United States Open Music Competition PO BOX 418, 6114 LA SALLE AVENUE, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94611 TEL 510.843.8686 | EMAIL [email protected] | WEBSITE www.usomc.org


Co-founder & President: Lamae Loo

Co-founder & Vice President: Elaine Lee

Executive Secretary: Valerie Le

Treasurer: Ivy Chen

Music Consultant: Betty Woo


Board Chairman: Katherine Dang

Directors: Ivy Chen, Anita Cheung, Valerie Le, Elaine Lee,

Gar-Wei Lee, Yvonne Liu, Lamae Loo, Betty Woo


2018 USOMC Event Operations Team

Cover Design: Edward Yang

Program Book: Raymond Pak, Valerie Le, Trang Vu

Program Committee: Lamae Loo, Betty Woo, Ariana Yu

Adjudicator Coordinators: Lamae Loo, Betty Woo, Yvonne Liu, Trang Vu

Accompanist Staff Coordinator: Nicholas Dold Official Accompanists of the 2018 USOMC: Anny Cheng, Nathan Cheung, Nicholas Dold, Gabrielle Lochard, Christopher Salocks, Chen Woo, Yi-Fang Wu ______Prize Winners’ Concerts Emcee: Irene Fong Gold Medalists’ Special Awards Committee: Dorian Ho, Lamae Loo, Shi-Hwa Wang, Betty Woo, Yu-Jane Yang Competition Week Staff – Volunteer Coordinator: Gar-Wei Lee Assisted by: Ivy Chen, Doreen Chiu, Anita Cheung, Peggy Choy, Katherine Dang, Anson Kwan, Valerie Le, Elaine Lee, Ping Lee, Robert Lee, Yvonne Liu, Raymond Pak, Dr. Shantha Ursell, Trang Vu, Helena Yip, Jonathan Yip, Ariana Yu General Catering Coordinator: Elaine Lee

Assisted by: Kyomi Yang, Lillian Leung

Special Advisors to the Board: Chrissy Huang, David Loo

USOMC Music Library Curator: Ariana Yu

Sight-reading Composer: Artur

Videographer: Chris Cotter, Integrant Sights & Sounds

Photographer: Alisha Justine Cabrera, Photography



Greetings from the President Dear Parents, Teachers, Students and Friends: Welcome to our 26th Annual Open Music Competition. We are happy to see you here. Each year we continue to expand! This year more than 1,500 contestants have come from around the world to participate at the USOMC; with a total of 2620 entries in 171 events. What a joy it is to see all the smiling faces and to hear so many terrifically talented performances. Thank you for coming! To celebrate our 26th anniversary, we are happy to continue with the two additional special prizes for our 2018 annual competitions. (1) There will be extra monetary awards of $6000 from the Samuel Tak Lee Scholarship Foundation given in memory of Dr. Billy Loo Sr. at the six Prize Winners’ Concerts. (2) There will also be a Master Class on Sunday Feb. 25th from 2:00 – 5:00 PM presented by Dr. Sharon Mann at her Concert Studio in Berkeley, California. Five winners and alternate winners will be chosen from different events who are Winners of the 2018 USOMC Music Competitions, between the ages of 14 – 16. They will also receive additional monetary awards.

Performing in a music competition can be a real challenge. It is not the same as running in the Olympics, where we can all see who crossed the finish line first. There is no such finish line here. In a music competition, musicality, artistry, technique, accuracy, poise, remaining faithful to the intent of the composer – these are some of the key elements which contribute to a great performance. Just to get to this level of performance requires three main essentials: (1) hours of practice each day, (2) learning to keep performance anxiety to a minimum, and (3) being in good health. Combine these factors with the fact that judges may vary in their opinions of how a particular piece ought to sound, and you begin to see the difficulties which can occur in choosing a winner. We do our best to help minimize such difficulties in several ways. We provide a relaxed venue to perform at, with the very best pianos available and in the very best condition. We hire only the very best judges we can find, and we write guidelines to assist them in their decision-making. As usual, we will announce the winners immediately after each of the 171 events. Unlike other competitions which strive to find one winner among many contestants, we prefer to have smaller groups of contestants and award prizes to the best in each group. In this way, we are hoping to offer awards to numerous outstanding performers and to give many of the contestants extra encouragement and inspiration to continue their pursuit of musical excellence. We know how highly important music education is to the growth and development of our younger generation.

Every student is a winner just for being here, to receive invaluable comments from esteemed judges and to meet and listen to 1500 contestants perform – are terrific learning opportunities and that should inspire the students to work harder – medals and ribbons are of secondary importance in reality. Board members, staff and volunteers work hard all year to host this event. They donate their time and energy out of love of music and the desire to provide good experiences for the contestants, families, teachers, and friends who attend. If you are able, we welcome you to join us in our endeavors. If you have ideas or opinions about how we can improve USOMC, please let me know directly, or speak with any one of the dedicated board members. We like feedback and are continuously trying to improve the competitions. We sincerely hope all the contestants will be encouraged to continue working hard and to come back and perform again next year. Sincerely,

Lamae Loo

President United States Open Music Competition


We are indebted to many individuals and corporate representatives who support the United States Open Music Competition with their time, talents, and resources. We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors for their continuous support and generosity, and to all the volunteers who have donated their time and efforts to our music program. The USOMC Board is made up of extremely dedicated music lovers. Every board member labors without remuneration. All moneys received, whether from entry fees or donations go directly to the program. If you would like to learn more about our non-profit music organization or how to become more involved, please feel free to contact us. There are numerous ways you can support the USOMC and help to promote the love of music education in future generations. Your participation is very important to us and to every contestant who enters our annual event. PLACING ADVERTISEMENTS in our Program and the Prize Winners Concerts Program will help too. We look forward to hearing from you and meeting you personally. Acknowledgments

We gratefully acknowledge the following organizations for their tremendous help in the past as well as in this year’s competition. We owe much of our success to them and want to express our sincere gratitude.

The Oakland Inter-Stake Center (Mormon Temple of Oakland) once again graciously accommodates us with the use of its facilities. We so appreciate being able to hold the USOMC in this beautiful setting of the Oakland hills.

Steinway & Sons provides us with the very best artist pianos available. Special thanks to Chrissy Huang, who serves as an advisor to our board, and works tirelessly year after year sending these pianos on time and in perfect working condition.

The Samuel Tak Lee Charitable Foundation who has offered an unprecedented monetary donation in memory of Dr. Billy Loo Sr. to perpetually support the operation of USOMC. We are awed by this gesture of love. The Scholarship Foundation Donors are truly our silent partners. Their love, support, and generous contributions foster the growth of this unique, music competition. We are especially grateful to Drs. Shantha & Philip Ursell for investing twenty years of their time as well as financial support. The Billy Loo Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund established since July 2016 by friends and families of Dr. Billy Loo Sr. is a newly added contribution to the competition. The USOMC Adjudicators, enthusiastically support the competition by availing to us their time, expertise, talent and love of music, which together are phenomenal contributions to the competition.

Mr. D.J. Yun and Mrs. May Xu Yun enthusiastically donated all the Crystal medals for 2018. They have supported USOMC in the past as well (anonymously).

Thank you all!

The USOMC Board of Directors


USOMC Scholarship Foundation Donors

The Samuel Tak Lee Charitable Foundation (in memory of Dr. B.W. Loo Sr.) – $250,000

Dr. B.W. Loo Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund – $11,000

The Following are One-time $5000 Donors from 1993 - 2010

Dave and Betty Calfee; Robert and Jenny Hinckley; Dr. & Mrs. David & Tiffany Law; Valerie Le; Elaine Lee; Robert and Ping Lee; Dr. & Mrs. Shiu & Jennie Lee; Jim & Kitty Liu; Allan Loo; Dr. & Mrs. Billy Loo Sr.; Dr. & Mrs. Chung On Ng; Bertha & Arthur Sun; Joshua & Maria Wong; H.P. & Irene Wong

2018 Special Event Scholarship Donors:

The following scholarships are given in addition to the winners of specific events: Sight-Reading Solo Prep: Kimmy & Wing Tsao ($100) in honor of all the Music Educators Sight-Reading Solo Elem: Jonathan Tsao ($100) Sight-Reading Solo Junior: Drs. Philip & Shantha Ursell ($100) Sight-Reading Solo Intermediate: Drs. Philip & Shantha Ursell ($100) Sight-Reading Solo Senior: Drs. Philip & Shantha Ursell ($100) Sight-Reading Duet Preparatory – Elementary: Drs. Philip & Shantha Ursell ($100) Sight-Reading Duet Junior: Drs. Philip & Shantha Ursell ($200) Sight-Reading Duet Intermediate: Drs. Philip & Shantha Ursell ($200) Sight-Reading Duet Senior: Drs. Philip & Shantha Ursell ($200) Piano Concerto Junior: Drs. Sean & Katharine May ($100) Piano Concerto Intermediate: Drs. Sean & Katharine May ($100) Piano Concerto Senior: Drs. Sean & Katharine May ($100) Piano Concerto Advanced: Drs. Sean & Katharine May ($100) Complete Piano Concerto: Drs. Sean & Katharine May ($100) Five or More $100 Scholarships will be added to the awards for the best Outstanding Gold Medalists at each of the six Prize Winners’ Concerts from the Samuel Tak Lee Scholarship Foundation in memory of B.W. Loo Sr. Five $100 Scholarships will be awarded to the Master Class Winners and $50 each will be awarded to the Alternate Winners of the USOMC on Feb. 25th from the B.W. Loo Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund.

2018 General Donors: Anonymous Adjudicator ($100 for the past two years); Katherine Tran ($100); Seoyeon Yu ($35); Anonymous patron ($30)







Monday, February 19, 2018...... 17 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 1 ...... 17 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 2 ...... 19 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 3 ...... 21 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | Lower Hall | OPEN OWN COMPOSITION ...... 23 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:30 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 4 ...... 24 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | North Hall | 5A - OPEN SOLO...... 26 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 9:30 AM | North Hall | 6C - OPEN SOLO Group 1 ...... 27 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 11:00 AM | North Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 1 ...... 28 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | North Hall | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY PREPARATORY ...... 29 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:00 PM | North Hall | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC JUNIOR ...... 30 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:30 PM | North Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1 ...... 31 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:00 PM | North Hall | 4A - OPEN SOLO ...... 32 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:30 PM | North Hall | 4B - OPEN SOLO Group 2 ...... 33 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1 ...... 34 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 10:00 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 2 ...... 35 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 11:00 AM | South Hall | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY ELEMENTARY ...... 36 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 11:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS UPPER-JUNIOR Group 1 .. 37 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 1 ...... 38 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:45 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS UPPER-JUNIOR Group 2 .... 39 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:00 PM | South Hall | 3B - OPEN SOLO Group 1 ...... 40 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 5:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC INTERMEDIATE Group 1 .. 41 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 9:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 1 ...... 42 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1 ...... 43 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:00 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 1 .... 44 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:30 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1 ...... 45 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:00 PM | Room 102 | 3A - OPEN SOLO ...... 46 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 5:15 PM | Room 102 | 4C - OPEN SOLO Group 1 ...... 47 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 1 ...... 48 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 9:45 AM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY INTERMEDIATE ...... 49 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 10:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 1 ..... 50 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 11:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL UPPER-ELEMENTARY Group 1 ...... 51 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2 ...... 52 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 3:30 PM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC ELEMENTARY ...... 53 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:00 PM | Room 110 | 5C - OPEN SOLO ...... 54 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 5:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 2 ...... 55 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:45 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO SENIOR ...... 56 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:00 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO ELEMENTARY...... 58 Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:00 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group A ...... 59



Tuesday, February 20, 2018 ...... 61 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:30 AM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 5 ...... 61 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:30 PM | Auditorium | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL JUNIOR ...... 63 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:15 PM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 1 ...... 64 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 5:00 PM | Auditorium | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL SENIOR ...... 66 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:30 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 2 ...... 67 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 11:00 AM | Lower Hall | 6B - OPEN SOLO ...... 69 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:15 PM | Lower Hall | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC SENIOR ...... 70 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:30 PM | Lower Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 2 ...... 71 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 4:00 PM | Lower Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 4 ...... 72 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:45 AM | South Hall | 4D - OPEN SOLO Group 1 ...... 73 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 9:45 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 3 ...... 74 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 11:00 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 2 ..... 75 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:00 PM | South Hall | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY SENIOR ...... 76 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS UPPER-JUNIOR Group 4 .... 77 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 3:15 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 1 ..... 78 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 4:30 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1 ...... 79 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 2 ...... 80 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 9:45 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS UPPER-JUNIOR Group 3 .... 81 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 11:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 3.... 82 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:15 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE ...... 83 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:30 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS UPPER-ELEMENTARY Group 2 ...... 84 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 3:30 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CHINESE COMPOSERS SENIOR ...... 85 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 4:45 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 2 .... 86 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 9:00 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 1 ...... 87 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 11:00 AM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC ADVANCED ...... 88 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 4 ...... 89 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:15 PM | Room 110 | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 3 ...... 90 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:30 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group B ...... 92 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:30 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO JUNIOR Group A ...... 94 Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 3:45 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO JUNIOR Group B ...... 96

Camera & Video Recording Policy Cameras and/or video recording are NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME during the 2018 United States Open Music Competition. Photos can be taken ONLY at the conclusion of each event.

No cameras, no video, no cell phones!



Wednesday, February 21, 2018 ...... 98 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | Auditorium | COMPLETE PIANO CONCERTO ...... 98 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | Auditorium | OPEN PIANO CONCERTO SENIOR ...... 99 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | Lower Hall | 4C - OPEN SOLO Group 2 ...... 100 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 9:30 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO PREPARATORY ...... 101 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:00 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 4 ...... 103 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:30 PM | Lower Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 2 ... 105 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 9:00 AM | North Hall | 4D - OPEN SOLO Group 2 ...... 106 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 10:00 AM | North Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 3 ...... 107 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:00 PM | North Hall | 2B - OPEN SOLO ...... 108 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | North Hall | 3B - OPEN SOLO Group 2 ...... 109 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 2:30 PM | North Hall | 2A - OPEN SOLO ...... 110 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:15 PM | North Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 4 ...... 111 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 4:30 PM | North Hall | 3D - OPEN SOLO ...... 112 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 5:30 PM | North Hall | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC INTERMEDIATE ...... 113 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS JUNIOR ...... 114 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 9:15 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 1...... 115 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 11:00 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2 ...... 116 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 3 ...... 117 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC SENIOR Group 1 ...... 118 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 5:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 1...... 119 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 5:45 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 2...... 120 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 9:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2 ...... 121 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 10:30 AM | Room 102 | 1A - OPEN SOLO ...... 122 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 11:00 AM | Room 102 | 3C - OPEN SOLO ...... 123 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | Room 102 | 1B - OPEN SOLO ...... 124 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 2:00 PM | Room 102 | 2D - OPEN SOLO ...... 125 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 2:30 PM | Room 102 | 4B - OPEN SOLO Group 1 ...... 126 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:45 PM | Room 102 | SHOWCASE PIANO DUET/ENSEMBLE ELEMENTARY-JUNIOR .... 127 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 5:30 PM | Room 102 | 6D - OPEN SOLO ...... 128 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2 ...... 129 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 5 ...... 130 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 11:15 AM | Room 110 | 1C - OPEN SOLO ...... 131 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 11:40 AM | Room 110 | 1D - OPEN SOLO ...... 132 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:15 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 1 ... 133 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:15 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY ... 134 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 4:15 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 5 ...... 135 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | Cultural Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO SENIOR Group 1 ...... 136 Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | Cultural Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO SENIOR Group 2 ...... 138



Thursday, February 22, 2018 ...... 141 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:30 AM | Auditorium | OPEN PIANO CONCERTO JUNIOR ...... 141 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:45 AM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO ADVANCED ...... 142 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:30 PM | Auditorium | OPEN PIANO CONCERTO ADVANCED ...... 143 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:30 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 6 ...... 144 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:00 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO ELEMENTARY Group 1 ...... 146 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:00 PM | Lower Hall | TREASURY OF CHINESE COMPOSERS JUNIOR ...... 148 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:15 PM | Lower Hall | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL ADVANCED ...... 149 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 5:00 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO DUO/ENSEMBLE INTERMEDIATE ...... 150 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:00 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO PREPARATORY ...... 151 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:45 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO ELEMENTARY ...... 152 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:30 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO JUNIOR ...... 153 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 11:15 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING DUET PREPARATORY-ELEMENTARY ...... 154 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 11:45 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO INTERMEDIATE ...... 155 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:30 PM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING DUET SENIOR ...... 156 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:15 PM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING DUET JUNIOR ...... 157 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:45 PM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO SENIOR ...... 158 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:45 PM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING DUET INTERMEDIATE ...... 159 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:15 PM | North Hall | TREASURY OF CHINESE COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY ...... 160 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 5:00 PM | North Hall | 6C - OPEN SOLO Group 2...... 161 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:30 AM | South Hall | 5D - OPEN SOLO ...... 162 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:15 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 6 ...... 163 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 3 ...... 164 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS UPPER-ELEMENTARY Group 3 .... 165 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:15 PM | South Hall | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL ELEMENTARY ...... 166 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 3 .. 167 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:45 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 6 .. 168 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 2 169 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 102 | 6A - OPEN SOLO ...... 170 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:45 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC INTERMEDIATE Group 2 ...... 171 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:15 PM | Room 102 | 2C - OPEN SOLO ...... 172 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:15 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CHINESE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE ...... 173 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:15 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 5 .. 174 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:30 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 3 ... 175 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 5:30 PM | Room 102 | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY JUNIOR ...... 176 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:45 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 1 ...... 177 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:45 AM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL INTERMEDIATE ...... 178 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL INTERMEDIATE Group 2 ...... 179 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:15 PM | Room 110 | 5B - OPEN SOLO ...... 180 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 2 ...... 181 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC UPPER-JUNIOR Group 5 ...... 182 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:15 PM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET BAROQUE JUNIOR ...... 183 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 5:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 7 .. 184 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:30 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group C ...... 185 Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:00 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO SENIOR-ADVANCED ...... 187



Friday, February 23, 2018 ...... 188 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 8:15 AM | Auditorium | OPEN PIANO CONCERTO INTERMEDIATE ...... 188 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 9:00 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO DUET/ENSEMBLE INTERMEDIATE-SENIOR ...... 189 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:15 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO ELEMENTARY Group 2 ...... 190 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:30 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO DUO/ENSEMBLE JUNIOR ...... 192 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 2:15 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO DUO/ENSEMBLE SENIOR ...... 193 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 3:00 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 5 ...... 194 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 9:00 AM | North Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 6 ...... 196 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 11:00 AM | North Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 3 ...... 197 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:30 PM | North Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 3 ...... 198 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 3:00 PM | North Hall | OPEN DUET BAROQUE INTERMEDIATE-SENIOR ...... 199 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 8:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 2 ...... 200 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 7 ...... 201 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:30 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY INTERMEDIATE Group 3 ...... 202 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2 ...... 203 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 3 ...... 204 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:00 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC ADVANCED ...... 205 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 4 ..... 206 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC SENIOR Group 2 ...... 207 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 3 ...... 208 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 9:00 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE INTERMEDIATE ...... 209 Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:00 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE SENIOR ...... 210

Adjudicator Biographies ...... 211

USOMC Official Accompanist Biographies ...... 228

Camera & Video Recording Policy Cameras and/or video recording are NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME during the 2018 United States Open Music Competition. Photos can be taken ONLY at the conclusion of each event.

No cameras, no video, no cell phones!



All PRIZE WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT at their designated PRIZE WINNERS’ CONCERTS with FORMAL ATTIRE. . • All First Place Winners will perform at their designated concert(s) to receive their gold medal(s), certificate(s) and cash awards from the U.S.O.M.C. Scholarship Foundation & the Scholarship Endowment Fund • If a First Place Winner cannot perform at their designated concert(s), they will forfeit their cash award(s). • All 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Place Winners will receive their medals during the award ceremony at the end of their concert. • Receiving a medal/award for an absentee is NOT permitted. • If a winning contestant cannot attend the concert, he/she may request their medal(s) & certificate(s) be mailed to them with a $25 shipping & handling fee paid in advance. Winners whose pieces are longer than 5 minutes need to check this carefully: Winners of all the Intermediate, Senior and Advanced Treasury Piano Solo events- • All Treasury Piano Solo Intermediate Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 3 minutes. • All Treasury Piano Solo Senior Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. • All Treasury Piano Solo Advanced Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 5 minutes. Winners of all Showcase Piano Solo & Instrumental Solo events- • All Showcase Piano Solo Preparatory Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 2 minutes. • All Showcase Piano Solo Elementary Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 3 minutes. • All Showcase Piano Solo Junior Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. • All Showcase Piano Solo Intermediate Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. • All Showcase Piano Solo Senior Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 6 minutes. • All Showcase Piano Solo Advanced Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 6 minutes. Winners of all Piano Duet & Duo events- • All Elementary Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 3 minutes. • All Junior Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. • All Intermediate Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 4 minutes. • All Senior Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 6 minutes. Winners of all Piano Concerto events- • All Concerto Junior Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 5 minutes. • All Concerto Intermediate Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 6 minutes. • All Concerto Senior Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 7 minutes. • All Concerto Advanced Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 7 minutes. Winners of Instrumental Ensemble- • Intermediate Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 5 minutes. • Senior Level Winners are allowed a maximum of 7 minutes. Winner of Piano Complete Concerto is allowed 10 minutes. Up to six performers will be chosen from each of the six Prize Winners’ Concerts on Friday Feb. 23 and Saturday Feb. 24 as Outstanding Gold Medalists of 2018 and will receive additional cash awards. All winners should be prepared to play their pieces, shortened if necessary, following the above time limits. If any performer exceed the time limit (as stated above), they will not be considered for the Outstanding Gold Medalists’ Awards. The awards will be given at the conclusion of each Prize Winners' Concert.


2018 USOMC Concerts Listing CONCERT 1 | 6:30P.M. | FRIDAY | FEBRUARY 23, 2018| AUDITORIUM 1 Open Duet Contemporary Preparatory 22 Open Duet Contemporary Junior 2 Open Solo 1A 23 Baroque Junior Grp 1 3 Open Solo 1B 24 Romantic Elementary Grp 3 4 Open Solo 1C 25 Classical Junior Grp 1 5 Open Solo 1D 26 Romantic Upper-Junior Grp 1 6 Open Duet Contemporary Elementary 27 Contemporary Junior 7 Classical Upper-Elementary Grp 1 28 Baroque Junior Grp 2 8 Romantic Elementary Grp 1 29 Open Duet Romantic Junior 9 Contemporary Elementary 30 Classical Junior Grp 2 10 Classical Upper-Elementary Grp 2 31 USA Junior Grp 1 11 USA Elementary Grp 1 32 Chinese Junior 12 Chinese Elementary 33 Showcase Solo Preparatory 13 Open Duet Classical Elementary 34 Classical Junior Grp 3 14 Open Solo 2A 35 Showcase Duet Elementary-Junior 15 Open Solo 2B 36 Showcase Solo Elementary Grp 1 16 Open Solo 2C 37 Classical Junior Grp 4 17 Open Solo 2D 38 Showcase Duo Junior 18 Classical Upper-Elementary Grp 3 39 Sight Reading Solo Preparatory 19 Open Duet Romantic Elementary 40 Sight Reading Solo Elementary 20 USA Elementary Grp 2 41 Sight Reading Duet Preparatory-Elementary 21 Romantic Elementary Grp 2

CONCERT 2 | 9:30A.M. | SATURDAY | FEBRUARY 24, 2018| AUDITORIUM 1 Open Duet Classical Junior 19 Open Duet Romantic Intermediate 2 Open Solo 3A 20 Open Solo 4B Grp 2 3 Open Solo 3B Grp 1 21 Open Solo 4C Grp 2 4 Open Solo 3C 22 Open Solo 4D Grp 2 5 Open Solo 3D 23 Baroque Intermediate Grp 1 6 Open Duet Baroque Junior 24 Classical Intermediate Grp 1 7 Open Solo 3B Grp 2 25 Romantic Intermediate Grp 1 8 Romantic Upper-Junior Grp 2 26 Showcase Solo Junior Grp 1 9 USA Junior Grp 2 27 Baroque Intermediate Grp 2 10 Classical Junior Grp 5 28 Classical Intermediate Grp 2 11 Romantic Upper-Junior Grp 3 29 Contemporary Intermediate Grp 1 12 Showcase Solo Elementary Grp 2 30 USA Intermediate 13 Open Solo 4A 31 Open Duet Classical Intermediate 14 Open Solo 4B Grp 1 32 Showcase Solo Junior Grp 2 15 Open Solo 4C Grp 1 33 Instrumental Solo Junior Grp B 16 Open Solo 4D Grp 1 34 Open Piano Concerto Junior 17 Classical Junior Grp 6 35 Sight-Reading Solo Junior 18 Instrumental Solo Junior Grp A 36 Sight-Reading Duet Junior


CONCERT 3 | 12:00 P.M. | SATURDAY | FEBRUARY 24, 2018| AUDITORIUM 1 Open Duet Contemporary Intermediate 17 Showcase Solo Junior Grp 4 2 Open Solo 5A 18 Open Duet Baroque Intermediate-Senior 3 Open Solo 5B 19 French/Impressionistic Intermediate Grp 2 4 Open Solo 5C 20 Contemporary Intermediate Grp 3 5 Open Solo 5D 21 Showcase Duo Intermediate 6 Romantic Upper-Junior Grp 4 22 Showcase Solo Intermediate Grp 1 7 Baroque Intermediate Grp 3 23 Baroque Intermediate Grp 5 8 Classical Intermediate Grp 3 24 Romantic Intermediate Grp 3 9 Instrumental Solo Elementary 25 USA Senior Grp 1 10 Romantic Upper-Junior Grp 5 26 Open Duet Romantic Senior 11 Showcase Solo Junior Grp 3 27 Showcase Solo Intermediate Grp 2 12 French/Impressionistic Intermediate Grp 1 28 Classical Senior Grp 1 13 Contemporary Intermediate Grp 2 29 USA Senior Grp 2 14 Chinese Intermediate 30 Open Piano Concerto Intermediate 15 Baroque Intermediate Grp 4 31 Sight Reading Solo Intermediate 16 Romantic Intermediate Grp 2 32 Sight-Reading Duet Intermediate

CONCERT 4 | 2:30 P.M. | SATURDAY | FEBRUARY 24, 2018| AUDITORIUM 1 Showcase Solo Junior Grp 5 14 Romantic Senior Grp 2 2 Open Solo 6A 15 USA Senior Grp 3 3 Open Solo 6B 16 Showcase Duet Intermediate-Senior 4 Open Solo 6C Grp 1 17 Classical Senior Grp 3 5 Open Solo 6D 18 Showcase Solo Intermediate Grp 4 6 Baroque Intermediate Grp 6 19 Instrumental Solo Senior 7 Romantic Intermediate Grp 4 20 Showcase Duo Senior 8 Showcase Solo Intermediate Grp 3 21 Open Duet Classical Senior 9 Open Solo 6C Grp 2 22 Classical Advanced Grp 2 10 Instrumental Solo Intermediate Grp A 23 Romantic Advanced Grp 2 11 Open Duet Contemporary Senior 24 Instrumental Ensemble Intermediate 12 Baroque Senior Grp 1 25 Sight Reading Solo Senior 13 Classical Senior Grp 2


CONCERT 5 | 5:00 P.M. | SATURDAY | FEBRUARY 24, 2018| AUDITORIUM 1 Baroque Intermediate Grp 7 12 Classical Senior Grp 5 2 Showcase Solo Intermediate Grp 5 13 Open Piano Concerto Senior 3 Instrumental Solo Intermediate Grp B 14 Showcase Solo Senior Grp 1 4 Classical Senior Grp 4 15 Open Duet Classical Advanced 5 Romantic Senior Grp 3 16 Baroque Advanced Grp 1 6 French/Impressionistic Senior Grp 1 17 Romantic Advanced Grp 1 7 Contemporary Senior Grp 1 18 Classical Advanced Grp 3 8 Chinese Senior 19 Instrumental Ensemble Senior 9 Showcase Solo Intermediate Grp 6 20 Open Duet Romantic Advanced 10 Instrumental Solo Intermediate Grp C 21 Open Piano Concerto Advanced 11 Baroque Senior Grp 2 22 Sight Reading Duet Senior

CONCERT 6 | 6:30 P.M. | SATURDAY | FEBRUARY 24, 2018| AUDITORIUM 1 Baroque Senior Grp 3 9 Own Composition 2 Classical Senior Grp 6 10 Classical Advanced Grp 1 3 Romantic Senior Grp 1 11 French/Impressionistic Advanced 4 French/Impressionistic Senior Grp 2 12 Instrumental Solo Senior-Advanced 5 Contemporary Senior Grp 2 13 Baroque Advanced Grp 3 6 Classical Senior Grp 7 14 Showcase Solo Advanced 7 Showcase Solo Senior Grp 2 15 Complete Piano Concerto 8 Baroque Advanced Grp 2


2018 United States Open Music Competition Events Listing Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 1

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Simon Yu Charles Ives: "The Alcotts" from Sonata #2 Frederic Chopin: Ballade #2 Op.38 in F Major 2 Grace Wei J.S. Bach: Allegro from Italian Concerto BWV 971 in F Major Sergey Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.32 #12 in G# Minor 3 Daniel Man Ludwig van Beethoven: Presto from Sonata Op.10 #3 in D Major Frederic Chopin: Ballade #1 Op.23 in G Minor 4 Siddharth Das J.S. Bach: Allamande from English Suite #3 BWV 808 in G Minor Alexander Scriabin: Andante from Fantaisie -Sonata #2 Op.19 in G# Minor 5 Garrett Blosen Ludwig van Beethoven: Presto agitato from Sonata Op.27 #2 in C# Minor Franz Liszt: La Campanella in G# Minor (Grand Etude de Paganini #3) 6 Withdrawn 7 Christopher Yao Ludwig van Beethoven: Prestissimo from Sonata Op.2 #1 in F Minor Franz Liszt: Un Sospiro in Db Major (Concert Etude #3) 8 Nakul Shenoy Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.3 #2 in C# Minor Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #12 in C Minor 9 Lauren Lee Ludwig van Beethoven: Presto agitato from Sonata Op.27 #2 in C# Minor Franz Liszt: Liebestraume #3 in Ab Major 10 Feinuo Mai Dmitri Shostakovich: Prelude and Fugue Op.87 #15 in Db Minor Claude Debussy: L'isle Joyeuse in A Major 11 Jonathan Qin Ludwig van Beethoven: Presto agitato from Sonata Op.27 #2 in C# Minor Frederic Chopin: Scherzo #2 Op.31 in Bb Minor


12 Leonard Pan J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue from WTC Bk.1 #18 in G# Minor Franz Schubert - Franz Liszt: Gretchen am Spinnerade 13 Jessica Jiang Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.22 in Bb Major Sergei Prokofiev: Allegro ma non troppo from Sonata Op.14 in D Minor 14 Withdrawn

15 Zak Mustille Leo Ornstein: Moderato con moto from Sonata #4 in E Minor Frederic Chopin: Ballade #2 Op.3 in F Major 16 Janine Jiang J. S. Bach: Toccata BWV 914 in E Minor : The Cat and the Mouse 17 Ryan Andrew Chi Frederic Chopin: Ballade #1 Op. 23 in G Minor Ludwig van Beethoven: Vivace ma non troppo-Adagio espressivo and Prestissimo from Sonata Op.109 in E Major 18 Britney Nguyen Sergei Prokofiev: Finale Precipitato from Sonata Op. 83 in Bb Major Franz Liszt: La Campanella in G# Minor (Grand Etude de Paganini #3) 19 Jessica Cho Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.53 in C Major Claude Debussy : Modérément animé 20 Nathan Parque Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro vivace from Sonata Op.2 #2 in A Major Sergei Prokofiev: Vivace from Sonata Op.14 in D Minor

