Dbananjayarao Gadgil Library . I9U~ mumnu~ 1111111111 ~1I11 . GIPE-PUNE-000481 VOL. XX. M A 1' : 0 F E AS T ERN RAJ PUT ANA. (.' oNB,rno] Aligal'h o:Z;aswari, \ , R \ '-'--, '-", ,//) 1> , /v/ B H A R I \ \ .J A y p u R R 1~b~'~'~'~'~;~'~'~'~'~6--------~16~-------'2610'-------~30~';--------i40~------~~o}[[es A. Cunllln ~ha.rn, d el. Lit~o&raphed o..t the Survey of India OffiC ClS. Ca~{.'U t. t a , Fe hr-uary ' ~I3 .,r, . ~t'h1tDIDgicd ~ntbtl1 of Inbi4. REPORT OF A TOUR IN~ EASTERN RAJPUTANA '- IN '.~ 'II • BY MA'JOR-GENERAL A; CUNNINGHAM, C.S.I., C.I.E., 'ROYAL BN~lit~~RS [BBNGAL RETIRED], DIJtBCtOIl GBNERAL OF THZ .AIlCHAtOLOGICAL SURVBY OF IN)I'" VOLUME XX • • II Wbat I. aimed at Ia an accurate description, IIIqstrated b,. plan.. measnrements, drawing., or photographs. and 1>1 cop! .. of Inoaiptlans, alauc:h remalna as moat deserve notice, with the history of them ao far as It may be traceable. IUId a JecOnI of the traditioDl tbat .... p....... ed regarding them."-LoRD CAN~INO. " What the learned world demand al DI In India i. to be quite certain of our data, to place the monument.1 record before them aactl,. as it n ..... existo. aad to iaterpret it faithful),. and literally."-JA .... PaIN.... CALCUTTA: OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING, INDIA. ~88S· • PREFACE. DURING the cold season of 1882.83 I expIore.d a great part of Eastern Rajputana, including portions of the states of Alwar, Bharatpur, Karauli j Dholpur, and Gwalior and the adjoining British districts of Delhi, Gurgaon, and Mathura.
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