
NallOJ1~tlAeroJ I~]tlh(]s and St)riceAdnllrllstrailon Ames ResearchCenter blofletlF lelCl Calitomla 94(.)55

VOLUME XIX NUMBER 7 January13,1977 NASA to select new Pioneer10 displayedin the Smithsonian

An e~:gineering:est mode} Pioneer ]0, die fir~: It made a variet~ of discoveriesabout Jupi- ,,pa¢~’craftto reach the giant p]anel . ",,,’as I’,Ul ter’s magnetic field, radiationbelts and weather. on displa.,,m the NalionalAir and Space Museum Findings about the latter >hould help shed the Smithsonian Institution, Washington. D.( . on lighl on the d{fficuh problems of "s highly Monday. Jan l0 unstable’,~eather and climate. Pioneerwill .ioiii ApolloI I. the Wright Brothers Pioneer10% twin spacecralt.Pioneer I I. iden:i,¢al [:lyer and Lindbergh’s of St LoLds in the tn the spacecral!being p~aced m the Smiihsonian.is Smilhsonian’~Mi]¢shmes of ::]ighlHall. now making the first trip Saitlrn. Speaker>aa the, brief dedicationceremonl, at the added greatly Io Jupiter’_*knowledge b3 taking the Air and Space MtlSei.lll:were Dr Jail:asC. Flelcher. first look at ~.he planet’spolar regions{not visible NASA A,dniinis{rat{~r:Charles F tlal}.Pioneer Pr(n- ~rom Eaethi.and the l’/rs{closenp pictures of two of e~l Manager; Adolph Thic] Senior Vice Prc~idenl. the four large Jovian metruct:~re for Sun and ’,tars

I t 2 Ames ResearchCenter

New searchcapability at Ames libraries

A powerfulnew key to the literatureof scienceand tecffnologyis now availableto NASA Ames Research Centeremployees a{ lhe LibraryBranch. It is Lockheed’sDIALOG on-line information systenl. Using techniques c]oselyrelated to thoseused it: operatingNASA’~ own in-houseretrieval s).stem, RECON. {he Librarystaff can search50 databases containing references to materiaEof valueto aanlostevery research program at Ames. Of thedata bases, the I’ol[owing have been el’greatest interest:

BIOSISPREI’IIII’S contains cilations from bothBioI,~gi~a[ Abstracts and Hh~rcscareh~ lq72prescntl

Cd (O\:DEVSATES is the conap~ter-readablefi]e corresponding to tile prinledChemical Ahstra{ts. I [o7{l prose I1 t I

COMtV:’\OF~"iv the nlachine-readab[eversion o( the EngineeringIndex. (107{) present LVSPEC-PItYSICShlcludes pllysics abstracts altd [VSPt:’(’-FIt’C & (Y)alPUT inch~des electr{cat and elec- tronicsabstracts an¢l, Conlputer and control ab~,tract:~. ~ t ~l(~c~ pre~ent

IS:.~IECab:~t~acrs signil’icant articles el interestin inechanica~engineering ~ 1073 presents .~t:TdDt:Xincludes .tletat~ -Ib~gra( t~ a~ld-libels l*edcv. { I q(~!~present: qtl~;~ hrdrv frill11 1~]741

\TIS data base consis~.~, el go~t.,rnnlellt-sponxored leseatda, de*elopn/eltl, al~d engilwerlng report, lrom aw~tciessnch a~ DDC. ERDA. and DOT {1q~,4 presen[I PSY(TJO’LO(;ICdLABSTR. ICZS covers the world’s Ideraturem pL~cboh/g3:,ud related hehavilwa] scie~wcs{ ] St,7present I

SCISL..IRC[tb, a multidiscipltnaryindexto theIJteratLire of ",ciclqce and lechl]O]Og~,. It ’,olllzlt]ls[ll~ 1]1c nlaterialpktblis]led in Seie~?ee Cigatic*~r lnde.x and additional record., ~r~tl~ ihc ()trrcnt (3~t&*h’~ sertcs publicationsnot inck~dedin the printededition of S(7.!1974 prcsent

Tbrot~ghNASA Headquarters"System Developmen* (orporatmn Search Ser~icc. kI~/c~ Libraries aLst* can gJ~c NASAenlph)yees access to additionalmachine-retrievable data ba~,cs,el partJc~darinterest a~c

GkORk!an~ index to the geosciencesprodttced b~, the a.nleHca~Ge(~logic:d [I7Nli~LJ[c’ [l~){* present)

SSl£O\-L/\E SFAI’,(JI SI:R 17(’/the SmithsonianScience In~orlTsat~(nl J!xchange’s regiqly oi int~*rma- lionon researchin progressthroughout the L nitcdStale’.. tgLLiS [tl-d pre’~eu{~

If therei> a rnachh~eIheratttre search m your{uturc. drop by [l~elihrarx or she ~l a cal~{Main t.ibr~r~, ext 5157:L]~e Sciences Library. ext. 5387) AMRDL employees honored

Shuttlebooster Fhe membersof the U.S. Army Air M(}hilit}R&D Laborator}(.~,’~{RI)L). recci~ed special recognJuon tr~nu the LaboraioryDirector. Dr. RichardM. Carlson,durhrg sperms cerenlonies held m I)ecembe~at the[ abe*rarely. contractawarded Headquarters.. Mofletl [ icld.. NASA has selectedUnited Space Boosters,Inc. (USBJ)of Sunnyvaleta wholly-ownedsubsidiary [!nitedTechnologies Corp.I. as the assembl)con- tractorfor the SpaceShuttle Solid Rocket Booster ISRB) A cost-plus-awardqeecontract has been ilegoti- ated for $]22 mill/onwhich includesthe maximum potentialaward fee. The contractis for six design. developmenLtest and evaluationI DDT&EIfl]g]lts whichextend through March lq80 pill:,options for 2 I operationalflights extending into a ~t82 The boosterassembly eo111racl covers all nece’,- .,aryactivities at MarshallSpace Flight Center and KennedySpace Center.Fla Thefbgt el sixorbital flight tests ts scheduleda’~r thesecond quarter o| l t A7~) andoperatiortal flights beginin lgg0. USBI will be responsibleto the MarshallCenter ~or a~sembly,checkout and relurbishmentof Ille boostersand to KennedyCenter t;:)r final assembly. stacking,integrated checkout, launch operations and post-launchdisassemNy of the boosters The Space Shtattleis to be launchedtlsing its three lnaillengines ~Htd two boostersoperating togetherThe boosters,upoB burnout at an altitude ~f abotn43.5 km 127roll will be separatedand will descendb). parachi~te to throcean for retrievala~d reuse.The SpaceShuts\" boosters are designedfor L to R: Dr. Carbon:(back row) LorraineC Vernon.Persom~ef 31anagement Specialist who receiveda Qtmlio use 20 times Stephlcrease, George K ..~h,r~ha~t, Chwf; Polio’. Plans’. aim Program~ Ot ’e.reeen’ed a c.ert~/k azc [br a~ cttutu&t ALsom competitivenegotiations for the contract ing2,000 hottrs sick leal’e. Mike KodanL Program .4~tat.l’~t. receil’ed a pin uud ~ ¢,rt(/i~ate ;br 10 i’ear~]~,dera] were McDonnellDouglas Astronautics Co., Hunting- service;attd (jD2nt r~)w) (~ll, Jn Lee,Program Anah’st, receg"ed a e erti[icale(c~r acl’unittlalJ¢lg ].O(JD /iour~ ton Beach and Boeing Services International. leaveat~d Beverley McDarLs’. Management Axsistaot. Pegvontlt,? Ser~,ic’u.v ()f])~ u~ wascited [br herOur~tagtding Seattle, Pe([brman~’e. rater 3 Vikingsresume activity on Mars

Vikingspacecraft have resumedactivity on Mars approachesis: the Northernhenlisphere. As s~ml- after a month-tonghibernation resulting from the mer approachesin the southernhemisphere, the Sail’Spartial blackout of Viking-to-EarthCOlttlllkllti- scientistsMso will watch the recessiooof the ~seareh cations. South pNar hood. These data will contribute mklues The first of a seriesof commandsto the greatlyto our tmderstandingof the atmosphere C7tlLDREN’S CItRISTMAS E4RTY Over one aft"can thousandchildren came to this year’sChristmas spacecraftwas sent early this week.ordering the and surfaceof Mars. VikingOrbiters Io resumephotographic and infrared partyalong with their parents and enloyed gifts, ba~- coverageof the planet’ssurface On Thursdayand ¯ Viking Orbiler I will continuephotogr;~phmg ~oons,downs, marionette shows, carolJers and a visil Friday, December1b and 17, the first commands severalareas of tileplanet, as wellas conducting wilh Santaand Mrs. Claus as well as refreshments and a "moonwalk.’ None of this wouldbe possible werescheduled to be sentto [hetwo Viking~anders, infraredthermal mapping and atmosphericwater withoutthe many vohmteerswho help each year to ordermgtbenl to continnegathering Mar,. data at a detectionntcastirenlents throughout the Martian put this part}’together The ARA ExecutiveBoard low rate tn!tilJanuary and ~o hegin playbackon da~and nigilt. December20 of the data gatheredduring the black- receivedthe followingmessage front Dr Marxwhich ¯ Bmlog}e×perimenls on hol]l landerswill corn we wouldlike to passalong to allof yea. out period.[hese data include lin’dted pho¢ographs IJnue,with ~resh 4oil to he deliveredin lateJan- el the arcn:~around Ihe }we ]~nders.weather data. "] tin very pleasedlo have this opportunityIo uarv and Febrtlar}.inorganic chenlica~ anaJyse~ thankal~ el thosewho participatedill this year’-, inorganicchemical anMysis data, data to sttpport the c>i treshsoils will conlinll~.n with emphasis on Ames ChristmasPart} The annualChristmasparty ~; farullstJccesstu~ search for Mars qt~akes Llsing the acqniringMartian pehble~ Ior inorganic analysis, a seisnxnneteron Lander 2, and continuedbiology is an Jmporlantevent for the Cen~erand we lit feat not acconlplisheddcsring earlier mission appreciatethe work done by thosewho organizedit data. phases. The iesnnlptionol acti~it)marks the begd’ming and preparedfor it. All of us who ul~endedthe partyenjoyed the part},~ery much and it was obvi- el Vikieg’sI~,-monlh "vxteuded inissicm.’" durmg ¯ Botil\iking lander~ ~i1] continue monitoring tile Otl-~ lhai much planningand hard work went into ~,hJch:~ ~arieD,tl~ expelhnents will lie conducted dtillesaround the spacccraH:rod I|leMars ~ind makingil st,- formingthe ]kmgarinto Santa’s Village, ¯ triggeringsuch storm~ At the limeof the arrixal SkLl(~ph/g~lp tnlHc’ ,,tlil ~,dlnplcs ior [de dcl~’clJon AI~ Ihe volunteerentertainer:,, downs, pup- tehl4alld ]nolgai/ic chemical alla~}sis o~ Marinerb at Mars in ]qrl, the entireplanet peteers,gift wrappers, and givers. ~a~ engull)dm the lllCystnlassi~c dust ,4orm d7 O~arhelicopter pi~ot who delivered Santa and ¯ ~’h~llilOrlnglol>eiMnic v’~enp. t}lChislor) oi Marsobsen’ations ]he den’d+) Mrs Claussalel} lo the Hangardoor, lilt:dust xevcrel?, limited observations from orbit ¯ Ob,

A (rub< presentationwd! be ~cn in the Space Travelingby air? SciencesM~ditoriun] ol~ 2 Feb -7. slaFling 21 -30 p~ll Fihns ’liltalso he showu at file Happ} ]lmlr in the Ca~eleriaon Ig Feb -7 PI atN IO BE Watch those matches! ~.] ONE OFTH[ PRESt-NTATIONS Rcccnl]}lhc Ileparlrnenlo{ TranspoTIallon i~suedthi<; pre~s rele~se: "]heFeder:d .,\vl;ition ,\dminislration leccntly ~:nnedai] Ira~eh.rs I1~:~1 i~ bothis dangerousand CertifiedEngineering TechnicianExam ilDgaito can~,loose book m:~lchcs ill their h~ggage ""lllC’agcncx said Ihc inal~hc~ could ignllk’ in a tlcclrkalarm l-lit’ellethic ~ ngirlt’crh]g Technician-, and profcssiormlismavailable lu FTs.Cerlification ~tlilcascand :qail ;I ~nlnldcrhlgfncIll;t1 kotlld I/li~l q~ctuldt~cgdl prepcllir]g lol the Mat. J O-=Certified [’,reqLlired h}. inane, emplo}er, o~ Electric:it}ngi- Ira~’]Lq’~ pci4Ollal I~ulangnigsMtneovcr. there [:nginecringTv’chrlJcian ((’Fli t’xanlinatk’~n spon- neeringTechnicians. and nil)enable I:T% lob) pas~ dwaysi~ a danger,al a sinai[fire hecomi~g a large soredt~} flit Nalional Society of Prol)sqo~nall!ngi- co[17pan}ornp[o?,lllCnt C’~alrlllla{iOl~> (HIe tn l]iggL’lIlllg all exp~osi(in on all ;drcral[ necr,.The (~-hotnex;nnination cohering n7alhe- In addition1o ElectricalEngineering lechnic{anx flight. nlalics,physical scieuce. ;tlld b:~.ic engincerhlg prm- ccIH]i,dMioI3is xt[oI7g]) r¢comnlended l~.~a staper- "Personswho carr} loosebook nlatchcsin their ctplesas wellas elcclfiealand electroni~ engineering ~isor~ot ~:T’~.qualil3 d>~tlral?cc el}specters, festers carry-lm Ol checkedhi~nage a]4o arc subjccl to t’incs is Opel1 nn]v Io eugincclielg Icdn7iclans (;ladkla~c>. and troubD>hootersaorking ~ilh electrical,e~cc- I(ircarrying ilazardous nRllCl-ials oliboltrd air aircra]l of 4-}Citl engineering progr:uns nlay no1 lake }he 11 OhiO,and electro-mechanical devices irlviolation of FAAregtdalions eXalll [:o~ moremlorniaiion on the CFT! icenscapp[i- "q’hc[~2nalty l~.lt ~iolation tll" the reguhllion b, a The (’1:1License is rccogni;edi~ational]}: iecer calioI)s, and ]e% ic%% CO{ll-~cs forthe exam. contact; Ihleot up Io $1(I.000.Tf crimhla]ink’lll C~II1 ht’ ~ilicatJon Jg IlOI ncccs4ur} ~hcn lno~Hig 1o ~lntsthci MichaelR [kldehurg.P.I-., Progrdn? [)ir~’ctor.Pro prow,d. lhenlaxinnlnl pemllt} is :~ $25,000Fine, five slaIe.(erlificafion as :in [-ngilleering ’]echmcian i~. lcssionai~ngincermg Registration Program, P.O. yearsiu prison,ol bolh" tlk’only official recognilion of abili~}, achievemel~t, BOX~{ ]. San (’aries,CA o407£1.{415t 5o3-o731. 4 AmesResearch Center Nat~ol

q Spac~ Ame~ Ames PromotionPlan vacancies Want ads Moffe Notice Areaof Closing No, Title Grade Or~, Consideration Oate Transportation ~ONE FOR SALE: 1973 Yamaha 360 MX. SI90 Needs enginework, transmissionperfec:L Call after 6. TO APPLY:Carl Extension 5599 or 5600 253-2687.

MERIT PROMOTION PLAN SELECTIONS 1972 Buick Skylark Ctlstom, V8, PS, AT, AC, 75K mi. $1950,offer. Hirose, 967-4700. Notice VOLU~ No. Title Org. Name FOR SALE: "71 TOYOTA MARK II Wagon 56,000males.good shape.$800/best offer. (’all 77-21 AerospaceEngineer FSN RonaldHe= 262-0777. AI3 76-147T SupervisoryHigh Altitude Aircraft Facility Manager SEH Cancelled For Sale:1968 Chevy Caprice.low mileage158KL 4 door,g cyl. AM-EM,auto-transmission, power steer- UseI ing,etc. 5900. Bill Mehler, 322-3951. tieevol gravitat FOR SALE: 1972 BMW R75,’5 Fully equipped 1or in 3 spa touring.Extra parts, helmets. Ask for Dan Grlger foran a evenings.274-1944 The dynami O ¯ , Bt ck W Idea. PB, PS. A]-.AC, goodworking car with el $550.Avaiklble in Feb Hirose,967-4790 34imer ¢onsis~ ~omM;

Piom Miscellaneous titleda Employeeorganizations Eveningteaching orbito positionsavailable For Sa~e:Ludwig-Zildjian set wifladrum cases Saturn Each FederalAgency is requiredto adviseits [xceHcntcondition 3750 Jeff goader, 245-9260 ing to~ employeesperiodicaIly o~ theirrights Ltnder Execu- tive Order 11491. Labor ManagementRotations in Engineersare neededto leachreview courses for New Men’s, Knapp A0roticd shoes. 12EE SlO theFederal Service. the NovemberProfessional Engineering exams in tlandmade afgan 550. New Pro Max IO00Wa;I The Order providestba| each employeehas the Chemical,Qualit}, and NuclearEngine0ring. The hairdryel.£129~7-,q240 right,freely and without fcar of penaltyor reprisal. cou>xsare part of the ProfessionalEngineering to term,loin, and assista hlbororganization or to RegistraILon Program directed by Michael R For Sale:[fish Setter puppies. AKf’, ~ weeks(rid relrahnfrom any SL1chactivit}, and eachemployt.e Lmdeburg.P.E, and are sponsoredby the Peninsula 2tC4 120 sl:lallbe protectedill the exercise of thisrighL The Chapterof the CaliforniaSector}, of Professmnal righlIt) assist a labororganization exlends to parti- Engineers NikonR-10 Movie (amera $57(I,Nkkoinal ITN ~<4.. cipationill the n]anageloenI (if the organization and Eachcourse ,*.ill be taughtentirely h~ one engi- B(~cl~, SI00. Son) FM-AM Stereo (assettc actingfor the organizationJu the capacit~of an neer. meeting 3 hours a week over 13 weeks in ([:550A $200(all Hirose. 967~170’0. organization~epresentative MenloPark¯ starting in earlyAtlgusl. Employeeswho are super,.isorsor othernranage- Contacl: P.E. RegistratiDn Program. P.O Moving Sale: [ Queen bed, lanlp-,,end lables, mentofficials may belongto a labororgauization. Box 9[ 1, San Carlos,(A 94070t4] 51 5(93-9731. dinette,desk & chair,elc Man~, nlore [lirose, butthey nlay not representthe organizationor par- g6747(~(1. licipalt"in the rnanagclnen~oI it. Supervisorsor :cck nlanagersarc not inc]udediu a unit for which :~ FOR SALE: Sntilh-Coronaportable deetric type- labororganization holds 0xclusiw., recognition. At writer~ELI CTRAI wi;lt carrying case: used for lyp* Aide:S.Local 997, NationalFederation of Federal ing a flresisonly. American Ihermostat-controlled Employees.is thecxclttsi~e bargaining agenl Ior: roomheater ( 1320watts j: likenew. 0fll-0249 Pion All Wage(;rado employees, los,, supervisor’, and lesstho’.e ’&age Grade employee’, in the [ nclosedtrailer, 14"[.¢x5!TWx3La’H, [ll) axle. elec Check Venus ModelI)evelolm~ent Branch; lricbrakes, reutovabie top, spare wheel & tire.$25[1. New astronauts "’Sno4red’"tire chains, largo size. new. paid $411. sell the spac All GeneralSchedule clerical and technical theOrbi employees in NASA occupationalcodes 300 for $30 Call Roger Iledhmd,245-9542 (()mnm,’d.t}’,m /*age" l ) and 500. excluding management official~. A fly[ supertisors,professional emt)loy0es, and tho’,e Need ride to work From ~,icinity of Ist/’Iayl{, includevacation and sickleave and participationin program enlpky~eesL’ngaged ill Federalpersonnel ~ork Streets,San Jose,8 4:3flshift.fMI Zekhtx6429or the Federal(;ovormnent retirement, group health Augmen in otherthan a5 pureI3,c]0rica/ capaci* 203-2527 andlilt insurance plans. criteria: craftha’ ]he PatternMaker’s, A>soeiation is the bargaining Potentialuscr~ oI’ the SpaceShu;Ale inch=de gov- CarpoolItem Pale Allo area {ff Middlef’ieldand agenth)r Ihc nonsupervisorywage grade empmoyccs ernmentagencie,, and privalc indtr, tries from tile Oregonto MoflultField IAmesl(all Olin (’amp- to Catel in the Model Devclopm0n~Branch UltJTcdStales and abroad bell,9fig-3f153 (day) or 326-1634{evel]ingst beender

Want[o Buy:Dryer PrclL’releclric, good corldi- Mult lion.late mode[. ("all Mary. 733-8339. evening,, and Sumtays. AN EQUAL EMPLOYER Con’ The ~, Neededone AR-2 nlahogan}~,peaker to match exist- Postageand Fees 4aaid helicopt{ ing speaker(m .964-7289. -;,.i,)g~q,rv. tbj~ Nat,tonalAeronautics and of a sm,~ SpaceAdministralio,n rotordy A rues FU~ ~at ch Center WantedIntagiuative. I’uo-loviog. hard-working can NASA-aS1 tion ~e didatusfor up-colrtmgw~eancius on the ARA Execu- tive Board. All Ames and hard-badgecontractor mounted employeesart’ eligible to apply.[;or more inforn~a- the40- I lishedth tioncall ext, 5412. rotorrib NationalAeronaulics and SpaceAdm~nistralJor~ Ames ResearchCenter MofletlF~eld, Cahforn~a 94035

VOLUME XIX NUMBER 8 January 27, 1977 Ames Achievementsfor 1976

Usehas beenmade of thetlliac to simulategalac- Experiments have been completed in a DuringJune and Jul.~an instituteon Diflerentia] tic evolution.These calculations, which follow the Cessna402B on an automaticmu]tisensor navigation and AlgebraicGeometr 3 for tile ControlEngineer gravitationally-forcedmotions of over100,000 stars concept.The test system consistsof VOR. DME. was hostedby Ames It wa,, generalt,,concluded in 3 spacedimensions, mark the first use of theI/liac andAir Datasensors controlled by an electroniccal- thatthe theory, is sufficientl}de;eloped ior ~,erlous for an astrophysicalproblem. culatorwhich processes the datausing a 4-stateKal- attemptsat applicationsto problem’, of aircraftcon- man filterto outputground and windvelocities and trol The first calculationof Venusianatmospheric positionto a map display.Novel featureswhich dynamicsthat shows wind speedsm good agreement make such a systempotentially low-cost include with observationhas been completed.This fully frequency-scanningoperation of a single VOR Pioneers6. 7. ~ and c) continuedto conduct 3-dimensionalcalculation also givesflow patterns receiverand a singleDME transceiverand t~seof a synopticstudies of intcrplanetar~phenc~rnena consistentwith the observedultraviolet pictures shed-vortextrue airspeedsensor. Results obtained betweenapproximalei.x (1-5 and 1.20A~tronomical from Marineri0. duringflight in a localarea where six to eightDME Units from the sun PioneerOha’, beentransmilting NAVAIDS were receivable yielded better than validscientific data for morethan 1! yearsarecord Pioneersl0 anO ] I continuedto provideseien- 1/4mile accuracy. forimerplanetar~, mtsslons tificdata on the interplanetarymedium beyond the orbit of JupiterPioneer 10 passed the orbit of Ames ResearchCenter, in cooperationwith the Saturnin Februai3.1q76 and Pioneer1 I is proceed- A t~lghtsimulation imestigallon ha~ been con- NationalTransportation Safety Board. has devel- ing towarda Saturn encounterin September1970 ductedon the FlightSimulator tot AdvancedAte- oped a techniquefor derivingtime historiesof an craft to determinethe hazardpresented b~, large aircraft’smotion fronl Air TrafficControl radar ~cale wind disturbance-,enco~tnlercd during the records1or use in accidentinvesfigatlons During landingapproach. Poc>r pr,::,entation ol information 1976 the accurac~of thistechnique wasestabiished to the pi]olduring critical stages o~ the approach through flight experiments using the CV-q90 which dela) reactmnto the &sturbances~a,,~cmnd researchaircraft, and application:,were made using to be the singlemosl mlportant tac~or contributd~g actualaccident records to hazardou>or catastrophiceJ}countcrs.

A three-yearresearch program sponsored jointly by the NASA and the FAA ba~ resLdtedin the iof A flightsunulation investigation has been con- mulationof tentativecivil airworthiness I]ight cri- dueled ol operationo( VTOL a~rcraftfrom non- teria1or powered-lifttransports¯ The repor~which a~iationships SalisfactorxcapaNiitx Io perlorm presentsthes~ criteria has beendistributed b s FAA manual transitionfrom iur,aardto hmer flight F]ightStandards Service to theaircraft industry for undermc, trtunenacondition> and to landaboard >hip commentpertinent to the eventualdevelopment of underadverse weather and ,,ca condition-,’.,,as airworthinessstandards for commercialtransport demonstraledusing a .~ophi-;ticatedmodel q~llowing aircraftof thtstype control 5} stertl PioneerVenus Multiprobe

Checkoutof scientificinstruments for thePioneer Venus Multiprobespacecraft has been comptetedon Two honorsbestowed Deputy Director the spacecraftsimulator and checkoutof thosefor theOrbiter spacecraft is in progress. Ames DeputyDirector C. A S.~vertsonhas been was chosenfor his pioneeringuork in h) pcrsonlc nameda Fello,a,of the AmericanInstitute of Aero- aerodynamicsIbasic to the SpaceShultlel, and Ior A flyingqualities and flightcontrols experiments nauticsand Astronautics,the major society for aero- his leadershipm establishingnaliomd polic, tor the program has been successfullycompleted on the spaceprofessionals. In addition,he has aisobeen supportof civilaviatton AugmentorWing ResearchAircraft Flying qualities selectedto attendthe HarvardAdvanced Manage- To recap his careermuch can be said The pio- criteriafor the approachand landingof STOL air- illentProgram (AMPI for the thirteenweek Spring neeringaerodsnamicist did tl~eoreticalreycarch on craft have been definedand satisfactoDoperation ! q77session. hypersonicaerodanamics in theearbIO50’,,. and on to CategoryII instrumentlanding minimums has Enrolling160-experienced managers of demon- hypersonicvehicles I themaamed ~ingless M-2 lifting been demonstrated. stratedabJlit3, AMP is thelargest executive program bodytin the late 1950s.These vehicleswere pre- offeringparticipants an unparalleledopportunity to cursors to manned maneuverableflight into the Multi-Cyclic shareexperiences with and learnfrom their peers. atmospherefrom Earth orbit. The programis an integralpart of the HarvardUni- The Ames researcherheaded tile Departmentoi ControllableTwist Rotor versityGraduate Schoot of BttsinessAdministration, Transportation-NASAteam which produced tile and is taughtby regularmembers of the faculty CivilAeronautics Research and DevelopmentStud’,. The Multi-CyclicControllable Twist Rotor is a whoseftdl-time assignment is this program.Many of a b]ueprintfor current U.S. eftorts in a~iationdevel- helicopterrotor which uses high frequencymotions the HBS professorsare internationallyknown in opment. of a smallservo flap near the bladetip to suppress theirfields, and they combine intellectual strength "Sy."as the DeputyDirector is called,.ioined rotordynamic loads which lead to undesirablevibra- with practicalunderstanding of managementprob- Ames m 104g He was born in Minneapolis.Min- tion and fatigue damage.This rotor system was lems.The curriculum includes business policy, finan- nesota,in It12(~.and gainedB.S. and M.S degrees mountedon the RotorTest Apparatusand testedin cial management,management control, quantitative fi’om the Universityof Minnesota.He has been the 40- by 80-FootWind Tunnel. These tests estab- analysisfor decisions, elective courses, etc Deputy Directorof Ames since 1069, and hefore lishedthe feasibility of thistechnique for reducing Bothselections are a highhonor tor thelong time that was Directorof Astronauticsat the Center.He rotorvibration. Ames employee.As for the AIAA award, gyvertson receivedthe AIAA LawrenceSperry Award in ~¢)57 2 Ames ResearchCenter

Airfoiltest apparatus Among file many scientificobservations nrade wereimportant new resultson the glb~aldistribu- RECATstudy A new gauge was developedto obtain detailed tionof fluorocarbonsfFreons) in the stratosphere. A comprehensivestudy of the most effective sk in-frictionnleaSLirenlents on transonicairfoil Combinedwith currentAmes modelingefforts the means for reducingthe energyconsumption of air mt)delsWith the use of this gauge,valuable data new data is expectedto improveour understanding transportation(RECAT Study) was completed in were obtained in the new Ames High Reynolds of potentia[et’li_,ets on the earth’s ozone layer. 1976. This study, begun in 1974. involved the NunrberChannel to verifyturbulence model de,,reb Douglas Aircraft Company,Lockheed-California opmeIlt. Company,United Airlines, Inc.. and UnitedTech- "ProjectOrion" nologiesResearch Center. The attachedfigure shows Compotercodes solving the Navier-Stokesequa- The NASA/ASSEF Summer Desigl Study devel- theincreases in efficiencythat appear feasible. tions for complexhigh Reynoldsnumber inviscid- oped design conceptsfor telescopescapable of visconsinteraction flows weredeveloped employing detectingplanets revolving around other stars The advancedmultiequation turbulence models. Signifi- projectIProject } evoh’ed a designfor a novel RECAT STUDY cant inlprovemel~lover previoussolutions using ground-basedastrometric telescope. The new tele- shnpicrinodels was achieved scopewould be nearlyI 00 timesmore sensitive than existinginstrmnents and coulddetect the effectof The first nunwriealsimulation of the m~steady Jupiter on the SaWs motion when viewed from viscousIlo’a abma a Iransolqicairfoil using the time- I50light-years away. dependent Navier-Stokes equations was made ResLdlS were m substantialagreement with data nbtamedin the new Ame’, Higt~ Reynold~Numbel (’hannelfacihty.

The completeflow fierd ot ~everalsupersonic adversepressure gradient flow~ has been experi- mentaill,documented R>r a wide range oI Reynolds nulnbersin the new Anle~ I{igh Reyno}dsNumber Channektacility The measurementswhich include turbulemkinetic energy and shearstress arc being An easy-to-usetransonic wd?g analysiscomputer nsed to verify new muI[iequationturbulence code bas been developedand vahdatedand coupled models wilh an optinPzationprogram Although stit~ in McDoJmcllDouglas Astronautics Company under prototypeform, the code is alreadybeing widely contrac~to Amessuccessfully i;abricaled a half-scale usedat Ameswith joint A]nes/dlduslry participation silicareflecting heat shield in supportot theJupiter to helpdesign wings toe highpcrR>rmanc¢ military. Enlry Pr,obeProgram. The reflectingsilica heal businessand Iransporlaireralt. The cod*_, has also shieldis beingconsidered as an altcrnati~.eto a car been requestedby severalcompanies for Iheir own The NASA/AmesIfigh altituderesearch aircraft, use for thesesame applicalAms ben phenolicheat shield m the SystemDesign S~udy the U-2. supportedseveral emergency request~ for fora JupiterEntry Probe. photographicflights frnm State agenciesduring The AV-gA l]arrleris a BritishVTOL Aircrafl 1076.After the Talon Dam break,for example,the A uniquenew methodfor measuring[lie ~,apor that was purchasedby the U.S. MarinesThe AV-gB aircraftsupported requests for photographicdocu- pressureof exlremelyre~actnry materials by deter- is a majormodification to thataircraft and includes mentation.Alsn. during an uncontrolledForest fire nfinationof shockstandoff distance during vaporiza- a new wing.new inlet,and new exhaustnozzle> to in NorthernCalifornia. the U-2 providedphoto- improve VTOL and STOL performanceA fullscale themof thematerial with la-,er in" reduced graphicinfrared pictures to assistfire fighters from pressureshas been developedat Ames.This :Lcch- model of tile advancedversion was testedin lhe theState forest service. nique has recentlybeen used to measurethe vapor -%me~,Statie Test Facility and the 40-by~0,-Fool Wi~d Tunnel. This model includedthe up-rated pressureof carbonand ~s currentlybeing usd to In January.!q76, the NASA/AmesU-2 aircraft Irlea~tlrethe vapor pressure of uranilkmoxides. Rol~s-RoyeePegas~,~sl[ engute with a maxinnml acqaireddata R>r analyzingthe volcanicemissiom, thrust of 21,500ibs which will power the AV-NB intothe stratosphere |rein Mr. Augustine ill Alaskan airplane.A pictun_,of this modelinstalled in the coastalwaters. The Ames designedAerosol Particu- 40-by 80-Font Wind Tunnel was fcMured on the RCGCoating for Shuttle late Sampler(Mr. Guy Ferw),was the primarydata cover of NASA News The tests indicatedtbat the ~,ystememployed for lhJsproject The resultsindi predictedgain,, in performancewotdd be realized. In Mob 1970 Ames developed Reaction Cured coted5. that the aerosolstructure was not appreciabl GiassI RCGICoating was adoptedas the cnatmgfor affectedby thevolcanic action. the Space ShuttleOrbiter High TemperatureReus- ableSurface Insulation (RSII Ileal shield. In July, All aircraftprogram being conductedby NASA/ the firstRSI tiles with the nc~ coatingwere deliv- Ame~. and USDA/ARSdemonstrated the feasibility ered by LMSC to Rockwell International for of monitoringcrop irrigation needs and yieldsDora inslallat}onon Orbiter101 This new coatingwiII aircraft.The technique,based on ground-baseddata. significantlyincrease the lifetimeand performance was developed by USDA. Ames and USDA pio- of theShuttle []eat shield. neeredits airborneapplication. The techniqueuti- lizes thermalimagery and interactivecomputer Theoreticallydelermined molecular constants imageanalysis 5uch as pholon absorptioncross sectlousare now beingroutinely provided for use in predictingthe A NASA/AmesU-2 aircraft:successfully imaged amountof radiativeenergy absorbed by ablation an occurrenceof red tide off the coastof productsin tire boundarylayer that will form on utilizinga GSFC prototypeof the CoastalZone heat shieldsduring Jupiter entry. These constants Color Scanner~CZCS). This scannerwdl be flown for moleculessuch as sdiconmonoxide and carbon aboardthe NimbusG satellitein 1978 to monitor monoxideare obtainedstrictly from computercaP- worldwideocean producflv]ty and pollution. ctdations,and are of comparablequality to those The program,documentation, and Liser manuals whichwere formerlyobtained from shock tube mea- Four detailedmilitary mission studies using a for FLEXSTAB,a programdesigned for analysisof surements. versatileaircraft synthesis program developed at aeroelasticcharacteristics of an aircraft,have been Ames bare been completed.These studiesinduded completedand transmittedto COSMIC. U-2stratosphere an airborne ICBM launch platform employing a dash-on-warning,a cruise missile, a multi-mission A hybrid computer code has been developed experiments aircraft,and a heavylift transport. usingnonlinear potential, boundary layer and Navier genel atten In the fall,tile Ames U-2. now outfittedto carry Stokes codes in combination to solve twn- A seriesof windtunnel tests, system studies, and dimensionaltransonic flow problems on airfoilswith Eartt as many as fivestratospheric experiments at once. in-house research have been completed on the separation.The hybrid code uses the various Mars joinedwith the Antes CV-990( lI) to per- oblique wing conceptand have demonstratedthe methodsin combinationto solvedifferenl parts of sable tbrm a tatitudesurvey mission extending from 80°N viabilityand superioraerodynamic performance of the flow field.The methodshows promise for sub- was over Alaska to 60°S ffor the CV-990) from New this conceptin the transonicand low supersonic stantia]reduction of computertime while retaining thoul Zealandand Australia. Machnumberr me. highaccuracy. oxyg~ =ter 3

KOSMOSbiological SETIcompleted A malorstep wastaken in the continuingdevelop- analysismade The (’enter Program Team for the Search for ment of innovativemethodology ~k~r the structuring ExtraterrestrialIntelligence (SETI! has completed of interactionsand the establishmentof communica- Theanalysis of thefirst ld,S. biological specimens two-yearfeasibility study of SETI. A moderate. tion among tYeopleel widelyvaried interests and to be flown ill a Soviet Satellite,KOSMOS 782, step-by-stepapproach to tiletask of listeningfor backgroundsthat is essentialin the emergingart of r~.vealedabnormal changes in tile rate of bone signatsfrom extraterrestrial civilizations is envi- technologyassessment and usefulin establishment growthand redblood cell lifetime in ratsexposed If sioned. Space antennashave been shown to be a of policyconcerning lechnoIoga, efiorts. A ~,ork- weightlessness,Spaceflight did not significantly possibleattractive alternative to groundsystems shopwax held in PaleA~to. (’aid:erred in Au~nston affectthe normaldevelopment of minnowembryos, fProjectCyclops) for tile ~atez stages of a search(see thesubject of the relativeroles of theGover~lment. fruitflies, or planttissues. photographof artist’sconcept of a 300 meterspace Ihe AircraDindustry, non-profit and independent Nexl summeranother Soviet biological satellite anlennal.A SETI ProgramOffice has Been estab- R&D organizationsand the Universitiesin the R&D witlbe ]annched.I1 will contah3five U.S. experi- lishedin tbeLilk’ Sciences Directorate to continue processin Aeronautics.High level officialsfrom ments, four of whieb wi]] extendthe resultsof studiesof SET]systems. each of these groupswere broughttogether in a KOSMOS7g2. One ne~ experiment will examine noveIand highly strLictured approach to arrivinga~ a theeffects ol spa:’ef’ligl:ton lal metabolb;m in rats. statisticallymeaningful set of viewpointsin a short. The KOSMOS protect is rnanagt, d by Ames and intensivework session Amesinvestigators will participate in tour of tilefive This effortis a continuatfonof the pioneering t!.S.experiments. effortsinitiated by a NationalWorkshop on Portable Energy.head at Monterey.(alilbrnia in August, ~9-’4 and extended by a National Workshop on IntercHytransportation held at Hershey,PennsyI- vanla in September.1075 Effectiveinterdisciplinary commLInication is of growingimportance in thedecision making pro~_ess in ourmodern, high technolog) sociep,. The rest~ltsof sucbdeci~don.-, have greatimpact on aH sectorsof our societyand our economy.11 is imporlanito be certainthat tile best suit*lions to ourproblem,, are adopted,based on a thorou~understandhlg oI the lullconsequences of thevarious alternatives The (ongressiona!Office of Tecbnolog)As~ess- nient and the NationalScience Fonndationhave A CenterPrQm-am Team ha~, been established1o utilizedthb,. Ame~Methodolog}. for applicationin conductstudies on the feasibilityof COilStrtlcting fa~rtheringtheir broad ac{i*ities in thi,, field space settlements(~r largennmbers of peopleThe work of the team is based on the conceplsfor producingspace settlements, naanuiacturing lacili- Computergraphics On April 15. 1976, the NASA AviationSaleD, ties.and so~arpower ,rations. as e~ohedo~er the CotnptKer Graphics has been an important ReporlingSystem tASRS~ was sk’t into operaliol~ pasltwo years in jointstudie:, with Professor (:,erard researchtool foe tlnderstalldingcon~plex computa- lhe ASRS pro’,idcsall opportlmlI),tot peopk’ O’Neillel PrincetonI.iniverslty (See photograph of tionaiphenomenon l~)r ~e~cral ’,cars at Anqes.Major I pilots,conlroller~, and olherh ill the Nalion.zl A~la- ~otatingBernal sphere for severalthousand people accomplishmentsi~ CY 76 includethe abilityto tJon S)stenlk~o reporton hazardousaviation mcl- e~ol~edas a conceptualdesign for a ~pacesettlemenl ~i~uaIize and d) namicaH~, mampulalc ~hree- deniswhich ~[ley bare experienced or ol whichthe~. duringtile lasl Ames SummerStud)i Tile essence dimensionalI~gnres Two appl{cationareas are using ha~,cknowledge Ailet identities ha~e been remo’.ed, of [tieO’Neill concepl is theLlSe of solarenerg,, and thisnew l-acilit}to stud)stellar galaxy, evolution theirt[ormatlon coiled’ted inll~,cd lt~ ak’r{ the, Federal lunaror asteroidalInalerials for COl)~trucllon.lo nlhllnlizetile al]lOtHll of materialtha~ I1]tlgI be sent m~deb,aJ]d interactionsof complexDNA and pyo- Aviation7-~dnlinl’~tratlorl atld ~thers potenliall) twin nlo~ecLlles,respectively. The accompanying alieclL%t,~rad tel gain broadel ~ i;lto causes ol trom the Earth ac,.:idt.nt~inair t{ave] Oil Coulp~elJon ol tile firsl sl:\ photographs’acre taken directb from the 3-D graphic.,,displa$ located in theCentral Eacibtx Con~- nlonth~oi operation2~,R~I report,, had been recci~ed pitierGraphics Laborator) "/-233 231 One shov. alld 18ll ASRS Alert Bulletinsrelea~,¢d Broadcl an ob[iquevac~ el a a]attcn~:d200& gak~xy dnLd)~i~ OI ~ olleclu,d inl~/rnlaIion lol ",pcciiic COl~lputcdb) Dick Milleron tht’ ILLI~%C~, The cnabldlgtactot~ caushlg incidents has no~ begun oiliershows a segmentola doLlblchelix [)N4 mole- culecon:,iructed b3 "t ~e> (oeckelenbergbpiece b~, piece on the, graphic>equapmerat ~n tile Centra! QSRAcontract awarded Facilit).. [be Ouicl ShorthaLdResearch AiTcraft ProjeLI The ILL[ACI x, achJexedit, firstoperationalgoa~ (QSRA)v, as intlJ~ted~.ith (ontracl Award to b~, providingusers ~iih I~0hottrs week of ~erified Boeing(ornmcrcial Airplane Division. ScatHe. V~A flinton ,1 contintdngbasis. The computerplayed a in February]c)ft~ ~hc (-8 Aircraft.which i~ to bc kc~,conlputa0onaf role d~ the Fixed-MobileExperi- nlodificd,was deliveredlo Boeingh] ]ateJune and nle]ll IFMEt conductediointl} b) the Defense tile 40-b~ SO-loci wind lunuel model was coln- -~d~ancedResearch Projects Agent) and tileDepart- pk’tcdill [)ec~:nlbt, r I q~6 n~enlof Ih~’Na~,.

