telecommunications companies.

AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, 2004, effective July 30, 2005.

*Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996.