Princeton, New Jersey


Second Term - January 31, 1949 - April 30, 1949


Dr. Robert Oppenheimer (M), Director, Olden Manor, Olden Lane, telephone 2895. Mrs. John D. Leary, Aide to the Director, 6 Newlin Road (:rear), telephone 1661. Mrs. Katherine Russell, Secretary, Winant Road, telephone 1668.


Business Office: Mr. William Bradley (General Superintendent), 6 Maxwell Lane - telephone 3745• Miss Luella Trinterud (Accounting), 22 Dickinson Street - telephone 2240-W. Miss Catherine H. Higbee, 22 Dickinson Street- telephone 224o-M. Miss Sabina Modzelewski, 701 Strawberry Street, Trenton, N.J. - tele)hone Tr. 4-7255. Cafeteria: Miss Patia Carpenter, 30 Wiggins Street - telephone 2462-W. Housing: Mrs. John D. Leary, 6 Newlin Road (rear)- telephone 1661. Mrs. Margaret B. Stephens, 8A Cook Road - telephone 3820. Library: Dr. Judith Sachs (Librarian), 44 Vandeventer Avenue- telephone 1156-W. Miss Irene Mozgo, Box 11, Plainsboro, N.J. - telephone Plainsboro 2770-R. Switchboard: Mrs. William H. Lahey, 47 Murray Place - telephone 1509.


Mr. William Bradley - telephone 3745 Mr. John Marcus - telephone 2372-R Mrs. John D. Leary - telephone 1661 Mrs. Katherine Russell - telephone 1668 Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephens - telephone 3820

FULD HALL NIGHT CONNECTIONS 2580- Director's Office (Ext. Mrs. Russell) 2581- Director's Office (Ext. Mrs. Leary) 2584- Superintendent's Office (Ext. Mr. Bradley, Miss Iglehart, and Prof. Montgomery) 950- School of Economics (Ext. Prof. Earle and Miss Horton) 1250- School of Humanistic Studies (Ext. Prof. Lowe, Prof. Meritt, and Prof. Thompson) 1348 - School of Mathematics (Ext. Prof. Veblen and Dr. Pais) 3019 - Miss Schofield and Prof. Cherniss M - Married M• - Wife not in Princeton Dr. Frank Aydelotte (M), Director Emeritus, 88 Battle Road - telephone 185. Mr. Gilmore Stott (M), (Assistant to Dr. Aydelotte), South Olden Lane - telephone 2372-M, Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins (Secretary to Dr. Aydelotte), , Swarthmore, Pa., -telephone Swarthmore 1851.

Prof. Kenneth Burke (M), 4B Cook Road- telephone 2157-J. Prof. Francis Fergusson (M), 1A Goodman Road - telep}lone 1303-W. Prof. Max Radin, 6A Cook Road - telephone 2351. SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICS

Permanent Members Edward Mead Earle (Professor) (M), 101 Battle Road- telephone 552 Walter w. Stewart (Professor) (M), 6 Springdale Road. Robert B. Warren (Professor) (M), Province Line Road, R.F.D. 2 - telephone 1240-M. David Mitrany, c/o Institute for Advanced Study. Staff

School Secretary: Miss Elizabeth I. Horton, 12 Princeton Avenue - telephone 2536-R. Miss !mrgaretta R. Cowenhoven (Assistant Secretary), Lafayette Road - telephone 1125. Mr. Samuel E. Eastman (Research Assistant to Mr. Cooper), c/o Hobler, R.D. 3, Mercer Street - telephone 362-J. Miss Jocelyn Farr (Assistant Secretary). 162 Springdale Road- telephone 2605. Mrs. Marion G. Hartz (Secretary to Prof, Earle), 10 Hamilton Avenue - telephone 282 ... M, Miss Beatrice Miers (Research Assistant to Mr. Cooper), 455 West State Street, Trenton - telephone Tr. 9359. Members Dr. Ansley J. Coale (M), 413C Butler - telephone 879-W, Mr. John C. Cooper (M), 1 Armour Road- telephone 162. Dr. Joseph S. Davis (M), 92 North Stanworth Drive- telephone 1147-W. Dr. Herbert Feis (M), Battle Road Circle- telephone 2057-R. Prof. Denna F. Fleming (M). 55 Westcott Road- telephone--call information. Dr. E,A, Goldenweiser (M), 87 South Stanworth Drive - telephone 2816-M. Dr. Erich Kahler, 1 Evelyn Place - telephone 1269. Dr. Arnold J. Toynbee (M), 92 North Stanworth Drive. Prof. Jacob Viner (M), 182 Western Way - telephone 2094-W.