With all good wishes to everyone participating in the 2018 Competitions

from the USOMC Board of Directors


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 2

Adjudicators: Ms. Erna Gulabyan & Dr. Sarah Chan Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Riley Kong Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etudes-Tableaux Op.33 #2 in C Major Ludwig van Beethoven: Largo-Allegro from Sonata Op.31 #2 in D Minor 2 William Sun Joseph Haydn: Allegro moderato from Sonata Hob.XVI:32 in B Minor Felix Mendelssohn: Rondo Capriccioso Op.14 3 Withdrawn

4 Safi Rouhi Jean-Philippe Rameau: Gavotte from Nouvelle Suite in A Minor Joseph Haydn: Finale Presto from Sonata Hob XVI:32 in B Minor 5 Roy Ruiyi Mao Sergei Prokofiev: Allegro from Sonata Op.29 #4 in C Minor Franz Liszt: La Campanella in G# Minor (Grand Etude de Paganini #3) 6 Irene Geng J.S. Bach: Prelude & Fugue WTC Bk.2 #12 in F Minor Felix Mendelssohn: Fantasie Op.28 in F# Minor 7 Alexander Pham Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #12 in C Minor Ludwig van Beethoven: Andante from Sonata Op.27 #1 in Eb Major 8 Fei Chen Sergei Prokofiev: Sonata #3 Op.28 in A Minor Franz Liszt: Waldesrauschen in Db Major 9 Yejin Song Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.2 #3 in C Major Maurice Ravel: Jeux d'eau in E Major 10 Nancy Zheng Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.32 #12 in G# Minor Sergei Prokofiev: Vivace from Sonata Op.14 #2 in D Minor 11 Paul Jin Ludwig van Beethoven: Adagio cantabile from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor Franz Liszt: La Campanella in G# Minor (Grand Etude de Paganini #3) 12 Jane Wu J.S. Bach-Ferruccio Busoni: Toccata BWV 565 in D Minor Sergei Rachmaninoff: Polichinelle Op.3 #4 in F# Minor


13 Spencer Cha Ludwig van Beethoven: Vivace ma non troppo-Adagio espressivo from Sonata Op.109 in E Major Sergei Prokofiev: Sonata #1 in F Minor 14 Yichen li J.S. Bach: Sinfonia #15 BWV 801 in B Minor Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #12 in C Minor 15 Irene Yang Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondo- Allegretto Moderato from Sonata Op.53 in C Major Sergei Prokofiev: Vivace from Sonata Op.14 in D Minor 16 Jocelyn Li Frederic Chopin: Ballade #1 Op.23 in G Minor Nikolai Kapustin : Intermezzo from Etude Op.40 #7 in Db Major 17 Lillian Ding J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.1 #16 in G Minor Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.23 #4 in D Major 18 Adrian Pu Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro molto e con brio from Sonata Op.10 #1 in C Minor Cecile Chaminade: Automne from Etude Op.35 in Db Major 19 Jade Lu J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.1 #9 in E Major Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.23 #5 in G Minor 20 Joanna Wong Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.53 in C Major Frederic Chopin: Scherzo #2 Op.31 in Bb Minor


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Ms. Allison Lovejoy Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Anna Guan Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro vivace from Sonata Op.2 #2 in A Major Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #12 in C Minor 2 Zoe Wang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major Sergei Prokofiev: Prelude Op.12 #7 in C Major 3 William Yang Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.72 #1 in E Minor Ludwig van Beethoven: Vivace ma non troppo-Adagio espressivo from Op.109 in E Major 4 Jianna Wong Enrique Granados: Allegro de Concierto Op.46 in C# Major George Gershwin-Fazil Say: Summertime Variations 5 Vanessa Jan Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.27 #2 in Db Major Sergei Prokofiev: Vivace from Sonata #2 in D Minor 6 Nathan Tsui J.S. Bach: Allegro from Italian concerto BWV 971 in F Major Johannes Brahms: Rhapsodie Op.79 #2 in G Minor 7 Withdrawn

8 Delu Zhao Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondo Allegro from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor Franz Schubert-Franz Liszt: Soiree de Vienne 9 Ethan Wang W.A. Mozart: Allegro from Sonata K.283 in G Major Claude Debussy: Golliwog's Cakewalk in Eb Major 10 Ashton Liu Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.3 #2 in C# Minor George Gershwin: Prelude #3 11 Caleb Shih Edvard Grieg: Wedding Day at Troldhaugen from Lyric Pieces Op.65 Alberto Ginastera: Danza de la moza donosa Op.2 #2 from Danzas Argentinas


12 Sungho Seo Claude Debussy: Les Collines d'Anacapri from Preludes Bk.1 in B Major Franz Schubert: Allegro Vivace from Sonata Op.143 in A Minor 13 Rohan Kumar Ludwig van Beethoven: Andante from Sonata #25 Op.79 in G Major Isaac Albeniz: Asturias in G Minor 14 Ashley Chen Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob. XVI:50 in C Major Felix Mendelssohn: Fantasie Op.28 in F# Minor 15 Viviana Truong Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #1 in Ab Major Diemer: Toccata for Piano 16 Jasmine Lee J.S. Bach : Gigue from English Suite #2 BWV 807 in A Minor Robert Schumann : Noveletten Op.21 #1 in F Major 17 Addison Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Polonaise Op 40 #1 in A Major Maurice Ravel: Jeux d'eau in E Major 18 Evan Cheng Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro Vivace from Sonata Op.2 #2 in A Major Modest Moussorgsky: Promenade, Gnome, Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks, and Promenade from Pictures at an Exhibition

Master Class with Dr. Sharon Mann

Berkeley, CA on Sunday Feb 25, 2 – 5PM

To commemorate the 26th Anniversary of the United States Open Music Competition, the Board of Directors of the USOMC is presenting a special Master Class with pianist, Dr. Sharon Mann.

Five (5) qualified winners will be chosen by our 2018 Adjudicators from among the winners of the 2018 USOMC, who are 14 to 16 years old. If chosen, they will perform at the Master Class and each will receive a scholarship of $100.00 with a certificate of recognition. The winners will be notified on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, 2018 at 9 pm.

In addition, two to five (2-5) alternate winners will also be selected for the Master Class. An alternate may be invited to perform if a winner is unable to attend. In that case, the alternate will receive a scholarship of $100.00 with a certificate of recognition as a winner. If all five winners are able to perform, the alternate winners will each receive a cash award of $50 and a certificate of recognition just for attending as audiences. The alternate winners will also be notified on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, 2018 at 9 pm. Each will be told which piece to use for the Master Class, if a winner (or winners) is unable to perform

If chosen, USOMC requires return emails from the parents of the winners and the alternate winners, confirming that their sons/daughters will be able to attend and ready to perform the designated pieces. If USOMC does not receive a return email by 10 AM on Thursday, Feb. 22nd, that winner’s place will be automatically cancelled for attending the Master Class.


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | Lower Hall | OPEN OWN COMPOSITION

Adjudicators: Dr. Scott Holden & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Athena Xue Athena Xue: Whispering

2 Lilly He Lilly He: Coriander

3 Jason Hale Jason Hale: Elegy

4 Siddharth Pant Siddharth Pant: The Struggle

5 Calvin Shawler Calvin Shawler: Impromptu Op.13 #1 in D Major

6 Marc Maliar Marc Maliar: Allegro from Op.1 #1 in G Major

7 Diane Shih Diane Shih : Nocturne Op.6 in C Major

8 Talon Smith Talon Smith: Sonata in D Minor


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:30 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 4

Adjudicators: Dr. Scott Holden & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Judy Kim Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro molto e con brio from Sonata Op.7 in Eb Major Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #4 in C# Minor 2 Ankur Samanta J.S. Bach: Tocatta BWV 914 in E Minor Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etude-Tableaux Op.39 #8 in D Minor 3 Natasha Chang Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondo Allegro from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor Frederic Chopin: Prelude Op.25 #15 in Db Major 4 Leah Reinhard Edvard Grieg: Vanished Days Op.57 in D Minor Rodion Shchedrin: A La Albeniz in A Minor 5 Jadis Chen Samuel Barber: Excursion Op.20 #3 Frederic Chopin: Grave from Sonata #2 Op.35 in Bb Minor 6 Ria Jain J.S. Bach: Fugue WTC Bk.1 #1 in C Major Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob.XVI:52 in Eb Major 7 Vienna Parnell W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato from Sonata K.330 in C Major Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.55 #1 in F Minor 8 Yitian Li Mily Balakirev - Mikhail Glinka: The Lark in Bb Minor. Joseph Haydn: Finale from Sonata Hob. XVI:19 in D Major 9 Peyton Lee Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.22 #11 in Bb Major Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #4 in C# Minor 10 Siddharth Pant Sergei Prokofiev: Montagues and Capulets and Juliet as a Young Girl from Suite #2 Sergei Rachmaninoff: Moments Musicaux Op.16 #4 in E Minor 11 Valerie Chu J.S. Bach: Allegro from Italian Concerto BWV 971 in F Major Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.9 #2 in Eb Major 12 Raina Lahiri Ludwig van Beethoven: Presto from Sonata Op.10 #3 in D Major Ernst von Dohnanyi: Rhapsody Op.11 #3 in C Major


13 Timothy Chen Frederic Chopin: Impromptu Op.36 in F# Major Sergei Prokofiev: Toccata Op.11 in D Minor 14 Jennifer Yang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.2 #16 in G Minor Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody #2 in C# Minor 15 Max Lee Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.9 # 2 in Eb Major Miguel Astor: Adriana #1 from Valses Venezolanos in A Minor 16 Jocelyn Horng Mikhail Glinka: Variations on 'The Nightingale' in E Minor Sergei Prokofiev: Juliet as a Young Girl from Suite #2 in C Major 17 Jingyi Cheng Frederic Chopin: Ballade #1 Op.23 in G Minor Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.3 #2 in C# Minor 18 Karolyn Cheng Robert Schumann: Intermezzo Op.4 #6 in B Minor Sergei Prokofiev: Diabolical Suggestion Op.4 #4 19 Grace Liu Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.15 #1 in F Major Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.2 #3 in C Major 20 Withdrawn

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Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | North Hall | 5A - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Jean Philippe Rameau: Tambourin

1 Phoebe Loo

2 Medha Rajagopalan

3 Caitlyn Loo

4 Max Tan

5 Michael Yang

6 Serena Bond

7 Adrian Chuang

8 Allyson Wang

9 Michelle Kong

10 Kyle Lam

11 Krissie Li

12 Sarina Yu

13 Gracia Chen


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 9:30 AM | North Hall | 6C - OPEN SOLO Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Frederic Chopin: Fantasie Impromptu Op.66 in C# Minor

1 Nicole Lai 2 Daniel Wang 3 Viviana Truong 4 Tasman Kuang 5 Aretha Chen 6 Audrey Liu 7 Karolyn Cheng 8 Carine Wong 9 Yvonne Wu 10 Ann-Mei Sun 11 Patrick Nguyen 12 Channie Hong 13 Sophia Jin 14 Nathan Ip 15 Bill Liu 16 Alisa Lu


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 11:00 AM | North Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Irene Yang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 2 Andrew Gao J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 3 Jennifer Yang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 4 Hanna Hantao Chen J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 852, WTC Bk.1 #7 in E Flat Major 5 Isabel Thomas J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 6 Susan Zhang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 7 Maki Fujimoto J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 8 Andrew Cheng J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 856, WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major 9 Andrew Wong J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 853, WTC Bk.1 #8 in E Flat Minor 10 Brendan Tan J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 11 Minna Fu J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 12 Mizuho Fukuda J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 852, WTC Bk.1 #7 in E Flat Major 13 Caroline Tjoe J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 14 Annie Wen J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 856, WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major 15 Naomi Bennett J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 16 Anthony Kuang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | North Hall | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY PREPARATORY

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Helen Pace: Train to Grand Junction

1 Stephanie Chang & Matthew Chang

2 MJ Ke & Nicholas Ke

3 Natalia Lo & Angela Guo

4 Sora Corro & Hiroshi Corro

5 Matthew Loo & David Loo Jr.

6 Alyssa Chia & Alayna Chia

7 Derek Liu & Jarron Lei

Mark your calendar to be sure you will not miss the 2019 USOMC: Feb. 18 – 24, 2019


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:00 PM | North Hall | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Robert Schumann: Blindman's Buff, Op.15 #3 (Scenes from Childhood)

1 Joshua Wu & Grace Wu

2 Zihan Yan & Cindy Wu

3 Sora Corro & Yuko Yoshida

4 Ming-Yi Tang & Jonah Tan

5 Nicolette Ledford & Karina Arutyunov


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:30 PM | North Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Brendan Tan Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 2 Ryan Sohn Scott Joplin: The Cascades 3 Jason Chen Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 4 Michael Yang Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 5 Henry Paul Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 6 Anthony Kuang Scott Joplin: Sun Flower Slow Drag 7 Joseph Jung Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 8 Latisha Sumardy Scott Joplin: The Cascades 9 Jamie Ip Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 10 Katherine Chui Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 11 Andrew Wong Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 12 Kevin Huang Scott Joplin: Rag-Time Dance 13 Christine Ma Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 14 Ashley Liu Scott Joplin: The Strenuous Life 15 Rebecca Gao Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 16 Jessica Ma Scott Joplin: The Cascades 17 Isaac Wen Scott Joplin: Sun Flower Slow Drag 18 Sayli Limaye Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 19 Rohan Ramkumar Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:00 PM | North Hall | 4A - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Jean Philippe Rameau: The Joyful One

1 Adrian Chuang

2 Oliver Corro

3 Jannyce Chen

4 Nimay Shankar

5 Edwin Liu

6 Jeffrey Kwan

7 Caitlyn Loo

8 Lori Chai


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:30 PM | North Hall | 4B - OPEN SOLO Group 2

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.545 in C Major

1 Kevin Phongsa 2 Matthew Huang 3 Vera Lin 4 Arvind Swamynathan 5 Hannah Wang 6 Ian Shih 7 Jianwen Fei 8 Fuyi Yang 9 Ryan Li 10 William Sun 11 Evangeline Lin 12 Kyle Lam 13 Tatiana von Bothmer 14 Evie Richardson 15 Kaori Quan 16 Henry Yao 17 Susanna Khubchandani 18 Sophia Yao


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Scott Holden & Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Nicholas Meeker Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 2 Arushi Arora Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 3 Siddharth Das Rodion Shchedrin: Poem 4 Jade Lu Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 5 Kelly Lu Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 6 Katherine Miao Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 7 Annie Wen Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 8 Jason Hale Rodion Shchedrin: Poem 9 Jessica Ma Rodion Shchedrin: Elder Brothers & Ivan, #1 from The Humpback Horse 10 Franics Lau Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 11 Andrew Chen Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 12 Oscar Gardella Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 13 April Mao Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 14 Tiffanie Huang Rodion Shchedrin: Poem 15 Caitlin Zhang Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 16 Henry Paul Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 17 Fiona Luo Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 18 Cindy Cui Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 19 Irena Liu Rodion Shchedrin: Poem 20 Howard Li Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 21 Megan Ly Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 10:00 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Scott Holden & Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Mathew Zhou J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 2 Daria Kryuchkova George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor 3 Evia Li J.S. Bach: Aria BWV Anh 515 in D Minor 4 Patrick Zhang J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 118 in B Flat Major 5 Carol Yi J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 6 Roksalana Patton George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor 7 Jonathan Kong Jeremiah Clark: King William's March in D Major 8 Nicolette Ledford J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 822 in G Minor 8 Liliane Trimouille W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 9 Claire Lee J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 10 Adrian Chuang George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor 11 Allen Li J.S. Bach: Aria BWV Anh 515 in D Minor 12 Kirk Kang J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 118 in B Flat Major 13 Rhea Ramamoorthy Jeremiah Clark: King William's March in D Major 14 Alyssa Chia George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor 15 Allison Du J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 822 in G Minor 16 Sriya Gopalan J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 17 Jingyi Xu Jeremiah Clark: King William's March in D Major 18 Jonathan Xue George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 11:00 AM | South Hall | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY ELEMENTARY

Adjudicators: Dr. Scott Holden & Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Stanislaw Proszynski: The Marionettes

1 Serena Xue & May Lin

2 Youan Brian Li & Yuanzhi Guo

3 MJ Ke & Nicholas Ke

4 Julie Yang & Albert Yang

5 Sora Corro & Oliver Corro

6 Matthew Loo & David Loo Jr.

7 Brandon Liu & Dylan Shao

8 Natalia Lo & Angela Guo


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 11:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Dr. Scott Holden & Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Natalie Yang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 2 Ankita Nag Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 3 Christopher Zhang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 4 Aniketh Tummala Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 5 Andre Chan Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 6 Erica Enrile Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 7 Lori Chai Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 8 Angel Chang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #2 The Pearls in C Major 9 Lai Wei Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 10 Anthony Lee Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 11 Alexandr Anisimov Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 12 Liliana Chai Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 13 Eleanor Yang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 14 Adisesh Venkatesh Sanklapur Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 15 Felix Ma Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 16 Henry Yao Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 17 Ashley Hua Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 18 Eileen Zhao Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 19 Tanisha Kholiya Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Evie Richardson J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 2 Cathy Sheng J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 3 Minghao Zou J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 4 Dana Yang J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 5 Hannah Ding J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 6 Eileen Le J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 7 Ashley Hua J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 8 Saachi Baldwa J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 9 Annie Yao J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 10 Sagnik Nag Chowdhury J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 11 Caroline Wang J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 12 Adeline Shen J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 13 Ankita Nag J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 14 Bella Chen J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 15 Leo Malinen J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 16 Crystal Xie J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 17 Kaitlyn Seoyoung Son J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 18 Phoebe Loo J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 19 Channie Hong J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 20 Oliver Corro J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:45 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Darren Lo Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 2 Kyle Lam Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 3 Jenida Yang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 4 Ko-Shin Chang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 5 Christina Ding Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 6 Sriya Gopalan Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 7 Keane Chong Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 8 Evangeline Lin Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 9 Joshua Wu Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 10 Elijah Kao Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 11 Ashley Huang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 12 Dylan Nguyen Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 13 Alex Cismaru Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 14 Mark Liu Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 15 Jonah Tan Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #2 The Pearls in C Major 16 Anitra Fang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 17 Jalen Wong Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 18 Jay Krishnan Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 19 Ashton Homyk Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 20 Ines Trimouille Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:00 PM | South Hall | 3B - OPEN SOLO Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Muzio Clementi: Vivace (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major

1 Derrick Nhan 2 Aaron Zhang 3 Stephen Sheng 4 Stephanie Chang 5 Evan Cai 6 Peter Parra 7 Ming-Yi Tang 8 Dylan Nguyen 9 Brandon Lee 10 Grace Wang 11 Meiqi Digioia 12 Sora Corro 13 April Gao 14 Angel Chang 15 Anitra Fang 16 Gordon Jung 17 Andrew Kao 18 Enakshi Devasarma


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 5:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC INTERMEDIATE Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jeffae Schroff Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 2 Aleena Gao Cyril Scott: A Song from the East Op.54 #2 3 Annie Yao Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 4 Hannah Lee Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 5 Sophia Zhang Alexander Gretchaninoff: Nocturne Op.3 #5 in A Major 6 Tiffany Li Selim Palmgren: May Night Op.27 #4 7 Zoe Ko Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 8 Vincent Truong Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 9 Rachel Zhu Cyril Scott: A Song from the East Op.54 #2 10 Yul Hong Alexander Gretchaninoff: Nocturne Op.3 #5 in A Major 11 Maya Kesapradist Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 12 Caroline Wang Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 13 Jessica Taddeo Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 14 Krissie Li Cyril Scott: A Song from the East Op.54 #2 15 Justine Sarmiento Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 16 Veronica Sitorus Selim Palmgren: May Night Op.27 #4 17 Latisha Sumardy Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 18 Ryan Chin Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 19 Stephanie Liu Alexander Gretchaninoff: Nocturne Op.3 #5 in A Major 20 Athena Xue Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 21 Christopher Zhang Cyril Scott: A Song from the East Op.54 #2 22 Manasi Ganti Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 9:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Richard Dowling & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Maahi Vidyarthi Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 2 Albert Yang David Kraehenbuehl: Crazy Trumpet 3 Andrew Peng David Kraehenbuehl: Sardine Samba 4 Ryan Lee Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 5 Megan Poon David Kraehenbuehl: Haunted House Rock 6 Alec Zhang Jon George: Rodeo Country 7 Katelyn Ye Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 8 Marcus Yee David Kraehenbuehl: Spanish Waltz 9 Alan Zeng David Kraehenbuehl: Sardine Samba 10 Roksalana Patton Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 11 Johnny Du David Kraehenbuehl: Crazy Trumpet 12 Louis Cary David Kraehenbuehl: Haunted House Rock 13 Victoria Truong Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 14 Shrinivas Bimal David Kraehenbuehl: Sardine Samba 15 Luke Wu David Kraehenbuehl: Spanish Waltz 16 Zihan Yan Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Richard Dowling & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Kevin Huang W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 2 Serena Wang W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 3 Esther Wu W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 4 Elaine Huang W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 5 Vincent Truong W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 6 Rebecca Ha W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 7 Amee Van W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 8 Tasman Kuang W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 9 Helen Yuan W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 10 Chloe Jeon W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 11 Yichen li W.A. Mozart: Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.576 in D Major 12 Irene Geng W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 13 Laurena Huh W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 14 Ankai Jin W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 15 April Mao W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 16 Alexander Suen W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:00 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Richard Dowling & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Edward Huang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 2 Latisha Sumardy Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 3 Divya Venkataraman Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 4 Suki Gu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 5 Kyle Zheng Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 6 Krisalyn Satriya Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 7 Layton Wen Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 8 Ashley Huang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #3 in C Major 9 Withdrawn 10 Francis Lau Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 11 Evangeline Lin Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 12 Ashton Liu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 13 Kenneth Tan Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 14 Katelyn Lee Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 15 Charmaine Sze Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 16 Jason Chen Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 17 Brenna Ren Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 18 Ian Dang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 19 Zoe Ko Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 20 Daniel Wang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 21 Irena Liu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 22 Kamina Becker Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 23 Annabelle Yao Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:30 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS

SENIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Richard Dowling & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ankai Jin J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 2 Suhyeon Emelie Kim J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 3 Richard Zhang J.S. Bach: Partita VI BWV 830, Allemande in E Minor 4 William Yang J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 5 Yeonjun Kim J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 6 Elizabeth Cho J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 7 Amee Van J.S. Bach: Partita VI BWV 830, Allemande in E Minor 8 Michelle Kong J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 9 Enoch Chang J.S. Bach: Partita V BWV 829, Allemande in G Major 10 Dylan Pu J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Sarabande in B Flat Major 11 Kamina Becker J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 13 Seoyeon Yu J.S. Bach: Partita VI BWV 830, Allemande in E Minor 14 Natalie Tran J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 15 Timothy Li J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 16 Jenny Huang J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 17 Withdrawn 18 Catrina Yang J.S. Bach: Partita VI BWV 830, Allemande in E Minor 19 Gloria Ma J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 20 Macy Li J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:00 PM | Room 102 | 3A - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Richard Dowling & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Domenico Scarlatti: Aria in D Minor, K.32, L.423

1 Amanda Cheng 2 Kaitlyn Horng 3 Victoria Truong 4 Jalen Wong 5 Eliana Horn 6 Gemma Liang 7 Jarron Lei 8 Ramona Cheng 9 Katelyn Ye 10 Noam Avrahami 11 Zoie Wang 12 Emilia Zhang 13 Marcus Yee 14 Jonathan Xue 15 Miwa Baba 16 Maahi Vidyarthi 17 Chloee Yang 18 Justin Wang 19 Selina Yu 20 Elijah Guan


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 5:15 PM | Room 102 | 4C - OPEN SOLO Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Richard Dowling & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Song of the Lark Op.39 #22 in G Major

1 Tebin Kim 2 Jennifer Sliwak 3 Yeliel Jimenez 4 Elisabeth Connors 5 Bryan Nguyen 6 Jovanny Shek 7 Jeremy Huang 8 Eric Koh 9 Cathy Sheng 10 Darren Lo 11 Kyle Zheng 12 Kevin Phongsa 13 Esther Kim 14 Gracia Chen 15 Andrew Lin 16 Spencer Kogoma 17 Angelina Truong 18 Susannah Paul 19 Angelina Feng


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Enakshi Devasarma Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 2 Kirk Kang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 3 Ashley Huang Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 4 Kevin Lu Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 5 Mark Liu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 6 Dana Yang Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 7 Shivani Iyer Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 8 Romtin Golabi Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 9 Andrew Kao Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 10 Jeremy Huang Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 11 Jennifer Sliwak Muzio Clementi: Andante con espressione (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #4 in Bb Major 12 Julie Yang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 13 Cindy Wu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 14 Boyu Zhao Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 15 Lori Chai Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 16 Carol Yi Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 17 Aiden Son Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 18 Christopher Zhang Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 19 Yi-Hsuan Chang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 9:45 AM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Richard Rodney Bennett: Skip's Dance

1 Emily Choi & Isabella Choi

2 Caitlyn Loo & Phoebe Loo

3 Annabel Yeoh & Katelyn Zhou

4 Jennifer Luo & Sarina Yu

5 Michael Yang & Jennifer Yang


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 10:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 1

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Katelyn Wang Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 2 Selina Yu Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 3 Yookta Pandit Cornelius Gurlitt: The Music Box Op.140 #8 4 Shannon Zhang Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 5 Waren Foo Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 6 Devyn Jin Cornelius Gurlitt: Scherzo Op.140 #17 7 Iris Wang Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 8 Rhoy Xu Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 9 Andrew Yin Cornelius Gurlitt: March Op.140 #1 10 Claire Zhang Cornelius Gurlitt: The Music Box Op.140 #8 11 Ethan Pan Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 12 Enakshi Devasarma Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 13 Victoria Truong Alexander Gretchaninoff: The Little Beggar Op.123 #2 14 Claire Lee Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 15 April Gao Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 16 Eric Gabrilovich Cornelius Gurlitt: March Op.140 #1 17 Anna Gekko Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 18 Avni Sriram Alexander Gretchaninoff: The Little Beggar Op.123 #2 19 Anila Ray Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 20 Avelyn Jing Cornelius Gurlitt: The Music Box Op.140 #8


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 11:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Vanessa Zhou Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 2 Meiqi Digioia Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 3 Jacey Xu Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 4 Nicolette Ledford Muzio Clementi: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 5 Withdrawn 6 Rachel Kwan Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 7 Terri Choi Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 8 Kaitlyn Horng Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 9 Jonathan Kong Muzio Clementi: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 10 Margaret Gardella Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 11 Eric Gabrilovich Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 12 Avni Sriram Jean Latour: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina in G Major 13 Andrew Yin Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 14 Gordon Jung Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 15 Kirk Kang Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 16 Ming-Yi Tang Muzio Clementi: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 17 Liam Lee Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 18 Oliver Corro Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 19 Iris Wang Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:30 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Sarah Zhang W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 2 Kabir Samsi W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 3 Withdrawn 4 Vivian Zhao W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 5 Megan Kuo W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 6 Paul Jin W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 7 Chelsia Kwon W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 8 Andrew Truong W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 9 Julie Kim W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 10 Joseph Kusnadi W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 11 Ashley Shin Chen W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 12 Viviana Truong W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 13 Emily Choi W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 14 Bill Liu W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 15 Xuan Zhang W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 16 Jianna Wong W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 3:30 PM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC ELEMENTARY

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Leopold Godowsky: Cradle Song (from Miniatures)

1 Aris Yu & Sarina Yu

2 Kexin Zhu & Rachel Qi

3 Matthew Loo & David Loo Jr.

4 Serena Xue & May Lin

5 Alan Yao & Annabelle Yao

6 Anna Gekko & Sofia Gekko

With all good wishes to everyone participating in the 2018 Competitions

from the USOMC Board of Directors


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 4:00 PM | Room 110 | 5C - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Franz Schubert: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonata Op.120

1 Ruman Das

2 Selena Yang

3 Phoebe Loo

4 Ying Ting Liu

5 Vincent Truong

6 Anvitha Tummala

7 Sandy He


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 5:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ashley Huang J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 2 Jane Lee J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 3 Dylan Nguyen J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 4 Noah Balough J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 5 Gavin Chang J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 6 Aidan Kwon J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 7 Michael Yang J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 8 Withdrawn 9 Layton Wen J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 10 Remi Nakai J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 11 Jerrae Schroff J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 12 Jonah Tan J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 13 Keane Chong J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 14 Iris Thomas J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 15 Chency Hung J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 16 Kevin Lu J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 17 Emily Lo J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 18 Asher Yang J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 19 Atticus Lee J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 20 Adisesh Venkatesh Sanklapur J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 21 Rohan Ramkumar J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 8:45 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO SENIOR

Adjudicators: Mr. Andrew Ting, Ms. Angela Lee, Ms. Mariya Borozina, Ms. Leslie Chin Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Rachel Broweleit Cello Accompanist: Anny Cheng Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Andante con moto from Pezzo Capriccioso Op.62 J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #6 in D Major

2 Clarissa Lau Flute Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu W.A. Mozart: Andante KV 315 in C Major Benjamin Godard: Allegretto Op.116 #1 in Bb Major

3 Shannon Liu Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng Jules Mouquet: Pan et les bergers from La flute de Pan Op.15 J.S. Bach: Allegro moderato and Siciliana from Sonata BWV 1031 in Eb Major

4 Sean Lee Cello Accompanist: Chen Woo Dmitri Shostakovich: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.107 in Eb Major J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #3 in C Major

5 David (Junyoung) Choi Clarinet Accompanist: Anny Cheng Carl Maria von Weber: Alla Polacca from Concerto #2 Op.74 in Eb Major Malcom Arnold: 3rd mvt from Sonatina Op.29

6 Emil Tu Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold J. S. Bach: Sarabande from Suite #4 in Eb Major Dmitri Shostakovich: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 in Eb Major

7 Withdrawn

8 William Gu Cello Accompanist: Chen Woo Antonin Dvorak: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.104 in B Minor J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #6 in D Major

9 Jaewon Choi Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng Philippe Gaubert: Nocturne et Allegro Scherzando in Db Major W.A. Mozart: Allegro maestoso (1st mvt with cadenza) from Concerto #1 in G Major


10 Katherine Guo Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Dmitri Shostakovich: Largo (1st mvt) from Concerto #2 Op.126 in G Major J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #5 in C Minor

11 Annabel Su Marimba Accompanist: Not Required Nanae Mimura: Transformation of Pachelbel's Canon Robert Aldridge: Theme from My Little Island

12 Walter Li Cello Accompanist: Anny Cheng Luigi Boccherini: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto in Bb Major J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #1 in G Major

13 Sarah Chong Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Joseph Haydn: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto #2 in D Major Alberto Ginastera: Pampeana #2 Op.21


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 1:00 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO ELEMENTARY

Adjudicators: Ms. Angela Lee, Ms. Mariya Borozina, Ms. Leslie Chin Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Aidan Kwon Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold J.S. Bach: Gigue from Partita #3 in E Major Willem Have: Allegro brillante Op.19 in A Major

2 Zisen Wang Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu Niccolo Paganini: Caprice #24 in A Minor W. A. Mozart: Concerto#3 in G Major

3 Madelyn Chen Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Benedetto Marcello: Grave and Allegro from Sonata in G Major David Popper: Gavotte Op.23 #2 in D Major

4 Ryan Wang Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng Joseph Haydn: Andante Cantabile from String Quartet in F Major Ludwig van Beethoven: Menuett in G Major

5 Uma Rohatgi Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J. S. Bach: Arioso from Cantata BWV 156 in F Major William Squire: Tarantella Op.23 in D Minor

6 Withdrawn


Monday | 2/19/2018 | 2:00 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group A

Adjudicators: Ms. Angela Lee, Ms. Mariya Borozina, Ms. Leslie Chin Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Young Jin Lee Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Pezzo Capriccioso Op.62 in B Minor J.S. Bach: Courante from Suite #4 in Eb Major

2 Shawn Hsu Cello Accompanist: Chen Woo Edward Elgar: 4th mvt from Concerto Op.85 in E Minor J.S. Bach: Allenmande from Suite #4 in Eb Major

3 Sophia Park Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Daniel Goens: Scherzo Op.12 Joseph Haydn: Moderato from Divertimento in D Major

4 Christopher Lu Cello Accompanist: Anny Cheng Edward Elgar: 1st mvt from Concerto Op.85 in E Minor J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #1 in G Major

5 Zoe Ho Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Gabriel Faure: Elegie Op.24 in C Minor Alexander Arutunian: Impromptu in G Major

6 Valerie Chu Cello Accompanist: Chen Woo David Popper: Hungarian Rhapsody Op.68 in D Major J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #1 in G Major

