10% Սպասարկման Վճար 10% Service Charge

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10% Սպասարկման Վճար 10% Service Charge 10% Սպասարկման վճար 10% Service charge ܲÊàôîºêîܺð APPETIZERS Êáñíáõ (1 μ³ÅÇÝ) ÃáÝñáõ٠ϳËí³Í ·³é Khorvu (1 portion) tandoori lamb 5500 ØëÇ ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ §üÇñÙ³ÛÇݦ µ³ëïáõñÙ³, ëáõçáõË, ï³í³ñÇ É»½áõ, »ñßÇÏ, ï³í³ñÇ ýÇÉ», µ»ÏáÝ House specialty meat platter basturma, sujuk, beef tongue, sausage, beef fillet, bacon 4500 Ô³íáõñÙ³ ï³í³ñÇ ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, ϳñ³· Ghavurma beef tenderloin, butter 3800 Êá½Ç ýÇÉ» §üÇñÙ³ÛÇݦ Ëá½Ç ýÇÉ», ëËïáñ House specialty pork fillet pork fillet, garlic 2500 ܲÊàôîºêîܺð APPETIZERS ä³ÝñÇ ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ Ñáɳݹ³Ï³Ý å³ÝÇñ, éáùýáñ, ÉáéÇ, ëáõÉáõ·áõÝÇ Cheese platter dutch cheese, roquefort, lori, suluguni 2800 ÒÏ³Ý ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ ë³ÕÙáÝ, ÛáõÕ³ÓáõÏ, ³åËï³Í óé³÷ Fish platter salmon, oilfish, smoked sterlet 8000 ¶ÛáõÕ³Ï³Ý å³ÝÇñ áã˳ñÇ å³ÝÇñ, ÉáéÇ, Ñáñ³Í å³ÝÇñ, Ã»É å³ÝÇñ Farm cheese platter sheep milk cheese, lori, horats (aged cheese in pottery), chechil (string cheese) 1900 гÛÏ³Ï³Ý ÓÏ³Ý ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ ³åËï³Í Çß˳Ý, ÛáõÕáõÙ ³åËï³Í Çß˳Ý, ³åËï³Í óé³÷ Armenian fish platter smoked trout, smoked trout in oil, smoked sterlet 7000 ܲÊàôîºêîܺð APPETIZERS ø³Ù³Í Ù³ÍáõÝ Ù³ÍáõÝ, ÁÝÏáõÛ½, Ýáõé Strained matzoon matzoon (yogurt), walnut, pomegranate 800 ´³Ýç³ñ»Õ»Ý³ÛÇÝ ë³éÝáõï»ëï ÉáÉÇÏ, ëÙµáõÏ, åÕå»Õ, ëáË, ëËïáñ, ϳݳãÇ Vegetable appetizer tomato, eggplant, pepper, onion, garlic, greens 1700 Èáμáí ·Ý¹ÇÏÝ»ñ` ÁÝÏáõÛ½Ç ÷³ÃÇÉÝ»ñáí ϳñÙÇñ ÉáµÇ, ÁÝÏáõÛ½, ϳñ³·, ëáË, Ýáõé Bean balls with walnut flakes kidney beans, walnut, butter, onion, pomegranate 1200 è»Å³Ý ϳÃÇ ë»ñ Rezhan milk cream 900 ܲÊàôîºêîܺð APPETIZERS ÐáõÙáõë ëÇë»é, óÑÇÝ, ÓÇóåïÕÇ Ó»Ã, ëËïáñ Hummus chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, garlic ÐáõÙáõë ϳñÙÇñ åÕå»Õáí 1200 ÑáõÙáõë, Ù³ñÇݳóí³Í ϳñÙÇñ åÕå»Õ Hummus with red pepper hummus, marinated red pepper 1300 ÎÍáõ å³ÝÇñ å³ÝÇñ, ÃÃí³ë»ñ, ϳݳã ÏÍáõ åÕå»Õ Hot Cheese cheese, sour cream, hot green pepper 1100 ´³Ýç³ñ»Õ»ÝÇ ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ Ï³Ý³ãÇÇ ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ, ÉáÉÇÏ, í³ñáõÝ·, ϳñÙÇñ µáÕÏ Vegetable platter greens, tomato, cucumber, radish 2600 ܲÊàôîºêîܺð APPETIZERS ³ñ٠ϳݳãÇ Fresh greens 1200 ÒÇóåïáõÕ Olives 1000 гó Bread 400 îÝ³Ï³Ý ÃÃáõ ϳճٵ, í³ñáõÝ·, ͳÕϳϳճٵ, ÍÇͳÏ, µ³Ùdz, ÉáÉÇÏ, ·³½³ñ, Ëó Homemade pickled vegetables cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, hot pepper, okra, tomato, carrot, khta (armenian cucumber 1200 ²Ôò²Üܺð SALADS ´³½áõÏ Ùáó³ñ»ÉɳÛáí µ³½áõÏ, Ùáó³ñ»Éɳ, ëá×áõ ÁÝÏáõÛ½, ݳñÝçÇ ëááõë, µ³É½³ÙÇÏ Ïñ»Ù Beet with mozzarella ÐáõÝ³Ï³Ý ³Õó³Ý beet, mozzarella, pine nuts, orange sauce, ÉáÉÇÏ, í³ñáõÝ·, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ý»ï³, balsamic cream ϳå»ñë, ÓÇóåïáõÕ, ëáË 1600 Greek salad tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, feta, capers, olives, onion 2300 Îáíë³Ï³Ý ï³í³ñÇ ÙÇë, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ÏÍáõ åÕå»Õ, ϳݳãÇ, ëáË Kovsakan beef, bell pepper, hot pepper, greens, onion ø³Õóñ óμáõÉ» 2200 ÉáÉÇÏ, ÃáõñÇÝç, ˳ÕáÕ, Ýáõé, áëå, Ó³í³ñ, ëá×áõ ÁÝÏáõÛ½, å³ñÙ»½³Ý, ݳñÝçÇ ëááõë, ϳݳãÇ Sweet tabbouleh tomato, grapefruit, grapes, pomegranate, lentil, emmer wheat, pine nuts, parmesan, orange sauce, greens 1400 ²Ôò²Üܺð SALADS λë³ñ ѳíÇ ÏñÍù³ÙÇë, ѳ½³ñ, ãáñ³Ñ³ó, å³ñÙ»½³Ý, ëåÇï³Ï ëááõë Caesar chicken breast, lettuce, croutons, parmesan, white sauce 2600 λë³ñ ë³ÕÙáÝáí ë³ÕÙáÝ, ѳ½³ñ, ãáñ³Ñ³ó, å³ñÙ»½³Ý, ëåÇï³Ï ëááõë Caesar with salmon salmon, lettuce, croutons, parmesan, white sauce 3400 ²Ù³é³ÛÇÝ ÉáÉÇÏ, í³ñáõÝ·, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Summer tomato, cucumber, onion, greens 1200-1800 ²ñó³Ë ï³í³ñÇ ÙÇë, ÃÃáõ í³ñáõÝ·, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ѳ½³ñ, ÏÍáõ åÕå»Õ, ëåÇï³Ï ëááõë Artsakh beef, pickled cucumber, bell pepper, lettuce, hot pepper, white sauce 2400 ²Ôò²Üܺð SALADS ²ñ³ñ³ïÛ³Ý ·³½³ñ, ϳݳã ÉáµÇ, í³ñáõÝ·, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ëËïáñ, ëáË, ÁÝÏáõÛ½, ϳݳãÇ Araratian carrot, green beans, cucumber, bell pepper, garlic, onion, walnut, greens ÈóáÝ³Í ëÙμáõÏ 1400 ï³å³Ï³Í ëÙµáõÏ, ÁÝÏáõÛ½, ëËïáñ, ϳݳãÇ, ëåÇï³Ï ëááõë Stuffed eggplant fried eggplant, walnut, garlic, greens, white sauce 1900 ØÇçûñ» ï³í³ñÇ ÙÇë, ëÙµáõÏ, ·³½³ñ, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ϳݳãÇ Midday beef,eggplant, carrot, bell pepper, greens 2000 àÉáñ³Ý ï³å³Ï³Í ëÙµáõÏ, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ·³½³ñ, ýÇñÙ³ÛÇÝ ëááõë Eggplant rolls fried eggplant, bell pepper, carrot, special sauce 2000 ²Ôò²Üܺð SALADS Ðñ³ßù ï³í³ñÇ ÙÇë, ѳíÇ ÙÇë, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ÉáÉÇÏ, ëááõë, ëáË Miracle beef, chicken, bell pepper, tomato, sauce, onion 1800 ²í»ÉáõÏáí ³Õó³Ý ³í»ÉáõÏ, ÁÝÏáõÛ½, ëáË, ëËïáñ, Ýáõé Aveluk salad aveluk (sorrel), walnut, onion, garlic, pomegranate 1100 ´ñáÏÏáÉÇ ëÝÏáí µñáÏÏáÉÇ, ëáõÝÏ, »·Çåï³óáñ»Ý, ·³½³ñ, ÃÃáõ í³ñáõÝ·, ÁÝÏáõÛ½ Broccoli with mushrooms broccoli, mushroom, corn, carrot, pickled cucumber, walnut 1500 ²í»ÉáõÏÁ Ù³ÍáõÝáí ³í»ÉáõÏ, Ù³ÍáõÝ, ÁÝÏáõÛ½, ëáË, ëËïáñ, Ýáõé гíáí ³Õó³Ý ѳíÇ ÙÇë, ·³½³ñ, ϳݳãÇ, ëËïáñ, ëåÇï³Ï ëááõë Aveluk with matzoon aveluk (sorrel), matzoon (yogurt), Chicken salad walnut, onion, garlic, pomegranate chicken, carrot, greens, garlic, white sauce 1300 1600 ²Ôò²Üܺð SALADS γճÙμáí ³Õó³Ý ϳճٵ, ·³½³ñ, ϳݳãÇ, ëáË Cabbage salad cabbage, carrot, greens, onion 800 ³μáõÉ» µÉÕáõñ (ÏáõëÏáõë), ϳݳã ëáË, ÉáÉÇÏÇ ëááõë, ϳݳãÇÇ ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ Tabbouleh couscous, green onion, tomato sauce, greens 1800 γñÙÇñ Éáμáí ³Õó³Ý ϳñÙÇñ ÉáµÇ, ÁÝÏáõÛ½, ϳݳãÇ, ëáË Kindey bean salad kidney beans, walnut, greens, onion 1100 ¶³É»ñ»³ ѳíÇ ÙÇë, ÉáÉÇÏ, ãáñ³Ñ³ó, г۳ëï³Ý Ùáó³ñ»Éɳ, ëåÇï³Ï ëááõë, ϳݳãÇ ï³í³ñÇ ÙÇë, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ¹»ÕÓ, ÏÍáõ ëááõë Gallery chicken, tomato, croutons, Armenia beef, bell pepper, peach, spicy sauce mozzarella, white sauce, greens 1600 2000 ²äàôðܺð SOUPS ȳ·Ù³Ý ï³í³ñÇ ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, µ³Ýç³ñ»Õ»Ý, ɳåß³, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Lagman beef tenderloin, vegetables, noodle, onion, greens 2000 гíáí ³åáõñ ѳíÇ ÙÇë, ϳñïáýÇÉ, µñÇÝÓ, ·³½³ñ, ϳݳãÇ Chicken soup chicken, potato, rice, carrot, greens 1100 êÝÏáí ³åáõñ óñÙ ëáõÝÏ, µñÇÝÓ, ·³½³ñ, ϳñïáýÇÉ, ϳݳãÇ Mushroom soup fresh mushroom, rice, carrot, potato, greens 1100 êå³ë ÃÃí³ë»ñ, Ù³ÍáõÝ, Ó³í³ñ, ϳݳãÇ, ϳñ³· Spas sour cream, matzoon (yogurt), pounded wheat, greens, butter 800 ²äàôðܺð SOUPS Üé³Ý» ·³é³Ý ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, µñÇÝÓ, Ýé³Ý