Pioneer 10 Displayed in the Smithsonian
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NallOJ1~tlAeroJ I~]tlh(]s and St)riceAdnllrllstrailon Ames ResearchCenter blofletlF lelCl Calitomla 94(.)55 VOLUME XIX NUMBER 7 January13,1977 NASA to select new astronauts Pioneer10 displayedin the Smithsonian An e~:gineering:est mode} Pioneer ]0, die fir~: moons It made a variet~ of discoveriesabout Jupi- ,,pa¢~’craftto reach the giant p]anel Jupiter. ",,,’as I’,Ul ter’s magnetic field, radiationbelts and weather. on displa.,,m the NalionalAir and Space Museum el Findings about the latter >hould help shed more the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. D.( . on lighl on the d{fficuh problems of Earth"s highly Monday. Jan l0 unstable’,~eather and climate. Pioneerwill .ioiii ApolloI I. the Wright Brothers Pioneer10% twin spacecralt.Pioneer I I. iden:i,¢al [:lyer and Lindbergh’s Spirit of St LoLds in the tn the spacecral!being p~aced m the Smilhsonian’~Mi]¢shmes of ::]ighlHall. now making the first trip Io Saitlrn. Pioneer 11 Speaker>aa the, brief dedicationceremonl, at the added greatly Io Jupiter’_*knowledge b3 taking the Air and Space MtlSei.lll:were Dr Jail:asC. Flelcher. first look at ~.he planet’spolar regions{not visible NASA A,dniinis{rat{~r:Charles F tlal}.Pioneer Pr(n- ~rom Eaethi.and the l’/rs{closenp pictures of two of e~l Manager; Adolph Thic] Senior Vice Prc~idenl. the four large Jovian me<ms TRla Michael f’ollms. Apollo If As{ronaul and Pioneer II surpassed Pioneer 10"s record flyb) Director of the m:lxeum: and l)r John Wolle. Pio- speed of" 131.000km (82.000rail per hour. reaching neer Prctiec:Scientist f.;dest’, inclkidcd members of a speedof I "~ I .000k nl( ~tG-.OO0mi) as R passedthe Congressrepresentative~ from ";ASA field ,:enters. planet in December 1974 A t~.w weeks ago, follow- NAS,~, Headquar!ers. and the [nerg3 Research and mg its ~upiler-Saturnllightpath. 1~0 million km I)e~elopnlen t Ad ministration r l00 million mit above H~e plane containing ihe Pitlneerl0 made lhe first <,r, il ~o Jtlpll.¢r]i: planels,Pioneer I i discoveredthe structureof the I)eccmhei IS-3 and discovered thai the eilormou, Sun’. magneticfield, a find which ma~, have a major planel i~ a huge ~hirling hail of ]~quid hbdrogcn mipact on particlephysics, with ils many eflectson ~iHt no perc~pliblesurface Pioneer al~o r~=lurned real!;and on L:nder~,tandingthe bi]]ionsoi Sun-like :he firsl do~etlp~ie,a of :he colorfulplanet wilh iI~ sIarcin the :inner,e,.;uggesting a relative]:,simple huge red eye. arid of Iwo el it-. lout plancl-sized internal>truct:~re for Sun and ’,tars I t 2 Ames ResearchCenter New searchcapability at Ames libraries A powerfulnew key to the literatureof scienceand tecffnologyis now availableto NASA Ames Research Centeremployees a{ lhe LibraryBranch. It is Lockheed’sDIALOG on-line information systenl. Using techniques c]oselyrelated to thoseused it: operatingNASA’~ own in-houseretrieval s).stem, RECON. {he Librarystaff can search50 databases containing references to materiaEof valueto aanlostevery research program at Ames. Of thedata bases, the I’ol[owing have been el’greatest interest: BIOSISPREI’IIII’S contains cilations from bothBioI,~gi~a[ Abstracts and Hh~rcscareh~ lq72prescntl Cd (O\:DEVSATES is the conap~ter-readablefi]e corresponding to tile prinledChemical Ahstra{ts. I [o7{l prose I1 t I COMtV:’\OF~"iv the nlachine-readab[eversion o( the EngineeringIndex. (107{) present LVSPEC-PItYSICShlcludes pllysics abstracts altd [VSPt:’(’-FIt’C & (Y)alPUT inch~des electr{cat and elec- tronicsabstracts an¢l, Conlputer and control ab~,tract:~. ~ t ~l(~c~ pre~ent IS:.