Keynote speech by State Counsellor at Invest Myanmar

By Thu Naung Kyaw

(Hledan) Dip. in English (YUFL)

HIS is the time of the year when the universities respectively hold the convocations, when the candidates can set up their own milestones commemorating the fruits and flowers achieved after T four years of university studies and when each, to his or her delight and pride, receives a particular academic degree. Moreover, this period of the year sees a series of graduation rehearsals and convocations with each graduate-to-be busy doing Summit 2019 is republished for increase public awareness. themselves up in order to be recognized as the best looking one. We did the same in our young days; we used to take different photos of us both at the studios and on the stage. However, we never took photos by wearing only one part of the academic dress. (If the regis- trar and the Head of department saw me doing so, I would not be allowed to attend the convocation but to let go home.) Pull-out supplementOver the past three or four years, academic PAGE-3,4,5 dresses have been inappropriately abused in terms of a fashion trend; the ultimate aim is to take photos. Honestly saying, I used to loathe the sight of people doing so. As per what was advised by our teacher and the knowledge derived from what we learned, a gradu- ate-to-be must respect and cherish his or her academic dress. Even in the western countries, known to be running ahead of the trend, students wear their academic dresses with a great deal of respect. I have seen them raising the caps only. They are hardly found mis- behaving, say, wearing cap, gown and hood separately. I was wondering who started all this stuff. Some may be taking photos while writhing on the ground or lawn with full academic dresses, which, in that case, seem reduced to dirty cloths. (Were I in charge, I would drive them away when I saw such things.) When I was at Mandalay University and, there once I discovered those doing so, I was not reluctant to forbid them. Our rector and professor did not support such things either. But there’s nothing I could do if they did so behind my back. Have our youths had gone spoilt, being fraught with misconceptions regard ing things to be cherished, which prompt them to deviate from what is right. We found some taking photos with their hoods kept upside down. Do they even- know that ‘Hood represents the academic degree they have acquired’? Is that because their parents have just a little knowledge or because it is believed to be their right to clothing? Too bad some parents even are the encouragement!


Vol. V, No. 293, 14th Waning of Pyatho 1380 ME Sunday, 3 February 2019 Vice President U Henry Van Thio inspects embankment maintenance works in Nyaungdon

Vice President U Henry Van Thio and party inspect embankment maintenance work to prevent river bank erosion in Nyaungdon yesterday. PHOTO: MNA

ATIONAL Natural day afternoon. al explanations. inundation; the outcome of the bankment maintenance works Disaster Manage- First, Vice President U Responding to the ex- mitigation and prevention works conducted along the river bank ment Committee Henry Van Thio and party were planations, Vice President U carried out since then may be in Nyaungdon Town. NChairman Vice Presi- explained about embankment Henry Van Thio said that the seen now as reduction of losses Directorate of Water Re- dent U Henry Van Thio accompa- maintenance works to prevent Ayeyawady Region was a region from these natural disasters in sources and Improvement of nied by Union Minister for Con- river bank erosion in Nyaung- that had been facing natural 2018. The Nyaungdon Town em- River Systems had been con- struction U Han Zaw, Ayeyawady don town conducted yearly de- disasters of flooding and inun- bankment maintenance works ducting yearly embankment Region Chief Minister U Hla Moe pending upon funds available dation yearly. To mitigate and was an important natural dis- maintenance works in Nyaung- Aung, Deputy Minister for Agri- and status of cooperation with reduce damages, funds had to aster prevention work and thus don Town since fiscal year 2017- culture, Livestock and Irrigation Netherlands on this by Direc- be allocated to clear and dredge depending upon availability of 2018. Of the total length of 6,250 U Hla Kyaw and departmental torate of Water Resources and dead or non-flowing rivers and funds works must be conducted ft. of embankment work, 1,575 ft. officials inspected embankment Improvement of River Systems creeks. He spoke about being on priority areas, said the Vice had been conducted and 4,675 ft. maintenance works to prevent Deputy Director General U Win in Ayeyawady Region in 2016 President. of embankment work remains to river bank erosion in Ayeyawady Hlaing. Region Chief Minister U to provide relief and assistance Next, the Vice President be done it is learnt. — MNA Region Nyaungdon Town yester- Hla Moe Aung provided addition- when there were flooding and and party inspected the em- (Translated by Zaw Min) 3 FEBRUARY 2019 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets locals, departmental officials, militia in Nagmon, Putao, Kachin State

TATMADAW Command- wayza-Khaunglanphu road. er-in-Chief Senior General Min Later in the evening the Aung Hlaing went to Nagmon, Tatmadaw Commander-in-Chief Putao District, Kachin State, and met with departmental officials met with local elders, ethnic na- and local elders from Putao Dis- tionals, departmental officials trict, ethnic national leaders, and members of the people’s veterans and people’s militia militia yesterday afternoon. and discussed regional devel- First, the township admin- opment matters; later, the ethnic istrator explained about par- national leaders, veterans, peo- ticulars of Nagmon Township, ple’s militia and departmental status of road communications officials submitted regional re- and requirements while a local quirements. elder submitted requirements After the meeting the Tat- for road communication in Nag- madaw Commander-in-Chief, mon region. Union Minister and party pre- The Tatmadaw Command- sented food to local ethnic na- er-in-Chief then gave sugges- tionals, departmental officials tions on regional development and people’s militia members matters and left Nagmon according to news released by Town by car and inspected the the Office of the Tatmadaw Com- Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets with departmental officials and local elders in Nagmon, Putao District, completed section of the Mag- mander-in-Chief. — MNA Kachin State yesterday. PHOTO : MNA

Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko receives Thai Minister for Culture UNION Minister for Religious and experts from the two coun- Affairs and Culture Thura U tries on historical facts of the two Aung Ko received a delegation countries in which there were led by Minister for Culture of discrepancies and cooperation Thailand Mr. Vira Rojpojcha- in maintaining and managing narat at Ministry of religious cultural heritages and world Affairs and Culture ( Of- heritage regions were discussed fice) yesterday afternoon. cordially. At the meeting matters Present with the Union relating to bilateral religious and Minister at the meeting were cultural affair covering exchange Department of Archaeology and of cultural university students, National Museum Director Gen- arranging exhibitions of the eral U Kyaw Oo Lwin, National two countries’ archaeology and University of Arts and Culture cultural artifacts, joint study (Yangon) Rector and officials. through holding discussions —MNA (Translated by Zaw Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko holds talk with Minister for Culture of Thailand Mr. Vira Rojpojchanarat in among librarians, historians Min) Yangon yesterday. PHOTO : MNA

$ 60,000 profits seen at single pond breeding shrimp in Myeik region

ship yesterday morning. During of foreign markets, issuing rec- are for export. After the meeting, a meeting with shrimp breeding ommendations, and provisions the Union Minister and party vis- farmers, officials from the town- needed to obtain technical sup- ited a modern salt-water shrimp ship spoke of the requirements port from Norway. breeding station, cold storage and to move from catching fish and This was followed by salt-wa- soft-shell crab breeding facility at prawn in the sea to sustainable ter shrimp breeders explaining Pyae Phyo Tun Company Lim- breeding, in order to prevent de- about their current work and ited. pletion of marine and aquatic nat- ways to increase investment. One million hatched shrimps ural resources. Officials said they In response to the briefing bred in a shrimp pond can be hope to find private investors to and explanations, the Union Min- harvested within 80 to 100 days, create a Myeik region economic ister remarked about including producing 20 to 25 tons of shrimp, force to fund such a transition. regional development works in resulting in a profit of about US$ At the hall, the Union Minis- conducting business, and to fol- 20,000. By breeding three times ter was briefed by Department low rules and regulations when a year per pond, there will be a Union Minister Dr. Aung Thu and party visit modern salt-water shrimp of Fisheries Director General permitted to perform business, profit of some US$ 60,000. Since breeding station. PHOTO : MNA U Khin Maung Maw on the re- along with the requirements to it is a business with potential in UNION Minister for Agriculture, shrimp breeding station owned quirements for practicing Good raise the quality of laboratories Myeik region, much interest has Livestock and Irrigation Dr. Aung by Khaing Zinyaw Co., Ltd. in Aquaculture Practice (GAqP) to that inspect for quality and stand- been raised.—MNA (Translat- Thu visited a modern salt-water Myeik District, Kyunsu Town- meet the standards and norms ards of shrimp, since the products ed by Zaw Min) 3 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3 Keynote Speech by the State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on the occasion of the Invest Myanmar Summit 2019 held on 28 January 2019 at Myanmar Convention Centre 2 Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

(Invest Myanmar Summit 2019 jointly organized by Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI), was held in Nay Pyi Taw at MICC-2 on 29-30 January 2019. On the first day of the Summit, the State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivered a keynote address on investment matters in Myanmar at the opening ceremony. Her speech is republished for increase public awareness.)

Excellencies and distin- so doing, we shall be able to play guished guests, a major role in supporting the It gives me great pleasure expansion of trade and invest- to welcome you to the 2019 In- ment throughout the Asia-Pacific vest Myanmar Summit and to region and indeed, throughout see so many investors and busi- the world. ness people, representing a wide range of industries, sectors, in- [Global/Regional Landscape terest groups, and organisations, and Scene Setting] here with us today. Ladies and gentlemen, I am confident that this Just as Myanmar has un- Summit — the first of its kind in dergone rapid social, economic Myanmar — will serve to high- and political transformations in light the immense opportunities recent times, our world has also available to both local and for- been undergoing multiple, con- eign investors and provide you current transformations. with the opportunity to explore Throughout the past forty Myanmar’s exciting and ever years, our region has experi- evolving investment landscape. enced the greatest surge of eco- I am happy to note that, nomic growth the world has ever throughout our two-day event, seen. This rapid growth, within Union and State and Region ASEAN and the rest of Asia, has governments, together with our spearheaded the creation of new private sector partners, will be trade relationships, spurred the provided with an invaluable op- invention of new technologies, portunity to showcase their re- and facilitated the movement of spective investment prospects. peoples, ideas, goods, services I would like to express our and capital in ways which in the deep appreciation to the Sum- past had never been thought mit organizers, the Republic of possible. the Union of Myanmar Federa- Indeed, we live in an era in tion of Chambers of Commerce which Asia is rising, poised to and Industry, who have worked shape the world. Consequently, tirelessly, in partnership with economic integration, coupled the Myanmar Investment Com- State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi delivers the opening speech at the opening ceremony of Investment with innovation, free trade, grow- mission and the Directorate for Myanmar Summit 2019 in Nay Pyi Taw on 28 January, 2019. PHOTO: MNA ing people-to-people connections Investment and Companies Ad- and regional connectivity, pre- ministration, to make this event 1945, 74 years ago, that supplies economies that make up ASEAN, cooperation and integration with sents Myanmar and our inves- a success. began to reach the Republic of of which Myanmar is a member, external markets. tors with vast opportunities. I hope all of you will find this China over the newly reopened together represent a potential As the largest country in With our advantageous geo- event both fruitful and enjoya- “Burma Road”. consumer market of more than mainland Southeast Asia, My- graphical location, relatively low ble and that you will take away So we meet on a truely aus- 3.5 billion people. These same anmar not only possesses sig- labour costs, and the enormous happy memories that will serve picious date, the birthday of one economies combined account nificant potential for agricultural potential of our people, it is the to bring you back to Myanmar of our nation’s foremost reform- for some US$15 trillion dollars, production, we are also richly best of times for grasping the again and again. ers, and also the day on which or 20 percent, of our global GDP. endowed with minerals and nat- opportunities that will arise as saw the culmination of a highly This market nexus is expect- ural gas. the global economic pendulum [Historical Note] strategic infrastructure project ed to evolve into one of the most Myanmar’s southern sea- swings from West to East. Perhaps it might be worth which undoubtedly impacted on dynamic and vibrant markets board, when connected with However, there are also noting that today’s event is the course of World War II in the the modern world has ever seen. Thailand’s thriving Eastern challenges that must be over- taking place on the birthday of South-East Asian theatre. The McKinsey Global Institute Economic Corridor, creates one come. King Yazadarit, ruler of the an- predicts that by 2025 over half of the world’s most strategic eco- One key challenge for My- cient Kingdom of Hanthawaddy [Why Myanmar?] of the world’s consuming class, nomic corridors, offering access anmar will be to find ways and Pegu, one of our most renowned Ladies and gentlemen, that is, those with an income of routes to the Indian and Pacific means of ensuring that we con- monarchs. His reign, recorded Why do we say ‘invest in more than US$10 a day, will live Oceans via the Bay of Bengal and tinue to benefit from this global in the classic text “Razadarit Myanmar’? within a five-hour air journey the Andaman Sea, as well as to and regional inter-connected- Ayedawbon”, saw a range of am- Myanmar’s enviable ge- from Myanmar. the neighbouring economies of ness, keeping in mind that less bitious administrative reforms, ographical location makes us We have a sizeable popula- Cambodia, Laos, and, developed countries with weaker combined with the creation of both a strategic market, as well tion of 53 million, half of whom of course, China. links to the global economy are peaceful conditions that helped as a crossroads between China, are aged 30 or below. Thus Myan- It is our firm belief that My- at greater risk of falling further to transform the ancient king- India, Bangladesh, Laos, and mar also has a sizeable and ex- anmar has much to contribute by behind. dom into a successful trading Thailand. panding internal market which connecting regional markets to power. It was also on this day in China, India and the ten will surely benefit from greater international trade routes, and in SEE PAGE-4 3 FEBRUARY 2019 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Keynote Speech by the State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar on the occasion of the Invest Myanmar Summit 2019 held on 28 January 2019 at Myanmar Convention Centre 2 Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar

FROM PAGE-3 flows continued their decline in advantageous geographical po- anmar Sustainable Develop- of FDI liberalisation measures. 2018, following a 23 percent de- sition. ment Plan or MSDP, which pro- In recent years, we have We therefore recognize crease in 2017 from the previous vides a unifying and coherent undertaken a number of re- the urgent need for the public year. The Asia-Pacific region [Myanmar Macroeconomic roadmap for all future reforms. forms, some major and obvious, sector and the private sector, has not been immune from this Forecasts] Structured around 3 Pil- some more subtle but, in their the primary engine of economic downward trend. Ladies and gentlemen, lars, 5 Goals, 28 Strategies and own way, equally significant. All growth and job creation in My- According to the latest In Myanmar we often say 251 Action Plans, the MSDP can are primarily focused on updat- anmar and a main driving force available data, FDI inflows to “collect the water while it is be seen as the expression of our ing the regulatory and legal en- in favour of inclusive and sus- the Asia-Pacific region have raining”. national development vision. vironment aimed at developing tainable development, to work The MSDP is founded on a market-based economy which closer together as we seek mar- a long-term vision: a vision targets inclusive economic ket-based solutions to many, of a peaceful, prosperous and growth. Necessary structural but not all, of our development With new legislation in place, democratic country. The MSDP reforms have also been made to challenges. also provides a detailed strate- boost Myanmar’s development foreign investors are now per- gic planning matrix which will through greater integration Ladies and gentlemen, assist in the prioritisation, se- with the global economy. To understand Myanmar’s mitted to hold up to 35 percent quencing and implementation These reforms have had a contemporary investment land- of shares in a domestic compa- of strategic development and profound impact on Myanmar, scape we must also seek to un- investment initiatives across fundamentally enhancing our derstand the broader forces at ny without the company losing all sectors, and across all our investment environment. work. States and Regions. The pursuit of market its categorisation as a local The first goal focuses on [Investment Law] friendly economic policies, peace and national recon- One of the first major re- together with rapidly increas- company. ciliation, with a focus on the forms was the introduction ing regional cooperation and achievement of political stabil- of the Myanmar Investment integration, have been highly ity, while the second goal em- Law. Introduced in 2016, the beneficial for the Asia-Pacific phasises macroeconomic man- Myanmar Investment Law of- region, allowing many of us to stagnated slightly when com- The most recent econom- agement, with a focus on the fers investors a more trans- make a successful transition pared with previous years. ic forecast provided by the achievement and maintenance parent, more liberal and more from low income, low growth However, our region has re- ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic of economic stability, without protected investment environ- to middle-to-high income, high mained a primary destination Research Office suggests that which broader, multi-sectoral ment, bringing our investment growth. Myanmar seeks to do for FDI, accounting for 39% Myanmar’s economy is expect- development cannot begin to enabling environment further the same. of global FDI inflows in 2017, ed to grow by some 7.4 percent materialise. Hence, the first in line with international and By our own choosing, today a rise of 9 percentage points in the 2018-2019 Fiscal Year, and second goals are amongst regional agreements. our country is more exposed to compared to 2016. Further- up from 6.8 percent during the those most critical for ensuring external market and political more, developing Asia-Pacific 2017-18 Fiscal Year, and from a strong foundation upon which [Companies Law] forces than ever before. On bal- economies were collectively the 5.9 percent during the 2016-17 all future development can be Then, in December 2017 ance, Myanmar stands to gain largest recipient region for FDI Fiscal Year. based. we launched the new Myanmar from this exposure which brings inflows worldwide in 2017. We should also note that in- The third goal relates to Companies Law which came with it the potential for new in- Myanmar has also been a flation is forecast to stabilise at job creation and private sector into effect in August 2018. vestment, new technologies and major beneficiary of intra-re- 5 percent during the 2018-2019 growth, while the fourth relates Under the old 1914 Myan- knowledge transfer. But that is gional FDI, experiencing a 45 Fiscal Year. to human capacity and social mar Companies Act, a locally not to say that we are immune percent increase in FDI in- This is still higher than development, including the incorporated entity with any from the less positive aspects flows. Evidence of this can be what we may have hoped for expansion of access to quality foreign shareholding was con- of globalization. In today’s hy- seen throughout the country; but it is a marked improvement education and healthcare. sidered a foreign company in perconnected world, when one an example is the new manu- on previous years. At its peak The fifth goal, natural Myanmar. With new legislation economy so much as catches a facturing plant set up by Ma- in 2015, inflation stood at 9.99 resources management and in place, foreign investors are common cold, many more are laysia-based Kian Joo Group in percent. environmental protection, is now permitted to hold up to 35 put at risk of contagion. the Thilawa Special Economic With these positive forces aimed at protecting not just percent of shares in a domestic Zone. converging, both regionally and our country but our planet, company without the company Ladies and gentlemen, There can be no doubt that in Myanmar, now is the time for through sustainable environ- losing its categorisation as a lo- At the global level, FDI in- Myanmar is benefiting from our us to be bold and ambitious, and mental and natural resources cal company. Changing this le- bold and ambitious we shall be! management. gal definition will allow foreign Directly relevant to today’s investors to undertake business [Major Myanmar Reform event, Strategy 3.3 clearly notes activities that were previously I hope that it is now obvious Efforts] our commitment to creating restricted to companies fully Ladies and gentlemen, a favourable investment and owned by Myanmar citizens. that Myanmar is committed to As a member of the glob- business enabling environ- The new Companies Law al community of nations, the ment. Thus we can say that has also been designed to offer creating not only a favourable, Government of Myanmar has what we are doing now here, greater protection for minority confirmed our commitment to is part of the implementation investors whom we expect will but also a predictable, facilitative the realization of the Sustaina- of our strategic planning DNA. contribute to a considerable and friendly, investment ble Development Goals. improvement in Myanmar’s To this end, we have devel- Ladies and gentlemen, ranking in the Ease of Doing environment. oped a comprehensive social, Since this government Business Index. economic and environmental came into office, Myanmar has policy reform agenda, the My- been actively pursuing a range SEE PAGE-5 3 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5

FROM PAGE-4 and that it is providing a strong view to establishing simple, clear patient and innovative. path of the country, improving and positive precedent. and predictable Standard Operat- To assist investors in the the ease of doing business, and Major reform efforts have Future rollouts of similar sys- ing Procedures (SOPs), together process of identifying investment maximising the potential benefits been complemented by the re- tems elsewhere, starting with the with a single-window approach to priorities in a more strategic, of foreign direct investment and cent launch of MyCo, an electron- Myanmar Investment Commis- services delivery. transparent and open manner, its spillover effects in the domes- ic registration system through sion, are planned. This single-window ap- the Ministry of Planning and tic economy. which companies can now be in- We also hope that recent proach will go a long way toward Finance and the Ministry of In- We will continue to strive to corporated online, thus eliminat- discussions between Thailand addressing impediments faced by vestment and Foreign Economic improve the investment climate. ing the need to physically wend and Myanmar, with support from investors, while at the same time Relations have developed a Pro- your way to the registrar’s office. China and Japan, will see a sim- providing them with both pre- and ject Bank, a rolling databank con- [Challenges Ahead] We are already seeing some ilar progress made at the Dawei post-investment services. sisting of major, transformative But of course many chal- results of this. During the 5 month SEZ in short order. projects that have been screened, lenges remain. For example, our period following MyCO’s launch infrastructure gap continues to (1 August to 31 December 2018) [CBM-NET and MACCS] constrain Myanmar’s develop- some 8,400 new companies were Other notable reforms that As Southeast Asia’s final fron- ment potential. registered online. Put in another will be of interest to our investors Our energy potential has way, the number of companies are the development of an elec- tier market, we offer innumer- also yet to be fulfilled. Myanmar registered in just 5 months consti- tronic payments and settlement remains one of the world’s least tutes 10% of the total number reg- system, the ‘CBM-NET’, and an able investment opportunities; electrified countries, notwith- istered during the last 30 years, electronic customs and cargo standing our natural gas and from 1988 to 2018. clearance system, ‘MACCS’. investment opportunities are renewable energy resources. This is the type of progress Our CBM-NET consists of Myanmar’s ports must also we are determined to replicate a Real Time Gross Settlement everywhere in Myanmar. Some be upgraded and expanded to and expand. (RTGS) system, a central se- meet growing demand. Further steps will involve curities depository system, and are plain to see, others are wait- Despite these challeng- migrating many other manual a mechanised cheque clearing ing to be found. es, or one may say because of processes online so that inves- system which is connected to all them, business opportunities are tors will no longer need to go to banks within Myanmar. The CBN- abundant in proportion to the a number of places to have their NET converts the once-manual critical need for foreign direct needs addressed. process of clearing and settling [MIPP] appraised and prioritised such investment. Thus, for investors, payments into an entirely elec- We recently launched the that they are ready for implemen- challenges can be turned into [Retail Sector Liberalisation] tronic system, thus constituting Myanmar Investment Promo- tation with the most appropriate opportunities. With the launch of the Com- an important step toward the tion Plan (MIPP) which aims to source of financing, be it govern- panies Law, we have been able to modernisation of our banking attract more than US$ 200 billion ment budget, development assis- [Closing] open up new economic sectors to system. through responsible and quality tance or even through private Distinguished guests, ladies investment. For example, in 2018 Likewise, our MACCS sys- business over the next 20 years, sector financing, by way of Pri- and gentlemen, this administration successfully tem now enables exporters and facilitating Myanmar’s transition vate-Public-Partnership (PPP) It is said that what is com- opened Myanmar to wholly for- importers to apply for customs to a middle-income country. mechanisms. fortable is rarely profitable. This eign-owned firms operating in declarations and port clearances Our Project Bank is envi- is certainly the case when it the wholesale and retail sectors, online. This system connects not [New Ministry] sioned as an online one-stop- comes to investment in frontier a move which has attracted solid only to major ports but also to sev- To help sustain this already shop, where all information on markets. As Southeast Asia’s investor interest from Europe, eral major land border crossings. substantial reform effort, on 19 projects designed to implement final frontier market, we offer Japan, South Korea and beyond. The result has been shorter cus- November 2018 the Government the Myanmar Sustainable De- innumerable investment oppor- toms clearance times and greater established the Ministry of In- velopment Plan can be easily tunities; investment opportuni- [Education Sector Liberali- efficiency gains overall. vestment and Foreign Economic accessed with a single click. In ties are everywhere in Myanmar. sation] Relations (MoIFER). MoIFER preparing these projects, the Some are plain to see, others are We have also begun to lib- [MIC Reform] has been mandated to address Government is prioritising appro- waiting to be found. eralise the education sector, Importantly, the Myanmar the needs of the State and its peo- priately balanced risk allocation I stand here to reaffirm our opening the way for 100 percent Investment Commission (MIC) ple, with a focus on facilitating between the government and the commitment to continue our re- foreign-owned educational insti- private sector, as well as the use forms and to build an investment tutions, as well as locally owned of blended financing mechanisms friendly environment. schools and joint ventures. I stand here to reaffirm our to ensure the success of PPPs We only ask our investors to that are included within the Pro- ensure that their investments are [Thilawa SEZ] commitment to continue our ject Bank. responsible, by incorporating en- As noted earlier, we have vironmental, social and govern- made tremendous progress with reforms and to build an invest- Ladies and gentlemen, ance factors into their investment regard to the development of Spe- I hope that it is now obvious and business undertakings. cial Economic Zones. ment friendly environment. that Myanmar is committed to So please do come to My- I am very pleased to report creating not only a favourable, but anmar, soak in an atmosphere that the Thilawa SEZ has become also a predictable, facilitative and brimming with opportunities, and a crowning success in a very friendly, investment environment. witness our newfound economic short period of time, receiving a has been reconstituted and is an investment enabling environ- The World Bank acknowl- vibrancy with your own eyes. total investment of over US$ 1.491 now under new management that ment, furthering regional cooper- edged the positive change in I wish all of you the very best billion; this reflects the dollar val- will take forward the momentum ation initiatives, and enhancing Myanmar’s investment climate as we go forward in our busi- ue of those investments actually of change and transformation. the quality and effectiveness brought about by these and many ness-to-business engagements entering the economy. The new MIC management team of Myanmar’s cooperation and other reforms back in 2017 when and also in our people-to-people Investors from Japan, the is determined to turn Myanmar coordination with development we were granted the 2017 Star relationships. We value the deep, United States, Germany, France, into a major regional trade and partners and international or- Reformer Award. But we cannot genuine and mutually beneficial Sweden, Australia, China, India, investment destination and has ganisations. and will not rest on our laurels. friendships that can bring peo- , Thailand and Taiwan been urged to take a much more The Star Reformers Award ples and businesses together for have invested in the Thilawa SEZ, proactive approach to investment [The Project Bank] was made on the basis of efforts the benefit of all. and there are many more eager approvals. Ladies and gentlemen, made by the Government to I wish you and this Summit to enter Thilawa SEZ Zone B. The new MIC team is review- Those who know Myanmar usher in transformational in- every success. I am happy to be able to say ing all processes, not only within well will know that this country vestment policy and promotion Thank you. that a single window system is al- the MIC itself but also within oth- offers the possibility of immense reforms representing a signif- ready in use at the Thilawa SEZ, er government agencies, with a returns to investors who are both icant shift in the development * * * * * 3 FEBRUARY 2019 6 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Youth development centres, nursery schools in Tatkon Tsp provided with cash assistance by SWRR Ministry