óñÙ ù³Ù³Í ÑÛáõÃ, ¹»ÕÇÝ áÉáé, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Nraneh lamb tenderloin, rice, fresh squeezed pomegranate juice, yellow peas, greens, onion 1700 ÎáÉáɳÏáí ¨ Ù³ÍáõÝáí ³åáõñ ï³í³ñÇ ÙÇë, Ù³ÍáõÝ, åÕå»ÕÇ å³ëï³, µÉÕáõñ, ëáË Soup with meatballs and matzoon beef, matzoon, pepper paste, bulgur, onion 1800 êÇμÇñÛ³Ý ³åáõñ å»ÉÙ»ÝÇ, µñÇÝÓ, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ·³½³ñ, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Siberian soup pelmeni (beef dumplings), rice, bell pepper, carrot, onion, greens 1200 êáÉÛ³Ýϳ ³åËï³Í ÙëÇ ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ, ï³í³ñÇ ÙÇë, ÃÃáõ í³ñáõÝ·, Èáμáí ³åáõñ ÉáÉÇÏÇ ëááõë, ÃÃí³ë»ñ, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Ï³ñÙÇñ ÉáµÇ, ÁÝÏáõÛ½, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Solyanka Bean soup assorted smoked meat, beef, pickled cucumber, kidney beans, walnut, onion, greens tomato sauce, sour cream, onion, greens 900 1600 ²äàôðܺð SOUPS ¸¹áõÙáí ¨ ϳñÙÇñ Éáμáí ³åáõñ ¹¹áõÙ, ϳñÙÇñ ÉáµÇ, ï³í³ñÇ ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ ´áñßã Pumpkin and kidney bean soup ï³í³ñÇ ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, pumpkin, kidney bean, µ³Ýç³ñ»Õ»Ý, ϳñïáýÇÉ, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ beef tenderloin, onion, greens Borsch 1400 beef tenderloin, vegetables, potato, onion, greens 1200 â³Ý³Ë ²í»ÉáõÏáí ³åáõñ ·³é³Ý ÙÇë, µ³Ýç³ñ»Õ»Ý, ³í»ÉáõÏ, µÉÕáõñ, ϳñïáýÇÉ, ëáË Ï³ñïáýÇÉ, ëáË, ëËïáñ, ϳݳãÇ Aveluk soup Chanakh aveluk (sorrel), bulgur, potato, onion lamb, vegetables, potato, 900 onion, garlic, greens 1700 ²äàôðܺð SOUPS гñÇë³ Ó³í³ñ, ѳíÇ ÙÇë, ϳñ³· Harissa pounded wheat, chicken, butter 1000 äáõïáõÏ ·³é³Ý ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, ëÇë»é, ϳñïáýÇÉ, ÉáÉÇÏÇ ëááõë, ëáË Putuk lamb tenderloin, chickpeas, potato, tomato sauce, onion 1500 ʳñãá ·³é³Ý ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, µñÇÝÓ, ÉáÉÇÏÇ ëááõë, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Kharcho lamb tenderloin, rice, tomato sauce, onion, greens 1400 ¸¹áõÙáí Ïñ»Ù-³åáõñ ¹¹áõÙ, ¹¹ÙÇ ë»ñÙ, ýÇñÙ³ÛÇÝ ëááõë Ê³ß Pumpkin cream soup Khash pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, special sauce 2300 1400 î²ø àôîºêîܺð