Vikingl and I1: A multichannetcardiovascular telemetry, s}stem slnaHenough to implan~in tO kg monkeyshas been Gas Exchangeshows developedand successfuH3tested in a (’onvair~acl0 airborneshnuiation of a Spacelabflighl experiment. unusualchemistry The unit is poweredfrom a sonrceoutside tile body andtelemeters electrocardiogram, tenlpcralnre, and TIl~’ Gas ExchangeExperiment on both Viking1 left ventricularand arterial {aortic} pressures. and 11 demonstratedthat unt2stla]chemistry was occurringin the Mars sample.This experimentpro- videdthe first evidence that humidified Martian soil Biografdeveloped generat~,soxygen. Following this discovery,an A computerizedsystem called Biograf was devel- attemplwas made to simulatethe processat Ames. oped. It allowsthe constrnctionand displa3ot Earthxoih dry and chosento resemblethe soil el importantbiological molecules, tile manipulation of Marsas nearlyas possibleill its composition,was these models on a CRT and the determinationof subjectedto oxygenglow discharge.When moisture interactionsbetween them. Biograf has been usedto ~as then added, oxygen was given off. This is exploresome problemsin moleculargenetics and thoughtto be due to the Iormationof activated willbe u~,edto investigatecertain aspects of the oxygenspecies, like superoxides, in the soil. originof life. 4 Ames ResearchCenter

Collegecui’riculum The RF Divisionhas completedtbr the Aeronau- pediatricmonitoring and transportsystem. An inter- ticsDivision, the designof a Two-Di~nensionalOscib agency program with the State Department of sharingexperiment iatmgAirloil Test Apparatus This apparatus will be Rehabilitationto assistin planningand providing used to obtainexperimental unsteady aerodynamic The CoIlegeCurriculum Sharing Experiment uses technologyfor the "Deliveryof RehabilitationEngi- dataon aileronflutter and heIicopter blade sections. the CommunicationsTechnology’ Satellite to trans- neeringServices" in the State of Californiawas The Test Apparatusis now being Iabricatedand is mit classessimtlItaneousLy between Slanford Univer- implemented. scheduledfor tunnel tests in late]977 sityin Californiaand Carleton University in Ontario, 48 Ames innovationswere publishedin the NASA Canada Studentsat each universitytake courses Tech BriefJournal. Briefs are now publishedin an Designand thbricationhave also been completed offeredby the otherusing live television with talk- attractivequarterly magazine: circulation 20,000 per on the RotaryBalance Apparatus. scheduled for use back. Ames managesthis experiment,and buiJl and issue.75 awardswere presented to Ames Staffmen3- in the 12-FtPressure Wind Tunnel in rnid-1977.This operatesthe coast ground station. The satellite burs in recognition of their innovative new mechanismprovides rotary motions for obtaining transmissionuses compressed,digitized television. technology. experimentaldata for computingthe stall!spin char- developedby Ames,which requireslower power and t.892requests were received for TechnicalSup- acteristicsof a givenaircraft design less bandwidththan conventionalFM techniques port Packagesfor Ames publishedimaovations dur- The experimentprovides needed information for the ing 1976I 0.]0ggeneral inquiries were received for Laser DopplerVelocimeter (LDV’m: Instrumenta- design of future educationMtelecommunication TechnologyUtilization puMications, specific techni- tion permitting~he measurementof two compo- systems. cal informationor stxtcialdata packages in various nentsof velocityof a singledust particle in turbu- fieldstlf technology57 speechesand presentations lent flowhas beendesigned and put into operation Tire first completedocumentation of a two- weremade to professionalsocieties, Federal. State dimensionalseparated shock boundary-layerinter- in the ARC High ReynoldsNurnber Test Facility.A and goes{C, overnmentorganizations, educafiona] similarsystem to be installedin the 0 X 6 wind actionhas been accomplishedby experimentsusing institufionsand the genera~ public a laser velocimeter.Complete two-cnmponenl mean tunnelwill includethe firstuse ol an elliptical velocityprofiles including reverse velocities, as well mirroras a lightcollector. as turbulentfluctuating velocities were obtained throughthe regions of flow interaction.These Miniature Echosonomers:Transcutaneous and US AMRDL resultsshow thai the normalcomponent of shear implantabl~devices for measuringinlemal body stressmay not be negligiblewhich is contraryto structuresusing ultrasonictechniques have been accomplishments earlierwork on unseparatedshock boundary-layer completed.One whichgives a cross-sec~kmaltrans- cutaneousdisplay has been acceptedas a shuttle In-flightacotJstJc measurements were made at interaction. experiment. AEFA of the Army’s UTTAS and AAH competitive helicopters.A photographis availableof YO-3A ReliableRMS densitytquctuations have beenmea- fixed-wingqtdet aircraft flying in aormationwittl suredfor the first time m a turbulentshear layer at Angle Indicating Digitai Servo The semi- one of these helicopterstAC76-13q4-2571 The transonicspeeds using a laserdoppler velocimeter in mechanicalanalog servo used with the dangleometer for manyyears at ARC hasbeen replaced with aln all in-flightrotary-wing acoustic signature nleasurenlenl combinationwith a hot wire anemome|erThe den- technique was conceived and devek~ped by the sityfluctuations are sbownto be muchsmaller than soIidstate digital servo to reducemaintenance prob- Ames Directoratewith support I}orn NASA The velocity12uctuations These measurements are essen- lems.Wind-tunnel tests have been successful. hfformationavailable h!, use of flli>technique repre- tial for the understandingof the propagationof sentsa nlajor;td~ailCement in roEot aCOLaSlics diag- electromagneticwaves throughturbulent media as AirfoilPressure Display: An analogcomputer dis- nosticsby providingaCCLarate, stationary mcastare wellag for the tmderstandingot theturbulent boun- playsystem has beenbuilt to givea dynamiccontin- nlentso~ thehghly directional noise generated by a darylayer itself uous graphlinking I0 pressurereadings from mo~ing airfoil helicopterrotor The techniquewas tt*.edb} t[l~ Arm? SourceSelection [-valuation Boards to e~al- A workingbreadboard was constructedand eval- uatethe acousticcharacteristics ot both cmnpctitivc Ames ResearchCenter has developeda uated,and a contractfor flightinstrumentation was helicopterstin the UTTAS and AAH progralnswith awarded to TRW. where constructionis nearly polymerizedcoating for polycarbonatespace-suit helmetvisors, which improves the abrasionresis- the YO-3Aaircraft as the mstrLmlentationand mike complete tanceand lighttransmission characterb, tics of the support visor Tom Fryer was Chairman of an international Wind tunnel tests were conducted m the NASA-Stanfordsponsored Biotelemetry Conference 40 ~ g01t wind tunnelof MuiticycleControllable heldsuccessfully at Asilomar last spring. Proceedings TechUtilization Office Twist Rotor IMCTRImounted oil thai tunnel’sne~ of theconference were edited alad published. The TechnologyUtilization Office efforts in the Rotor Test Apparatus.A photo is availableof the transferof Amestechnology resulted in thelicensing MCTR in the 40 X 80 ft wind tunnel New biotdemetrysystems were developed and of the industrialmodel of the LiquidaYooledHead (AC75-1633-1~The Kaman Mf’TRhassuccesslulb usedto measureintracranial pressure and bodytern Liner.The productis now manufacturedand distrib- completeda comprehensi~.ewind ttmneltest pro- peratnre.The lattersystem is inductivelypowered utedby Acurex.Patchy applications for threeaddi- gram m the NASA-Ames 40 X 80 ft wind tmme] fromthe wall of an animalcage. tionalitems~ the "Liquid-Cooled Bra for BreastCan- The MCTR has a conventionalswashplate control cer Detection,"an "ElectrophoresisApparatus for systemwhich varies the blade rool angle sinusoidall), A detailedcontractual study on the civiluses of Forensic Medicine" and the "Seismic Security duringeach rotorrevolution. In addition,the MCTR remotelypiloted vehicles has been completedand System,"have been completedand are ready t’or hasa flapnear the blade tip which can he controlled hasidentified a number of potentialapplications. transfer. independentlyto causethe bladeto twisttram root Techno|ogicalcontributions to medicineand the to tip.During mtdticyc]ic operation, the servo-llap deliveryof healthcare services include the deve~op- angleis variedwith frequencies up to fourcycles per Validaerodynamic flight data on an obPiqnewing men~of a portableultrasonoscope, vision test sys- revolutionBy propercontrol of variables,vibratnD aircraft° were obtainedat yaw anglesof up to 45 tem for mass visionscreening, eye trackerand a loads can be decreasedand performanceimproved through the use of a remotelypiloted research aircraft.

A new methodfor screeningmaterials for their toxicityin firesituations has been developed jointly by the Universityof San Franciscoand NASA-Ames ResearchCenter. This methodis uselkalfor compar- ingmaterials for relative toxicity under specific test conditions:the comparativedata are used in con- junctionwith other fire response characteristics such as oxygenindex, fire containment, fire spread, heat release,and smoke, to helpselect materials with the mostpromising overall properties. The methodutilizes a smallhemispherical animal exposurechamber of a designpreviously developed and patentedby NASA, to exposeSwiss albinomice to the gaseousproducts of pyrolysisand combus- tion,with observations made of responsesincluding incapacitationand death under differentspecific testconditions. ;enter 5

An inter- Tiltrotor rollout ment of Honorsand Awards Iroviding Rollout ceremonies of the XV-15 took place NationalCivil Service LeagLte’s Special Achievement Award for 1976 Charliettall. Given in recognitionof on Engi- at contractor’sactivities on 22 October1976. excellencein publicservice. rniawas The XV-15lilt-rotor p~ane was builtby the Bell FederalExecutive Board’s Service to CommunityAward John Kirkpatrick.PederM Employees {listin- HelicopterTextron company and is the firstof two guished CommunityService Award. Zelda Ballanfine.Federal EmployeesCenununiW Service Award. Thomas le NASA such aircraftbeing producedunder a NASA/Army Walsh.Federal Employees Community Service Award. ed in an contract.The craftcombines features of both heli- R. T. JonesNASA Special Actlievenlenl Award for his ninnyconlrib~.ilions to aeronautics. ,,000per coptersarid conventional airplanes. NASA Group AchievementAu.ard Reaction Glass Coating DevelopmentTeam. lff mem- NASA KxceptionalService Medal Howard K. Larson Ve new NASA Medal tor ExceptionalService Lewis Hughes. NASA Exceptiona~Scientific Achievement Award ltoward E. Gotdstein calSup- NASA ExceptionalScientific Achievement Medal Award James B Pollack. ons dur- NASA ExceptionalService Medal Richard(’. SimmondstMajorl. rivedfor NASA ExceptionalScientifiL Achievement Medal Sherwood(’bang = technJ- NASA Group AchievementAward Richard k. K~rkowskiandMark H Walers. various NASA Group AchievementAward Ktdper AirborneObsen’ator?, Team. ntations al,State cational GeneralDeane visits Ames L

nade at tpctitivc YO-3A TheXV-I 5 designis a 42-foot-long.32-loot wing- 3n with span aircraD incorporatingwingtip moun, ted 7 I. The engines,transnlissions and 25-foolprop rotors lr~nl~lqt which till front a helicopterposition for hover. by the verticallakeofl~ and landhig~, to a IIori,’ont~lpod, i- ,A. The lion for for~ardflight, hi the airplanemode tile e rl2 prc- aircraHi~ capableol lorwardxpucd~, ol morethan cs diag- 3(10nliles pc1 hour. II is expeclcd thatIhe lilt rolor l~asuru- willoperate with los,, rloisc than conventioraa] heli- ed by a copter>or turbopropaircraft ot comparablesize. by the I From NASA ActivitiesVol. 7 No 12. Dec 7{~.! to e~al- petitiw A new start program ic)r Iq76 was a joint ns with NASA Arm) Rolary-Wing Research and I)e~e]op- id mike menl Simulaa}r.The SlnltdatorwiJ~ proQdea milch- needed capabilit}.Ice Corlduclmg rotaD-wing le’~carchand developmentprc)gralm and fin the gap m the belw¢Cllthe ~Qr/d IUIIIIC] amJ tile experinlental t]ighl reliable articlein thede;ei,.lpn~ent c~,cle Schedillcd stand- aloneconlplellol~ date t,~ 10S3 as a totaltom exceed- ~n’sne%~ General John R Donne. Jr., Conmlander, US of tile mg I 7 milliondollars tory. AMRI)L: CoMnel John B Fitch. Deputy Arm~ Materiel Developmentand Readiness,Con> Director.AMRI)L and kt. Co]. John tlenderson. t tll~ne[ nland,was briefedon AMRI)L-NASAprojects dur- AMRDL R&D Coordinator essftlll) inga ~isithere Friday. " January, 7stpro- l)r Ham- Mark. Direcrorof lhe (enter.and L to R GeneralDonne; Dr. RichardM. Carlson. Leonard Roberts. Director of Aeronauticsand tnnnel Directorof file Army Air Mobilit$R&D Labora- control ,L’ligbtS vstcins ~%erc’ also present dtlring the briefing. ~oidalb MCTR Announcement ltrolled Under extMinglaw {S~’c.-.Public Lax,. Ol-303 )m rool Safetybelt usage 184 Slat 3~2~1. NASA emplo?,ees tormerl$ "vo-flap eniployedb 3 certain aerospaceconlractors are desper Thcfollowing article is submittedfor )uitr infor- reqtliredHi submita report,containing information nlation.A cop}of tilerLlling Ilia) be obtainedfrom brator? specifiedin the slaltHePersonnel who were for- proved¯ tile Satel)Bell Usage Branch.Nationa~ Highwa.~ Inerbemplo?,ed b$ an3 of tilelisted aerospace con> TrafficSafel) Administration.US Departmenlof paniesare requiredto I]~e sucha reporlb~ Febra- "fransportation ary15. 1777 it theyalso nicer the following crileria tierlist¯ see AIne5 bulletin board:, or callRecords andReports. XSf, 101: [)isu~of BeltCurbs Claim in InjurySuit I EnlphL,.menlwith the [isledaerospace con- tracaorlernlinaled on or afterJLll}. 1. 1072;and An appealscourt has ruledI:hat a personinjured 2. Salaryrate during enlp~o)n;ent with the lisled in an auromobilecrash nlay be limitedin recovering aerospacecontractor was $I5.000 pel annunl or dalnag,_.sithe failedto weara sai\,t.vbelt Thankyou in(Ire: and Tile Ne~tYork Times reported lhat the Ne,a York 3. NASA salary rate at anb time during the We want to extendour heartt~’[tgratitude to all StaleCourt of Appealsin Albanyupheld tile action period Jul)~, 10"75 through September30,1070 of BonedeMahnos’ friends at Ainesfor all of lilt" of a jury which db, alioweda damageclaim b3 a was equalto or greaterthan GS-13. womanv, ho was ejectedfrom ]lel car equippedwith loveand concernshown dtiring her il[ness. A special Moredetailed information on filing ilia,, be lotllld sealbelts ~’,tHch she wa:~ not using. "ThankYon" to the wonderfulpeople who donated in NMI 3300.~A dated December& 1076. Addi- bloodon her behalf.We pray thatyoitr donations. The plaintiff.Al’.ce Spiel of MadisonCotmty, tional Ulformationand NASA Forms 1480 ina) be in hernante, to tireOral Roberts University Medical N.Y..~.~,as t’]ung irmlt her car aHer a tractor-trailer obtained fronl and should be returned to the attemptedto passand struckher vehicle.The court. BuildingFund will help in findinga curefor cancer. Recordsand ReportsBranch, Mail Slop24~-5. in reviewingSpiel ;’s. Barker. last week held in eft)el God blesseach and everyone of you. Failureto filereport is punishableby a maximum thattile failnre of theplaintiff to strapherself in of six monthsimprisontTlenl or a fine of not more -resnttedin " ~g the extentof . anjuriesand TheHays Family than$[,000. or both 6 Ames ResearchCenter

Ames PromotionPlan vacancies FOR RENT: Think snow! Beautifully appointed Notice Areaof Closing mountainhome five miles from Dodge Ridge.Sleeps No. Title Grade Ors. Consideration"’~ Date 10,everything furnished except linens. All-electric kitchen,drapes and carpets.Beautiful setting. 77-34 EquipmentMaintenance Mechanic Leader WL-11 RFTS Centerwide 2-04-77 Reserveearly. Families preferred, Contact Mrs. 77-35 Trave~Clerk GS-4/5 AFP Centerwide 2-04-77 Kelley,phone 294-9289. TO APPLY: CarlExtension 5599 or 5600 FOR RENT: Palo Alto. Spacious 2 bdrm condo- minium, end unit, privateentrance. AEK, dish- MERIT PROMOTION ?LAN SELECTIONS washer,disposal, washer/dryer. Water/garbage paid. No pets. AvailableMarch Ist. Call 321-6409after Notice 5 p.m. No, Title Org. Name

77-22 SupervisoryContract Specialist ASA AlfredSehrupp FOR RENT: Top neighborhood,3 bdrm, 2bth, car- 77-23 SupervisoryContract Specialist ASF DennisBrown pets.drapes, 2-car garage, fireplace, fenced back- 77-24 SupervisoryContract Specialist ASL FrancisF ras~a yard,fruit trees. 8 miles,easy drive to MoffettFieM 77-25 SupervisoryContract Specialist ASR RobertLaMere 252-3937evenings. 77-30 LeadTravel Clerk AFP ArleneRobinson 77-32 ContractSpecialist ASR Cancelled 77-29 ComputerEquipment Analyst FLI JamesCox Miscellaneous

FOR SALE: New Sony Walkie-Talkies(transceiv- ers),100 MW, Channel I l, effectiverange 6-1 I miles over flatterrain. Carrying cases $90 for two ~$150 valael,294-9289.

