2021 Bulk Beef Order Info
2021 Bulk Beef Order Info • Whole, half, and quarter sides of beef are sold by the live weight and custom processed in your name to your specifications. o Whole beef, side or beef, or split side - $2.25 lb. live weight o Hanging weight (what the beef weighs hanging in the cooler) is about 60% of live weight. With this ratio, 2.25 lb. live translates to $3.75 lb. hanging weight. o Our beef is processed at Thompsons Meat Processing in Floyd. They charge 80 cents per pound of hanging weight, plus $75 per whole, or $37.50 per half or $18.75 per split side. Additional processing fee include: ▪ Burger patties - $1.20 lb. w/ 20 lb. minimum ▪ Single wrapped steaks - $10 per whole, $5 per half, $2.50 per quarter (no additional fee if you select 2 or more steaks per package) ▪ Cubes steak - $12 per whole, $6 per half, $3 per quarter ▪ 0rgans – $10 per whole, $5 per half, $2.50 per quarter Pricing Example for Half: For a 500-pound half of a 1000-pound steer, the purchase price will be $1,125. With an estimated hanging weight of 300 pounds, processing fees will be $277.50, for a total cost of $1,402.50. With a typical yield of 66% of hanging weight, you should take home about 200 pounds of cut beef for a final cost of about $7 lb. Your cost is based on actual live weight and your final yield will depend on exact hanging weight, moisture loss during dry aging, and your specific cut selections.
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