7 Lucas Chen Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Joseph Haydn: Moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto Hob.VIIb:1 in C Major Sergei Rachmaninoff: Vocalise Op.34 #14 in C# Minor

8 Simon Minami Cello Accompanist: Chen Woo Edouard Lalo: Prelude from Concerto in D Minor J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #4 in Eb Major

9 Tae Kyu Kim Cello Accompanist: Anny Cheng Camille Saint-Saëns: Allegro non troppo (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.33 in A Minor Christoph Gluck: Melodie from Orfeo ed Euridice Wq.30 in B Minor


10 Christine Kang Cello Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu Edouard Lalo: Andante-Allegro vivace (3rd mvt) from Concerto in D Minor J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #3 in C Major

11 Catherine Choi Cello Accompanist: Chen Woo Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Theme and Variations 1,2, Cadenza, 6, 7 on a Rococo Theme Op.33 Astor Piazzolla: Le Grand Tango

12 Ji Won Son Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Claude Debussy: Prologue from Sonata #1 in D Minor J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #3 in C Major

13 Tiffanie Huang Cello Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Variations on a Rococo Theme Op.33 J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #2 in D Minor

14 Tinhsu Wen Cello Accompanist: Anny Cheng George Handel: 1st & 2nd mvts from Sonata in G Minor Camille Sanit-Saens: Allegro Appassionato Op.43 in B Minor

15 Romy Chung Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold J. S. Bach: Allemande from Suite #1 in G Major Jean Breval: Allegro from Sonata Op.40 #1 in C Major

16 Garrett Blosen Cello Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J. S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #4 in Eb Major Edward Elgar: 4th mvt from Concerto Op.85 in E Minor

17 Jamie Wang Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold J. S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #2 in D Minor Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Pezzo Capriccioso Op.62 in B Minor


2018 United States Open Music Competition Events Listing Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:30 AM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 5

Adjudicators: Dr. Scott Holden & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Taehwan Jung Ludwig van Beethoven: Grave-Allegro di molto e con brio from Sonata #8 Op.13 in C Minor Frederic Chopin: Ballade #3 Op.47 in Ab Major 2 Ryan Jia Franz Liszt: Tarantella in Bb Major Sergei Prokofiev: Vivace from Sonata Op.14 #2 in D Minor 3 Brian Ni Joseph Haydn: Allegro Moderato from Sonata Hob. XVI:14 in D Major Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.23 #5 in G Minor 4 Angela Gigi Tsang J.S. Bach: Prelude & Fugue WTC Bk.1 #3 in C# Major Frederic Chopin: Andante Spianato et Grande Polonaise Brilliant Op.22 5 Yash R Vij W.A. Mozart: Allegro from Sonata K.545 in C Major Claude Debussy: Claire de Lune from Suite Bergamasque in Db Major 6 Veronica Sitorus Johannes Brahms: Rhapsody Op.79 #2 in G Minor Moritz Moszkowski: Etude Op.72 #6 in F Major 7 Jonathan Chen Ludwig van Beethoven : Allegro from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #3 in E Major 8 Megan Yim Franz Liszt: Paraphrase de concert sur Rigoletto S.434 J.S. Bach: Prelude WTC Bk.1 #20 in A Minor 9 Justin Wang J.S. Bach: Prelude & Fugue WTC Bk.1 #22 in Bb Minor Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.37 #2 in G Major 10 Elizabeth Wang W.A. Mozart: Allegro from Sonata K.570 in Bb Major Camille Saint-Saen: Allegro appassionato Op.70 in C# Minor


11 Shiyoo Kim Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #12 in C Minor Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro ma non troppo - Presto from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 12 Qingping Ye Claude Debussy: Poisson d'or in F# Major Wang Jianzhong: Liuyang River in A Major 13 Stella Ji Sergei Prokofiev: Montagues and Capulets from Suite #2 Ludwig van Beethoven: Adagio cantabile from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor 14 James Ding Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.27 #2 in Db Major Nikolai Kapustin: Etude Op.40 #6 in Bb Major 15 Justin Wahby Ludwig van Beethoven: Largo-Allegro from Sonata Op.31 #2 in D Minor Franz Lizst: Waldesrauschen in Db Major 16 Tammy Shen Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Meditation Op.72 #5 in D Major Aaron Copland: The Cat and the Mouse 17 Phoebe Kodamanchilli Ernesto Lecuona: Andalucia Frederic Chopin: Waltz Op.64 #2 in C# Minor 18 Ryuya Iwase Ludwig van Beethoven: Finale Prestissimo from Sonata Op.10 #1 in C# Minor Samuel Barber: Excurions Op.20 in F Major 19 Andrew Wang J.S. Bach: Toccata BWV 914 in E Minor Franz Schubert: Impromptu Op.3 in Bb Major 20 Nathan Andrew Chi Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondo Op.51 #1 in C Major Frederic Chopin: Impromptu Op.29 #1 in Ab Major 21 Connie Hong J.S. Bach: Prelude from English Suite #3 BWV 808 in G Minor Frederic Chopin: Trois nouvelles etudes #1 in F Minor


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:30 PM | Auditorium | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Johann Anton Andre: Alla Polacca (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.45 #5 in D Major

1 Aaron Zhang & Avni Sriram

2 Andrew Ma & Bryant Ma

3 Anastasia Moskalenko & Vladimir Moskalenko

4 Rylan Loh & Amanda Loh

5 Jarron Lei & Jermaine Lei

Outstanding Gold Medalists Awards

Up to six performers will be chosen from each of the six Prize Winners’ Concerts on Friday and Saturday Feb. 23 & 24 as Outstanding Gold Medalists of 2018 and will receive Special Crystal awards. All winners should be prepared to play their pieces, shortened if necessary, following the time limits as detailed on p.13. If any performers exceed the time, they will not be considered for the Outstanding Gold Medalists’ Awards. The awards will be given at the conclusion of each Prize Winners' Concert.


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:15 PM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jerry Chu J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.1 #5 in D Major Frederic Chopin - Franz Liszt: The Maiden's Wish in D Major 2 Jeston Lu Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.53 in C Major Sergei Prokofiev: Vivace from Sonata Op.82 #6 in A Major 3 Welton Wang Marc-Andre Hamelin: Etude #6 in D Minor Sergei Rachmaninoff-Fritz Kreisler: Liebeslied 4 Sean Sun Joseph Haydn: Allegro con brio from Sonata Hob. XVI:37 in D Major Frederic Chopin: Grande Valse Brillante Op.18 in Eb Major 5 Diane Shih Franz Liszt : Consolation #3 in Db Major Vigodsky : Variations on the theme of Paganini 6 Ashley Jiayi Zhou Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondo Allegro from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov: The Flight of the Bumblebee 7 Yuzhen Zhou Frederic Chopin: Waltz Op.64 #1 in Db Major W. A. Mozart: Fantasy K.379 in D Minor 8 Minjeong Sunny Kim Franz Schubert: Impromptu Op.90 #2 in Eb Major Domenico Scarlatti: Allegrissimo from Sonata K.377 in B Minor 9 Karen Meng W. A. Mozart: Allegro con spirito from Sonata K.311 in D Major Claude Debussy: Jardins sous la pluie from Estampes in E Minor 10 Jamie Tan Frederic Chopin-Franz Liszt: The Maiden's Wish in D Major Chu Wang Hua: Celebrating Our New Life 11 Richard Bai Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro from Sonata Op.78 in F# Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro con moto from Sonata Op.46 #3 in F Major 12 June Wang Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob.XVI:52 in Eb Major Claude Debussy: Reflects dans l'eau from Images in Db Major


13 Isaya Chou Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.27 #2 in Db Major Maurice Ravel: Toccata in E Minor 14 Alyson Nguyen Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob.XVI:33 in D Major Seymour Bernstein: Birds #1, 2, 4, & 8 15 Daniel Wu J.S. Bach: Prelude #6 BWV 938 in E Minor Frederic Chopin: Valse brillante Op.34 #3 in F Major 16 Maggie Yang Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondo Allegro from Sonata Op.13 in Eb Major Minxiu Han: Hong Hu Waters in Ab Major 17 Yuna Liang W.A. Mozart: Adagio from Sonata K.282 in Eb Major Frederic Chopin: Polonaise Op.40 #1 in A Major 18 Sophia Jin Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob. XVI:49 in Eb Major Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.3 #2 in C# Minor 19 Paul Garofalo Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro comodo from Sonata Op.14 #1 in E Major Robert Schumann: Aufschwung from Fantasiestucke Op.12 in F Minor 20 Aaron Becker Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.55 #1 in F Minor Dmitri Shostakovich: Polka Op.22


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 5:00 PM | Auditorium | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL SENIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Ms. Naomi Sanchez Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

W.A. Mozart: Molto Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata KV. 358 in Bb Major

1 Allison Hong & Connie Hong

2 Ester Leng & Amanda Ma

3 Annabel Gensler & Harriet Gensler

4 Tinhsu Wen & Nathan Chen

5 Katherine Yang & Lily Wang

6 Lauren Lee & Alexis Lee

7 Vivian Hor & Jolina Hor


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:30 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Aaron Teng J.S. Bach: Invention #14 in Bb Major Robert Schumann: Fantasiestucke Op.12 in F Minor 2 Ray Chen Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob. XVI:50 in C Major Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etude Op.39 #6 in A Minor 3 Audrey Shen Franz Liszt: Un Sospiro in Db Major (Concert Etude #3) Ludwig van Beethoven: Largo-Allegro from Sonata Op.31 #2 in D Minor 4 Erdenetangad Soronzonbold Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.141 in D Minor Frederic Chopin: Polonaise Op.40 #1 in A Major 5 Andrew Boldi J.S. Bach: Prelude from English Suite #3 BWV 808 in G Minor Claude Debussy: Prelude from Pour le Piano L.95 in A Minor 6 Daniel Chen Ludwig van Beethoven: Six Variations on Nel cor piu non mi sento WoO70 Aaron Copland: The Cat and the Mouse 7 Yiran Wang Sergei Prokofiev: Allegro marcato from Sonata #2 Op.14 in D Minor Johannes Brahms: Capriccio Op.76 #5 in C# Minor 8 Jinna Lee Franz Liszt: Gnomenreigen in F# Minor (Concert Etude #2) Joseph Haydn: Allegro Moderato from Sonata Hob. XVI:23 in F Major 9 Eugene Wei Felix Mendelssohn: Lieder ohne Worte Op.19 #1 in E Major Dmitri Shostakovich: Prelude and Fugue Op.87 #3 in G Major 10 Lauren Liu Mikhail Glinka-Mily Balakirev: The Lark in Bb Minor Aram Khachaturian: Gallop 11 Emily Jang J.S. Bach: Prelude from English Suite #2 BWV 807 in A Minor Lowell Liebermann: Presto from Gargoyles Op.29 12 Karina Thendean G. F. Handel: Adagio from Suite #2 in F Major Frederic Chopin: Impromptu Op.29 #1 in Ab Major


13 Qingyuan Li Joseph Haydn: Allegro molto from Sonata Hob.XVI:50 in C Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro con moto from Sonata Op.46 #3 in F Major 14 Angela Zhang J.S. Bach: Prelude from Partita #5 BWV 829 in G Major Robert Schumann: Vivacissimo from Grand Sonata Op.22 in G Minor 15 Christine Xu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.63 #2 in F Minor Aaron Copland: The Cat and the Mouse 16 Gabrielle Haryanto Sergei Rachmaninoff: Polichinelle Op.3 #4 in F# Minor W.A. Mozart: Allegro con spirito from Sonata K.311 in D Major 17 Giselle Tran Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro from Sonata Op.14 #1 in E Major Robert Schumann: Waldszenen Op.82 #1 18 Rishi Dinesh Joseph Haydn: Adagio from Hob. XVI:23 in F Major Franz Liszt: Gnomenreigen in F# Minor (Concert Etude #2) 19 Anthony Wang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.2 #12 in F Minor Mikhail Glinka-Mily Balakirev: The Lark in Bb Minor


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 11:00 AM | Lower Hall | 6B - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.576 in D Major

1 Shaojia Lu 2 Katherine Miao 3 Megan Xu 4 Hannah Joe 5 Hannah Huang 6 Irene Yang 7 Jingyin Han 8 Jia Miao 9 Mizuho Fukuda 10 Justin Wang 11 Siddharth Das 12 Fei Chen 13 Nathaniel Zhang 14 Eric Zhu


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:15 PM | Lower Hall | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC SENIOR

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Moritz Moszkowski: Spain

1 Ray Chen & Christine Yiu

2 Serena Zhang & Stella He

3 Grace Lei & Lavinia Lei

4 Chloe Yim & Anjali Truong

5 Ana Cismaru & Paige Brown

6 Ankita Vinod & Sabrina Nguyen

7 Allen Bryan & Kevin Bryan

8 Lilly Jiang & Emily Guo

9 Shanice Liu & Anne Zhou

10 Nicole Lai & Gloria Ma

11 Withdrawn


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:30 PM | Lower Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 2

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Nicole Leyfman J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 2 Saee Ranade J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 3 Erin Kang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 856, WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major 4 Neoneo Chen J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 5 Jia Miao J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 6 Sihui Huang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 856, WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major 7 Riku Sakai J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 852, WTC Bk.1 #7 in E Flat Major 8 Melody Gawon Choi J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 9 Ian Lee J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 10 Daniel Man J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 856, WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major 11 Alice Yeh J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 859, WTC Bk.1 #14 in F# Minor 12 Vivian Zhao J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 13 Allison Yen J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 14 Kelly Lu J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 856, WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major 15 Lily Wang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 16 Rujie Wu J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 4:00 PM | Lower Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 4

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Nicole Ju W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 2 Shawn Duan W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 3 Nathan Yang W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 4 Enoch Lee W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 5 Natalie Homyk W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 6 Yu Xie W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 7 Chloris Li-Ma W.A. Mozart: Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.576 in D Major 8 Katherine Chui W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 9 Michelle Chen W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 10 Macy Li W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 11 Enoch Chang W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 12 Ethan Lee W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 13 Erin Kang W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 14 Evelyn Lai W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 15 Justin Lee W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 16 Elliott Kim W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:45 AM | South Hall | 4D - OPEN SOLO Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium) Bela Bartok: Evening in the Country

1 Chloe Ding 2 Aidan Kwon 3 Esther Kim 4 Zoe Lee 5 Ruiwen Ge 6 Grace Wang 7 Joanna Tan 8 Taryn Tsuji 9 Romtin Golabi 10 Kevin Phongsa 11 Sarah Liang 12 Grace Wang 13 Romil Bhatt 14 Yili Feng 15 Yubin Zhang 16 Andrew Weng


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 9:45 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Minseo Park Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 2 Autumn Lee Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 3 Ethan Wong Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 4 Ruiwen Ge Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 5 Charles Wang Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 6 Jingyin Han Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 7 Chloe Lufei Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 8 Chloe Ding Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 9 Leann Wang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 10 Andrew Lin Muzio Clementi: Andante con espressione (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #4 in Bb Major 11 Dani Kim Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 12 Ashley Mo Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 13 Anthony Lee Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 14 Zihan Yan Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 15 Leland Yu Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 16 Yau Yung Kelly Yip Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 17 Harry Gao Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 18 Rylan Loh Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 19 Erica Enrile Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 20 Hima Thota Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 11:00 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Elaine Huang Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 2 Emily Dong Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 3 Lily Nguyen Cornelius Gurlitt: Scherzo Op.140 #17 4 Sora Corro Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 5 Helen Hoang Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 6 Grace Cho Cornelius Gurlitt: The Music Box Op.140 #8 7 Ryan Lee Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 8 Amy Lufei Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 9 Sofia Gekko Alexander Gretchaninoff: The Little Beggar Op.123 #2 10 Renjing Li Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 11 Rishi Ranganathan Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 12 Joy Xiong Cornelius Gurlitt: March Op.140 #1 13 Justin Shen Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 14 Hana Maria Aboian Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 15 Sophia Xie Alexander Gretchaninoff: The Little Beggar Op.123 #2 16 Ashley Xu Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 17 Leann Wang Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 18 Katie Koh Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 19 Evangeline Zou Cornelius Gurlitt: The Music Box Op.140 #8 20 Chloee Yang Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 21 Withdrawn


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:00 PM | South Hall | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY SENIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Dr. Scott Holden Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Manuel De Falla - Gustave Samazeuith: La Vida Breve Primera Danza Espanola

1 Edison Forster & Larry Huang

2 Aaron Truong & Andrew Truong

3 Lily Wang & Verona Teo

4 Jessica Wong & Christine Ma

5 Megan Ly & Eric Tandean

6 Michael Li & Susan Zhang


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Dr. Scott Holden Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Gavin Chang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 2 Sixuan Liu Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 3 Chloe Ho Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 4 Ankita Biyani Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 5 Katherine Wu Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 6 Claire Chang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 7 Arvind Swamynathan Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 8 Minseo Park Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 9 David Jang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #2 The Pearls in C Major 10 Jianwen Fei Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 11 Xuyan Han Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 12 Hiromi Aramaki Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 13 Hanna Yu Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 14 Chancie Chou Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 15 Luca Song Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 16 Tebin Kim Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 17 Yunxi Chen Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 18 Sophia Yao Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 19 Jay Thilking Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 20 Anissa Yu Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 3:15 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Dr. Scott Holden Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Michelle Kuan Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 2 Catrina Yang Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 3 Evelyn Lai Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 4 James Kodamanchilli Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 5 Julianna Dong Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 6 Sophia Chen Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 7 Isabel Liu Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 8 Meera Swamynathan Dmitri Kabalevsky: Andantino (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 9 Hannah Ding Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 10 Minjae Ryu Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 11 Angela Gao Gottfried von Einem: Piano Piece (from Four Piano Pieces) 12 Julianna Ho Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 13 Austin Min Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 14 Anjali Satish Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 15 Victoria Miao Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 16 Rishi Dinesh Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 17 Jason Chen Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 18 Alina Tam Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 19 Dylan Nguyen Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 4:30 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Dr. Scott Holden Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Alex Gu Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 2 Olivia Bu Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 3 Peirong Li Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 4 Brian Yang Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #6 Intermezzo in A Major 5 Claire Lin Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 6 Ko-Wei Chang Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 7 Vera Chu Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 8 Gloria Ma Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #4 Intermezzo in Bb Major 9 Leslie Hwang Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 10 Arushi Arora Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #1 Intermezzo in B Minor 11 Christine Kim Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 12 Edison Liu Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 13 Nicole Leyfman Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 14 Renee Ge Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #6 Intermezzo in A Major 15 Angela Tan Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 16 Esther Wu Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Jeffrey Sykes Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jamie Le Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 2 Erica Lee Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 3 Nathaniel Bae Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 4 Oliver Chen Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 5 Ellie Choi Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 6 Chloe Ho Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 7 Tanisha Kholiya Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 8 Claire Yuh Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 9 Zoie Wang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 10 Danny Li Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 11 Esther Liu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 12 Nimay Shankar Muzio Clementi: Andante con espressione (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #4 in Bb Major 13 Jessica Li Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 14 Aeneas Yu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 15 Natalie Chan Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 16 Eric Koh Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 17 Angela Liu Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 18 Haochang Zheng Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 19 Elijah Guan Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 20 Maggie Zhang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 9:45 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Jeffrey Sykes Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ella Min Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 2 Joshua Yunmo Koo Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 3 Meera Swamynathan Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #2 The Pearls in C Major 4 Angela Liu Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 5 Renjing Li Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 6 Alisa Kung Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 7 Erika Pettersson Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 8 James Kodamanchilli Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 9 Vanessa Zhou Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 10 Ashley Wang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 11 Eddy Li Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #2 The Pearls in C Major 12 Irene Zhang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 13 Elijah Guan Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 14 Xinran Zhou Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 15 Ava Kwok Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 16 Evelyn Sun Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 16 Ryan Li Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 17 Allen Wang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 18 Jayden Zhuge Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 20 Erica Lee Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #2 The Pearls in C Major 21 Jiayi Sun Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 11:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 3

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Jeffrey Sykes Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Sophia Yao J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 2 Brian Ling J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 3 Megan Wang J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 4 Eric Koh J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 5 Daniel Chen J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 6 Emilia Salistra J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 7 Minseo Park J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 8 Minjae Ryu J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 9 Eddy Li J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 10 Qi Sun J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 11 Shusmita Haque J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 12 Kyle Zheng J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 13 Raeanne Li J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 14 Erika Pettersson J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 15 Jettae Schroff J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 16 Yunxi Chen J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 17 Jay Thilking J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 18 David Jang J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 19 Dylan Lounegov J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 20 Ankita Biyani J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 21 Yimeng Sun J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:15 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Dr. Rachel Chung & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ashley Jiayi Zhou George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 2 Sophia Ann Bardunias Robert Starer: Bright Orange 3 Lai Wei George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 4 William Yang Ernst Krenek: Piano Piece Op.39 #5 5 Allen Wang Robert Starer: Bright Orange 6 Katherine Yang George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 7 Ying Ting Liu Paul Creston: Prelude Op.38 #2 8 Angelina Truong George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 9 Andrew Peng Robert Starer: Bright Orange 10 Bella Chen George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 11 Jason Hale Ernst Krenek: Piano Piece Op.39 #5 12 Hita Thota Vittorio Rieti: Elegia 13 Moca Takahashi George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 14 Grace Wang Robert Starer: Bright Orange 15 Leland Yu Robert Starer: Bright Orange 16 Timothy Li Paul Creston: Prelude Op.38 #2 17 Gracelyn Mai George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 18 Autumn Lee George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 19 Brian Ling George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 20 Isabella Choi Robert Starer: Bright Orange 21 Lavinia Lei George Antheil: Dog-Cat Polka 22 Withdrawn


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:30 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Dr. Rachel Chung & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Allison Du Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 2 Alber Wu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 3 Patrick Zhang Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 4 Tanvi Saxena Thomas Attwood: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonatina in F Major 5 Amy Lufei Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 6 Ellie Liu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 7 Evia Li Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 8 Avelyn Jing Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 9 Isabella Li Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 10 Allen Li Jean Latour: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina in G Major 11 Debjani Sen Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 12 Joshua Lam Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 13 Gareth Lee Muzio Clementi: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 14 Sora Corro Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 15 Katie Koh Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 16 Johnny Du Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 17 Keith Li Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 18 Sophia Ho Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 3:30 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CHINESE COMPOSERS SENIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Rachel Chung & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Zhilin Liu Kuo Chih-Hung: Xinjiang Folk Dance

2 Nicole Lai Chen Ming-Chih: Prelude and Fugue No.1 (New Spring)

3 Sixuan Liu Kuo Chih-Hung: Xinjiang Folk Dance

4 Anna Han Li Ching-Jan: “Rain-Bow” Little Sister

5 Max Chan Kuo Chih-Hung: Xinjiang Folk Dance

6 Gloria Ma Chen Ming-Chih: Prelude and Fugue No.2 (Folk Song and Dance)

7 Hanping Wang Kuo Chih-Hung: Xinjiang Folk Dance

Mark your calendar to be sure you will not

miss the 2019 USOMC: Feb. 18 – 24, 2019


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 4:45 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Rachel Chung & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Yelin Kang Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 2 Katie Yue Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 3 Owen Tsao Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 4 Daniel Choi Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 5 Erdenetangad Soronzonbold Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 6 Allison Yen Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 7 Helen Wu Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 8 Max Tan Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 9 Lavinia Lei Dmitri Kabalevsky: Andantino (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 10 Dylan Pu Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 11 Alexander Xia Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 12 Tanisha Kholiya Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 13 Erika Pettersson Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 14 Joanna Ho Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 15 Ankai Jin Witold Lutoslawski: Allegro molto #2 in A Minor, from “Bucolics” 16 Atticus Lee Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 17 Wilona Chen Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 18 Stanley Chen Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 19 Brian Zhou Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 20 Oliver Corro Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 21 Satina Guo Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 9:00 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 1

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Sasha Zhang Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 2 Frederick Nitta Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro vivace (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #1 in G Major 3 Andrew Pham Ludwig Van Beethoven: Capriccio – Rage Over the Lost Penny Op.129 in G Major 4 Kevin Bryan Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 5 Verona Teo Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 6 Jonah Wu Ludwig Van Beethoven: Scherzo (2nd mvt) in Ab Major from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 7 Jingxi Jiang Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro vivace (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #1 in G Major 8 Jonathan Sui Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 9 Katherine Miao Ludwig Van Beethoven: Capriccio – Rage Over the Lost Penny Op.129 in G Major 10 Sean Chen Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 11 Neoneo Chen Ludwig Van Beethoven: Scherzo (2nd mvt) in Ab Major from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 12 Frederic Nguyen Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 13 Ian Lee Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro vivace (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #1 in G Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 11:00 AM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC ADVANCED

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Moritz Moszkowski: Italy

1 Christine Ma & Jessica Wong

2 Sasha Zhang & Jessica Zhu

3 Jasleen Lu & Jeston Lu

4 Diane Ji & Cindy Ji

5 Margaret Luo & Sara Fang

The six Prize Winners’ Concerts will feature a total of 171 event First Place Winners

Concert No. 1 will be on Friday February 23 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Concert No. 2 will be on Saturday February 24 from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Concert No. 3 will be on Saturday February 24 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Concert No. 4 will be on Saturday February 24 from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Concert No. 5 will be on Saturday February 24 from 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Concert No. 6 will be on Saturday February 24 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Please come to support our musical heritage!

If you have taken part in the 2018 USOMC, come and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

If you have never been to one of our concerts, please come and be inspired.

You may want to be part of this unique competition after you’ve experienced the high caliber of the young musicians and the dedication of everyone involved. The concerts are open to the public free of charge.


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 4

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jovanny Shek Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 2 Angel Chang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 3 Elaine Huang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 4 Rene Vu Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 5 Emma Xia Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 6 Zoe Lai Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 7 Emily Tang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 8 Yayan Cao Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 9 Raeanne Li Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 10 Vera Zaric Muzio Clementi: Andante con espressione (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #4 in Bb Major 11 Katelyn Ye Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 12 Serena Bond Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 13 Zoe Lee Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 14 Kallie Wang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 15 Chloee Yang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 16 Melinda Wong Muzio Clementi: Andante con espressione (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #4 in Bb Major 17 Jettae Schroff Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 18 Ankita Nag Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 19 Michael Chuang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 20 Wesley Wang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 21 Withdrawn


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 2:15 PM | Room 110 | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ethan Lee J.S. Bach: Prelude WTC Bk.1 #2 in C Minor Franz Schubert: Impromptu Op.90 #2 in Eb Major 2 Benjamin Park Ludwig van Beethoven : Allegro from Sonata Op.10 #2 in F Major Frederic Chopin : Nocturne Op.32 #1 in B Major 3 Amanda Lau W.A. Mozart: Allegro from Sonata K.283 in G Major Franz Schubert: Impromptu Op.142 #2 in Ab Major 4 Yuanxin Li Claude Debussy: Negrillo He Lu Ding: A Buffalo Boy Playing His Small Flute 5 Evelyn Nguyen Ludwig van Beethoven: Eccosaise J.S. Bach: Prelude BWV 924 in C Major 6 Isaac Lee Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob. XVI:52 in Eb Major Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #5 in E Minor 7 Michelle Mahoney W.A. Mozart : Sonata K.547 in F Major Aaron Copland : The Cat and the Mouse 8 Ashley Wang Pyotr Tchaikovsky: December from The Seasons Op.37a in Ab Major Joseph Haydn: Allegro moderato from Sonata Hob. XVI:14 in D Major 9 Arthur Tkachenko Franz Schubert: The Miller And The Brook Isaac Berkovich: Variations on theme of Paganini in A Minor 10 Withdrawn

11 Harry Shi Pyotr Tchaikovsky: June from The Seasons Op.37a in G Minor J.S. Bach: Gigue in G Major 12 Aaron Tu Carl Weber: Rondo Brillante Op.62 in Eb Major Joseph Haydn: Sonata Hob. XVI:44 in in G Minor


13 Beverly Xu Franz Schubert: Impromptu Op.90 #2 in E Major Dmitri Shostakovich: Andantino from Three Fantastic Dances Op.5 14 Stephanie Sun Claude Debussy: Reverie in F Major W.A. Mozart: Alla Turca from Sonata K.311 in A Major 15 Nathaniel Zhang J.S. Bach: Prelude from English Suite #2 BWV 807 in A Minor Frederic Chopin: Impromptu Op.29 #1 in Ab Major 16 Sophia Hackler Pyotr Tchaikovsky: December from The Seasons Op.37a in Ab Major J.S. Bach: Prelude WTC Bk.2 #6 in D Minor 17 Alexander Cui Joseph Haydn: Finale from Sonata Hob.XVI:37 in D Major Frederic Chopin: Nocturne #21 in C Minor 18 Yuhuan Lu Wang Jianzhong: Liuyang River Isaac Berkovich: Variations on a Theme of Paganini in A Minor 19 Weston Zong Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.380 in E Major Pyotr Tchaikovsky: February from The Seasons Op.37a in D Major

Outstanding Gold Medalists Awards

Up to six performers will be chosen from each of the six Prize Winners’ Concerts on Friday and Saturday Feb. 23 & 24 as Outstanding Gold Medalists of 2018 and will receive Special Crystal awards. All winners should be prepared to play their pieces, shortened if necessary, following the time limits as detailed on p.13. If any performers exceed the time, they will not be considered for the Outstanding Gold Medalists’ Awards. The awards will be given at the conclusion of each Prize Winners' Concert.


