144 bus time schedule & line map

144 Castleford - View In Website Mode

The 144 bus line (Castleford - Pontefract) has 6 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Castleford <-> : 5:45 PM (2) Castleford <-> Pontefract: 7:50 AM - 4:55 PM (3) Featherstone <-> Castleford: 7:18 AM (4) Featherstone <-> Pontefract: 7:26 AM (5) Pontefract <-> Ackton: 5:25 PM (6) Pontefract <-> Castleford: 8:10 AM - 4:25 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 144 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 144 bus arriving.

Direction: Castleford <-> Featherstone 144 bus Time Schedule 34 stops Castleford <-> Featherstone Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:45 PM Bus Station Stand A, Castleford Albion Street, Tuesday 5:45 PM

Station Road, Castleford Wednesday 5:45 PM Jessop Street, Castleford Thursday 5:45 PM Lower Oxford St Beancroft Road, Castleford Friday 5:45 PM

Beancroft Road Hugh St, Castleford Saturday 4:55 PM

Beancroft Street Beancroft Rd, Castleford

Beancroft Street Leaf St, Castleford 144 bus Info Falcon Drive Fulmar Rd, Castleford Direction: Castleford <-> Featherstone Stops: 34 Falcon Drive Gannett Close, Castleford Trip Duration: 31 min Falcon Drive, Castleford Line Summary: Bus Station Stand A, Castleford, Station Road, Castleford, Lower Oxford St Beancroft Falcon Dr Sheldrake Road, Castleford Road, Castleford, Beancroft Road Hugh St, Castleford, Beancroft Street Beancroft Rd, Barnes Road Quarry Court, Glasshoughton Castleford, Beancroft Street Leaf St, Castleford, Falcon Drive Fulmar Rd, Castleford, Falcon Drive Quarry Court, Castleford Gannett Close, Castleford, Falcon Dr Sheldrake Road, Leeds Rd Barnes Road, Cutsyke Castleford, Barnes Road Quarry Court, Glasshoughton, Leeds Rd Barnes Road, Cutsyke, Leeds Road Old School Court, Cutsyke, Leeds Rd Leeds Road Old School Court, Cutsyke Granville Street, Cutsyke, Aketon Road Wmc, Cutsyke, Cutsyke Rd Blenheim Way, Cutsyke, Cutsyke Leeds Rd Granville Street, Cutsyke Road Castleford Ln, Cutsyke, Cutsyke Road Leeds Road, England Cemetery, North Featherstone, Church Lane, North Featherstone, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, Aketon Road Wmc, Cutsyke North Featherstone, Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Ackton Close, Ackton, Ackton Cutsyke Rd Blenheim Way, Cutsyke Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton, West End Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton, Ackton Close, Ackton, Ackton Cutsyke Road Castleford Ln, Cutsyke Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone, Cutsyke Road Cemetery, North Featherstone Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone, Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Church Lane, North Featherstone Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone, Green Lane Jardine Ave, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone, Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone, Featherstone Station Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone, Station Lane Walden Home Close, Featherstone Featherstone Station, Featherstone, Station Lane, Featherstone Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone

Ackton Close, Ackton Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton Ackton Hall Crescent, Featherstone Civil Parish

West End Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton West End Avenue, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Close, Ackton Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone

Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone Walden Home Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone Higheld Place, Featherstone Civil Parish

Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Featherstone Carlton Street, Featherstone Civil Parish

Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone

Green Lane Jardine Ave, Featherstone

Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone

Station Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone James Duggan Avenue, Featherstone

Station Lane Featherstone Station, Featherstone Station Lane, Featherstone

Station Lane, Featherstone Short Street, Featherstone Direction: Castleford <-> Pontefract 144 bus Time Schedule 54 stops Castleford <-> Pontefract Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:50 AM - 4:55 PM Bus Station Stand A, Castleford Albion Street, England Tuesday 7:50 AM - 4:55 PM