AmesBlack History Want ads FOR SALE:Lovely genuine pearl ring size 6, never worn,$45. Solid silver bracelet, $50 (both for $75!, ProgramFebruary 7-11 Transportation 294-t>289

FOR SALE: Painted drop front desk. $20: men’s "Where are the Scientists and Engineers of For Sale: 1973 JEEPCJ5304VS;4:27trac4ok: 3 Knapf aerotredshoes 12EL, new and never worn, Tomorrow?" is the theme of Ames’ l¢~77 Black speed;extras, $3400. 736-7648. SIO; knit shawl,$121 crochetedafghan, $50: bud flistoryProgram p[anned for the week of Febru- coffeetable, $[00, ~67-8240 ary 7-11. Our keynote speaker will be Nettye PORSCHE 1971. 91 ~T; 5 speed; excellentcondi- Goddard,Supervisor for HumanRelations and Stall" tion. 65K mi.: AM-FM tape: new brakes;tires and Developmentat the San Jose UnifiedSchool Dis- lacquerpaint Imintl. $7,995 or offer.Call 867-5728 Quarterhorsemare, AQHA porto,reg., chestnut, rib- trict.In keepingwith ~,he theme of tileprogram, Ms. after5:30 p m bons,trail and pleasure.$1bO0. Etorse hood, fleece Goddardwill discuss educational activities for moti- lined,like new, $35 657d226 vatingstudent achievement in the sciences,and what "75 Vega Wagon, 4 speed, AM/FM/Tape $2900/ role NASA can play in workingwith publicschools offer,238-I 579 after six. Germanviolin for sale. Telephone~23-7421 eve- to enhancescience education nings. Ms. Goddardbegan her career35 years ago asan 76 Honda 750 cc. 700 miles;exc. cond.,238-1579 Englishteacher in Alabama.She cameto SnnJose in after6 p.m. FOR SALE: Platform bed. firm mattressIt’)am) 1957. and has sincetaoght English and other sub- $70,326-74q2. ~ects in high schoolsand collegesaround the Bay ’73 ALFA ROMEO GTV. Recently overhauled, Area. From 19(,9 to 1972 she was Coordinatorof Excellentcondition, AM/FM/St. cassette. $4200 or FOR SALE: Wood bookcases,3x(a ft, adjustable the BlackStudies Program of the San Jose Unified makeoffer. 258-9853 after 5 p.m. shelves, SbO each, plus several smaller ones. SchoolDistrict in thiscapacity she developedBlack 326-7492. Studio.’,curricula for thesecondary schools of the For Sale 76 Ford Ranger, mag wheels, power San Jose district,which have since been used FOR SALE: Bureau chests. 6 drawersand 3 draw- brakes, power steering, 6 cylinder, 3 speed, throughoutCalifornia and in other parts of the ers,32(~-7492 15,000miles $5.000.Catl 084-5899after 5 p.m cmmtry. As a consultant.Ms. Goddard has condLicted Schooldesk, large storage and working areas, adjust- workshopson BlackCulture. The BlackExperience, able swivelseat, very durable,ages 6 14 approx.. and Multi-CulturalCurriculum DeveLopment. among excellentcondition, $10. 2574)583. othersubjects. In 1075,Ms. Goddardwas listedin Housing Who’s 14’,~oin Education.[n 1976 she was nomi- FOR SALE: Queen size "Hide-a-bed".brniwhite nated by the San Jose Mercury for the Woman of FOR RENT: Beach house at Pajaro Dunes, com- Herculon,perfect condition. $150. Girl’s Schwinn DistinctionAward, and was named Fellow of the pletelyfurnished, cleaning included in the rent. 3-spd26" bike, needs1 new tire,$20. Girl’s20" Institutefor Developmentof EducationalActivities beautifulviews of MontereyBay. See pictureon bike, good condition,$30. Brown dinettetabIc, under the Academyof FellowsProgram. bulletinboard in cafeteria.Reserve now for winter perfect,$50 Universalfire screen, $4. Misc.drapes Other activitiesplanned for the BlackHistory and spring weekends.Call John LundelL257-7260 in perfect condition, make offer. M. Wash, Programinclude an exhibitof work by BlackAmeri- 259-7607.after 5:00 p.m. ,:anartists to be displayedm themain Jibrary, and SQUAW VALLEY RENTAL: Skiing with no traffic Amestours for juniorhigh and high schoolstudents headaches.Fully furnished Condo. Sleeps 5. Three- AIr wood studentdesk (size:42x16) with 7 drawers frompredominantly minority schools in the area. minutewalk to lifts,Call Ray gavin, 964-2170, Verygood condition.$35. Call321-1858.

Brownsofa witha matchingchair, very good condi- tion,ideal for an apartment,$125, Will sell sepa- rately.Call 32 b1858. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Twinsize blankets, like new, $10 each;bed covers, $5 each;bed sheets, $3 each;all in verygood condi- NatiOnNIAeforl~Iu{ics ~Jr]O Postageand Fees Paid tion.Call 321-1858. SpaceAO rrllnls[ra~lon NationalAeronautics and Ames ~ esear ch Cerner SpaceAdministration ~a©lfettgr@le Calito~r~ 3 ~403~, NASA-451 For Sale: Twin beds (new), $70 each. Both with AC415965 500!) king-sizefoam pad and bedspread,$I30. Call Carl- ton McMahon,253-5445.

Interestedin sharingride or drivingwith me from Hayward/Fremontarea? Call Fatadeat ext. 626~, 8 a.m to 4:30J.m. NatioaalAeror~auhcs and SpaceAdminislrat~on Ames ResearchCenter MoflettF~eld Cahforn~a 94035

hdo- ish- aid. fter

VOLUME XIX NUMBER 9 February10, 1977 In Memoriam H. JulianAllen, 1910-1977

H. JulianAllen, the man whosc work made pos- fn additionto beinga distinguishedscientist and sihlethe safe returnof the Apolh)astrona~ls t{) engineerhimself. Mr. Allen was also an inspiring earth,died of a heartattack at theStanford Univer- leader,A wholegeneration of aeronauticalengineers sity Hospital on Saturday. ~anuary2(} He was was guided and inspired by him at the Ames (re)earsold. With his passing, lhe United Stales has ResearchCenter. lie servedin a numberof leader- ]OM one el the major figuresin nlodernaerospace shippositions at Ames,capping his careerby a Term tedmo~ogy. as (’enterDireclor from 1965 Io 1969 Witiqinthe aeronauticaland space commtmit~,. Mr.Allenl% nl,a.:4 otltslanddlg engineering achJcve- HarveyAlleJl prnbablywill he rememberedbest lnent was being the originatorof the conceptoi among his man) associatesfor his marvelouslywarm hhmtncssas ;m aL’rod)natnictechnique ior greatly senseof hunlor.;~.hich blended with his highl$crea- reducillgthe severehealing problem spacecraft tivemind to delightand stimulateall of thosewho reenteringThe [!arth’salnlospn/ere. }tJs collcept workedwilh IiJm. His man_,,t-bends and colleagues revolulionizedtlwbasic design oi ballisticInissJles. respected him lor his outstandingengineering Basedon thisco[Icepl, he was the lirslto propose accomplishments and came to Tore him as an finala blunl,manned reentry capsule be employed unconlnmnlygenial and delighlfu~human being iorsaR’l~- returuing as{rouauts ~ronq space This ttm- darnenlaldesign was us~’d successfulbon tile To capturesome o~ tile thoughts,feetings and ~’,lercury.(;ernini. and the reno’wned proiecl. rtq’leclionsof man}.Ame~ researchersand adminis- Iralorstoward Itarvey Alien. the Astrogramasked Oneel Mr Alien’searliest ,~cienli%_ conlrihntions ior comntentsfrom seineof his ck>-,efriends and of significancelo ihe a~iali(mindustry was the associateshere at Ames. Bit1Harper reflects back on the),ears of research deve~opmenlof a generaltheory of subsonicairloiN Jack Boyd assistedH. JulianAlien for a number he spenlwith Halve) Allen and sla~es:"’The list of ]’iicso-called h}~.-drag airfoils, used on aircraftsLteh of years and he writes: "’Harv was a friend,a ¢,peciFtctechnical contributions made by Harvey, :is tile Mustang Fighter lU World War I[. were leacherattd neverending source of im, ptralionHe himselfis long.But the listof technicalcontribu- mmrovedconsiderabl) (hrough this generallheo~. lovedbeaut}, logic arid commonsense. He disliked tions made through his influenceon other Ames Beginningm Hie mid-] q40".,, his tedmiual Ieadershil~ sham,pretense and pretentiot~snessWe admiredhim re~.earchpeople is at mostendless This influence on ~,a*.a diningforce behind the devctopmenlof the for his infectioussense of humor,his intellectual Amesand its peoplewas obqous’.’,hen 1 f~rsIcame varioushigh speed wind tunnelsat the NASA-Ames im, ighland hiswillingness to sharehis manyinter- to Ame,~m 1’:)41And it apf,eared in unusualways. ResearchCenter. which nov, represctltone of the estsand talentswith others. ~e willmiss his pres- LOtln~ry’sprimar3 reso’Jrc~’~ [Ist’d in thk’ d~.*veiop- encehtll will long be influencedby his havingbeen "’HarveyAllen and ltarr)Goett came to Anle~ nlentof ad’.ancedaircraft bar the aviation indu:.,ir) withus. Har~was unaqueand he is gone1 believehe from Langte)at about [he same thne and for many and mililar)del-en~, of the Nation.These national would want us to rememberthe good and stimulat- years, betweenthe two o~ them. H~e)’ directed rlacJlities,in a sense,art’ a monumei~tto his,:areer ing timesand not larryover his departure." neath al] of Ames" research. The competition betweenthe two of them to have his ideaspursued was tensebut friendl).The educationalimpact on young engineer,caught betweenthese lwo. each arguinghis own case in a mogI convincingwa), was enormous.To strengthen his ease. liarvey was alwaysholding parties at his home which quickly turnedinto inlense technical arguments, to lhedis- may of tilewives, anti led to iTiOllktnlentalhang- overs.But the sc{enlificchallenges exposed in at] lhe,~earguments laid the foundationfor Ames’con- cenlrationon and snccessin the worldof morebasic research.And Halseywas not satisfiedwith smlply turningaltenlion to a problemNo tootlerwho }ou workedfor. you could expectto find Harveydrop- pingb~, to ~eamof yourprogress al~d eonstruclhel) criticize whal you were doing. {rsuaII) he announcedhis presenceby whisllinga phrasefrom a pieceof classicalnlusic and demandingthe lilleof filepiece and lhe name of ilsconlpo~,er "’Harvey’sinfluence will be feltfor a longtime. His studentshave gone laL m and out of NASA, and it is easyto seein theiractions Ihal their forlnahve years occurred trader Ihe influenceof Harvey Allen." 2 Ames ResearchCenter

((’rnlthntl’dtkom Page t) Dean (’hapmanconln~ent~. "llarvey’s technical woTk ct~nlnlallded tilt, rcspcdl of everyone and Ili~ ~armsense el 1rumordelighted ti~ose with whom he worked.Hap, ey Alien was respectedfor what he (lid,and likedfor whathe "a, as. lie could make almostany stffqec’~ am~*sing or interestinganti. 111 [act,could address llearly an 5 subjectpresented to him.Harvey wa’, a smcere,informal and casualper- son who made people tecl cosy and conllorlable when with him Often, toward the end ofaworking day, Harveywould finish up his work and tour his divisionor portionsof Hm laboratoryduring the goal’sof hisdirectorship tie kept close tab:, on the peopleand Iheir p~(~iects and madesthnulating com- I?lelltS and sttggestion~to I he researchers.[ hese were receivedenthusiastically lklrvey had a fml and I friendlynickname for many of tile peopleat ~he laboratoryand he alwayshad a friendlyand infor- maJgrcetilqg width put mos~ people at ease. "1 wmdd so} thai the singular,most OulMandh~g thingLibOtll ilarwy Allen wa~, his wonderlul senqse ot Ilurllortie made peoplelaugh with him selden/at an},onct)i" anything }larve~, used his sense of hL~n/01 ~eryeffectively in conversingwith people.Anosher outstandingdimension to lhisman v,:~shis highly creativendnd which ftmctiolledin an imagmative and practicalway throughouth> career "tlarveyhad a widerange of interest:~.His aMen- siva collectionof books in his home demonstrated lhisfact One couldfind an orientalcookbook nexl to litcra|ureon aeronaulic-,,which couad h~ turnbe "’Whenhe caKicoul to Arlle>and ] relrladledal siluatednext k~ ~aork~,describing ancient oriental LangleyFicld. I rememberalct~cr hc ~lTccwrolc lu or!~, and furnilure,or archeologicaldigghlgs. Hi LI%al theLab. Hc ~aidlie ~as claicJ <~t: the’lheoJcti- recordcollection was phenomena]and hisintcres* in col Aerod3namicsGroup and Ihe RciniorcedCon- antiqueatttomobiles alnazing. Harvey wa., indeed a creteSection! And. as Harve?pill it, ’Carl Biolctli unique,warm. sensitive,and gmcerehuman beinG." treads,up tileCons[rLtctioll Division. because Ht has thebook!" He ~asa~ chara~lcr. "’Harveyhad a lifelongfa~ch~alkm uith air’drips, thougt~hc knewthe), were impractical, in fact,he couldhave been considered an exper~on the subie~.t of airships.At noont[i31ehe to[dman,, -,reties of the variousnear accidents Ol airships.The mosttan/ous was when he was at Mmes Field m Los Angek’~and ’aitnessedthe takeoffot Ihe Gruf Zeppebula-, I piloled b} Hugo EckharL Evidentlythe ship was havingdifficuk. ~, liftingoff so much so ;,halthe crew was madly throwingexecs,, weight, inchlding lettuceand other fends,ofi the airshipHarve} wotddtell this story and relate its absurdity qn}t¢ vividlyWe had some fun and k[ntlsnLllhmchlinle conversationswith Harvey.

Dr, R. T. Jones knew Harvey Allen when both men worked at Langley back in the mid thirtie~ R.T recollect:;."’Harvey Allen was human,natural and outgoing,tie wa~, sensibleand stlrelynot opposedto havingfun. I rememberbuck in Hamp- ton w]lenthere was a llousdlgshorlage and a group of engineer~,,h~cluding Harvey. got Ingatherand renteda large house and formedwhat we came to know as "Club 55." The group also formed an orchestraand Harvey played the piano. He also lovedto composemusic. It was a |un-lovingbunch. "’Harveyhimsef~ had a treat ability for creative ru~sealC}lI haw,, 11o do~tbl Ihal lie wti:~ a gL’IliLt:~.||i~, dcalhis a doubletragvdy boil1 ii; the Ios’~of thu,ill~Ui a’, a human5ehlg, alld t)f his rlldld,sh,trpL’lled LilI(t developed eve: 50 years "in addition,I wouldcall Ilar,,’ey Allen a ic:.vable nlan And ] don’{ list thai phrase iighl~, fie pos- :~e,.sedli glealdc:d o[ wLIrl]lIhLIIId ]ltl[11~liI%. ][~.’ WaS a gl-r’atqorytcller and had file abilil},It) take ,,illl]’/leslory arid make it nliLIIItl~a’.¢Jnalil/g (likr 131tlllyItl]ldlliZIl.J Ct~/IVeP’~lliOHl% I()CLINCL] t)DIIIII|~CFOLIN ~;Ld’lje~.l!,[l.’w O~’ whictlw~r~ w<~rk related E,’ylllC. lloWC:el,W’cle >pelt| wit}l }]~IF~ telling el Jli~cxpcri- cHce-,tl-. d yq~iHlgUllgi~lccr :lI[ ~l[lglcy Lab He v,’<)Lald ctq~l]’~:,tl¢hisatldR]lc¢, tllld el [elitJlilC% ]ILI’~c Jcii or Iv~ci\tpcopfc tll Ilic ltlIlchlahlc li’qcning t¢~ hi~ kt]cn Nc had :i Icrriliccapab[lil) ?l~l eiHcylami]~g pc~ple.Hc calriedtbi:, eha~actclisli~ i!*el i/~1() ~, public4peaking Lllld ~ouldoJic’n hrmt. hF, ;ttldicl]cc ~li!%~ltilt]tllughlu’l "’[[al"~c),\llcYl "~, til’slJ~+~e ~a-, "c~.cu[lerlcc ul FCSCL~[CIh"titTCLDgTIlzt!d ~llld ~.’]lCtlUF~gu’d ilif] O[h~.’/~ Ut’k’n](l~cd ~[1¢ iralcHcCttlat. ~aIItnl ~.OlflC ]~t~k’ called !helJJc el lit t‘ IIlil]d¯ It~lr%k’~ pl’x.}~,tLtcd h]lCI]%]~C}]I- 171c’17till ~l!i~l rc,~aci~ tJozni-hcd al~d. u* ,t ru-,tl][. Ihcr~LLFL & Itl[t)! people.’ 11[ -NIltL> W]ICl <~W~ l]liN ]]]LID d !dl’k’~tldk’Cll. [(1[ {hk ’~.~1.¢l e tt][t/t.%e~]L[lil ~qlt. IIUltl~cd I > allcrcdIl%k" le~,,J£11-..h IlG~1 ",[llNtl]tllillg dllllOspllcTc "

I{ar~e~.AIk’n wa, eguca~¢Oat Slal]}:t;ldUnixer- ,,it}..where he earnedhis Bachelor’sai~.d Engineer’s Jegreesl:p brillialltcareer al l[li<- insl[{tlliorl Mr ..’,,ln~,!GsconlriDtiliol/s ’,~erc widc]?, recognized r~tilionaI{\ {l~]t] ll3lernatlOllaII).[1~,~d’, {]~e dr/ Of ]ll;Tlgdrtl(9~lec}tnical paper,, {HTd rc{ult ed ltlall~, lio]]o~~arid at~ard,;. Alllortg the Ilt~)>limporlan{ were N,\SA’,,DistUlgub.iled ger’,Tce Medal asld chc Meda! for ExceptionalScien’cific Achie~emcnh ~hich were a’,~ardedm I q5- and ] q~5 respectively,.He received the g31~a~Tt~-Mbert Reed A’~ardof the L~>,titut¢or %erospaceScience*; for kis distinguishedcontribti- tions m IO55. and in IO58 ~as selecled to Five tke ~:righl Brothers Lecture by l]:e same organizati(m Also in It)Sg, %tr Allen received the Air Force &ssociatioil’:,prestigiom. Airpower Troph$ il} recog- nil~mlel his technic;tlcontributions to the National Delense. Mr. Allen ,aas an ltonorar3Fellow el the Allier{callInstittlte ior ~,ero~tatllic,-,a~ld .,~stronau- tics, a [Te[]o~ o| llle American Asrronaulica} Society,a Feltowot tile MeteoriticalSociel~,. and a fellowof theRo va[/%,cP.1llatllic3l Stlciet) . [ Olidt’,[1. lie was a illetllberof t]/~., Nalim~alAcadeltl~, of Engineering. Mr Allen was born} ii~ Ma}.wood,Hlinoi>. il’~ lqlO a~ld wals a rcsidenlof Pale Atlo fol mall) 3car>.lie IS Stlr~ivedb~, hi~, sister, Mrs Josuphme Wallace McMtJrlr~,,ga~l Al~l

77-36 Administrative8peciafist (STEP) GS-5/7 FOR Centerwide 2-18-77 Home for Sale: SPACIOIIS MILPITAS 4 BR home 77-37 PersonnelClerk (Typing or Clerk-typist) GS4/5or APX Centerwide& Outside 2-18-77 in quietarea, featuring 28xl3 living room w/fire- G8-3/4 place.Air cond.,forced air heat,w/w carpets.25’ 77-38 ASTTechnicalResources Management GS-9/H/12 SEM Centerwide 2-18-77 D’boy pool. $55,750Owner, 263-8625. 77-39 ResearchAircraft Inspector WG 14/15 FOI Centerwide 2-18-77