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 8:30 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group B

Adjudicators: Ms. Mariya Borozina & Dr. Shi-Hwa Wang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Aaron Truong Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold J.S. Bach: Adagio from Sonata #1 BWV 1001 in G Minor Camille Saent-Saens: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso Op.28 in A Minor

2 Isabelle Liu Violin Accompanist: Chen Woo W. A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #3 KV 216 in G Major Felix Mendelssohn: Allegro molto appassionato from Concerto Op.64 in E Minor

3 Claire Anttila Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J.S. Bach: Presto from Sonata #1 in G Minor Edouard Lalo: Allegro non troppo (1st mvt) from Symphonie Espagnole Op.21

4 Alyssa McCullough Violin Accompanist: Anny Cheng Samuel Barber: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.14 J.S. Bach: Sarabande and Gigue from Partita #2 in BWV 1004 in D Minor

5 Christina Wong Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu W. A. Mozart: Allegro from Sonata #21 in E Minor Edouard Lalo: Andante from Symphonie Espagnole Op.21

6 Brian Hwang Violin Accompanist: Anny Cheng J.S. Bach: Allemande from Partita #2 BWV 1004 in D Minor Pablo de Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen Op.20 #1

7 Adelyn Chen Violin Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Max Bruch: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.26 in G Minor W. A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #4 K.218 in D Major

8 Philemon Wong Viola Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Cecil Forsyth: Appassionato (Cadenza)-Moderato-Con moto, agitato from Concerto in G Minor J.S. Bach: Prelude and Presto from Suite #3 BWV 1009 in C Major

9 Lauren Kim Violin Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Felix Mendelssohn: Allegro molto appassionato (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.64 in E Minor Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro molto con brio (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.48 in C Major

10 Susanna Liu Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold W.A. Mozart: Allegro Aperto (1st mvt) from Concerto #5 K.219 in A Major Henryk Wieniawski: Scherzo Tarantelle Op.16 in G Minor


11 Joie Hua Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J. S. Bach: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #2 Op.3 in E Major Niccolo Paganini: Cantabile Op.17 in D Major

12 Tim Chen Violin Accompanist: Anny Cheng Edouard Lalo: Allegro non troppo from Symphonie espagnole Op.21 in D Minor Antonio Vivaldi: Spring from the Four Seasons RV 269 in E Major

13 Erin Park Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Samuel Barber: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.14 J. S. Bach: Allegro assai from Sonata #3 in C Major

14 Celine Chien Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu Max Bruch: Finale: Allegro energico (3rd mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.26 in G Minor Jean-Marie Leclair: Un poco andante from Sonata Op.9 #3 in D Major

15 Ajay Mallya Violin Accompanist: Chen Woo J.S. Bach: Adagio from Sonata #1 BWV 1001 in G Minor Ernest Bloch: Nigun (Improvisation) #2 From Baal Shem

16 Justin Lee Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Antonio Vivaldi: Winter from The Four Seasons RV 297 in F Minor Edouard lalo: Allegro non troppo (1st mvt) from Symphonie espagnole Op.21 in D Minor

17 Jocelyn Wang Violin Accompanist: Chen Woo Max Bruch: Adagio (2nd mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.26 in Eb Major Dmitri Shostakovich : Burlesque (4th mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.77 in A Minor

18 Emily Hsu Violin Accompanist: Anny Cheng J.S. Bach: Andante from Sonata #2 BWV 1003 in A Minor Max Bruch: Finale (3rd mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.26 in G Minor

19 Evander Li Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Henri Vieuxtemps: Allegro non troppo (1st mvt) from Concerto #5 Op.37 in A Minor J. S. Bach: Allegro from Sonata #2 BWV 1003 in A Minor

20 Matthew Sakiyama Violin Accompanist: Not Required Niccolo Paganini: Caprice Op.1 #5 in A Minor J.S. Bach: Allemande from The Partita #2 BWV 1004 in D Minor

21 Monica Huang Violin Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Vorspiel: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.26 in G Minor Antonio Vivaldi: Winter from the The Four Seasons RV 297 in F Minor

22 Alexander Choi Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Pablo de Sarasate : Zigeunerweisen Op.20 #1 J.S. Bach: Allemande from Partita #2 BWV 1004 in D Minor


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 1:30 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO JUNIOR Group A

Adjudicators: Ms. Mariya Borozina, Dr. Shi-Hwa Wang, Ms. Lenora Warkentin Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Fiona Huang Cello Accompanist: Anny Cheng Camille Saint-Saens: Allegro non troppo (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.33 in A Minor J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #1 BWV 1007 in G Major

2 Petr Tupitsyn Flute Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Francis Poulenc: Allegretto malincolico (1st mvt) from Sonata in C Major W. A. Mozart: Adagio Religioso from Concerto K.622 in G Major

3 Andrew Tang Cello Accompanist: Chen Woo Camille Saint-Saens: Allegro appassionato J. S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #1 BWV 1007 in G Major

4 Ananya Sriram Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng J.S. Bach: 1st mvt from Sonata BWV 1020 in G Minor Georges Bizet: Menuet from L'Arlesienne Suite #2 Op.23 in Eb Major

5 Veronica Kuo Cello Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J.S. Bach: Courante from Suite #1 BWV 1007 in G Major Felix Mendelssohn: Song without words Op.109 in D Major

6 Jiayi Sun Erhu Accompanist: Not Required Liu Tianhua: March toward Brightness Huang Haihua: Horse Racing

7 Peter Pacha Flute Accompanist: Chen Woo Benjamin Godard: Idylle from Suite de trois morceaux Op.116 in G Major W.A. Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca in C Major

8 Daniel Jeyeon Kim Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Camille Saint-Saens: Allegro Appassionato Op.43 in B Minor Joseph Haydn: Allegro di molto (3rd mvt) from Divertimento in D Major

9 Jennifer Mori Cello Accompanist: Chen Woo J.S. Bach: Prelude from Suite #3 BWV 1009 in C Major Edouard Lalo: Prelude from Concerto in D Minor


10 Shih Ting Huang Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng Georg Telemann: Ouverture from Suite #1 in A Minor W. Popp: Valse Gracieuse Op.261 #2 in G Major

11 Evan Chin Cello Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J. S. Bach: Allemande and Courante from Suite #2 BWV 1008 in D Minor Joseph Haydn: Moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto Hob.VIIb:1 in C Major

12 Stella Su Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng Cecile Chaminade: Concertino Op.107 Gaetano Donizetti: Concertino in C Major

13 Samuel Jung Cello Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Camille Saint-Saens: Allegro non troppo (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.33 in A Minor J.S. Bach: Sarabande from Suite #1 in G Major


Tuesday | 2/20/2018 | 3:45 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO JUNIOR Group B

Adjudicators: Ms. Mariya Borozina, Dr. Shi-Hwa Wang, Ms. Lenora Warkentin Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ariel Pawlik-Zwiebel Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #3 K.216 in G Major John Williams: Devil's Dance

2 Masanaga Marc Seno Violin Accompanist: Chen Woo Fritz Kreisler: Praeludium and Allegro in the Style of Pugnani in E Minor J. S. Bach: Gigue from Partita #2 BWV 1004 in D Minor

3 Yuli Choi Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold William Have: Allegro moderato Op.19 in A Major W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata #18 K.301 in G Major

4 Cindy Zhuang Violin Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Julius Massenet: Meditation from the Opera Thais Aram Khachaturian: Allegro con fermezza (1st mvt) from Concerto in D Minor

5 Andrew Ahn Viola Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu Mikhail Glinka: Allegro moderato from Sonata D Minor J.S. Bach: Gigue from Suite #1 BWV 1007 in G Major

6 William Zhang Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold J.S. Bach: Adagio from Sonata #1 BWV 1001 in G Minor Pablo de Sarasate: Introduction and Tarantella Op.43 in C Major

7 Ethan Chen Violin Accompanist: Chen Woo Antonio Vivaldi : Largo (2nd mvt) from Concerto #6 Op.3 in A Minor Frederich Seitz : Allegro risoluto (1st mvt) from Concerto #3 Op.12 in G Minor

8 Eunice Lee Violin Accompanist: Anny Cheng Jean Batiste Accolay: Concerto #1 in A Minor Giovanni Viotti: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #23 in G Major

9 Katherine Ahn Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Henri Wieniawski: Scherzo Tarantelle Op.16 in G Minor J. S. Bach: Gigue from Partita #2 BWV 1004 in D Minor


10 Katherine Lin Violin Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Grazyna Bacewicz: Kaprys Polski Felix Mendelssohn: Allegro molto appassionato (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.64 in E Minor

11 Wyeth Minami Viola Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J.C. Bach-Henri Casadesus: Allegro molto ma maetoso (1st mvt) from Concerto in C Minor J.S. Bach: Gigue from Suite #3 BWV 1009 in C Major

12 Anpo Chen Violin Accompanist: Anny Cheng Giovanni Viotti: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #23 in G Major Fritz Kreisler: Melodie

13 Milan Rohatgi Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Camille Saint-Saens: Allegro non troppo (1st mvt) from Concerto #3 in B Minor J.S. Bach: Andante from Sonata #2 BWV 1003 in A Minor

14 Gregory Bykhovsky Violin Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Antonio Vivaldi: Spring from The Four Seasons Op.8 RV 269 in E Major Dimitri Kabalevsky: Allegro molto e con brio (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.48 in C Major

15 Eliana Tang Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu Henryk Wieniawski: Scherzo Tarantelle Op.16 in G Minor J.S. Bach: Prelude from Partita #3 BWV 1006 in E Major

16 Emily Jiwon Hwang Viola Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Franz Hoffmeister: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto in D Major J.N. Hummel: Fantasie


2018 United States Open Music Competition Events Listing Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | Auditorium | COMPLETE PIANO CONCERTO

Adjudicators: Dr. Dorian Ho, Dr. Chih-Long Hu, Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Withdrawn

2 Hannah Huang Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Ludwig Van Beethoven: Concerto #3 Op. 37 in C Minor

3 William Wang Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard Sergei Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto #33 Op. 30 in D Minor

4 Jonathan Hou Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Felix Mendelssohn-Barthody: Piano Concerto #1, Op. 25 in G Minor

5 Alice Jen Accompanist: Chen Woo Piano Concerto Yellow River

6 Karina Santoso Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Franz Liszt: Piano Concerto #1 in Eb Major

With all good wishes to everyone participating in the 2018 Competitions

from the USOMC Board of Directors


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | Auditorium | OPEN PIANO CONCERTO SENIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Sarah Chan & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jonathan Hou Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Felix Mendelssohn: (1st/2nd mvts: both) from Concerto #1 Op.25 in G Minor 2 Michelle Pan Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Maurice Ravel: Allegramente (1st mvt) from Concerto in G Minor 3 Hannah Huang Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro con brio (1st mvt) from Concerto #3 Op.37 in C Minor 4 Evan Yang Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Edvard Grieg: Allegro molto moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.16 in A Minor 5 Lawrence Long Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Felix Mendelssohn: (1st/2nd mvts: both) from Concerto #1 Op.25 in G Minor 6 Audrey Shen Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Maurice Ravel: Allegramente (1st mvt) from Concerto in G Minor 7 Rebecca Tseng Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Ludwig Van Beethoven: Rondo (3rd mvt) from Concerto #2 Op.19 in Bb Major 8 Natalie Tran Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Concerto #25 K.503 in C Major 9 Paul Garofalo Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Felix Mendelssohn: (1st/2nd mvts: both) from Concerto #1 Op.25 in G Minor 10 William Sun Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro con brio (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.15 in C 11 Nicole Ho Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Felix Mendelssohn: Finale Presto (3rd mvt) from Concerto #2 Op.40 in D Major 12 Bartholomew Baker Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Edvard Grieg: Allegro molto moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.16 in A Minor 13 Welford Chen Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro con brio (1st mvt) from Concerto #2 Op.19 in Bb Major 14 Audrey Ding Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Maurice Ravel: Allegramente (1st mvt) from Concerto in G Minor 15 Calvin Lu Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Felix Mendelssohn: Presto molto allegro (3rd mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.25 in G Minor


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | Lower Hall | 4C - OPEN SOLO Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Ms. Allison Lovejoy Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Song of the Lark Op.39 #22 in G Major

1 Kallie Wang 2 Maggie Zhang 3 Elijah Guan 4 Charles Zhong 5 Emma Wang 6 Michael Chuang 7 Jessica Tsai 8 Joshua Wu 9 Jolie Lu 10 Evan Cai 11 Jessica Li 12 Sophia Kim 13 Evangeline Yunan Zhao 14 Dylan Nguyen 15 Yilai Chen 16 Jaylyn Chong 17 Iris Jin 18 Henry Huang 19 Jilin Jiang


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 9:30 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO PREPARATORY

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Ms. Allison Lovejoy Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Sichen Li Friedrich Burgmuller : Ballade Op.100 #15 in C Minor J.S. Bach : Menuet BWV Anh 132 in D Minor 2 Caroline Gao Antonio Diabelli: 3rd mvt from Sonatina Op.168 #2 in G Major Cornelius Gurlitt: Little Flowers Op.205 #1 and #5 3 Chloe Tsai J.S. Bach: Minuet #10 in D Minor Dmitry Kabalevsky: Seven Variations on a Ukrainian Folksong 4 Katheryn J. Wang Muzio Clementi: Spiritoso and Un poco Adagio from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major Friedrich Burgmuller: The Knight Errant 5 William Xing J.S. Bach: Moderato BWV 939 in C Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Variations Op.40 #1 in D Major 6 Anthony Wu Dennis Alexander: Prelude and Toccata W.A. Mozart: Menuetto #1 in C Major 7 Keith Li J.S. Bach: Minuet BWV Anh 114 in G Major Friedrich Burgmuller: Tarantella Op.100 #20 in D Minor 8 Hongkang Zhao Friedrich Kuhlau: Allegro from Sonatina Op.55 #1 in C Major Frederic Chopin: Waltz in A Minor 9 Ming-Yi Tang J.S. Bach: 5 Dances from Anna Magdalena: Minuet in G, g, G, d and Polonaise in g Dmitri Kabalevsky: Fairy Tales Op.27 in Eb Major 10 William Sun Henry Purcell: Prelude from Suite #5 in C Major Tan Dun: Staccato Beans 11 Aiden Zhou J.S. Bach: Little Prelude BWV 934 in C Minor Frederic Chopin: Waltz Op.70 #2 in F Minor 12 Amy Lufei Friedrich Burgmuller: Harmony of the Angels Op.100 #21 in G Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Cavalry Gallop from Op.27 #29 in Bb Minor


13 Victoria Huang J.S. Bach: Allemende from French Suite #5 BWV 816 in G Major W.A. Mozart: Allegretto from Sonata K.570 in Bb Major 14 Catherine G. Jian Georg Benda: Allegro from Sonatina in A Minor Samuel Majkapar: Prelude 15 Gareth Lee J.S. Bach: Prelude BWV 924 in C Major Friedrich Burgmuller: Tarantella Op.100 #20 in D Minor 16 Anne Chu Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob. XVI:23 in F Major Emma Lou Diemer: Minor Serenade 17 Peter Parra Melody Bober: Midnight Rhapsody C.P.E. Bach: Solfeggietto in C Minor 18 Isabelle Hu Muzio Clementi: Rondo from Sonatina Op.36 #5 in G Major Friedrich Burgmuller: La Styrienne Op.100 #14 in G Major 19 Sora Corro J.S. Bach: Prelude BWV 927 in F Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Variations Op.40 #1 in D Major 20 Xinran Zhou J.S. Bach: Invention #13 in A Minor Huang Huwei: The Merry Shepherd Boy 21 Isabel Feng Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op. Posthumous in C# Minor Joseph Haydn: Finale-Presto ma non troppo from Sonata Hob.XVI:37 in D Major 22 Constance Kuan J.S. Bach: Allemande from French Suite #6 BWV 817 in E Major Henry Lemoine: Etudes Enfantines Op.37 #22 23 Max Li Dmitri Kabalevsky: Gallop Op.27# 29 in Bb Minor J.S. Bach: Musette BWV 808 in G Major 24 Teresa Guo Friedrich Burgmuller: Tarantella Op.100 #20 in D Minor Anton Diabelli: Andantino cantabile from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 25 Joshua Hu Robert Schumann: Sicilienne Op.68 #11 in A Minor J. S. Bach: Prelude 26 Kirk Kang Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Italian Song Op.39 #15 in D Major J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 132 in D Minor 27 Withdrawn


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:00 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 4

Adjudicators: Dr. Dorian Ho & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jessica Hsu Frederic Chopin: Waltz Op.69 #2 in B Minor W.A. Mozart: Allegro maestoso from Sonata K.310 in A Minor 2 Kamina Becker Edvard Grieg: Notturno from Lyric Pieces Op.54 Seymour Bernstein: The Woodpecker and The Vulture from Birds 3 Claire Choi Ludwig van Beethoven: Largo-Allegro from Sonata Op.31 #2 in D Minor Edward MacDowell: Witches' Dance Op.17 #2 4 Leonardo Jia J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.2 #6 in D Minor George Gershwin: Liza (All the Clouds'll Roll Away) 5 Karen Baba Joseph Haydn: Moderato from Sonata Hob. XVI:20 in C Minor Frederic Chopin: Preludes Op.28 #1 and #4 6 Emmalyn Fong W. A. Mozart: 12 Variations on "Ah, vous dirai-je, maman" Dmitri Kabalevsky: Variations Op.40 #2 in A Minor 7 Yuqiao Chen Shiguang Cui: Spring J. S. Bach: Fugue WTC Bk.1 #9 in E Major 8 Steven Jiang Sergei Rachmaninoff: Waltz Op.10 #2 in A Major Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondo from Sonatina #3 WoO 47 in D Major 9 Anika Bhandarkar W.A. Mozart: Molto allegro from Sonata K.457 in C Minor Bela Bartok: Microkosmos Vol.6 #142 (From the Diary of a Fly) 10 Stanley Du Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.29 in D Major Alberto Ginastera: Danza de la Moza Donosa 11 Yilai Chen Sergei Prokofiev: Prelude Op.12 #7 in C Major J. S. Bach: Gigue from English Suite 12 Rohan Ramkumar Edvard Grieg: Notturno from Lyric Pieces Op.54 Dmitri Shostakovitch: Andantino from Three Fantastic Dances Op.5 13 Jianwen Fei Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro ma non troppo from from Sonatina Op.49 #2 in G Major Friedrich Burgmuller: Morning Bell Op.109 #9 in Ab Major


14 Annabel Yeoh W.A. Mozart: Allegro con spirito (1sst mvt) from Sonata K.311 in D Major Pyotr Tchaikovsky: May from The Seasons Op.37a in G Major 15 Michael Yang Frederic Chopin: Three Ecossaises Op.72 in D, G & Ab Majors Bela Bartok: Mikrokosmos Vol. 5 #125 & #126 (Boating & Change of Time) 16 Lin Jiang Joseph Haydn: Allegro moderato from Sonata Hob.XVI:32 in B Minor Mikhail Glinka: Variations on a Russian Song in A Minor 17 Oliver Corro W.A Mozart: Alla Turca from Sonata K.331 in A Major Aaron Copland: The Cat and the Mouse 18 Brian Lin Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.2 #1 in F Minor Ernst Toch: The Joggler Op.31 #3 19 Lavinia Lei Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #1 in C Major W.A.Mozart : Andante cantabile from Sonata K.330 in F Major 20 Nathan Zhu J.S. Bach: Allegro from Italian Concerto BWV 971 in F Major Maurice Ravel: Jeux d'Eau in E Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:30 PM | Lower Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Dorian Ho & Dr. Catherine Kautsky Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Carissa Lee Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 2 Maria Zhao Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 3 Ashley Dixon Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro vivace (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #1 in G Major 4 Tiffany Ho Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 5 Nathan Ip Ludwig Van Beethoven: Scherzo (2nd mvt) in Ab Major from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 6 Jennifer Yang Ludwig Van Beethoven: Capriccio – Rage Over the Lost Penny Op.129 in G Major 7 Huyen-Vi Vianna Phung Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 8 Sihui Huang Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 9 Alexander Wang Ludwig Van Beethoven: Scherzo (2nd mvt) in Ab Major from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 10 Charles Zhu Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro vivace (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #1 in G Major 11 Bao Tran Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 12 Collin Wang Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 9:00 AM | North Hall | 4D - OPEN SOLO Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Bela Bartok: Evening in the Country

1 Qinghua Fu 2 Danny Li 3 Christina Cheng 4 Jamin Xie 5 Tanisha Kholiya 6 Mykayla Liu 7 Alexander Xia 8 Nicholas Chen 9 Zihan Yang 10 Max Lee 11 Aniketh Tummala 12 Sofia Rakhimi 13 Yeliel Jimenez 14 Jeffrey Wu 15 Henry Yao 16 David Yang


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 10:00 AM | North Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ashley Xu W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 2 Tiffany Li W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 3 Cynthia Liu W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 4 Fiona Chang W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 5 Christine Mok W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 6 Rujie Wu W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 7 Carolyn Tran W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 8 Laura Ni W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 9 Sihui Huang W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 10 Michelle Lee W.A. Mozart: Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.576 in D Major 11 Chloe Weng W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 12 Angela Chao W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 13 Aidan Kim W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 14 Abigail Lin W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 15 Sophia Cha W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 16 Allison Yen W.A. Mozart: Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.576 in D Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:00 PM | North Hall | 2B - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Shirley Munger: Ride on the Train

1 Renee Pi

2 Tony Wang

3 Matthew Chang

4 Gordon Li

5 Stella Tang

6 Ming-Yi Tang

7 May Lin

8 Matthew Loo

9 Dylan Shao

Mark your calendar to be sure you will not miss the 2019 USOMC: Feb. 18 – 24, 2019


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | North Hall | 3B - OPEN SOLO Group 2

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium) Muzio Clementi: Vivace (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major

1 Sofie Pan 2 Jilin Jiang 3 Isabella Xia 4 Noam Avrahami 5 Gemma Liang 6 Jinyan Yang 7 Cara Wang 8 Justin Wang 9 Victoria Truong 10 Chloee Yang 11 Lewis McColgan 12 Cindy Liang 13 Emma Wang 14 Jonathan Xue 15 Renjing Li 16 Emma Cai 17 Susanna Khubchandani 18 Hiroshi Corro


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 2:30 PM | North Hall | 2A - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Frances Montague: Irish Washerwoman

1 Matthew Chang 2 Claire Lin 3 Mackenzie Choi 4 Derek Liu 5 Renee Pi 6 Ming-Yi Tang 7 Amanda Cheng 8 Derrick Nhan 9 Patricia Li 10 Hanna Hou 11 Joanne Huang 12 Calista Tjandra


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:15 PM | North Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 4

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Yeonjun Kim J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 2 Vienna Guo J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 3 Katelyn Deng J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 4 Avery Skylar Lee J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 5 Henry Yao J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 6 Karen Baba J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 7 Anvitha Tummala J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 8 Emma Lewis J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 9 Joshua Yunmo Koo J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 10 Spencer Kogoma J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 11 Xintong Zhao J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 12 Audrey Xi J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 13 Henry Huang J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 14 Sophia Chen J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 15 Jaylyn Chong J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 16 Ashley Jiayi Zhou J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 17 Leon Lu J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 18 Franklin Yang J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 19 Laura Ni J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 20 David Yang J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 4:30 PM | North Hall | 3D - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Elie Siegmeister: Street Games

1 Jacob Ma 2 Barak Yang 3 Noam Avrahami 4 Waren Foo 5 Jonathan Xue 6 Jacey Xu 7 Charlotta Dai 8 Jingyi Xu 9 Derrick Nhan 10 Amanda Cheng 11 Owen Yu 12 Serena Xue 13 Chloee Yang 14 Isabella Xia 15 Ming-Yi Tang 16 Ethan Pan 17 Rachel Kwan 18 April Gao 19 Jaslyn Kwan 20 Youan (Brian) Li


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 5:30 PM | North Hall | OPEN DUET ROMANTIC INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Amy Beach: Elfin Tarantelle Op.47 #5

1 Elisabeth Connors & Emilia Salistra

2 Audrey Shen & Adeline Shen

3 Peter Gagea & Elizabeth Gagea

4 Brandon Cho & Vanessa Cho

5 Caitlyn Loo & Phoebe Loo

6 Krisalyn Satriya & Caleigh Gunawan

7 Bella Dang & Michelle Ho

8 Elan Xu & Elly Xu

9 Vivian Ji & Lauren Ji

10 Michael Yang & Jennifer Yang

11 Hannah Lee & Sarah Youn

12 Shangchen Li & Yichen Li


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Diego Carrillo Berthold Hummel: Prelude in G Major 2 Liam Lee Cyril Scott: The Monkey 3 Ella Min Matyas Seiber: Blues in Eb Major 4 Emilia Zhang Berthold Hummel: Prelude in G Major 5 Stephanie Chang Paul Hindemith: Lied Song 6 Chloe Ho Petr Eben: Musical Box 7 Liliana Chai Berthold Hummel: Prelude in G Major 8 Ameya Kiwalkar Cyril Scott: The Monkey 9 Andrea Yang Cyril Scott: The Giraffe 10 Claire Yuh Berthold Hummel: Prelude in G Major 11 Gavin Ho Matyas Seiber: Blues in Eb Major 12 Chloee Yang Berthold Hummel: Prelude in G Major 13 Youan (Brian) Li Cyril Scott: The Monkey 14 Everett Gensler Berthold Hummel: Prelude in G Major 15 Jenida Yang Paul Hindemith: Lied Song 16 Susanna Khubchandani Matyas Seiber: Blues in Eb Major 17 Elizabeth Ying Berthold Hummel: Prelude in G Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 9:15 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 1

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Sean He Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 2 Thomas Li Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 3 Joshua Fang Joseph Haydn: Allegro di molto (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:41 in Bb Major 4 Saachi Baldwa Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 5 Yelin Kang Joseph Haydn: Vivace assai (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:42 in D Major 6 Angelina Feng Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 7 Jason Chen Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 8 Eileen Le Joseph Haydn: Finale Presto (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:51 in D Major 9 Kaushal Amancherla Joseph Haydn: Allegro di molto (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:41 in Bb Major 10 Dylan Nguyen Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 11 Sunny Lin Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 12 Sophia Zhu Joseph Haydn: Vivace assai (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:42 in D Major 13 Claire Song Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 14 Angela Gao Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 15 Shangchen Li Joseph Haydn: Allegro di molto (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:41 in Bb Major 16 Vibha Udayakumar Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 17 Amanda Li Joseph Haydn: Vivace assai (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:42 in D Major 18 Alex Luo Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 19 Vienna Guo Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 11:00 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Ms. Naomi Sanchez & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 John Jung Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 2 Collin Wang Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 3 Ian Chu Scott Joplin: Sun Flower Slow Drag 4 Michael Li Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 5 Derek Wang Scott Joplin: The Strenuous Life 6 Jia Miao Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 7 Alan Fung Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 8 Justin Duval Scott Joplin: The Cascades 9 Howard Li Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 10 Brian Tan Scott Joplin: Sun Flower Slow Drag 11 Jennifer Yang Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 12 Sydney Myers Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 13 Revan Aponso Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 14 Edi Du Scott Joplin: The Strenuous Life 15 Renee Zhu Scott Joplin: Rag-Time Dance 16 Jerry Liu Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 17 Helen Li Scott Joplin: Sun Flower Slow Drag 18 Yilai Chen Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 19 Derek Che Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Ms. Allison Lovejoy Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Claire Song J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 2 Keane Chong J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 3 Minh-Thy Hoang J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 4 Nandini Baruah J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 5 Lan Gao J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Sarabande in B Flat Major 6 Emily Chang J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 7 Alex Zhang J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 8 Chloe Jeon J.S. Bach: Partita V BWV 829, Allemande in G Major 9 Shanlea Tabofunda J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 10 Veronica Sitorus J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 11 Shiho Yanagawa J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 12 Angela Xiao J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Sarabande in B Flat Major 13 Alice Jen J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 14 Victoria Miao J.S. Bach: Partita VI BWV 830, Allemande in E Minor 15 Grace Huang J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 16 Chelsia Kwon J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 17 Sinaya Joshi J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 18 Elena Ding J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 19 Withdrawn


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Ms. Allison Lovejoy Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jerry Liu Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 2 Enoch Chang Jacques Ibert: Histoires #10 Le Cortege de Balkis & 8 La Cage de Cristal 3 Christine Xu Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 4 Minh-Thy Hoang Francis Poulenc: Presto #1 in C Major from Suite for Piano 5 Ashley Shin Chen Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 6 Jackie Phan Jacques Ibert: Histoires #6 Le Palais Abandonne & #7 Bajo La Mesa 7 Michelle Lee Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 8 Jason Chen Francis Poulenc: Presto #1 in C Major from Suite for Piano 9 Christopher Nguyen Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 10 Xuan Zhang Francis Poulenc: Francais in G Minor (1939) & Impromptu #3 (1939) 11 Carine Wong Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 12 Owen Tsao Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 13 Megan Yim Francis Poulenc: Presto #1 in C Major from Suite for Piano 14 Helen Yuan Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 15 Andrew Wong Francis Poulenc: Promenade #1 – A Pied & Novelette #1 in C Major 16 Serin Myung Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 17 Sara Fang Francis Poulenc: Presto #1 in C Major from Suite for Piano 18 Jaclyn Wang Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 19 Fiona Luo Jacques Ibert: Histoires #10 Le Cortege de Balkis & 8 La Cage de Cristal 20 Lisa Feng Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 5:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Ms. Allison Lovejoy Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Joshua Chung David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 2 Natalia Lo David Kraehenbuehl: A Sad Tail 3 Hardy Gu David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 4 Andreas Patton David Kraehenbuehl: Takin' It Easy 5 Ethan Chen David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 6 Sora Corro David Kraehenbuehl: Mosquito Waltz 7 Rachel Qi David Kraehenbuehl: Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes 8 Joshwyn Hong David Kraehenbuehl: Soft-Shoe Dance 9 Shujun Han David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 10 Evangeline Zou David Kraehenbuehl: A Sad Tail 11 Ruoxi Liu David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 12 Gabrielle Kuek David Kraehenbuehl: Takin' It Easy 13 Andy Chen David Kraehenbuehl: Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes 14 Matthew Loo David Kraehenbuehl: Mosquito Waltz 15 Nathan Chen David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 5:45 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Ms. Allison Lovejoy Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jiayin Zhu David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 2 Hiroshi Corro David Kraehenbuehl: Takin' It Easy 3 Colin Matasek David Kraehenbuehl: Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes 4 Maksim Miocinovic David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 5 Sena Yoon David Kraehenbuehl: Mosquito Waltz 6 David Loo Jr. David Kraehenbuehl: Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes 7 Qinzhao Li David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 8 Aris Yu David Kraehenbuehl: Soft-Shoe Dance 9 Cathy Yaung David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 10 Ming-Yi Tang David Kraehenbuehl: A Sad Tail 11 Xilai Luo David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 12 Aerin Foo David Kraehenbuehl: Takin' It Easy 13 Summer Kwong David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill 14 Kyle H. Lei David Kraehenbuehl: Mosquito Waltz 15 Aeneas Yu David Kraehenbuehl: A Sad Tail 16 Rachel Chen David Kraehenbuehl: London Hill


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 9:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Rachel Chung & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Suki Gu J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 2 Ashley Dixon J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 3 Ryan Chao Wong J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 4 Franklin Yang J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 5 Brian Lin J.S. Bach: Partita VI BWV 830, Allemande in E Minor 6 Nathan Yang J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 7 Ann-Mei Sun J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Sarabande in B Flat Major 8 Linsha Sun J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 9 Michael Li J.S. Bach: Partita V BWV 829, Allemande in G Major 10 Jocelyn Horng J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 11 Frederick Nitta J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 12 Carine Wong J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 13 Daniel Pilipenko J.S. Bach: Partita VI BWV 830, Allemande in E Minor 14 Allison Hong J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Sarabande in B Flat Major 15 Brian Tan J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 16 Charles Zhu J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major 17 Revan Aponso J.S. Bach: Partita III BWV 827, Courante in A Minor 18 Vienna Lee J.S. Bach: Partita VI BWV 830, Allemande in E Minor 19 Nicole Lai J.S. Bach: Partita II BWV 826, Allemande in C Minor 20 Jason Huang J.S. Bach: Partita I BWV 825, Praeludium in B Flat Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 10:30 AM | Room 102 | 1A - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Rachel Chung & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Mabel Madison Watson: Tally-Ho

1 Alayna Chia

2 Coco Xiao

3 Alan Yao

4 Emma Liu

5 Naisha koppurapu

6 Yiming Sun

7 Hanna Hou

The six Prize Winners’ Concerts will feature a total of 171 event First Place Winners

Concert No. 1 will be on Friday February 23 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Concert No. 2 will be on Saturday February 24 from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Concert No. 3 will be on Saturday February 24 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Concert No. 4 will be on Saturday February 24 from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Concert No. 5 will be on Saturday February 24 from 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Concert No. 6 will be on Saturday February 24 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Please come to support our musical heritage! The concerts are open to the public free of charge.