THE youth development centre maternity wards in Kyauksayit- and self-reliant nursery schools gone and Kinpondan (East) and, in Tatkon Township, were provid- Ks Aung Myin Yeikthar villages, ed with cash assistance by the and Pyithu Hluttaw represent- Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief ative U Kyaw Tint received the and Resettlement yesterday. cash donation and extended his Union Minister for Social appreciation for the supply. Welfare, Relief and Resettle- First, Union Minister for So- Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye donates cash to youth development centrers and self-reliant nursery schools ment provided K 9342000 for the cial Welfare, Relief and Resettle- in Tatkon Township, Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory yesterday. PHOTO : MNA Kyauksaritgone Youth Develop- ment went to the Monastery in ment Centre, Ks 36 million for Da Kyauksaritgone village, Tatkon soonest, in cooperation with the works is a time-consuming and mother with children under two Hat Gone, Self-reliant nursery Township, where he met with Union Government and Nay Pyi selfless works that have to make years old. schools in Da Hat Gone, No. 1 officials, elders of the community Taw Council. sacrifices. Afterwards, the Union Min- Defense Manufacturing Facto- and people. During the meeting, Being a developing country He continued to say that he ister and party proceeded to the ry, No.4 Defense Manufacturing Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye like us, it is difficult to fulfill all hoped for opening the maternity Thuzanakari and the Aye Myittar Factory, Tatmadaw Medical Re- said that the Ministry of SWRR the requirements of the people, wards nationwide. The Minis- San Youth Development Cen- search Academy, No. 109 Infan- is making concerted efforts in and the Government is striv- try of SWRR is carrying out to tres, where they observed the try Regiment, No. 2032 Defense order to support the rehabili- ing to serve the interests of the provide more social pension to daily routines of the children and Aviation base nursery schools tation works and respond the people. Cooperation is highly senior citizens monthly while presented toys to them.—MNA in Nay Pyi Taw, Ks 978,000 for damages caused by disasters at appreciated and philanthropic supporting pregnant women and (Translated by Win Ko Ko Aung)

13th graduation, outstanding student award ceremony of MMU held in Yangon

port and Communications U Similarly officials presented Thae Phyu. Thant Sin Maung presented the Japan’s Yanmar Co. Ltd’s Best There were 461 graduates, RINA (Royal Institution of Naval Marine Engineer Student Prize consisting of 45 B.E. (Naval Architects) Myanmar Shipyard gold watch to marine engineer Architecture), 64 B.E. (Marine Award gold medal, along with a major student Maung Sat Paing Engineer), 25 B.E. (Port and cash prize of K 200,000, to Naval Hmu, Japan’s Furuno Electric Harbour Engineering), 5 B.E. Architect major student Maung Co. Ltd’s Best Nautical Science (River and Coastal Engineer- Kaung Pyae Wun, Hutchison Student Prize to nautical science ing), 29 B.E. (Marine Electrical Port Holding’s (Hong Kong) Best major students Maung Sai Nyi Systems and Electronics), 24 Port and Harbour Engineer Stu- Nyi Lwin and Maung Tu Shan, B.E. (Marine Mechanical), 58 dent Prize gold medal and US$ Starhigh-Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd’s M.Sc. (Nautical Science), 6 B.Sc. 1,000 to Port and Harbour Engi- Best River & Coastal Engineer (Nautical Science), 102 Postgrad- neering major student Ma Mya Student Prize of K 500,000 to riv- uate Diplomas, 2 M.E. and 101 Myo Myint Nwe, and Maersk er and coastal engineer major Postgraduate Diplomas in Ship- Union Minister U Thant Sin Maung presents Myanmar Shipyard Award gold medal to a Naval Architect graduate. PHOTO : MNA Line Shipping Co., Ltd’s Best student Ma Ei Phu Thwe, and ping Management graduated. Marine Electrical System and Brilliant Marine Training Cen- Myanmar Maritime Uni- MYANMAR Maritime University ing student award ceremony at Electronics Engineering Stu- tre’s Best Marine Mechanical versity was established in 2002 (MMU) of the Ministry of Trans- the university’s convocation hall dent prize money of K 100,00 to Engineer Student Prize of K and, to date, has produced 4,790 port and Communications held yesterday morning. marine electrical and electronic 300,000 to marine mechanical graduates.—MNA (Translated its 13th graduation and outstand- Union Minister for Trans- major student MaThu Thu Tun. engineer major student Ma Su by Zaw Min)

Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun inspects Printing Houses in Insein Township

DEPUTY Minister for Informa- the Myanmar Media Develop- In his opening remark, the tion to the international commu- Department under the Ministry tion U Aung Hla Tun attended the ment Centre (MMDC), Junction Deputy Minister said that the nities, the Myanmar Media played of Information, where he met with opening ceremony of Television Square, Yangon. Deputy Minister event, organized by the Myan- a pivotal role for dissemination of the officials from the Ministry of Presenters Training Course, or- U Aung Hla Tun, who is also the mar Television and Radio Broad- information and this event would Information and the Ministry of ganized the Myanmar Television chairman of Broadcasting Gov- casters' Association was held for help overcome media challenges. Education. Next he discussed the and Radio Broadcasters' Asso- erning Body – BGB) delivered the first time, and which played a Then Deputy Minister U Aung progress of the school textbooks ciation, yesterday morning, at an opening remark at the event. crucial role in fostering the My- Hla Tun attended the Broad- in the 2019-2020 Academic Years. anmar media development. As casting Governing Body (BGB) Afterwards, Deputy Minister U for our country, it is of paramount coordination meeting (1/2019), Aung Hla Tun urged the officials importance to emerge free and at the Myanmar Radio and Tele- to publish the school text books independent media creating dem- vision (MRTV) meeting hall, on with high quality and to publish ocratic checks and balances. He Pyay Road, Yangon, where he it in a timely manner while main- added that our country has just met with the members of BGB tain a safe work environment, to undergone a democratic transi- and discussed media develop- be vigilant of fire hazard, system- tion period and there may have ment and challenges faced in the atic layouts planning. Following many challenges, at the same media world. this, he inspected the GTC, the time, there are many opportu- In the afternoon, Deputy Sarpay Beikman and the Aung nities for development as well. Minister U Aung Hla Tun in- San Printing Factory.—MNA Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun addresses the Broadcasting Governing When it comes to explanation spected the G.T.C Printing Press Body coordination meeting in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO : MNA about Myanmar’s democratiza- Factory, Printing and Publishing (Translated by Win Ko Ko Aung) 3 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 7 World Wetlands Day celebrated in Inle Lake

UNION Minister for Natural Re- for staffs on maintaining and sources and Environmental Con- protection of wetlands, said the servation U Ohn Win addressed Union Minister. the World Wetlands Day celebra- Also, Shan State Chief Min- tion held at Nyaungshwe Town- ister Dr. Linn Htut spoke of his ship, Hupin Khaung Daing Hotel, appreciation for holding the 2019 Inle Lake yesterday morning. World Wetlands Day ceremony Speaking at the event, Union in Shan State Inle Lake, as the Minister U Ohn Win noted that state will develop only when Myanmar has observed World lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks and Wetlands Day since 2012. dams are cared for. The theme of World Wet- A video of Inle Lake Wild- lands Day 2019 is “Wetlands and life Sanctuary was shown at the Climate Change.” This year’s celebration, followed by Union theme reflects the ecological Minister U Ohn Win and State services provided by the wet- Chief Minister Dr. Linn Htut lands, including the growing of presenting prizes to students food, cool temperatures, and who won the World Wetlands their withstanding natural dis- Day essay competition. An offi- Union Minister U Ohn Win and officials pose for a documentary photo together with outstanding students. asters. PHOTO: MAUNG MAUNG THAN (TAUNGGYI) cial from the Forest Department World Wetlands Day was ob- then presented a document cer- served as a national level event Lake, Indawgyi Lake and Mein them. Wetlands store water for The national level wetland tifying Inle Lake as the Ramsar alternatively in Nay Pyi Taw and Ma Hla Island. agricultural lands, improve soil, list has been prepared, in cooper- Wetland area to the Shan State Moe Yun Gyi Lake, and this year The aims of the celebrations clean refuse or waste waters, ation with the Norway Environ- government and was accepted it is being observed, for the first are to educate the public about balance extreme weather con- mental Agency. The strategy to by state minister for natural time, at Inle Lake. At the same the benefits of wetlands and to ditions, and provide habitats designate the Ramsar wetland resources and environment Dr. time, World Wetlands Day is participate and become involved for birds and other species that area and Moe Yun Gyi Ramsar Nyi Nyi Aung.—Maung Maung being celebrated in Myanmar’s in wetland preservation, man- prey on insects that harms ag- Wetland Management Plan were Than (Taunggyi) (Translated Ramsar sites of Moe Yun Gyi agement and the wise uses of riculture. drawn up, along with programs by Zaw Min)

UDM (Ygn) confers degrees upon 225 graduates Independent Commission THE University of Dental Medi- 225 graduates at the 41st gradu- degrees to 177 graduates. of Enquiry Chairperson cine (Yangon) held its 41st gradu- ation ceremony. Rector of the University of ation ceremony at the Convoca- The UDM awarded specialist Dental Medicine (Yangon) Prof. departs from Yangon tion Hall of the Yangon University degrees to seven graduates, MDS Dr. Shwe Toe awarded the de- yesterday. degrees to 28 graduates, general- grees to the graduates.—MNA UDM conferred degrees to ist degrees to 13 graduates, BDS (Translated by Kyaw Zin Lin)

Students from Yangon University get best awards at 4th YICMG STUDENTS from Yangon and 4 from Viet Nam, took part in dryers that can be operated with University have recently been the competition. Under the title solar and biomass power sources. awarded as the best teams for “Green Consumption and Green Another team, led by Yan- two projects at the 4th Youth Production,” different projects gon University’s M.A chemistry Innovation Competition on were entered at the 4th YICMG. student Ma Khaing Phyu Phyu Lancang-Mekong Region’s The team with three first-year Thant, and included two stu- Governance and Development honor students from Yangon dents from Viet Nam, also won (YICMG) held at Royal Universi- University, Mg Oak Soe Kyaw, “The Best International Team ty of Phnon Penh in Phnon Penh, Ma May Myat Noe Oo and Mg Award” for the “Green for Future Independent Commission of Enquiry Chairperson Rosario Manato Cambodia from 22 to 26 January. Zwe Htet, was presented “The Website.” The Youth Innovation (second from left) departs from Yangon yesterday. PHOTO : MNA A total of 57 students, making Best Project for Incubation Team Competition on Lancang-Me- up 19 teams from six countries Award” for “Development of a kong Region’s Governance and THE Independent Commission Director-General U Zaw Phyo in the Mekong region, including Hybrid Solar Dryer.” The aim of Development –YICMG 2019 is a of Enquiry Chairperson, Am- Win, the Deputy Director-Gen- 3 student teams from China, 4 the project is to create a voca- programme organized by Fudan bassador Rosario Manato, left eral of the Protocol Depart- from Myanmar, 3 from Laos, 3 tional business for local people University in the People's Repub- Yangon yesterday morning. ment of the Ministry of For- from Cambodia, 2 from Thailand in the Mekong region, using grain lic of China (PRC). Since 2016, the The Government of the eign Affairs U Zaw Tun Oo and programme has been held twice Republic of the Union of My- other officials. PHOTO: MNA a year and seen participation by anmar has formed an Independ- Similarly, commission students from six countries in ent Commission of Enquiry, as members, the former Un- the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. part of its national initiative to der-Secretary-General for Hu- A total of 12 students from address reconciliation, peace, manitarian Affairs and Emer- Yangon University, 3 Physics stability and development in gency Relief Coordinator, and specialization students, 6 Chem- Rakhine State. the former Permanent Repre- istry students and 3 Industrial The Chairperson was seen sentative of Japan to the Unit- Chemistry students represent- off at Yangon International ed Nations, Ambassador Kenzo ing Myanmar took part in the 4th Airport by Ministry of Foreign Oshima, also left Yangon later YICMG.—MNA (Translated by Affairs Strategic Studies and in the evening.—MNA (Trans- Kyaw Zin Tun) Training Department Deputy lated by Win Ko Ko Aung) 3 FEBRUARY 2019 3 FEBRUARY 2019 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR OPINION 9

