Mocha® V5.5.2 Release Note

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Mocha® V5.5.2 Release Note mocha® v5.5.2 Release Note Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2 Build notes ................................................................................................................ 2 New Features in mocha Pro 5.5.2 ............................................................................ 2 New Features in mocha VR 5.5.2 ............................................................................ 3 Fixed issues since 5.5.1 ........................................................................................... 3 Known Issues .......................................................................................................... 15 Hardware Requirements ......................................................................................... 80 Recommended Hardware ................................................................................ 80 Minimal Requirements ..................................................................................... 81 Software Requirements for mocha Standalone ...................................................... 81 Operating System ............................................................................................ 81 Software Requirements for mocha Plugins ............................................................. 81 Host Applications ............................................................................................. 81 Operating System ............................................................................................ 81 Compatible Third-Party Software for exporting data ............................................... 82 Compatible Third-Party Software for exporting data with 360 VR Footage ............. 84 Installation of mocha Pro Standalone ..................................................................... 86 Windows ........................................................................................................... 86 OS X ................................................................................................................ 86 Linux ................................................................................................................. 86 Linux Centos 7 ................................................................................................. 87 Installation of mocha VR Standalone ...................................................................... 87 Windows ........................................................................................................... 87 OS X ................................................................................................................ 87 Linux ................................................................................................................. 87 Linux Centos 7 ................................................................................................. 88 Installation of mocha Pro Plugin ............................................................................. 88 Windows ........................................................................................................... 88 OS X ................................................................................................................ 88 Linux ................................................................................................................. 88 Installation of mocha VR Plugin .............................................................................. 89 Windows ........................................................................................................... 89 OS X ................................................................................................................ 89 1 mocha® v5.5.2 Release Note Linux ................................................................................................................. 89 Introduction These release notes accompany mocha 5.5.2. This is a patch update to add Vegas Pro support as well as containing several important defect fixes and improvements. Release notes cover mocha Pro and mocha VR, for both standalone and plugin versions of the product. Documentation is available inside 5.5.2 by pressing the F1 key. Build notes Please read the following notes carefully as they may affect efficient use of the product. OFX builds of the mocha Pro and VR Plugin have been tested to work with The Foundry Nuke, Blackmagic Fusion Studio, HitFilm Pro, Vegas Pro and Silhouette v6. Other hosts that utilize OFX may operate the mocha Pro OFX Plugin correctly, but at this stage they are unofficially supported and may experience problems. Version 5.5.2 introduces new inputs into the mocha AVX plugin that are not backwards compatible with earlier versions of mocha AVX. See MO-8732 in "Known defects" below. Python is not supported in the plugin versions of mocha Pro or mocha VR. This means any tools created by Python will not be functional. This includes some exports such as Silhouette shapes. New Features in mocha Pro 5.5.2 • Support for Vegas Pro: The OFX plugin is now officially supported in Vegas Pro • Support for multi-core CPUs: Mocha now takes advantage of multiple cores when tracking with the CPU • Auto Step for Remove: You can now have the Remove module calculate Step automatically 2 mocha® v5.5.2 Release Note • Python can now access the playhead: Provided API to get the playhead position with Python, which makes it easier to control keyframe setting • Python can now read/write image data in clips: Provided API to be able to read pixel data from any clip frame and create new output clips with image data. See the Python Guide for more details. New Features in mocha VR 5.5.2 • Support for non 2:1 VR footage in mocha VR: You no longer require a 2:1 PAR for footage in mocha VR • Speed improvements to Reorient: We’ve added additional speed increases to render and playback of the Reorient module in mocha VR • Support for Vegas Pro: The OFX plugin is now officially supported in Vegas Pro • Support for multi-core CPUs: Mocha now takes advantage of multiple cores when tracking with the CPU • Auto Step for Remove: You can now have the Remove module calculate Step automatically • Python can now access the playhead: Provided API to get the playhead position with Python, which makes it easier to control keyframe setting • Python can now read/write image data in clips: Provided API to be able to read pixel data from any clip frame and create new output clips with image data. See the Python Guide for more details. Fixed issues since 5.5.1 Issue: MO-8688 MOCHA_INIT_SCRIPT does not add the directory to the sys.path Platform: All Platforms Product: mocha VR Standalone, mocha VR Standalone Bug Description: MOCHA_INIT_SCRIPT environment variable now also points to the contents of the file directory, not just the script itself. Issue: MO-8684 In mocha Python tries to run from system- wide Anaconda if it’s been installed 3 mocha® v5.5.2 Release Note Platform: All Platforms Product: mocha VR Standalone, mocha VR Standalone Bug Description: Python from mocha now no longer runs any system-wide packages unless the user has added them to sys.path Issue: MO-8662 Python threads started from the mocha GUI are frozen Platform: All Platforms Product: mocha Pro Standalone, mocha VR Standalone Bug Description: Python threading can now run correctly. Issue: MO-8650 Horizon Alignment jumps suddenly when using View Control in Reorient module Platform: All Platforms Product: All Mocha VR Bug Description: Parameters no longer leap when adjusting the horizon after setting a keyframe with the view controls. Issue: MO-8641 mocha OFX Plugin: Nuke shapes are exported at the proxy resolution size Platform: All Platforms Product: mocha Pro OFX Plug-in, mocha VR OFX Plug-in Bug Description: When in proxy mode in Nuke any roto from the mocha plugin is exported at that resolution. Issue: MO-8640 Shortcuts for 360 View Controls are available in mocha Pro Platform: All Platforms Product: Mocha Pro All Bug Description: You can no longer edit shortcuts for mocha VR specific features in mocha Pro. Issue: MO-8629 Rendering Remove in some Mocha VR projects will crash After Effects Platform: macOS and Windows 4 mocha® v5.5.2 Release Note Product: All Products Bug Description: Remove stability has been improved in the After Effects plugin. Issue: MO-8627 Keyframe manipulations are not invalidating all intermediate results Platform: All Platforms Product: Mocha Pro All Bug Description: Remove will now re-render correctly after adjusting layers. Issue: MO-8626 Incorrect interpolation of edge points Platform: All Platforms Product: Mocha Pro All Bug Description: Interpolation of edge point positions are now correct when inner points are moved independently. Issue: MO-8610 If the CTI in Vegas is not over the clip with Mocha VR and Pro OFX plugin applied to it, frames will not load into Mocha UI Platform: Windows 10 Product: mocha Pro OFX Plug-in, mocha VR OFX Plug-in Bug Description: Before Vegas support was implemented in this release, frames would not load into mocha if the playhead was not ove the clip. Issue: MO-8608 Deleting an instance of Mocha VR and Pro OFX plugin from a clip will instantly crash Vegas Platform: Windows 10 Product: mocha Pro OFX Plug-in, mocha VR OFX Plug-in Bug Description: Before Vegas support was implemented in this release, deleting the plugin would crash Vegas. Issue: MO-8592 Erratic playback of Stabilize
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