Intelligence Bibliography (last update: October 15, 2016) This bibliography is maintained by Bob de Graaff (The Netherlands). Suggestions for additions or improvements can be sent to:
[email protected]. This bibliography contains only books, reports and websites. Articles are not included. For a list of topics see Contents (below). Sometimes it is open to debate in which category a certain item should be placed. E.g. a book on a Russian agent in a an American intelligence organization could be placed under Russia, the United States, humint or counterintelligence. The user should use his or her own heuristic expertise to search with a bit of imagination. Also the search function on your electronic device may come in handy. Contents General introductions Bibliographies Biographical overviews Encyclopaedias Dictionaries Magazines and periodicals Archives and sources Internetsites Military intelligence Business, competitive and market intelligence Private intelligence and security Tradecraft Historical overviews Second World War Intelligence and security organizations General Africa Australia and New Zealand Austria Belgium Canada China Colonial empires Cuba Eastern Europe European Union France Germany Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Luxembourg Mexico Middle East and Iran NATO 1 The Netherlands Russia Scandinavia South Africa South Asia Southeast Asia Switzerland United Kingdom United States The Vatican International cooperation Cyberint Geoint and imint Humint Osint Psychint Sigint Strategic Intelligence, Early Warning and Surprise Intelligence analysis Dissemination Intelligence failures Codes and cyphers Counterespionage and counterintelligence Denial and deception Covert action Ethics, accountability and oversight Intelligence reforms and a new paradigm General introductions W. Agrell & G.F. Treverton, National Intelligence and Science. Beyond the Great Divide in Analysis and Policy, Oxford 2015 Chr.