Rules of Department of Economic Development Division 240—Public Service Commission Chapter 29—Enhanced Record Exchange Rules Title Page 4 CSR 240-29.010 The LEC-to-LEC Network...................................................................3 4 CSR 240-29.020 Definitions ......................................................................................3 4 CSR 240-29.030 General Provisions.............................................................................5 4 CSR 240-29.040 Identification of Originating Carrier for Traffic Transmitted over the LEC-to-LEC Network.............................................................5 4 CSR 240-29.050 Option to Establish Separate Trunk Groups for LEC-to LEC Telecommunications Traffic.................................................................6 4 CSR 240-29.060 Special Privacy Provisions for End Users Who Block Their Originating Telephone Number.............................................................6 4 CSR 240-29.080 Use of Terminating Record Creation for LEC-to-LEC Telecommunications Traffic.................................................................6 4 CSR 240-29.090 Time Frame for the Exchange of Records, Invoices and Payments for LEC-to-LEC Network Traffic ..............................................................7 4 CSR 240-29.100 Objections to Payment Invoices .............................................................7 4 CSR 240-29.120 Blocking Traffic of Originating Carriers and/or Traffic Aggregators by Transiting Carriers ........................................................................8 4 CSR 240-29.130 Requests of Terminating Carriers for Originating Tandem Carriers to Block Traffic of Originating Carriers and/or Traffic Aggregators............................8 4 CSR 240-29.140 Blocking Traffic of Transiting Carriers by Terminating Carriers ......................9 4 CSR 240-29.150 Confidentiality ................................................................................10 4 CSR 240-29.160 Audit Provisions ..............................................................................10 ROBIN CARNAHAN (6/30/05) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 1 Secretary of State Chapter 29—Enhanced Record Exchange Rules 4 CSR 240-29 Title 4—DEPARTMENT OF ANI is used for billing purposes, and for over the LEC-to-LEC network, for which the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT delivery of the calling party’s number to the transiting and/or terminating carrier is enti- Division 240—Public Service called party. tled to financial compensation. Commission (3) Aggregate traffic means telecommunica- (9) Exchange Message Interface System Chapter 29—Enhanced Record tions traffic that is not transiting traffic, but (EMI) is the industry standard for exchanging Exchange Rules which is placed on the Local Exchange Car- telecommunications message information for rier-to-Local Exchange Carrier (LEC-to- billable, nonbillable, sample settlement and 4 CSR 240-29.010 The LEC-to-LEC Net- LEC) network by one carrier on behalf of work study records. EMI documents are published another carrier. by Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). PURPOSE: This rule describes the LEC-to- (4) Carrier Identification Code (CIC) is a LEC network and adopts restrictions for use four (4)-digit number assigned to interex- (10) An end office is a building or space of that network. change carriers in North America and used within a building that serves as an aggrega- through equal access arrangements. (1) The LEC-to-LEC network is that part of tion point for the provision of local exchange the telecommunications network designed (5) A category 11-01-XX record is a mecha- services and exchange access services. An and used by telecommunications companies nized individual call detail record developed end office may also serve as an aggregation for the purposes of originating, terminating, in compliance with the Ordering and Billing point for placing traffic on the LEC-to-LEC and transiting local, intrastate/intraLATA, Forum (OBF) exchange message interface network on behalf of other carriers. interstate/intraLATA, and wireless telecom- (EMI) industry guidelines. The first two (2) munications services that originate via the digits in this record are “11.” A Missouri- (11) Feature Group A Protocol (FGA) is an use of feature group C protocol, as defined in specific category 11-01-XX record is a mech- interexchange switching arrangement avail- 4 CSR 240-29.020(13) of this chapter. Inter- anized individual call detail record for feature able from the end offices of an incumbent LATA wireline telecommunications traffic group C (FGC) traffic developed by the local exchange carrier, which offers line-side shall not be transmitted over the LEC-to-LEC incumbent local exchange carriers in Mis- connections that are