Permanent Members James W. Alexander (M). (Professor Emeritus), 112 Mercer Street. Kurt Godel (M), 120 Alexander Street - telephone 569. Deane Montgomery (M), 43 Rollingmead- telephone 3797-W. Marston Morse (M) (Professor), 40 Battle Road- telephone 757. (M) (Professor), 26 Westcott Road- telephone 2186. Robert Oppenheimer (M) (Professor), Olden Manor, Olden Lane - telephone 2895. Abraham Pais, 14 Dickinson Street - no telephone. Carl L. Siegel (Professor), 178 Ewing Street - no telephone. Oswald Veblen (M) (Professor Emeritus), 58 Battle Road- telephone 958 or 2663-W. Hermann Weyl (Professor), 270 Mercer Street (Mail: Box 3-3, R.F.D. 3) telephone 2171. Assistants

Mr. John G. Kemeny (with Prof. Einstein), 322 Lockhart Hall- no telephone. Prof. William R. Transue (M), (with Prof. Morse), 2A Cook Road- telephone 3726-W. Staff

School Secretary: Miss Gwen Blake, 12 Princeton Avenue - telephone 1288-J. Mrs. Lewis A. Delsasso (Secretary t Prof. von Neumann), ' Mercer Road ... telephone 2823-M. Miss Margaret B. Iglehart (Assistant Secretary), 9 Chambers Terrace - telephone 2079-M. Mrs. Gertrude de Montalvo, R.D. l (Ten Mile Run), Princeton - telephone Monmouth Junction 7-4337. Miss Helen E. Schofield (Assistant Secretary), 18 Madison Street - telephone 233-M. Members

Dr. Edwin J, Akutowicz, 11 Alexander Street - telephone 125-J. Prof. Carl B, ·Allendoerfer (M), 9D Goodman Road - telephone 2018-R. Prof. Warren Ambrose (M), 7D Goodman Road - telephone 2685-W. l?rof . James H. Bartlett (M*), 31 Edwards Place - telephone 122. Dr. Paul T. Bateman (M), 345 Nassau Street - telephone 995-W. Dr. Eduard Batschelet (M*), 17 Edwards Place- telephone 860-W (until Feb, 23). Dr. Alfons M.F, Borgers, lB Graduate College - telephone 2300 Ext. 656. Prof. David G. Bourgin (M), 4A Cook Road - telephone 3453-M. SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS (Continued)

