Masonic Home Journal
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Masonic Home Journal The Oldest Continuously Published Masonic Newspaper In The United States LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40299 September 2020 136th Year of Publication Number 11 Page 2 Masonic Home Journal September 2020 Grand Master’s Message Greetings Brothers, It is hard to believe that it is already September and our Annual Grand Lodge ses- sion will be here before we know it. Where has this year gone? There have been many questions and concerns about holding our Annual Grand Communication in October. Many jurisdictions have either cancelled or postponed their Grand Com- munications. Due to the circumstances and the uncertainty of the months ahead, the plan going forward is to have a one-day Grand Communication Session at the Galt House scheduled for Monday, October 19, 2020 pending approval from the delegates. Registration will be on Sunday, October 18, 2020 and the morning of Monday, October 19, 2020. With the current restrictions and mandates in place, we will be unable to hold the session at levels that we have been accustomed to in the past. At the present time, due to the health risks associated with COVID-19, attendance will be limited to elected and appointed Grand Lodge Officers, Past Grand Mas- ters, DDGM’s and one delegate from each subordinate Lodge and other essen- tial members needed to conduct the business of the annual session, including the election. Due to limited capacity, the Ritual Competition scheduled for Sunday, Geary F. Laird October 18, 2020 will be cancelled. It is of utmost importance that each lodge has Grand Master 2019-2020 a delegate and is represented at the upcoming Grand Lodge Session. We will be following the CDC guidelines and the Governor’s directives. Masonic Home Journal An abbreviated session with only essential business will be addressed. We will The Oldest Continuously provide lunch to all the delegates in attendance. Unfortunately, it is necessary to Published Masonic Newspaper cancel the John E. Moyers Master Masons Dinner on Monday evening. It is dis- In The United States OFFICIAL ORGAN OF heartening that we are unable to hold this dinner and invite the Appendant Bodies THE GRAND LODGE OF KENTUCKY and other Brothers who regularly attend our Annual Grand Lodge Session, hope- First issue published June 14, 1883 fully this pandemic will soon be a very distant memory. Issued the First of Each Month SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Due to the inability to hold Lodge meetings, we used the internet to host our first For the October Issue is September 5th ever virtual Town Hall meetings as we navigated through the issues due to the Published monthly by the Grand Lodge of Kentucky coronavirus pandemic, keeping the craft apprised of the situation. Also, there were 11620 Commonwealth Drive, Louisville, KY 40299 two virtual Grand Junior Warden Candidate Forums held enabling the craft to meet 502-893-0192 Non-members $8.00 per year. the candidates and ask questions concerning their views for Freemasonry here in Resolutions of Respect................................50¢ per Line Kentucky. Lodge Notices and By-Laws Notices.......$1.25 per Line Directory Notices on Page 14-15............$45.00 per Year As a means to continue our masonic education during the down time, various lodg- General Advertising Rates.........$40.00 per column inch, per issue es and individuals provided Masonic educational material for reference through different web pages including the Grand Lodge Website and I would like to thank No Classified No Reading Notices Entered post office, Masonic Home, Kentucky 40041 all that made this possible. The Committee on Masonic Scholars used this platform as third class mail. to reach out to those who wanted to increase their knowledge pertaining to our Book of Constitution. We have had four hundred thirty members who have passed Editor: Jon S. Dawson, PM (239) (502) 541-6953 [email protected] the constitutional quiz since October 2019. My sincere thanks to the Committee Email Submissions to: on Masonic Scholars for creating an opportunity to continue providing education [email protected] to our members. Submission Guidelines: As I look back over the past year, even after being shut down for several months, Digital Photos are the preferred format. we were still able to accomplish things that enhanced Freemasonry in Kentucky. 