MAIN DISHES ³ñËáõÝáí ·³é³Ý ÃÇ³Ï ·³é³Ý ÃdzÏ, µ³Ýç³ñ»Õ»Ý, ëËïáñ Lamb shoulder with tarragon lamb shoulder, vegetables, garlic 9000 ÐáñÃÇ ÃÇ³Ï Ñ³×³ñÇ ÷ɳíáí (1Ï·) ÑáñÃÇ ÃdzÏ, ëáõÝÏ, ѳ׳ñ,ýÇñÙ³ÛÇÝ ëááõë Veal shoulder with emmer wheat pilaf (1kg) veal shoulder, mushroom, emmer wheat, special sauce 13000 æ»éáóáõÙ ï³å³Ï³Í ÑáñÃÇ Ù³ïÝ»ñ ÑáñÃÇ Ù³ïÝ»ñ, ϳñïáýÇÉ, ýÇñÙ³ÛÇÝ ëááõë, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Oven baked veal ribs veal ribs, potato, special sauce, onion, greens 6000 ÐáñÃÇ ã³É³Õ³ç ³ñÇßï³Ûáí ÑáñÃÇ ã³É³Õ³ç, ³ñÇßï³, ýÇñÙ³ÛÇÝ ëááõë Veal loin with arishta veal loin, arishta (Armenian pasta), special sauce 15000 î²ø àôîºêîܺð MAIN DISHES ³· ·³é³Ý ã³É³Õ³ç, ·³é³Ý ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, ·³é³Ý ëÇñï-Ãáù, ·³é³Ý ¹Ù³Ï, µñÇÝÓ, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ, ëááõë Crown lamb loin, lamb tenderloin, lamb heart and lungs, lamb rump, rice, onion, greens, sauce 14000 ø³ñ³ÑáõÝç ·³é³Ý íǽ, ýÇñÙ³ÛÇÝ ÷ɳí, ëááõë Karahunj lamb neck, special pilaf, sauce 6500 Ô³÷³Ù³ ¹¹áõÙ, µñÇÝÓ, ãñ»ñÇ ï»ë³Ï³ÝÇ, Ýáõß, Ù»Õñ, ϳñ³· Ghapama pumpkin, rice, dried fruits, almond, honey, butter 18000 ¾ñ½ñáõÙÇ Õ³÷³Ù³ ÊáõñçÇÝ ¹¹áõÙ, ï³í³ñÇ ÷³÷ϳÙÇë, ëÙµáõÏ, ·³½³ñ, ·³é³Ý ÙÇë, µáõÉÕ³ñ³Ï³Ý åÕå»Õ, ϳñÙÇñ ÉáµÇ, ϳݳãÇ, ϳñ³· ÉáÉÇÏ, ëááõë, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ Ghapama of Erzrum Khurjin pumpkin, beef tenderloin, eggplant, carrot, lamb, bell pepper, tomato, kidney beans, greens, butter sauce, onion, greens 8000 5500 î²ø àôîºêîܺð MAIN DISHES î³í³ñÇ Ù³ï ·³½³ñÇ ¨ ϳñïáýÇÉÇ ËÛáõëáí ï³í³ñÇ Ù³ï, ·³½³ñÇ ¨ ϳñïáýÇÉÇ ËÛáõë, ýÇñÙ³ÛÇÝ ëááõë Beef ribs with carrot and potato mash beef ribs, ܳå³ëï³Ï ÷éÇ Ù»ç potato and carrot mash, special sauce ݳå³ëï³ÏÇ ÙÇë, ϳñïáýÇÉ, ëáË, ϳݳãÇ 6500 Hare in the oven hare meat, potato, onion, greens 8500 ¶³é³Ý Ù³ï ã³É³Õ³çáí ·³é³Ý Ù³ï ã³É³Õ³çáí, ëÙµáõÏ, ²ùÉáñáí ßÇɳ ϳñïáýÇÉ, ãÇÉÇ åÕå»Õ, ýÇñÙ³ÛÇÝ ëááõë ³ùÉáñÇ ÙÇë, µñÇÝÓ, ·³½³ñ Lamb ribs with loin lamb ribs with loin, eggplant, Rooster with pilaf potato, chili pepper, special sauce rooster meat, rice, carrot 9000 9900 î²ø àôîºêîܺð MAIN DISHES îáÉÙ³ §ºñ¨³Ý¦ ï³í³ñÇ Ïïñ³ï³Í ÙÇë, µñÇÝÓ, ã³ÙÇã, ϳݳãÇ Tolma “Yerevan” sliced beef, rice, raisin, greens
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