Dr. Kenneth M. Case, 16 Edgehill Street - telephone 2090-J. Dr. Komaravolu Chandrasekharan (M*), 19 :Bank Street- no telephone. Dr. Cheng Shu Wang (Mrs. W.Y,.) Chang, 43 Linden Lane- telephone 3427-W. Dr. Shih-Hsun Chang (M*), 31 Edwards Place- telephone 1220. Prof. Shiing-Shen Chern (M), 3D Goodman Road- tei. call information. Prof. Sarvadaman Chowla (M), 9A Goodman Road- telephone 3013-W. Prof. Mahlon M. Day (M), 5A Goodman Road- telephone 1391-M. Dr. Yael N. (Mrs. Clifford H.) Dowker, 19 University Place- telephone 3357. Dr. Aryeh Dvoretzky (M), 6B Cook Road- telephone 781-J. Mr, Freeman J, Dyson, 17 Edwards Place - telephone 860-W. Dr. Martin Eichler (M). Prof. Orin J. Fa.rrell (M*), 19 Bank Street - no telephone. Dr. Daniel B. Feer, 6C Cook Road.- telephone 781-M. Dr, David Feldman (M), 7F Goodman Road- telephone 3726-R. Mrs. (Dr,) Verena Haefeli, 196A Springdale Road- telephone 3453-W. Dr, Harish-Chandra, 19 Bank Street - no telephone. Prof. A. Robb Jacoby (M), 364 Nassau Street-no telePhone. Prof. Shizuo Kakutani, 70 Jefferson Road - telephone 794-R. Prof. Irving Kaplansky, 31 Edwards Place - telephone 1220. Dr. Robert Karplus (M), South Olden Lane- telephone 2372-J. Dr. Bruria Kaufman (Mrs. z.s. Harris), 32 Wiggins Street~ telephone 1559-M• Dr. Norman M. Kroll (M), 194B Springdale Road- telephone 2157-W• Dr. Nicolaas H. Kuiper (M), 196B Springdale Road~ telephone 3453-J. Prof. Kazimierz Kuratowski (M*), 42 Mercer Street - telephone 973 (until Feb. 16). Mr. Roy B. Leipnik (M), l94A Springdale Road- no telephone. Dr. Joseph V. Lepore (M), c/o Mr. W.L. Russell, Winant Road- telephone 1668. Prof. Jose L. Lopes (M). Dr. Kurt Mahler, 19 Bank Street - no telephone. Dr. Cecile Morette, 9 Ober Road - telephone 640-M. Dr. George D. Mostow (M), South Olden Lane- telephone 2126-M. Prof. Andrzej Mostowski (M*), 19 Edwards Place- telephone 515-J. Dr. Paul Olum (M), 7B Goodman Road- telephone 2018-W. Prof. Everett Pitcher (M*), c/o Institute for Advanced Study. Dr. George Placzek (M), 5 Maxwell Lane - telephone 2824-R. Dr. Sheila C. Power, 20 Edgehill Street - telephone 763-R. Prof. William T. Puckett , Jr. ( M*) , 3A Goodman Road - telephone 2018-M. Prof. Alfred L. Putnam, 70 Jefferson Road- telenhone 794-R. Dr. Hans V, Radstrom (M), 3B Goodman Road - no telephone, Mr. Kollagunta G. Ramanathan (M*), 3A Goodman Road- telephone 2018~M. Prof. Kurt Reidemeister (M*), 42 Mercer Street - telephone 973 (after Feb. 16). SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS (Continued)

Dr. Fritz Rohrlich, 6C Cook 'Road- telephone 781-M. Dr. Herbert J. Ryser, 17 Edwards Place - telephone 860-W. Dr. Luis A. Santalo (M), 6.E Cook Road - no telephone. Prof. Seymour Sherman (M), 9E Goodman Road - telephone 3013-R. Dr. Edward Silverman, 40 Moore Street - telephone 751-M. Mr. Jack Steinberger (M), 3C Goodman Road - telephone 1303-R. Dr. Richard N. Thomas ( M), 6F Cook Road - telephone 781-R. Prof. George E. Uhlenbeck. (M), ll3 Goodman Road - telephone 1303-J. Prof. Manuel s. Vallarta (M). Dr. Kenneth M. Watson (M), 222 Ewing Street - telephone 1896-J. Prof. Yue K. Wong, 31 Edwards Place - telephone 1220. Prof. Hideki Yukawa. (M), 2l3 Cook Roa.d.,.. telephone 3726-J. Dr. Daniel Zelinsky (M), 7A Goodman Road - telephone 2018-J.