Democratic People’s hopes emerge from strength 72nd Anniversary (2019) Union Day National Objectives

politics and the inspired by Union Day 1. All ethnic nationals to work with collective strength for non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national unity, perpetuation of national sovereignty; and to By Dr. Myat Moe for unity and walked on the de- While there are more impor- work for preservation and protection of the above. role of Hluttaws velopment road. tant issues to be taken up, We 2. To strive for the emergence of a Constitution that is in align- HRONICLE of My- People are very much wor- must discard pessimistic views ment and harmony with the Democratic Federal Union. anmar shows many ried and in anxiety over the dis- and absorb optimistic ideas so 3. To strive for the success of the Union Peace Conference HE concepts of constructive thoughts, words and actions auspicious days in the unity and internal conflicts, but that solid milestones of achieve- – 21st Century Panlong and thence till the success of the have deep meaning in the world of democratic institutions. Ccountry, and that the the ceasefire agreements have ments could be achieved. For internal peace process. The modern world is using the word ‘democratic Union Day is embedded with full offered the chance for internal the pragmatic development, all 4. All union nationals to cooperate and work in “Unity and Tpolitics’ but the truth is politics was not customarily pro- of meaning and essence which peace. the stakeholders must partic- Harmony” for rule of law and for the people to be secure moted under authoritarian regimes. Indeed, they were submerged, falls on February 12. Temporary conciliation is ipate in the process, and that and free from danger. suffocated, and subdued with the use of oppressive and sometimes the stride for the greater good of finger pointing for blames must 5. All union citizens to be able to enjoy good education and deadly force. True politics is when there are mechanisms and in- 72nd Anniversary of Union eternal peace, and therefore, all be avoided. adequate health care protection. frastructure in place that allow the people to elect politicians who Day stakeholders and organizations The advantages and weak- will represent them and take responsibility for their welfare. As Living our lives in our own must extend more flexibility and nesses of each side should be such, since this system bases itself on the will of the people, the ways in harmony and unity for moved ahead for comprehensive weighed and diverted into good political landscape will be diverse and inclusive only if democracy many centuries, and now that ceasefire for the sake of build- results. The intended goals and is allowed to thrive. all the nationalities are longing ing federal democracy union destinations are to be followed In the politics of a democratic system, the representatives of to reunite and come together through peace conferences. with audacity and courage. the people are elected from candidates who receive the majority again, and therefore looking for Each and every organiza- of votes and public support. The parliament (Hluttaw) composed a way out in quest of peace. Basic ideology of democracy tion must always keep their of these representatives play the most important and prominent Fighting against the impe- All the people are desirous peace door open with trust and Myanmar Daily Weather Report role in the nation, in addition to being the most accountable pillar rialists and the Fascists, the to build a healthy human society, cooperate with each other close- (Issued at 7:00 pm Saturday 2nd February, 2019) of democracy. After all, isn’t whole country was exception- and that the miscellany, mixture ly in finding the solutions and it the Hluttaw that mainly or- ally united for decades, and and medley could be used as overcome the difficulties. ganizes the presidency and the eventually regained the inde- diversity of democracy in the In quest of peace, it is nec- BAY INFERENCE: Weather is generally fair over the North MPs sitting in executive pillar? pendence without discrimina- nation building. We must keep in essary to have the power of ne- Bay and a few cloud to partly cloudy over the Andaman Sea and the Hluttaws This is why the people’s tion with the frontier areas and mind that the diversity of ideas gotiation such as that to have elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal. representatives, who have the flat lands. must never be allowed for an- patience, to have good benev- need to acquire also become Members of Par- Despite the conspiracy tagonism as it might ignite the olence, to have better listening FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 3rd liament (MPs), are entrusted of the imperialists, all the na- terror and nightmare. We must mind-set, and to reduce mis- February, 2019: Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in the foresight and with the most vital and prom- tionalities residing on the hilly Taninthayi Region and isolated in Kachin State. Degree of cer- inent responsibilities to the regions never ever believe the tainty is (80%). Weather will be partly cloudy in Upper Sagaing wisdom to look 71st Union Day celebration was held in Panglong where Panglong Agreement was reached on 12 February 1947. people of the nation. deceitful plans, and that the Region, Kayin and Mon States and generally fair in the remaining to the benefits of Now that we have ex- representatives of the nation- We must discard pessimistic Regions and States. the constituents plained the significance of als dashed towards Panglong ously emulate and follow the ifests the strength. and being an MP, and the heavy legendary town and signed the concept and outlook of Bogyoke Harmony” that is for rule views and absorb optimistic STATE OF THE SEA: Sea will be slight to moderate in who elected duties and consequences that agreement creating the Union Aung San who showed the role Necessary to build the trust of law in the nation, and for ideas so that solid milestones of Myanmar waters. Wave height will be about (3-5) feet off and them in tandem come with it, it should be clear Day which is on the dot of (72) model of leadership. Disunity starts with the loss the people to be secured and along Myanmar Coasts. that the prospective MP should anniversary. Leadership role based on of trust, and therefore, the trust free from danger. achievements could be achieved. with the benefit be mindful of their thoughts, honesty and sincerity laced with building is the only solution to 5. All union citizens to be able OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Decrease words and actions and steer Leadership Role wisdom is very much helpful acquire peace and band into a to enjoy good education and of night temperatures in Upper Myanmar areas. of the entire them towards constructive Needless to say that it is and supportive to the nation- genuine Union. adequate health care pro- efforts lest they be branded time to celebrate the Union Day alities, the ethnic armed or- 72nd Anniversary of Union tection. FORECAST FOR NAYPYITAW AND NEIGHBOURING country. ill-mannered. with more meaningful, signifi- ganizations, and the political Day National Objectives reflect avoid racial tension and racial trust, and eventually gaining AREA FOR 3rdFebruary, 2019: Fair weather. To be suitable for assum- cant and determined approach- parties. On the long journey the emergence of Democrat- Peace and Stability discrimination in the country. the status of win-win situation. ing these responsibilities, es for the unity of the nation. At towards national reconciliation ic Federal Union; the national Only when the whole coun- Positive expectation In wrapping up the article, FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING every politician needs to put his or her self-interest last and the this juncture, we all must seri- and internal peace, the role of reconciliation; and all round try is in peace and stability, we Over the years, the Union the people and all the nation- AREA FOR 3rd February, 2019: Fair weather. collective benefit of the people first. Furthermore, they must be the self-sacrificing leadership development. could build a prosperous com- Peace Conference - 21st Cen- alities are desirous in creating ever alert to the voice of the people, understand what their needs is very much essential. 1. All ethnic nationals to work munity, and that the current and tury Panglong has resulted a matured and stable Union FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING and wishes are, and how to best fulfill them. You cannot be a good with collective strength for existing circumstances must be with agreements combined through the peace process. Peo- AREA FOR 3rdFebruary, 2019: Fair weather. representative for the people if you are clueless as to how to solve On the Essence of objective non-disintegration of the reviewed with seriousness. in optimistic and affirmative ple accepted the diverse ideas their problems and needs. Entire people are desirous Union, non-disintegration of As the government, the views paving the way for posi- and varied opinions, but people Likewise, no matter how skilled a politician may be, they long journey to- to have the unity with genu- national unity, perpetuation Hluttaws, the Tatmadaw, the tive expectation that we must are afraid of split stories and need to earn the trust of the people and be assigned the task of ine essence in celebrating the of national sovereignty; and nationalities, and the people are embraced in time. The agenda scared of hatred and tension. representing them through their own volition. You cannot be a wards national Union Day, and living in weal to work for preservation and the main pillars of the country, and time frame for peace con- They dislike the environment good representative without the support of the very people you reconciliation and woe is the outlooks and at- protection of the above. they should exchange their ferences are the expectation of with the dogmatism, racism, choose to represent. titudes. 2. To strive for the emergence views more and it is the proper the people. grouping, discrimination, prej- Call Every nation needs capable and trustworthy MPs to represent and internal People wanted the Union of a Constitution that is in time to fulfill the expectations Moreover, the special meet- udice, and one sided thinking. Thin Thin May, the people but it is our belief that our nation needs them now more agreements through consider- alignment and harmony of the people. ings and the official meetings All these obsession and than ever. MPs sitting in the Hluttaws need to acquire the foresight peace, the role of ation at the earliest, and that with the Democratic Fed- must be supplemented with deep-seated feeling must be 09251022355 and wisdom to look to the benefits of the constituents who elected the self-sacrific- the peace process and the eral Union. An opportunity for internal informal and unofficial meets discarded so as to build trust them in tandem with the benefit of the entire country. socio-economic development 3. To strive for the success of peace so that wide ranging issues and join hands in practicing the 09974424848 We urge MPs and politicians alike not to shut their eyes and ing leadership is should be reflected in equal the Union Peace Conference This is the right time for and subjects could be taken up democratic norms with the de- assume that their own ideas and notions are correct. We believe opportunity. – 21st Century Panglong and the government, the people, the at these meetings more often serving fine characteristics for MPs must learn to understand the different perspectives of others very much The successful implemen- thence till the success of the Hluttaws, the Tatmadaw, the po- which happened to be the ex- the better development of the and strive to implement decisions that will support and flourish the tation of the objectives is the internal peace process. litical parties, the ethnic armed pectation of the people. upcoming generation and the socioeconomic benefits of the country and its people. essential. way out in solving the predica- 4. All union nationals to co- organizations, and the civil soci- greater good of the nation. ments of the nation and it man- operate and work in “Unity eties to exert the utmost efforts Power of negotiations Translated by UMT (Ahlon) 3 FEBRUARY 2019 10 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR New bridge to be built near Goteik viaduct

DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR A new four-lane section of the Aye Min Soe Mandalay-Lashio-Muse motor [email protected] road will be constructed, along SENIOR EDITORIAL CONSULTANT with a bridge near the Goteik Kyaw Myaing viaduct, after completing pay-

SENIOR TRANSLATORS ments for land compensation, Zaw Min said U Thet Swe, head of the Zaw Htet Oo road and bridge construction Win Ko Ko Aung section of the Oriental Highway

INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR Company. Ye Htut Tin, The Mandalay-Lash- [email protected] io-Muse section of the Union

LOCAL NEWS EDITORS Highway is very dangerous Tun Tun Naing (Editor), because there are many sharp [email protected] winding narrow bends. There- Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), fore, a project to build a wider [email protected] and better road, with a new TRANSLATORS bridge near Goteik viaduct, will Khaing Thanda Lwin, soon be carried out by the Ori- Hay Mar Tin Win, Ei Myat Mon ental Highway Company. The Kyaw Zin Lin project will be implemented Kyaw Zin Tun within three and a half years. Currently, the State govern- REPORTER ment has to pay compensation Nyein Nyein Ei, A new four-lane section of the Mandalay-Lashio-Muse motor road will be constructed, along with a bridge [email protected] to a remaining 16 land owners near the Goteik Viaduct. PHOTO : SUNSHINE from Nawnghkio Township and PHOTOGRAPHER 10 land owners from Kyaukme- traffic jams, as well as road will be built near Goteik Via- ture project on the Manda- Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar Township, out of over 300 local accidents. Upon completion duct. The new road section is lay-Lashio-Muse section of COMPUTER TEAM land owners. of the project, the road will located between milepost 72/5 the Union Road, which is a sig- Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe, “The State government have a better surface and few- at Nawnghkio entrance gate nificant border trade route. As Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, has paid 90 per cent of the com- er sharp, winding bends, with and milepost 92/5 at Naung a consequence, the new road Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe pensation to land owners. We the potential to reduce traffic Pain village. The cable steel section will ensure a better flow are not sure when the project congestion and road accidents,” bridge will be 887 meters long of goods transported between EDITORIAL SECTION will start. The nylon asphalt- he added. and stand at over 100 meters China and Myanmar, once it (+95) (01)8604529, Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 ed road will exist four-lanes. The new road will be con- high. is completed.—Khine Satt Currently, the road sees many nected to the new bridge, which This is a large infrastruc- Wai(Translated by Hay Mar) CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, Hotline - 09 974424114

ADVERTISING & MARKETING Roads used by illegal loggers in Bago Yoma destroyed ( +95) (01) 8604530, Hotline - 09 974424848 [email protected] AUTHORITIES are destroy- gion’s forest department are [email protected] ing roads used in illegal log- searching for roads used in il- ging operations in Bago Yoma. legal logging, and have since Printed and published at the Global New Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at These roads run in parallel to found a bulldozer and a trac- No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan the three roads crossing Bago tor near Tayaw creek, east of Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light Yoma. Padauk Kaw village, Myauk of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. “The authorities are crack- Na Win forest reserve, in Pauk 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. ing down on the illegal logging Khaung Township. The police [email protected] cases. The illegal timber ex- also arrested four machine op- tractors build the new earth- erators. en roads to do illegal logging. The Bago region forest That’s why these earthen roads department will destroy those are being destroyed. We confis- earthen roads constructed in cated the machinery and motor parallel to the motor roads The authorities seize illegally harvested timber. PHOTO : TIN SOE (BAGO) vehicles used in constructing between Ottwin-Paukkhaung, these roads,” said U Zaw Oo, di- Myo Chaung-Sein Kant Lant of illegal timber and arrested three-wheel motorbikes, saw rector of the Forest and Natural and Kopin-Thagara. 59 offenders. The department mills, hand saws and other Environmental Conservation Between December 2018 also confiscated 20 vehicles, one items used in illegal logging.— Department in Bago Region. and 28 January 2019, the depart- motor vessel, 15 motorbikes, Tin Soe (Bago) (Translated Officials from Bago Re- ment confiscated 1,212.291 tons one bulldozer, one tractor, two by Hay Mar)