Station Road, Castleford Wednesday 7:50 AM - 4:55 PM Jessop Street, Castleford Thursday 7:50 AM - 4:55 PM Lower Oxford St Beancroft Road, Castleford Friday 7:50 AM - 4:55 PM

Beancroft Road Hugh St, Castleford Saturday 7:55 AM - 3:55 PM

Beancroft Street Beancroft Rd, Castleford

Beancroft Street Leaf St, Castleford 144 bus Info Falcon Drive Fulmar Rd, Castleford Direction: Castleford <-> Pontefract Stops: 54 Falcon Drive Gannett Close, Castleford Trip Duration: 46 min Falcon Drive, Castleford Line Summary: Bus Station Stand A, Castleford, Station Road, Castleford, Lower Oxford St Beancroft Falcon Dr Sheldrake Road, Castleford Road, Castleford, Beancroft Road Hugh St, Castleford, Beancroft Street Beancroft Rd, Barnes Road Quarry Court, Glasshoughton Castleford, Beancroft Street Leaf St, Castleford, Falcon Drive Fulmar Rd, Castleford, Falcon Drive Quarry Court, Castleford Gannett Close, Castleford, Falcon Dr Sheldrake Road, Leeds Rd Barnes Road, Cutsyke Castleford, Barnes Road Quarry Court, Glasshoughton, Leeds Rd Barnes Road, Cutsyke, Leeds Road Old School Court, Cutsyke Leeds Road Old School Court, Cutsyke, Leeds Rd Granville Street, Cutsyke, Aketon Road Wmc, Cutsyke, Cutsyke Rd Blenheim Way, Cutsyke, Cutsyke Leeds Rd Granville Street, Cutsyke Road Castleford Ln, Cutsyke, Cutsyke Road Leeds Road, England Cemetery, North Featherstone, Church Lane, North Featherstone, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, Aketon Road Wmc, Cutsyke North Featherstone, Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Ackton Close, Ackton, Ackton Cutsyke Rd Blenheim Way, Cutsyke Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton, West End Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton, Ackton Close, Ackton, Ackton Cutsyke Road Castleford Ln, Cutsyke Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone, Cutsyke Road Cemetery, North Featherstone Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone, Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Church Lane, North Featherstone Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone, Green Lane Jardine Ave, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone, Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone, Featherstone Station Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone, Station Lane Walden Home Close, Featherstone Civil Parish Featherstone Station, Featherstone, Station Lane, Featherstone, Pontefract Road, Featherstone, Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone Pontefract Rd Ackworth Road, Featherstone, Pontefract Rd Little Lane, Featherstone, Pontefract Ackton Close, Ackton Road Purston Sports Centre, Purston Jaglin, Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish Pontefract Rd Houndhill Lane, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Road Monkroyd Cottage, Purston Jaglin, Ackton Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton Osgoldcross Crematorium, Purston Jaglin, Wakeeld Ackton Hall Crescent, Featherstone Civil Parish Rd Queens Avenue, Pontefract, Wakeeld Road Kings Mead, Pontefract, Wakeeld Rd Beechwood West End Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton Crescent, Pontefract, Beechwood Avenue West End Avenue, Featherstone Civil Parish Beechwood, Pontefract, Love Ln St Oswalds Ave, Pontefract, Minden Close Halfpenny Lane, Ackton Close, Ackton Pontefract, Halfpenny Lane St Giles Ave, Pontefract, Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish Halfpenny Lane Park Place, Pontefract, Halfpenny Ln Ryder Close, Pontefract, Halfpenny Lane Camp Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone Mount, Pontefract, Stuart Road Colonels Walk, Pontefract, Stuart Road Swimming Baths, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Pontefract, Bus Station, Pontefract Featherstone Walden Home Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone Higheld Place, Featherstone Civil Parish

Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Featherstone Carlton Street, Featherstone Civil Parish

Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone

Green Lane Jardine Ave, Featherstone

Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone

Station Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone James Duggan Avenue, Featherstone

