Masonic Token
MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VoLUME 5. PORTLAND, ME., MAY 15, 1915. No. 32. Published quarterly by Stephen Berry Co., maul to be used in laying the corner stone 12 Sanger N. Annis, Waterville. of a new Masonic Temple, and that its safe 13 Carl C. Piper, Fairfield. No. 37 Plum Street, Portland, Maine. 14 Fred E. Ward, Freeport. arrival was acknowledged, a noteworthy 15 Fred E. Trefethen, Wilton. Twelve cts. per year in advance. illustration of the efficiency of the postal 16 John M. Holland, Dixfield. Established March, 1867. - - 48th Year. service. He also said this was the 60th year 17 Edgar F. Caswell, Gorham. 18 James W. Eastman, Fryeburg. he had occupied the secretary’s desk, a strik 19 J. Burton Roberts, Goodwin’s Mills. Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for ing record. 20 Pitt H. Jones, Springfield. half an inch for one year. The report on returns showed 30,884 mem 21 Edwin F. Clapham, West Sullivan. N0 advertisement recei ved unless the advertiser, 22 Benjamin S. Mathews, Pittsfield. or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in bers, a gain of 590. The initiates were 1,392 23 Frank D. Fenderson, Limerick. good standing. and the deaths 592. 24 William H. Hartshorn, Lewiston. At noon the Grand Lodge called off until 25 Samuel R. Crabtree, Island Falls. Love and I. 2 P. M. Gr. Chaplains—Revs. William H. Fultz, Portland; David L. Wilson, Bath; I. James Tuesday Aftemoon, May 4th. Merry, Kittery; Henry E. Dunnack, Au- Love and I went wandering all on a summer day, gusta; Ashley A.
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