Write for us Two killed, five injured in drowsy driving in Madaya We appreciate your feedback and contributions. If you have any comments TWO men were killed while five driver and six passengers, and Following the accident, the medical treatment at Mandalay or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email others were injured on Saturday being driven by Chit Oo Maung, driver was taken to hospital by General Hospital. [email protected] morning when a vehicle over- 35, of Singu Township, rolled ambulance, where he was pro- Police have filed a case with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only turned after drowsy driving on onto its side in a ditch after nounced dead. U Htun Zaw, 45, against the careless driver, ac- able to publish “Letter to the Editor” the Mandalay-Mogkok road in colliding with a tree between a passenger travelling with him, cording to the Penal Code.—Sow that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words Madaya Township, PyinOoLwin milepost 13/4 and 13/5 near the died at the scene of the accident. Kyaw Thu Htwe (Madaya) please be aware that your letter will be District, Mandalay Region. south of Wathonedara Village on The remaining passengers sus- (Translated by Khaing edited. An AD Van, carrying the 2 February. tained injuries and are receiving Thanda Lwin) 3 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 11 Border trade between Myanmar and Bangladesh increases THE value of the border trade ber), the country’s total trade between Myanmar and Bang- with Bangladesh reached near- ladesh, as of 25th January, ly $243 million, decreasing by reached US$ 13.7 million, an $19.8 million against the total increase of $ 3.6 million com- value of $63.8 million from the pared with the same period last 2017-2018 FY. Marketable last year, according to statistics items at the Myanmar-Bangla- provided by the Ministry of Com- desh cross-borders include bam- merce. boos, ginger, peanuts, saltwater From 1st October to 25th prawns and fish, dried plums, January, trade through the garlic, rice, mung beans, blan- Maungtaw gate reached $ 10.92 kets, candy, plum jams, footwear, million, while trade from the frozen foods, chemicals, leather, Sittway border point was val- jute products, tobacco, plastics, ued at $ 2.78 million. Commod- wood, knitwear, beverages and ities are delivered principally human hair. by sea. Border trade between The total border trade of the two countries is conducted Myanmar with her four neigh- through the Sittway and Maung- boring countries reached $2.74 taw cross-border trade camps. billion in the the 2019-2019 fiscal During the 2018 six-month mini year.—Zwe (Translated by budget period (April-Septem- Hay Mar) Workers carry sacks of ginger at the cross border trade camp. PHOTO: HEIN HTET LIN Muse trade likely to Capital goods imports down almost continue downward trend $180 mln in current FY SINO-Myanmar border trade trade at Muse has been declining through the Muse checkpoint is owing to tight confiscation and MYANMAR’S importing of capital try’s annual statistical report, African states, as well as some likely to continue its slide owing to trade suspension by China, cou- goods during the current fiscal Myanmar imported capital western countries. The country tight confiscation and trade sus- pled with closure of the border year 2018-2019 reached nearly goods amounting to $3.5 billion mainly imports four groups of pension by China before and dur- gate. Myanmar conducts bor- US$1.9 billion, registering a de- in the 2018 mini-budget period commodities, including capital ing the Chinese New Year Festi- der trade with China through crease of $179 million compared (April-September). During the goods, manufactured goods, con- val. Muse is the major border the Muse, Lweje, Chinshwehaw, with the corresponding period in last fiscal year, its imports of the sumer products and CMP raw gate in Myanmar and performs Kanpiketee, and Kentung gates. the last 2017-2018 FY, the Ministry same totalled $6.59 billion. materials. the largest volume of trade. The The Sino-Myanmar border trade of Commerce reported. The country’s annual import During the October-January gate witnessed a steep drop in stood at $1.31 billion at Muse, From 1 October through 25 of capital goods included $6.9 period, the country also imported trade of US$614.7 million between $53.8 million at Lwejel, $208.8 January this FY, the private sec- billion in the 2016-2017 FY, $8.25 semi-finished goods worth $2.127 1 October and 25 January in the million at Chinshwehaw, $53.34 tor’s importing of capital goods billion in the 2015-2016 FY, $8.03 billion, consumer goods worth current fiscal year compared with million at Kanpiketee, and $1.15 was valued at some $1.6 billion, billion in the 2014-2015 FY, $5.69 $1.085 billion and CMP raw ma- the corresponding period of the million at Kengtung in the Octo- which saw a decline in value by billion in the 2013-2014 FY, $3.8 terials worth $730 million. My- 2017-2018FY. ber-January period. $240 million. However, the import billion in the 2012-2013 FY and anmar’s total imports exceeded Over the three-month period Myanmar exports rice, sug- of similar products by the public $3.7 billion in the 2011-2012 FY. $5.8 billion, as of 25 January, de- in the 2018-2019FY, the value of ar, pulses, sesame seeds, corn, sector increased to $300 million Myanmar conducts interna- creasing by over $200 million, as trade at Muse gate was pegged dried tea leaves, fishery products, from the last FY’s total of $239 tional trade with ASEAN mem- against this time during the last at $1.31 billion, with exports worth minerals, and animal products million. bers, European Union member fiscal year.—Shwe Khine (Trans- $735 million and imports valued to China, while it imports agri- According to the minis- states, island nations, Asian and lated by Khaing Thanda Lwin) at $582 million. In the corre- culture machinery, electrical ap- sponding period of the previous pliances, iron and steel-related fiscal, trade at Muse gate totalled materials, raw industrial goods, $1.93 billion.Since October 2018, and consumer goods.—GNLM Mandalay Region earns over K27 bln in revenues this fiscal year

THE Mandalay Region Internal general public,” he said. Revenues from gold trading have Revenue Department expects Annually, the revenue col- increased nearly three-fold fol- to receive revenues of K157 bil- lection target is set by the Union lowing a meeting between reve- lion for the 2018-2019 financial government. nue authorities and gold traders. year, taking in over K27 billion, Early in this FY, the Manda- This was successful thanks to the or 17 per cent of its target, as of lay Region collected K12 billion in department’s attempts to raise mid-January, said U Aung Kyaw income tax from its target of K72 awareness about taxes. Soe, head of the department. billion, K7 billion in commercial The Internal Revenue De- “The department collect- tax from the target of K59 billion, partment is collecting five types ed K46 billion in revenue from K2.4 billion in special commodi- of taxes, including income tax, taxpayers during the 2018 mi- ties taxes from the target of K9 commercial tax, special commod- ni-budget period between April billion, K2.3 billion worth of stamp ities tax, stamp duties and the and September. It expects to col- duty from the target of K11 billion state lottery tax. lect 80 percent of revenues, as of and K1.5 billion in state lottery The department continues this March. taxes from the target of K5 billion. its efforts to conduct aware- The revenue authorities are U Aung Kyaw Soe said that ness raising activities and seek putting forth continuous efforts to the department saw a decline new taxpayers.—Khine Hset reach their target, raising aware- in revenues from gold trading Wai (Translated by Khaing ness about taxes amongst the in the past mini-budget period. Thanda Lwin) 3 FEBRUARY 2019 12 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Nga Wun Bridge (Laymyethna) inaugurated

NGA WUN BRIDGE (Laymy- ethna) in Laymyethna Town, Hinthada District, Ayeyarwaddy Region was inaugurated yester- day. This Nga Wun Bridge is situated over the Nga Wun River, on the road of Hinthada-Talu- htaw-Laymyethna – Khattu – Pann Taw Gyi. This Bridge was organized and constructed by Bridge Special Unit (16), Bridge Construction Department Unit (4) under Ministry of Construc- tion. The length of the bridge is 1968.6 feet and width of 24 feet, with 2 feet width of pedestri- an road. The type of Bridge is Steel Box Girder, plate Girder and R.C Girder with a riverine route height of 20 feet and width of 174 feet. The bridge can carry 75 tons per vehicle and the total In the past, Laymyethna Town had restricted road and communication access, but since the new bridge has been built all residents are grateful for cost of the construction was over the open access in four directions. PHOTO: THAN OO (LAYMYATHNAR) 1 thousand million Kyats. Nga Wun Bridge is the road but since the new bridge morning,” said a local from La- Wun Bridge and try to cross on day trips from Yangon to Myay center point of Pathein-Monywa has been constructed, all local ymyethna working in Nay Pyi the bridge. All local residents Myin Kon Village, which was Road in the western side of Nga residents are grateful for all the Taw. On 1st December, local are thankful to those who put the birth place of Pahtama Htuk Wun river. The first entrance is open access in four directions. people, bicycles, trishaws, mo- all their efforts into constructing Khaung Sayadawgyi,” he said. It Sone Kon Bridge which crosses “After hearing the joy of local torbikes and mini cars used the this bridge,” he added. is a great chance now to go visit Nga Wun River over Hinthada- residents through social media bridge temporarily. Addition to this, roads adja- the pleasant village of Sayadaw- Taluhtaw- Sone Kon –Inngapu channels such as Facebook and “My friend phoned me to cent to this bridge had been ren- gyi as the bridge has completed to Pathein-Monywa Road. The Viber, all distant Laymyethna come back my home town to ovated and Htu Par Yone pagoda, the construction. second entrance is Nga Thaing local, including myself, wish to witness the new bridge. After which was left in the old city, was Sadu Mukha Htupay- Chaung Bridge situated on Yay run back to our hometown. receiving his call, I feel sudden being protected from erosion of one Pagoda, founded by the Kyi- Nga Thine Chaung- Thet While I’m longing for my longing in my heart,” he said. water by a river bank project First Myanmar Founder King Kel Pyin Road and this newly hometown, our ward’s commu- “Crossing the other side of under 2017-2018 division budget. Anawrahta in Myanmar calen- constructed Nga Wun Bridge is nity hall opens Vocalist Anaing’s river with a small boat with much The new bridge shortens dar year 420, renovated by Ah the third entrance. “Nge Phaw” song, which was a difficulties to reach to offices and the travel hours between local Laung Min Tayar Gyi in the year Ngawun Bridge brings new very famous song back in our schools, while the water in the villages and Yangon. 1115 is located in Laymyethna. life childhood, and while reminiscing river rises, would be an unfor- Day trips from local villages — Than Oo In the past, Laymyethna my childhood, my friend from gettable memory. And people to Yangon (Laymyethna)/ Translated was not easily accessible by road Laymyethna called at 8 in the would be willing to see this Nga “The local people can go by HYME

Ten men arrested for extortion, claimed they Police restores were news media from Nay Pyi Taw normalcy in Thayet manded money to remain after quarrel silent. However, a brawl erupted when they asked Due to a timely response by the police force an quar- for money at the next hut. rel that occurs at about 6:30 p.m. on 1 February in Police were then Thayet town between drunk revelers returning from called and detained those a football match and a car owner, whose car window involved. During the po- was smashed while parked in front of his teashop lice interrogation, the was put under control with 16 persons treated at so-called members of the District People’s Hospital outpatient department. news media confessed All except two, a man and a woman remainedat the that they had extorted K1 hospital undergoing treatment. million from a charcoal Peace and tranquility had returned to Thayet maker in the same area and the car owner was learnt to have opened a case TEN MEN were arrest- ship, Nay Pyi Taw Council the charcoal makers, say- five days earlier. at Thayet Myoma Police Station for the car window ed on 31 January for ex- Area, claimed to be mem- ing they would tell author- Police also learned being smashed. torting money from local bers of the news media ities about the making of that Zeyar Lin was want- District Police Captain Maung Maung Zaw of charcoal makers in a for- from Nay Pyi Taw and illegal charcoal. ed by police for cheating Thayet District Police Force said the incident the est in Padaung Township, took photos of charcoal Following the others out of K3.6 million day before was not a religious conflict as some Pyay District, according makers’ huts in Kyauk- threats, they were paid in Thayawady. people say. It is an altercation between drunken to local police. phu Forest Reserve in K200,000 and left the area. Police have since revelers returning from a football match and a car The arrested men, Padaung Township on On 31 January, the same opened a file against the owner. Now everything is under control and we are led by Zeyar Lin, also 30 January. Later, they group also took photos ten men at the Thay- continuing to monitor the situation, said the Police known as Hlaing Htay destroyed utensils inside of a business for making awady Myoma Police Captain. — District IPRD from Pobbathiri Town- the huts and threatened bamboo charcoal and de- Station. — MNA (Translated by Zaw Min) 3 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ENVIRONMENT 13 Thai forest rangers train to tackle wildlife crime

NAKHON NAYOK (Thai- But efforts by its 14,000 $1 million worth of rhino land)—Camo-clad rangers rangers to take down ille- horns to Thailand but the ambush a camp in a lush gal hunters and loggers are case unravelled when the Thai national park, kick- often stymied by a lack of sole eyewitness changed ing away a machete and resources and training, his testimony. a firearm and pinning two with about 15 rangers A successful convic- suspected poachers to the killed each year in deadly tion has to be handled ground—part of a training encounters. “correctly from the forests exercise to counter a lucra- Impunity also reigns to the courts”, said Free- tive wildlife trade. for traffickers who are well land’s program director “Go!” team leader connected politically and Tim Redford, adding that Kritkhajorn Tangon yells financially, dodging jail time widespread wildlife poach- as the group tackles the ac- when there is little iron- ing and smuggling involves tors, who had near them clad physical evidence to transnational organised sambar deer antlers and a keep them behind bars. crime rings. “These crim- blade covered in fake blood. Gathering evidence, inals are exploiting loop- Thailand’s conserva- protecting a crime scene holes in the law, they are tionists are struggling to and using forensic analy- exploiting weakness of un- stamp out the multibil- sis were some of the skills derstanding in judges and Thailand’s conservationists are struggling to stamp out the multibillion-dollar black market lion-dollar black market in developed by more than a prosecutors, and that’s why in animal parts. PHOTO: AFP animal parts, finding them- dozen rangers who took they are winning,” he said. selves outgunned by illegal part in the training week Cambodia and Laos. Freeland has emphasized Transnational gangs One case which left hunters and outflanked by led by anti-trafficking group “Our investigation the need for material ev- The training, funded the Thai public incensed in- courts. The country is a key Freeland. skills are still weak... when idence as “it cannot be by the British embassy in volved construction tycoon transit point for smugglers Among the partici- they (rangers) encounter manipulated, whereas an Bangkok, comes the same Premchai Karnasuta, who moving on to Viet Nam and pants in the event at Khao these situations, they leave eyewitness can retract his week a Thai court dis- was arrested last Febru- China, two of the world’s Yai National Park, which loopholes in the collection testimony”, said country missed charges against ary after rangers stumbled biggest markets for parts culminated in Friday’s of evidence,” Kritkhajorn director Petcharat Sang- a suspected wildlife traf- on his camp in a national from endangered and pro- mock scenario, were four told AFP. “It could result in chai, a retired police ma- ficking kingpin. He was park in Kanchanaburi prov- tected species. officials from neighbouring the suspect walking free.” jor-general. accused of smuggling ince.—AFP