TO APPLY:Call Extension 5599 or 5600


Nntice For Sale: 75ramMinolta El Rokkorenlarging lens. No. Title Org. N§rne 545.3 ca.4-reel Nikkor developing tanks, $3 (forall 31. 651-9540,V. Yeurwood-Drayton. N/ 77-9 PurchasingAgent ASP EmityFoley (Outside Candidate) NAS, 77-11 Personne~Clerk (Tyging) APM GloriaHoeninghaus For Sale:Boys & (;iris5-spd bicycles. Sears. Make relating 77-19 SecurityClerk (Typing) APS PetriciaTorrello (Outside Candidate) ofl;t,r.251-0237. 77-28 AccountingTechnician (GO) AFB OliveCooper science 77-27 Secretary R FP Cancelled lions.( Space8 For Sale: Firewood,Eucalyptus, $75/cord, 540/!,3 Enterpr cord¯r)elivered, 048-5968. woman~ NAS~ WANTED:Small uprightor spinelpiano, 322-1463 laLinch! Want ads ShOwS, Heavy duty drk. brn vinyl chair,like new. good helnu~ts Transportation looking,comfortable, relaxing. $70. Call 321-1858 olherl~ ot COUT Auto for Sale: 6t SunbeamAlpme Rdstr.Very good interest 1076 Triumph TRv. new engine,50,000 mite war- New trophy at Ames mech. & in appearance.Also 2rid rcbuildableor advance runty, moon root’, AM"FM g-track,Western mugs. peaceful The revolvingtrophy for the winnerof the second partscar. 510,O0/offer263-8625 customstripe, list price was $7300.6 monthsold !1 sh{ NASA Intcr~enter Jogging Competition won by Asking$5075. {415}793-9148. carrying Ames is now on displayin the trophyease at the Persianrug with pad, Ox12,pretty, colorful like and tecl backof tileCafuteria. Congratulation-, to all who new. 5150. Cul1321-1858. For Sate: "65" CadiNac4 DR DeviHein fair condi- thescie representedAmes in the competitionl tion. Good tires,Needs vinyl top repair $150. liniitutK: In orderto cnstlrt,that the :Lrophystays al Ames SilverBars. I0(1 oz. Cull Bill ’O’l]aren. 403-] 874. Asking$800. For info. call Sal Tardio,205-6852 dealsv, as the winnerin tile nextJogging Competition next after4 p.m. whichat May,the .Poggernautsare sponsoring2-mile handicap ~971 Honda350co, good tend.,reliable transportu- lies NA racesevery other Tuesday, starting Februur.,, 15. For Sale 1965 TR-SPITFIRE 4 Convertible.5400. lion,$395. 736-3984. tainmen Runners will meel m front of Bldg 24"5 at Sa~ Tardio,295-6852. Sun Jose licfion 11:30a.m.and be assigned a handicap. Anyone Toyota 71 Corona, 2 door, AutomaticIrebudr by When. mterestedin takingpart sllolaldcontact Bruce F:or Sale:1966 Mm, tung.VS. $1700.247-3333. O. AAMCO).ti5K miles:,good running condition, Stl5(t calad’ei, Castle.Fxt. 5089. Ca~l247-’-)549 after 6 p.m. Bolboh act Lint|’i Jrlcorp(~r Happy hours ingcrasl "69 Toyota Corona Reb[t. eng. R&H, AC. 4 1u;’73Dodge Dart Swinger. (: cyl,,auto. lrans, pwT Tile~’irst Happy Hour of 1977was January28th. speed.Good shape. Asking $600 or best ofler.(’air steering,It. gold,$2100 (’all 084-58c)o alter 5 pc. seriesT sponsored by the Ames Ski (lob Future Happ}, after5p.m 272-2001.askfor Art. ; ograph ~. Hoktrsare scheduled for chaseb~, For Sale: IO75 Pontiac Astre Hatchback E r11111 Date. Sponsor 20,000miles¯ Green with blackinterior. 4 cyl gas tlpen,tt February] g Jetsetters saver(23 milesper ga]lonL269-178t after 5 p.m ol ductedi AprilI SoftbaltTeam 225-5113before 4:30p.trl Ask for Ke0draKelle~. mediu.: May 27 Photo CRib Housing $30O0. NASA a which a For Rent:House Immac. 4 BR, 2 hA, Jam. rtTI.2 car upon re ARA election gar, AEK.refrig, dshwshr, disp, new no-waxfloors, For Sale: PLYMOUTH SATELLITE lgtq-I: AfT. presentu’ Five vacanciesare coming up soon on the ARA new optsand drps,lovely private yards, prime Pale R/IE, Air Cond_ Power Steering,Clean. S1050 or ExecutiveBoard If youare interestedin runningfor Ihe()pen Altolocation, close to schoolsand Ames.Lse, 5575 best offerPhone 651-6757after 6 pm the Board. contact Denise Lacy, is docmn electionto me.Avail. 3/1~ Carl 321-~858. Ext. 6645. WANTED: Someone reliable,with references,In I~ecat/ care for child in my home;San Jose,north valley gosling’ Fastpitchsoftball Large furnisheddeluxe studio apartmentin San near Milpitas.]emporury, for about 2 weeks.Cull "USS Et Marco near the Hayward-S0n Muteo Bridge on 259-7419,after 5 p.m. thefolio The NASA Ames Faxtpitch Softball Team will MarinersIsland Boulevard: available February 1, startpracticing for the 1977softball season. Inter- IO77Private garage, pool and recreatton fucilLties: Firs Car pool. One opening.Wllite& Quimby. Evergree0 estedplayers contacl Bruce Ganzler. ~:5943. $220/month.George Lenehan,343-’a730 evenings urea.Phone 238-3390. On Sei firslSpac LACROSSEPLAYERS desiringto relieve the frus- ccrenlonJ trationand ease the tensionof Govermncntred tape betI 7, [ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER shouldcontact Herb Fingerat 246-3616. paoy’sP actorsw Postageand FeesPaid Planninga party?Live nrnsic is the ’fin-thing."We serites wet NationalAeronaulics and three girls known as the JEB Trio would like to SpaceAdministration NASA-451 per~brmfor you. We can playall typesof musicfor your dancingand listeningpleasure. Reasonable. NASA Contact:Joe [our agent)739-6054. human Million-D "’Bionics, For Sale: Dinetteset Coslonl made table and 6 Ironies,I chairs white. Round table extendsto seat t, (.’lean,good condition, $75. 736-2696. (Continu, NatsnalAeronaulics and SpaceAdminishation Ames Research Center MoffetlField. Cal~forrua 94035

VOLUME XIX NUMBER 10 February24, 1977 NASA and TV Lastcall for Dr. DeFrance NASAcontintles to receivea largevolume of nlail relatingto commercia]lyq)roducedspace-oriented Shuttleapplicants to be honored ~cieneefiction television and motionpicture produc- lions.Queries range from suggestions that tile first NASA has receive{]1,147 applicationsfor the I)r. SmithJ DeFrance.retired director ol Ames Space ShuttleOrbiter be named Ihe "USS Slarship Space Shuttleastronaut candidate program. Dead wil~be honoredfor his sdectionas a;q A[AAfhmof [!rlterprise-to "does NASA haw a bionicmail or linefor applying is June30, 1977. try Fallowin a specialceremon}, on March]5. ;~I woman’r’ NASA anflouneedlast July lhat it was seckJngat 4:00 p.m in the Ames (hlettri:~lDr DeFran~eI~ NASA is also asked wh~. it doesn’Tdesign and least15 plierand 15 missionspecialist oneof thre{-per,ons selected ior Ill{’ lionorary Pd- ]aundlspacecraft similar to thosedepicted on Illese candidatesSuccessful candidates witl reportto lo’a~,tatus Each ",ear ()rd} two ltonorar$Pdlov,:- shows, why its astronautswear space suits and JohnsonSpace (’enter ]cdy I, I g7g.for twu yearsof from the United Stales,and one outsideo~ tht hdmets.’a, by theycarry m} arm~,and a varietyel Trainingand evalualion.Final selectioninto the (/niledStales. are selectedb} the Fellowsel AI~,A othertechnical and nontechnicalqllestions. NASA, astronautprogram will dependon saIisfactoryeom- I)r DeFrance~as named. "G0r lab leadershipin of cot=rse,Is pleasedthat theseprograms generate plelitmof theeva~uation period directingand buildingNASA Ame~ Research(entc~ interest in the NASA mission of condticldlg Since NASA is committed to an atflrmatiw to a position csf enlinenct: in acro~pa.’c re~carch and advancedaeronautics reseaFcb and continuingthe action program with a goal of having qualified development"" peace(u[expioralien of space. minoriliesand womenalnon,~ the astrealautcandi- Startingas an aerenautiealengineer at Langby It shouktbe pointedeel, however,that NASAi~ dates.NASA walt make additional effort-, t:~ reach Field.Virginia. m 11"122[)r I)eFranccv~a, respvm- carryingoul ~ts mission rising the Testedresource:~ thesegroups siblelol designand constructiono! ~omcoI [.al/g- and Icchnok)gyit has developedTile producersof "In dale 1 I.g22 applications, rorm~ aM k,)"smaior research fad]tries, ttc hecaTne l)ireeli~r tfl the sciencefiction shows arc no{ bound by These anrlonllcenlenlshave been mailed let requesters Oklt- tile Ames Acronaulicall~borater} In [Oat) Dr finiilahens tile"Star Trek- series¯ fol example, side NASA Another 350applicathln~ have been DeFrancec

PirqSlluttle @biter Named "’Enterprise’" On Septenlberg. 107,%Plre~idenl Ford naTileg tile [irslSpace Shill lie Orbiler I hc "l nlerprige"" Re}hurt ccreinoniesfor lhe test whiclcwere hdd Septem- ber 17, D76,al tileRockwell llllernalR!na[ (’onl- pany’sPalnldalc, Califin-nia, planl Several of tile ;lelorswho appearedin tilt,Sial Trek lelevish)n ~;{!rit’sWeFt’ preft’nl aIlhe roJloul.

BionicResearch NASA has nol produced a robot ol endowed a Mman with the capabilitiesatiriMled to the "Six- Mdlion-Dollar-Man"or "-[hc Bionic Woman "" "’Bionics"or biodectronics,ol bionwdicaldec- Ironies.refers to Ihestudy of or dcvehlpnlenl~fl’ (Gmtomed o. Page 2) 2 Ames Research Center

SafetyCorner- NASA and TV CET, exam (Continuedfrom Page .I) Electricaland ElectronicTechnicians should electricalor electronicdevices for LtS~tn physiologi- Blooddonor information beginpreparing for the May, CertifiedEngineering cal measurements(such as heartrate, electrocardio- Technician(CET) examinationwhich has been spon- A revised brochureentitled "The Parmanente gram,respiration rate, body temperature), biochemi- Medical Group Blood Transt\~sionProgram For soredby the NationalSociety of ProfessionalEngi- cal measurements(such as bloodand urineelectro- neers since 1961. The 6-hourexam coveringmathe- Members Of The Kaiser FoundationHealth Plan, lyte and hormoneconcentrations), prosthetics and Inc."will be issuedshortly by the KaiserFounds- maticsand basicengineering principles will be given human augmentation(such as artificiallimbs and lion.The toltowingparagraph is a quotationfrom at 3 locationsin the Bay Area.A preparatorycourse artificialorgans, sensory aids to thedeaf and blind), the revisedbrochure. Changes from the original bro- for the exam beginsMarch 3. and otherareas of biomedicalresearch and clinical chureare in italicsfor yoar convenience. CET statusis recognizednationally; recertifiea- medicine."Bionics," as it is most popularlyused "Your Kaiser FoundationHealth Plan does not tionis notnecessary in anotherstate. Certification is today,usually refers to areassuch as robotics,artifi- cover bloodrequired for transfusions.Blood must theonly official recognition of ability,achievement. ciallimbs, artificial organs, and computer control of be replacedor a chargeof up to SdS.OOwill be made andprofessionalism available to ET’s.It is required systemsto augmentor replacethe human operator, h~r each unreplaced unit. EXCLUDED Jrom this by many employersof ElectricalEngineering Tech- NASA has done work in all of the areas men- chargeare wtnfleb/nod ,~r packedred eell5sranVu- nicians, and may enable ET’s to bypass pre- tionedabove. Most of this work has been in the st, ms perlbrmcdin KaiserUe~tltldaliotr th*witals employnleniexanrs, developmentof biomedicalinstrumentation t~ar toeatedm Sa.laClara £’ololtv however, a chariot" Applicationsto takethe CET examwill be avail- physiological,psychological, and biochemicalmea- real he incurredJbr bh~od pr~dltelsother than ableat the firstmeeting of a comprehensivereview surementson man and other animalsduring space wholebh~rM attd pa~ ked red cellvA specialprogram coursedesigned to thoroughlyprepare ET’s for the flightor spaceflight simulation. However. a substan- is availableto HealthPlan membersso that they exam. The course is administeredby Michael R. tial amount of NASA research and development may avoidthese charges for transfusionsin Kaiser Lmdeburgand the ProfessionalEngineering Regis- efforthas also gone into the areasof te~eoperators FoundationHospitals in Northern California. trationProgram, with the sponsorshipof the Penin- and remote manipulators,These are "’arms"and Throughthis Blood -transfusionProgram members sula Chapter.California Society of Prolessional "hands" which may be remotelycontrolled, are niaydonate one pintof bloodand covermost of the Engineers. programmable,macro or micro-systems,capable of transhlsiollneads of an entirefamily for one year an individua]for two yearsfor any condit]m~tba~ movingand manipulatingvery large,heavy oNects, such as earth orbitingsatellites froul the Space arises AFTER enrolhnent in the program. Many Shuttle,or very small objects such as minute condition..,fllat exist PRIOR to enro[hnentwill also samplesof a radioactiveore from its protective he covered.A list of such conditkmsis available containerto a measL~remenlchamber Technology Shuttle ,, upon request.IZ by reasono.f age ~Jr health,a resultingfrom NASA’sim.olvement in teleoperator requffementsfor a de~ee by Dec. 31, Iq77. An #71ctnhegta?IlN;l dfH~at~’ b~ood, an utb~tlla[ preltlhtm and controlsystems development has been applied rff$25.#0 may he paidrn lheHealth Plan Or lien~1:¢ advanceddegree or equivalentexperience is desired to solving problemsof the handicapped. a d~mutfl~#t,r~r a re[atil,ec~r [iqe~ldma~ ~nake a Theymust have at least 1.000hours first pilot time, with 2,000 or more desirableHigh pertk~r- ~me-tiowatittuul de.tat#era i. the memher~hehaIJ~ citittg the memher~ Health Phm ide.#fi~alh.r mancejel aircrafl aml flight test experience is highl,, desirable.They must pass a NASA (’lassI space nit,tiber.’" Under provishmsof an agreemenlbetween the flightphysical and be hetweenti4 and 76 inchesin CentralCalifornia Regional Red (’ro~sBk~od Pro- height. gram and the Kaiser FoLmdation,the Red Crosn Exportcontrol Appficantsfi>r massion specialist cond/date posi- BloodProgranl will accept designated donations in tions are not requiredto be pilotstducationat qualificationsare the gameas for pilotapplicants behalfot a Kaiser memberwho is not a memberof hi the event that yOLI. as a formt:r NASA exceptthat biological science degree~, are im.’ludcd the Blood TranMusionProgram m order to enable employee,take a professiol3a!position as all aero- Missionspeeialisl applicants inus[ he ableto I)aS~a the Kaiser l[eafth Plan member avoid the extra space expertdeahng with or for privateiedastry NASA Class2 space~’lighl physical and he between charges described above when the nlember hax abroador foreigngovernments, you will be subiect hO and76 inchesill height receivedtransfush)ns el who~eHood or bloodprod- to the InternationalTra~fic m Arms Regulations Civihanapphcant~, may obt:dna packetot apph actsTo Iacilitateidenlificafion and :lppHcationel (ITARIadministered by the Departmentof State. catitm materialfuma IS(" Reqtiesl~should b,," propelcredits the KaiserI:otmd:~tion request’, that Underthese regcdalions certain ~ypesofwtcla.wHTed nulilcd Io either Ast rollaul I Mission Speckiliq ) Can perseusmaking designated donatious in bchal(of techrlica]informatk)iq requires an expnrllicense didateProgram or Aslrt’,llaultPiloti (’alldidalc Prt)- KaiserHealth Plan uremberlurnish tire men3bcr’s be(on’it n’.aybe disclosedin anymanner to foreign ~am. CodeAltX. NASA Johnmll Space (’entcJ. name,Health l)lan identification numbel, if known. nationals. and the nanleof the KaiserHospital in whichtrans- The US. MunilionsList el the ITAR ~,et~,iorth flouslon,’[ex 77058 Militarypersonnel shlaild apply throughThcq fusionstook place categoriesof itemswhich require an exportlicense AS a rcsLlll of HII Aillv’rlcan Re¢l (’ross natiOndl Practicallyall space and advancedaeronautical respectiveservices using procedures ann(ranted h~ policy change, Donor Clubs Inow referredIn as equipmenlis coveredby nileor moreof thesecate- the Departmentol 1)clense.MititaD. candidalcs wilt Donor (;IOLIpS~ no longer aCCklnlLda[e "credits" gories be assignedto JSChilt will remain in acli,.emilital> statusIbr pay.benefils, lea~e and othermilita~r} which may hc transferredin behalfoi Donor Group The exportof u,e[assUTedtechnical data is also lnatter~ m~:nlbersor otherparties. This policy change in no subjectto licensingThe [-FARdefines the exportof way afleclsthe supplyor" bloodor bk~odproducts "’TechnicalData" (summarizedl as "oral,visual, or m Kai~,erFoundaliml Hospitals: they willbe avail- documentarydisclosurt: of unclassifiedinformation ablem stdficientquantity as before.All that is now that can be used for the design,production, mann requiredis that nne Donor(’ootip nlembcr make faclure,repair, over-hauh processing, engineering. designateddonor/m1 in the member’sbehalf to developnlenl,operation, maintenance, or recon- CreditUnion news extol[thai memberin tile ~lood TransfusionPro- strLlCliOnof ~temson the MunitionsList. or that A dividendof 6-1/2’;~perannum wasdcdared b$ gram in advalqceof the transfusion,or tbalgroup informationwhich advances the state-of-the-art." tileMe(fell Field Employees (’rcdit [dlliOU accold member~,make designatedreplacement donations on ins to John F Pt)gLle,I)residenl ol the Board ol a one-tor-onebasis after the transftlsion takes place. Directors,This quarterlydividend ~aas added t~ inemhers" aCCOLints ou I January 1977 lot in(me) on depositas of 3 I Decenlher] t)Th. Dead storagehours In OctoberMofi’ett f:ieJd limployecs (’todd Thank you Unionannounced a 90-l)ayNew Car SpecialWc arc To ensure Hint wmchouse personnel handling happy to announcethis new car spachd has bee~ dead storageare availaNefor promptreceipt and We want to extendour heartfeltgratitude to nil extendeduntil I April 1977 Any passengervehicle pickup of dead storage property,the following of BonnieMalmos’ friends at Ames for all of the purchasedduring this time wilt have repaymeal HOURS OF OPERATION are hereby established: loveand concernshown during her illness.A special period of 4gmonths,ql)9~ financingand 1(1’: Mmlday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:30pm. to "ThankYou" to the wonderfulpeople who donated APR!!! Me(felt Field Employees Credit Unmn’s 3:30 p.m. Thi~ scheduleis effectiveFebruary 28, blood on her behallWe pray that your donations, new car loanspecial includes loan proteclion inset lq77, and does not appIyto emergencysituations. in her name,to the OralRoberts University Medical ante on membersloan balancesup to SH),000at nt~ If it is necessaryto pickupan itemor to placean BuildingFund will help in findinga curefor cancer. additionalcost to theborrower. Also low costdisa item in storageunder emergencyconditions, then God blesseach and everyone of you. bi]Jtyinsurance is availableFor purchase, Prospectiw contact Chief,Supply Branch, who in turn will car buyers should remember that MFECU charge~ arrangefor a warehousemanto be availablefor interestonly on the decreasingloan balanceand immediateaction. thereis never prepaymentpenalty. rater

FPC Scholarship 41otdd ACE spring telewsedcourses keefing deadline4-1-77 J spon- I Engi- Ten or more $500.00Scholarship Awards will be TELEVISED COURSES Spring,1977 nathe- givento outstandinghigh schoolgraduates~ to he paid to the winners upon their enrollmenlin a : given ProfessionalSkills course recognizedjunior college or accreditedcollege or Microwave Tubes & Solid State Devices ...... university Selections win be announced at a MWF 12:00 - 1:00 PM Database Management Systems ...... :tifica- Iuncheonin Ma~. MW 12:00 - 1:00 PM Manufacturing Quality Control ...... ~1) Must be the son or daughterof a career TTh 12:30 - 1:00 PM lionis Beginning Business Math ...... civilianemployee presently emph)yed irl a Federal TTh 12:00 - 1:00 PM ~rnenl, GovernmentContracts Administration agencyin NorthernCalifornia; or 12~theson or ...... T 5:00- 6:45 PM quired Tools for Making Better Cash Investment Decisions ...... Tech- daughterel a retiredor deceasedcareer civilian who TTh 12:30 - 1:00 PM was enlp~oyedby a Federal agency in Northern Management of Technological Innovation ...... ; pre- TTh t2:00 - 1 :DO PM Californiaat the time of retirementor death:or MBA Foundation avail- f3)ctlrrenl~yemployed in a Federal agency in Management & Organizationa~ Behavior ...... "eview NorthernCaliR~rnia under tile President’sSTay-in- M 5:00- 6:45 PM Planning & Operations Management ...... urtile Schoolcampaign: or (41 have been employedduring W 5:00 6:45 PM Principles of Financial Management ...... tel R the snmnlct of 1976 tinder lhe Stlnll%erYouth T 5:00 - 6:45 PM Introduction to Profitability & Statistics ...... Regis- OpportunilyProgram; and (5)a high sclmolsenior Th 5:00 - 6:45 PM Penm- graduatingin Janttaryor J~ne 1977 lor between lhosedalesl Northern California includes Monterey. SupervisorySkills sional Introduction to Accounting ...... Kings,Tulare. Inyo and MI areasm Californianorth MW 12:00-- 1:00 PM Selected Topics in Supervision ...... c!fthese ct~tmties. T 5:00 - 6:45 PM Principles of Effective Business Writing ...... The bases(dawards inclndc the Iolh~wing: W 5:00 - 6:45 PM ,Y~llo/a~ti(Ahilit~ based on high schoolrecord andrestllts tit schoiasIic aptitL~dc tests ol the(’c~llcge PersonalDevelopment Creative ProNem Solving ...... ~lllrar, ce [-xaminaho~Board MWF 12:00-- 1:00 PM Personal Money Management ...... leadershipf%le~ltiul basedon applicationand MW 12:00-- 1:00 PM h’l~er~o~ r¢conlmcndatio]~ Effective Reading ...... MW 12:00- I:00PM Time Management ...... based on subnllsqonol a t200 word TTh 12:00 - 12:45 PM essa}elltitlcd "What EqLaal [{nlph~}l~iellt ()ppor[tln- Communicating Suecessfully ...... TTh 12:00- t:00 PM it3 Means to Me" A.pplicatiollprocedures include: t ns~uetionbegins Monday, March 28 {11 Obtaiilat)plication }foul agenc3 or. il llt~l a~:~liahlc,lronl address hclol~ (21 SendappIicalion to lhc adtlrcxsbch)t~ po~l- nl;lIkedno late[lhzJn ~prlf ]. ] U’-with: LI &. c(Ip)Ill" pltolc~stat O1 Vilitr ~l]g]1 SCtlOt!] lranscripll~l:isof l)u’c,’nlt%,l1075 ~hclwing hotlrs of cru’lli~I’~I" c’~luh ccitt%,, gnldC, tlatc ~ el colllpl(,tit)rl o’ndroslilD, el youlCI:FB lest lhis l]Id)hr.’ ’~hO~All Kassnerreceives Special Achievement Award ~111t r;lll~cript l~."Iwo ]Cltu’r~ I)I rcctlnnller~thlli~H1 fIOlllrcach- cr~.( (title=CleF5{HPrincil~:d~

"q~,haiI qltJ] t rnl~l


An~ empk~yeeinlelC’£t~.’d In a enp}(li the(’en- ter’sAffirnlative Aclion Plan fen l:Y77.’78 call tile FOPoff’ice, exl. 50~2e.. 4 Ames ResearchCenter

For Rent: Eichler.immac. 4 BR. 2BA, [am. rm., 2 Ames PromotionPlan vacancies car gar. AEK, re[rig,dshwshr, disp. new no-wax floors,new cpts and drps. lovelyprivate yards, Notice Areaof Closing primePa]o Alto location, close to schoolsand Ames. No. Title Grade Or9. Consideration Date Lse.$575 too. Avail. 3/1. Call 321-1858. 77-40 Secretary(Typing} GS-5/6 SP Centerwide 34-77 [lousefor rent:Milpitas, 3 BR, 2 BTH. fireplace. refrigerator,Close to 237 and 17, $340/month. TO APPLY:Call Extension 5599 or 5600. Phone493-1874 after 4 p.m.


