John and Mary Coolidge
DESCENDANTS if JOHN AND MARY COOLIDGE of WATERTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS 1630 ~y EMMA DOWNING COOLIDGE Chairman, Genealogical Committee of the Coolidge Family Association Author of "At the King's Pleasur-e," "The Dr-tamer," and other booh, plays and historical articles BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING COMPANY 32 DERNE STREET Copyrighted, November, 1930, By EMMA DoWI'lt~NG CooLIDGE Thatched roofs still outline the village street of Cottenham, England, leading to the beautiful old church, as in the days of John Coolidge's youth 164 BLosso::--.1 STREET F':tTc:BBlcRO, l>{A,!11-,AQKUSETTS January 21, 1931. Mr. A. F. Donnell c/o Boston Post Boston, ~assachusetts Dear ~r. Donnell: In the Boston Post of last Sunday, January 18th, there is an article headed "Genealogy of Coolidge Family". This came to my desk this ~orning. You knJw I promised you this new edition of the Coolidge genealogy by Miss E~:,12 :80· Coolidge of l~ewton. I had this in my car last week w:1en in BostoE, and also yesterday, but could not find an opportunity to run ir. to see you. I rather delayed sending you this copy, hoping to have an opportunity to autograph it as~Senator~ but perhaps you will find so::ie interest in :1aving the above volume irnr:1ediately, t:i.erefore I am sending sa.'ne to you. I want to thank you again for the nice Coolidge article you wrote on Sunday, September 28th. With kind regards, I beg to remain Very truly, INTRODUCTION It is with pleasure that the author and compiler of .this record of many of the descendants of JOHN and l\fARy CooL maE, COLONISTS, of Watertown, Massachusetts, 1630, presents this volume in November, 1930, during the celebration of the Tercentenary of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay.
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