Environmentalists attacked on Advertise with us/ Mexico porpoise patrol Hot Line: MEXICO CITY (Mexico)—Environmen- In the latest incident, the ship “was 09974424848 tal group Sea Shepherd said on Friday one violently attacked by over 50 assailants of its ships had been attacked by 20 boats posing as fishermen,” said the US envi- while patrolling off the coast of Mexico to ronmental group. “Sea Shepherd crew PESTICIDES DISTRIBUTER CHANGING protect the endangered vaquita marina members fended the attackers off using We, INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND GROUP SEIN KONG TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, would porpoise from illegal fishermen. emergency fire hoses while Mexican navy like to change distributer of the following products, (registered by GUANGZHOU CHEERWIN HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT CO., LTD (China) to Pesticide Registration Board, Myanmar), from Attackers on high-speed boats threw soldiers and federal police stationed on former distributer CLOSE FRIEND COMPANY LIMITED. If any object or enquiry, please contact Molotov cocktails and large rocks at the board opened fired into the air and sea to to Pesticide registration Board, Plant Protection Division, Bayint Naung Road, West Gyogone, Insein M/V Farley Mowat in the Gulf of Cali- deter the attackers.” Township, Yangon, from here to next 14 days. fornia on Thursday, shattering windows Video taken by crew members INTERNATIONAL DIAMOND GROUP SEIN KONG TRADING COMPANY LIMITED Ph-09440225618/09448045122 and igniting a fire on the patrol ship, Sea showed the attackers aggressively ap- Shepherd said in a statement. proaching the ship and hurling projectiles Sr Trade Name A.I Receive No. Type of pesticide It is the second time the organiza- that shattered its windows. 1. SUPERB SLIGHT-SMOKE Meperfluthrin 0.08% P2018-4378 House Hold tion’s patrol ships have come under attack Sea Shepherd regularly patrols the MOSQUITO COILS MC in three weeks. A similar attack occurred vaquita marina refuge that Mexico has es- 2 SUPERB SMOKELESS Meperfluthrin 0.05 P2018-4379 House Hold in the same waters on 9 January. tablished in the Gulf of California.—AFP MOSQUITO COILS % MC

CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE M.V UNI AMPLE VOY. NO. (0158-471N/S) M.V IAL 001 VOY. NO. (022 N/S) M.V YANTRA BHUM VOY. NO. (1019 W/E) Consignees of cargo carried on M.V UNI AMPLE Consignees of cargo carried on M.V IAL 001 VOY. Consignees of cargo carried on M.V YANTRA VOY. NO. (0158-471N/S) are hereby notified that the NO. (022 N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel will be BHUM VOY. NO. (1019 W/E) are hereby notified that vessel will be arriving on 03-02-2019 and cargo will be arriving on 03-02-2019 and cargo will be discharged into the vessel will be arriving on 03-02-2019 and cargo will discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie the premises of H.P.T where it will lie at the consignee’s be discharged into the premises of M.I.P/M.I.T.T where it at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. conditions of the Port of Yangon. the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S EVERGREEN SHIPPING MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S REGIONAL CONTAINER LINES AGENT FOR: M/S INTER ASIA LINES LINES Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 3 FEBRUARY 2019 14 SOCIAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Russia digs Grammy task force to tackle gender into mystery mountain deaths inequality in music 60 years later NEW YORK (United States)— MOSCOW (Russia)—Russian The institution behind the Gram- prosecutors said on Friday they mys on Friday announced its first were revisiting the case of hik- major step aimed at tackling gen- ers who died on a snowy Urals der inequality in music, launching mountain in 1959, an unsolved a plan to expand opportunities for Soviet-era mystery that has in- women producers and engineers. spired theories ranging from The Recording Academy in- aliens to a botched nuclear test. itiative calls on artists to include The announcement came at least two women in the pool of 60 years after nine experienced candidiates they hire from, say- hikers led by Igor Dyatlov per- ing “the music industry is at a ished on a remote Urals hill- crossroads and progress won’t side on the night of 1 February, happen on its own.”“There is no leaving relatives still wondering magic bullet to shift a status quo about their cause of death and that has existed for centuries, but sparking a host of conspiracy we see this initiative as an impor- theories.“Relatives, the media tant step,” said Tina Tchen, chair and the public still ask prosecu- of the academy’s nascent Task The Recording Academy last year created a task force in response to major backlash that the Grammys are tors to determine the truth and Force on Diversity and Inclusion. consistently too male and too white. PHOTO: AFP don’t hide their suspicions that The task force was created More than 200 artists, pro- always been fair,” said rapper top awards after largely being something was hidden from last year in response to major ducers and other stakeholders in- Common, a task force member. snubbed a year ago. them,” the Prosecutor-Gen- backlash that the Grammys are cluding Cardi B, 2 Chainz, Justin “The only way to change In May, the head of the Re- eral’s spokesman Alexander consistently too male and too Bieber, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, these inequities is for us to face it cording Academy—which in- Kurennoi said on an official white.Just two per cent of music John Legend, Keith Urban and directly and commit to do more.” cludes more than 13,000 music online video site. producers and three per cent of Pharrell Williams have signed on The announcement comes professionals—said he would Searchers first found the engineers and mixers working to the new inclusion initiative, the less than two weeks before this step aside when his contract ex- nine hikers’ tent abandoned and in popular music are women, ac- academy said.“Women deserve year’s edition of the Grammys, pires later this year, after spark- cut open, and then their bodies cording to a 2018 USC Annenberg as much opportunity as men, and which boasts a larger class of ing outrage by saying women scattered over the mountain- Inclusion Initiative study. we know this industry has not women nominees across the artists should “step up.”—AFP side with terrible injuries, after a week of an aerial search of the area. The hikers became known Japan to require casino resorts to have unprecedentedly big hotels as the “Dyatlov group” and their mysterious end as the “Dyatlov TOKYO—The Japanese gov- and South Korea.Using an aver- Site with 95,000 square metres, prefectures and 20 major cities Pass Incident”. A criminal case ernment made public on Friday age-sized Japanese guest room and the largest conference halls that are eligible to host the newly was opened on 26 February standards it hopes to set for casi- of 50 square metres, such a hotel which are in Tokyo and Yokohama legalized resorts, found that only and closed thee months later. no resorts to be built by the mid- would necessitate 2,000 rooms, hold around 5,000 people. three areas plan to apply for the It remained classified until the 2020s, requiring them to have far exceeding 1,500 at one of the Floor space for casinos is set government’s screening. 1970s. The probe was closed af- hotels and conference rooms largest hotels in the country. at below 3 per cent of the total Think tanks estimate a ca- ter Soviet investigators conclud- far bigger than existing ones in Other requirements in- integrated resort’s space. Ad- sino resort could cost over $10 ed their deaths were not mur- the country. clude exhibition halls having at vertising for casinos outside the billion to build but would bring der without providing a different The large-scale require- least 120,000 square metres, the integrated resort will be limited a significant economic impact if cause of death. Unanswered ments, such as hotels with more largest conference room hold- to airports with foreign flights successful. But whether Japan questions and rumours have than 100,000 square metres for ing more than 6,000 people, or and terminals at ports.Cabinet will succeed in attracting wealthy tickled the public’s imagination guest rooms, would necessitate something between the two—a approval of the requirements foreign individuals, as the govern- for decades. On Friday, Russia’s huge investments from local gov- 60,000-square-metre convention would come at the end of next ment expects, is unclear. Some TV-3 channel aired a trailer for ernments and facility operators. room and a conference room that month, after public comments projections have shown Japanese its upcoming “Dyatlov Pass” The government is attempting holds 3,000 people. until 4 March. nationals would account for be- mini-series, which suggests to compete with regional rivals The largest exhibition floor A recent Kyodo News sur- tween 70 and 80 per cent of casino a paranormal explanation for including Macau, Singapore space in Japan is at Tokyo Big vey, covering all of Japan’s 47 visitors.—Kyodo News what happened.—AFP

Demi Moore laments portrayal of older women as ‘evil, bitter villains’ in films LOS ANGELES—Actress Demi Men”, “Disclosure”, “Ghost” “picky” about the projects she Moore wonders why female ac- and “Indecent Proposal”, chooses these days. tors are typecast as “evil, bitter stressed that older women can “I think I’m pretty picky. villains” in Hollywood after they play romantic leads in movies. And now after working with attain a certain age. “I do want to be careful not all of these guys, it’s gonna be The 56-year-old actor cur- to play into a cliche, which is really tough, because this was rently stars in horror comedy that all older women are evil, so good. Truly, it was one of the “Corporate Animals” where bitter villains, which is one of best experiences of my whole she plays an egoistical CEO of the next kind of things that career,” she added. an MNC. needs to be overcome. We want “Corporate Animals”, di- In an interview with Indie- romance too! We want all those rected by Patrick Brice, also Wire, Moore, who ruled the 90s things!” she said. features Ed Helms, Jessica Wil- Actress Demi Moore. PHOTO: PTI with her films like “A Few Good Moore said she is very liams and Karan Soni.—PTI WORLD

3 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 15 Russia may launch new recruitment campaign for cosmonauts’ team

MOSCOW—Russia’s Cosmonaut en, there will be no objections Training Centre may announce and this will not cause anyone’s a new recruitment campaign for irritation,” he added. the cosmonauts’ team this year As the Centre chief earli- to involve as many candidates er told TASS, the Cosmonaut as possible, including women, Training Centre was interested Centre Chief Pavel Vlasov told in recruiting as many women as TASS on Friday. possible into the Russian cosmo- A final decision on the start nauts’ team. He added, however, of the selection procedure is to that no artificial criteria will be be made by Russia’s State Space established for female candidates Russia’s Cosmonaut Training Centre may announce a new recruitment campaign for the cosmonauts’ team this year. PHOTO: TASS Corporation Roscosmos, he not- as they will have to comply with ed. “I believe a decision on the re- the common requirements set was considering involving wom- several dozen people. ing, the sciences or piloting and cruitment will be made this year both for men and women. en more actively in future cos- Female applicants failed to work experience were eligible to and, possibly, it will begin this year monaut teams. He noted at the qualify for the team of cosmo- apply. Only men qualified for the and will, possibly, continue into Women in the cosmonaut’s time there should be a switchover nauts in the selection procedure cosmonauts’ team. the next year,” Vlasov said. team from the passive form of the work that ended in the summer of 2018. Over the entire period of space As soon as Roscosmos an- As a source in the space with the cosmonauts’ team, when Some specialists later ex- exploration in the Soviet Union and nounces the start of the selec- industry told TASS, Roscosmos simply a selection procedure is plained this by the specifics of present-day Russia, only four wom- tion procedure, the Cosmonaut will set up on its own intuitive a announced and people file appli- the national mentality and the en have been able to travel to outer Training Centre will try “to max- team of female cosmonauts for cations, to the search for the most women’s lesser desire to be cos- space: Valentina Tereshkova, Svet- imally disseminate information flights to the orbit and will search talented specialists from among monauts.The selection was an lana Savitskaya, Yelena Kondakova on the recruitment and draw a for candidates among space spe- young men and women. He also open recruitment campaign: any and Yelena Serova. For compari- maximally possible number of cialists.Roscosmos Head Dmit- noted then that the number of Russian citizen not older than son, NASA has sent 47 women to people,” Vlasov stressed.“If all ry Rogozin later told journalists candidates for the cosmonauts’ 35 years of age, with a higher outer space to date or almost 12 the selected persons are wom- that the Russian space agency team should be far larger: up to university degree in engineer- times more.—Tass