Station Lane Featherstone Station, Featherstone Station Lane, Featherstone

Station Lane, Featherstone Short Street, Featherstone

Pontefract Road, Featherstone Brookway, Featherstone

Pontefract Rd Ackworth Road, Featherstone

Pontefract Rd Little Lane, Featherstone

Pontefract Road Purston Sports Centre, Purston Jaglin

Pontefract Rd Houndhill Lane, Purston Jaglin

Pontefract Road Monkroyd Cottage, Purston Jaglin

Osgoldcross Crematorium, Purston Jaglin

Wakeeld Rd Queens Avenue, Pontefract

Wakeeld Road Kings Mead, Pontefract Drivers Row, Pontefract

Wakeeld Rd Beechwood Crescent, Pontefract

Beechwood Avenue Beechwood, Pontefract Beechwood Avenue, Pontefract

Love Ln St Oswalds Ave, Pontefract

Minden Close Halfpenny Lane, Pontefract Minden Close, Pontefract

Halfpenny Lane St Giles Ave, Pontefract

Halfpenny Lane Park Place, Pontefract Park Avenue, Pontefract

Halfpenny Ln Ryder Close, Pontefract Ryder Close, Pontefract

Halfpenny Lane Camp Mount, Pontefract

Stuart Road Colonels Walk, Pontefract

Stuart Road Swimming Baths, Pontefract

Bus Station, Pontefract Trinity Street, Pontefract Direction: Featherstone <-> Castleford 144 bus Time Schedule 34 stops Featherstone <-> Castleford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:18 AM Station Lane, Featherstone 35 Station Lane, Featherstone Tuesday 7:18 AM

Station Lane Featherstone Station, Featherstone Wednesday 7:18 AM Station Lane, Featherstone Thursday 7:18 AM Station Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone Friday 7:18 AM

Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone Saturday 7:43 AM

Featherstone Lane Dickinson Ter, Featherstone Jardine Avenue, Featherstone Civil Parish

Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone 144 bus Info Direction: Featherstone <-> Castleford Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Stops: 34 Featherstone Trip Duration: 27 min Line Summary: Station Lane, Featherstone, Station Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Lane Featherstone Station, Featherstone, Station Featherstone Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone, Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Dickinson Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Ter, Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone Featherstone, Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Walden Home Close, Featherstone Civil Parish Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone Close, North Featherstone, Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Ackton Close, Ackton, Ackton Close, Ackton Ackton Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton, West End Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton, Ackton Close, Ackton, Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Ackton Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone, Willow Lane Willow Garth, North Ackton Hall Crescent, Featherstone Civil Parish Featherstone, Church Lane, North Featherstone, West End Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton Cutsyke Road Cemetery, North Featherstone, Cutsyke Road Castleford Ln, Cutsyke, Cutsyke Rd West End Avenue, Featherstone Civil Parish Blenheim Way, Cutsyke, Aketon Road Wmc, Cutsyke, Ackton Close, Ackton Leeds Road Old School Ct, Cutsyke, Leeds Rd Barnes Road, Cutsyke, Barnes Road Quarry Court, Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish Glasshoughton, Falcon Dr Sheldrake Road, Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone Castleford, Falcon Drive Gannett Close, Castleford, Falcon Drive Fulmar Rd, Castleford, John Street Beancroft St, Castleford, Beancroft Street Beancroft Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Rd, Castleford, Beancroft Road Hugh St, Castleford, Featherstone Beancroft Road Cambridge St, Castleford, Station Walden Home Close, Featherstone Civil Parish Road, Castleford, Bus Station Stand A, Castleford Willow Lane Willow Garth, North Featherstone Willow Garth, Featherstone Civil Parish

Church Lane, North Featherstone

Cutsyke Road Cemetery, North Featherstone

Cutsyke Road Castleford Ln, Cutsyke Cutsyke Rd Blenheim Way, Cutsyke Cutsyke Road, Featherstone Civil Parish