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 11:00 AM | Room 102 | 3C - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Rachel Chung & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Robert Schumann: Bagatelle Op.68 #5 in C Major

1 Ellie Liu 2 Yumeng Li 3 Sophia Kim 4 Claire Lin 5 Emily Dong 6 Katie Koh 7 Jacey Xu 8 Benjamin Lee 9 Ramona Cheng 10 Leann Wang 11 Nicolas Cheng 12 Sofie Pan 13 Ashley Xu 14 Jacob Ma 15 Angelina Chen 16 Miwa Baba 17 Cara Wang 18 Alyssa Chia 19 Chloee Yang 20 Yidi Zhang 21 Reeva Rao 22 Victoria Truong 23 Jonathan Xue 24 Maahi Vidyarthi 25 Sriya Gopalan 26 Sofia Rakhimi 27 Joshua Huang 28 Selina Yu 29 Elijah Guan


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | Room 102 | 1B - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Hansi Alt: Children's Dance

1 Derek Liu

2 Naisha koppurapu

3 Julia Yin

4 Andy Yan

5 Calista Tjandra

6 Ethan Su

7 Emma Liu

8 Patricia Li

9 Coco Xiao

10 Alayna Chia


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 2:00 PM | Room 102 | 2D - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Arthur Frackenpohl: Indian Dance

1 Hanna Hou

2 Rithika Sai Chowhan

3 Derrick Nhan

4 May Lin

5 Matthew Loo

6 Catherine Zhang

7 Tony Wang

8 Ming-Yi Tang

9 Stephen Sheng

10 Brandon Liu

With all good wishes to everyone participating in the 2018 Competitions from the USOMC Board of Directors


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 2:30 PM | Room 102 | 4B - OPEN SOLO Group 1

Adjudicators: Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.545 in C Major

1 Yidi Zhang 2 Owen Yu 3 Christine Zhang 4 Dylan Nguyen 5 Jingxi Jiang 6 Zikun Yan 7 Iris Jin 8 Raeanne Li 9 Xintong Zhao 10 Adrian Su 11 Spencer Kogoma 12 Vera Lew 13 Ying Lin 14 Nathan Hii 15 Ryan Chin 16 Erika Pettersson 17 Catherine Yang 18 Xuyan Han 19 Helen Wu


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:45 PM | Room 102 | SHOWCASE PIANO DUET/ENSEMBLE ELEMENTARY-JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Catherine Yang & Jocelyn J. Wang Franz Schubert: Allegro vivace from Military March Op.51 #1

2 Jaslyn Kwan & Joshua Wu Anton Arensky: Waltz Op.34 #4

3 Hannah Lee & Sarah Youn Sergei Rachmaninoff: Scherzo Op.11 #2 in D Major

4 Amanda Lin & Chloe Zhong Anton Diabelli: Pleasures of Youth Op.163

5 Christina Huang & Catherine Li Sergei Rachmaninoff: Scherzo Op.11 #2 and Waltz Op.11 #4

6 Ashley Wang & Jayden Zhuge Edvard Grieg: Norwegian Dance Op.35 #2 in A Major

7 Weston Zong & Rishi Dinesh Johannes Brahms: Hungarian Dances #1 and 5

8 Kayla Tan & Kamina Becker J.S. Bach - G. Kurtag: 1. Dies sind die heil'gen zehn Gebot' BWV 635, 2. Nun komm' der Heiden Heiland BWV 599, and 3.Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit

9 Michael Yang & Adrian Chuang Claude Debussy: Golliwogg's Cakewalk

10 Yuhuan Lu & Yuanxin Li Ye Fei: Defending Yellow River

11 Hima Thota & Hita Thota Catherine Rollin: Valse Bleu in A Minor

12 Harriet Gensler & Annabel Gensler Aram Khachaturian: Waltz from Masquerade

13 Anika Bhandarkar & Yuna Liang Antonin Dvorak: Slavonic Dance Op.72 #2 in E Minor

14 Eric Zhu & Grace Wu Claude Debussy: En Bateau and Menuet from Petite Suite

15 Travis Luu & Ashley Dixon Johannes Brahms: Hungarian Dance #1

16 Alyson Nguyen & Vy Nguyen Maurice Ravel: #3 and #5 from Mother Goose Suite


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 5:30 PM | Room 102 | 6D - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Dmitri Shostakovich: Prelude Op.34 #15 in Db Major

1 Max Lee 2 Sabrina Zhu 3 Christina Huang 4 Alice Feng 5 Christina Cheng 6 Ashley Liu 7 Tinhsu Wen 8 Yubin Zhang 9 Sayli Limaye 10 Alex Hsieh 11 Sihui Huang 12 Jia Miao 13 Anna Romanovsky 14 Mia Ionov 15 Katherine Yang


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ria Jain Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 2 Sayli Limaye Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 3 Maya Kesapradist Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 4 Megan Kuo Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 5 Jessica Phongsa Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #6 Intermezzo in A Major 6 Angela Chao Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 7 Allison Yen Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 8 Steven Gong Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 9 Allen Bryan Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 10 Caroline Tjoe Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #4 Intermezzo in Bb Major 11 Shawn Lee Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 12 Liliane Trimouille Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 13 Tiffany Li Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 14 Michael Yang Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 15 Angela Xiao Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #6 Intermezzo in A Major 16 Laura Ni Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 17 Abigail Lin Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 5

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Brandon Seo Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 2 Jiayi Wang Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 3 Jessica Tsai Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 4 William Sun Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 5 Diego Carrillo Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 6 Aiden Noah Kim Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 7 Michael Yang Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 8 Dylan Nguyen Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 9 Henry Huang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 10 Jamin Xie Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 11 Yunxi Chen Muzio Clementi: Andante con espressione (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #4 in Bb Major 12 Jeffrey Wu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 13 Elisabeth Connors Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 14 Liliana Chai Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 15 Christine Zhang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 16 Sunny Fang Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 17 Amie Nguyen Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 18 Mykayla Liu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 19 Zihan Yang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 20 Aiden Kim Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 21 Yuanxin Li Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 11:15 AM | Room 110 | 1C - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

R. Heif: A Song in F Major

1 Andy Yan

2 Ethan Su

3 Naisha koppurapu

4 Alan Yao

5 Emma Liu

6 Coco Xiao

7 Rhoy Xu

8 Calista Tjandra


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 11:40 AM | Room 110 | 1D - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

E. Aglintsova: Russian Song in A Minor

1 Yiming Sun

2 Patricia Li

3 Calista Tjandra

4 Coco Xiao

5 Rithika Sai Chowhan

6 Aerin Foo

7 Emma Liu 8 Andy Yan


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:15 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ian Hsu Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 2 Richard Bai Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 3 Withdrawn 4 Naomi Bennett Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 5 Kevin Jin Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #4 in A Minor 6 Amy Zhou Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 7 Jonathan Sui Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 8 Frederic Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #3 in F Major 9 David Kwan Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #6 in G# Minor 10 Elizabeth Szeto Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 11 Jiayi Sun Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 12 Ashley Dixon Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #4 in A Minor 13 Ian Chu Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 14 Margaret Luo Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #7 in C Major 15 Ryan Jia Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 16 Lily Wang Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #6 in G# Minor 17 Alisa Lu Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 18 Collin Wang Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #4 in A Minor 19 Alysa Xu Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 20 Edi Du Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 21 Julie Kim Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 3:15 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Joshwyn Hong Alexander Tcherepnin: March in C Major 2 Hana Maria Aboian Alexandre Tansman: A Little Song in G Major 3 Patricia Li Alexandre Tansman: Folk Dance in C Major 4 Hiroshi Corro Alexander Tcherepnin: Joy and Tears 5 Matthew Loo Alexander Tcherepnin: March in C Major 6 Mackenzie Choi Alexandre Tansman: A Little Song in G Major 7 Hanna Hou Alexandre Tansman: Folk Dance in C Major 8 Alivia Cui Alexander Tcherepnin: Relays 9 Karina Arutyunov Bela Bartok: Two Dialogues #2 in A Minor 10 Audrey Luu Alexander Tcherepnin: March in C Major 11 Allison Du Alexandre Tansman: A Little Song in G Major 12 Audris Yu Alexandre Tansman: Folk Dance in C Major 13 Charlotta Dai Alexander Tcherepnin: Joy and Tears 14 Sophia Xie Alexander Tcherepnin: Relays 15 Lily Nguyen Alexandre Tansman: A Little Song in G Major 16 Devyn Jin Alexander Tcherepnin: March in C Major 17 Shannon Zhang Bela Bartok: Two Dialogues #2 in A Minor 18 Aerin Foo Alexandre Tansman: Folk Dance in C Major 19 David Loo Jr. Alexandre Tansman: A Little Song in G Major 20 Andy Yan Alexander Tcherepnin: Joy and Tears 21 Grace Cho Alexander Tcherepnin: March in C Major 22 Isabelle Niu Alexandre Tansman: A Little Song in G Major


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 4:15 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 5

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Rachel Chung Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Travis Zhu W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 2 Claire Somin Lee W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 3 Vivian Kao W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 4 Bella Dang W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 5 Mabel Tan W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 6 Jack Poon W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 7 Leonardo Jia W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 8 Noah Sakaitani W.A. Mozart: Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.576 in D Major 9 Shiho Yanagawa W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 10 Yayan Cao W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 11 Qing Nian W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 12 Mu Ai W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 13 Emily Chang W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 14 Avery Skylar Lee W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 15 Henry Yao W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 16 Withdrawn


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 8:30 AM | Cultural Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO SENIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Stephen Thomas & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Amy Zhou Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.22 in Bb Major Franz Liszt: Paraphrase de concert sur Rigoletto S.434 2 Isabel Martin George Gershwin: Prelude #2 in C# Minor Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.9 #1 in Bb Minor 3 Yidi Zhang Ren Guang: Cloud Chasing the Moon Ludwig van Beethoven: Rondo-Allegro from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor 4 Ian Hsu Fazil Say: Black Earth Frederic Chopin: Scherzo #2 Op.31 in Bb Minor 5 Vivian Cheng Ludwig van Beethoven: Adagio from Sonata Op.81a in Eb Major Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etudes Tableux Op.39 #1 in C Minor 6 Leon Lu Frederic Chopin: Scherzo #2 Op.31 in Bb Minor Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob. XVI:49 in Eb Major 7 Karina Halevy Ludwig van Beethoven : Largo-Allegro from Sonata Op.31 #2 in D Minor Dmitri Shostakovich: Allegretto from Sonata Op.61 in B Minor 8 Carissa Lee Robert Schumann: Vivacissimo from Sonata Op.22 in G Minor Bella Bartok: Allegro Barbaro 9 Megan Auyeung Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro con brio from Sonata Op.2 #3 in C Major Franz Liszt: Tarantella in G Minor 10 Claudia Luong J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.1 #16 in G Minor Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #11 in A Minor 11 Erin Liu Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegretto from Sonata Op.31 #2 in D Minor Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etude Tableau Op.33 #7 in G Minor 12 Hannah Chen Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody #12 in C# Minor Olivier Messiaen : Noel from Vingt Regards sur l'enfant-Jesus


13 Bartholomew Baker Frederiec Chopin: Nocturne Op.48 # 1 in C Minor Ludwig van Beethoven: Presto agitato from Sonata Op.27 #2 in C# Minor 14 Ean Bennett Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob XVI:52 in Eb Major Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.23 #5 in G Minor 15 Lisa Hu Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro from Sonata #9 Op.14 #1 in E Major Claude Debussy: Reflets dans L'eau from Images in Db Major 16 Anna Chiang Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etude Tableau Op.39 #8 in D Minor Nikolai Kapustin: Pastorale Op.40 #6 17 Omar Wahby Ludwig van Beethoven: Andante & Allegro molto e vivace from Sonata Op.27 #1 in Eb Major Franz Lizst: Paganini Etude #2 in Eb Major 18 Ekaterina Deynega J.S. Bach: Allemande, Courante and Gigue from French Suite #6 BWV 817 in E Major Joseph Haydn: Sonata Hob.XVI:32 in B Minor (complete)

Outstanding Gold Medalists Awards

Up to six performers will be chosen from each of the six Prize Winners’ Concerts on Friday and Saturday Feb. 23 & 24 as Outstanding Gold Medalists of 2018 and will receive Special Crystal awards. All winners should be prepared to play their pieces, shortened if necessary, following the time limits as detailed on p.13. If any performers exceed the time, they will not be considered for the Outstanding Gold Medalists’ Awards. The awards will be given at the conclusion of each Prize Winners' Concert.


Wednesday | 2/21/2018 | 1:30 PM | Cultural Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO SENIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Chih-Long Hu & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Carolyn Ma Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #11 in A Minor Sergei Prokofiev: Scherzo from Sonata Op.14 #2 in A Minor 2 Lydia Luong Ludwig Van Beethoven: 1st mvt from Sonata Op.90 in E Minor Johannes Brahms: Rhapsody Op.79 #2 in G Minor 3 Nathan Ramrakhiani Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.55 #1 in F Minor Ernesto Lecuona: Mazurka Glissando in C Major 4 Enxi Chen J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.1 #21 in Bb Major Nikolai Medtner: Six Tales Op.51 #1 5 Jaclyn Dong Franz Liszt: Tarantella in Bb Major Sergei Prokofiev: Allegro tempestoso from Sonata Op.28 #3 in A Minor 6 Hannah Lin Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro molto e con brio from Sonata Op.7 in Eb Major Felix Mendelssohn: Variations Sérieuses Op.54 7 Amanda Vo Maurice Ravel: Ondine from Gaspard de la nuit in C# Major Franz Schubert: Impromptu Op.90 #2 in Eb Major 8 Qi Sun Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro from Sonata Op.10 #2 in F Major Franz Liszt: Quasi presto in A Minor (Grand Edute de Paganini #6) 9 Hyejun Lee W. A. Mozart: Allegro from Sonata K.533 in F Major Sergei Prokofiev: Allegro ma non troppo from Sonata Op.14 #2 in D Minor 10 Rachel Guo Enrique Granados: Allegro de Concierto Op.46 in C# Major Fazil Say: Black Earth 11 Vivian Liu Franz Schubert: Allegro moderato from Sonata Op.120 in A Major Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #12 in C Minor 12 Jilin Jiang Pyotr Tchaikovsky: April from The Seasons Op.37a in Bb Major Ding Shande: Dos Amigos from Children's Suite


13 Sara Min Enrique Granados: Allegro de Concierto Op.46 in C# Major Sergei Prokofiev: Vivace from Sonata Op.14 in D Minor 14 Kevin Kim J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.2 #24 in B Minor Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etude-Tableaux Op.39 #9 in D Major 15 Andrew Gao Franz Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody #5 in E Minor George Gershwin: Prelude #3 in Eb Minor 16 Janet Liu W.A. Mozart: Rondo Allegro from Sonata K.332 in F Major Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.48 #1 in C Minor 17 Charlotte Parque Robert Schumann: Fantasy Op.17 in C Major Sergei Prokofiev: Diabolical Suggestion Op.4 #4 18 Nicole Allen Ludwig van Beethoven: 1st mvt from Sonata Op.90 in E Minor Franz Liszt: Transcendental Etude #4 in D Minor

Master Class with Dr. Sharon Mann

Berkeley, CA on Sunday Feb 25, 2 – 5PM

To commemorate the 26th Anniversary of the United States Open Music Competition, the Board of Directors of the USOMC is presenting a special Master Class with pianist, Dr. Sharon Mann.

Five (5) qualified winners will be chosen by our 2018 Adjudicators from among the winners of the 2018 USOMC, who are 14 to 16 years old. If chosen, they will perform at the Master Class and each will receive a scholarship of $100.00 with a certificate of recognition. The winners will be notified on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, 2018 at 9 pm.

In addition, two to five (2-5) alternate winners will also be selected for the Master Class. An alternate may be invited to perform if a winner is unable to attend. In that case, the alternate will receive a scholarship of $100.00 with a certificate of recognition as a winner. If all five winners are able to perform, the alternate winners will each receive a cash award of $50 and a certificate of recognition just for attending as audiences. The alternate winners will also be notified on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, 2018 at 9 pm. Each will be told which piece to use for the Master Class, if a winner (or winners) is unable to perform

If chosen, USOMC requires return emails from the parents of the winners and the alternate winners, confirming that their sons/daughters will be able to attend and ready to perform the designated pieces. If USOMC does not receive a return email by 10 AM on Thursday, Feb. 22nd, that winner’s place will be automatically cancelled for attending the Master Class.



2018 United States Open Music Competition Events Listing Thursday, February 22, 2018

Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:30 AM | Auditorium | OPEN PIANO CONCERTO JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka, Dr. Randall Creighton, Dr. Chih-Long HU Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Lin Jiang Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Romanze (2nd mvt) in Bb from Concerto #20 K.466 in D Minor

2 Samantha Wuo Accompanist: Chen Woo Joseph Haydn: Vivace (1st mvt) from Concerto Hob.XVIII:11 in D Major

3 Eugene Wei Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Andante (2nd mvt) in F from Concerto #21 K.467 in C Major

4 Suki Gu Accompanist: Chen Woo Joseph Haydn: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Concerto Hob.XVIII:11 in D Major

5 Garrett Cai Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #11 K.413 in F Major

6 Sabrina Ning Accompanist: Chen Woo Joseph Haydn: Vivace (1st mvt) from Concerto Hob.XVIII:11 in D Major


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:45 AM | Auditorium | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO ADVANCED

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka, Dr. Randall Creighton, Dr. Chih-Long HU Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Sihui Huang Ludwig van Beethoven: Presto agitato from Sonata Op.27 #2 in C# Minor Frederic Chopin: Scherzo #1 Op.20 in B Minor 2 Dongyi Zhuang Robert Schumann: Papillons Op.2 Sergei Prokofiev: Sarcasms Op.17 #2 3 Jianpeng Yang Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob XVI:52 in Eb Major Johannes Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Paganini Op.35 4 Aaron Khan Ludwig van Beethoven: Grave-Allegro di molto e con brio from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #12 in C Minor 5 Linsha Sun Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Dumka Op.59 in C Minor Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etudes Tableaux Op.33 #5 in Eb Major 6 Steve Ludwig Franz Schubert: Impromtu Op.90 #3 Sergei Prokovfiev: Montegues and Capulets Op.75 #6 7 Zijie Gao Hiromi Uehara: The Tom and Jerry Show Felix Mendelssohn: Rondo Capriccioso Op.14


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:30 PM | Auditorium | OPEN PIANO CONCERTO ADVANCED

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Adonia Thai Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard Robert Schumann: Allegro affettuoso (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.54 in A Minor

2 Withdrawn

3 Eric Yan Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Frederic Chopin: Maestoso (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.11 in E Minor

4 Theresa Nguyen Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #5 Op.73 in Eb Major 5 Karina Santoso Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Fran Liszt: Allegro maestoso (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 in Eb Major 6 Alicia Zhang Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Frederic Chopin: Maestoso (1st mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.11 in E Minor 7 Carolyn Tran Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Robert Schumann: Allegro affettuoso (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.54 in A Minor 8 Withdrawn

9 Akiko Novotny Accompanist: Chen Woo Frederic Chopin: 2nd mvt (Romance) from Concerto #1 Op.11 in E Minor

10 Withdrawn

11 Ryan Jia Accompanist: Chen Woo Frederic Chopin: Maestoso (1st mvt) from Concerto #2 Op.21 in F Minor

12 Peyton Lee Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard Robert Schumann: Allegro affettuoso (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.54 in A Minor 13 Nicole Allen Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Sergey Prokofiev: Allegro ma non troppo (3rd mvt) from Concerto #3 Op.26 in C Major

14 Sophie Au Accompanist: Chen Woo Frederic Chopin: 2nd mvt (Romance) from Concerto #1 Op.11 in E Minor

15 Fiona Thendean Accompanist: Christopher Salocks George Gershwin: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto in F Major

16 Withdrawn


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:30 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group 6

Adjudicators: Dr. Dale Tsang & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Withdrawn 2 Lovina Xiong J.S. Bach: Allegro from Italian Concerto BWV 971 in F Major Dmitri Shostakovich: Three Fantastic Dances 3 Ethan Rosenthal Pyotr Tchaikovsky: December from The Seasons Op. 37a in Ab Major Bela Bartok: Grave and Allegro from 14 Bagatelles Op.6 4 Lawrence Long J. S. Bach: Sinfonia #4 in D Minor Ludwig van Beethoven: Prestissimo from Sonata Op.10 #1 in C Minor 5 Alex Hsieh Joseph Haydn: Moderato from Sonata Hob. XVI:36 in C# Minor Franz Liszt: Widmung in Ab Major 6 Jingxi Jiang Jan Ladislav Dussek: Allegro con spirito from Sonata Op.24 in Bb Major Sun Yiqiang: Spring Dance 7 Siona Samanta J.S. Bach: Sinfonia from Partita #2 BWV 826 in C Minor Adam Khachaturian: Toccata in Eb Minor 8 Joshua Schiller Rodion Shchedrin: Basso Ostinato in C Major Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro vivace from Sonata Op.2 #2 in A Major 9 Jessica Qiu J. S. Bach: Prelude from English Suite #3 BWV 808 in G Minor Claude Debussy: Nocturne in Db Major 10 Tiffanie Huang Ludwig van Beethoven: 1st mvt from Sonata Op.90 in E Minor Robert Schumann: Carnaval Op.9 #11, #12, and #13 (Chiarina, Chopin, Estrella) 11 Annie Ping Ludwig van Beethoven: Scherzo: Allegro assai from Sonata Op.14 #2 in G Major Astor Piazzolla: Valse Prelude - Sunny's Game 12 Michael Yang Sergei Rachmaninoff: Etude Tableu Op.39 #4 in B Minor Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto assai from Sonata #2 Op.45 in Gb Major


13 Edison Lee Franz Liszt: Liebestraume #3 in Ab Major Aaron Copland: The Cat and the Mouse 14 Dayna Nguyen Sergei Rachmaninoff: Polichinelle Op.3 #4 in F# Minor Ludwig van Beethoven: Largo-Allegro from Sonata Op.31 #2 in D Minor 15 Ethan Yu J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue WTC Bk.1 #15 in G Major Jianzhong Wang: A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix 16 Anna Romanovsky Georg Philipp Telemann: Fantaisie #6 in Bb Major Camille Saint-Saens: Toccata Op.72 17 Jiakang Chen Sergei Rachmaninoff: Elegie Op.3 #1 in Eb Minor J.S. Bach: Allegro from Italian Concerto BWV 971 in F Major 18 Yu Xie Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #12 in C Minor Ludwig van Beethoven: Grave-Allegro di molto e con brio from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor 19 Selena Yao Mily Balakirev - Mikhail Glinka: The Lark in Bb Minor Joaquin Turina: Fanfare from The Circus 20 Hannah Wong J.S. Bach-Busoni: Toccata and Fugue BWV 565 in D Minor Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #1 in C Major 21 Zhixin Li Peixun Chen: Han Tian Lei Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #2 in F Minor 22 Nicole Ho Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato cantabile molto expressivo from Sonata #31 Op.110 in Ab Major Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #5 in Gb Major


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:00 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO ELEMENTARY Group 1

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka & Dr. Chih-Long Hu Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Katelyn Deng Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata #1 Hob.XVI:8 in G Major S. Bernstein: Birds #1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 2 Alexandr Anisimov Frederic Chopin: Waltz in A Minor Friedrich Kuhlau: Allegro con spirito from Sonatina Op.55 #3 in C Major 3 Harvy Chang Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro cantabile from Sonatina #1 WoO.47 in Eb Major Wiktor Labunski: Four Variations on a Theme by Paganini 4 Xinran Shi Joseph Haydn: Andante from Sonata Hob. XVI:12 in A Major Alexander Scriabin: Prelude Op.11 #2 in A Minor 5 James Carson Antonio Diabelli: Andante from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Neapolitan Song Op.39 #18 in Eb Major 6 Lucas Cai Frederic Chopin: Polonaise in G Minor Bela Bartok: Swineherd's Dance 7 Rian Ruiling Mao Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob XVI:33 in D Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Variations Op.40 in D Major 8 Audrey Li J.N. Hummel: Rondo Op.52 #6 in C Major William Gillock: Fountain of Diana and A Witch's Cat 9 Alivia Cui Joseph Haydn: Finale-Presto from Sonata Hob XVI:23 in F Major Pyotr Tchaikovsky: The Sick Doll Op.39 #6 in G Minor 10 Renjing Li Bela Bartok: An Evening in the Village Felix Mendelssohn: Song Without Words 11 Jonah Tan Frederic Chopin: Three Ecossaises in D, G & Ab Majors W.A. Mozart: Alla Turca from Sonata K.311 in A Minor 12 Bella Dang Albert Pieczonka: Tarantella in A Minor Friedrich Kuhlau: Allegro burlesco from Sonatina Op.88 #3 in A Minor


13 Aidan Kwon Joseph Haydn: Andante from Sonata Hob.XVI:12 in A Major Isaac Berkovich: Variations on Theme of Paganini 14 Jasper Qiu Albert Pieczonka: Tarantella in A Minor Dmitri Shostakovich: Prelude Op.34 #2 in A Minor 15 William Gordon Claude Debussy: Golliwog's Cakewalk Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro from Sonata Op.2 #1 in F Minor 16 Sophia Chen Friedrich Kuhlau: Allegro con affetto from Sonatina Op.88 #3 in A Minor Mingxing Du: The coral Dance from Chinese Ballet Dance Mermaid 17 Abigail Wang Joseph Haydn: Allegro con brio from Sonata Hob. XVI:39 in G Major Robert Schumann: Knight Rupert Op.68 #12 in A Minor

Outstanding Gold Medalists Awards

Up to six performers will be chosen from each of the six Prize Winners’ Concerts on Friday and Saturday Feb. 23 & 24 as Outstanding Gold Medalists of 2018 and will receive Special Crystal awards. All winners should be prepared to play their pieces, shortened if necessary, following the time limits as detailed on p.13. If any performers exceed the time, they will not be considered for the Outstanding Gold Medalists’ Awards. The awards will be given at the conclusion of each Prize Winners' Concert.


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:00 PM | Lower Hall | TREASURY OF CHINESE COMPOSERS JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka & Dr. Chih-Long Hu Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jannyce Chen Chow Shu-San: Dragon Boat 2 Hanping Wang Sang Tong: Dance #1 in G Minor 3 Claire Zhang Chow Shu-San: Passing Cloud 4 Ming-Yi Tang Chow Shu-San: Dragon Boat 5 Jarron Lei Sang Tong: Dance #1 in G Minor 6 Serena Brodsgaard Sang Tong: Dance in E Minor 7 Luke Wu Chow Shu-San: Dragon Boat 8 Adrian Chuang Chow Shu-San: Passing Cloud 9 Jiayi Sun Sang Tong: Dance in E Minor 10 Gracia Chen Sang Tong: Dance #1 in G Minor 11 Haochang Zheng Chow Shu-San: Dragon Boat 12 Lori Chai Chow Shu-San: Passing Cloud 13 Anry Avoyan Chow Shu-San: Dragon Boat 14 Edwin Liu Sang Tong: Dance #1 in G Minor 15 Yayan Cao Chow Shu-San: Passing Cloud 16 Kexin Zhu Chow Shu-San: Dragon Boat 17 Renjing Li Sang Tong: Dance in E Minor 18 Jonathan Kong Chow Shu-San: Passing Cloud 19 Xuyan Han Chow Shu-San: Dragon Boat 20 Sophia Berez Sang Tong: Dance #1 in G Minor 21 Jilin Jiang Chow Shu-San: Dragon Boat


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:15 PM | Lower Hall | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL ADVANCED

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka & Dr. Chih-Long Hu Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Ludwig van Beethoven-Ulrich: Finale from Symphony No.1, Op.21 in C Major

1 Jinyu Zhang & Tuong-Vi Nguyen

2 Jamie Ip & Lily Wang

3 Phoebe Loo & Jennifer Yang

4 Erin Kang & Rebecca Ha

5 Aaron Truong & Andrew Truong

Send a message of good wishes To your favorite teacher, parents or student

through the programs of USOMC


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 5:00 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO DUO/ENSEMBLE INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Ms. Machiko Kobialka & Dr. Chih-Long Hu Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Annabelle Li & Stuart Kerr Octavio Pinto: Memories of Childhood (complete)

2 Tiffany Hwang & Annie Hwang W.A. Mozart: Allegro con spirito from Sonata for Two Pianos K.448 in D Major 3 Withdrawn 4 Alysa Xu & Nathan Chen Sergei Rachmaninoff: Romance Op.17 #3 from Suite #2

5 Dayna Nguyen & Carolyn Tran Manuel Infante: Gracia (El Vito) from Danses Andalouses

6 Joseph Jung & John Jung Darius Milhaud: Brasileira from Scaramouche Op.165b

7 Katherine Yang, Lily Wang, William Gillock: Champagne Toccata Stephanie Sun & Dylan Pu

8 Lucas Lin & Jacob Lin Aram Khachaturian - Mikhail Lermontow: Waltz from Masquerade

9 Caitlyn Loo, Phoebe Loo, Franz Liszt-Richard Kleinmichel-Mark: Friska from Michael Yang & Adrian Chuang Hungarian Rhapsody #2

10 Andrew Luu & Nicole Ho W.A. Mozart-Greg Anderson: Ragtime Alla Turca

11 Elaine Chuang, Ashley Huh, Kevin R. Olson: Perpetual Commotion in C Major Renee Zhu & Maya Olivia Salvador

12 Andrew Cheng & Tinhsu Wen Camille Saint-Saens-Greg Anderson: Dance Macabre


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:00 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO PREPARATORY

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Justin Wang

2 Jonathan Szeto

3 Renjing Li

4 Ming-Yi Tang

5 Dylan Nguyen

6 Evia Li

7 Jonah Tan

8 Andrea Yang


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:45 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO ELEMENTARY

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Yuhuan Lu 2 Anisha Pant 3 Henry Yao 4 Evangeline Lin 5 Hannah Kim 6 Katherine Yang 7 Lin Jiang 8 Yuqiao Chen 9 Yilai Chen 10 Michael Yang 11 Dylan Pu 12 Derrick Nhan 13 Darren Watt 14 Annabelle Vo 15 Tanisha Kholiya


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:30 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Michael Li 2 Stephanie Liu 3 Ashton Liu 4 Riley Kong 5 Yuanxin Li 6 Minjeong Sunny Kim 7 Jane Lee 8 Lily Wang 9 Elaine Chuang 10 Aaron Teng 11 Ethan Wang 12 Helen Yuan 13 Irene Lin



Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jaslyn Kwan & Andrea Yang

2 Jonah Tan & Victoria Truong

3 Stephanie Sun & Dylan Pu

4 Michael Yang & Adrian Chuang

5 Andrea Yang & Katherine Yang

The six Prize Winners’ Concerts will feature a total of 171 event First Place Winners

Concert No. 1 will be on Friday February 23 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Concert No. 2 will be on Saturday February 24 from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Concert No. 3 will be on Saturday February 24 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Concert No. 4 will be on Saturday February 24 from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Concert No. 5 will be on Saturday February 24 from 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Concert No. 6 will be on Saturday February 24 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Please come to support our musical heritage!

If you have taken part in the 2018 USOMC, come and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

If you have never been to one of our concerts, please come and be inspired.

You may want to be part of this unique competition after you’ve experienced the high caliber of the young musicians and the dedication of everyone involved. The concerts are open to the public free of charge.