Siberian scientists wrap up Ebola vaccine trials Australian scientists tap crucial protein pointing to better stem cell development NOVOSIBIRSK—Specialists at the Novosibirsk State Research SYDNEY—Australian scientists ings of the National Academy of Center of Virology and Biotech- said they have found a way to pro- Sciences of the United States of nology VECTOR have completed mote stem cell growth by tapping America. trials of a vaccine against the Eb- a crucial protein that gives living “Our discovery that tro- ola virus disease, which claimed tissues the ability to stretch and poelastin dramatically pro- the lives of over 11,000 people retract, pointing to a major step motes stem cell expansion in Africa recently, said Nikolai toward the body’s ability to re- and recruitment, and reliably Krasnikov, Head of the Adminis- pair itself.Stem cells are vital for preserves their ability to devel- tration of Koltsovo Science City therapeutic treatments to repair op into different types of cells near Novosibirsk where the re- and build human tissue including points to new ways of cost-ef- search centre is located, at the skin and muscles, with research- fectively and efficiently growing TASS press centre on Friday. ers constantly looking for ways these stem cells to address the “Our scientists have to make the cells work better increasing global demand,” said wrapped up clinical trials of the Russian doctors and scientists have played an important role in fighting and worldwide cell demand far Yeo.“Such technologies can help Ebola vaccine this year. Now it Ebola. PHOTO: TASS outstripping supply, the Univer- significantly lower the currently is ready for use,” he announced. and the tissues of infected ani- role in fighting Ebola. In 2017, sity of Sydney said in a statement prohibitive cost of many cell ther- The World Health Organi- mals or people. The incubation reports said that an Ebola vaccine explaining its researchers’ work apies.”Using human stem cells zation describes the Ebola virus period lasts from two to 21 days. had been developed by the Novo- late on Friday.The researchers from donors, the researchers disease (EVD, formerly known The virus was first registered sibirsk-based VECTOR Research have since discovered “a way to found that when small amounts as Ebola hemorrhagic fever) as in Zaire (now the Democratic Re- Center. generate more stem cells cheaply of tropoelastin were applied it “a severe, often fatal illness in public of the Congo) in 1976, with Founded in 1974, VECTOR and quickly” using the tropoelastin “encouraged more cells to be humans. EVD outbreaks have a outbreaks reported from Sudan, is one of the world’s largest re- protein, it said. produced, creating a better en- case fatality rate of up to 90%.” Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, search centres. Initially, it stud- “Stem cells are increasingly vironment for growth compared Symptoms include a sudden on- Angola, and Cote d’Ivoire. The ied the causative agents of such being used as cell therapies for to other commonly used proteins set of fever, intense weakness, latest Ebola epidemics in West deadly disease as anthrax and a range of diseases that cannot for stem cell cultures’, according muscle pain, a headache and a Africa in 2014-2016 killed more tularemia to create biological be reliably treated by convention- to the university. sore throat. This is followed by than 11,300 people, with more weapons based on them. Cur- al medicine including skeletal “Stem cells need a home vomiting, diarrhea, a rash, im- than 28,600 contracting the dis- rently, the centre develops tools tissue injuries, heart attacks, to live and grow, and we’ve es- paired kidney and liver function, ease. The most lethal outcomes for diagnosing and treating in- degenerative diseases and or- sentially created a nice environ- and in some cases, both internal were reported in Guinea, Sierra fectious diseases. Its specialists, gan failure,” said university ment for them live in,” said the and external bleeding. The in- Leone and Liberia. in particular, are developing vac- researcher Dr Giselle Yeo, who university’s Professor Anthony fection is transmitted by direct Russian doctors and scien- cines against swine flu, HIV and co-authored the study published Weiss, the other co-author of the contact with the blood, body fluids tists have played an important Ebola.—Tass in the scientific journal Proceed- study.—Xinhua 3 FEBRUARY 2019 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Dortmund make Alcacer move permanent from Barcelona BARCELONA (Spain)—Borussia Dortmund have taken up the option to sign Barcelona striker Paco Alcacer for 23 million euros ($26 million), the Spanish club confirmed on Friday. Barca said in a statement that Dortmund will also pay five million euros in additional fees for the 25-year-old, while retaining a five per cent stake of any future sale. “Borussia Dortmund has taken advantage of the permanent transfer option in the agreement with FC Barcelona reached last August for the player Paco Alcacer,” the statement read. Alcacer joined Barcelona for 30 million euros from Valencia in 2016 but his playing time was limited at the Camp Nou and he moved to Dortmund on loan last summer. The Spaniard has been a revelation since then, scoring 16 goals Yadanabon FC’s forward Win Naing Tun (right) receives the Player of the Month award in Bahtoo Stadium in in 20 games for club and country this season, while helping Dort- Mandalay. PHOTO:MNL mund establish a six-point lead at the top of the Bundesliga.—AFP Yadanabon FC awarded player and Real Madrid draw coach of the month in national league Barcelona in Copa del THE best player and coach award for the month goal in the match against Magwe FC. He was also of January in the Myanmar National League 2019 recognised as the best player on his team. season has been awarded to Win Naing Tun, a In yesterday’s match against Magwe FC, young Rey semis young striker from former MNL champion Man- striker Win Naing Tun made the winning goal for dalay-based Yadanabon FC, after completion of the Yadanabon with a single goal in the early minutes national league matches for January. of the second half. The best coach of the month award was also Thanks in part to Win Naing Tun, Yadanabon FC garnered by U Aung Kyaw Moe from the same sits atop the league standings with 8 points earned team, who managed his team to a no-loss record after 2 wins and 2 draws, out of 4 matches played. with 2 wins and 2 draws in January. In the awards ceremony for the national league Win Naing Tun has placed as one of the top- yesterday, Win Naing Tun received K 150000, along most scorers of previous weeks in the league, as he with the medal, while coach U Aung Kyaw Moe scored three consecutive goals in his team’s three received K 1000000 and the medal, according to a beginning matches in early January, plus one more source with the national league.—Lynn Thit(Tgi) Myanmar women’s team to take part in Indian football tourney BY the invitation of the Indian source.MFF has selected the Thazin. Football Federation (IFA), the Myanmar women’s footballers Midfielders are Khin Malar Holders Barcelona thrashed Sevilla 6-1 on Wednesday to reach the Myanmar women’s national to compete in the tournament, Tun, Nge Nge Htwe, Khin Moe final. PHOTO: AFP football team will compete in the as stated on its website. Wai, Khin Mo Mo Tun, Lae Lae MADRID (Spain)—Real Madrid will face defending champions four country-invitational football A total of twenty players Hlaing, Nu Nu, Thin Thin Yu and Barcelona in the semi-finals of the Copa del Rey. tournament in India, which will have been selected, to be led Yupar Khaing. The draw made on Friday means there will be back-to-back be held from 7 to 16 February, by head coach U Win Thu Moe. Ye Ye Oo, Win Theingi Tun Clasicos, with the second leg due to take place in the last week of according to the Myanmar Foot- Goalkeepers will be Zar and July Kyaw have been select- February, before Madrid host Barca in La Liga on 2 March. ball Federation (MFF). Zar Myint and May Zin New, ed as forwards. The first leg will be played at the Camp Nou next week before The four nations will in- while defenders include Wai Wai The detail schedule for the a return at the Santiago Bernabeu. The provisional dates are 6 clude Iran,host India, Myan- Aung, Ei Yadanar Phyo, Khin tourney will be released soon, and 27 February. Real Betis will go up against Valencia in the other mar and Nepal competing in Than Wai, Aye Aye Moe, Chit according to the MFF.—Lynn semi-final. the football tourney, said the Chit, Khin Myo Win, and Khaing Thit(Tgi) Barcelona are 10 points clear of Madrid in La Liga and will be favourites to progress but their opponents have found form in recent weeks, winning six of their last seven matches. Man United star Fellaini joins CSL side Shandong Luneng Barcelona director Guillermo Amor said: “Real Madrid are playing well and they will be the Madrid team we always expect—a JINAN—Manchester United midfielder Marouane and made 177 appearances throughout with 22 goals group of winners that competes for everything, that can give us a Fellaini completed his move to the Chinese Super to help the Reds to win four trophies - the Emirates scare if we are not ready to work.” League (CSL) club Shandong Luneng, the CSL side FA Cup, FA Community Shield, League Cup and “There’s nothing like it,” Real Madrid director Emilio Butrague- announced here on early Saturday. UEFA Europa League.The Belgian international no said. “We are talking about two teams with a lot of resources, The CSL top-flight club said the Belgium inter- has been capped over 80 time since 2007 and played with extraordinary players and we always expect very tight games. national already arrived in China, and released a in the 2008 Olympics, the 2014 FIFA World Cup, “We trust our players but obviously this is one of the greatest photo of the player holding a Luneng jersey. UEFA Euro 2016, and the 2018 FIFA World Cup, games in the world today.” Barca are chasing a record fifth Copa Marouane Fellaini played for several Belgian helping Belgium to the third place in Russia.The del Rey success in a row while Madrid are into the last four for the clubs before moving to Everton in 2008. After five details of Fellaini’s contract were not revealed. first time since they won the competition in 2014.—AFP years at Everton, he arrived at Old Trafford in 2013, Luneng ranked third in 2018 CSL season.—Xinhua The Global New Light of Myanmar


By Thu Naung Kyaw (Hledan) Dip. in English (YUFL)

HIS is the time of the year when the universities respectively hold the convocations, when the candidates can set up their own milestones commemorating the fruits and flowers achieved after T four years of university studies and when each, to his or her delight and pride, receives a particular academic degree. Moreover, this period of the year sees a series of graduation rehearsals and convocations with each graduate-to-be busy doing themselves up in order to be recognized as the best looking one. We did the same in our young days; we used to take different photos of us both at the studios and on the stage. However, we never took photos by wearing only one part of the academic dress. (If the regis- trar and the Head of department saw me doing so, I would not be allowed to attend the convocation but to let go home.) Over the past three or four years, academic dresses have been inappropriately abused in terms of a fashion trend; the ultimate aim is to take photos. Honestly saying, I used to loathe the sight of people doing so. As per what was advised by our teacher and the knowledge derived from what we learned, a gradu- ate-to-be must respect and cherish his or her academic dress. Even in the western countries, known to be running ahead of the trend, students wear their academic dresses with a great deal of respect. I have seen them raising the caps only. They are hardly found mis- behaving, say, wearing cap, gown and hood separately. I was wondering who started all this stuff. Some may be taking photos while writhing on the ground or lawn with full academic dresses, which, in that case, seem reduced to dirty cloths. (Were I in charge, I would drive them away when I saw such things.) When I was at Mandalay University and, there once I discovered those doing so, I was not reluctant to forbid them. Our rector and professor did not support such things either. But there’s nothing I could do if they did so behind my back. Have our youths had gone spoilt, being fraught with misconceptions regard- ing things to be cherished, which prompt them to deviate from what is right. We found some taking photos with their hoods kept upside down. Do they even know that ‘Hood represents the academic degree they have acquired’? Is that because their parents have just a little knowledge or because it is believed to be their right to clothing? Too bad some parents even are the encouragement! SEE PAGE- S-3 3 FEBRUARY 2019 2 EDUCATION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

olcsrf;omoavmuf uyfap;enf;onf/

(6) Comparative Degree omvGefonfudk EdIif;,SOfjcif; 1. Nyi Nyi is tall. Ko Ko is taller. Ko Ko is taller than Nyi Nyi. udkudkonf nDnDxufydkí t&yf&Snfonf/ (pmaMumif;ESpfaMumif;udk than ESifh qufxm;onfudkowdjyKyg/) E NGL I SH 2. Khin Khin is beautiful. 16 Hla Hla is more beauitful. Hla Hla is more beautiful than Khin Khin. LESSON vSvSonf cifcifxuf ydkvSonf/ 3. Malaria is bad. Cholera is worse. By C. T. O Cholera is worse than malaria.

(CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK) 0rf;a&m*gonf iSufzsm;a&m*gxuf ydkqdk;onf/ (xdkYtjyif less.. than ESifhvnf; EdIif;,SOfEdkifonf/ less aemufwGif D. Comparison of Adjectives old older oldest Positive Degree jyefvdkuf&onf/) emr0daooersm;jzifh EdIif;,SOfjcif;/ old elder eldest jrefrmpmwGif þykHpHrsKd;oHk;cJonf/ (1) Adj rsm;wGif Degrees (tqifh) oHk;ck&dSonf/ Positive Degree, far farther farthest Malaria is less bad than cholera. Comparative DegreeESifhSuperlative Degree wdkYjzpfonf/ (tuGmta0;) iSufzsm;a&m*gonf 0rf;a&m*gxufavsmhí qdk;0g;onf/ (qdk;0g;rIwGif Oyrm – tall, taller, tallest fore further furthest avsmhenf;onf/) (2) toHxGufwpfckwnf;&dSaom adj rsm;ESifh wcsKdUwGif wpfckxufru&dSaom (aemufxyf) (xdkYtjyif Not as... as yHkpHjzifhvnf; EdIif;,SOfEdkifonf/) adj rsm;udk ER, EST aemufrS uyfxnfhjcif;jzifh Comparative fore former foremost, first Malaria is not as bad as cholera. ESifh Superlative Degree odkYajymif;Edkifonf/ in inner innermost (inmost) iSufzsm;a&m*gonf 0rf;a&m*gavmufrqdk;yg/ erlemrsm;udk avhvmyg/ up upper uppermost (upmost) 4. I am strong. You are stronger. Positive Comparative Superlative out outer/utter utmost, uttermost You are stronger than I. Degree Degree Degree rif;ighxufydkoefrmonf/ high higher highest (5) Positive Degree (pum;ajym&mwGif I ae&mwGif me oHk;Muonf/ o'´gt&rl I onfom short shorter shortest wlnDrIudk EdIif;,SOfjcif; rSefonf/) young younger youngest as + adj + as trSefrSm than ESifhqufaompmaMumif;onf atmufyguJhodkYjzpfonf/ great greater greatest (a) wpfOD;ESifhwpfOD;? wpfckESifhwpfck You are stronger than I am strong. weak weaker weakest wlnDonf[k EdIif;,SOfvdkvQif as ... adj ... as yHkpHudk oHk;&onf/ igoefrmonfxuf rif;ydkí oefrmonf/ kind kinder kindest 1. Nyi Nyi is bright. odkY&mwGif t*FvdyfpmwGif pmaMumif;wpfaMumif;xJü pmvHk;wlrsm;xyfoHk; fine finer finest Ko Ko is equally bright. avhr&dSojzifh aemufqHk;rS am strong udk jr§Kyfxm;&onf/ fair fairer fairest Nyi Nyi is as bright as Ko Ko. xdkYaMumifh You are stronger than I jzpfoGm;onf/ happy happier happiest nDnDonf udkudkavmuf ÓPfaumif;onf/ rSwfom;&eftcsufrSm t*FvdyfpmwGif toHk;tEIef;ESifh o'´gy#dyu©jzpfvQif (aysmfaom ier, iest (xnfhonfudkowdjyKyg) 2. Coffee is good. toHk;tEIef;udk tEdkifay;avh&dSonf/ easy easier easiest Tea is equally good. Whenever there is a clash between usage and gram- merry merrier merriest Coffee is as good as tea. mer, usage wins. wealthy wealthier wealthiest umzDonf vbuf&nffavmuf aumif;onf/ (Double xnfh&onfudk owdjyKyg/) 3. Khin Khin is pretty. atmufygerlemudk aoaocsmcsmavhvmyg/ big bigger biggest Hla Hla is equally pretty. 1. I beat him. I beat her more. hot hotter hottest Khin Khin is as pretty as Hla Hla. I beat her more than him. thin thinner thinnest cifcifonf vSvSavmuf vSonf/ uRefawmfolYudk &dkufonfxuf olrydk&dkufcJhonf/ fat fatter fattest 4. Today is hot. (ol (him) u t&dkufcH&onf/) sad sadder saddest Yesterday was equally hot. 2. He beats her. I beat her more. (3) toHxGufESpfckru&dSaom adj rsm;udk more, most a&SUrS uyfxnfh Today is as hot as yesterday. I beat her more than he. jcif;jzifh Comparative Degree ESifh Superlative Degree ,aeYonf raeYuavmufylonf/ uRefawmfolrudk ol&dkufonfxuf ydk&dkufcJhonf/ odkY ajymif;Edkifonf/ (b) t*FvdyfpmwGif as ... as jzifh wifpm;EdIif;,SOfxm;onfh twGJrsm;pGm (ol (he) u &dkufoljzpfonf/ beautiful more beautiful most beautiful &dSonf/ tcsKdUwdkYudk erlemtjzpf atmufwGif ay;xm;ygonf/ xdkYaMumifh þodkYaom pmaMumif;rsKd;rsm;wGif txl;*&kpdkufoHk;pGJwwf&ef difficult more difficult most difficult vdktyfygonf/ important more important most important as lazy as a cat delicious more delicious most delicious as greedy as a dog qufavhvmyg/ t&om&dSaom (avmbBuD;aom) I am less strong than you. wcsKdUpmvHk;rsm;rSm toHxGufESpfckwnf;yif&dSaomfvnf; ER, EST xnfh as brave as a lion &J0Hhaom igrif;xufavsmhenf; oefrmonf/ í r&yg/ as fierce as a tiger I am not as strong as you. proper oifhawmfaom more proper, most proper as innocent as a lamb igrif;avmuf roefrmyg/ learned pmaywwfaom more learned, morst learned tjypfuif;rJhaom (]vef;euf(')} [k toHxGufonf/) as cunning as a fox 5. A cassette is expensive. A televation set is more (4) tcsKdUpmvHk;rsm;rSmrl Positive, Comparative ESifh Superlative aumufuspfaom expensive. Degrees rsm; wpfvHk;ESifhwpfvHk;rwlojzifh usufxm;&ef vdkygonf/ as poor as a church mouse. A television set is more expensive than a cassette. PD CD SD bk&m;&dScdk;ausmif;rS

EGARDLESS of who they are, what they are and where they come from, many people look forward for better looks. Beauty can be bought at such a quick pace these days. People who live in this planet prefer a better appearance. However, By AW Khin Myat Phone R it is quite easy peasy to get what they called, “Beauty”.Still there is no shop or Grade 11A, BEHS 4, store that puts good personality on sale. Botahtaung “Beauty” is a thing on the skin of a person. It can be made by a surgical knife, makeup, some pills or skin care. It isn’t difficult to do those things, is it? But what matters more is a good personality. As everybody knows that people with beauty handicaps still make easy, loving relationships but why? The answer to this question is not difficult. Because they have their own - acceptance. They accept who they are and what they are in reality. If everybody understand this fact, they will start to see that personality plays a main role in a person’s life more than beauty. This become clearer if we take a quick look at those greatests in the history. Stephen Hawking, for example, the greatest scientist of all time and Beethoven, one of the illustrious musicians, are successful. They are multi-skilled, unique and have their own style instead of being a carbon copy of the others. The personality of a person tells the whole story of that person. The society may look down on those who lack in appearance but at many times, it absolutely looks up to those with kind hearts. As a person grows older, the thing on the skin of that person as well grows older day by day. Nobody can go against this nature of the living world. He who was born will certainly grow old as days flow. And the beauty of a person which one used to shine bright like a diamond will fade away no matter how it is maintained with any kind of method. What remains with one as time goes by is an uncoloured pure heart. No robbers or thieves can rob or steal it away. Showing mercy, having sympathy, giving lovingness to are the most favourable things what people do. It is surely important for the general public to know that good personality wins in long terms. Either in jobs opportunities or in the community. If a person is good personalized, everyone loves him, admires him and wants to help him always. Being beautiful is like a flower. It is the queen of everyone’s sight and attention at its blooming time but when it starts to wither, no one wants it, nobody adores it and some even disgust to touch it. Likewise, beauty is not permanent. Nobody can count on it to get sticked with a person till he dies. So, everyone needs to grow a pure kind heart which everyone can take along with them to the day they are gone. Like a random quote, “Beauty attracts the eye but personality captures the heart”, per- sonality wins in the situations when it comes to compete with other things. Talking about good personality of a person, these two tiny words mean a lot. There are many types of personalities as there are different kinds of people. A person who cares to sac- rifice for the others with good reason, who always face up great good worthy challenges, who changes the world into a heavenly place with good deeds and still many more left. Beauty can drift away from our faces and bodies when we grow older. It’s like a mask of a person. But when it comes to reality, the personality cannot be hidden by wearing masks, isn’t it? It is essential to hand down good personalities to the ascenders from the descenders which is more precious than pure gold. It ain’t necessary to wear the fifth Avenue diamond or drive a limousine to fit in the crowd these days. What matters more is trying to plant a seed of good personality in our hearts. Well, everybody has the right to make an own choice anyway. And what will the reader choose if you’re asked to make just one choice; to be a beautiful person or a good-natured person? The choice is yours......

FROM PAGE- S-1 I’m not a pessimist, but we all know that a nation- someone wearing only a cap with other ordinary Honestly saying, I cannot bear the sight that academ- al flag is as respected by the people of the country everyday clothes? Accordingly, it is important that ic dresses are being treated disrespectfully. No matter it represents as the yellow robes are revered by the you be proud to wear a full academic dress. if I am considered traditional, I am disappointed by the monks. Likewise, an academic dress solely belonging Some even ask if academic dresses are that youths thumbing their noses at what should be valued. to the educated ought to be fully clad. It will surely crucial. I still would like to tell them that academic Nothing, however, can be helped since all are turning be awkward to see someone wearing a Burmese dresses are not at all meant for fashion. their blind eyes to such an inappropriateness. traditional jacket and style pant. What if you see Taking pride in conservation of endangered roofed turtles


By Nyi Tu

here is a village called “Limpha Village” upstream in the Chind- win River. Lisu, Naga, Bamar and Shan ethnic peoples reside in the village. T No one can find Limpha on any map. There is no road access, nor electricity in the tiny village. With about 40 households, the village is considered small, but for turtles conservationists, the village is a huge treasure because one of the most-endangered turtles, the ‘roofed turtle”, are found there. The Limpha field station was established about 12 years ago, after researchers discovered the rare species. The roofed turtles once were found in nearly all rivers in Myanmar. Until 2000, however, experts thought the roofed turtle had become extinct in Myanmar. In 2000, conservationists found the rare species in the Doakthawady River. The conservationists noticed that the turtles disappeared after the completion of a hydro power plant over the river in 2001. While scientists thought the Burmese roofed turtle was extinct, Platt and his team found a shell from a freshly killed female roofed turtle in 2001 along the Dokhtawady River near Mandalay, proving that the species still existed. After the species was found in a lake within the compound of Maha The grown-up turtles in the lake.

Newly hatched roofed turtles.

The Chief Minister of Sagaing Region and party made the excursion tour to the turtle breeding camp.

Myatmuni Pagoda in Mandalay, conservationists traced the roofed turtles Senior officials of the Sagaing Region observe the behavior of the turtles. and finally discovered them in the wild near Limpha Village. Roofed turtle eggs are very rare. In 2014, just a single viable egg was found. None were discovered the following year. A handful were located in 2016. Officials note that the reason roofed turtles remain in the area was because local people, whenever they gathered eggs, always left behind a few eggs for the next generation. Conservationists discovered forty-four roofed turtle eggs recently. The eggs are now at an incubation site established on the sand bars along the Chindwin River in Myanmar. Fencing surrounds the eggs, which receive 24/7 monitoring from villagers who reside in a nearby hut. Educating local residents about the endangered turtles has been an important effort, since over-harvesting the eggs contributed to the reptile’s near extinction. Scientists hope that the 44 eggs will resupply the population of roofed turtles. The Burmese roofed turtle (Batagur trivittata), one of the most-en- dangered turtles in Myanmar, is threatened by illegal gold mining, fishing nets, electro fishing, human settlement on their hatching areas and con- sumption by local people. Conservationists are educating local people not to kill the turtles, not to eat their eggs, to avoid settling on the sand beach, and not to perform electro fishing. “If necessary we patrol the area, together with the police,” said Ko Myo Min Win, a local villager and a member of the conservation team at Limpha station, “Without participation by the local people, we can not achieve success. We take pride in the conservation of the roofed turtles.” (Translated by Gyaw Orwell) Conservationists’ observation trip along the Chindwin River to gather the biological information about roofed turtles. Conservationists use the radio antenna for their research. 3 FEBRUARY 2019 6 COMICS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR 3 FEBRUARY 2019 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM 7

YANMAR, golden land, possess- is a little difference between the donation cer- es many beautiful geographical emony in town and the donation ceremony in areas, fantastic landscapes, and the village. In town, the hosts of the ceremony M different people with a colorful invite their relatives, friends, and neighbors via mind. Since there are 135 ethnic groups in invitation letter. In villages, however, they do By Khin Moh Moh Aung Myanmar, we can see many different cultures, not invite villagers going to their houses. They Yadanabon University civilizations, traditions, beliefs, and religions. just invite all the villages via loudspeaker to Moreover, Myanmar people have a beautiful come to their ceremony of donation. mind, donating necessaries to the persons When the ceremony is started, all the nov- who are in need. Like the saying, “A friend ices-to-be, ear-piercing girls and the parents of in need is a friend indeed”, Myanmar people them, relatives, the country girls and some of can be remarked real friends those peoples. the villagers' process to the monastery carrying No matter what situation they have, they try respective materials of the ceremony. It is a to donate some of the possessions they own. picturesque view as they are very beautiful According to Buddhism, a donation is a with Myanmar traditional outfits. When they kind of goodness. Therefore, the Buddhists in reach to the monastery, the Sayadaw (abbot) Myanmar hold the ceremony of donation all is offered the materials they have taken. And around the Myanmar lands. The ceremony of the people who come to the ceremony are pro- donation is held according to the culture of vided with rice and various curries. After that, Myanmar. The ceremony of donation has to the abbot and some monks shave the heads of be held with different parts, novitiation cer- the novices-to-be. At that time, parents have to emony for boys under the age of twenty and hold the white linen to receive the hair which ear piercing ceremony for girls. The ceremony is shaved. After that, the novices have to recite of donation is very important for Buddhists. some verses which are about asking for the It is also a noble ceremony for the Buddhist robe. And they are given the new Dhamma devotees in Myanmar. names as they become the novices. They usu- The ceremony of donation is usually held ally stay at the monastery for a week without when the farmers or peasants receive much having their parents. They have to obey the money by harvesting crops they grow. So, they Buddha’s teaching and follow the disciplines consider holding a ceremony of donation by of Buddha’s sons. planning to novitiate their sons and to pierce Hosting a ceremony of donation is an ex- their daughters’ ears. The couples who do not quisite culture of Myanmar. We can receive have any sons and daughters plan to novitiate good merit, fun and lovely things by hosting the neighbor’s sons or their nephews. And, they the ceremony of donation. Not only does it give ask for the abbot of the monastery to choose us these beautiful things but it also gives us and verify an auspicious day for holding the thinking in which we can know that we ought to ceremony. After that, they plan to hold the maintain our culture and tradition. Therefore, ceremony by buying the necessary things to what I would like to express is that “Let’s keep provide foods to the people who will come to our culture up not to be slack”. their donation ceremony. In this section, there NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM 3 FEBRUARY 2019 8 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

HEN it comes to money, most of the people have opti- W mistic thoughts. Money is regarded as one of the most important things. A saying goes that money is the second god. It is, however, doubtful that money is powerful enough to name 'a second god'. Especially, in the case of true friends, it is interesting to wonder if money can make true friends or not. First of all, it argues for the idea that money cannot buy true friends because a friend in need is a friend indeed. There are many fair-weath- er friends, who stay close to us and befriend us only when have money. A true friend always stands with us even when we are poor as a church mouse. There is a famous story in Buddhism regarding fake friends. There once lived a boy who was born a silver spoon in his mouth. His well-to-do parents did not educate him because they thought that he could live without any worry about money till his last breath. When both of his parents passed away, he did not manage to do anything well and spent money By Htet Zaw Htoo like water with his friends. Finally, (SUOE) he lost all his property. His fake Senior Assisant friends left him alone and finally Teacher at B.E.H.S. he became a beggar. To make a long Minemaw story short, he died of hunger alone in the forest. Therefore, it is clearly obvious that money cannot buy true friends. The argument in favor against the idea that money cannot buy true friends is that money is the resource of anything to be done and friend is not an exception. It is blindingly obvious that money can solve most of the problems and create opportunities too. Like- wise, we can get many friends out of money. Among them, we can wisely choose who are really true friends. Without money, a person is less likely to find friends and thus finding true friends is less possible than a person with money. The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting submissions Taking everything into of poetry, opinion, articles, essays and short stories from young account, there is no doubt people for its weekly Sunday Next Generation Platform. Interested Invitation to that money cannot buy candidates can send their work to the Global New Light of true friends. However, it Myanmar at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, does not totally mean that Yangon, or by email to [email protected] young we do not need to find with the following information: (1) Sector you wish to be included money to get friends. in (poetry, opinion, etc.), (2) Own name and (if different) your Money, at its best value, penname, (3) Your level of education, (4) Name of your School/ writers is a good servant. As a College/University, (5) A written note of declaration that the result, the more money submitted piece is your original work and has not been submitted we have, the more friends to any other news or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color photo it can create. All in all, I think of the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card, (8) Contact information for Sunday that what we should do best is to (email address, mobile number, etc.), (9) An essay length limit of 600 words (not too long, not too short, not exceeding 600 word decide wisely ourselves which count)— Editorial Department, The Global New Light of Myanmar Special friend is true or which one is fake.