Masonic Home Journal the Oldest Continuously Published Masonic Newspaper in the United States MASONIC HOME, KENTUCKY 40041 May 2019 135Th Year of Publication Number 8
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Masonic Home Journal The Oldest Continuously Published Masonic Newspaper In The United States MASONIC HOME, KENTUCKY 40041 May 2019 135th Year of Publication Number 8 Kentucky DeMolay Holds Spring Conclave at Lake Cumberland State Park Jamestown, Kentucky, March 22 -24, 2019 — Joshua Ball was elected for the office of State Master Councilor of Kentucky DeMolay at their Spring Conclave held at the Lake Cumberland State Park in Jamestown. Additional officers elected were: Elliott Anderson as Deputy State Master Councilor, Keilen Frazier as State Senior Councilor, and Raice Hunter as State Junior Councilor. In addition to officer elections, the DeMolay chapters throughout the state conducted an initiation ceremony for their newest mem- ber, Kameron B. Robinson of Valley of the Cumberland Chapter as well as inducting Raice Hunter, Justin Kyle Jameson, Matthew Boyd, Cody Price and Shawn Salyers into the DeMolay Knighthood Priory. A basketball tournament consisting of both team and two-on-two competitions was also held. Chapters competing were: Cherokee Chapter (Louisville), Blue Grass Chapter (Lexington), Northern Kentucky Chapter (Covington), Lincoln Chapter (Hodgenville), Twin Lakes Chapter (Leitchfield), Heart of the Highlands Chapter (Paintsville), E.C. Nickles Chapter (Jackson) and Valley of the Cumberland (Columbia). The Celebration of DeMolay International’s 100th year continues throughout this year! DeMolay is an international leadership and character-building organization for young men between the ages of 12 and 21, with sev- eral local chapters in Kentucky. DeMolay promotes civic awareness, personal responsibility, and helps develop friendships among members in over 1,000 chapters worldwide. For more information please contact Greg Coffey at 502-724-0107, [email protected] or visit Page 2 Masonic Home Journal May 2019 Grand Master’s Message My Brothers All, Well the District meetings for 2019 are just about finished, and I hope you were able to attend yours. My hat is off to all my District Depu- ties for a job well done,Thanks Brothers! I hope all the brothers enjoyed the meetings and the exciting news about your new Grand Lodge Office, which I hope was well explained, if not brothers please don’t hesitate to get a hold of me or any of the Grand Lodge Officers to answer your questions you may have. Brothers, just as May has always been the month back home to plant the crops and to enjoy the start of the new green growing season , I hope we have planted good seeds with all the Brethren at our meetings to help make Free Masonry in Kentucky grow statewide. But with that comes work, just as the garden starts to grow and the plants start to shoot up, so does the need to tend to them with loving care, helping them to grow strong, the same work needs to goes into your lodges, please continue to do what you can to help with the growth of your Lodges, so all can enjoy the Gary C. Rose fruits of our labors. Grand Master 2018-2019 As Memorial Day is observed this month, we need to stop and remember each of our loved ones, brothers, friends, and Veterans we have all lost. Honoring Masonic Home Journal their memories as we continue to pray for their friends and families as they The Oldest Continuously grieve for those loss in this their hour of need. Published Masonic Newspaper In The United States I want to personally “Thank all” who has worked so hard,donating there time OFFICIAL ORGAN OF and items to help us make sure “The Grand Master’s Golf Scramble” will be a THE GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY First issue published June 14, 1883 great success. This enables us to continue the support all the events that is spon- Issued the First of Each Month sored by our Veterans Program, giving a little back to those who gave so much. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: It will be held May 11th at The Quail Chase Golf Course in Louisville, KY. For the June Issue is May 5th Published monthly by the Grand Lodge of Kentucky We soon will be headed into the summer months and with that comes the many Masonic Home, KY 40041 outdoor degrees which have been planned all across our great state, please be 502-893-0192 Non-members $8.00 per year. careful in your travels and enjoy the fellowship with your brothers. Resolutions of Respect................................50¢ per Line Lodge Notices and By-Laws Notices.......$1.25 per Line Do good unto all, Directory Notices on Page 14-15............$45.00 per Year General Advertising Rates.........$40.00 per column inch, Fraternally Thine, per issue Gary C. Rose No Classified No Reading Notices Entered post office, Masonic Home, Kentucky 40041 Grand Master of Masons, as third class mail. Grand Lodge of Kentucky F.& A.M. Editor: Jon S. Dawson, PM (239) (502) 541-6953 [email protected] Email Submissions to: [email protected] Submission Guidelines: Digital Photos are the preferred format. 300 DPI (or as large as you can) Please consider your subject matter and lighting. Provide a list of names of the individuals in the photo Word documents are the preferred format for the articles. Please send photos as separate files. Thanks for your help. May 2019 Masonic Home Journal Page 3 May 2019 - District Meetings May 4 - District 30 May 17 - District 5 May 18 - District 7 Meal Noon Meal 6:00 pm Meal Noon District Meeting 1:00 pm District Meeting 7:00 pm District Meeting 1:00 pm Bell Co. High School Jerusalem Lodge #9 AASR West KY Consistory 9824 US Hwy 25 E. 461 Klutey Park Plaza Dr 668 Park Ave, Pineville, KY 40977 Henderson, KY 42420 Madisonville, KY Ladies Welcome Ladies Welcome Ladies Welcome Monzel Slinker, DDGM Patrick Marsee, DDGM Bruce Trice, DDGM May 4 - District 26 May 18 - District 8 Meal 6:00 pm Meal 5:30 pm District Meeting 7:00 pm District Meeting 7:00 pm Clay County H.S. Ohio County 415 Clay County High Rd. Community Center Manchester, KY 40962 130 Washington St #215 Hartford, KY Master Masons Only Ladies Welcome Oscar G. House, DDGM Zach Phelps, DDGM WOW Holds Papers Night William O. Ware Lodge of Research will hold its sec- ond annual “Papers Night” on Wednesday, May 29, at the Scottish Rite Temple, 1553 Madison Avenue, Cov- ington, KY. Dinner will be served at 6:15 pm with the Two meeting starting precisely at 7:30 pm. This is one of the Masonic Events Research Lodge’s most popular programs and allows Saturday, June 29, 2019 members to present their thoughts and ideas about Ma- First sonry, before a friendly audience. The many interesting topics encourage both research and discussion among Lakeland the brethren. Past Masters Society Grand Junior Warden The theme of the Research Lodge for the year is based on the three questions posed by their namesake, Most Candidates Forum Worshipful William O. Ware, on his Installation as 12:00 pm Grand Master, October 17, 1957. Your seven to ten Open to Master Masons Only minute presentation should reflect on one or more of the Forum location is at M.W. Ware’s questions. Clinton Lodge #82 F&AM 100 Masonic Drive What is Freemasonry? Princeton, KY 42445 What Does Freemasonry Mean to Me? Second What Do I mean to Freemasonry? At 6:00 pm everyone is invited to Bardwell Lodge #499 If you have a paper you would like to present, Where we will be Hosting a please notify Sr. Warden Tom Nitschke by email: Grand Jr. Warden [email protected]. Candidates Meet and Greet For Dinner Reservations, email W.M. Dan Kemble Family Dinner at [email protected]. 21 Masonic Dr. Bardwell KY 42023 Dinner is $10.00. Coat and tie required. All Master Masons are invited. For information on other Masonic topics, please visit our web site at Page 4 Masonic Home Journal May 2019 Bike Program and Donations are still going strong Casey Creek Lodge #536. These Brothers present- ed bicycles to the attendance winners at ACES for the second 9 weeks. Congratulations to the winners, Brock Jasper & Jaden Clintock. Seen in photo; back row, l to r, Tony Gabehart - Jr. Stewart, Carper Hayes - Master, Brian DeWitt - Sr. Warden. Front row l to r, Brock Jasper, Jaden McClintock. North Ballard Lodge #537. These Brothers teamed up with the Ballard County food service and performed extraordinary work. The Ballard County Food service has a Summer Food Service program that feeds children who will not be eating over the summer school break otherwise. Our Brothers Delivered over 1100 servings of ice cream alongside the the Ballard County Food Service during this campaign. Our Broth- Shawnee Lodge #830. Bro. Rick Laird and Bro. ers of North Ballard have also given 16 bicycles to the area schools this year alone. David Brooks presented a check for $600 along with Casey Lynn, DDGM D1 several bikes to Kenwood Elementary Boone Union Lodge #304. Master Adam Larkin and Past Master Ed Tanner delivering 18 Bicycles to Shirley Mann Elementary. Amity Lodge #40. As part of the Grand Master’s Excellence Program, we presented bicycles to Cane Ridge Elementary School in Bourbon County. Pic- tured L-R Lesley Brown (Family Resources) Wilson K. Wilder, PGM; Dana Hill (Principle), Bro. Dennie Ritchie, & Paula Forsyth (Attendance) May 2019 Masonic Home Journal Page 5 The Knights Templar My Brothers, you may have heard, seen or read about the Knights The Order of the Red Cross predates the era of the crusades. In this or- Templar, but just who are they, and how does one become a member? der the candidate represents Zerubbabel, whose wisdom in a friendly contest was rewarded by King Darius, and enabled Zerubbabel to re- Well first things first.