Notice Miscellaneous No. Title Ors, Name FOR SALE: 15-it fiberglass Corsair ski boat 76-135T SupervisoryAerospace Engineer LB JamesPrim w/100HPMercury motor, and trailer,ext. cond,, $1200.(?all after 7:00 p.m. 578-3742.

FOR SALE: Capehartstereo console w/8-track tape, turntable,ext. cond.,$125. Call after 7:00p.m. Want ads 578-3742. FOR SALE: Boys Motorcross bike. Webco frame, Missing Transportation Red Line fork,nylon rear whe~:[, heavy duty front. $55,’ofkr.738~2948. These Iwo books were checkedotll O~ the main FOR SALE: ?2 Mustang,vg, pwr steering.S2075. Library:nalne, mailstop, and ext were omitted.If 259-7419 FOR SALE: 9xl2 orange shag rug. t yr ohl, ext. yOUhave please call the library, ext 5 i 57. cond.$50: [ [ xl3black and white short shag rug. 1 FASTCAT QA 20105 Title:Micn)program- FOR SALE: BMW 2002 ’76. metallic grey w~tan yr old, exc cond $75:40 plus yards gold sha~ mabk’computer architectures. mr., 4-spd.22k mi, exc cond.,$6900. Puss assume carpeting.2 yr old.$200: rubber padding 550: ladies FASTCAT QA 23397 Title: Computer organ- lease,493-8400. 941-8599. size 12 brown suede short jacket,fur collarand izationand, microprogramming, FOR SALI:1976 I g,5-ftmobile Traveler recreation cuffs,quihed satin lining,worn once, $50 Phone vehicleGMC truck body loadedwith extrasinclud- 263-4418 hrg PS, PB, A.’C.cruise, stereo Completely sell- contained.A bargainal $9300 Call Dick Gemoets FOR SALE:Hide-a-bed, doubte, blue. in fine condi- Thank you at 7354)635for furtherinlormation. tion $150 EarlMenel)ct4081243-5382. FOR SALE: ltl75 Volvo 242 Grand Tuxe. This is Craftsmanelectric motor, G hp. [ 15 volt.3450 rpm. We want to thankall our friendsfor theirgifts dam shaft,asking $35. 326-74c~2 and attendanceat my retirementparty Volvo’smost deluxe 4-cyl model Has many extras includingPS, PB. A’C, leather upholstty, full s~ereo, We expeciallyappreciated tile projectiontable Skis, poles, and Saloman bindings, used only whichwe usedright away to lookat the slidesfrom sunroof, low mileage /2g,000 miles left on 4times, S45 326-7492. my Fumpeantrip. 50.000mile warrantyl,plus al~ the standardVolvo Sincerely. "extras."Please call Dick Gcmoetsat 735-0635, ext.252, for furliler information. Ski boots,German-made, size II. moldedplastic, Jack,Rosie, Linda. and MichaelMellenthin buckle-type.$20.32~-7492 FOR SALE: 1966 (vgl Mustang In ext. cond Snow chains, sizes 8.50-14,g 55-14. g.4q-15. Recentlypainted. S1200 O. Bolboh247-3333 7.~0-15. 215-R15, 215-R14, 205-R15. F70-15~ G70-l S. never used $10 326-7402 Fastpitchsoftball FOR SALE: 1975 Chev. Monza 2+2. AM/FM radio. air cond.,needs body work, $2000/ofler, 9t~7-0881. The NASA Ames Fastpitch Softball Team will Persianrugs for sale: 4!<,x{~!? ft lorkeman,very high quality.$500: 3!,_,×4~. , ft Kashan.mediunl quality, startpracticing for the 1977softball ~easo~ Inter- FOR SALE: "62 classicPor’,che hard top, $3,300 $200:2x3lt Torkeman,very high quality,S50; 2x3 ested playerscontact Bruce Ganzler,x5943 Phone286-2565. ask for Beverly. It Tehran.low quality. $25. Call hi.jan (NRC’ leaving U.S.tat 964-8067. FOR SALE 1976 Buick all power, w/air cond.,pewter silver/burgundy vinyl top. Callafter Patiofurniture Homecrestchaise and chairwith 7:00 p.m. 578-3742. Albacorefishing ottoman,both piecesare swivelrockers $[O0.O0. ttank Asch, 996-7009 All those persons who might be interestedon albacorefishing this year some timebetween August FOR SALE:Camper. wooden, fits ~,,-ton.short-bed, and Octoberand v,,an~ some informationabout a Housing pickup.Good condition. $75. tt67-08~6. charter trip please contact Andr~ Bogart on ext 5560. The only thin" you can’t reach me is Alpine Meadows¯ week or weekends,Swiss Chalet Persianrug with pad,9xl2. pretty, colorful, like between7:30 and 8:30 on the morningsof 8, 10, cabin at North Shore. Lake Tahoe, AEK, dish- II. 15, or 17 of March I alreadyhave 12 people washer,2 bed,2 hath,sleeps 7, Call739-5373 after new. $150. Call 321-1855 signedup and only needanother IO. 5:30 Sofachair, heavy duly drk brn Vinylnpholstry, like new.good looking,comfortable, relaxing, ideal for familyroom/den Can be used in livingroom. $70 Call 3219858 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Diningchairs, set of 6, made of wood,drk walnut color with heavy duty b~ack Vinyl scats. Very JdlOriFll AeuJ’l ,~IC ,BrcJ Postageand FeesPaid KDjCoZ~n,~ ~r!,sI/atv r impressive,excel cond $125 Call 321-1858. NationalAeronautics and AmesR~areh Cente¢ SpaceAdministration VW Campmobi~eI would like to nent VW pop-top AC4% ~t5 5);( NASA-451 camperfor a few days Thinkingof buyingand want to try one out first.Dentils Cunningham. 255-7408.

HandcraftedBurl CoffeeTable Stained & finished. Willenhance any livingmum. Must see to app $350/bestoffer. Call 266-8362 (after 6:00 pm), NationalAeronauttcs and SpaceAdministration AmesResearch Center MofleitF eld Cahforr a 94035

~lace. on:th.

VOLUME XlX NUMBER 11 March 10, ?977 boat end., KuiperAirborne Observatory begins tape, p,m firstinternational mission ran|e. Front.

rug.I shag ladies : and Ikon~’





higt~ lality llC~]og}hl’~e~,[igatol!, froln StewardObscr~alor3 at og~ : D. A Harper,Jr., liJli~ersityof Chicago:and I; 2x3 the Uni~ersii5i~l a.riztlal~tand the Yerke-Oh,,er~a- W F Itoffmann.Ui~iversil,,

itlesday.April 2(~, I~)~- 17 30 c):{lOam , like Secrelary::l!xecuZive[~rc:lk~dst. ill ~bserval~ce~I AmesLear participates in Project Porcupine Secret

FriendsOutside ARC and Goddardco-host ITEST, seekvolunteers On March 12. 1977. Ames and Goddard Space mental agenciesto assess technologyand, most FlightCenter will host tile Institute for Theological recently,a scientific"supreme court" has been FriendsOutside of SantaClara County, a United Encounterwith Scienceand Technology(ITEST) recommended. Way Agency, is saekhig help from men and women cosponsoringa programentitled "The Limitations The question of the role of science in the m industrywho are interestedin becomingtutors or of Sciencein tileSolution of SocialIssues." There approachto socialissues is significantlyimportant in developinga one-to-onerelationship with a will be two speakers at N&SA Ames and two to our society-too significantto leave unex- school-agechild. Founded 22 yearsago to aid the speakersat NASA Goddard.The presentationswill amined.The uses or abusesof" science in theseareas famdiesof men and women in our countyand state be carriedlive via Experiment18 on the Communi- willaffect the lives of all of us. prisons.Friends Outside has tried to providethe cations Technology Satellite(CTSI. Time: Thetoni)fence, in additionto providingstimulat- childrenin thesefatuities with "volunteer friends" I1:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m ing speakerson a topicof greatinterest and concern for a numberof years,These two are perhapsthe Thereis a ~er~..profound and complexinteractiml at this time, will also providean opportunityto mostvital of the youthprograms. betweena societyr’s cultureand its scientific- observethe potentialuses of the CTSsatellite. At These childrenlive in homes,in many cases no technologicalenterprise. The ecdturalneeds and the presenltime. Stanlk~rd University and Carlton more ~than 15 nlinutesaway from your own. yet desiresof a societydetermine its technologywhile University,Ottawa. Canada: The SouthernEduca- they come from a world(if tragicallylimited horb the developingor developedethnology in turn tion ComnmnicationsAssociation and the Arch- zons. The.v are chddrenwithout a futureunless affectsand sometimeseftects cultural cnntinuib. diocese of San Franciscoare among the Experi- theyreceive help from the outside. Thereare n{lanyserious social issues in oursociety mentersutilizing the CTS. Volunteersin our programscan offerthese under- thathave significant science-technology components Personsplanning to attendthe conferenceare privilegedchildren something more than homework or havetheir origins in scientificdevelopments askedto pleasenotify assistance:they Call give the youngsters contact with Theseissues hictude, among others, tile energy’ NASA EducationalPrograms Office 204-7 thesuccessful worm which relieves their psychologi- crisisin itsman!,’ elements, ti~e invasion at privacy NASA Ames, ext 5544 cal poverty.Getting to knowthese famdies can he a threatenedb~ sophisticatedsurveillance techniques Attendeesare requestedto use Gate ] 8 on enterhig rewardPlgexperience for volunteers, tot*. and computerizeddata banks,research and techno- thecenter anti to thenproceed directly to theAudi- Tutorshelp childrenwith theirschool probiems logicaladvances in reproductivebiology, brain torium.Budding 201. The gate opens at 10:00 a.m eitherat the ~alhilyhome, at the library,or at physiology,and so on~There are questionsof trans- The TV net of the San FranciscoArchdiocese wil~ FriendsOutside. Vohmteer tutors (d’ten work in portation,environmental concerns, population man- also carry,this conferenceto some 75 schoolsin pairswith all school-agechildren in a l)milyIor agement,arms control,the implicationsof mass Northern Caliiorniafor viewing by educators. 2 hourseach week. Tilesare encouragedto work as communications,etc. There is a ~owingdemand to rdigious,and civic leaders. closelywith the children’s mothers as is possible. setnational social priorities and to establishgovern- THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE OurOne-t~t-One t’r, Jgram emphasizes tile deveklp- meal of a "big brother"or "big sister"kiml of relationshipwith a troubk.dor lonelychild between NASAawards solar energy patent the ages of g and 13 Each volumeeris encouraged In see"his" child for at least4 hourseach week. on NASA has awardedan (×elusivepatent license to water,ethylene glycol, or othersuitabJe liquid, is weekends,afternoons, o= evenings.B is hopedthat OwenEnterprises, Inc.. Wilmington. Calif., for pro- rekasedthrough a thermostaticallycontrolled valve ~olunteemin this program will develop lasthlg ductim~of a uniquesolar ermrgy concentrator that whentile proper temperature is reached.A seriesof friendships,with these children. focusesthe Sun’srays fromalmos! any anglewitb- the devicescan he hookedtogether, depending on The!,,oath progralnr, are only, part of Ihework ol out the need for a Sun trackingmechanism The the specificenergy requirements of a structure. FriendsOutside, a;~ c>rganization with o~er 600 vol- Withits concentrating capability of I 0 to one.tire devicewas inventedby Dr. KatsunoriShimada of unteersEriends Outside also has programsto aid NASA’sJet PropulsionLaboratory and patentedbye solar energyconcentrator has a much highereffi- theinnlates of thec~lunty jails, distraught mothers. ciencythan solar collector traits now on the market. NASA. andolder scho~fl chi~d=en Owen Enterprises,lnc., is an AmericanIndian- It can be usedfor residential, commercial and hidus- Many Ames empLo2,ees have participatedm fills trialapplications. owned firm. Final assemblyor the devicewilt be community,ef}ort during the pa~t years Won’tyou Owen Enterprises.Inc.. is locatedat 43~{ North accomplishedat facilitieson the RinconIndian he~p COlltinue this associati(m’7 FriesAvenue. Wilmington, Calif. 90744. Reservationnear Escondido. Calif It"you are interested in becominginvolved, pleasc NASA does not endorse comnmrcial products Under terms of the patent license agreement. contact developedas a resultof its PatentLicensing or Owen Enterpriseswilt invest5200,000 to develop DavidGihson, Youth I)ireclor TechnologyUlilizafloll Programs, but it does thedevice for the market. In addition,after produc- FriendsOutside encouragethe ,,vial(st possible use of itstechnology. tionbegins in abmltsix months,the firmwid pay a 712 Ehn Slreel A photographto illustralethis news release wilt one percentroyalty of its grosssales to the U.S. San Jose 95121, be sentwithout charge only t~ mediarepresentatives Treasury. leh 295-6033 Tile solarenergy concentrator is a long,narrow in the UnitedStates It may be obtailledby writing deviceconsisting of a specia;arrangement of multi- or phoning: fat(tedFresne{ lenses thai magnify a:he Sun’s energy 10 times,much likea nla~lifyingglass Each tater ThePublic Affairs Audio-Visual Office Safetycorner: of tiletens acts as a smallpri~m which concentrates Code FP/NASA lteadquarrers solar(nero’ on one of a seriesof heat collector Washington,D.C. 2(154(, elenlents.Tile concentrated sunshine heats a Iluid ldephone No.: 202/755-8366 Newseat belt ruling locatedin channelsbeneath the lem.es.Tile fluid. Phim~ No 7h H-g93 ghefollowing article is submittedfl~r your inlor- motion.A copy of the rulingmay be obtainedIron1 the SafetyBelt Usage B~anch.Nathmal tlighwa’~ TrafficSolely Admimslration. U.S. lYepartmentol NASAhelps detect heat loss TransporlaIion.

Excessiveloss of hotlseholdheat creates linancial The infraredthermal scanning unit onboardlhe Disuseof BeltCurbs Claim in In.iurySuit haldshipfl~r homeowners and is a wasteof preciou:, aircraftflying at ] 000lee~ is ableto ~iewa one-half fueL But how do you determinewhether your home mile wide swath Data are recorded on magnetic An appcah,courl has ruledthai a persol/in)urcd is losingtoo muchheat? tapeand later processed into a picture-likeimage in a automobilecrash may he limitedin recovering LewisResearch Center has agreedto participate The thermalinfrared image stlo,,vx bo~ area~as damage~,if he faik’dlo weara salelybclt. in programsin Cleveland,Ohio and Springfield,Ill white,warm areas as gray,and cool areas as blackIt Fhe New York Times reportedlhat the New York designedto demonstratetke feasibilityo~ usingan is possibleIo determinewhich homes are losingtoo StateCourt of Appealsin Albanyupheld the action airborneinfrared scanner to identifyresidential heat much heatby the degreeo~ brightnessof rooftops. of a jury whiclldisallowed a damageclaim fly ~ loss, When this demonstrationflight has been com- womanwho was ejectedfrom her car equippedwitl~ At the requestat Cle’,elancl’sl)epartmenl of pleted,residents of thetarget areas may go to their seatbelts which she was nol using. (ommunity Development. a NASA C47 aircralt localcommunity center or other specifiedarea to The plaintiff,Alyee Spiel of MadisonCounty. willi"[y over demonstrathin areas on the city’seast view the imageryand to hear about Ihe Cleveland N.Y.,was flungfrom her car aftera tractor-trailer and west side.These specia] demonstration residen WinterizationProgram If a homeownerfinds that attemptedto passand struckher vehicle.The court, timareas were selected from target areas designed by his home is losingtoo much heat he wil~ have the in reviewingSpier vs. Barker, last week held in effecl the ClevelandCity Councih Residents there are eli- opportunityto appJy{or a low inter(s{block grant thatthe failureof theplaintiff to strapherself in giblefor tow-interestwinterization and rehabilita- rehabilitationloan through tile Departmentol Com- "resultedin increasingthe extentof...injuries and tion loans from Housingand Urban Development munity Development. damages." )ter