Telephone - 2580 Purchasing Department and Night Connection 3579


Professor John von Neumann (M) (Project Director), 26 Westcott Road - 2186. Dr. Herman H. Goldstine (M) (Assistant Project Director), 5B Goodman Road - 1391-W .. Mrs. Louise Delsasso (Secretary to Prof, von Neumann), Mercer Road - 2823-M.. Miss Akrevoe Kondopria (Secretary, Electronic Computer Project), 357 Nassau Street - 2659-R. ENGINEERING Mr. Julian H, Bigelow (M) (Chief Engineer), 8B Cook Road- 2685-J. Mr. Peter Panagos, 3 Palmer Square, Mr. James H, Pomerene (M), 32 Wiggins Street .... 1313-J. Mr. Jack Rosenberg (M), 53 Humbert Street- 439-J. Dr. Morris Rubinoff (M), 6D Cook Road- 1303-M. Mr. Willis H. Ware (M), 272 Nassau Street - 827-R, PURCHASING

Mr. Richard w. Melville (M), (Purchasing Agent), c/o Institute for Advanced Study - 592 -W, Mrs. Mary D. Hunt, 364 Nassau Street- 195-R, Miss Henrietta Zacherl, 30 Vandeventer Street - 413.

CONSTRUCT ION Mr. Richard W. Melville (M), (Engineer in charge), c/o Institute for Advanced Study - 592-W. Mr. Charles A. Bevan (M), 8 Columbia Avenue, Milltown, N.J. - Milltown 8-0235-M· Mr, Leo Clinton (M), 516 North Main Street, Hightstown, N.J. - Hightstown 1149-W. Mr, Frank E. Fell (M), 516 North Main Street, Hightstown, N.J. - Hightstown 1149-W. Mr. Robert Keefe, 218 West Hanover Street, Trenton, N.J. - Trenton 4-4782. Mr. Winfield T. Lacey (M), 20 Phillips Avenue, Lawrenceville, N.J. Mr• William s. Robinson (M), P.O. Box 487, Princeton - 1957-R-3. Mr. Lambert Rockafellow (M). 123 Reed Avenue, Trenton, N.J. - Trenton 5-2230. Mr. James 'I'uska, 717 West Mt. Airy Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania - Chestnut Hill 7-4173. Mr. L, Yarnall Weston, Jr. (M), Belle Meade R.D., Belle Mead, New Jersey, METEOROLOGY Dr. Jule G. Charney (M). 7C Goodman Road- 3013-M. Mr. Arnt Eliassen (M), 3E Goodman Road- 3013-J. Mr. John C. Freeman (M), 9F Goodman Road- 1391-R. Dr. Gilbert A. Hunt (M), 364 Nassau Street - 195-R.


Mrs. Elinor Charney, 7C GoodmanRoad - 3013-M. Mrs. Ellen Eliassen. 3E Goodman Road - 3013-J. Miss Elizabeth C. Wooden, Rosedale Road - 1999-J-1.

Mr. Albert Worthington (M), South Olden Lane. First Term - 1948 - 1949 THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY Princeton, New Jersey

STAFF AND MEMBERS LIST First Term • 1948-49


Dr. Robert Oppenheimer (M), Director, Olden Manor, Olden Lane, telephone 2895. Mrs. John D. Leary, Aide to Director, 6 Newlin Road (rear), telephone 1661. Mrs. Katherine Russell, Secretary, Winant Road, telephone 1668. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES

Business Office: Mr. William Bradley (General Superintendent), 6 Maxwell Lane - telephone 37 45,

Miss Luella Trinterud (Accounting), 22 Dickin on Street - telephone 2240-W, Miss Catherine H. Higbee, 22 Dickinson Street - telephone 2240- W Miss Sabina Modzelewski, 701 Strawberry Street, Trenton, N.J. telephone, Trenton 4-7255, Cafeteria: Miss Patia Carpenter, c/o liubbard, 19 Vandeventer Avenue - telephone 160-J. Housing: Mrs. John L, Leary, 6 Newlin Road (rear), telephone 1661. Mrs. Margaret B. Stephens, 8A Cook Road, telephone Library: Dr. Judith Sachs (librarian), 44 Vandeventer Avenue - telephone 1156-W. Mrs. Robert Kirsner (Assistant), 22 5 Eisenhower Street - telephone 2131-M, Miss Irene Mozgo, Box 211, Plainsboro, N.J. - telephone Plainsboro 2770-R. Switchboard: Mrs, William H. Lahey, 47 Murray Place - telephone 1509.