accessible by dialing a network, but must originate and terminate souri for intercompany settlements pursuant seven (7)-digit local telephone number. with the use of an interexchange carrier point to the Missouri Public Service Commission of presence, as defined in 4 CSR 240-29.020 (MoPSC) Report and Order in Case No. TO- (12) Feature Group B Protocol (FGB) is an (31) of this chapter. Nothing in this section 99-254. This record contains data trans- interexchange switching arrangement avail- shall preclude a tandem carrier from routing ferred from a 92-01-XX mechanized call able from the end offices of an incumbent interLATA wireline traffic to a nonaffiliated detail record. The first two (2) digits in this local exchange carrier, which offers trunk- terminating carrier over the LEC-to-LEC net- record are “11.” This type of call record is side connections accessible by dialing seven work, provided such terminating carrier has identical to a category 11-01-XX record (7) digits, the first three (3) of which are 9, 5 agreed to accept such traffic from the tandem except that it contains an originating operat- and 0. carrier and such acceptance is contained in a ing company number (OCN) in positions 167 commission-approved interconnection agree- through 170 instead of a CIC in positions 46 ment. through 49. (13) Feature Group C Protocol (FGC) is a local and interexchange switching arrange- AUTHORITY: sections 386.040 and 386.250, (6) A category 92-01-XX record is a mecha- ment offering trunk-side connections, which RSMo 2000.* Original rule filed Nov. 30, nized individual call detail record that con- is used for local telecommunications traffic, 2004, effective July 30, 2005. tains data from the standard EMI category intraLATA wireline telecommunications traf- 01-01-XX end user customer billing record fic, and intraMTA wireless communications *Original authority: 386.040, RSMo 1939 and 386.250, for LEC-carried intraLATA traffic. The first RSMo 1939, amended 1963, 1967, 1977, 1980, 1987, traffic. FGC protocol does not utilize 1988, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1996. two (2) digits in this record are “92.” interexchange carrier point-of-presence trunking arrangements for call origination, (7) A category 92-99-XX record is a mecha- call transiting, or call termination. 4 CSR 240-29.020 Definitions nized summary record which, when agreed upon by both parties, may be used for inter- (14) Feature Group D Protocol (FGD) is an PURPOSE: This rule defines various terms company settlements between local exchange interexchange switching arrangement, avail- that are used in this chapter. carriers in lieu of a category 11-01-XX record. This record contains summaries of able from incumbent local exchange carriers (1) A 1,000-Number Block (NPA-NXX-X) is certain data contained in category 92-01-XX in an equal access environment, which offers a range of one thousand (1,000) pooled tele- mechanized individual call detail records and trunk-side connections accessible in wireline phone numbers within the NPA-NXX begin- contains information on the type and volume telecommunications by dialing one plus (1+) ning with a station of n000, and ending with of traffic between the originating and termi- the telephone number. FGD protocol utilizes n999, where n is a digit from 0 through 9. nating points. It also identifies the transiting interexchange carrier point-of-presence parties on the call path between the originat- trunking arrangements for both call origina- (2) Automatic Number Identification (ANI) ing and terminating points. The first two (2) tion and call termination. means, for each call, delivery of the calling digits in this record are “92.” party’s billing number sequentially from the (15) Interexchange carrier (IXC) traffic is originating carrier to each carrier that pro- (8) Compensable traffic is telecommunica- that traffic which traverses an interexchange vides facilities to transit or terminate the call. tions traffic that is transited or terminated carrier point of presence. ROBIN CARNAHAN (6/30/05) CODE OF STATE REGULATIONS 3 Secretary of State 4 CSR 240-29—DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Division 240—Public Service Commission (16) In-band signaling means call setup sig- (23) MoPSC means the Missouri Public Ser- switch is used for traffic that traverses the naling that is composed of tones that pass vice Commission. LEC-to-LEC network. within the voice frequency band and that are carried along the same circuit as the talk path (24) Major Trading Area (MTA) means that (31) Point of presence (POP) means the phys- that is being established by the signals. term as defined in 47 CFR section 24.202(a). ical location within a LATA where an interex- (A) IntraMTA telecommunications traffic change carrier processes long
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