Shuttlevisitor activities Shuttletests begin exactly 15 yearsafter Beginningin May,the SpaceShuttle Orbiter will Glennfirst orbit initiatea seriesof mannedcaptive flights continuing 1+ted throughJune at DFRC. The mannedOrbiter will be Fifteenyears ago, the UnitedStates placed its spaceenvironment offers advantages to be used for imen launchedfrom the 747 for thefirst time in July. firstman in Earthorbit. the benefitof peopleon Earth+ irs or Specialviewing areas have been designatedon In the decadeand a half since MarineLt. Col. Glenn’sMercury spacecraft weighed 1.315 kilo- th a EdwardsAir Force Base so that the generalpublic John H. Glennmade his historicthree-orbit space grams /2,900 poundsl, barely had enough room I the canwitness these flights. These areas are limited in flightin Friendship7, Feb. 20, 1962, U.S+ space insidefor Glenn and a few instruments,and was state size.Only thosevehicles displaying the approved programhas progressedto the point where it is designedfor one-timeuse. It landedin the Atlantic the parkingpass for a particularflight will be allowedto beginnmgflight tests of thefirst of a plannedfleet Oceanby parachute. rids" enterthe base and park in thesespecial areas. of fivereusable space vehicles. The Space ShuttleOrbiter, by contrast,weighs 67,500kg (l 50,000lbs) empty,has room for up s the To receivean invitationIf view a flight,more Almostm the anniversaryday of the Glennflight, sevencrewmen and a cargobay capableof handling informationon specific{’light dates and a parking the first SpaceShuttle Orbiter. named Enterprise, :S IlO permit,those interestedshould write to Dryden leftthe ground Feb. 17 on theback of a jetairplane payloadsof up to 29,480kg {65,000lbsl and as largeas 4.5meters by 18 metersII 5 ft by 60 ft I. I t . yet Flight Research Center. Box 273, Edwards, CA forits first trip through Earth’s atmosphere. hori- willglide to a landingon a runwayand be prepared 93523, Attn: ALT SpectatorCmatrol. or to NASA Where Glenn’strip into space was i~ a one-man nless foruse again in a few weeks. Headquarters.Attn.: Public ServicesDivision. capsulein a m~ssiondesigned to find out if man Whilethe Orbiter will be mannedin Code F(k Washington,D+C. 20546. couldtravel successfully through space and survive, nder- the sense that it wil~ have a crew. many of its A NASA VisitorInformation Center will open the the SpaceShuttle is designedto ~ve peopleroutine work ndssionswill be flownto placein orbitautomated dayprior to testsin Lancasterat 4371320th Street accessto spa,:eand to useand exploit space for the with satellitesthat today are launchedby expendable West adjacentto the Avenue"K" off-rampof the benefitol mankind. flogi- AntelopeValley Freeway.Phone number there is vehicles.Many of its rmssionswill carrySpacelab Glenn’strip into space lasted less than five hours. be a intoorbit. Spacelab is a largelaboratory manned by 18051948-072 l Twoearlier sub-orbital space missions by Astronauts up to fourscientists and techniciansto carryout dents Alan She+ledand Virgil1. "Gus" Grissomaccumu- experimentsin Earthorbit Spacelabmissions will lateda halfhour of spaceflight experience. ~r at ]actse,,en to 30 dayswith Spacelab being returned "k in Now~, as the SpaceShL+ttle Orbiter completes it to Earthafter completion of a mission. for flJrstcaptive flights aboard a Boeing74 .7 aircraft,the Fifteenyears ago John Glenn made an explora- rk as United States has a background of 22,504 man- toe2,,’three-orbit flight to probethe mysteriesof hoursin spaceflight+ accumulated by 43 astronauts space. Today the NASA Space Shuttle Orbiter is etop- on 31 separatemanned missions, including nine trips read:,to takeits first short flights in a programto d ot EarlyShuttle around the Me+on, six landingson the Moon and exploitthe noqongermysterious resources of near- ween earths and weightlessnessfor Iorag SpaceShuttle is scheduledfor 1979and the firstof that periodsand the} can work effectP,’elyin space hundredsof operationalflights is scheduledfor sting NASA has signedup the firstfour customerslor NASA space explorationalso has shown that the 1980 smalI,sell contamedpayloads fo~ flightaboard rk of SpaceShL+ttles on at spaceavailable basis beginning ) rol- in 1980. l aid The payloads,termed "’getawayspecials" b$ bars, AssociateAdministrator for Space FIigh*Sots F SpecialAchievement Award for Rogers Yardlcy,weigh oO ,,t20{)pmirld>l or le~,s each measureless than 015 cubic meters(5 cubic loci)are for researchand dex’el,3pmenrpurposes and requireno additionalSpace Shtltllc scr,.ices such as electricalpower or deploymenlm space ,lease (’o< of lhe senh-ewill be negotialedbased tm sizeand weight of tilepackage hut ’,+,ill not exceed $10,000in 1075 dollar,S’[inhnunl charge v,-iH be $3,000also ill ] 075ttollar~ Each of the h’nlr cuslonterswho haxe signedup for the"’,~peciaF ha~e deposited S5OO carrees~ money withNASA. This money ",’,ill be appliedto thelinal costol Ih¢serxicc. lhelbuT customers In orderuf signingarc R GilbertMo~re. a pet*alec{T[zen from Ulah. whoplan~ to placeresearch equipmcnl iiq hh. "’get- awayspecial" fte hasoffered half of his payloadto UtahSlate University which in turn~ill offer "tile l~or spaceto selectedbigh schools fin students to submit fyom proposals10 fly their own experimentsSelected hwa?. studentswould bc giver+tuition waivers al [lah nl of .Staleand havethe opporlllllit~It! corn some addi- tim’,almoney by working",~ilh h~cnll) n+cnlber~ invnlvedin ’;pact’sciences. Dr L R Megill.Chairrmm nl the Space Science t:xpcrimentCol+iS+lice at [!tah State perxonall?, ,,’.’ill lured ~und a S3.000payload as a hqlow-onif Moore%tie ering alsoplans If invitesHJtlenls Io subnlitproposal.,,. Re+neeKtett. a (;erinanconsultanl represculmg York independentGerman researchers, has signedfor two ation $10.I)00payloads. One of thesewdl bc fol a space by a pmcessmgexperJntent and the e’~ther t.or a [fio~ogical with experimenl. BattelleMemorial Institute has purchasedtwo Linty. 510.000payl,oads to be usedin tilefield of materials ,lantesR Roger~of the AmesAirworthi~le~s .4ssuram’e ()ffi~ e was prese.teda SpecialAchievement au,ard /br railer science. hise.~gbrts in the dcl,ellq~nlentargd preparation o.f the publication ’+(Yasll Re~c.e and Surrival Handbook "’ The :flirt, NASA also is seekingcw,;hmlers fur largerpay- handbookcontctill~ ph+Jtcagraphs ~ff’all Ames" aircra, t? dlolv#+gth~ e~terior re¢¢.e markings and de.~cribing bow fffecl loads for Space Shuttlemissious. The agencyis eachcan be openedThe publication et,h’ed a, tTe*the crashof .4nreU(’~mrair OOO Galileo in l 0,7.?highhghted +’Ifin negotiatingwith Comsat(’orporation to fly three theneed Jbr iml?rm,ed aircraH crteri(*r resct¢c marking5 Ig is .+ ~w ~ arrledaboard each aircraQ aml a cop)#.* give. ; and rnissionsto placeInlelsat V co]nmtnlicalim’~ssatel- lr~Hie al#TJort tnallggg’t’r llpet]l thc arriral ~!GH ,4 tllt’s pta#t¢" "(’[{A 37tt- /gas re~ eired t~lorahlc (’O¢11ttT¢’llt .grOin’+h,r" litesin Earthorbit. fiberA.4 5"+4 Installations as v,’el[ as froth i’aricmsother I-i,d~ral agencies. 4 Ames ResearchCenter

AmesPromotion Plan vacancies 1962 VW Bug with %5 engine,4 new tires, runs. $350 or best offer.Please cai1 255-3648. Notice Areaof ’ ; Closing No. Title Grade Or9, Consideration Date 1973 Honda 90, 35 miles total. Phone 245-1810 after5:30 p.m. 77-4"[ ElectronicsEngineer tAST, Data Systems) or GS-I1/12/13 FAE Centerwide 3-25-77 MathematicianfAST, Data Analysis) GS-11/12/13 1973 Ford LTD Braughm. Excellent condition. 77-42 Secretary(Typing) 6S-4/5 FSV Centerwide& outside 3=18-77 $2100.Call 25%1921oiler 5:30 p.m. 77-44 AccountingTechnician (60} GS-4/5/6 AFC Centerwide 3-18-77 1972 Honda CL 350. 4000 miles in exceIlentcon- 77-45 SupervisoryAerospace Engineer GS-13/14 SPT NASA-Wide 3-3F77 dition.Asking $510. Call eveningsalter 6:00, 267-3012and ask for John. 77-46 CommunicationsClerk (Typing) GS4/5 or AAC Centerwide& Outside 3-18-77 Clerk-Typist GS-3/4 TO APPLY:Ca~l extension 5599 or 5600. Housing FOR RENT: Large Duplex. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, MERIT PROMOTION PLAN SELECTIONS utilityroom. Springer Ave, in Mr. View, 048-3475 Notice No. Title OrE. Name Ski or walk to Alpine Meadowslifts Plush 3 Br condominiumsleeps up to 10. AEK, DW, Washer & 77-11 PersonnelClerk (Typing) APM LisaBrown Dryer.fireplace, heated parking pad. Dramaticview of backsideof KT-22 from balconyReserve no,a. 77-31 ContractSpecialist ASA KennethGee BI, dayor week,73{~-1357. 77-33 ContractSpecialist ASR MiguelSnbremonte RichardCouture Squaw Valley Rental Skiingwitll no traffic

Q headaches.Fully furnishedCemdo Sleeps5. Three ram.walk to lifts.(’all Ray $avm. 9’o4-2] 70

Bookssurplus,ed Photocopying FOR RENt: Secluded&-Frame at Sooth Tahoe. B}, week t$1501{~r weekend($75). 048-9301. The Life SciencesLibrary, building 230 ibase temporarilyceases ment’t is preparhlgto surplus books no longer neededin thelibrary or divisionlibrary collections. Notice:Tire Main LJbrawwill no longerbe able Miscellaneous Beforeinstituting formal sorplusing procedures, to otter pholocopyil~gservice for articlesin the Moving sale: Queen-sizedbedroom set. Child’s thestaff wants to be certainthat all local needs are library’scollection. Thi~ service has been provided m bedroom set (Trundle Bedsk Li~ing Roonl and beingmet: therefore, the item~ being surplused will thepast by studentassistan%. There are I~ostudents DiningRoonl Furniture, other miscellaneous house- be availablefor examinationby Ames eotployees. workingin the Libraryat preaent.Requests for ,olditems. Call Junior at 247-5077Mter 5 p.m Theymay select any tit~e pertinent to theirwork for photocopiesmust. tmfl)rtLmatcly, be returned lo the retentionin off’icesor laboratories. sender. The Lile SciencesBranch Librar} Iras FOR SALt:: Ludwig I)rums w!Zildjian (ymba~." Stop by the Life SciencesLibrary BVl anytime alreadydiscontinued the serqcefor the same reason pieces5 excelk’nt condition, best oHcr (all Mar beginningMrmda)’, ,’qareh I4;.h. The materials wilt Futurephotocopy services will be contingento17 246-5[c13After 3:00 p.m be on disp~a,vshelves m the hallwayat thefar end of availabdityot studenthelp We ask y{)urindLdgence the libraryoutside Room B71. untilwe areable to offerthe service again I~173Bass Boal Starcratl I{.Ioot.(~5 IllL Johns(~n, Personsselecting materials are remindt’d thal the deplbfinder, water lerop. (; anchormare. surrey, materiMremains government property and may not top.2 gastanks, 2 batteries,electric lislfing motor, be appropriatedfor additionto privatelibraries or footcontroled. 3 bfe iacket*,fire exit, rod holders collections. Want ads mountedfor trolling.Trailer Riic trailerwith bearingb~ddies. 14 inch wheels,spare tire mounted on trailerwith coverlop condilion Asking $2400 Transportation (’allSteve after 530, 258-1675 Easyorder form ~96l VW Bug, RunningCondition Cal] after 6 p.m. 851-2e,93,5350. FOR SALE:Sofa, chair, col. table,end labJe~et il The Easy Order Form t;:~r Office Supplies Blackvinyl, wrought iron iranle, glass lop table-, (ARC 5791 has been revisedand ts now ready for Iq72 Fiat 124 Spider Convertible,new top and excellentc~>ndition $t50 <~r best offcr.Ab, t> 2 distribution.This new form will be used starting battery.AM/FM. good tires, a clean,well-mothered DanishSty]e chair:, ~ ’~o~Mlram~’ and cusltions arnl March I. Pleasenote that severalitems have been car.$2860. Call Bill at 965-6467 chairs.$25.44t’,~0208 eliminated, a few new items added, and the sequence of items have been changed. Each 1970 "f’riLImphTR7, beautifulcondition. Moon FOR SALE Crib with mattress,al~o net play-pen requestershould order by descriptionrather than by Roof, AM,,FM 8 Track.Mugs, CustomStripe, Only S50.AIC DavidI,t, imsett (Travis AEBI will bring number.Also, for easyreference when caltiog Inven- 17,000miles, Transferable 50.000 mile warranty. down to area. ContactMrs Winlscllat Antes vxl toryControl on statusof items,a correspondinglist etlrrentNue Book price’$6650, Asking $5850 Will 5734. of NationalStock NumbersfNSN) has been printed takepartial trade. 96[-9452. on thereverse side of theform This list includes the WANTLD: Any extra license plait frames v. ilb catalogpage numberlbr each item so that a com- 1970 Chevr~fletImpala Custom Coupe. AC, P$. PB, "’AmesResearch f’entcr, Moflett Field. C&’" as ARA pletespecification of the itemcan be obtainedby Auromali~ $1000 or Best Offer. Call Dennis store sam they do not stockthem anymore.Contacl the requester.A lot of time has been spent and Cunningham,255-7408. Mrs Wimsettat Ames ext. 5734. constructiveeffort put forthto producethis new LadiesG~II (’lubs, 4 wol>ds,$60. q irons530. ba~ listing.Please use the ~brm properly.Remember, 1971 Ford Ranchero,302 V8, AT, AC. PS, Protecto itemsnot filledwill not be backordered.You must Top Bed (?over, Good Condition, Slg00/offer. $10. Call245-6757. reorderitems not filled within ] 5 days. 948-5968. FOR SALE: Bunk.’twinbeds with twobox springs and mattress.Also. one nlaltressill the lop bunk. $75. One double bed mattresswith box springs. $30. 067-5898. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER San FranciscoSymphony at [:lintCer~ter, Cupe¢ l~i9(;r3~ ~*e" L ri4iLA,L, ;d" ’G Postageand Fees Paid line Two tickets6th row centerorcb for Saturday NationalAeronautics and Ames Research Center eve,Apr. 2. 59.75ca. L. Tobras733-5737. SpaceAdministration NASA-451 FOR SALE: Stereo Console:Packard Bell. 4-wa} ]2" Speakers,Garrard Changer, 6-fl walnutScan- dinaviandesign , beautiful sound and con- dition967-1353 after 5:00 p.m. I J :nter NatLonalAeronautics and SpaceAd ministration Ames ResearchCenter S,rollS. lvloffettF~eld Calilomia 94035 b5-1810


titC{)1G- 6:00,

VOLUME XIX NUMBER 12 Merch24, 1977

Z bath. ~-3475 Infared Astronomy Satellite Project approved a3Br ~sher & icvie,a, C 1SO%1,.

Irafftc Three

loc B$

Child’s Ill ~nd }lOLtSe- T1 bah. Mar?.

[hi’ .telescopeS;slel]l ProJccl O{fice ]s conlamed Science-,. R&()A and ProcLlrement The Telescope within ~hc Space ProjectsDivision el ihe A,,!ronau- S) Mct]t Mana,-,cris ~/ovl Itarmounland the Deput) lies l)irectOralcand inchid~:spersonnel trom Space Project ScientGiis Ds Rus-,Walker Uranus rings sighted

RJng~ appear to bc cJrc}ing tile renlolt playlet included D~s Ed~ard Dunhan~ and Douglas Mink. Lirallu",, a ~indiil~that would illak~it the ~.e¢ond "’What we were }ookJng int,~ was the atmospheric plallClill l~t’ solar SyMel~l 1(~ ha~e rl!l~’. ~Ft~LI!I~I i! propertwsof lhc p]aue~ ip, ell to ’,e( il we could [ht¸ LtiS,:O~.eT~(~l¸ ~h;ttsciel~l’,tn be]icYv’ JIc fir!E> read i~ co!IlpositionIlld temperature" ;iroul~dl_iraJlu~ llWare~ the lll~tgllJl’iC~’lll rlllg> ol" FIHng h’. the >pace agone}< (’-]41 "’Mrborne S~lturllape i’~o iOllgCr tllliqLle IO the~,olar >ystetll ol Obser~ator?,"easl of Au,,tra]Ja on March ]0. lhe nineplanets, a ~uppo~lt~c>ntreated a- ~cicntiticfact (two,ell aslronomer> aimed the aircra,’Ys3~-inch ,;itl¢c11~55 ~llen] }l~b.:haslrc~lomer (’llri~li;trl telescopeat [ ranu:,,whicll on lhaTllJ£hl v,’a, passing lh~ygen~ideulil’icd Sa[urn’~ rln~ for 1he firs~~ll~le ]n trent of a d/stantstar in idle ConslellationLibra A1 no lune hi the I~is~ 320year~hada~ro~lOllter~ that doe~ not have a name. ]Is cataloguenUulber i~ bevtl able Io locate a s¢Col]d plau~l with ri]lg~. SAO-]5S087. the S~.O standing for Smithsonian I~ec,~tJs~’~he lighic~l ¸ lhe tnor¢renlole playlets like ~stronomical Observatory I. ir:~tlllSwashe~ Otll atlytldng’e~sc ~:lc~st’ l~ lllt~plan¢[x ~1~ llle RJne mhlute~ before I_irama~,completeb 3udbecause lh¢ Fight ¢otlt]itioTls al~d iu~.trtll~letlt~ arc blockedoul file star’slight and in the nine mimite,, onl$ no,,~ availableIoobserve details close to planets alice,llle lc[escope test :,ight of the slatfor periods larlheroUt {haJI,Saturn. of aboul eight -,econd,,al ~0 differenttm~es Fi,,e 0, bag t~1 whalSOltle aslrurlOlllers described as a II~a.i~.lr ttmes ii Iosl the Mar beforethe planetblocked it oUl breakthrough,three sciel~tistsfrom (ornellUniver- aud ewe lilne~.1~ ]oM the star at~er ~he star emerged sal.) found and observaloriesill &ustrahaand Illdi{~ on the otherside oi the planel. confirmedwhal Ihc three say :ire riug~> of rock and 1,1ral~us has 1~tve known moons, none of ~d~ich ice arouudfile equalorial betl el I.;ramis.the sevv.nth could have caused the IOblackouts. T~e moon planet,,)tll IYOllt Hie sun and l? billionfillies froul closestio the plane!lies aboul I o0.O()Oreties out earth, from the planel and the blackouls took place about So imporlant is the findmg thal the Snlilhsoman 2?,000 miles Iron: the plauel eli either side of the A:~lronontical()bservah~ry in (’auibridge,Mas~ , scnl planet lelegrartls yesterday to astronomers around tile "1 think wc were looking:rhrough a very faint ring world ~,ugge’~lingwhere aud how ihe) look Io dupli- system smtilar to the rin~ oI Saturn,"Ellioti said cLiIc the discovery,rile (’orue[Iteam was as sur yesierdayfrom his office at CorneIl.The fact that 4-wa~, pri,’,ed by the discovery as everybodyc~se in lhc there were five blackoulson eiiherside el the p~anet Sean- aslrotlon~icalcomtllunit y. suggestsrings aud noa I]lOOllb.siuqe UlOO]]Sv, ould :1 con- "We weren’l looking for rmgs at all,~ said Cor- havebceJ] plLlae~ q, aroLIndthe piallCtill a 121orerau news Dr. James EI]ioit, leader of the ~cam {t~at don] way." 2 Ames ResearchCenter

t! Space Settlement Study FletCherresigns Dr. JamesC. Fletchertoday announcedthat he has submittedhis resignationas Administratorof the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) effectiveMay 1. He plans to return privatelife after tkat date. Dr. Fletcher was appointed Administratorof NASA on April 27. Since that time he has led our nation’s space and aeronautics effort to the successful completion of the , throughthe Skylaband Apollo-Soyuzand the now almostoperational Landsat programs. Most recently NASA completed the two universally acclaimed Vikinglandings on Marsand theinitial tests of the firstSpace Shuttle Orbiter. Prior to joining NASA, he had been a research physicist,professor, husinessmarl and university president.