Mr. William Bradley - telephone 3745 Mr. John Marcus - telephone 2372-R Mrs. John D. Leary - telephone 1661 Mrs. Katherine Russell - telephone 1668 Mr. and Mrs . .J. Stephens - telephone FULD HALL NIGHT CONNECTIONS

2580 - Director's Office (Ext. Mrs. Russell) 2584- Superintendent's Office (Ext, Mr. Bradley and Mrs. Stephens) 3018 - Director's Office (Ext. Mrs. Leary and Mr. fessein) 950 - School of Economics (Ext. Prof. E. M. Earle and Miss Horton) 1250 - School of Humanistic Studies (Ext. Prof. E. A. Lowe and Prof. B. D. Merritt) 1348 - School of Mathematics (Ext. Prof. 0. Veblen and Dr. A. Fais)

M- Married M* - Wife not in Princeton Dr. Frank Aydelotte (M), Director Emeritus, 8 Battle Road - telephone 185.

Mr. Gilmore Stott (M), (Assistant to Dr. Aydelotte), South Olden Lane - telPphone 2372-M. Mrs. Howard M. Jenkins ( ecrctary to Dr. Aydelotte), Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa., - telephone Swarthmore 1851. Miss Dorothy Gwl es (Secretary), 39 Chestnut Street - telephone 494-J.


Mr. T. S. Eliot, 14 Alexander Street

Prof. Francis Fergusson (M), 1 Goodman Road - telephone 1303-W. SChOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICS

Permanent Members

Edward Mead Ear1 e (Professor) (M), 101 Battle Road - telephone 552. Walter W. Stewart (Professor) (M), 6 Springdale Road. Robert Warren (Frofessor) (M) , Province Line Road. RFD l ) David Mitrany , c/o institute for Advanced Study.


School Secretary: Miss Elizabeth I. Horton, 12 Princeton Avenue - telephone Miss Margaretta Cowenhoven (Assistant Secretary), Lafayette Road - telephone 1125. Mrs. Marion Hartz (Secretary to Prof. Earle), 10 Hamilton Avenue - telephone 282-M. Miss Beatrice Miers (Research r\ssistant to Mr. Cooper), 455 West State Street, Trenton, N.J., telephone 9359. Miss Jocelyn Farr (Assistant Secretary), 162 Springdale Road - telephone 2605.


Prof. Edward Buehrig (M), 9C Goodman Road Dr. Ansley J, Coale (M), 413-C Butler - telephone John 1 Armour - telephone 162. oad telephone 2057

F. Fleming (M) , 53 Battle Road. Dr. E, A, Goldenweiser (M), 87 South Stanworth Drive - telephone 2436-J. Prof. Jacob Viner (M), 182 Western Way - telephone 2094-W. Prof. E. L. Woodward (M) , Nassau Tavern - telephone 2040 /


Permanent Members

···~ ~~arold F. C'he;rniss 0.~) (Professor), 14 Lickinson Street - telephone 407 -J. \Jliss t~etty Goldman (Professor ~meritus), 2 Newlin .~oad - telephone 703-Yl, t_"]. ::~. Lowe (r.l•) (Professor Emeritus), c/o Institute for .. ~vanced Study. "'''"''';~,- .. Jenjarnin [·. ~!eritt (lv,) (f'rofessor), 99 Battle (.oad - telephone 1426. . "rJ.rwin .Prmofsky (!',) (Professor), 97 Sattle : \oad - telephone 1679. l]~nns Swarzens,ki (r.J, 357 Nassau Street ~ telephone 2452-M • • ,... ,w •• -Homer A. Thompson ([\) (Professor), Cherry V3lley •·oad, ,:.rinceton i', r. 1,- tel~phone 2443-~-1. Kurt Weitzmann (M), 30 Nassau Street. - telephone 1845,


