532 VT-30, Winhall, VT Curtis Trousdale, Owner, Broker, Realtor Cell: 802-233-5589
[email protected] 2004 Williston Road, South Burlington VT 05403 | www.preferredpropertiesvt.com | Phone: (802) 862-9106 | Fax: (802) 862-6266 30.34+/- Acres PROVIDED FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY, NOT INTENDED AS AN ACCURATE REPRESENTAION 532 Route 30 - Winhall State Right of Way for road maintenance DISCLAIMER: This map is for general reference only and was created from other sources that may or may not contain errors or otherwise be reliable. This map and data should not be used for navigation and may not reflect recent construction, logging or other commercial activity on the property. Measurements, distances and areas may not be accu- rate. Preferred Properties encourages all buyers and agents to perform their own due diligence and to not rely on this information. We will not be responsible for decisions and offers made from this information. SOURCE: TOWN OF WINHALL 532 Route 30 - Winhall DISCLAIM ER:This m ap is forgeneralreference only and was created from othersources thatm ay orm ay notcontain errors orotherwise be reliable.This m ap and data should notbe used fornavigation and m ay notreflectrecentconstruction,logging orothercom m ercialactivity on the property.M easurem ents,distances and areas m ay notbe accu- rate.Preferred Properties encourages allbuyers and agents to perform theirown due diligence and to notrely on this inform ation.W e willnotbe responsible fordecisions and o ffe rs m a d e fro m th is in fo rm a tio n . S