Charles"ChiJck" Kuhokawa, Chief of the ] eth- nologyUtilization Office, has announcedhis candi- dacyfor the la~aloAlto City Council. The PaidAlto City electionwill be held on Tuesday.May 10. 1977.Originally, 18 candidate~registered to vieIk~r The 1977 Ames Summer Study promisesto be an MassDriver Technology-: lhe 5 councilseats, hut 1 candidatehas a~ready extremelyinteresting one on the topic of "Space Thisstudy will define the potential of theelectro- droppedout. Settlements and lndusmalization Using Non- magneticmass driver as a propulsionsystem. It will The city councilpositions are mmpartisanand TerrestrialMaterials." The studywill extendfrom examinethe technicaland economicfeasibility of nonpolitical,therefore, l)deral vmployeesare June 22nd to August2nd and will be the thirdsum- employingthe mass driverconcept in a varietyof allowedto run for such officesunder the rMing ol mer Ameshas participatedin thistopic. Some of the missionsand applications, including its use as: lunar theflatch Act. studytopics include the following: tug,orbit-tcr-orbit transfer, asteroida[ tug, station ClosedEcological Systems: keepingand control,and as a materiallaunching Regenerativelife supportsystems pose some of system.Overall technology needs, as weft as those the mostserious design requirements for spaceset- peculiarto a givenmission, will be defined.]’he tlements.Variables such as cost,total size, number economicsof a givenapplication will be compared andtypes of species,length of the foodchains, and to thoseof conventionalpropulsion systems. AAS conferenceset degreeof closurewill be considered.]‘his detailed examinationof ecologicaldesign requirements and Non-terrestrial Material Extraction and A call-for-papershas beenissued by the American AstronanticalSociety IAASI for its 23rd annual theirsolutions will be incorporatedinto a longrange Constr~ction: meeting.Genera] theme of the conl)renceis "’]‘hc planfor R&D activities in thisarea. A zero-basedapproach to the developnlentof EnvironmentalParameters: non-terrestrialresources will be pursuedfrom dis- Industrializationof Space PlanningIor Profitat the HighFrontier." This study will examinethe impacton habitat coverythrougil structural component manufactur- designof departingfrom Earth-ideal human require- ing. The study will identifyand assessprocesses Set for October 18 20 at the Airportttiltm! ments. Within certain limits,hmnan beings can tailoredto the uniqueconditions of space:gravity. ltotelin San Francisco,the AAS meetingis being adaptwell to changesin environmentalcharacteris- vacuum,energy avaitability, etc. The economicsof co-sponsoredby the AmericanInstitute of Aeronau- tics;these adaptations are physiological, behavioral developingnon-terrestrial resources will be com- ticsand Astronautics tA[AA), the Instituteof Elec tricaland Electronics Engineers I IIEEi. the Britisi~ and sociological.A correspondingmodification in paredto thatof Earthresources for various missions the specificationsfor environmentalparameters andapplications. InterplanetarySociety, the hiternational Institute ol mightlead to designsperhaps less costlyand more Space Law, the AmericanSociety for Qualityf’~m trol,Stanford Research Institute. the k-5 Isp~cc reliablethan normal terrestrial conditions. Dr. John Biltinghamis the chief of the Space colon3,’)Society, and the NationalSpace Institute AsteroidResources: SettlementStudy Team and Bill Gilbreathi5 the The conferencewill focus on cuntmercialactivi- An investigationof searchtechniques, remote projectscientist of theteam. The study is fundedby ties in space over the ne×l decade,with paper~ compositionalanalysis, orbit determination,and NASA lteadquarters and coordinated by Ben invited on such subjects as large mamled or retrievalmodes for low velocityincrement (relative Zeitman.For furtherinfurmation people may con- unillauned space structures,manufacturing n] ,~pacc. to Earthlasteroids will be performed.Emphasis will tactZeitman at extension5989. mail stop 204-2. planningspace communities iincluding psycln}sociaf be on thestudy of optimizedtransfer of asteroidsto considerationsl,space law. and the economicreuIi Earth parkingorbits. Cost effectivenesswill be It shouldbe noted thaton AprilIst Dr. Gerard tiesof industrializingandcoIonizing space. determinedrelative to asteroidorbit, AV, transfer O’Neillwill be at Ames to speak on "Electromag- Abstractsof 200 to 500 words,or requestsfol time, mass. recovered mass. asteroid compo- netic PropulsionSystems." Watch lot the flyer moreinformation, should be sentfor collsideration sition,and mission opportunity. announcentent. beforeMay I to TechnicalProgram (’hairman P:=u] L Siegler.Earth/Space, Inc., 415t MiddlefieldRd Pah)Alto. Cald. ~4303 : telephone:(415 ) 494+8330 Authorswill be notifiedof acceptanceby June / and finalmanuscripts will be due by SeptemberI H. JulianAllen Award

The H. JulianAllen Award was establishedin 1969 suresfor TransonicFlows About Isolated Wings and to recognizeoutstanding scientific and engineering Wing-FusetageConfigurations". Dr. Bailey is a Exploreradvisor wanted papers authoredby members of the Ames Staff. member of the staff of the Ames ResearchCenteL Each year the award is presentedalong with an and Dr. Ballhausis a memberof the staffof U.S. Teenage group of explorerscouts needs adull honorariumof $1,000for the paperjudged best by Army Air Mobility Research and Development advisor to work with them two eveningsa month the award committee. Laboratorylocated at Ames. Meetingsare held at Ames and usuallyconsist ot Dr. Mark has announcedthat the 1977 H, Julian The award and the honorariumwill be presentedto 10-I5 high schoolage children.The primepurpose Allen Awardwill be presentedto Dr. F. R. Bailey the winnersin conjunctionwith a presentationof of the organizationis to promotethe fieldof aero and Dr. W. F. Ballhausfor the paper entitled~ the paperto the CenterStaff scheduled for April8, nauticsas a careerto teenagers.The Explorer Post is "Comparisonsof Computedand ExperimentalPres- at 3:30 p.m.,in the Auditorium,N-20I. sponsoredby NASA and Ames. Center 3

X-14 celebrates20th birthday Women engineers hathe has or of the The Society of Women Engineers will have a nistration dinnermeeting Wednesday, April 6, 1977 at Dinah’s returnto Shack in Palo Alto on Et CaminoOur speakerwill be Dr. Helen Ouinn, an Associate Professorin tratorof Physicsat HarvardUniversity. who is visitingat ~s ledour Stanford.Dr. Quinn’spresentation will be on Par- t to the ticlePhysics. program, 5:3(I.6:30 p.m. ¯ No }lostCocktails I the now 6:30 7:30 p.m. Dinner t recently 7:30 9:30 p.m+ Business Meeting and Speaker acclaimed The meetingis opento thepublic and I inviteyou stsof the to participate.For more irdormat~ollor to make reservationscontact me SharonOkonskL at exten- researcll stun6625. miversity

CogswelI classes lacy (ogswe[ICollege. an accreditedengineering tech- he ]ecb- nologicalcollege based in San Francisco.is n.c>v,’ ds candi- offeringupper division electronics technological %1oAltc~ coursesat the CogswellCollege Santa Clara Valley May I 0 ...... ’--\ :: EducationCenter at Fairchildin Mounlam View¯ o viefor The"X" whichthe at~oveernployee.~ are enthusia_~ticall~(or.ling inch*de (from back row lee? to right)Frank CogswellCoIlege offers a BS degreein Electronics already Pauli.Seth Anderson, Dal’e Walton. Terre [)estet, next "r,)w""- Dat~ Dugmr.Jim Rogers.Ed Vernon,Lee J~mes. TechnologyAll classesat the Centerare offeredat ,textC~ Sewell,Dick Grel£ Llol’d (’orh’ss, ~exl Rotz (;cedes. Dick Gallant, Terrn Sloe tiler, next Bill Carpenter. convenientevening and Saturdayhours instructors isau and Sid Selan~LonnW Phdlips. .lira KozloaskL fremg row FredDrinkwater. Jim Met,k and Vie Brare);r*(~[ pictured at the Centerare drawnfrom the ranksof industry and academia.(ogswell College plans to provide ees ;trc TerrnGossett. Bob lnnis, St*+ RoIl.~ and La~on k’illiamsotr rulingol college-leve!programs designed to meetcurrent and A]RPLANESHAVE BIRTttDAYS,TOO! . NASA’s venerableX-14 researchaircraft, the first jet-propelled emergingneeds of science,business and industry airplaneaMe to combineconventional flight wfith vertical takeoffs and landimzs, celebrated its 20thbirthday m Coursesin tilefollowing areas will be offeredthis February.It has beennoted (tongue in cheek},by CodeFSD’s branch triviologist Dick GreH’. that a yearin’the springin MountainView: life of a VTOLis equivalentto 1442years ol humanlife Thisv, ouIdplace the X-14’seffective age somewhere ET 343 LineartC Apphcations around288 years.7o mark the momentousoccasmn, many of the X-t4"sold acquaintancesgathered for a croup ET 422 Microwaves photo Arnongthose notablyabsent trom this affairwere Terry (;ossett,Bob hmis. Stu Rolls and La~wson ET 3¢J2 l)ig0ralIC Applications Williamson.Following the photosession, a brielreception was heldwith cake and plaintalk. The birthda}cake ET 423 Antenna Theory for thisoccasion was decorated by Janeand TroyCortiss ewile and sonof thepresent project engineers ET 4s 2 Microprocessorsand Applications ~nler]call Over the years the X-14 has been used m numerousVTOL and STOL programsand has been I~own by marls ET 453 - MicrocomputerProgramming I annual foreignand "’domestic"pilots, including NeiJ Amlstrong ~rbo fief’ it as a lunarlander The planehas had t’x~} ET499 Laser "Technology An Overvie~ for is "The ~ariablestability systems and .t differentsets of enginesinstalled in it and hasbeen used as a testbed for the Nonspecialists ProJ~tal study of much gadgetryover the yearsThese deviceshave includeda side force vane.fans on zhe wing tips. Math 300 NumericalAnalysis mechanical]ystabilized reaction nozzles, and wing span extension booms. Presentl’,. tl’~e X-]4B is configuredas Bus4t 0 Busines~Law I Hillor~ an in-llighlsimulator with a digitalmodel 2c.Howing control s~,slem for lh¢’ study ~’~t" in-borer control concepts Engl221 InterpersonalCommunication is being [-:orthis phase of theresearch the protect pilol is RonGerdes. En~ 410 Advancedlechnical Comnlunication ~,eron~1kl- ST 401 Satet> Management of bloc- Sci 20q Seamansbipfor Scientistsand : British Technologists titulcof (I tm Solar Energy pplica|ionsA it)’Con TuitionPer unit$45. Late re mstrationfee $10 (spurn For furthercourse descriptions please check the nstJtutc Safety corner rack outside the Training Off~ce {BIdg. 241. tlactivi- Room 138~ I)urmgDecember. an Air Forceofficer was help- L papers ACIIVIlIf$ lily a friendstart his car with romp cables"llw LIled or procedurehe usedwas to connectthe positive termi- n sp~cc nal of the dead batteryto Ihe positiveol tile AR4 STORE- The ARA Store wiII be closed for hosocLd inventory.March 31, 1077. charged batter}’.He then connecledthe jumpel Scuba club ticreali cable|o the negativeterminal of the deadbatter}’ /C/:hOLLIES- Tickets for the IceFollies will be for saleat $6.00for a $7.00ticket for the May 28th, and to tilenegative of the chargedbattery The last Are you an underwaterfreak looking lot a boom’? ests I01 4:00 p.m. performanceat the Oakiand Coliseum. ~tep resultedm arcingand as a result the dead Wh} not joiu the AmesScuba (’]ub? Jeration battery exploded The top halJ ol the batter} Ticketswill be availableat the ARA SIoresometime The club is open ~o all present and retired L;.I~1P:I kll m early May. Watch for an ARA Bulletinannoun- employees of Ames. support conlrac~ors with hecanlepropelled shrapnel of which pieceswere eld Rd found 100 feet Irom the explosionThe officerwas cingtheir availability. permanentARC contractbadges, research fellows. 4-833!~ ILIPPY HOUR- The next Happy Hour wil~ be and militarypersonnel whose primal3 place of duty veryfortunate in thaionly one eyewas injured,lie JuneI couldhave very easily ]osl the use of botheyes Eriday.April 1st sponsoredby the Ames Pastpitch is Ames ResearchCenter, as well as the immediate tuberI Sof*bMITeams. lamiliesof sucheliNble personnel f:orthis reason, the correcl procedures are being broughtto everyone’saUention again The club owns a considerableanlount of scuba Thecorrect procedure is: Display equipment,which is availableto all certifiednlem- STEP I Red cable to the positive(+~ of the bets. Tile equipmentincludes tanks, backpacks, COMING regulators,submersible presmre guages, weights and chargedbattery, TO AMES. WEDNESDAY APRIL 6th STEP 2 Red cable to the positiveIs) of the weightbehs,surf mats and an inflatableboa+. ]n LaboratoryEquipment Display additiml,tbe club has access to an airslation icy fill deadbattery, tanks for the members s adull STEP 3 Black cable to the negativet-) ol the Bldg. N-241.Procurement month chargedbattery Meetingsare held on the second Wednesdayof Con ferenceRoom (2ndfir) each monthat 12:45p.m. in tile ExecutiveDieting lsistot STEP 4 Black cable to some metal portionof 1000to ] 500 hours mrpose tileD, dead engineor car frameaway from the halle Room of the Ames Cafeteria.Dues are $5.00 per if aero bul not on tilenegative ternrmal of the discharged year Postis battery. Coffeeand Doughnuts So il you have all interestin dwing,why not Reversethe procedurewhen removingcables. conic to our next meetingand see what the Anles VWR Scientific ScubaClub does underwater. You mighilike it’ : 4 Ames ResearchCenter

Woven wood shade,new 33 I/2 x 70 1/’2, Walnut, Ames PromotionPlan vacancies Rust,Terra Cotta, beige yarn $30.00, Antique Brass Notice Areaof Closing Lamp & Shade,Pedestal Shape, like new, $25.00, No. Title Grade Ors. Consideration Bate Matchingcorner unit consistingof two dressersand 77-43 EngineeringTechnician GS-5/’H9 FSV Ceete~vide& outside 4-1-77 desk, antique gold, good condition $50.00, 77-47 Secretary(typing) GS-4/5 LR Centeewide 4-1-77 268-2904after 6:30 p.m. TO APPLY: CallExtension 5599 er 5600 FOR SALE: 35ram Range Finder LEICA M3 MERIT PROMOTION PLAN SELECTIONS Notice camera w/5Omm F2 lens and Eveready case: No, Title Ors, Name $350. 35ram wide angle lens F3.5 w/opticalfinder 77~37 PersonnelClerk (typing) APX kindaM~rshall for M3: $135.85ram Portrait ens F2 w/’v ew finder and case for M3: $125. Call J. Licursi FOR RENT: House in Saratoga- West Gate Area. 140813354878after 5:00 p.m Want ads 3 Be.I 1/2Ba., Faro. Rm., Fireplace, Fully Carpeted, Diningchairs, set of 6, madeof wood, drk.walnut Transportation 1800 sq. ft..AEK w/bni~t-inBBQ, lotsof paneling, detached2-car gar., dose to all schools,incl. West color with heavy duty black Vinyl seats. Very Wanted:Datsun, Toyota or Dasher4-door wagon in ValleyCollege, and near Ames Bus Sere. $550/mo intpressive,excel, cond. $125. Call 964-1725. good condition.257-0583. witha 8525deposit. Call 354-6171. Twinsize blankets,like new,SlO each:bed covers, 1976 Triumph TR7. beauti~u~cond.. Moon Roof, FOR RENT: Beach house at Pajaro Dunes, com- $5 each: bed sheets, 83 each; all in very good AM/FM 8 Track,Mugs, CustomStripe, Only I 7,000 pletelyfurnished, cleaning included in the rent. conditkm.Call 064-1725. miles,transferable 50,000 mile warral~ty,current beautiftdviews of MontereyBay. See pictureon Blue Book price $6650, Asking $5850. Will take bulletinboard in Cafeteria.Reserve now for Fall San FranciscoSymptmn~, at E~int Center, Cuper- partialtrade. 961-0452 weekends.Call John LundelL252~7260. tino.Two tickets, (*th row center orch. for Sat. eve. 1976 DatsunB-210. Excellent running condition, Apr.-. ¯ q S 7~t. _-tlckvt. "-- . E. Tobias733-5737. FOR REN’[: By weekend or month a new condo- new tires.Asking $2700/or best offer.Please tail minium on "levee near Bethel Island and Franks alter5:30, 259-7158. FOR SALE: Dark-green recliner - $80: A$i/FM Tract in the Delta.Water Skiing. fishing, boating StereoPanaaonic receiver - St 5 snper8[nnl fibn unlimitedFurnished sleeps 6, covered 25 foot 1972 Mustang 302-V8, PS, AT, Excellentcond., editorandsplicer-535:__l--,8 belwees tO-[~ pro. $1900,259-741 c, eve]tings. berth.Call 14081356-6849. MOVING SAKE: Extra tligh ()ualit~Furnil~lre: 1074Honda Civic in xlnlcond. Silver, Beige interior FOP.LEASE: Ilouse $410.00 roD, 3 Br. 2 Ba., 2 car BedroomSuite: Anlericail ol Marlmvilk"R~,nai~- with cloth seats.AM radio.Cibie drivinglights, gar.covered patio, water softener, stove, dishwash- sance(’ontinental I)ebign, 5 ptccesmcluding2 night er,carpets, drapes, and fruit trees: Cherry Chase area almost brand new Micbdins.34K mi. Shop Manual stands,headboard, large dresser with 2 mirrors,htgh- 10 rnin.to Moffett,Call Walter Reese _4_-_ 1-0. included.$2100/B.0. 909-2265. after 6:00 week- boy. also BeantyRest mattress&tld box springs days, Ask for HawkeyeMadrid or The ContractKid. FOR RENT: Eichler,Onmac. 4 Br. 2 Bu.. turn rm.. Oriental:Chinese Modern living roonl ILarniturc piecesectiona[-custoln nlade, I largelamp. 2 chairs i972 Ford CocmtrySedan Wagon -c) pass..351 VS, 2 car gut.,AEK, refrig, dshv;shr, disp. new no-wax rectangularwu]l picture:ntliqnc. Fknndttre hus AC. PS. AT. PDB,$I8502t~3-8411. t~oors,new opts acd drps, lovelypri~ate yards prhnePaid All() ~ocati(m. close to schoolsund Ames ebolt~,Iriln. \"er} antLstlal bLa~ pretty Lo~.e Seals: EarlyAmerican birch, floral patter~3 roLker &lso a HondaCL175 173-74~ ExceRent co]]dition, low (nile Lse.$525 roD. Cull 964-1725. age,s~iJ~ original equip. Asking $450 Call 984-2753 lithe oak; green Na~tgahyde.+\ntique rocker and HOUSE FOR RENT: Sunnyvale 3 Be. ] Ba.,doub. nluplc rocker.Alltiqu~ ~ highbo} ~ilhsccrelar} (;a~ after5:30. gur,.fireplace, large hackyard v,,!patio, barcecue pit, pow~.=rrLIO’WI2F Miscellaneous. (all 213-1550 For Sale: ]974 Huskey250 WR. 2,000 mi., freeway Fruittrees, appliances, 3 mites ~o NASA.$3{~0 too. eveningsor weekends.All likenew. legalor stripfor dirt competition,near new con- Avail5,q. Call 248-0733. dition,never raced. $800. Call 356-6849 after 5 pro. FOR SALI!:4 Keltey-St~ringliehlPrestige Radials FOR LEASE:House, 3 Be. "~ Ba.. 2 Car car.,exlnt. HR7g-14,less than 3.011l)mites. $t30. Bob Stem- 1074 Audi Fox. good condition,AM;FM, 4 speed, area. Parks(de,San MateD. Nr. schools,shops hauer,eXl 54e.5. 4dr., $2700: offer. Amesx~lT0 or 965-2834 $400~mo.After O pan call Ron 326-*]850. evenings. FOR SALE:0 x I 2 Orangeshag rug I yr. old,excel- Miscellaneous For Sale:’72 ToyotaCorolla Deluxe, Exlnt. Cond., }cnt cond,S50. w’paddmg,I I x 13 Blackand White RadialTines, AM,’FM, 25 MPG. $1900.After 6 pro, LadySbick Beauty Mist hair rollers. $ [ 5. 227-8332 short shagl?roldrng, excc~lenlL:ond,S"5 t~ pud- callSally, 326-9850. ding.40 plusyards Gold simg carpellng, 2 yrs ty[d SofaChair. tteav~ duty drk br.vinyl upolstry, like $200. w."padding2u3-44tS For Sale: 1934 Chevrolet Deluxe Motor Coupe, new.good looking, comfortable, relaxing, ideal (or Fullyrestored to originalcondition. New rebuilt family’room/den. Can he usedin livingroom $’7,0. FOR SALE Nikon lenses; telephoto ]35ram f3.5. engine,new mohairinterior. $4.800/best offer. Ca~l964-1725. 8150;wide angle 28ram f3,5, $15(L ~(>4-{~33ll 1408"1259-7158 after 5:30. Carpool:7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. [~vergreenurea: 1971 VW Can(per.newly rebuilt engine, factory air Ouimby and Wbite. Phone 238-3300 FOR SALE: Rocking chair, $25: nlens I(l speed conditioning,fully equippedwith camping Beat bike.$30: portable typewriter, $30 004-o330. Musl sell by March 27. $2150.Call Kevin Donohoe Carpool:Want someoneto share with ride froln at Ames x 5737. Willow Glen area of San Jose 8:00 4.)0. FOR SALE: Audiophiles.Pioneer PI_I2D Manual Nancy x 6407. Housing Turntable2 yL old,pcrl, cond: w/bud;e, dustcovel, new Shure M91ED Cartridge 575 Call gfi5-Og50 FOR RENT: Apartment- Old Palo Alto. Univ. Ave. Carpool from Paid Alto Area ol Oregon and Bay- after5pro. Lux. 2 Br. 2 Ba . AEK. dshwr..2 decks,wooded, shore,to NASA.Share driving.CalI Olin Campbell quiet,undgrd, parking. $350/mo 493-0406. 968-3653. Persianrug with pad,=)x12, prelty, co~orfuh ~ikc new.$ 150.(’all 964- I 725.

FOR SALF: Ludwig-Zi[ddandruln s,el with drum AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER cases.Excellent condition. $(300. Call Jeff Souder. 245-9260. Nal:onalAer oc~aJIiCs an~ Postageand Fees Paid .%paceAdmll~lg!fatlorl NationalAeronautics aqd |louseSitting Done: [lave local references. Call Ken AmesResearch Center SpaceAdministration 1) Mo~!etlField Cah!ornEa 94035 Bilskix 6001. AC415965 5000 NASA-451 FOR SALE: Electricguitar, Gibson copy. acoustic as wellas electric,beautiful appearance and tome. di Gibsonamplifier $150. Air lift shock absorbers, D Monroe, fits Chryslerproducts, used one month pl $30.00/’bcstoffer. 738-2948. Di

FOR SALE: Membership h~ K-35 Bonanza $3750, WI $6.00 per hr. dry, $30.00 per monlh. DME, ADF, AIP. Built-inoxygen, encoding ALT. lIangaredat YI San Jose Air ContactPete Wolfe984-8~ 2/ 21