School Secretary: :v,iss : arian C, .'el~on, 359 Nassau Street • telephone 2155-M. hss Ellen Lailly (Fe search' t. to Prof. f':1nofsky), 16C Springdale l~;.oad - telephone 1076., Jean France H•esearch /


Cr. >aul A, Clement (i.J, Frinceton ?ike - telephone 138-r .. , Prof. l:'aul Frankl C\',} (on leave of absence). Lr. Virgini:. F•• CrRce, 25 ~:aslet Avenue - telephone 1371-W. Prof. J. J. ~. Londi us C ) , 7E Goodm:m ~ oad. LT. berta Segall, .49 Stanworth Lane - telephone 511-J. Prof. Lucy 1. Shoe, 172 i'ass~.u Street - telephone 1109-J. Lr, G, A. Stamires (address as yet uncertE~in) Prof. Alan J. l:.:, ;'.1ace (~.;), l~assau.Tavern • telephone 2040. Prof. Hotrbert ;·'eisinger (r:'.;), 3F Goodman lioad - telephone 3453-H, Prof. l'.1ary l:::. •·•hite, · 172 ~assau Street - telephone 1109.-J. SCHOOL OF fvil\Tar::11lAI'lCS

Permanent ~embers

James .v. Alexander (lv.) Albert Einstein (Professor .Emeritus), 112 tv!ercer Street. Kurt Gooel (~;), 120 Alexander Street - telephone 569. Leane ~·.ontgdmery (r.:), 43 f'·ollingmead • telephone 3655-W. r.,arston ~;orse (i;l) (Professor), 40 battle Road • telephone 757. John -von Neumann (r,J (Professor), 26 i•estcott : .oad - telephone 21B6. J.;oLert Oppenheimer Gd (Professor), Olden il:anor, Clflen Lane • telephone 2R95. Abraham Pais, 1.4 Dickinson Street - no telephone. C'l'\rl L. Siegel )Professor), 178 Ewing Street - no telephone, Oswald Veblen (i'vt) (Professor Emeritus), 58 Battle f'-oad - telep~one 958 or 2663-W •. tlerman IVeyl (Professor), 270 ~rcer Street (~:ail: Jox 3-3, H.F .D. 3) - telephone 2171,


~·ir. John G, Kemeny (with Prof. Einstein), 322 Lockhart Hall • no telephone. Prof. \\'illi81ll !·', Transue (~';), (with Prof. ~·:ors~)), 21\ Cook :~o~~d - telephone 3726-W.


School Secretary: ~1iss Cwen Llake, 12 Princeton Avenue - teh~phone 1288-J, ~.',rs. Lewis A. IJelMsso (Secretary to Prof. von Newnann) • i,oercer !ioad .. telephone 2823-M. i\,iss ~!argaret t.:. Iglehart ( .\ssistt.nt Secrctr\ry), 9 Chambers 'Ierrace - telephonP 2079-J. ~irs. (jcrtrudc de ':!ontnlvo, t, 1J. l


•r, Edwin J. Akutowicz, 11 Alexander Street • telephone 125-J. Prof. Carl ~. f\llendoerfer (~J), 9D Coodman hoad - telephone 2018-H, hof. Warren Ambrose (td, 70 Goodman l..oad - telephone Vr. Paul T. Lateman Ot), 345 r.!as~au Street - telephone 995-Vi, Prof, Lavid C. fourgin (~,J, 3D lloodman dOad .. telephone 3453-~.1. Ur. Kenneth ,\,, Case, 16 f:dgt!hill Street - telephone Prof. Lamberto (:esari (tl,"'), 42 l•.ercer Streclt • telephone 973 Dr. K(llllaravolu Cbandrasekhnr:m (r'*), 19 i>ank Street • no telephone. Lr. C~eng Shu ••anp; (i•.irs, ii. Y.) t.n'lng, 43 Linden Lane .. telephone 3427-W. SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS (cont.)

