1929 Congressional Record-. House 3759

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1929 Congressional Record-. House 3759 1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. HOUSE 3759 Mr. EDWARDS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield to me? NEBRASKA The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from . New Edward G. Hall to be postmaster at David City, Nebr., in York J-ield to the Senator from New Jersey? place of A. E. Etting. Incumbent's commission expired Decem­ MJ·. COPELA~'D. I yield. ber 11, 1928. Mr. EDWARDS. I suggest the absence of a quorum. "EW JERSEY The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will call the roll. ·1\ir. JONES. Mr. President, from past experiences I am satis­ Frank W. Cassedy to be postmaster at Cape 1\lay, N. J., in place of F. W. Cassedy. Incumbent's commission expires Feb­ fied that we might just as well stop now, and I therefore move ruary 28, 1929. that the Senate take a recess until 12 o'clock noon to-morrow, pursuant to the unanimous-consent agreement heretofore entered Joseph Kish to be postmaster at Nixon, N. J., in place of .Joseph Kish. Incumbent's commission expired February 6, into. 1929. The motion was agreed to; and (at 10 o'clock and 5 minutes p. m.) the Senate, under the order previously entered, took a NORTH CAROLINA recess until to-morrow, Wednesday, February 20, 1929, at 12 Sidney A. Padgett to be postmaster at Ellenboro, N. C., in · o'clock meridian. place of S. A. Padgett. Incumbent's commission expires Feb­ ruary 28, 1929. NORTH DAKOTA NO~IINATIONS o-g- Henry D. Mack to bt postmaster at Dickey, N. Dak. Office Execntive nominations received by the Senate Febr1w1·y 19 (l ~ became presidential July 1, 1928. islative day of Febmary 15), 1929 OHIO POSTMASTERS Ferdinand H. Schuster to be postmaster at Bellevue, Ohio, in ALABK:.A place of F. 0. BateB, deceaSed. - · William Arthur to be postmaster at Nome, Alaska, in place of J. H. Anderson, resigned. OKLAHOMA William H. McBrayer to be postmaster ~at Haworth, Okla., in ARKANSAS place of B. E. Irby, removed. Ferrell S. Tucker to be postmaster at Black Oak, Ark., in place of F. S. Tucker. Incumbent's commission expires Feb­ PENNSYLVANIA ruary 28. 1929. William C. Bubb to be postmaster at Dalmatia, Pa., in place John L. Hyde to be postmaster at Tillar, Ark., in place of of W. C. Bubb. Incumbent's commission expired December 9, J. L. Hyde. Incumbent's commission expires February 28, 1929. 1928. PORTO RICO CALIFORNIA Pablo Vilella, jr., to be postmaster at Lares, P. R., in place of John A. Scott to be postmaster at Porterville, Calif., in place Pablo Vilella, jr. Incumbent's commission expires February 28, of E. F. Halbert. Incumbent's commission expired June 6, 1928. 1929. COLORADO SOUTH CAROLI~A Martha E. Williams to be postmaster at Bonanza, Colo. Office William B. Wright, jr., to be postmaster at Shelton, S. C., in became presidential July 1, 1928. · place of W. B. Wright, jr. Incumbent's commission expires Feb- GEORGIA ruary 28, 1929. George 1\1. Greely to be postmaster at Decatur, Ga., in place of _ . TEXAS . • G. M. Greely. Incumbent's commission expired January 5, 1929. Kathryne Witty !o be postmaster at Hamilton, Tex .. m place William A. Adams to be postmaster at Fitzgerald, Ga., in of F. J:I· Baker, r esigned. place of W. A. Adams. Incumbent's commission expired Janu-~ Leshe W. Garrett to be postmaster at Qmtman, Tex., m place ary 22 1929 of L. \V. Garrett. Incumbent's commission expires February 28, , • IOWA 1929. 1\Iarie Jones to be postmaster at Bussey, Iowa, in place of Paul A. Taylor to be po~tmaster _at _Win.fiel~l, Tex., in place of Marie Jones. Incumbent's com.illission expires February 28, i9~· Taylor. I ncumbents commiSSIOn expired December 10, 1929. Ray Robertson to be postmaster at '1.\-Iaxwell, Iowa, in place of WEST VIRGINIA Ray Robertson. Incumbent's commission expires February 28, Le\i Gay to be postmaster at Eecles, W. Va., in place of Levi 1929. Gay. Incumbent's commission expires February 28, 1929. KENTUCKY WISCO;:>~SIN Vera Baird to be po tmaster at Crab Orchard, Ky., in place Edward C. Schwartz to be postma ter at Blackwell, Wis. of Yera Baird. Incumbent's commission expired January 30, Office became presidential July 1, 1926. 1929. John H. Meyer to be postmaster at Newport, Ky., in place of J. H. Meyer. Incumbe:p.t's commission expired January 30, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1929. LOUISIANA TUESDAY, February 19, 19B9 Edith E. Steckler to be postmaster at .Jeanerette, La., in The House met at 12 o'clock noon. place of E. E. Steckler. Incumbent's commission expired Decem­ The Chaplain, Re\. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered ber 11, 1928. the following prayer: MICHIGAN God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause His face. to Charles C. Kellogg to be postmaster at Detroit, Mich., in place shine upon us, that Thy way may be known upon the earth, Thy of C. C. Kellogg. Incumbent's-commission expires February 28, sa"\>ing health among all nations. Let the people praise Thee, 0 1929. God; let all the people praise Thee. 0 let the nations be glad MINNESOTA and sing for joy, for Thou shalt judge the people righteously Rollo F. Dean to be postmaster at Blue Earth, 1\Iinn., in place and govern the nations upon earth. Let the people praise Thee, of R. F. Dean. Incumbe-nt's commission expires February 28, 0 God ; let all the people praise Thee ; then shall the earth 1929. yield her increase and God, even our own God, shall b\ess us. Oscar E. Linquist to be postmaster at Dassel, Minn., in place God shall bless us and all the {'nds of the earth shall fear Him. of 0. E. Linqui t. Incumbent's commission expired January 26, Amen. 1929. Elizabeth Richardson to be postmaster at Delano, Minn., in The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and place of Elizabeth Richardson. Incumbent's commission expires approved. February 28, 1929. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Arthur McBride to be postmaster at Walker, Minn., in place A message from the Senate by 1\lr. Craven, its principal of Arthur McBride. Incumbent's commission eJ..--pires Feb­ clerk, announced that the Senate had passed without amend­ ruary 28, 1929. ment bills and a joint resolution of the Horu e of the following MISSOURI titles: Ernest Young to be postmaster at Verona, Mo., in place of H. R. 13199. An act authorizing the payment to the State of Ernest Young. Incumbent's commission expired February 17, Oklahoma the sum of $4,955.36 in settlement for rent for United 1929. States Veterans' Hospital No. 90 at Muskogee, Okla.; 376.0 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE FEBRUARY 19 H. R. 15851. An act to ·extend the times for commencing and Mt-. KINCHELOE. Yes. completing the construction of a bridge across the Allegheny Mr. SNELL. As I understand, there are two statues f1·om River at Kittanning, in the county of Armstrong, in the State each State? of Pennsylvania ; . Mr. KINCHELOE. Yes. , H. R. 16279. An act to extend the times for commencing and Mr. SNELL. And there is none from the State of Kentucky completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio River now? • at Augu ta, Ky.; and Mr. KINCHELOE. None except the two that were put in II. J. Res. 418. Joint resolution to provide for the quartering, the Hall yesterday and are to be unveiled on the 3d of March. in certain public buildings in the District of Columbia, of 1\IIr. TILSON. Has the gentleman examined the precedents troops participating in the inaugural ceremonies. to know that this resolution is in the usual form? The message also announced that the Senate had passed a l\lr. KINCHELOE. Yes; 1 will say that I followed the bill of the following title, in which the concurrence of the House resolution adopted in the case of the statue of Andrew Jackson, is requested : which resolution was introduced by the gentleman from Ten­ S. 5630. An ~ct authorizing the State Highway Commission, nessee [l\lr. BYRNs]. Commonwealth of Kentucky, to construct, maintain, and oifer­ Mr. SNELL. If the gentleman followed Andrew Jackson, it ate a bridge across the Ohio River at or near Carrollton, Ky. is all right. The message al o announced that the Senate disagrees to the l\lr. KINCHELOE. That is mighty good authority to follow. amendments of the House to the bill (S. 5094) entitled "An act The resolution was agreed to. making it a felony with penalty for certain aliens to enter the United States of America under certain conditions in violation PRACTICE OF THE HEALING ART IN THE DISTRICT OF OOLUMBIA of law," requests a conference with the Hou e on the disagree­ Mr. ZIHLMA.l.~. Mr. Speaker, I present, for printing under ing vote of the two Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. JoHN­ the rule, conference report on the bill (S. 3936) entitled "An act soN, Mr. KEYES, Mr. REED of Pennsylvania, Mr. BLEASE, and Mr. to regulate the practice of the healing art and to protect the KING to be the conferees on the part of the Senate._ public health in the District of Columbia." The mes age also -announced that the Senate agrees to the reports of the committees of conference on the di agreeing votes REPEAL OF THE EIGHTEENTH AMENDMENT of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to bills of Mr. TINKHAM. l\Ir. Speaker, I offer a petition from the the House of the following titles : Senate of the State of Massachusetts, which I desire to haYe H.
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