Aketon Road Wmc, Cutsyke

Leeds Road Old School Ct, Cutsyke Victor Street, England

Leeds Rd Barnes Road, Cutsyke

Barnes Road Quarry Court, Glasshoughton

Falcon Dr Sheldrake Road, Castleford

Falcon Drive Gannett Close, Castleford Falcon Drive, Castleford

Falcon Drive Fulmar Rd, Castleford

John Street Beancroft St, Castleford John Street, England

Beancroft Street Beancroft Rd, Castleford

Beancroft Road Hugh St, Castleford

Beancroft Road Cambridge St, Castleford

Station Road, Castleford Greaves Street, Castleford

Bus Station Stand A, Castleford Albion Street, England Direction: Featherstone <-> Pontefract 144 bus Time Schedule 21 stops Featherstone <-> Pontefract Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:26 AM Station Lane, Featherstone Short Street, Featherstone Tuesday 7:26 AM

Pontefract Road, Featherstone Wednesday 7:26 AM Brookway, Featherstone Thursday 7:26 AM Pontefract Rd Ackworth Road, Featherstone Friday 7:26 AM

Pontefract Rd Little Lane, Featherstone Saturday 7:26 AM

Pontefract Road Purston Sports Centre, Purston Jaglin

Pontefract Rd Houndhill Lane, Purston Jaglin 144 bus Info Direction: Featherstone <-> Pontefract Pontefract Road Monkroyd Cottage, Purston Stops: 21 Jaglin Trip Duration: 15 min Line Summary: Station Lane, Featherstone, Osgoldcross Crematorium, Purston Jaglin Pontefract Road, Featherstone, Pontefract Rd Ackworth Road, Featherstone, Pontefract Rd Little Wakeeld Rd Queens Avenue, Pontefract Lane, Featherstone, Pontefract Road Purston Sports Centre, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Rd Houndhill Wakeeld Road Kings Mead, Pontefract Lane, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Road Monkroyd Cottage, Purston Jaglin, Osgoldcross Crematorium, Drivers Row, Pontefract Purston Jaglin, Wakeeld Rd Queens Avenue, Pontefract, Wakeeld Road Kings Mead, Pontefract, Wakeeld Rd Beechwood Crescent, Pontefract Wakeeld Rd Beechwood Crescent, Pontefract, Beechwood Avenue Beechwood, Pontefract, Love Ln Beechwood Avenue Beechwood, Pontefract St Oswalds Ave, Pontefract, Minden Close Halfpenny Beechwood Avenue, Pontefract Lane, Pontefract, Halfpenny Lane St Giles Ave, Pontefract, Halfpenny Lane Park Place, Pontefract, Love Ln St Oswalds Ave, Pontefract Halfpenny Ln Ryder Close, Pontefract, Halfpenny Lane Camp Mount, Pontefract, Stuart Road Colonels Minden Close Halfpenny Lane, Pontefract Walk, Pontefract, Stuart Road Swimming Baths, Minden Close, Pontefract Pontefract, Bus Station, Pontefract

Halfpenny Lane St Giles Ave, Pontefract

Halfpenny Lane Park Place, Pontefract Park Avenue, Pontefract

Halfpenny Ln Ryder Close, Pontefract Ryder Close, Pontefract

Halfpenny Lane Camp Mount, Pontefract

Stuart Road Colonels Walk, Pontefract

Stuart Road Swimming Baths, Pontefract

Bus Station, Pontefract Trinity Street, Pontefract

Direction: Pontefract <-> Ackton 144 bus Time Schedule 31 stops Pontefract <-> Ackton Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 5:25 PM Bus Station, Pontefract Trinity Street, Pontefract Tuesday 5:25 PM

Stuart Road Swimming Baths, Pontefract Wednesday 5:25 PM

Thursday 5:25 PM Stuart Road Colonels Walk, Pontefract Newport Street, Pontefract Friday 5:25 PM