Prof. Sarvadaman Chowla (M), 9A Goodman Road - telephon~ 3013-W. Prof. Mahlon ~J. Day (M), SA Goodman Hoad - telephone 1391-M. Dr. Yael N. (~~s. Clifford K.) Dowker, 19 University Place -telephone· 3357. Dr. Aryeh Dvoretzky (M), 6-B Cook Road - telephone 781-J. Mr. Freeman J. Dyson, 17 Edwards Hace - telephone 860-W. Lr. Daniel B, Feer, OC Cook t'.oad - telephone 761-M. Dr. Harish-Chandra, 19 Bank Street - no telephone. Prof. Shizuo I

Project Office 3577 Purcha~ing Office 3579 Engineering Offices 3578 f;;eteorology Office 3498 2665


. ·····r·-·'"''·Professor John von Neumann (2580) (Project Director), 26 Westcott Load- 2186, Lr. Herman h. Goldstine (3577) (Assistant Project Director), 5b Goodman £ioad - 1391-V.'. Miss Luella 1rinterud (2580) (Contract Administrator), 22 Lickinson Street - 2240-W. ~1r •. f,~Jtard W, Melville (3579) (Purchasing Agent), c/o Institute for Advanced &tuay - 592-W, . Mrs. l.f>uise Delsasso (2580) (Secretary to Professor von Neumann), Mercer i:Oad - ZB23-~i. Mrs •. MarY l.l. Hunt (3579) (Secreta.ry, Purchasing Department), 364 ~assau Street - 195-R. Miss ~krevoe Kondopria (3577) (Secretary, Electronic Computer Project ) , 357 Nassau Street • 2659.(i, i\iiss Henrietta Zacherl (2580) (Bookkeeper, Electronic C-omputer Project), 30 Vandeventer :\venue,- 413.


r•• r. Julian ii. Bigelow (2665) (Chief Engineer), 8B Cook 11oad - 268S-J. ~·,r. Peter Panagos ( 3517), 3 Palmer Square. Mr. James L Pomerene (3578), 32 ··~"iggins Street - 1559-M. Mr. Jack _f~~en~rg (3578); 5~J.1~.fJ\j}Jp!t - 439-J. Lr. Morns (3578), l-n....:,..m~&6_ - 1303~M. Dr. Flalph J. Slutz ( 2665), 199 Nassau Street - 438-W. lV!r. i'rillis rl. Ware (3578), 272Nassau Street- 827-R.


L'r. James E. i.artlett, 31 ~:Owards Place - 1220 Lr. Nicholas C. lv,etropolis, (2669),. 70 Jefferson ~ oad - 794-f~. [.r. Lobert. L. hichtmyer (25fl0), 9f Goodman ·'<>ad, METEOhOLOGY SlAFF

Cr. Jule Charney (3498), 7C Goodman Road - 3013-M. Mr. Arnt Eliassen (3498), 3E &oodman Road • Cr. Gilbert A. dunt .(3498), 364 Nassau Street - 195-R. lr. Cbaim L. Pekeris, 7F Goodman i~ad - 1733-W~ Lieut. Philip D. 1hompson (3498)• 4A Cook iload - 2157-M.


Mr. Charles A. Bevan (3579), 8 Columbia Avenue, Milltown, N. J. - Mlltown 8-0235-M. l\:1r. Leo Clinton (3579), 516 North Main Street, Hightstown, N. J. - Hightstown 1149-W, 1\lr. Frank E. Fell (3579), SHi North Main Street, Hight.stown, N. J. - Hightstown 1149-W. Mr. Robert Keefe (3579), 218 West Hanover Street, 1renton, N. J. -Trenton 4-4782. 1\:r. Winfield 1. Lacey (3579), 20 Phillips Avenue, Lawrenceville, N, J. r..-r. '1