~IECab:~t~acrs signil’icant articles el interestin inechanica~engineering ~ 1073 presents .~t:TdDt:Xincludes .tletat~ -Ib~gra( t~ a~ld-libels l*edcv. { I q(~!~present: qtl~;~ hrdrv frill11 1~]741 \TIS data base consis~.~, el go~t.,rnnlellt-sponxored leseatda, de*elopn/eltl, al~d engilwerlng report, lrom aw~tciessnch a~ DDC. ERDA. and DOT {1q~,4 presen[I PSY(TJO’LO(;ICdLABSTR. ICZS covers the world’s Ideraturem pL~cboh/g3:,ud related hehavilwa] scie~wcs{ ] St,7present I SCISL..IRC[tb, a multidiscipltnaryindexto theIJteratLire of ",ciclqce and lechl]O]Og~,. It ’,olllzlt]ls[ll~ 1]1c nlaterialpktblis]led in Seie~?ee Cigatic*~r lnde.x and additional record., ~r~tl~ ihc ()trrcnt (3~t&*h’~ sertcs publicationsnot inck~dedin the printededition of S(7.!1974 prcsent Tbrot~ghNASA Headquarters"System Developmen* (orporatmn Search Ser~icc. kI~/c~ Libraries aLst* can gJ~c NASAenlph)yees access to additionalmachine-retrievable data ba~,cs,el partJc~darinterest a~c GkORk!an~ index to the geosciencesprodttced b~, the a.nleHca~Ge(~logic:d [I7Nli~LJ[c’ [l~){* present) SSl£O\-L/\E SFAI’,(JI SI:R 17(’/the SmithsonianScience In~orlTsat~(nl J!xchange’s regiqly oi int~*rma- lionon researchin progressthroughout the L nitcdStale’.. tgLLiS [tl-d pre’~eu{~ If therei> a rnachh~eIheratttre search m your{uturc. drop by [l~elihrarx or she ~l a cal~{Main t.ibr~r~, ext 5157:L]~e Sciences Library. ext. 5387) AMRDL employees honored Shuttlebooster Fhe membersof the U.S. Army Air M(}hilit}R&D Laborator}(.~,’~{RI)L). recci~ed special recognJuon tr~nu the LaboraioryDirector. Dr. RichardM. Carlson,durhrg sperms cerenlonies held m I)ecembe~at the[ abe*rarely. contractawarded Headquarters.Ames Research Center. Mofletl [ icld.California. NASA has selectedUnited Space Boosters,Inc. (USBJ)of Sunnyvaleta wholly-ownedsubsidiary [!nitedTechnologies Corp.I. as the assembl)con- tractorfor the SpaceShuttle Solid Rocket Booster ISRB) A cost-plus-awardqeecontract has been ilegoti- ated for $]22 mill/onwhich includesthe maximum potentialaward fee. The contractis for six design. developmenLtest and evaluationI DDT&EIfl]g]lts whichextend through March lq80 pill:,options for 2 I operationalflights extending into a ~t82 The boosterassembly eo111racl covers all nece’,- .,aryactivities at MarshallSpace Flight Center and KennedySpace Center.Fla Thefbgt el sixorbital flight tests ts scheduleda’~r thesecond quarter o| l t A7~) andoperatiortal flights beginin lgg0. USBI will be responsibleto the MarshallCenter ~or a~sembly,checkout and relurbishmentof Ille boostersand to KennedyCenter t;:)r final assembly. stacking,integrated checkout, launch operations and post-launchdisassemNy of the boosters The Space Shtattleis to be launchedtlsing its three lnaillengines ~Htd two boostersoperating togetherThe boosters,upoB burnout at an altitude ~f abotn43.5 km 127roll will be separatedand will descendb). parachi~te to throcean for retrievala~d reuse.The SpaceShuts\" boosters are designedfor L to R: Dr. Carbon:(back row) LorraineC Vernon.Persom~ef 31anagement Specialist who receiveda Qtmlio use 20 times Stephlcrease, George K ..~h,r~ha~t, Chwf; Polio’. Plans’. aim Program~ Ot lk’e.reeen’ed a c.ert~/k azc [br a~ cttutu&t ALsom competitivenegotiations for the contract ing2,000 hottrs sick leal’e. Mike KodanL Program .4~tat.l’~t. receil’ed a pin uud ~ ¢,rt(/i~ate ;br 10 i’ear~]~,dera] were McDonnellDouglas Astronautics Co., Hunting- service;attd (jD2nt r~)w) (~ll, Jn Lee,Program Anah’st, receg"ed a e erti[icale(c~r acl’unittlalJ¢lg ].O(JD /iour~ ton Beach and Boeing Services International. leaveat~d Beverley McDarLs’. Management Axsistaot. Pegvontlt,? Ser~,ic’u.v ()f])~ u~ wascited [br herOur~tagtding Seattle, Pe([brman~’e. rater 3 Vikingsresume activity on Mars Vikingspacecraft have resumedactivity on Mars approachesis: the Northernhenlisphere. As s~ml- after a month-tonghibernation resulting from the mer approachesin the southernhemisphere, the Sail’Spartial blackout of Viking-to-EarthCOlttlllkllti- scientistsMso will watch the recessiooof the ~seareh cations. South pNar hood. These data will contribute mklues The first of a seriesof radio commandsto the greatlyto our tmderstandingof the atmosphere C7tlLDREN’S CItRISTMAS E4RTY Over one aft"can thousandchildren came to this year’sChristmas spacecraftwas sent early this week.ordering the and surfaceof Mars. VikingOrbiters Io resumephotographic and infrared partyalong with their parents and enloyed gifts, ba~- coverageof the planet’ssurface On Thursdayand ¯ Viking Orbiler I will continuephotogr;~phmg ~oons,downs, marionette shows, carolJers and a visil Friday, December1b and 17, the first commands severalareas of tileplanet, as wellas conducting wilh Santaand Mrs. Claus as well as refreshments and a "moonwalk.’ None of this wouldbe possible werescheduled to be sentto [hetwo Viking~anders, infraredthermal mapping and atmosphericwater withoutthe many vohmteerswho help each year to ordermgtbenl to continnegathering Mar,. data at a detectionntcastirenlents throughout the Martian put this part}’together The ARA ExecutiveBoard low rate tn!tilJanuary and ~o hegin playbackon da~and nigilt. December20 of the data gatheredduring the black- receivedthe followingmessage front Dr Marxwhich ¯ Bmlog}e×perimenls on hol]l landerswill corn we wouldlike to passalong to allof yea. out period.[hese data include lin’dted pho¢ographs IJnue,with ~resh 4oil to he deliveredin lateJan- el the arcn:~around Ihe }we ] data. "] tin very pleasedlo have this opportunityIo uarv and Febrtlar}.inorganic chenlica~ anaJyse~ thankal~ el thosewho participatedill this year’-, inorganicchemical anMysis data, data to sttpport the c>i treshsoils will conlinll~.n with emphasis on Ames ChristmasPart} The annualChristmasparty ~; farullstJccesstu~ search for Mars qt~akes Llsing the acqniringMartian pehble~ Ior inorganic analysis, a seisnxnneteron Lander 2, and continuedbiology is an Jmporlantevent for the Cen~erand we lit feat not acconlplisheddcsring earlier mission appreciatethe work done by thosewho organizedit data. phases. The iesnnlptionol acti~it)marks the begd’ming and preparedfor it. All of us who ul~endedthe partyenjoyed the part},~ery much and it was obvi- el Vikieg’sI~,-monlh "vxteuded inissicm.’" durmg ¯ Botil\iking lander~ ~i1] continue monitoring tile Otl-~ lhai much planningand hard work went into ~,hJch:~ ~arieD,tl~ expelhnents will lie conducted dtillesaround the spacccraH:rod I|leMars ~ind makingil st,<cessitd’* HancMarJ. "ltlest" iilcludc speedand direction,searching for e~idenecot tbc OnrspecJaJ thank< also I{1: easelel a dus~storm Vikingscienfi:,tsareapprc- ¯ takingr11~r~ pbolt~graph% lernperutl~rc ob~Tva hensi~eover file pos~dbi[it$ of a planetwidedttst TheRaffle Ticket sellers.