Halfpenny Lane Camp Mount, Pontefract Saturday 5:25 PM

Halfpenny Ln Ryder Close, Pontefract Ryder Close, Pontefract

Halfpenny Lane St Giles Ave, Pontefract 144 bus Info Direction: Pontefract <-> Ackton Minden Close Halfpenny Lane, Pontefract Stops: 31 Minden Close, Pontefract Trip Duration: 25 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Pontefract, Stuart Road Love Lane St Oswalds Ave, Pontefract Swimming Baths, Pontefract, Stuart Road Colonels Walk, Pontefract, Halfpenny Lane Camp Mount, Beechwood Avenue Beechwood, Pontefract Pontefract, Halfpenny Ln Ryder Close, Pontefract, Beechwood Avenue, Pontefract Halfpenny Lane St Giles Ave, Pontefract, Minden Close Halfpenny Lane, Pontefract, Love Lane St Wakeeld Rd Kings Mead, Pontefract Oswalds Ave, Pontefract, Beechwood Avenue Drivers Row, Pontefract Beechwood, Pontefract, Wakeeld Rd Kings Mead, Pontefract, Wakeeld Rd Queens Avenue, Wakeeld Rd Queens Avenue, Pontefract Pontefract, Osgoldcross Crematorium, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Road Monkroyd Cottage, Purston Osgoldcross Crematorium, Purston Jaglin Jaglin, Pontefract Rd Houndhill Lane, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Road Sports Centre, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Road Monkroyd Cottage, Purston Pontefract Rd Little Lane, Featherstone, Pontefract Jaglin Rd Ackworth Road, Featherstone, Pontefract Road, Featherstone, Station Lane, Featherstone, Station Lane Featherstone Station, Featherstone, Station Pontefract Rd Houndhill Lane, Purston Jaglin Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone, Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Dickinson Pontefract Road Sports Centre, Purston Jaglin Ter, Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone, Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Pontefract Rd Little Lane, Featherstone Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Pontefract Rd Ackworth Road, Featherstone Close, North Featherstone, Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Ackton Close, Ackton, Pontefract Road, Featherstone Ackton Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton, West End Brookway, Featherstone Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton

Station Lane, Featherstone 35 Station Lane, Featherstone

Station Lane Featherstone Station, Featherstone Station Lane, Featherstone

Station Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone

Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone Featherstone Lane Dickinson Ter, Featherstone Jardine Avenue, Featherstone Civil Parish

Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone

Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Featherstone

Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone

Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone Walden Home Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone

Ackton Close, Ackton Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton Ackton Hall Crescent, Featherstone Civil Parish

West End Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton West End Avenue, Featherstone Civil Parish Direction: Pontefract <-> Castleford 144 bus Time Schedule 52 stops Pontefract <-> Castleford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:10 AM - 4:25 PM Bus Station, Pontefract Trinity Street, Pontefract Tuesday 8:10 AM - 4:25 PM

Stuart Road Swimming Baths, Pontefract Wednesday 8:10 AM - 4:25 PM

Stuart Road Colonels Walk, Pontefract Thursday 8:10 AM - 4:25 PM Newport Street, Pontefract Friday 8:10 AM - 4:25 PM