300 DPI (or as large as you can) The program that the Committee on Masonic Education provided for us was out- Please consider your subject matter and lighting. Provide a list of names of the individuals in the photo standing. Their passion for our fraternity and its history was evident by the enthu- Word documents are the preferred format for the articles. siasm they had shown and the many hours they put into the program to ensure its Please send photos as separate files. success. My heart-felt thanks to the Committee. Thanks for your help. September 2020 Masonic Home Journal Page 3 Grand Master’s Message Grand Master’s Message (cont.) Many times, I have expressed my passion for our ritual in Freemasonry and after having attended the Ritual Competi- tions in August, it was a pleasure to see others who had that same passion. Masonry teaches many lessons which need to be exemplified in our everyday lives. Now more than ever, Passionate People INSPIRING LIVES we need the lessons of Freemasonry to be more prevalent to overcome the problems we face today. Thank you to the Committee on Ritual Competition and everyone who partici- Congratulations pated in the competition. Brothers, I encourage you to hold lodge, if you can do so Masonic Homes Kentucky safely in order that we may take care of business and prepare would like to welcome for our upcoming Annual Communication Session. Continue Brother Gary C. Rose, PGM, to follow the guidelines in place and if you are sick please and Brother Tim D. remain at home. Thank you for your continued patience and Sanders, PGM, to its Board support. of Directors. Gary and Tim May God continue to bless our great fraternity and may God were elected to fill vacated Bless America! Brothers, as always, I encourage you to BE THAT MASON THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE! board seats. Gary will serve on the board until 2021, and Fraternally Thine, Tim’s tenure will run through Geary F. Laird, 2022. Grand Master of Masons, Grand Lodge of Kentucky F.& A.M. Brother Mark Galloway, Masonic Homes Kentucky Board You are invited to join Member, received his Bronze level apron from First Lady Terri Laird for a the Badge of a Mason Program that started in Ladies Bruncheon 2019. The Badge of a Mason is a program designed to support the Monday, October 19, 2020 Masonic brothers, wives and widows. The at 10:30 a.m. program is open to individual masons and lodges. Thank you so much Brother Galloway Please RSVP by: for your continued support. 10/2/2020 Call : 502 893-0192 Can’t Wait to See You Stop by the Masonic Homes Kentucky Hope to see you there! Hospitality Suite at Grand Communication. We’ll be in the Azalea room, on the West side of the Galt House, second floor from 8 am-4 pm. On The Cover CORPORATE RESOURCE Established in 1867 Earlier this year the Masonic Homes Kentucky had the op- CENTER as the first Masonic portunity of providing dinner for the active shift at Camp- Masonic Homes Kentucky home of its kind. 330 Masonic Home Drive bellsville/Taylor County EMS. The meal was provided in Masonic Home, Ky 40041 866.764.6631 / 502.259.9627 honor of our first responders. Pictured here are; Major Bill Bemis of CTCEMS and the Masonic Homes Ambassador, Steven Dotson. Page 4 Masonic Home Journal September 2020 NOMINEES FOR ELECTION OF DIRECTORS The Annual Meeting of the Masonic Homes Kentucky, will be held at the Galt House Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky, on Monday, October 19, 2020. At that time, five Directors will be elected to serve the Corporation for a term of three years. The Board of Directors has reviewed the applications submitted for consideration, and has approved and certified their submission to the Membership of the Corporation for election at the Annual Meeting of the membership in October. The five nominees receiving the most votes at the Annual Meeting shall be declared elected. A brief biography and photograph of each nominee follows in no paticular order: Lodge/Affiliations: Stephensburg Masonic Lodge No. Lodge/Affiliations: Symsonia Lodge No. 917, PM 212; Franklin Crossroads (Master 1974) (1993, 2008, 2009), Secretary (2012 - Current) District Deputy Grand Master for District 13 in 1977- Trustee (1993, 2008 - 2009) 78; Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Kentucky, October By-Laws Committee (2013, 2019) Finance Commit- 2000-2001 tee (2015 – Present); Marlin White Lodge of Research Life Member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, #997 Valley of Louisville District Deputy Grand Master – District 2 (2014- Edmonds Chapter No. 83, RAM; Lebanon Council No. 2015); Scottish Rite, 32°, Valley of Madisonville 56, RSM; Marion Commandery No. 24, Knights Templar York Rite Bodies: Lindsay Chapter No. 69; May- HAROLD E. Kosair Shrine Temple, Louisville Kentucky; Red Cross WILLIAM D. field Council No. 39; Mayfield Commandery No. 49 ARMSTRONG of Constantine, Louisville Kentucky VINSON, JR. Knights Templar Elizabethtown, KY Demolay Legion of Honor, Life Member; Honorary Symsonia, KY Lakeland Past Master Society, Life Member and Membership in several Masonic Lodges President; Masonic Homes of Kentucky, Inc., Life Life Member Society of Past Masters, Northern, Southern and Central Ken- Member;