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 11:45 AM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Dr. Jeffrey Sykes & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Peyton Lee

2 Vanessa Cho

3 Theodora Marston

4 Brent Rowan

5 Viviana Truong

6 Andrew Wong

7 Grace Wei

8 Jingxi Jiang

9 Verona Teo

10 Jennifer Yang

11 Withdrawn


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:30 PM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING DUET SENIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmit Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Dominic Liu & Theodora Marston

2 Viviana Truong & Sandy He

3 Lily Wang & Jamie Ip

4 Maya Allwardt & Henry Abrahamson

5 Jennifer Yang & Natalie Chen

Mark your calendar to be sure you will not miss the 2019 USOMC: Feb. 18 – 24, 2019


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:15 PM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING DUET JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmit Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Evangeline Lin & Gracia Chen

2 Katherine Yang & Lily Wang

3 Caitlyn Loo & Michael Yang

4 Eric Zhu & Grace Wu

Send a message of good wishes To your favorite teacher, parents or student

through the programs of USOMC


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:45 PM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING SOLO SENIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmit Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Rachel Guo

2 Jude Markel

3 Linsha Sun

4 Amanda Vo

5 Jamie Ip

6 Andrew Kang

7 Jilin Jiang

8 XinYuan Xu

9 Cindy Cui

10 Brandon Cho

11 Caitlin Zhang


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:45 PM | North Hall | SHOWCASE SIGHT-READING DUET INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmit Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Phoebe Loo & Caitlyn Loo

2 Viviana Truong & Evangeline Lin

3 Lily Wang & Verona Teo

4 Michael Yang & Jennifer Yang


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:15 PM | North Hall | TREASURY OF CHINESE COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmit Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jinyan Yang Aureo Da Castro: Children’s Dance #1 in G Major 2 Ming-Yi Tang Chow Shu-San: Yellow Daisy 3 Aris Yu Sang Tong: Ribbon Dance 4 Matthew Loo Chow Shu-San: Little Cowboy 5 Evia Li Aureo Da Castro: Children’s Dance #1 in G Major 6 Jonathan Kong Sang Tong: Ribbon Dance 7 Emma Osnovikov Chow Shu-San: Little Cowboy 8 Lori Chai Chow Shu-San: Yellow Daisy


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 5:00 PM | North Hall | 6C - OPEN SOLO Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmit Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Frederic Chopin: Fantasie Impromptu Op.66 in C# Minor

1 Zi Dong 2 Alisa Chernikova 3 Megan Ly 4 Maria Zhao 5 Stella Ji 6 Kalyan Narayanan 7 Alec Li 8 Andy Han 9 Hannah Huang 10 Jennifer Yang 11 Marc Maliar 12 Rebecca Ha 13 Anika Bhandarkar 14 Rana Aghababazadeh 15 Tiana Cheung 16 Grace Wu


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:30 AM | South Hall | 5D - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Frederick Hodges & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Aram Khatchaturian: Waltz in E Minor

1 Ashton Liu

2 Andrea Yang

3 Elizabeth Wang

4 Sixuan Liu

5 Gracia Chen

6 Selena Yang

7 Mathis Trimouille

8 Phoebe Loo

9 Medha Rajagopalan


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:15 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 6

Adjudicators: Dr. Frederick Hodges & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Luke Wu Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 2 Irene Zhang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 3 Eliana Horn Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 4 Hiromi Aramaki Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 5 Kexin Zhu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 6 Alexandr Anisimov Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 7 JeanHuy Nguyen Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 8 Jonathan Kong Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 9 Leo Zhang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 10 Jonathan Xue Muzio Clementi: Andante con espressione (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #4 in Bb Major 11 Asher Yang Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 12 Chloe Barlow Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 13 Sena Yoon Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 14 Jinghan Xie Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 15 Helen Hoang Muzio Clementi: Allegretto (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 16 Xiaofei Zhao Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 17 Adrian Chuang Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 18 Mieke Strydom Antonio Diabelli: Rondo Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major 19 Zoe Wang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #2 in G Major 20 Xinran Zhou Muzio Clementi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #3 in C Major 21 Jaden Hsu Antonio Diabelli: Scherzo Allegro (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.151 #1 in G Major


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Frederick Hodges & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Gracelyn Mai Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 2 Liv Chu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 3 Eric Tseng Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 4 Alex Li Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 5 Hannah Ip Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 6 Arushi Arora Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 7 Sophia Li Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 8 Shangchen Li Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 9 Ryan Li Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #3 in C Major 10 Mabel Tan Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 11 Alyona Chernikova Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 12 Jettae Schroff Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 13 Iris Yu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 14 Grace Wu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 15 Krissie Li Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 16 Yuhan Du Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 17 Dione Yang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 18 Satina Guo Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 19 Minh Lam Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #3 in C Major 20 Kylie Hu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 21 Adrienne Wang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 22 Disqualifed***


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Dr. Betty Woo & Dr. Dale Tsang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Shivani Iyer Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 2 Elizabeth Ying Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 3 Elizabeth Jiang Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 4 Tae Ho Lee Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 5 Jarrett Guo Jean Latour: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina in G Major 6 Johanna Kwong Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 7 Jinyan Yang Muzio Clementi: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 8 Katelyn Wang Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 9 Aaron Zhang Thomas Attwood: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonatina in F Major 10 Anna Chuang Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 11 Yau Yung Kelly Yip Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 12 Maahi Vidyarthi Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 13 Nicolas Cheng Jean Latour: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina in G Major 14 Benjamin Lee Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 15 Logan Chung Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 16 Victoria Truong Muzio Clementi: Andante (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major 17 Kathleen Poon Ludwig van Beethoven: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 18 Teresa Guo Ludwig van Beethoven: Romanze (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Anh.5 #1 in G Major 19 John Wu Muzio Clementi: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.36 #1 in C Major


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:15 PM | South Hall | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL ELEMENTARY

Adjudicators: Dr. Betty Woo & Dr. Dale Tsang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Johann Anton Andre: Andante moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.45 #3 in F Major

1 Youan Brian Li & Yuanzhi Guo

2 Lyvia Peng & Jerry Peng

3 Zihan Yan & Renee Pi

4 Gavin Ho & Chloe Ho

5 Sora Corro & Oliver Corro

6 Aris Yu & Sarina Yu

7 Johnny Du & Gabrielle Kuek

8 Megan Poon & Kathleen Poon

With all good wishes to everyone participating in the 2018 Competitions

from the USOMC Board of Directors


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:00 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Betty Woo & Dr. Dale Tsang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Xiaowen Wang Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 2 Zoe Yip Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 3 Nandini Baruah Joseph Haydn: Tempo di Menuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:33 in D Major 4 Yimeng Sun Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 5 Michelle Ho Joseph Haydn: Allegro di molto (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:41 in Bb Major 6 Michael Li Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 7 Susannah Paul Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 8 Catrina Yang Joseph Haydn: Vivace assai (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:42 in D Major 9 Leynah Nguyen Joseph Haydn: Tempo di Menuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:33 in D Major 10 Emily Chen Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 11 Iris Yu Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 12 Jaclyn Wang Joseph Haydn: Allegro di molto (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:41 in Bb Major 13 Katherine Yang Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 14 Aya Furuta Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 15 Ines Trimouille Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 16 Irene Zhang Joseph Haydn: Tempo di Menuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:33 in D Major 17 April Chou Joseph Haydn: Vivace assai (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:42 in D Major 18 Florence Wei Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 19 Alexander Xie Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 20 Disqualifed***


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:45 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 6

Adjudicators: Dr. Betty Woo & Dr. Dale Tsang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Sarah Youn J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 2 Jamie Luu J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 3 Felix Ma J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 4 Shivani Iyer J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 5 Suki Gu J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 6 Adrienne Wang J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 7 Barney Li J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 8 Anisha Pant J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 9 Qing Nian J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 10 Isabel Liu J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 11 Viviana Truong J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 12 Melinda Wong J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 13 Satina Guo J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 14 Jiayi Wang J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 15 Jane Ser J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 16 Annabel Yeoh J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 17 Jiayi Sun J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 18 Christina Ding J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 19 Alexander Suen J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 20 Chloe Barlow J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Shaun Park Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 2 Ellis Yang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 3 Jenna Lee Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 4 Kyuhyun Kim Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 5 Kathrine Moravick Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 6 Jason Huang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 7 Jane Ser Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 8 Brian Zhou Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 9 Barney Li Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 10 Sophia Tang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #3 in C Major 11 Zoe Yip Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 12 Ngoc Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 13 Jenny Huang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 14 Ashley Mui Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 15 Amie Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 16 Matthew cn Sun Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 17 Yul Hong Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 18 Noah Balough Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 19 Xintong Zhao Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 20 Avery Skylar Lee Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 21 Ada Luong Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 22 Elizabeth Gagea Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 23 Jamie Luu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 24 Claire Chang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 102 | 6A - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Jean Philippe Rameau: The Assembly of Birds

1 Michelle Kong

2 Emiko Rohn

3 Jennifer Yang

4 Zhilin Liu

5 Justin Lee

6 Sophia Zhu

7 Evangeline Lin

8 Eugene Wei

9 Minna Fu


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:45 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC INTERMEDIATE Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Nadia Blank & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Troy Yang Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 2 Ryan Chao Wong Cyril Scott: A Song from the East Op.54 #2 3 Kairui Sun Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 4 Crystal Xie Alexander Gretchaninoff: Nocturne Op.3 #5 in A Major 5 Withdrawn 6 Audrey Yellich Selim Palmgren: May Night Op.27 #4 7 Peter Gagea Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 8 Austin Min Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 9 Phoebe Loo Cyril Scott: A Song from the East Op.54 #2 10 Yilai Chen Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 11 Shusmita Haque Selim Palmgren: May Night Op.27 #4 12 Yayan Cao Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 13 Vibha Udayakumar Cyril Scott: A Song from the East Op.54 #2 14 Amanda Ma Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 15 Evelyn Xie Alexander Gretchaninoff: Nocturne Op.3 #5 in A Major 16 Emily Chen Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 17 Joanna Tan Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd 18 Daniel Choi Cyril Scott: A Song from the East Op.54 #2 19 Zoe Yip Claude Debussy: The Girl with the Flaxen Hair 20 Stephanie Sun Claude Debussy: The Little Shepherd


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:15 PM | Room 102 | 2C - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Victoria Neve & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

Gurlitt - Krentzlin: A Gay Waltz in C Major

1 Jacey Xu 2 Rhoy Xu 3 Gordon Li 4 Ethan Pan 5 Carina Chew 6 Serena Xue 7 Ashley Xu 8 Tony Wang 9 Ming-Yi Tang 10 Yumeng Li 11 Jacob Ma 12 Allen Li 13 Rithika Sai Chowhan 14 Calista Tjandra 15 Renee Pi 16 Allison Du 17 Katelyn Wang 18 Claire Lin 19 Joanne Huang


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:15 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CHINESE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Dr. Victoria Neve & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Anisha Pant Chow Shu-San: Remembrance 2 Hanping Wang Sang Tong: March – Morning Drills 3 Shangchen Li Chow Shu-San: Lantern Dance 4 Jeffrey Kwan Sang Tong: March – Morning Drills 5 Krissie Li Chow Shu-San: Lantern Dance 6 Renee Zhu S. S. Lee: Sunny Day 7 Jialu Shi Sang Tong: March – Morning Drills 8 Xuli Dai Chow Shu-San: Lantern Dance 9 Yuhuan Lu Chow Shu-San: Remembrance 10 Elaine Chuang L. C. Tsang: Please Get Out of the Way 11 Michael Yang Chow Shu-San: Lantern Dance 12 Matthew cn Sun Sang Tong: March – Morning Drills 13 Yilai Chen Chow Shu-San: Remembrance 14 Rujie Wu Chow Shu-San: Lantern Dance


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:15 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 5

Adjudicators: Dr. Victoria Neve & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Alisa Kung J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 2 Jingyin Han J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 3 Leo Zhang J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 4 Gracelyn Mai J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 5 Sophie Rong J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 6 Dani Kim J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 7 Zoe Wang J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 8 Kyuhyun Kim J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 9 JeanHuy Nguyen J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 10 Michelle Kong J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 11 Ashton Liu J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 12 Ryan Li J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 13 Brian Zhou J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 14 Ngoc Nguyen J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 15 Jasmine Phan J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 16 Ethan Wang J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 17 Alexandr Anisimov J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 18 Oliver Chen J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 19 Trevor Leung J.S. Bach: Invention #9 BWV 780 in F Minor 20 Yuhuan Lu J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 21 Withdrawn 22 Withdrawn


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:30 PM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ELEMENTARY Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Victoria Neve & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Charlotta Dai Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 2 Allison Du Alexander Gretchaninoff: The Little Beggar Op.123 #2 3 Nicolas Cheng Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 4 Jonathan Xue Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 5 Stephanie Chang Alexander Gretchaninoff: The Little Beggar Op.123 #2 6 Max Li Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 7 Aeneas Yu Cornelius Gurlitt: March Op.140 #1 8 Terri Choi Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 9 Claire Lin Alexander Gretchaninoff: The Little Beggar Op.123 #2 10 Maksim Miocinovic Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 11 Sena Yoon Cornelius Gurlitt: The Music Box Op.140 #8 12 Ethan Chen Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 13 Jayden Dao Cornelius Gurlitt: March Op.140 #1 14 Chloe Ho Alexander Gretchaninoff: The Little Beggar Op.123 #2 15 Diego Carrillo Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 16 Jessica Chen Robert Schumann: Soldier’s March Op.68 #2 17 Isabelle Niu Cornelius Gurlitt: March Op.140 #1 18 Shrinivas Bimal Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8 19 Savitha Satish Cornelius Gurlitt: The Music Box Op.140 #8 20 Anna Chuang Robert Schumann: The Wild Rider Op.68 #8


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 5:30 PM | Room 102 | OPEN DUET CONTEMPORARY JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Victoria Neve & Dr. Maria Guenette Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

William Gillock: Playing in the Park

1 Isabelle Hu & Andrew Hu

2 Angelina Truong & Sarah Yan

3 Zachary Yuan & David Yang

4 Emilia Zhang & Claire Zhang

5 Victoria Truong & Matthew Loo

6 Sora Corro & Oliver Corro

7 Ryan Chao Wong & Ethan Ruo Li

8 Jeffrey Kwan & Jaslyn Kwan

9 Andrew Ma & Bryant Ma

10 Katie Koh & Eric Koh

11 Bella Dang & Michelle Ho

12 Jonathan Kong & Michelle Kong

13 Withdrawn


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 8:45 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 1

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Dongdong Dong Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Chloee Yang J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 2 Emma Osnovikov George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor 3 Avelyn Jing J.S. Bach: Aria BWV Anh 515 in D Minor 4 Eric Gabrilovich J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 5 Cara Wang Jeremiah Clark: King William's March in D Major 6 Jaslyn Kwan George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor 7 Johanna Kwong J.S. Bach: Aria BWV Anh 515 in D Minor 8 Everett Gensler J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 9 Victoria Truong J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 822 in G Minor 10 Katie Koh George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor 11 Maahi Vidyarthi Jeremiah Clark: King William's March in D Major 12 Gavin Ho J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 13 Xuli Dai George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor 14 Nicolas Cheng J.S. Bach: Aria BWV Anh 515 in D Minor 15 Jarrett Guo J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 118 in B Flat Major 16 Marcus Yee J.S. Bach: Menuet BWV Anh 120 in A Minor 17 Chengry Hsien Jeremiah Clark: King William's March in D Major 18 Sophia Berez George Frideric Handel: Impertinence in G Minor


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:45 AM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET CLASSICAL INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Dongdong Dong Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Friedrich Kuhlau: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonatina in G Major

1 Mabel Tan & Florence Wei

2 Krissie Li & Lori Chai

3 Bella Dang & Michelle Ho

4 Elly Xu & Elan Xu

5 Caitlyn Loo & Phoebe Loo

6 Aidan Spies & Galen Spies

7 Viviana Truong & Vincent Truong

The six Prize Winners’ Concerts will feature a total of 171 event First Place Winners

Concert No. 1 will be on Friday February 23 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Concert No. 2 will be on Saturday February 24 from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Concert No. 3 will be on Saturday February 24 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Concert No. 4 will be on Saturday February 24 from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Concert No. 5 will be on Saturday February 24 from 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Concert No. 6 will be on Saturday February 24 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Please come to support our musical heritage! The concerts are open to the public free of charge.


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 10:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Yung-Chiu Wang & Dr. Dongdong Dong Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jacob Schiller Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 2 Jacob Winefeld Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 3 Derick Nguyen Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 4 Ester Leng Joseph Haydn: Tempo di Menuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:33 in D Major 5 Sandy He Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 6 Benjamin Jiang Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 7 Daniel Chen Joseph Haydn: Vivace assai (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:42 in D Major 8 Shannon Zhou Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 9 Grace Ryu Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 10 Suki Gu Joseph Haydn: Tempo di Menuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:33 in D Major 11 Emma Leihe Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 12 Elijah Kao Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 13 Sixuan Liu Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 14 Joey Huang Joseph Haydn: Finale Presto (2nd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:51 in D Major 15 Jazlynn Nguyen Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 16 Ashton Homyk Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 17 Brian Zhou Joseph Haydn: Tempo di Menuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:33 in D Major 18 Claire Chang Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 19 Rachael Qian Joseph Haydn: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:40 in G Major 20 Alex Gu Joseph Haydn: Finale Tempo di Minuet (3rd mvt) from Sonata Hob XVI:49 in Eb Major 21 Disqualifed***


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:15 PM | Room 110 | 5B - OPEN SOLO

Adjudicators: Dr. Randall Creighton & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

Muzio Clementi: Presto (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.26 #3 in D Major

1 Sophia Li

2 Phoebe Loo

3 Ying Ting Liu

4 Jennifer Luo

5 Yeonjun Kim

6 Alex Li

7 Henry Yao


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 2:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS JUNIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Randall Creighton & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jaden Hsu David Kraehenbuehl: Crazy Trumpet 2 Savitha Satish Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 3 Haochang Zheng David Kraehenbuehl: Sardine Samba 4 Brandon Liu David Kraehenbuehl: Haunted House Rock 5 Joshua Lam Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 6 Anthony Lee Jon George: Rodeo Country 7 Matthew Loo David Kraehenbuehl: Crazy Trumpet 8 Selina Yu Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 9 Travis Luu David Kraehenbuehl: Spanish Waltz 10 Gordon Li David Kraehenbuehl: Sardine Samba 11 Tristan Lee Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 12 Edward Choi David Kraehenbuehl: Haunted House Rock 13 Waren Foo Jon George: Rodeo Country 14 Jacey Xu Lynn Freeman Olson: Spanish Serenade 15 Stephanie Chang David Kraehenbuehl: Crazy Trumpet 16 Withdrawn


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 3:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS


Adjudicators: Dr. Randall Creighton & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Evelyn Xie Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 2 Florence Wei Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 3 Claire Yuh Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 4 Lucas Tan Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 5 Alexander Cui Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 6 Amy Chen Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 7 Justin Duval Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 8 Hongyu Ma Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 9 Melinda Wong Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 10 Siyona Sarma Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 11 Maggie Zhang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #1 Confidence in C Major 12 Asher Yang Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 13 Nathaniel Bae Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 14 Mathis Trimouille Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #10 Velocity in C Major 15 Giselle Tran Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 16 Margaret Gardella Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 17 Annabelle Vo Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #7 Lullaby in F Major 18 Tatiana Meeker Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #3 The Shepherd's Return in G Major 19 Sophia Khubchandani Friedrich Burgmuller: Op.109 #14 Song of the Gondolier in A Major 20 Withdrawn


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 4:15 PM | Room 110 | OPEN DUET BAROQUE JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Randall Creighton & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

J.S. Bach-Rohr: Minuet from French Suite No.3

1 Michelle Kong & Gracia Chen

2 Eric Koh & Katie Koh

3 Jonah Tan & Victoria Truong

4 Jeffrey Kwan & Jaslyn Kwan

5 Adrian Chuang & Michael Yang

6 Everett Gensler & Harriet Gensler

7 Serena Brodsgaard & Vincent Truong

8 Evangeline Lin & Jannyce Chen

9 Withdrawn


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 5:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 7

Adjudicators: Dr. Randall Creighton & Dr. Yu-Jane Yang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jenna Lee J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 2 Ally Kwan J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 3 Henry Paul J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 4 Claire Lin J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 5 Derick Nguyen J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 6 Michelle Lee J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 7 Alexander Xie J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 8 Amy Cai J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 9 Amanda Yu J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 10 Sophia Zhang J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 11 Rachel Zhu J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 12 Hannah Ip J.S. Bach: Invention #4 BWV 775 in D Minor 13 Yuqiao Chen J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 14 Ashley Mui J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 15 Kaitlyn Son J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 16 Jinjeong Kim J.S. Bach: Invention #2 BWV 773 in C Minor 17 Natalie Hii J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 18 Benjamin Jiang J.S. Bach: Invention #6 BWV 777 in E Major 19 Nivedita Sanghavi J.S. Bach: Invention #1 BWV 772 in C Major 20 Kayla Tan J.S. Bach: Invention #8 BWV 779 in F Major 21 Withdrawn


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 9:30 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO INTERMEDIATE Group C

Adjudicators: Ms. Diane Malster, Mr. Mitchel Klein, Dr. Shi-Hwa Wang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Annie Ping Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng Georges Hue: Fantaisie J. S. Bach: Polonaise from Suite #2 in B Minor

2 Karolyn Cheng Flute Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Georg Telemann: Air a l'Italien from Suite in A Minor Frederic Chopin: Variations on a Theme by Rossini in E Major

3 Minseo Kim Flute Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J.S. Bach: Sarabande and Badinerie from Suite #2 BWV 1067 in B Minor Johannes Donjon: Pan from Pastorales

4 Steven Luo Flute Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Georges Bizet: Menuet from L'Arlesienne Suite #2 in Eb Major Nikolai Rakov: Sonatina

5 Lauryn Tuo Saxophone Accompanist: Anny Cheng W. A. Mozart: Concerto K.191 in Bb Major Paul Creston: 2nd mvt from Sonata Op.19 in Eb Major

6 Withdrawn

7 Ekta Karkala Flute Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Gabriel Faure: Fantasie Op.79 in G Major George Handel: Sonata #10 in D Major

8 William Lau Flute Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J. S. Bach: Allegro from Sonata BWV 1033 in C Major George Handel: Siciliana and Giga from Sonata #5

9 Brenden Oh Oboe Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Arthur Benjamin: Cimarosa Concerto W. A. Mozart: Rondeau Allegro from Quartet K.370 in F Major


10 Ashley Ko Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng J.S. Bach: Andante and Allegro from Sonata BWV 1033 in C Major Jules Mouquet: Pan and the Shepherds Op.15

11 Amy Nam Bb Clarinet Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Michael Bergson: Scene and Air from Luisa di Montfort Op.82 Carl Maria von Weber: Rondo-Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Concerto #1 Op.73 in F Minor

12 Jessica Xu Flute Accompanist: Christopher Salocks Giovanni Pergolesi: Spirituoso (1st mvt) from Concerto in G Major Georges Hue: Fantaisie

13 Victoria Tso Marimba Accompanist: Not Required John Dowland: Melancholy Galliard in F Minor Chod Floyd: Summer Treehouse in Ab Major

14 Ashna Arya Flute Accompanist: Anny Cheng Philippe Gaubert: Fantaisie J.S. Bach: Menuet and Badinerie from Suite BWV 1067 in B Minor


Thursday | 2/22/2018 | 1:00 PM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL SOLO SENIOR-ADVANCED

Adjudicators: Mr. Mitchel Klein & Dr. Shi-Hwa Wang Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Charles Lin Violin Accompanist: Christopher Salocks J.S. Bach: Chaconne from Partita #2 BWV 1004 in D Minor Pablo de Sarasate: Zigeunerweisen Op.20 in C Minor

2 Charles Yun Violin Accompanist: Chen Woo Fritz Kreisler: Recitativo und Scherzo-Caprice Op.6 in D Minor Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Allegro vivacissimo (3rd mvt) from Concerto Op.35 in D Major

3 Natalie Dalton Viola Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu J.C. Bach-Henri Casadesus: Allegro molto energico (3rd mvt) from Concerto in C Minor Sulkhan Tsintsadze: Georgian Dance

4 Akiko Gomez Violin Accompanist: Chen Woo Aram Khachaturian: Allegro con fermezza (1st mvt) from Concerto in D Minor J.S. Bach: Sarabande from Partita #2 BWV 1004 in D Minor

5 Withdrawn

6 Ishaan Rajan Violin Accompanist: Chen Woo Dmitri Shostakovich: Concerto #1 Op.77 in A Minor Pablo de Sarasate: : Romanza Andaluza Op.22 #1

7 Shirley Ke Violin Accompanist: Anny Cheng Tomaso Vitali: Molto Moderato (1st mvt) from Chaccone in G Minor Fritz Kreisler: Tambourin Chinois Op.3 in Bb Major

8 Emily Lu Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu Jean Sibelius: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto Op.47 in D Minor J.S. Bach: Largo from Sonata #3 BWV 1005 in C Major

9 Christina Park Violin Accompanist: Nicholas Dold Edouard Lalo: Allegro non troppo from Symphonie espagnole Op.21 in D Minor Antonio Vivaldi: Allegro (3rd mvt) from Concerto #4 Op.8 in F Minor

10 Laurena Huh Violin Accompanist: Yi-Fang Wu Camille Saint-Saens: Allegro non troppo (1st mvt) from Concerto #3 Op.61 in B Minor Jean-Marie Leclair: Allegro from Sonata Op.9 #3 in D Major


2018 United States Open Music Competition Events Listing Friday, February 23, 2018

Friday | 2/23/2018 | 8:15 AM | Auditorium | OPEN PIANO CONCERTO INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Dr. Sharon Mann & Dr. Victoria Neve Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Noah Sakaitani Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Dmitri Shostakovich: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #2 Op.102 in F Major 2 Ashley Lin Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Concerto #12 K.414 in A Major 3 Vienna Lee Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Gabriel Pierne: Scherzando (2nd mvt) from Concerto Op.12 in C Minor 4 Franics Lau Accompanist: Chen Woo J.S. Bach: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto BWV.1052 in D Minor 5 Bella Dang Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Rondo (3rd mvt) from Concerto #22 K.482 in Eb Major 6 William Zhang Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Dmitry Kabalevsky: Allegro molto (1st mvt) from Concerto #3 Op.50 in D Major 7 Xinran Shi Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #19 K.459 in F Major 8 Albert Su Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Dmitri Shostakovich: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #2 Op.102 in F Major 9 Steve Zhang Accompanist: Chen Woo J.S. Bach: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Concerto BWV.1056 in F Minor 10 Nathaniel Zhang Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Concerto #23 K.488 in A Major 11 Angela Hu Accompanist: Nathan Cheung Dmitry Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Concerto #3 Op.50 in D Major 12 Claire Yuh Accompanist: Chen Woo J.S. Bach: Allegro con fuoco (3rd mvt) from Concerto BWV.1056 in F Minor 13 Enoch Chang Accompanist: Gabrielle Lochard W.A. Mozart: Allegro vivace (3rd mvt) from Concerto #18 K.456 in Bb Major



Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Chih-Long Hu Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Emily Rowan & Brent Rowan Johannes Brahms: Hungarian Dance #5 in F# Minor

2 Carolyn Tran & Dayna Nguyen Fritz Kreisler-Greg Anderson: Tambourin Chinois Op.3

3 Yimeng Sun & Yuhan Du Pyotr Tchaikovsky: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

4 Tiffany Hwang & Annie Hwang Camille Saint-Saens: Danes Macabre in G Minor

5 Andrew Cheng & Vivian Zhao Frederic Chopin: Variations sur un air national de Moore

6 Lily Wang, Katherine Yang & Sergei Rachmaninoff: Waltz and Romance in A Major Andrea Yang

7 Spencer Cha & Sophia Cha Brahms: Hungarian Dance #1 and #5

8 Claire Li & Iris Li Samuel Barber: Two Step and Galop from Souvenirs Op.28

9 Joshua Si & Jessica Zhu Claude Debussy: En Bateau and Ballet from Petite Suite

10 Sophia Hampton & Kieta Mueller Sergei Rachmaninoff-Greg Anderson: Vocalise


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:15 AM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO ELEMENTARY Group 2

Adjudicators: Mr. James Gardner & Dr. Chih-Long Hu Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #2 (9:30 AM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Iris Jin Ludwig van Beethoven: Bagatelle Op.119 #11 in Bb Major Wiktor Labunski: Four variations on a theme by Paganini 2 Emma Lewis Frederic Chopin: Nocturne Op.9 #2 in Eb Major Bela Bartok: Romanian Folk Dances #s 1 and 5 3 Yi-Hsuan Chang Friedrich Kuhlau: Allegro from Sonatina Op.55 #1 in C Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Variations on a Slovakian Folksong Op.51 #3 4 Celicia Thendean J.S. Bach: Prelude from English Suite #2 BWV 807 in A Minor Aaron Copland: The Cat and The Mouse 5 Shivani Iyer Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro ma non troppo from Sonata Op.49 #2 in G Major Bela Bartok: Joc cu Bata from Romanian Folk Dances 6 Miku Goh Frederic Chopin: Impromptu Op.29 in Ab Major Sergei Prokofiev: Waltz Op.65 #6 7 Suki Gu Joseph Haydn: Allegro moderato from Sonata Hob.XVI:46 in Ab Major Edward MacDowell: Witches' Dance Op.17 #2 8 Barak Yang Antonio Diabelli: Allegro moderato from Sonatina Op.168 #6 in G Major Samuel Majkapar: Variation on a Russian Theme 9 Kayla Tan W.A. Mozart: Allegro from Sonata K.282 in Eb Major Seymour Bernstein: Birds Bk.1 #s 1, 2, 3, & 4 10 Jocelyn J. Wang Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro from Sonata Op.49 #2 in G Major Frederic Chopin: Waltz Op.69 #2 in B Minor 11 Jonathan Szeto Joseph Haydn: Allegro from Sonata Hob. XVI:49 in Eb Major Albert Pieczonka: Tarantella in A Minor 12 Sena Yoon Friedrich Kuhlau: Alla Polacca from Sonatina Op.20 #3 in F Major Dennis Alexander: Toccata Chromatica


13 Shannon Yu Frederic Chopin: Valse Op.64 #1 in Db Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Seven Cheerful Variations on a Slovakian Folk Song Op.51 #4 14 Yiling Wu Jacques Ibert: The Little White Donkey Ludwig van Beethoven: Bagatelle Op.119 #5, 2, 9 15 Vaishnavi Akella W. A. Mozart: Allegro from Viennese Sonatina #6 in C Major Pyotr Tchaikovsky: April from The Seasons Op.37a in Bb Major 16 Andre Chan Anton Diabelli: Rondo from Sonatina Op.168 #3 in C Major Frederic Chopin: Waltz in A Minor 17 Natalie Chen Claude Debussy: Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum from Children's Corner Friedrich Kuhlau: Allegro con spirito from Sonatina Op.55 #3 in C Major 18 Jasleen Lu Frederic Chopin: Valse Op.70 #1 in Gb Major Francis Poulenc: Improvisation #7

Master Class with Dr. Sharon Mann

Berkeley, CA on Sunday Feb 25, 2 – 5PM

To commemorate the 26th Anniversary of the United States Open Music Competition, the Board of Directors of the USOMC is presenting a special Master Class with pianist, Dr. Sharon Mann.

Five (5) qualified winners will be chosen by our 2018 Adjudicators from among the winners of the 2018 USOMC, who are 14 to 16 years old. If chosen, they will perform at the Master Class and each will receive a scholarship of $100.00 with a certificate of recognition. The winners will be notified on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, 2018 at 9 pm.

In addition, two to five (2-5) alternate winners will also be selected for the Master Class. An alternate may be invited to perform if a winner is unable to attend. In that case, the alternate will receive a scholarship of $100.00 with a certificate of recognition as a winner. If all five winners are able to perform, the alternate winners will each receive a cash award of $50 and a certificate of recognition just for attending as audiences. The alternate winners will also be notified on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, 2018 at 9 pm. Each will be told which piece to use for the Master Class, if a winner (or winners) is unable to perform

If chosen, USOMC requires return emails from the parents of the winners and the alternate winners, confirming that their sons/daughters will be able to attend and ready to perform the designated pieces. If USOMC does not receive a return email by 10 AM on Thursday, Feb. 22nd, that winner’s place will be automatically cancelled for attending the Master Class.


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:30 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO DUO/ENSEMBLE JUNIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Sharon Mann & Dr. Dorian Ho Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #1 (6:30 PM, Friday Feb 23, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Ashley Dixon & Travis Luu Witold Lutoslawski: Variations on a Theme by Paganini

2 Sarina Yu & Jennifer Luo Dmitri Shostakovich: Tarantella in G Major

3 Megan Wang & Allyson Wang Francis Poulenc: Final from Sonata

4 Vienna Guo, Daniel Wang, Evelyn Carl Weber: Aufforderung Zum Tanz Op.65 in Db Major Xie & Brian Ling

5 Stephanie Sun & Dylan Pu W.A. Mozart: Andante from Sonata K.448 in D Major


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 2:15 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO DUO/ENSEMBLE SENIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Sharon Mann & Dr. Dorian Ho Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Lily Wang & Jamie Ip W.A. Mozart: Allegro con spirito from Sonata K.448 in D Major

2 Athena Chang & Enxi Chen Astor Piazolla-Pablo Ziegler: Libertango from Tangos for Two Pianos

3 Sara Min & Robert Bloomquist Alexander Borodin: Selected Dances from Polovtsian Dances

4 Alisa Chernikova & Alyona Chernikova Astor Piazzolla: Oblivion

The six Prize Winners’ Concerts will feature a total of 171 event First Place Winners

Concert No. 1 will be on Friday February 23 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Concert No. 2 will be on Saturday February 24 from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Concert No. 3 will be on Saturday February 24 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Concert No. 4 will be on Saturday February 24 from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Concert No. 5 will be on Saturday February 24 from 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Concert No. 6 will be on Saturday February 24 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Please come to support our musical heritage!

If you have taken part in the 2018 USOMC, come and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

If you have never been to one of our concerts, please come and be inspired.

You may want to be part of this unique competition after you’ve experienced the high caliber of the young musicians and the dedication of everyone involved. The concerts are open to the public free of charge.


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 3:00 PM | Lower Hall | SHOWCASE PIANO SOLO JUNIOR Group 5

Adjudicators: Dr. Sharon Mann & Dr. Dorian Ho Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Catherine Li J.S. Bach: Allegro from Italian Concerto BWV 971 in F Major Mily Balakirev-Mikhail Glinka: The Lark in Bb Minor 2 Rachel Cheng W.A. Mozart: Allegro from Sonata K.332 in F Major Claude Debussy: Arabesque #1 in E Major 3 Zoe Wang Felix Mendelssohn: Agitation Op.53 #3 in G Minor Ludwig Van Beethoven: Finale-Prestissimo from Sonata Op.10 #1 in C Minor 4 Koleman Chang Dennis Alexander: Toccata in E Major Sergei Rachmaninoff: Prelude Op.23 #5 in G Minor 5 Vy Nguyen Johannes Brahms: Intermezzo Op.118 #2 in A Major J.S. Bach: Prelude in C Minor 6 Natalie Hii W.A. Mozart: Fantasie K.397 in D Minor Bela Bartok: Romanian Folk Dances (complete) 7 Emanuel Luo Edvard Grieg: To Spring from Lyric Pieces Op.43 Isaac Berkovich: Variations on theme of Paganini in A Minor 8 Crystal Cheng Joseph Haydn: Allegro moderato from Sonata Hob. XVI:32 in B Minor Mily Balakirev-Mikhail Glinka: The Lark in Bb Minor 9 Erik Wang Ludwig van Beethoven: Allegro from Sonata Op.13 in C Minor Moritz Moszkowski: Petite Etude Op.91 #3 in C Major 10 Christina Huang J.S. Bach: Allemande from French Suite #6 BWV 817 in E Major Maurice Ravel: Anime from Sonatine in C# Minor 11 Qing Nian W.A. Mozart: Alla Turca from Sonata K.331 in A Major Wang Jianzhong: Embroider A Golden Plaque 12 Ethan Liu Claude Debussy: Estampes #1 Pagodas Nikolai Kapustin: Toccatina Op.36


13 Jiayi Sun Joseph Haydn: Finale Presto ma non troppo from Sonata #50 Hob. XVI:37 in D Major Sang Tong: Nine Piano Pieces on Folk Song Themes 14 Elisabeth Floyd Enrique Granados: Allegro de Concierto Op.46 in C# Major Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K.141 in D Minor 15 Michael Shi Felix Mendelssohn: Songs Without Words Op.19 #4 and #5 J.S. Bach: Fugue WTC Bk.1 #3 in C# Major 16 Eleanor Yang Friedrich Kuhlau: Allegretto grazioso from Sonatina Op.55 #3 in C Major Dmitri Kabalevsky: Gallop Op.27 #29 in Bb Minor 17 Yau Yung Kelly Yip Johannes Brahms: Ballade Op.118 #3 in G Minor Bela Bartok: Mikrokosmos Vol.6 #149 and #153 (Six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm II and VI) 18 Mia Ionov Frederic Chopin: Grande Valse Brillante Op.18 in Eb Major Dmitri Shostakovich: Preludes Op.34 #s 9 & 20 19 Tiffany Lim Franz Schubert: Impromptu Op.90 #4 in Ab Major Aram Khachaturian: Toccata 20 Jessica Zhang J.S. Bach: Capriccio from Partita #2 BWV 826 in C Minor Maurice Ravel: Noctuelles from Miroirs in Db Major


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 9:00 AM | North Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 6

Adjudicators: Dr. Sarah Chan & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Naomi Ho W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 2 Emily Shen W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 3 Justine Sarmiento W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 4 Travis Luu W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 5 Kaylie Kwan W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 6 Grace Huang W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 7 Lindsey Evon W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 8 Micah Wang W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 9 Roy Lin W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 10 Shanlea Tabofunda W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 11 Jialu Shi W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 12 Gina Yang W.A. Mozart: Allegretto (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.576 in D Major 13 Kathleen Cheng W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 14 Annelyse Combitsis W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 15 Elena Ding W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 16 Vivian Hir W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 17 Edison Liu W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 11:00 AM | North Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Sarah Chan & Dr. Richard Dowling Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Serena Yeh Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 2 Jonathan Hou Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #1 Intermezzo in B Minor 3 Annelyse Combitsis Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 4 Sihui Huang Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 5 Catherine Li Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 6 Nandini Baruah Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #1 Intermezzo in B Minor 7 Oscar Gardella Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 8 Sangeeta Koilada Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #3 Intermezzo in Ab Major 9 Luofei Wang Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 10 Selina Hsieh Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 11 Linsha Sun Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 12 Minh-Thy Hoang Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #1 Intermezzo in B Minor 13 Sophia Cha Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 14 Anne Zhou Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 15 Carolyn Tran Johannes Brahms: Op.119 #3 Intermezzo in C Major 16 Elaine Huang Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor 17 Xingyu Lai Johannes Brahms: Op.76 #7 Intermezzo in A Minor


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:30 PM | North Hall | TREASURY OF USA COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Sarah Chan & Dr. Chih-Long Hu Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Nimrit Kaur Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 2 Caroline Tjoe Scott Joplin: The Cascades 3 Ana Cismaru Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 4 Seiji Yang Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 5 Selena Yao Scott Joplin: Rag-Time Dance 6 Yelin Kang Scott Joplin: Sun Flower Slow Drag 7 Christine Kim Scott Joplin: The Cascades 8 Zijie Gao Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 9 Steve Zhang Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 10 Jacob Schiller Scott Joplin: The Strenuous Life 11 Brian Xu Scott Joplin: Rag-Time Dance 12 Serena Yeh Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 13 Emily Rowan Scott Joplin: Sun Flower Slow Drag 14 Brooke Zheng Scott Joplin: The Entertainer 15 Leon Lu Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag 16 Travis Luu Scott Joplin: The Cascades 17 Julianna Dong Scott Joplin: The Strenuous Life 18 Minyoung James Ryu Scott Joplin: Maple Leaf Rag


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 3:00 PM | North Hall | OPEN DUET BAROQUE INTERMEDIATE - SENIOR

Adjudicators: Dr. Sarah Chan & Dr. Chih-Long Hu Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

J.S. Bach - Rohr: Polonaise & Bourree from French Suite No.6 (for contestants 1 - 3)

1 Vivian Chang & Sabrina Chang 2 Andrea Yang & Katherine Yang 3 Annabelle Yao & Ruishan Li

J.S. Bach - Reger: Aria & Gigue from Suite #3 in D Major (for contestants 4 - 9)

4 Renee Ge & Brian Xu 5 Richard Zhang & Edison Liu 6 William Yang & Jasmine Lee 7 Jamie Ip & Lily Wang 8 Yueqi Gao & Natalie Hong 9 Michael Li & Susan Zhang


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 8:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Maria Guenette & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Andrew Boldi Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 2 Christine Yiu Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 3 Christopher Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 4 Andrew Luu Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #3 in F Major 5 Richard Zhang Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 6 Lan Gao Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #7 in C Major 7 Jonathan Hou Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 8 Hannah Wong Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 9 Arthur Ji Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #3 in F Major 10 Andrew Pham Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 11 Kelly Lu Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #4 in A Minor 12 Neoneo Chen Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #6 in G# Minor 13 Sean Chen Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 14 Andrea Liang Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 15 Tinhsu Wen Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #7 in C Major 16 Yu Xie Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 17 Brenna Chen Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #3 in F Major 18 Dayna Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major 19 Qi Sun Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.10 #8 in F Major 20 Britney Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #6 in G# Minor 21 Michelle Pan Frederic Chopin: Etude Op.25 #9 in Gb Major


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:30 AM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 7

Adjudicators: Dr. Maria Guenette & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Luca Song W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 2 Alexis Lee W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 3 Nathan Tsui W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 4 Taehee Yoon W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 5 Stephanie Sun W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 6 Daniel Pilipenko W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 7 Yuqiao Chen W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 8 Minyoung James Ryu W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 9 Seoyeon Yu W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 10 Sean Lee W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 11 Lilly He W.A. Mozart: Andante grazioso (1st mvt) Theme and Variations from Sonata K.331 in A Major 12 Dayna Nguyen W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 13 Caleb Shih W.A. Mozart: Allegro assai (3rd mvt) from Sonata K.332 in F Major 14 Kate Ye W.A. Mozart: Molto Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.457 in C Minor 15 Christopher Nguyen W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 16 Cady Chen W.A. Mozart: Allegro moderato (1st mvt) from Sonata K.330 in C Major 17 Elizabeth Cho W.A. Mozart: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata K.333 in B Flat Major 18 Withdrawn


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:30 PM | South Hall | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Maria Guenette & Mr. Antonio Iturrioz Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #3 (12:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Rachel Zhu Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 2 Ying Lin Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 3 Amy Wang Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 4 Benjamin Jiang Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 5 Yuanxin Li Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 6 Daniel Lief Dmitri Kabalevsky: Andantino (2nd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 7 Susannah Paul Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 8 Caroline Wang Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 9 Koharu Masuda Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 10 Ashley Lin Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 11 Sarah Youn Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 12 Emilia Salistra Witold Lutoslawski: Allegro molto #2 in A Minor, from “Bucolics” 13 Michelle Chen Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 14 Tammy Phan Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 15 Dayna Nguyen Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 16 Ryan Li Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 17 Kylie Hu Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 18 Allyson Wang Gottfried von Einem: Piano Piece (from Four Piano Pieces) 19 Annabel Yeoh Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 20 Darren Watt Dmitri Kabalevsky: Presto (3rd mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major 21 Michael Li Dmitri Kabalevsky: Prelude Op.38 #8 in A Major 22 MinhQuan Phan Dmitri Kabalevsky: Allegro assai e lusingando (1st mvt) from Sonatina Op.13 #1 in C Major


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS SENIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Ms. Allison Lovejoy & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Natalie Homyk Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 2 Sophia Cha Rodion Shchedrin: Poem 3 Max Chan Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 4 Suki Gu Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 5 Alvin Lin Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 6 Saee Ranade Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 7 Marc Maliar Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 8 Christine Kim Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 9 Natalie Hong Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 10 Jessica Qiu Rodion Shchedrin: Girls’ Roundelay, #2 from The Humpback Horse 11 Erik Wang Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 12 Ashley Dixon Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 13 Cady Chen Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 14 Dylan Yang Rodion Shchedrin: Poem 15 Yichen li Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 16 Alice Jen Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 17 Katelyn Zhou Rodion Shchedrin: Girls’ Roundelay, #2 from The Humpback Horse 18 Calvin Lin Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 19 Amanda Li Rodion Shchedrin: Scherzino, #3 from The Humpback Horse 20 Andrew Gao Rodion Shchedrin: Two Part Invention in F Minor 21 Kylie Hu Rodion Shchedrin: Humoresque 22 Withdrawn


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 102 | TREASURY OF CLASSICAL COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 3

Adjudicators: Ms. Allison Lovejoy & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Nancy Zheng Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 2 Rujie Wu Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 3 Jessica Phongsa Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro vivace (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #1 in G Major 4 Withdrawn 5 Brian Yang Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 6 Qingping Ye Ludwig Van Beethoven: Capriccio – Rage Over the Lost Penny Op.129 in G Major 7 Andrew Gao Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro vivace (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #1 in G Major 8 Arthur Ji Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 9 Sara Min Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major 10 Andrea Liang Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro vivace (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #1 in G Major 11 Andrew Luu Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro assai (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.57 in F Minor 12 Alisa Lu Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro (1st mvt) from Sonata Op.31 #3 in Eb Major



Adjudicators: Ms. Allison Lovejoy & Ms. Christina Elektra Schmidt Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Jessica Jiang Gabriel Faure: Impromptu Op.34 #3 in Ab Major

2 Sydney Myers Gabriel Faure: Impromptu Op.31 #2 in F Minor/ Major

3 Noah Tran Gabriel Faure: Impromptu Op.34 #3 in Ab Major

4 Hanping Wang Gabriel Faure: Impromptu Op.34 #3 in Ab Major

5 Alice Yeh Gabriel Faure: Impromptu Op.31 #2 in F Minor/ Major

6 Gina Yang Gabriel Faure: Impromptu Op.34 #3 in Ab Major

7 Neoneo Chen Gabriel Faure: Impromptu Op.31 #2 in F Minor/ Major

8 Jamie Ip Gabriel Faure: Impromptu Op.34 #3 in Ab Major


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 8:30 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF ROMANTIC COMPOSERS INTERMEDIATE Group 4

Adjudicators: Dr. Dorian Ho & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Elisabeth Floyd Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 2 Rujie Wu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 3 James Chen Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 4 Aidan Kim Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 5 Leynah Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 6 Yau Yung Kelly Yip Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 7 Nathaniel Bae Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 8 Jacob Winefeld Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 9 Calvin Shawler Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #3 in C Major 10 Frederick Yip Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 11 Derick Nguyen Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 12 Angelina Feng Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 13 Sixuan Liu Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 14 Luofei Wang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 15 Jerrae Schroff Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 16 Jacob Schiller Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #3 in C Major 17 Selena Yang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 18 Daniel Pilipenko Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #2 in A Minor 19 Sarah Liang Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #2 in G Minor 20 Michelle Ho Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 21 Yilai Chen Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.7 #1 in Bb Major 22 Daniel Lief Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #3 in C Major 23 Brooke Zheng Frederic Chopin: Mazurka Op.67 #4 in A Minor 24 Disqualifed***


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:00 AM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF FRENCH-IMPRESSIONISTIC SENIOR Group 2

Adjudicators: Dr. Dorian Ho & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 April Mao Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 2 Yueqi Gao Jacques Ibert: Histoires #10 Le Cortege de Balkis & 8 La Cage de Cristal 3 Harrison Wang Francis Poulenc: Presto #1 in C Major from Suite for Piano 4 Amy Jung Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 5 Jessica Zhu Francis Poulenc: Francais in G Minor (1939) & Impromptu #3 (1939) 6 Eric Tandean Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 7 Paige Brown Jacques Ibert: Histoires #6 Le Palais Abandonne & #7 Bajo La Mesa 8 Enoch Lee Francis Poulenc: Presto #1 in C Major from Suite for Piano 9 Kevin Huang Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 10 Shanice Liu Jacques Ibert: Histoires #10 Le Cortege de Balkis & 8 La Cage de Cristal 11 Michelle Chen Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 12 Max Chan Francis Poulenc: Presto #1 in C Major from Suite for Piano 13 Naomi Ho Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 14 Sasha Zhang Francis Poulenc: Francais in G Minor (1939) & Impromptu #3 (1939) 15 Verona Teo Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 16 Justine Sarmiento Francis Poulenc: Presto #1 in C Major from Suite for Piano 17 Andrew Cheng Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor 18 Daniel Y. Xie Jacques Ibert: Histoires #10 Le Cortege de Balkis & 8 La Cage de Cristal 19 Chloe Yim Maurice Ravel: Moderato (1st mvt) from Sonatine in F# Minor


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 1:00 PM | Room 110 | TREASURY OF BAROQUE COMPOSERS ADVANCED Group 3

Adjudicators: Dr. Victoria Neve & Dr. Frederick Hodges Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #6 (7:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Kathleen Cheng J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 2 Withdrawn 3 Kalyan Narayanan J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 4 Sasha Zhang J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 5 Daniel Y. Xie J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 853, WTC Bk.1 #8 in E Flat Minor 6 Calvin Lin J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 859, WTC Bk.1 #14 in F# Minor 7 Yu Xie J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 856, WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major 8 Tinhsu Wen J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 9 Jialu Shi J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 10 Arthur Ji J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 853, WTC Bk.1 #8 in E Flat Minor 11 Jonathan Hou J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 12 Shaojia Lu J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 859, WTC Bk.1 #14 in F# Minor 13 Jessica Phongsa J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 856, WTC Bk.1 #11 in F Major 14 Srinjoy Chatterjee J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 858, WTC Bk.1 #13 in F# Major 15 Marcus Cao J.S. Bach: Prelude and Fugue BWV 855, WTC Bk.1 #10 in E Minor 16 Withdrawn


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 9:00 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE INTERMEDIATE

Adjudicators: Ms. Diane Maltster, Mr. Mitchel Klein, Ms. Angela Lee, Mr. Andrew Ting, Ms. Amy Brodo Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #4 (2:30 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Natasha Chang (Piano), Ludwig van Beethoven: Ghost Trio #1 Jennifer Mori (Cello), Ava Shi (Violin)

2 Nicole Kim (Bb Clarinet), W.A. Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro Overture in C Amy Nam (Bb Clarinet), Major Luke Nam (Bb Clarinet), Jaehoon Kim (Bb Clarinet)

3 Samantha Der (Cello), Ludwig Van Beethoven: Allegro con brio (1st mvt) Anqi Wu (Violin), from String Quartet #1 Op.18 #1 in F Major Mica Wang (Violin), Avinashi Bhandari (Viola)

4 Hannah Schendel (Piano), W.A. Mozart: Trio #7 in Eb Major Philemon Wong (Viola), Matthew Kim (Clarinet)


Friday | 2/23/2018 | 10:00 AM | Cultural Hall | INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLE SENIOR

Adjudicators: Ms. Diane Maltster, Mr. Mitchel Klein, Ms. Angela Lee, Mr. Andrew Ting, Ms. Amy Brodo Medals and certificates for this event will be distributed at Concert #5 (5:00 PM, Saturday Feb 24, 2018, Auditorium)

1 Naomi Tai (Violin), Antonio Vivaldi: Concerto Op.3 #10 in B Minor Vera Hsu (Violin), Gina Han (Violin), Laurena Huh (Violin), Yi-Fang Wu (Piano)

2 Darren Huang (Clarinet), Camille Saint-Saens: Tarantella Op.6 in A Major Eileen Tzng (Flute), Ryan Jia (Piano)

3 Sean Lee (Cello), Ludwig Van Beethoven: Piano Trio #1 Op.70 in D Vikram Iyer (Violin), Major Ophir Horovitz (Piano)

4 Allison Hsieh (Piano), Camill Saint-Saens: Tarantella from Piano Trio Op.6 in Annie Hwang (Flute), A Minor Tiffany Hwang (Clarinet)

5 Andy Hsu (Marimba), Ivan Trevino: Catching Shadows Jessica Hsu (Marimba)

6 Leslie Hwang (Piano), Ludwig van Beethoven: 1st mvt from Sonata #5 Op.24 Kendra Chao (Violin) in F Major

7 Kevin Oh (Clarinet), Felix Mendelssohn: Concert #2 Op.114 in D Minor David Junyoung Choi (Clarinet), Marina Johnson (Piano)

8 Miles Huang (Violin), Dmitri Shostakovich: Trio #2 Op.67 in E Minor Sonya Lee (Cello), Joseph Vasconi (Piano)

9 Withdrawn


Adjudicator Biographies DR. NADIA BLANK-KOLIHA Russian born pianist Nadia Blank-Koliha holds a diploma in piano performance from the St. Petersburg State Conservatory (Russia) and Doctor of Musical Arts degree in piano performance from the University of Southern California. In Russia she studied with the renowned Grigory Sokolov and Isaac Katz, and at USC - with Daniel Pollack, Stewart Gordon and Cherry Rhodes (organ). Ms. Blank’s piano teacher’s lineage can be traced directly from Isaac Katz, to Alexander Goldenweiser to Alexander Ziloti and finally to Franz Liszt and Ludwig Van Beethoven. Ms. Blank has received various prizes and awards in national and international piano competitions. She was a recipient of a Special Recognition Award in the First National Rachmaninoff Piano Competition in 1983. In 1985 she placed second in the All-Russia Piano Competition, and in 1990 she was a prizewinner of the Busoni International Piano Competition in Bolzano, Italy. After her performance in Italy “L’Arena di Verona” commented that Ms. Blank is “a pianist with an exceptional talent”. Currently Ms. Blank resides in San Francisco Bay Area where she maintains a private teaching studio and performs as a soloist and a duo-pianist. She collaborated and appeared as a soloist in concerts with the Orchestra of San Francisco Opera and Ballet Company, Pro-Art Symphony Orchestra, Contra Costa Chamber Orchestra. Ms. Blank’s solo performances include many benefit recitals for various music clubs and organizations, including Berkeley Piano Club, Chora Nova and Bella Musica choirs, San Ramon Valley United Methodist Church, and others. Over the past five years she has been actively collaborating with Dale Tsang as a duo pianist having played numerous piano-duo performances in various venues. Ms. Blank serves as an organist and pianist at San Ramon Valley United Methodist church in Alamo. She also plays for newly founded San Ramon Valley Chorale – a professional-caliber choral group directed by her husband, Bruce Koliha. Ms. Blank is a frequent adjudicator for various local piano competitions and festivals.

MS. MARIYA BOROZINA Born in Moscow, Mariya Borozina began playing the violin at the age of 5, following in the footsteps of her violinist father. Starting at the Gnessins School of Music, she continued her studies at the Moscow Conservatory, class of Marina Yashvili, After moving to the US, she earned a postgraduate degree at Manhattan School of Music studying with Glenn Dicterow, Lisa Kim, Yoko Takebe, and Albert Markov. Ms. Borozina is a member of First Violin sections of the San Francisco Opera and San Francisco Ballet orchestras. She also performs with other orchestras including the , Midsummer Mozart Festival, and is a regular soloist and Concertmaster with Russian Chamber Orchestra. She is a Conductor of Galbraith Honor Strings of El Camino Youth Symphony. She took part in a number of international music festivals, including the Verbier Festival, Lucerne Festival, Key West, Spoleto USA. As a concertmaster, she toured with the Verbier Festival Orchestra. Mariya worked with numerous conductors, such as, , Kurt Mazur, Gustavo Dudamel and others. An avid chamber music player, she has appeared as part of several local groups, including Eos Ensemble. She is a regular performer at the San Francisco Noontime Concert series and is a concertmaster and soloist for the Russian Chamber Orchestra. As an educator, she often coaches chamber groups and orchestras, performs at outreach programs, and teaches privately. She is frequently invited to judge local music competitions. Mariya resides in Millbrae with her husband and their daughter.


MS. AMY BRODO Amy Brodo (cello and gamba) after graduating from the Curtis Institute of Music performed for many years in Italy, Israel, and England before moving to San Francisco, with positions including assistant principal cellist of the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino in Italy, and cellist with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. In the Bay Area, Ms. Brodo has performed on viola da gamba and Baroque cello with groups that include Lux Musica, Sex Chordae Consort of Viols, Magnificat Baroque Orchestra, American Bach Soloists, and the Albany Consort. She has performed at Festivals such as the Santa Cruz Baroque, Berkeley Early Music, the Beaunne, France, and the San Luis Obispo Mozart and has recorded for CDI, Centaur, Sony, DDG, Koch, Helicon, Kleos, MRS, and New Albion. She is a founding member of Harmonia Felice. Ms Brodo performs with many groups on modern cello including West Edge Opera and Livermore Opera Company, as well as gives several recitals and chamber music concerts, was Music Director and President of the Junior Bach Festival. Ms. Brodo is an active teacher, a board member of the Berkeley Piano Club and a member of Music Teachers Association of California. She also adjudicates competitions such as Junior Bach and the U.S. Open Competition.

DR. SARAH CHAN Dr. Sarah Chan has performed internationally at the Berlin Philharmonie Kammermusiksaal, La Cité Internationale des Arts (Paris), St. James’s Piccadilly (London), Künstlerhaus (), Sala Atenu (Romania), Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Weill Recital Hall, Merkin Concert Hall, Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, Meany Hall for the Performing Arts, Beifang Performing Arts Center (China), and Ningxia Normal University Concert Hall (China). Winner of The American Prize in Piano Performance, “Rising Artists” honor from New York Concert Artists and Associates, and the PianoTexas International Piano Festival professional competition award, Chan trained musically at the Eastman School of Music of the University of Rochester (D.M.A.), Le Conservatoire National de Musique et de Danse de Paris, Peabody Conservatory of Music of Johns Hopkins University (M.M.), Manhattan School of Music (B.M.), and the University of Michigan. She received her liberal arts education—concentrating in French studies--at La Sorbonne, Columbia University, and the University of Michigan. Dr. Chan serves as Assistant Professor of Music in Keyboard Studies and Music Theory at California State University, Stanislaus. She also holds the title of Visiting Professor of Music at Ningxia Normal University in China. Highly sought-after as a masterclass teacher and adjudicator, she is regularly invited as international artist-teacher at Beifang University of Nationalities and Ningxia Normal University, and has given masterclasses at Charleston Southern University, University of Central Missouri, Oklahoma City University, Florida Atlantic University, and Erskine College. She judges for The American Prize Competition, Crescendo International Music Competition, Classical Masters Music Competition, Frances Walton Music Competition, Zeiter Piano Competition, Ghiglieri Piano Competition, and numerous competitions the Music Teachers Association of California (MTAC) and the California Association of Professional Music Teachers (CAPMT). Dr. Chan serves on CAPMT as Member-at-Large (Northern California), District V Director, and Chair of the State Concerto Competition-North Regional Division.


MS. LESLIE CHIN Born in San Francisco, Leslie Chin is a native of California. She graduated from Oberlin Conservatory and New England Conservatory of Music, where her major was classical flute performance. She has lived and worked in the Bay Area as a professional freelance flutist for 32 years. Lesley has performed with SF Ballet, SF Opera, Oakland Symphony, Fremont Symphony, Pacific Chamber Symphony and West Edge Opera. She has recorded music for video games and movies. Ms. Chin also plays in the pit for Broadway shows, (most recently "American in Paris," "The King and I," "Wicked," "Beauty and the Beast," "Cinderella," and "Lion King.") Leslie plays different instruments in the flute family: piccolo, alto flute, recorder, pennywhistle, ditzu (Chinese bamboo flute), pan pipes and bansuri. She enjoys playing chamber music and has performed with the Bellavente Wind Quintet in the SF Symphony's AIM program for 15 seasons.

DR. HYUNJUNG RACHEL CHUNG Born in South Korea, Hyunjung Rachel Chung has concertized in North America, Europe, and Asia. She has distinguished herself in several competitions including the 27th Artist International New York Debut Audition, Milosz Magin International Piano Competition, and International Web Concert Hall Competition. After presenting her New York recital debut at the Carnegie's Weill Recital Hall in 1996, Chung has appeared in various concert venues, and accepted invitations to perform and present lectures and masterclasses in the South Carolina Chamber Music Festival, Grumo Festival in Italy, Forty Fingers International Piano Festival in Rome, Arioso Musica Domani International Composition Prize, Piano at Peabody Workshop, Blue Lake Summer Arts Festival, Hawaii International Conference for the Arts and Humanities, College Music Society International Conference, and Van Cliburn Piano Institute to name a few. Rachel has been following her passion for music of our time as well as unsung and forgotten music of the past. Most recent programs include compositions by Giuseppe Lupis, Augusta Read Thomas, Kye Ryung Park, Jennifer Higdon, Paolo Longo, Özkan Manav and Tania León, and two of the premiere performances were broadcast in Italy. In November 2017, she released her first CD My Cherished Garden: Piano Works by American Women Composers on the Studio Jeeb label. As an acclaimed collaborative pianist, she has enjoys a collaboration with renowned instrumentalists and singers. With the violinist Qiao Chen Solomon, she inaugurated the Eureka Duo in 2014 and performs regularly in various concert halls and music festivals. She is an Associate Professor at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Chung received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from Seoul National University, a Master of Music degree and a Professional Study Diploma from the Mannes College of Music, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Performance from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. Her teachers include Kwi Hyun Kim, Arkady Aronov, Boris Slutsky, Theodore Lettvin, and Susan Starr.


DR. RANDALL CREIGHTON After earning a Bachelor of Music degree from Temple University in Philadelphia and working there as a jazz pianist, Randall Creighton relocated to the Bay Area in 1990. After several years of musical inactivity, he started playing and teaching again in the late 1990s, then retrained in the Taubman Approach to piano technique. He went on to earn a Master of Music degree from San Francisco State University and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Arizona, with a major in classical piano performance and a minor in jazz studies. His DMA document was an analysis of the music of Nikolai Kapustin, a contemporary Russian composer who fuses jazz style with classical form. He has been a member of the Alameda Branch of MTAC and has served as a judge in several competitions. He has performed regularly throughout the Bay Area, especially in the Giving Concerts series, which benefit the Young People’s Symphony Orchestra of the East Bay (YPSO). From 2012-2014 he taught at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill. As of January 2018, he left his long- standing IT job and moved to Palm Springs, CA where he is teaching piano part-time at College of the Desert and teaching out of his home studi


Dr. Dong-Dong Dong is an established pianist/teacher in music community. She earned her Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees from the Eastman School of Music, U.S. where she studied piano with Barry Snyder. Her teachers also include Jerome Lowenthal (Juilliard School) and Bradford Gowen (University of Maryland). Dr. Dong has extensive experiences of performing in the United States, Canada and China. In late 1980s, she was Assistant Professors in Hamline University at St. Paul, Minnesota and in Monroe Community College of SUNY at Rochester, New York. Before moving to California in 2014, she had been conducting a successful piano studio in Toronto, Canada, for 25 years. Her students include many top prize winners in Canadian national and regional competitions. Dr. Dong is founding President of the Chinese Artists Society of Toronto. She has served as Vice President (2010) and Competition Consultant (2014) for the Toronto International Piano Competition. Since 2014, Dr. Dong has been serving on judge panel of the US International Music Competition, US Open Music Competition and US New Star Music Competition.


DR. RICHARD DOWLING Hailed by The New York Times as “an especially impressive fine pianist,” Steinway Artist RICHARD DOWLING appears throughout America in recitals, music festivals, and as guest soloist with orchestras. Works of Chopin, Debussy, Gershwin, Gottschalk, Ravel, and ragtime figure prominently in his repertoire. Reviews praise him as “a master of creating beautiful sounds with impeccable control of colors and textures,” as “a musician with something to say, the skill to say it and the magnetic power to make you want to listen,” and for giving “a superb recital that left the audience craving for more at the end.” He is a versatile recording artist with over a dozen CDs of classical, chamber, ragtime, jazz, and popular music. On April 1, 2017, Mr. Dowling performed the complete piano works of Scott Joplin in historic twin sold-out recitals at Carnegie Hall, exactly 100 years to the day Joplin died in New York. He is the first pianist in the world to perform the Joplin cycle – 53 rags, waltzes, marches and cakewalks – nearly four hours of music, all from memory. His 3-CD set of the Complete Joplin was nominated for a Grammy Award. Celebrity ragtime pianist Max Morath says “Richard Dowling’s mastery of the Joplin rags invokes a tenderness that charms us and a technical command that inspires our admiration.” Mr. Dowling resides in New York and holds advanced degrees in music from Yale and University of Texas, including a doctorate. Visit his website at www.richard-dowling.com.

MR. JAMES GARDNER Juilliard-trained conductor, pianist and oboist James Arthur Gardner has many students that have gone on to win top prizes in important competitions, including the Pinault International Piano Competition (), The Russian Piano Competition (San Jose), MTAC State Solo and Concerto Competitions (California), Pacific Music Society (San Francisco), and many others. Mr. Gardner is also the founder of the annual Kids Play the Darndest Things program. Mr. Gardner’s musical training has been wide ranging. As a conductor, he was a finalist in the National Orchestral Association’s Conducting Competition at Carnegie Hall. Subsequently he became conductor of the Detroit Chamber Orchestra and Wind Symphony of Detroit before founding Pro Arte Symphony in 1993. In his early career Gardner performed as an oboist with the Juilliard Orchestra, the Brooklyn Philharmonic and the New York City Ballet Orchestra. Mr. Gardner is also a well-known competition adjudicator in the San Francisco Bay Area, having judged among many others, MTAC State Concerto Competition, The Chopin Competition, Young Pianists Competition at S.F. State University, and the U.S. Open Music Competition.


DR. MARIA GUÉNETTE Canadian pianist, Dr. Maria Mika Guénette began her formal studies at the age of eight and made her debut, at the age of fourteen, with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra. Since then, she appeared in numerous solo and collaborative performances in Canada, USA, Japan and Austria, including appearances on public radio stations such as CBC, NHK and WDAV. In addition to Well-Tempered Keyboards, she is keyboardist for East Texas Symphony Orchestra and serves as staff pianist at Southern Methodist University. Maria’s skills have afforded her the opportunity to study around the world. At the world-renowned Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York, she was awarded a Doctor of Musical Arts degree specializing in Piano Accompanying and Chamber Music with a minor in Baroque Performance Practice, as well as a Master of Music degree in Harpsichord Performance. Maria possesses a Baccalaureate of Music in Piano Performance with a minor in violin, at the University of Ottawa under the tutelage of Paris Conservatory-trained Jean-Paul Sevilla. While there, she was a winner of the University of Ottawa’s Concerto Competition, as well as several academic and merit scholarships, including the Joseph-Marie Quirion Faculty of Arts Scholarship. In November 2007, Maria returned to the University of Ottawa to perform a solo piano recital for their Alumni Concert Series. Her Master of Music degree in Piano Performance was made possible with an all-inclusive grant by the Japanese Government (Monbusho) to pursue her studies at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music (Tokyo Geijutsu Daigaku) where she studied with Dr. Takejiro Hirai of the Julliard School. Dr. Guénette is currently a senior examiner for The Royal Conservatory National Certificate Program. She was previously on faculty at Tyler Junior College, University of Texas at Tyler, Winston-Salem State University, Greensboro College and the North Carolina School of the Arts.

MS. ERNA GULABYAN Erna Gulabyan was born in Yerevan, Armenia. Her musical training began at age three. At age six she was admitted to a Central Musical High School for especially gifted children. After graduating the school she continued her studies at the Moscow Conservatory, where she studied with Yakov Flier. She performed extensively, both at the school and at the conservatory, as well as after graduation. The appointment at the piano faculties of the Yerevan Conservatory and the Central Musical High School began her teaching career which continued at the San Francisco Conservatory after her emigration to United States in 1973. Her students won numerous local and national competitions, resulting in a solo and concerto performances throughout United States: in California, Texas, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Washington, Virginia, Mariland, and New York; as well as number of international competitions in England, Italy, and France. Many of them were also accepted at the various international summer festivals both in United States: Aspen, Ravinia, TCU/Cliburn Piano Institute, the International Institute for the Young Musicians: and in Europe: in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and Holland. Ms. Gulabyan served as adjudicator in many local and international competitions, including Stravinsky International Piano Competition and the Missouri southern International.


DR. DORIAN HO Born in Taiwan, Dorian made her New York solo piano debut at Carnegie Recital Hall as Winner of the Thirteenth Annual Artists International Competition. Dorian received her Master of Music Degree from The Juilliard School of Music, Concert Diploma from the Vienna Academy of Music and Art and holds a Ph.D. in Piano Performance from New York University. Her teachers include Beatrice Beauregard, Martin Canin, Eugen List and Bruno Seidlhofer. She has performed as a soloist with numerous orchestras in the U. S. Concerto appearances also include the Fine Arts Orchestra of Taiwan, Moscow Chamber Orchestra, and many other Eastern European orchestras. Recently she performed with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra in a sold out concert at Shanghai Grand Theater. Her performances also included concerts with the St. Petersburg String Quartet, the Bohemian Chamber Philharmonic and the Stamic String Quartet of Czech Republic. Since 1988, she has been a faculty member at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.

DR. FREDERICK HODGES Hailed in the press as one of the best concert pianists in the world, Dr. Frederick Hodges has established a reputation specializing in late romantic music as well as Ragtime, Broadway, and Hollywood musicals of the first half of the twentieth century by America’s best composers, such as George Gershwin and Cole Porter. He maintains a busy concert schedule of stage, television, radio, and film appearances around the globe. Additionally, he is a much sought-after silent film accompanist and film score composer for both live performances and DVD. He performs regularly at the Hollywood Heritage Museum, the Niles Essanay Silent Film Museum in California, the Cinecon Film Festival in Hollywood, The TCM Classic Film Festival in Hollywood, The San Francisco Silent Film Festival, and at silent film festivals around the country. He also performs at music festivals around the country, such as the Sacramento Music Festival, the West Coast Ragtime Festival, and the Sedalia Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival. Dr Hodges received his advanced training with legendary Bay Area Julliard graduates Virginia Moore and Trula Whelan. He earned his undergraduate degree at UC Berkeley and earned both his Masters and PhD degrees at Oxford University in England. His website is: www.frederickhodges.com.


DR. SCOTT HOLDEN Dr. Scott Holden, Brigham Young University piano program chairman, holds music degrees from the University of Michigan, Manhattan School of Music and the Juilliard School. Studying at the Liszt Academy in Budapest, he was a Fulbright Scholar. A prizewinner in numerous piano competitions, his 1996 Carnegie Hall debut recital was a result of winning first prize in the 1996 Leschetizky International Piano Competition.. He has also performed at the Kennedy Center, Alice Tully Hall and Moscow’s Svetlanov Hall. He has premiered numerous works, including William Wallace’s 2nd piano concerto with the Utah Symphony under Keith Lockhart. Upcoming and recent performances include solo recitals in China, Singapore, and venues across the United States from Alaska to New York. He will have five concerto performances with the Timpanogos Symphony on a Utah state tour in 2018. He will perform a solo recital at Carnegie Hall’s Zankel Hall in June 2018 that will include several world premiere works. Dr. Holden has performed in over 40 US states, throughout Europe, and various venues in Asia. Holden’s performances and recitals have been broadcast on NPR, NBC, the CBC, and local networks. Holden has recorded for Parma, Bridge, and Tantara and NAXOS Records. His newest CD, Beyond Vernon Duke was given a five-star (highest) rating, being praised: “Holden exhibits profoundly musical readings with obvious commitment and great attention to detail.” He has adjudicated and given master classes at festivals and pedagogy workshops across the country. He has contributed chapters for various books including both volumes of “The Pianist’s Craft”. Dr. Holden’s students have been top prizewinners in numerous competitions, including MTNA and the Gina Bachauer; they have been accepted to the nation’s leading graduate programs. In the summer of 2018, he will return to the piano faculty of “Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard” in Geneva, Switzerland.

DR. CHIH-LONG HU A native of Taiwan, pianist Chih-Long Hu‘s performance career was launched after receiving honors including the Taipei National Concert Hall Arising Star, the Chi-Mei Artist Award, and prizes from the Mauro Monopoli International Piano Competition in Italy, the Concurs International De Piano D'Escaldes-Engordany in Andorra, the Takamatsu International Piano Competition in Japan, and San Jose International Piano Competition in California. An active performer, Hu performs extensively in Asia, Europe, and America appearing as a concerto soloist, recitalist, and chamber musician. His recent performance highlights include concerto performances of Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1, Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 3, Saint-Saëns Piano Concerto No. 2, Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, solo and chamber recitals in China, Taiwan, Korea, Canada, and throughout the U.S. Hu’s performances have been broadcast in "Performance Today" through NPR stations across the country and televised in Taiwan, China and Japan. His CD albums "Formosa Caprices", “Complete Rachmaninov Etudes-Tableaux”, and “Trifecta Trio” have received critical acclaim. His latest album of Bach Goldberg Variations has been released under Blue Griffin Recording. Named “Teacher of the Year” by the Tennessee Music Teachers Association, Dr. Hu is frequently invited to give lectures and master classes, as well as to judge international and national competitions. Hu is the Artistic Director of St. Andrews Piano Academy and Festival International (New Brunswick), as well as the New York International Piano Festival. Hu holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts in piano performance from the University of Michigan, a Master's degree from Taipei National University of the Arts, and a Bachelor's degree in civil engineering from National Taiwan University. His piano teachers include Arthur Greene, Hung-Kuan Chen, and Tai-Cheng Chen. Dr. Hu is Sandra G. Powell Endowed Professor of Piano at The University of Tennessee.


MR. ANTONIO ITURRIOZ Steinway Artist Antonio Iturrioz is a concert pianist, documentarian and Director of the New International Godowsky Society. He has written, produced and performed two musical documentaries, each one a first of its kind -- The Art of the Left Hand: A Brief History of Left Hand Piano Music, which Clavier Magazine called “an important film,” and The Buddha of the Piano: Leopold Godowsky which has been called a “historic” film. Both films have been shown on public television in the U.S. The Buddha of the Piano: Leopold Godowsky has been shown at several music festivals, including the International Keyboard Institute Festival at Hunter College in New York City. He has played the World Premiere on one piano of Gottschalk's two-movement Symphony Romantique., premiering his original transcription of the second movement, Fiesta Criolla, for one piano. Last summer he played several recitals in the U.K. and appeared at the Cranberry Coast Concerts festival where he gave the East Coast premiere of A Night in the Tropics, both movements, on one piano. For more information on Mr. Iturrioz, please visit:

www.gottschalkandcuba.com www.TheArtoftheLeftHand.com www.NewInternationalGodowskySociety.com

DR. CATHERINE KAUTSKY Catherine Kautsky, the George and Marjorie Olsen Chandler Professor of Music and Chair of Keyboard Studies at Lawrence University, has been lauded by the New York Times as a pianist whose “music spoke directly to the listener, with neither obfuscation nor pretense.” Her recent recording of the complete Debussy Preludes was said to “bring out all the power, majesty, and mystery of Debussy’s conception“ and she will next issue a recording of the Brahms Sonatas for Violin and Piano. Ms. Kautsky, whose teachers have included Rosina Lhevinne, Gyorgy Sebok, Martin Canin, and Gilbert Kalish, has concertized widely, performing in Alice Tully Hall, Carnegie Recital Hall, and the Phillips Collection in the United States and appearing abroad in France, England, Italy, Spain, Poland, China, Korea, Thailand, Brazil, Australia, Russia, and South Africa. She has taught and performed at the Interharmony International Music Festival in Italy and the Green Lake Chamber Music Camp in Wisconsin during the summers. Prof. Kautsky has taught at Lawrence since 1987, with a 6 -year hiatus as both a faculty member and chair of the Keyboard Dept. at University of Wisconsin-Madison. A devoted teacher, she is the winner of the 2016 Lawrence University Excellence in Teaching Award and the 2013 Faculty Convocation Award. Ms. Kautsky is also known for her cross-disciplinary interests and was awarded the distinguished Arts Institute Creative Arts Award while at UW- Madison for her work on the intersections of literature, music, and social history. She is a frequent presenter at national MTNA conferences, and her articles have appeared in Clavier Companion, American Music Teacher, and International Piano. Her book, Debussy’s Paris: Piano Portraits of the Belle Époque, just appeared in September, 2017.


MR. MITCHELL SARDOU KLEIN Music Director and Conductor Mitchell Sardou Klein brings extensive conducting experience in the US, Europe, Australia and Japan to his leadership of the Peninsula Symphony. During his 32 years on the Symphony’s podium, he has guest conducted the Seattle Symphony, New Polish Philharmonic, Suddetic Philharmonic, Richmond Symphony, Eastern Philharmonic and many other orchestras in the US and Europe. In California he has led Symphony Silicon Valley, the San Jose Symphony, the Santa Rosa Symphony, the Inland Empire/Riverside Philharmonic, Ballet San Jose, the California Riverside Ballet and the Livermore-Amador Philharmonic and others. He founded and is Music Director of the Peninsula Youth Orchestra, which he has taken on concert tours of England, France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Belgium, Holland, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Maestro Klein directed over a hundred concerts as Associate Conductor of the Kansas City Philharmonic (where he was also Principal Pops Conductor and Principal Conductor of Starlight Theater, the Philharmonic’s summer home), and also served as Music Director of the Santa Cruz Symphony. He also has extensive experience in conducting ballet orchestras, including the Kansas City, Lone Star, Oakland, and Westport Ballets, as well as the Theater Ballet of San Francisco and les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo. Before turning to the podium, he performed as a cellist for many years. He enjoys travel, photography, jazz and visual arts in his spare time. Since 1984, he has been Director of the Irving M. Klein International String Competition. Held in San Francisco each June, the Competition has become one of the most prominent in the world, featuring prizes totaling over $25,000, attracting applicants from more than twenty nations annually, and launching numerous major international concert careers.

MS. MACHIKO KOBIALKA Grammy nominated pianist, Machiko Kobialka, has received international acclaim for her dynamic and elegant performances as a soloist and chamber musician. Performing internationally for over 40 years, she has appeared at major music festivals and concert celebrations, including the Karuizawa Festival, Suntory Hall–Fulbright 40th Concert, the Mid-Summer Mozart Festival, the Grand Teton Music Festival, the Britt Music Festival, and the San Luis Obispo Mozart Festival, as well as toured extensively throughout Europe, Japan, Taiwan and the United States. After graduating from the prestigious Toho-Gakuen School of Music in Tokyo, Machiko came to the U.S. as a Fulbright Scholar and received her Bachelors of Music from the Hartt College of Music at the University of Hartford, and her Masters of Music from Catholic University of America. Her enthusiasm for the contemporary music resulted in the commission of new music written for her by Pulitzer Prize Winners, such as William Bolcom and Wayne Peterson. She has premiered the new compositions at Carnegie Hall, George Town University, the Las Vegas International Contemporary Festival, the Schoenberg Institute and the Strasbourg Institute. She has also recorded for Sonic Arts and Desto Records. Today, Machiko is performing internationally and adjudicating competitions in the United States. Working with the Department of Education for numerous cities in Japan, she performs recitals as well as teaches piano master classes across Japan. For over 15 years, she also is a frequent performer in the Chancellor’s Concert Series, sponsored by University of California in San Francisco. Machiko has taught music for over 40 years, including teaching at California State University at Hayward. She continues to teach today at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Many of her students have won prominent piano and chamber music competitions.


MS. ANGELA LEE Since giving her Carnegie Hall debut in 1994, Angela Lee has performed in Alice Tully Hall at and Victor Borge Hall in New York, Chicago's Cultural Center, The Phillip's Collection and Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., Copenhagen's Nationalmuseet and the Purcell Room at South Bank Centre in London. She has soloed with orchestras worldwide and performs regularly at international festivals, including Mahler-Jihlava, St. Petersburg’s Revelations, International Musicians Seminar at Prussia Cove, La Musica, Marlboro, Chautauqua, Mainly Mozart, Music Mountain, Forest Hill Musical Days, and Chelsea. Using music to foster peace and goodwill, she has made numerous humanitarian trips to the Republic of the Philippines and the former Yugoslavia. While on a U.N.-sanctioned tour of six war-torn cities throughout Bosnia-Herzegovina, she performed for American and NATO troops and displaced civilians. With her two sisters, Angela Lee tours internationally as The Lee Trio, appearing in major venues in Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Copenhagen, Kiev, Cluj-Napoca, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei, Toronto, New York and San Francisco. The Trio's world premiere recording of Jane Antonia Cornish's piano trio, Duende, was released on Delos in 2014 to critical acclaim. A graduate of The Juilliard School and Yale School of Music, she is a recipient of a Fulbright scholarship to study in London with William Pleeth, a grant from the Foundation for American Musicians in Europe, the Jury Prize in the Naumburg International Cello Competition, and a cello performance fellowship from the American-Scandinavian Foundation.

MS. DIANE MALTESTER Diane Maltester, is the clarinet instructor for St. Mary’s College, California State University East Bay and has been on the music faculty at Los Medanos College since 1980. She is principal Eb clarinet and second clarinet of the Oakland Symphony and principal clarinetist in the Walnut Creek Festival Opera, Vallejo Symphony and the Fremont Symphony Orchestra. She performs numerous solo recitals with her duo partner, LaDene Otsuki, in addition to chamber recitals in the San Francisco Bay Area. She is the founding member of the Muir Trio for voice, clarinet and harp. She is presently the co-conductor of the Diablo Wind Symphony, a Bay Area honor band. She enjoys teaching and coaching and is a former Northern Woodwind Chairperson for the Music Teachers’ Association of California. She received her Master’s degree in music performance from California State University at Hayward.


DR. SHARON MANN Dr. Sharon Mann serves as Professor of Piano at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music since 2001. A respected soloist and ensemblist, she is also widely regarded for her penetrating interpretations of Bach's keyboard music. Her re-release of Bach's Partitas has been received with national praise. Dr. Mann has served on the faculties of the Itzhak Perlman Music Festival, the Bowdoin International Music Festival, St. Olaf College, the Sommermusikwochen in Switzerland, and the Siena Music Festival in Italy. In earlier years, Dr. Mann was appointed by Governor Richard Celeste of Ohio as Artistic Director of a concert series which was broadcasted live from the Governor's Mansion. She lectured for each radio broadcast. An avid collaborator, Dr. Mann holds this nation's first doctorate in piano/chamber music, performing with such artists as Alain Marion (France), Michael Grebanier (San Francisco Symphony), Elaine Skorodin-Fohrmann (Chicago Symphony) and the Cavani String Quartet (). Her early training began in Chicago with Rudolph Ganz and Isador Buchhalter, and continued with Irwin Freundlich, Dorothy Taubman, and Rosalyn Tureck. She holds degrees from The Juilliard School, Northwestern and Stanford Universities. In recent years, Dr. Mann has offered master classes in Indiana, Utah, California, Greece, and China. In October 2016, Dr. Mann conducted master classes in Singapore and China. In 2018, Dr. Mann will teach in Chinese-American Festival in Philadelphia, along with faculty from The Juilliard School and The Curtis Institute; will give master classes in the Sichuan region of China, and will teach in New Zealand.

DR. VICTORIA NEVE Victoria Neve has distinguished herself as a piano soloist, chamber musician, duo pianist and accompanist in concerts throughout the United States. Her appearances include presentations for the College Music Society, the National Conference on Women in Music, the Memphis State Music Festival, the State Conventions of the Music Teachers Association of California and the California Association of Professional Music Teachers, and the national convention of the Music Teachers National Association. Dr. Neve has been heard on radio as a piano soloist on the National Public Radio series "Early American Keyboard Music" and on the San Francisco State University "University Concert Series," as well as on stations KQED in San Francisco, KPFA in Berkeley, the University of California at Santa Cruz radio station, and KMVR in Northern California. Her repertoire ranges from the music of the early Classic composers, performed on a period instrument, into the 21st Century. She has toured California with performances of George Crumb's Makrokosmos, Volumes I and II, for solo amplified piano. She is Founder and Director of the San Francisco Young Pianists Competition and is a frequent adjudicator at numerous other piano competitions. She is on the faculty of the School of Music at San Francisco State University, where she hold the rank of Full Professor of Music.



Naomi Sanchez (piano) has performed and taught extensively in the Bay Area and across the United States. In addition to solo playing, Ms. Sanchez was a member of the award winning piano duo, Pas de Duo. As First Prize winners of the NFMC Ellis Duo Piano Competition and recipients of the Abild American Music Award, they made their Carnegie Hall recital debut to critical acclaim. Pas de Duo has been guest artists with organizations such as the Chautauqua Institute, the San Francisco International Music Festival and the National Federation of Music Clubs. They can be heard on a live recording of Bartok's Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion with the New York Philomusica. Passionate about music education, Ms. Sanchez is the director of the Berkeley Academy of Music. She is also on the the teaching staff of the American Conservatory Theater (ACT). Ms. Sanchez studied at Indiana University's Jacobs School of Music where she received a B.M. and M.M. in piano performance.

MS. ELEKTRA SCHMIDT Award winning pianist Elektra Schmidt performs as solo artist and in chamber groups in the United States as well as France, Greece, and the United Kingdom. She has had the good fortune to work with such visionaries as Marios Papadopoulos, Neil Immelman, Theodor Paraskeveku, the Ganev duo and others. After graduating summa cum laude from the National Conservatory of her native Greece, Elektra pursued her post-graduate studies in Paris at the Schola Cantorum and the Conservatoire Raoul Pugno under the guidance of distinguished pianist Lilia Boyadjieva. She received her master’s degree with First Prize and Distinction (Medaille d’Or avec les felicitations du jury). Elektra is the founder of Artist Migration, an organization dedicated to the integration and mobility of international artists. Elektra collaborates with international festivals throughout the world including the San Francisco International Arts Festival, the Arundel Festival and Oxford Philomusica in the United Kingdom. Elektra lives and teaches in San Francisco and London. She has been on the panel for USOMC since 2017.


DR. STEPHEN THOMAS Stephen Thomas, pianist, has performed throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, China, Europe, and Japan. His performances have been broadcast for Chinese television and for radio stations such as WQXR in New York City. He has recorded solo piano works by Haydn, Brahms, and South American composers, and he has also recorded and performed with principal players of the San Francisco Symphony in Davies Hall and in concerts throughout the Bay Area. Dr. Thomas frequently adjudicates piano competitions and presents master classes and lectures throughout the country and internationally. He holds degrees in piano performance from Brigham Young University (B.M), Yale University (M.M.), and the University of Michigan (D.M.A.), having studied with Irene Peery-Fox, Claude Frank, Peter Frankl, and Arthur Greene. He has undertaken additional studies with Anne Øland of the Royal Danish Conservatory in Copenhagen, Denmark, as well as Lazar Berman and faculty of the Moscow Conservatory. Dr. Thomas is currently Director of Keyboard Studies and Associate Dean in the College of Performing and Visual Arts at Brigham Young University-Idaho. Previous to this appointment, he taught for 15 years at California State University, Stanislaus where he also served as Chair of the Department of Music and as Acting Dean of the College of the Arts.


Andrew W. Ting is the Executive Director of WePerform.Org, a non-profit organization with the mission of promoting self-confidence through performance art and the Music Director of The Dragon Singers since 2007. Mr. Ting received his bachelor’s degrees in Music and Economics from the University of California at Berkeley, and pursued his Masters in Music with an emphasis in Orchestral Conducting.at the University of Minnesota. He was the guest conductor and strings coach of the Oakland Youth Orchestra for two seasons. He also conducted the U.C. Berkeley Summer Symphony, the Berkeley Sinfonia, the University of Minnesota Symphony Orchestra and the Minneapolis Concerticus.. During his twelve years of public service with the West Contra Costa Unified School District, he served as the music director for Richmond High, Hercules Middle/High, El Cerrito High, De Jean Middle School, Adams Middle School, Helms Middle School and various elementary schools throughout the Bay Area. In 2008, Mr. Ting founded the Prodigals, a jazz ensemble emphasizing in fusing traditional ethnic music with standard jazz idioms. The Prodigals have performed and toured in the United States and Asia.



Dale Tsang earned her BM in piano performance from the University of Southern California (studying with John Perry), her MM from the University of Michigan (studying with Dickran Atamian), and her DMA from Rice University (studying with John Perry). A winner of numerous competitions, she is a core member of the Ensemble for These Times which focuses on performing works by living composers. Dale is a faculty member at Laney College, teaches an inspiring assortment of adult students, and frequently performs locally and in Europe and Asia. She has also served as a judge for numerous organization’s competitions, including Contra Costa Performing Arts Society, Etude Club of Berkeley, Berkeley Piano Club, MTAC Contra Costa Branch’s Sonata competition, the United States Open Music Competition (USOMC), San Francisco Conservatory of Music’s concerto competition, and the MTAC State Panel Finals.

DR. SHI-HWA WANG Dr. Shi-Hwa Wang is an active recruiter of high caliber students for the Weber State University in Utah. His students have routinely won many solo, concerto and chamber music competitions in the state, regional, and national levels (including six national finalists in the MTNA National Strings Competitions.) Several of his violin students have received full scholarships to attend prestigious graduate music programs. Also active as a leader in ensembles, he has been concertmaster of the Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Ballet West and Utah Chamber Orchestra, Ann Arbor Symphony, Classical Music Festival Orchestra (Austria), Southfield Symphony Orchestra, and Illinois Opera. He is the founder of the Kismartin String Quartet, Browning String Quartet, Wasatch Piano Trio, and the Formosan Violin-Piano Duo. As a pedagogue, he has been on faculty in the American String Workshop (Ann Arbor), International Music Workshops (various cities in Europe), Sewanee Music Festival, and numerous state string workshops and conferences. He was the director of the Weber State University Solo and Chamber Music Camp, the WSU ASTA Stringfest, and the Executive Director of the Sid and Mary Foulger International Music Festival. Dr. Wang has been concertmasters of the Berlin Philharmonic, San Francisco, Minnesota, Montreal Symphony Orchestras. He has taught multiple times at the American String Teachers Association National Conference, and has given master classes in many states in the US, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Canada, Austria, and Hungary. Currently he is professor of violin/viola at Weber State University in Utah.


DR. YUNG-CHIU WANG Yung-Chiu Wang has performed in concerts worldwide and appeared in journals in multiple languages including the cover page of Germany’s “DortmunderRundschau.” She received the Distinguished Achievement award from the University of Wisconsin for her outstanding performance of the rarely played Paderewski Piano Concerto and Horowitz’s “Carmen Variations,” for which no score existed, having learned the work from the composer’s recording. Her recent performances of Bach’s Goldberg Variations and her multi- media project “Law & Order: Theme & Variations”, based on the Goldberg, have been received well at various colleges and educators associations, in addition to concert halls. It was also accepted by NASA Kennedy Space Center in May 2017 for their outreach program, enabling her to visit behind-the-scenes at KSC for SpaceX CRS-11 cargo resupply mission to the International Space Station and its launch. She has performed chamber music with members of major orchestras, including the London Symphony, Boston Symphony, and Taiwan National Symphony, as well as with faculty members from major institutions, such as Yale University and Manhattan School of Music. Ms. Wang studied at Royal Academy of Music in London, UK, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and holds a doctorate degree in Piano Performance from the University of Houston. She is on the faculty of Texas Southern University, Houston Baptist University, and previously taught at Texas A&M University-College Station. Outside her profession, Ms. Wang is a member of the Disaster Action Team of the American Red Cross. She is devoted to promoting disaster awareness and frequently responds to spontaneous disasters. Her unique experience includes coordinating the disaster relief for a 3-alarm fire and co-organizing a 200-person shelter. In both 2014 and 2015, she was chosen by the regional office as “Disaster Action Team Member of the Month” for her contribution to the organization and the community.


A popular performer in many Bay Area ensembles, Lenora Warkentin has recorded at Skywalker and Fantasy Studios. She has appeared as flute soloist in concert with Sounds New, Composers’ Inc., the Rimsky-Korsakov String Quartet, and San Francisco Camerata Americana. Lenora received her Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of California at Los Angeles where she was teaching assistant for the wind ensemble and music history classes. From 2010 to 2013, she served as Music Director of the Junior Bach Festival. In addition to her work as a performer, Lenora enjoys teaching private flute and piano lessons at her home in Oakland.


DR. BETTY WOO Hong Kong born Betty Woo received a recital diploma from the Royal Academy of Music in London and a D.M.A. degree from Stanford University. She was a prizewinner at the Gina Bachauer International Competition and the Carnegie Hall International American Music Competition. Ms. Woo has made solo appearances in London, New York, and throughout California and has collaborated with world famous dance companies like the Paul Taylor Dance Company and the Morphoses. In chamber music, Ms. Woo is a member of the Trio Brillante, and has partnered with the cellist Jennifer Culp for many years. Ms Woo is an experienced teacher, formerly professor of piano at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and currently on the music faculty at Holy Names University in Oakland and University of California, Berkeley. She has conducted masterclasses, given numerous lectures at the conservatories of Shanghai and Hong Kong, and to many teachers’ groups in California, most recently at the MTAC Convention. She is also sought after as a judge in many competitions, including the US Open Competition.


Dr. Yu-Jane Yang is a Presidential Distinguished Professor and Director of Keyboard Studies at Weber State University (WSU) in Utah. In great demand as a presenter, performer, and master class teacher nationally and internationally, Dr. Yang has performed in concert tours and taught piano master classes extensively in Austria, Poland, Norway, Spain, Italy, Canada, Singapore, China, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the United States. In addition, she also appears frequently as an adjudicator for national and international piano competitions, including the Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition Preliminary Auditions in 1997, 2006, 2008, and 2016.

Yu-Jane’s piano students have been selected as top prize winners in both collegiate and pre-college divisions in numerous state, national, and international piano competitions, including First Place National Winner of the 2010 Music Teachers National Association Steinway Young Artist Collegiate Piano Competition, New York International Piano Competition, Seattle International Piano Competition, International Beethoven Piano Sonata Competition, Atlantic Music Festival Piano Competition, Snowy Range Piano Solo Competition, and the MTNA Southwest Division Collegiate Piano Solo and High School Piano-Duet Competitions. Dr. Yang has also produced 1st place winners of many state, regional, and national concerto competitions such as the Aurora Symphony, Coeur d’Alene Symphony, Grand Junction Symphony, and the Utah Music Teachers Association Piano Concerto Competitions (in both Collegiate and High-School Divisions).

Dr. Yang’s WSU piano students have received piano scholarships to continue their graduate studies from renowned music schools such as the Juilliard School, Eastman School of Music, Cleveland Institute of Music, New England Conservatory of Music, and Peabody Conservatory of Music.


Accompanist Biographies

Official Accompanist of USOMC: DR. ANNY CHENG Anny Cheng is an active pianist and she has collaborated concerts with singers and instrumentalists in the United States, Ireland and Taiwan. She was invited as a guest artist with Arizona MusicFest and joined the faculty of the Tanglewood Institute’s Young Artist as a principal Vocal Coach and Musical Director. She also joined the staff pianist at Viola Workout in Crested Butte, Co.. Anny served as a coach and staff pianist at Cy-Fair College in Houston. She completed her DMA in Collaborative Piano at Arizona State University, GPD at Longy School of Music and MM at Westminster Choir College.

Official Accompanist of USOMC: NATHAN CHEUNG

Nathan Cheung received his Masters of Music degrees at the Eastman School of Music in both Piano Performance and Accompanying under the tutelage of Drs. Nelita True and Jean Barr. An alumnus of Stanford University, he has won the Ellis Duo Piano Competition, Aspen Concerto Competition, the American Prize, and the Stanford Concerto Competition. His achievements as a collaborative pianist include attending Aspen Music Festival, SongFest, and Music Academy of the West as a collaborative piano fellow. He is currently in the doctorate program at the Eastman School of Music under Natalya Antonova.

Official Accompanist and Staff Coordinator of USOMC: NICHOLAS DOLD Nicholas Dold has an active career performing across the United States as a soloist and collaborative musician. He has been a featured artist in the Musical Flights Series of the Orchestral Institute Napa Valley, the Santa Cruz Baroque Festival, the Ladies Musical Club of Seattle, and Indiana Public Radio – WFHB. He currently serves on the piano accompanying staff of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music and the Mondavi Center Young Artist Competition. He has held prior positions with the Duxbury Music Festival, the Crowden Music School, the San Francisco Boys Chorus, and the Indiana University String and Piano Academies. He received his graduate and undergraduate degrees at Indiana University. Visit www.nicholasdold.com for more information.


Official Accompanist of USOMC: GABRIELLE LOCHARD Gabrielle Lochard is a soprano and collaborative pianist currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Music History and Literature at U.C. Berkeley. Her interest in collaborative piano started as a teenager, when she was the pianist for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Civic Youth Ensembles. She has since collaborated with many instrumentalists and singers as an accompanist and coach. As a singer, Gabrielle is an avid interpreter of art song and has participated in workshops, festivals, and masterclasses, both internationally and domestically, with artists such as Lyne Fortin, Emilio Pons, Roger Vignoles, and Malcolm Martineau. Her graduate work focuses on questions of analysis, poetics, sonic effect, and musical beauty.

Official Accompanist of USOMC: DR. CHRISTOPHER SALOCKS Christopher Salocks received his Masters and Doctoral degrees from Stanford University, where he studied with Adolph Baller. He participated in master classes of pianists Adele Marcus and Ivan Moravec, and has taught at Skyline College, Foothill College, De Anza College, and Stanford University. For a number of years, he served as an official piano accompanist in the Music Teachers National Association state, regional, and national auditions, and he has performed at Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. For over twenty-five years, he accompanied Van Cliburn Competition winner Jon Nakamatsu, and has appeared with Nakamatsu in two-piano concerts.

Official Accompanist of USOMC: CHEN WOO

Chen Woo is one of the most highly sought-after collaborative pianists in the Bay Area. She frequently collaborates with internationally-renowned musicians, including Lan Rao, Edna Garabedian, Richard Lin, Bin Huang and Haik Kazazyan. A protégé of the late Maestro William Yannuzzi, music director of the Baltimore Opera Company, Woo received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Piano Performance from Soochow University in Taiwan and her Master of Music degree in Collaborative Piano from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music.


Official Accompanist of USOMC: YI-FANG WU As a former English major, Yi-Fang Wu decided to pursue her love of music after graduating from National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan. She came to Cleveland Institute of Music to study with Paul Schenly and Daniel Shapiro for her M.M. in Piano Performance. Yi-Fang proceeded to join the Collaborative Piano program with Anita Pontremoli at CIM. Since then, she has collaborated with many outstanding chamber musicians. Ms. Wu is a staff pianist at SFCM Pre-College division. Yi- Fang has performed at the Eastern Music Festival, The Quartet Program, Miami Music Festival and International Music Festival & Workshops in Germany.

The six Prize Winners’ Concerts will feature a total of 171 event First Place Winners

Concert No. 1 will be on Friday February 23 from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Concert No. 2 will be on Saturday February 24 from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Concert No. 3 will be on Saturday February 24 from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Concert No. 4 will be on Saturday February 24 from 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM Concert No. 5 will be on Saturday February 24 from 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Concert No. 6 will be on Saturday February 24 from 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Please come to support our musical heritage! If you have taken part in the 2018 USOMC, come and enjoy the fruit of your labor.

If you have never been to one of our concerts, please come and be inspired.

You may want to be part of this unique competition after you’ve experienced the high

caliber of the young musicians and the dedication of everyone involved.

The concerts are open to the public free of charge.