Halfpenny Lane Camp Mount, Pontefract Saturday 8:25 AM - 4:25 PM

Halfpenny Ln Ryder Close, Pontefract Ryder Close, Pontefract

Halfpenny Lane St Giles Ave, Pontefract 144 bus Info Direction: Pontefract <-> Castleford Minden Close Halfpenny Lane, Pontefract Stops: 52 Minden Close, Pontefract Trip Duration: 45 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Pontefract, Stuart Road Love Lane St Oswalds Ave, Pontefract Swimming Baths, Pontefract, Stuart Road Colonels Walk, Pontefract, Halfpenny Lane Camp Mount, Beechwood Avenue Beechwood, Pontefract Pontefract, Halfpenny Ln Ryder Close, Pontefract, Beechwood Avenue, Pontefract Halfpenny Lane St Giles Ave, Pontefract, Minden Close Halfpenny Lane, Pontefract, Love Lane St Wakeeld Rd Kings Mead, Pontefract Oswalds Ave, Pontefract, Beechwood Avenue Drivers Row, Pontefract Beechwood, Pontefract, Wakeeld Rd Kings Mead, Pontefract, Wakeeld Rd Queens Avenue, Wakeeld Rd Queens Avenue, Pontefract Pontefract, Osgoldcross Crematorium, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Road Monkroyd Cottage, Purston Osgoldcross Crematorium, Purston Jaglin Jaglin, Pontefract Rd Houndhill Lane, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Road Sports Centre, Purston Jaglin, Pontefract Road Monkroyd Cottage, Purston Pontefract Rd Little Lane, Featherstone, Pontefract Jaglin Rd Ackworth Road, Featherstone, Pontefract Road, Featherstone, Station Lane, Featherstone, Station Lane Featherstone Station, Featherstone, Station Pontefract Rd Houndhill Lane, Purston Jaglin Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone, Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Dickinson Pontefract Road Sports Centre, Purston Jaglin Ter, Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone, Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Pontefract Rd Little Lane, Featherstone Featherstone, Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone, Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Pontefract Rd Ackworth Road, Featherstone Close, North Featherstone, Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Ackton Close, Ackton, Pontefract Road, Featherstone Ackton Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton, West End Brookway, Featherstone Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton, Ackton Close, Ackton, Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone, Station Lane, Featherstone Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North 35 Station Lane, Featherstone Featherstone, Willow Lane Willow Garth, North Featherstone, Church Lane, North Featherstone, Station Lane Featherstone Station, Featherstone Cutsyke Road Cemetery, North Featherstone, Station Lane, Featherstone Cutsyke Road Castleford Ln, Cutsyke, Cutsyke Rd Blenheim Way, Cutsyke, Aketon Road Wmc, Cutsyke, Station Lane Cedar Walk, Featherstone Leeds Road Old School Ct, Cutsyke, Leeds Rd Barnes Road, Cutsyke, Barnes Road Quarry Court, Green Ln Market Street, Featherstone Glasshoughton, Falcon Dr Sheldrake Road, Castleford, Falcon Drive Gannett Close, Castleford, Featherstone Lane Dickinson Ter, Featherstone Falcon Drive Fulmar Rd, Castleford, John Street Jardine Avenue, Featherstone Civil Parish Beancroft St, Castleford, Beancroft Street Beancroft Rd, Castleford, Beancroft Road Hugh St, Castleford, Featherstone Lane Dixon St, Featherstone Beancroft Road Cambridge St, Castleford, Station Road, Castleford, Bus Station Stand A, Castleford Featherstone Ln Carlton Street, North Featherstone

Featherstone Lane Higheld Close, North Featherstone

Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone Walden Home Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone

Ackton Close, Ackton Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Hall Crescent Warren Drive, Ackton Ackton Hall Crescent, Featherstone Civil Parish

West End Ave Throstle Crest, Ackton West End Avenue, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Close, Ackton Ackton Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Ackton Ln Fairfax Avenue, North Featherstone

Ackton Lane Waldenhowe Close, North Featherstone Walden Home Close, Featherstone Civil Parish

Willow Lane Willow Garth, North Featherstone Willow Garth, Featherstone Civil Parish

Church Lane, North Featherstone

Cutsyke Road Cemetery, North Featherstone

Cutsyke Road Castleford Ln, Cutsyke

Cutsyke Rd Blenheim Way, Cutsyke Cutsyke Road, Featherstone Civil Parish

Aketon Road Wmc, Cutsyke

Leeds Road Old School Ct, Cutsyke Victor Street, England

Leeds Rd Barnes Road, Cutsyke

Barnes Road Quarry Court, Glasshoughton

Falcon Dr Sheldrake Road, Castleford

Falcon Drive Gannett Close, Castleford Falcon Drive, Castleford Falcon Drive Fulmar Rd, Castleford

John Street Beancroft St, Castleford John Street, England

Beancroft Street Beancroft Rd, Castleford

Beancroft Road Hugh St, Castleford

Beancroft Road Cambridge St, Castleford

Station Road, Castleford Greaves Street, Castleford

Bus Station Stand A, Castleford Albion Street, England 144 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved