Checklist Flora of Native and Naturalized Vascular Plants of Golden and Vicinity, Jefferson County, Colorado, 2020 Edition Tom Schweich, 420 Arapahoe Street, Golden, CO 80403 Email:
[email protected] makes it easier to compare georeferencing to Golden, Colorado sits in a valley formed by described collecting location. erosion along the Golden fault, the geotectonic boundary between the North American Cordillera 2. Identify questionable collections or and the Great Plains. Somewhat like Mono Lake, determinations. Some examples might be: for which I have also prepared a checklist flora, it 1. A collection dated 1822 from Golden, sits at a boundary, or perhaps ecotone. Things are although Golden was not named until always more interesting at the boundaries. I 1859. This turned out to be an E. L. started this project when I realized no such list Greene collection from 1872. had been prepared for my newly adopted city. I 2. A collection to which two different names hope you find this checklist flora helpful. Please have been applied. For example, Ernest H. write to me if you have questions or comments. Brunquist's PM-123 is determined as Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng at Introduction KHD, and C. ochrocentrum A. Gray at CS. The thing to do is to look at both vouchers It is probably fair to ask why one would prepare a and determine which name should be local flora. applied, or whether the collection was There are many sources of information about really a mixed collection. plant names, their descriptions, and how to 3. A little subtler case occurs when there are identify them.